Academic Jobs Wiki

tis the season: don't forget about the Universities to Fear wiki tis the season: don't forget about the Universities to Fear wiki

British Open[]

Adrian University (Generalist, 18c, Romantic, Victorian, Modern) Deadline: Feb 1

5/8 Rec'd rej. letter saying hire had been made

Drury University (British prefer 19th or 20th century)

Deadline: February 2

12/15: Received email acknowledgment with note stating that phone interviews will be scheduled beginning February 16 12/27: Received revised email stating a temporary hiring freeze but still planning on scheduling phone interviews February 16 (x2)

2/4: Received Email Update. University will decide by first week of March which searches will be funded, and interviews are to follow soon after if given the green light (x2) 3/5: Phone interviews scheduled.

3/11: Rejection Email Received. 12 Phone interviews have been completed. (X2)

Q: anyone else out there receive neither an interview request nor a rejection email? I'm guessing this means I'm in the "no" pile and they just haven't gotten to my email yet, but am just curious...

A: That's interesting, I haven't heard anything either, although I got their earlier email updates about the delays with the search. Maybe it means we're in the "maybe" pile?

Hillsdale College (generalists, possible pref for 1660-1830)

11/20: letter that college "will not at present hire for this position" 11/21: emailed search chair and confirmed that search is cancelled

Hood College (Augustan Age through post-modernism)

Deadline: November 3

  • 10/28: this job is no longer listed on the JIL, CHE,, or Hood's HR page. Is the search cancelled?
  • 11/19 : Request for more materials (3)
  • Q: was this via email or letter or phone?
  • A: Hood requested materials by email
  • Q: 12/13 Has anyone heard anything since the req for materials?
  • A: 12/14 Nothing since here... and I'm starting to wonder. I hope we hear something next week (the 15th+)
  • A: Apparently calls will be made either this afternoon or tomorrow.
  • 12/19: Request for interview by phone x3
  • 1/14: Request for campus visit by phone
  • 3/4: Mass email announcing chosen candidates, also noted "over 650" applicants for the Brit and American jobs combined.

Mt. Mercy College (Romantic through Contemporary) Has anyone heard anything from this school?

4/8: Offer Extended/Accepted

Northern State University (specialist in 19th century British preferred with experience in Journalism)

Deadline: December 15

12/16: Received phone request for additional material (references and transcripts) to be sent hard copy by mid-January.

1/27: Received phone call requesting phone interview. Phone interview scheduled.

2/4: Phone interview. Will finish interviewing on Friday and will contact candidates for campus visits in three weeks.

2/13: Received request for campus visit. Campus visits set for week of Feb. 23.

Pfeiffer University (NC) Deadline: Dec. 1

  • Q: Any info on this? Are they intverviewing at MLA?
  • A: No idea, but as they say, no news isn't bad news right now. (Not necessarily good either, though.)

Phone interview scheduled 2/8 by email.

Q: They contacted to schedule a phone interview, but I have heard nothing from them in a week--the interview is still not scheduled...Any information?

Purdue University North Central (any period from 1700 to the present) Review begins October 22

University of Mobile (any period of British literature before the 20th century)

Deadline: October 29

  • 12/2: Request for phone interview

Wheaton College (British and World)

Deadline: November 14

11/5: Received email acknowledgment (they will send application to promising applicants, sounds like others will receive no further notification)

11/14: Request for more materials (application and essays) 12/17: Very nice rejection letter
