Please use Heading 3 to add schools to this list.[]
See also Electrical and Computer Engineering 2011-2012
Related sites: Biomedical Engineering on Academic Room
Carnegie Mellon University[]
'rejection email Dec. 28. 2011
Seminars listed on their website (including CASI awardee)
any news?
onsite interview invite March
rejection email feb 2012
rejection email Feb 10
Drexel University[]
Duke University[]
any news? rejection email on Feb. 13
Reference letter requested, Feb. 13
Status update on Feb 14
Florida International University - Biomedical Engineering[]
George Mason University []
First round of candidates selected------------ have they contacted the candidates yet????
- Selected candidates' talks posted on website.
Georgia Tech[]
any news?
On-site visits since January (see their seminar schedule) -> I only see a few seminars given by professors. Are they the candidates?
Illinois Institute of Technology[]
Johns Hopkins University[]
Kent State[]
Lehigh University[]
request reference letter 1/5 ...........any further updates?
Phone Interview 2/7
On-site interview: March
Any news? -- BME or Bioengineering? Seems Bioengineering may take a while since they haven't picked a chair yet.
- interview invite (May 2012)
MIT - Biological Engineering[]
Received rejection email 28 Dec 2011 stating that short list of candidates has been selected.
any news?
There's a short list, but no idea if interview offers have been made yet.
any news?
Oregon Health & Science University[]
Request for letters in Nov.
OCSSB rejection sent December 2011
Penn State University[]
Any news?
email rejection 5/14
Purdue University[]
Reference request December
any further updates?
Rutgers University[]
rejection (04/11/2012)
Rice University[]
Rose-Hulman Instritute of Technology[]
phone interview requested (Jan. 2012)
Rochester Institute of Technology, Biomedical Engineering program[]
phone interviews have started (03/2012)
on-campus interview scheduled--March 2012
Rochester Institute of Technology, KGCOE PhD Microsystems Engineering[]
any news?
Rejection email April 11, 2012
onsite interview (dec 2011)
is this is response to the 2010-2011 advertisement or a newer 2011-2012 advertisement?
Stevenson Institute of Techonology[]
St Louis University[]
Rejected 1/25 x4
Temple U[]
phone interview starts Jan 18~23, no rejection after phone interview so far, I guess not being selected either
rejected ------------- when did you get the rejection? was it an email?
I have not heard back from Temple...anybody on the same boat?-----same as you.
On-site interview 2/2012, decision to be made by early april.------really?already on-site?they said they are still evaluating applications and a decision will be made shortly on whom to invite for on campus visits.
Unsure why there's the discrepancy. But if you're not rejected be patient b/c it appears to be a growing department that might make several hires given good candidates.
Tulane University[]
Reference requested in Dec 2011
Any news? Co-ask.
Candidate(s?) interviewed early-mid Jan
Any information available from their website?
Position has been filled.(The ad says there are positions available for all ranks. Are they interviewing candidates for other positions?) I don't know
U of Arkansas[]
Phone interviews start
rejection email received--3/20
U of California - Davis[]
References requested (11/2011).
Invite somebody with R00 for onsite interview 1/19/2012.
U of California - Irvine[]
Rejection email 02/13 for assistant prof position in Biological Chemistry in the School of Medicine
Any news on the biomedical engineering position at UCI?????????????????????????????
Biomedical Engineering position cancelled, will not be filled (email July 2012) x2
U of California - LA[]
~three cadidates all interviewed
U of California - Merced[]
Any news? co-ask.....
U of California - Riverside[]
Reference request in Dec 2011 (this early? the website said they start review on Jan 20)
short list ready; start on-site interview -> Did you get the interview invitation by phone or email?
U of California - San Diego[]
any news?
University of Illinois at Chicago[]
on-site interview begins
U of Louisville[]
Any news??? Co-ask
Did you send the reference letters? the add was disorganized, I was not sure if I was supposed to send them the reference letters. I did not send them since the submission system did not ask for the letters... I did, but not sure if I should.
any information? Nothing
U of Maryland[]
any news?
U of Michigan[]
U of Minnesota - Twin Cities[]
References requested December
reference requested Feb
Rejection letter (02/27)
They are interviewing candidates, see seminar series on their website.
U of Pennsylvania[]
Interview invited (december 2011)
U of Rochester[]
Reference requested Dec 2011
Any updates? (co-ask) Un-officially (personal inquiry 2/2012), short-list made but technically search still open.---did you get this message from an official notification or a personal inquiry?
U of Texas - Arlington[]
U of Texas - Austin[]
Rejected 12/5/2011 (x2)
Rejected 12/15/2011
References requested 11/2011. Rejected 12/21/2011
Rejected 1/31/2012
U of Texas - Dallas[]
Interview invite (1/13/2012)
Three candidates are invited for interviews
U of Virginia[]
reference requested, Feb. 2012
Rejection email for Biochemistry & Molecular Genetics Assist. Prof. position (02/20)
any updates on the BME position? YES, rejection (03/01/2012) <-email? YES, email rejection on (03/01/2012 (X2)
\Some candidates scheduled already...look at their website
email rejection 4/18
University of Washington[]
Biochemistry faculty positions - candidates listed on departmental event calendar (Feb 2012)
Virginia Tech - Biosystem engineering []
any news on this one?
Request reference 2/12/12.---- ANY UPDATE?
Virginia Tech[]
- Some candidates have been invited to speak.
Wichita State University[]
phone interview in February 2012
Worcester Polytechnic Institute[]
any news on WPI Biomedical Engg? no Short-list made, don't know if candidates have been contacted/invited
Candidates are already giving seminars, just search for "seminar faculty candidates WPI" in find out
Rejection email (3/29/12)
any news? They're interviewing on-site... see "events" on their website.