Dr. Luke Thominet, an Assistant Professor at Florida International University, is conducting a research study of academic job rejection letters. The goals of the study are to explore how current trends in letter construction relate to letter recipients’ reactions and to best practices. The results of the study might help academic departments construct more effective rejection letters. In doing so, this study seeks to contribute to a more humane job market in academia.
We need participants to complete a brief online survey. If you are an academic job seeker who has been on the market at any point during the last five years and have received a rejection letter from at least one school, please consider completing the survey at the following link:
The survey will take approximately five minutes to complete. All answers will remain anonymous and you will be asked to anonymize any information you submit.
Your participation in this research is completely voluntary, and you may stop the survey at any time. You will not be penalized or lose benefits if you refuse to participate or decide to stop.
If you have any questions about participation or would like information about the findings, you may contact Luke Thominet at (305) 348-2203 or at lthomine@fiu.edu.