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American Studies 2007-2008
This is the archive of last year's page. This year's searches can be found here:
Please add the date you edit (ex. interview offered 10/15) and mark a new speaker with an asterisk. Will keep everything readable!! Thanks!
Post general questions at the end of the page.
Amherst College
- Phone interview scheduled (12/12)
- rejection letter received (1/16)
- when did they invite candidates? how many?
- has the job been offered/accepted (1/27)
California State University, Fullerton
- received email requesting further materials (10/26)
- received call to arrange phone interview (12/2)
- search cancelled due to state budget cuts :(
Colby College one-year in American Studies and Gender Studies
- phone interview, late October/early November
Colorado College
- writing sample requested (11/9)
- this is weird - the deadline isn't until 12/10 and I am surprised they are reading files so far in advance (11/28)
- many schools work in stages and while I haven't heard from Colorado C. I have heard from many other schools before the deadline.
- writing sample requested (12/13), letter dated 12/7
- writing sample requested (12/17)
- phone interview scheduled (2/1)
Dickinson (1-yr, cross-listed with Women's Studies, preference for film/media/cultural)
- contacted 2/19 for first round of interviews (phone) to determine short-list
for on-campus interviews- Position Filled (2/27)
- I don't think the 1-yr. VAP is filled yet-there are phone interviews on Monday 3/3. Maybe this was supposed to be for the TT job. (2/29) TT job is one that was filled--sorry, my info is second hand. (3/2)
- Any word on job talks? (4/10)
Mary Washington
- Ack. (12/5)\
- Scheduled AHA interviews
- For those of you with interviews, do you mind specifying your sub-field? Just curious?
- A: Sure, Literature/Film and Cultural Studies
- A: Political and Environmental History
- received friendly rejection letter (12/26)
- Ack. 12/13
- anything since then? 1/10
- accepted offer, 3/21 (senior hire)
- accepted offer, 3/21 (senior hire)
New York University
- short list set on 12/17, candidates to be notified on 12/18.
- Q: is this for African American Studies, or Asian American Studies in the Department of Social and Cultural Analysis? (12/21) Thanks. Happy Holidays!
- A: The Asian American Studies job has already interviewed. I don't know the current status.
- A: Narrowed down to 13 candidates for the American Studies search (Af-Am/Comparative Race). No AHA interviews, only request for more materials.
- Asian/Pacific/American Studies offer will likely be made after upcoming faculty meeting. Af-Am job talks currently in progress, an offer will likely be made next month. (2/26)
Notre Dame
- invitations received via email for interviews at ASA in Philadelphia (10/2)
- writing sample/syllabi requested. maybe from everyone they interviewed? (10/17)
- anything since then (11/15)?
- nope. anyone? (11/26)
- emailed invitation to campus (11/28). Anyone else?
- Just curious, are you in Af-Am or Latino Studies?g
- Latina/o Studies. Email said that they wanted to make decision by 12/18
- anybody else? could they be bringing just one candidate due to such a fast timetable?
- any more word on this? just curious (12/17)
- nah, just waiting. pass the word when there is one. (12/19)
- Job was offered earlier this week (12/19).
- Offer went to an ABD in American Studies.
- was it accepted? if so, is it ok to say who it is?
- Offer Accepted by an ABD from Minnesota, Am Studies dept.
- deadline was Nov. 1
- Anyone apply for this/hear anything?
- Nope. Seems like they don't ack.
- Phone interviews have already occured. Check out the film/media Wiki for the info.
- Q: Does anyone know what type of candidates they interviewed?
- Perhaps not. There were two different searches-one for film and one for American lit & culture
- Just touched base with the search chair. Institutional complications mean semi-finalists will be notified in mid-Feb at the earliest.
- Wow, that's sad. Most searches will be over by mid-Feb!
- How did you find out who the search chair for this position was? I didn't see anyone listed, and I'd like to make an inquiry about something related to the search.
- Just got an e-mail that they have closed the search. Hired someone for another position (maybe the Media Studies position?) but did not get the go-ahead for a second hire. (2/18)
Rutgers, New Brunswick
- Ack. 11/15
- Any news? 12/19
- Has anyone heard from Rutgers? 1/31
- Nothing here. 1/31
- Rutgers American Studies Dept. is conducting job talks for the Asian American hire this week. i am sure if you go to their website it will post what talks the dept. is having in the next several days. I only saw two candidates. 2/6
- This is an Asian American Studies job and it seems to me that there are many folks on this site on the AAS job market this year (as the other AAS jobs seem to be being commented on - here and on the Ethnic Studies wiki). So it seems likely that if there was any movement SOMEBODY would have posted something. I'll add another "haven't heard anything" Maybe that's a good thing, maybe that's a bad thing. 2/1
Saint Louis University
- 20th Century Urban Studies
- friend interviewed at ASA (10/22)
- Any updates here? I received email confirmation that my app materials were received, but nothing since then. Anyone? (12/21)
- campus visits over the last few weeks (2/26)
- job offered (2/26)
- was the offer accepted? (3/21)
- does anyone know what happened i.e. why this job is posted again this year? (9/4)
Scripps College
- letter stating that they've received app materials sent (9/11)
- friend has interview at ASA (10/2)
- 12/17 A couple of weeks ago, I heard from a committee member that an offer had been made. Then, when I asked for an update, I did not get an more information. Does anyone have an idea if the candidate accepted or did they have to go to their next choice?
SUNY Buffalo
- request for additional material (11/5)
- I just got an e-mail today (11/7) to say they are just starting to review materials. If I wasn't asked for additional material, does this mean I'm out of the running?
- Q:Did you get an email out of the blue or asked for status?
- I got an e-mail out of the blue. Why would they send an e-mail out of the blue if they've already decided on the folks to ask for additional material?
- I don't know, but it just happened to me too(they e-mailed me out of the blue). very bizarre.
- phone interview set up (11/12)
- Q: Did they call you to set up the phone interview? And do you know if all of the candidates were contacted for the phone interview? I was requested for additional materials and haven't heard back from them.
- Q: Have others been contacted for phone interviews? I was also asked for samples of writing and haven't heard anything further. (11/29)
- Campus visits and job talks for Asian American Studies candidates were scheduled for the end of November/beginning of December.
- Offer made and accepted.
University of Alabama
University of California San Diego
- received rejection notice via email (12/3)
University of California at Santa Cruz
- email confirming receipt of application
- job talks set for Jan and Feb.
University of Hawai`i at Manoa
- emphasis on Asia/Pacific or global, plus ability to teach film/media
- invitations received via email for interviews at ASA in Philadelphia (9/16)
- Campus interview scheduled for late Nov (11/1)
- Any news?
- Job offered (12/6)
- Job accepted (12/19)
- Congratulations!
University of Maryland-Baltimore County
- letter confirming receipt of application and requesting letters of recommendation (11/29) (11/12) (11/28)
- Does anyone know what's up here? I just got an affirmative action card from their HR folks a couple of weeks ago, more than a month after the deadline! Has anyone heard ANYTHING else from them, and/or have any clue what's going on? (1/30)
- call this week (02.06) regarding the short list (I've already accepted another job). Seemed like they were finalizing their list of campus visits.
- congrats on your job! (2/15)
University of Southern California
- Anything? (11/7)
- Heard from a colleague that the committee will meet on Friday (11/7)
- Did anyone receive acknowledgment?
- nothing (12/4)
- Committe met yesterday. Saw them with my own eyes...
- Email sent out to those advancing to next round, asked to send in rec letters (12/14).
- Email sent out asking for entire dissertations and manuscripts. will be in touch by late Jan
- Looks like they've done four job talks so far, judging from the calendar for February. (3-11)
- E-mail from search chair says they have filled this position.
University of Virginia
- email stating that they've received app materials
- email acknowledging receipt of appl. and with link to AA form (11/6)
- writing sample request (12/18)
- by email?
- yes
- writing sample request (1/13) by email.
- Guess they're still deliberating.
- A friend has a phone interview coming up this week. (1/27)
- Any word/rumors about a short list? Thanks. (2/17)
- Total silence as far as I can tell. Any word to anyone else? (2/26)
- Any updates about this search? Have they made a hire? Has it been shelved? Is it still ongoing? (3/24)
- I have not heard anything at there still hope? (4/8)
- Can someone PLEASE just report what happened with this search? (6/6)
- Two candidates were brought to campus in March - each with a religious studies focus - and an offer was made and accepted in early April. (6/17)
University of Washington
- letter acknowledging application w/ AA link (11/5)
- Anyone receive acknowledgement yet? (10/30)
- Yes, email + AA link (11/6) (11/20) (12/3)
- Writing sample requested (12/13)(ditto, by e-mail, 12/12)
- For those of you asked for a writing sample, do you mind me asking what your subfields are? Just curious as to what categories interested them.
- A: Comparative ethnic studies
- Received 450 apps.
- Q: 1) How do you know about the 450 applications? A: It was indicated in the email requesting a writing sample.
- Q: 2) I sent in my application towards the end of Nov., i.e., late. But I still have not received an AA request. Anyone else in the same boat?
- Q (3): Any update on campus visits? A: Campus visit scheduled (1/18)
- Q (4): Did Wellesley schedule phone interviews in January (or December)? Or did they jump to the on-campus interviews? A: Jumped to on-campus interview.
- Q Did someone land this albatross already or what? I wonder if they'll even bother sending out a "thanks but no thanks."
- (3/11) E-mail notification that an offer has been made to someone who fit more of a "not-me" profile.
- Q: Was this a personal email or a mass mailing? I didn't receive this info. Was the recipient of the email a finalist?
- (3/19) Offer made.
- Never received ANYTHING from them after acknowledgment of application. Sloppy and unprofessional.
- NB to candidates: Caution when applying here. Institutional cultures vary by department, last year's search for a Latino specialist in English was tanked by a hostile admin, and several junior fac of color were not granted tenure. Research well, ask around, and get the specs
- Candidates who might be located in Religion interviewed at AAR (11/18)
- Has anyone heard anything from Wesleyan's American Studies/Film studies job?? They asked for a SASE postcard and I haven't even gotten that back. Delivery confirmation tells me that they did receive materials but have heard nothing at all.
- Does anyone know if they're going to the AHA? Has anyone heard ANYTHING? (12/19)
- Committee met on 1/29
- Anyone have any further information here re: when/where interviews are scheduled? anyone been rejected as yet?? 5/2
- Anthro wiki site reports that campus interviews have taken place
- 2/17 can you add link to this wiki site? sounds like it maybe be more up-to-date???
- 2/17 change in administrative staff meant that unfortunately acknowledgments were not sent out in film search, but committee is still working on who to ask to campus. If you have not been asked for additional information at this point, you have not made the long list. QS search now limited to anthro candidates; all three anthro finalists are live at present. Should know more in next ten days.
- 3/7 according to the academic grapevine, an offer was made and accepted
General Discussion/Department of Complaints
[Partial edit]
- I thought I saw an ad from NYU in American Studies this year, looking for an African-Americanist? Or was it just a salty bowl of dojo steam that got in my eyes? Feed me, see more! Hey I just saw the NYU ad somewhere. I wonder if their goal is to replace or, better, replicate someone who's left? Anybody have a clue?
- Note: Can we edit by institution this year? Was hard to follow last year.
- It seems like it's going on FOREVER to hear from these schools. Some have not even bothered to acknowledge!
- I browsed through the 06-07 to see that many schools interviewed at the ASA last year but does anybody know what the time frame will be like this year?
If they don't do conference interviews, will they just go ahead and bring candidates to campus??