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Welcome to 2008-2009!
(2007-2008 is located here:
PLEASE UPDATE MANUALLY when you add something
- Last update April 21, 2009
Total Number Checking This Page: 14 (add one to count yourself)
I thought that the University of Oklahoma Honors College position might be listed here, but I don't see it.
- The task then is clear: add it.
Please add the date you edit (ex. interview offered 10/15) and mark a new speaker with an asterisk. Thanks.
Updated 4/21
California Institute of the Arts [1]
- Assistant Professor in American Studies
- Women/Gender, U.S. History, Social and Cultural History, Religious Studies ,Policy and Political History, and Economics
- Applications - December 15, 2008
- postcard received ack application (11/14)
- any word on this? 12/19
- I haven't heard a thing other than the acknowledgement.... it wouldn't surprise me if they don't interview at MLA. .
- I haven't heard anything either 12/27
- Does anyone know if this is a TT job or if it is on a contract basis?
- Its listed as a "lecturer" so I would assume contract basis.
- It is not really clear according to the ad. It says, "full-time, entry-level position." Entry-level suggests TT at assistant level although whatever it is, shouldn't it be detailed in the ad?
- Will have the short list in late February
- Can you clarify the TT vs. contract issue? Also, any idea what direction this might go? And, thanks for the info.
- I just asked the department! Don't know anything else.
- Anybody heard anything yet? (2.11.09) A: Nope 2/12
- still nope, hmmmm (2/20)
- me too; no love (2/20) What gives?
- just called the school of critical studies to inquire (2/26) They said the committee was still meeting to discuss (though he wasn't certain what stage of the process, the committee was in). Hope this helps those still wondering.
- Thanks to whoever is providing this inside info. It's much appreciated (2/26).
- Campus invite (3/9)
- What do you work on?
- Very nice, yet heartbreaking, rejection letter (3/10)
- Me too. Bummer (3/12) (x3). Yes, lame.
- Has anyone still not heard? I never received a rejection or anything.
- "Candidate selected for position" according to rejection email received (4/14)
George Washington University [2]
- Assistant Professor in American Studies and Women's Studies
- Focus on the U.S. or on a transnational arena that includes the U.S., feminist theory, gender theory, sexuality, cultural studies, media studies, migration studies, diaspora, or urban studies
- Applications - December 1, 2008
- Rec'd ack. letter with EEO form (11/25)
- request for phone interview (12/6) - dept received 300-400 apps
- No way! That has to be a joke. Although, I suppose they've cast a pretty wide net, from media studies to diaspora.
- I thought it seemed realy high too, but the person I spoke to said that they had never received so many apps for a single position, and that it was well over 300.
- With the area being broad would anyone who got an intvw mind saying what general field they are in?
- Did anyone who had a phone interview hear from GWU about a campus visit?
- I had a phone interview, but have also not heard back. they told me that they would contact me before the break. sounds like there were several phone interviews.
- I was under the impression that we would hear by end of the week
- Request for campus visit (12/18)
- Anyone else get a request for a campus visit or a rejection? (12/19)
- i got neither, i was interviewed. but if you look at the women's studies page someone got an interview 12/19.
- Campus visits have been arranged and will be happening over the next month or so. I imagine if you haven't heard anything they are still getting to all of the rejection letters or possibly keeping their options open. (1/8)
- Campus visit scheduled
- Offer made and accepted. (2/13
Middlebury College [3]
- Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor in American Studies
- Specialties - Include, but are not limited to, Asian American Studies, African American Studies, Latino/a studies, discourses of race in the Americas, or race in the colonial or Republican period
- Applications - December 1, 2008
- EEO and Acknowledgement via snailmail (12/2)
-- any insights into the timeline for this one?
- Phone interviews completed in mid-December.
- Shortlist in hand, on-campus interviews scheduled 12/27
- position filled. Hired two people.
Notre Dame
- Rejection letter 12/2
Oberlin (app. deadline 2/15)
- anyone ever hear anything about this job? (5/2)
- Second that: anyone ever hear anything about this job? (5/14) I can't find a peep about it anywhere
Penn State Harrisburg [4]
Position 1
- Specialties - Public heritage, which may include heritage and museum studies, historic preservation and cultural resource management, archives, and oral history.
- Has anyone ever heard of public heritage? The only site I could find on it is the department chair's personal wikipedia page. Is it new? made up?
Position 2
- Specialties - American Studies in international, comparative perspective; ethnic, religious, urban, and immigration studies; ethnography and folk/performance studies; and social science
- Applications - Review begins October 1, 2008
- Rec'd ack. via snail mail and link to EEO form (for position 1) (10/10)
- Phone interviews scheduled (10/29)
- Anybody hear anything? I had a phone interview and then....silence.
- The silence is indeed deafening. Silence is not golden.
- Watch this one. They've never tenured a woman, a minority, a gay person, or pretty much anything but a white man with a pathetic record.
Oklahoma State University - Stillwater [5]
- Assistant Professor of American Studies
- Open field
- Applications - December 1, 2008
- Rec'd ack. letter with EEO form (11/22) (X2)
- Rec'd interview request via email (12/3)
- Campus invite (12/10) (2)
* Did you actually get invited to campus, or were you told you were short-listed and would soon be invited to campus? That's what I was told and haven't been invited yet.... (2/15) A: Actually invited. Campus visit was last month. Maybe you were the back-up in case none of the campus visits went well? A: Thanks for letting us know. Any word on the job being offered? * Heard that an offer was made and accepted!
- Rejection letter (12/13)(x2)
Ramapo College
- Telephone interview scheduled by phone (12/26) (x3)
- Has anybody heard back after the phone interviews? They said they would decide last week...
- Also haven't heard anything (2/9)
- I was told that campus visit invites would be issued Friday Feb 13th. (2/9)
- Invited to campus, via phone (2/13)
- Had phone interview weeks ago and keep getting messages saying thanks for your patience but we haven't moved on to the next stage yet. Considering the previous post, am not sure what to think (2/20).
- Received polite post-interview email that I was not being brought to campus at this time. If you haven't received one, perhaps you are still under consideration (2/23).
- just noticed job ad was posted in the guardian on 2/3 (2/24)
- interviewed on-campus (4/24)--search cancellation notification (5/6)!
- Failed search actually - this job was offered to at least one person, who turned it down.
Saint Louis University [6]
- Assistant or Associate Professor of American Studies
- Specialties - 20th Century Urban Cultural and Social Studies
- Applications - October 10, 2008
- Status
- Anyone heard anything? They are supposed to be interviewing at ASA.
- Received acknowledgment of application (10/09/2008). Scheduled ASA interview (10/10/2008).
- Waiting to hear about campus visits, etc.
- At least three candidates scheduled for (or completed) campus interviews.
- When did they notify finalists? (Are you one of them?:))
- Heard from a friend in St. Louis. (11/17)
- Thanks. Appreciate the info. Tell your friend to get onto the wiki and help out. Edit-Sorry, that sounded bitchy. Just meant to encourage people with info to post. (11/17)
- Any more word?
- Heard an offer has been made and accepted.
- Who got it?(1/15) (x2 Just wondering if they hired at the assistant or associate level, 2/2)
- I am curious too. I had an ASA interview but heard nothing. Not even a, "thanks, but no thanks." Is it really that hard to be polite?
- Rejection email x3 (2/5) -- I wonder if they are reading this wiki?
- My email said that only 75 applied. Surprising that the number was so low.
- Doesn't seem too low. It was a very specifically written ad, and they had a search last year where they didn't hire anyone leaving only so many people who would apply. I will be interested to see who got it.
SUNY Buffalo (2/2)
- 2 Assistant Professor positions, one popular culture, one Native American
- Open until filled
- Amy I crazy or did this job not ask for a job letter? (2/24)
- no word on this position? (4/1)
- Nothing here. Chair said the committee was meeting at the end of March. 4/6
- Any word on this position? 4/13
- Position filled. Were these inside-candidate searches or targeted searches of some sort, hence the late announcement date and the quickness from committee meeting to positions filled? 4/17
- Huh? How do you know the position was filled--and there were two positions, right? How did you hear that the positions were filled? Did you have a phone interview? Were you told that they were filled by the chair? A little more info would be helpful (4/17)
- Had phone interview April 6th. Was told would hear something today (April 20th), but no word. Am surprised to see positions filled--surely I would have heard by today if that were actually the case.
- email rejection to non-finliasts April 21, 2009
- was it an inside candidate(s), i never heard a damned thing from buffalo. no confirmation of receipt of application, no rejection, nothing. contact in another dept. at buffalo suggests they had candidates in mind from the outset.
SUNY New Paltz
- suspended search notice (12/12)
University of Alabama [7]
- Assistant Professor of American Studies
- Specialties - Southern Culture, Gender and Race
- Application- Review begins on December 15, but continues until filled
- Any word on this one? Cancelled? Alive?
- I had a phone interview for the other UA search but they mentioned that the Southern Culture search is still in process as well.
- Anyone heard anything here? (2/9)
- Position offered and accepted according to rejection letter received (4/6)
- Any word from this search? (4/13)
University of Alabama [8]
- Assistant Professor of American Studies
- Specialties - American Music
- Application- Review begins on December 15, but continues until filled
- Any word on when they'll make the first cut? Before or after the holidays? (12/22)
- got a call today to set up a phone interview (1/13) (X2)
- well, darn. I really thought I had a shot at this one but didn't hear anything. May I ask those of you who got interviews what discipline you work in? (1/14)
- American Studies/African American Studies
- For those of you with interviews, is this for the music job or the southern culture job?
- music. they told me they will schedule campus interviews next week (1/23)
- Any news? (2/5)
- Anyone heard anything about the status of this search? (2/17)
- They are conducting campus interviews according to this wiki (2/17):
- Position offered and accepted according to rejection letter received (3/16)
UMass Boston [9]
- Assistant Professor of American Studies
- Specialties - Early 20th Century Culture and Literature
- Applications - Review will begin January 20, 2009
- email from SC chair that letters were missing; also stated shortlist will be made Thursday 1/22 (1/20)
- And when might they notify, heaven help us?
- They didn't say (1/20)
- Doesn't that seem like an awfully fast turn around for the short list? Anyone smell an inside hire?
- Not if they have been reading the applications as they come in. (1/22)
- They requested several writing samples; how can those be read so quickly, regardless of whether they started early (despite the ad's saying the review begins 1/20)? I suspect many candidates waited until the last second to apply, too, which would mean that they received a large stack of fresh apps on Monday.
- SC Chair contacted my advisor today to ask for more information. It definitely sounds like they're moving quickly. (x2) (1/23)
- Seems like a reminder that it's good to send things in way before the deadline - which I almost never manage to do (1/23)
- Did your advisor tell you what kind of information the chair requested? Thanks to all for the helpful discussion.
- A: I'm ABD; SC chair wanted to know if I would really defend by spring (1/23)(x2)
- According to my advisor, who spoke to Lois Rudnick, they had 150 applicants, and they've so far narrowed the pool to 8. Does anyone know whether they will be doing phone interviews first or just inviting people to campus? (1/27)
- Has anyone heard from UMass since last week?
- I have no direct knowledge about this search, but I heard (via several degrees of separation!) that 3 finalists had been notified.
- Job accepted by Boston Univ. Ph.D. in American Studies
University of Michigan at Ann Arbor [10]
- Dept of History and Program in American Culture
- Speciality in North American religions
- Deadline Nov. 1, 2008
- AA card received
- AHA interview scheduled by phone (12/12)
University of New Orleans
- interview scheduled at MLA (12/12)
University of Oklahoma - Honors College
- Assistant Professor - Religious Experience in the U.S.; deadline Oct 15
- Heard an offer has been made and accepted (1/1)
- Who? Now that the offer has been accepted, seems OK to me to post this info.
University of Richmond
- The Tyler and Alice Haynes Professorship in American Studies (Assoc or Full)
- Any info whatsoever here?
Still no word from anywhere? (as of 1/21)
At the campus visit stage of of their search (1/27)
University of Texas - Austin [11]
- Assistant Professor The Center for Asian American Studies and Department of American Studies
- Specialties - Critical Race Studies and Law
- Applications - November 1, 2008
- Nice email rejection mid-November
- Campus interviews underway (2/15)
University of Wyoming
- Assistant Professor of American Studies and African American Studies
- Applications - October 1, 2008
- interviewing at ASA
- Status
- received acknowledgment of application on 10/5/08 (posted 10/10/08)
- ASA interview scheduled (10/9)
- Phone interview on 11/7
- Campus interviews scheduled 11/18
- Rejection letter 11/20
- Position offered and accepted 2/11
Wesleyan University [12]
- Assistant Professor American Studies Program and the Department of English
- Specialties - Transnational Asian American Studies
- Applications - October 1, 2008
- Status
- Very kind Rejection Letter in late October
Yale University
- Asst Prof of American Studies
- 19th or 20th Century Cultural Geography/Built Environment
- Applications 12/1/08
- Status
- Acknowledgment 1/13/09. No word since then. Anyone heard whether they've contacted finalists?
- At least two finalists scheduled; campus visits begin next week. (2/13/09)
- Any updates on this? Heard (third or fourth hand) that as of a few weeks ago this was not yet wrapped up. (4/19)
- Is anyone actually checking or updating this page? I feel like I might be the only one. (10/27)
- Yes, I'm checking too! Just added GWU and OK State. (10/28)
- Thanks for responding although it doesn't look like we have too much info to share!
- I check also!
- Me too. You're not alone!
- So, do we have any inside info? That is, somebody must be a grad student or know somebody at some of these places. Sorry if that sounded pissy. Just want to hear some kind of news.
- I don't have any inside info. However, I do wonder if the U Mass Boston search is going forward- I know that U Mass Amherst has a hiring freeze, and that in some fields, searches were cancelled. Does anyone know anything about the position? Thanks.
- The Amherst search is going forward despite the budget situation according to the 20th century history board. Someone said they called the dept. and specifically asked whether the search was suspended. I don't think we will know about anything definite about most of the state institutions for a while.
- Anyone know anything about Saint Louis? Anybody apply for it?
- I haven't heard anything from SLU except for a letter of acknowledgement. Seems they did interviews at ASA. Does anyone know what their timeline is?
- No word on a timeline although they had an early deadline so it would seem sooner as opposed to later.
- Does anyone know what happened to the SLU job last year and why they had to redo this search? (11/11)
- What was the job last year? Not urban studies, I assume. (11/11)
- It was urban studies - - almost exactly, if not exactly, the same job ad. (11/11)
- According to last year's wiki, the job was offered to someone and then nothing happened. Joe Heathcott had the job but moved on to the New School. Maybe they were trying to get a more senior person last year and failed?
- Any SLU grads know anything?
- As of a couple of days ago, the U Mass-Boston search was still active. (12/3)
- The UMass Boston position is to replace Lois Rudnik. It should go forward. (12/17)
- Any info on either Middlebury or Ramapo? (12/19)
- What about Alabama?