Dear Friends: please stick to alphabetical order for school names. If you can't use "enter" to make a line break, use line break tag < br > (but without spaces)
Appalachian Univ
--Interview at MLA
Bard College, NY
-- Phone interview 12/16
also phone interview 12/18
(any further news 1/30?)
Bennington College?
Boston U Chinese lecturer
--reject mail 12/15
Butler University
MLA interview scheduled 12/28-29
Campus visit scheduled late Jan-early Feb
Central Connecticut SU
--phone interview in early Feb
College of Charleston?
(anyone heard anything, 1/30?)
early March - heard offer made and accepted
The College of William & Mary?
(any news 1/30?)
early March - offer made and accepted.
Furman U: Rejection letter dated Jan 30, saying offer made and accepted.
George Washington U
onsite interview scheduled
Gettysburg College
- rejection 12/3
got weird rejection letter dated 3/17 stating "we have concluded our search" and "we are pleased with the outcome" but not saying "position filled" . This was first contact since application acknowledgment last fall
Grand Valley State U in MI
Interview at MLA
rejection email 3/30, saying offer made.
Iowa State University
--Offer made and accepted.
Kalamazoo College
phone interview 1/11-- heard offer made
Kenyon College
--phone interview in Feb
--heard campus visits completed mid Feb
--position filled
Knox College
--offer made (3/12)
Lake Forest College
Cancel search
Lafayette College (cancel search)
New ads out.
Loyola College
MLA interview scheduled 12/28-29, campus interview scheduled January
Loyola Marymount University (L.A.)
Offer made and accepted (Feb/16th)
Macalester College
Campus visits done by Nov 2008
--> Offer made (Dec)--> Offer accepted (Dec).
Miami University in Ohio is searching again
(what happened to its search last year?)
(last year: lit search. this year: lingu. search)
Mississippi State University? (still no news 1/30?)
Montana State U in Bozeman
Phone Interview 12/18
Rejection Letter, position filled
--MLA interview in San Francisco 12/28.
--what kind of position?
Oakland University
(phone interview 1/26)any news 2/5?
Ohio State U:
Preliminary interview at ACTFL back in Nov. What happened then?
never heard from them
Penn State (CompLit + Chinese) is finalizing the shortlist. other semi-shortlist applicants were rejected by email. (early Dec)
--dept website says search is concluded, job went to Shen Shuang
Presbyterian College
Cancel Search
(1) Princeton MING-QING:
--The "Ming-Qing to May Fourth" committee requested additional materials back in early November.
--shortlist decided
--Any other word? The deadline for the contemporary position (which was not exclusive to lit) was later.
(2) Princeton Contemp/Modern:
--Campus interviews scheduled for late January
--When was the shortlist decided? A: in December
--Job offered to candidate (2/15)
(3)Princeton Chinese lecturer conference interview in orlando in Nov
Reed College(visiting position):
Phone interview is going on--early March
Rhodes College (visiting position)
(phone interview Jan 17)
Rochester (NY):
-- invites candidates to visit (12/19)
-- may have hiring freeze for China cluster hires
Rutgers U
--Cancel Search
Union College (visiting assistant professor)
MLA interview scheduled 12/28-29
University of Alberta
Chinese lecturer narrow down to a short list for campus interview in Feb 2009
University of Chicago for Chinese Cinema position?
(<-- do those film applicants know to read this wiki?)
--> Candidates (2) invited for campus visits in January.
U of Kansas
-- is narrowing down the semi shortlist (12/17)
--> invites 3 candidates (12/20)
U of Florida
--Phone interview in mid-Feb
University of Kentucky is searching again
(what happened to its search last year? they hired one for their CHinese lingusitics)
(ans: last year: modern search filled. this year: pre-modern search)got rejection letter, saying that offer made and accepted.
I think it is a hoax--green card ad
U of Colorado Boulder
invited candidates to campus 12/11
U of Michigan
Chinese lecturer conference interview in orlando in Nov
U. Michigan lecturer position: I heard offer made(19 Feb).
U North Carolina Charlotte
requests more material Dec 22
Phone interviewed 2nd week of Jan.
Heard that the on-campus interview is going on (2/19).
U. Pittsburgh
phone interview: 12/15, 12/16
campus interview: end of Jan
--when was the shortlist decided?
I heard offer made.
University of Richmond
MLA interview scheduled 12/28-29 (still no news?--2/26)--heard offer made
University of Texas Austin offer made 11/27
University of Tulsa
MLA interview scheduled 12/28-29- on campus visit scheduled -(I was interviewed at MLA; so I am not on the 3 finalists?) offer made and accepted.
University of Wisconsin Offer made
"Utah State University": Anyone got offer from it? Lecturer of Chinese Yup!
Tulane University phone interview 12/10 invited candidate to campus 12/16
Virginia Tech
reject email (email of rejection? here, have not got either rejection email or anything positive. nothing at all. Dec 30, 2008).
--at MLA interview said invitations to be made in early Jan for Feb campus visits
--campus visits scheduled, 1/06
--email stating position still not filled, may schedule more campus visits, 3/04
--email asking if still available/interested, early March
--Search failed. June, HR site says "search cancelled". applicants not notified
Washington and Lee
rejection 12/17
Willamette University
MLA interview scheduled 12/28-29 (any news after MLA interview?--2/26)
-offer made, accepted, Mar 4
Whittier College
phone interview 12/8
(also phoned earlier 12/1)(second phone interview 1/20, didn't get campus visit 1/27)