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Q/C: When it's known, could we put whether the hire already had a t-t job? I'm curious about how often this is the case.


Fiction TT Jobs

  • ADELPHI: Catherine Chung (MFA Cornell, 1 book)
  • ARMSTRONG ATLANTIC STATE U: Robert Terry (PhD Rhetoric and Composition Louisville, 2 short stories, position focused primarily on professional writing with some creative writing elements. Graduating from Louisville).
  • BAYLOR: Arna Bontemps Hemenway (MFA Iowa, 1st bk under contract; leaving teaching fellowship at University of Iowa.)
  • BELMONT: Susan Finch (PhD Florida State, no book)
  • BERRY COLLEGE: Will Donnelly (MFA Iowa, PhD Houston, no book; graduating from University of Houston)
  • BINGHAMTON (SUNY): Alexi Zentner (MFA Cornell; one book, second book under contract)
  • CAL STATE SAN BERNARDINO: Felicia Luna Lemus (MFA CalArts, 2 books, currently a VAP at Pitzer College)
  • COASTAL CAROLINA: Cara Blue Adams (MFA, Arizona; leaving position as fiction/nonfiction editor at The Southern Review)
  • COLLEGE OF ST. BENEDICT & ST. JOHNS U: Rachel Marston (MFA & PhD, U of Utah, no book)
  • DEPAUW: David Crouse (MFA University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2 books)
  • GEORGIA COLLEGE: Miah Arnold (MFA/Ph D University of Houston, 1 book)
  • IUPUI: Kyle Minor (MA, MFA Ohio State University, 2nd MFA in progress at Iowa, 1 book, 2nd bk under contract, 1 edited anth.; leaving lectureship at University of Toledo)
  • JOHNS HOPKINS (TT Asst. Prof.): Eric Puchner
  • KNOX COLLEGE: Chad Simpson (MFA SIUC, 1 book - Iowa Short Fiction Prize, in visiting position at Knox since 2005)
  • LOYOLA MARYLAND: Lucas Southworth (MFA Alabama, 1st book under contract, leaving ftti @ Alabama)
  • MEMPHIS: Tim Johnston (MFA Iowa, 1 book, 2nd book under contract)
  • NORTHERN MICHIGAN U: Jon Billman (MFA Eastern Oregon, 1 book, leaving tt job at Oklahoma State)
  • NORTHWESTERN: Juan Martinez (MFA Central Florida, PhD UNLV, no book)
  • OKLAHOMA CITY UNIVERSITY (Fiction/Non-Fiction): Rob Roensch (MFA Cornell, 1 book)
  • PACIFIC U: Keya Mitra (MFA University of Houston, PhD University of Houston, book under contract, left tt position at Gonzaga University)
  • RICE: Amber Dermont (MFA, Iowa, PhD University of Houston, 2 books, leaving t-t position at Agnes Scott College). Announced at Houston Chronicle blog (3/24/13).
  • RIT: Trent Hergenrader (PhD ABD, University of Wisconsin: Milwaukee, no book)
  • ROOSEVELT U: Christian TeBordo   (MFA Syracuse, 3 books)
  • SALISBURY: Susan McCarty (MFA Vermont College, PhD, graduating from University of Utah, no book)
  • SAN FRANCISCO STATE U: ZZ Packer (MFA U. Iowa, Stegner Fellow, Hodder Fellow, one book)
  • SKIDMORE COLLEGE: Sonya Chung (MFA, University of Washington, currently a full-time lecturer at Columbia University, one book) 
  • TEXAS TECH: Katie Cortese (MFA Arizona State, PhD Florida State, no book; graduating from Florida State University in May)
  • U ARKANSAS: Search cancelled after campus visits
  • U HAWAII (2 TT Positions in Fiction): Katharine Beutner (MA CW, PhD lit UT Austin, 1 book, leaving VAP position at the College of Wooster)
  • UC RIVERSIDE: Charmaine Craig (MFA UC Irvine, 1 book, spousal hire - married to department chair)
  • U OF LOUISIANA AT LAFAYETTE: John McNally (MFA Iowa, PhD Nebraska, 7 books, 7 edited anthologies, leaving Associate Professor position at Wake Forest University)
  • UMASS-AMHERST: Jeff Parker (MFA Syracuse, 2 books, 1 edited anth.)
  • UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, WILMINGTON: Nina de Gramont (5 books, spousal hire, UNCW MFA alum '06, married to MFA assoc. prof.)
  • UNIVERSITY OF RHODE ISLAND: Josie Sigler (PhD University of Southern California, two books [one fiction, one poetry])
  • UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-EAU CLAIRE: Molly Patterson (MFA Ohio State, no book, leaving writer-in-residence position at St. Albans School)
  • ROCKY MOUNTAIN COLLEGE: Andrew Farkas (MFA Alabama, PhD UIC, one book, graduating from UIC)
  • WEBSTER U: Murray Farish (MFA Houston; 1st book under contract)- internal hire, he was a visting prof for a long time.

Poetry TT Jobs

1. AGNES SCOTT: Esther Lee (MFA Indiana, PhD Utah, 1 book

2. AUSTIN PEAY: Andrea Spofford (University of Southern Mississippi Ph.D., English; MFA, CalArts)

3. CALIFORNIA U OF PENNSYLVANIA:  Brent House (MFA Georgia College & State University, PhD in RhetComp from Indiana University of Pennsylvania, 1 Chapbook, 1 edited anthology forthcoming)

4. COLLEGE OF CHARLESTON: Gary Jackson (MFA New Mexico, 1 book)

5. COLUMBIA U: Dorothea Lasky (MFA UMass, PhD UPenn, 3 books)

6. GEORGE MASON: Peter Streckfus (MFA George Mason, 1 bk/Yale winner; leaving t-t job @ Alabama)

7. GEORGE WASHINGTON: Jennifer Chang (MFA Virginia, PhD Virginia, leaving t-t position at Bowling Green State U)

8. JAMES MADISON (Asst. Director of Furious Flower Poetry Center): Elizabeth Hoover (MA, MFA Indiana U, no book)

9. JOHNS HOPKINS (TT Asst Prof): James Arthur (MFA U Washington, 1 book)

10. JOHNS HOPKINS (Assoc./Full Prof.):not filled

11. MANHATTAN COLLEGE: Dominika Wrozynski (PhD, Florida State U.)

12. MARSHALL U: ???

13. OKLAHOMA STATE U: Rose McLarney (MFA Warren Wilson, 2 books)

14. SAINT MARY'S: Matthew Zapruder (MFA UMass, 3 books)

15. SALISBURY: John Nieves (PhD candidate at University of Missouri, 1 book forthcoming, [his website says he is an asst prof at Salisbury already])

16. SIU EDWARDSVILLE: Joshua Kryah (MFA, Iowa; Ph.D. UNLV).

17. SUNY OSWEGO: Laura Donnelly  (PhD, Western Michigan, MFA, Purdue, 1 chapbook. Leaving VAP at Knox College).

18. SUNY POTSDAM: Rebecca Lehmann (MFA, Iowa Writers' Workshop; PhD in English, Florida State U., 1 book)

19. U ARIZONA: Farid Matuk (MFA UT-Austin/Michener Center, 1 book)

20. U ARIZONA: Susan Briante (MFA Florida International Univ, PhD UT-Austin, 2 books, leaving tenured position at UT-Dallas)

21. UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS: Zach Savich (2 MFAs [from Iowa and UMass], 3 books, leaving t-t position at Shippensburg University of Pennsylvania)

22. UC SANTA CRUZ: Ronaldo V. Wilson (PhD CUNY Graduate Center, MA New York University's Graduate Writing Program, 2 books Cave Canem Prize, Asian American Literary Award, Thom Gunn Award, 2 more books forthcoming, previously Visiting Assistant Professor at UCSC)

23. U MIAMI: Jaswinder Bolina (PhD Ohio University, MFA University of Michigan, 2 books)

24. UNC CHAPEL HILL: Gabrielle Calvocoressi (MFA Columbia and Stegner, 2 books, previously visiting faculty at UT-Austin)

25. U SAN FRANCISCO:  Bruce Snider (MFA UT-Austin, 2 books, previously Jenny Moore fellow at George Washington U)

26. UNIVERSITY OF SOUTH FLORIDA: Heather Sellers, poetry/prose (MA, PhD Florida State University, 8+ books, leaving t-t at Hope College)

27.UT AUSTIN: Lisa Olstein (MFA UMass, 2 books plus 1 forthcoming, leaving admin position at UMASS-Amherst)



30. WAKE FOREST: Amy Catanzano (MFA Iowa, 2 books)

31. WASHINGTON COLLEGE:  James Allen Hall (MFA Bennington, PhD Houston, 1 book, leaving t-t position at SUNY Potsdam)

32. WEBER STATE: Janine Joseph (MFA NYU, PhD Houston (May), no book)

33. WILLIAMS COLLEGE: Jessica Fisher (PhD Berkeley, 2 books (Yale & Nightboat), Rome Prize Winner)

34. WILLIAM JEWELL COLLEGE:  Ruth Williams (MFA Eastern Washington, PhD University of Cincinnati, one chapbook, leaving PhD program at University of Cincinnati)

35. WRIGHT STATE UNIVERSITY: Christopher DeWeese (MFA UMass, 1 book)

Non-Fiction TT Jobs

  • U MISSOURI: Julija Šukys (PhD Toronto, 2 books)
  • NEW MEXICO HIGHLANDS: William Bradley (PhD Missouri, MA Northern Michigan, no book, leaving VAP at St. Lawrence)
  • U OF SAN FRANCISCO:  Bich Minh Nguyen.  Leaving TT at Purdue University. Dave Madden.  Leaving TT at U of Alabama. 

Open TT Jobs

  • BALDWIN WALLACE:Les Hunter, playwright/critic (MFA Boston University, PhD Stony Brook)
  • CARNEGIE MELLON: Kevin Gonzalez, poet/fiction writer (MFA Fiction Iowa, MFA Poetry Wisconsin, 2 books, 1 edited anthology, leaving t-t at Trinity College)
  • FITCHBURG STATE U: DeMisty D. Bellinger (MFA Southampton College, Ph.D. University of Nebraska, 2012). Yea, Dee!
  • KEYSTONE COLLEGE: Amanda J. Bradley, poet (MFA New School, Ph.D. Washington U. in St. Louis, 2 books).
  • LINFIELD: Joe Wilkins, (MFA Idaho, 3 books, 1 edited anthology forthcoming; leaving t-t at Waldorf College).
  • MONMOUTH COLLEGE (IL): David Wright, poet (MA Truman State, MFA Ashland, and ABD Loyola University of Chicago, 1 book, 1 under contract, leaving lectureship at U of IL Urbana)
  • RANDOLPH COLLEGE (VA): Gary Dop, poet and script writer (MA & MFA University of Nebraska, 1 book forthcoming, and production credits)
  • SALEM COLLEGE (NC): Metta Sáma, poet (MA & MFA Western Michigan University, PhD SUNY-Binghamton, 2 books, leaving VAP at LSU)
  • SALVE REGINA U: Jen McClanaghan, poet (MFA Columbia, PhD Florida State, 1st book under contract, leaving t-t at Stephen F. Austin State University)
  • UNIVERSITY OF BRITISH COLUMBIA: Nancy Lee (MFA UBC, fiction, 2 books); Timothy Taylor (fiction and non-fiction, 6 books)
  • UNIVERSITY OF NEW MEXICO: Amaris Ketcham (MFA Eastern Washington University, graphic design and non-fiction, went to UNM as an undergrad, currently part-time in the New Mexico Honors program)
  • UNIVERSITY OF TAMPA (MFA Dir.): Steve Kistulentz (MA, Johns Hopkins; MFA, University of Iowa; PhD, Florida State, 1 book, currently has tt position at Millsaps College)
  • UW-WAUKESHA: Drew Blanchard (MFA Ohio State University, PhD UW-Milwaukee, 1 book, 2 under contract)
  • WAYNE STATE U (MI, Prose Genres, Assoc./Full):
  • YALE-NUS COLLEGE: Robin Hemley (non-fiction / fiction, 10 books, 1 anthology, MFA Iowa, leaving full professorship / Directorate of Nonfiction Writing Program at Iowa)
  • YOUNG HARRIS: Chelsea Rathburn, poet (MFA Arkansas, 2 books; no previous t-t position, currently a part-time lecturer at Emory)

Visiting Jobs/Fellowships 

  • BUCKNELL/STADLER Justin Boening (Previously Roth Resident at Bucknell)
  • COLBY COLLEGE: Rachel Flynn
  • COLUMBIA COLLEGE CHICAGO:  Jill Talbot (PhD Texas Tech, 1 book, 2 anthologies, leaving VAP at St. Lawrence University)
  • GETTYSBURG COLLEGE: Emilia Phillips (MFA Virginia Commonwealth University, 1st book under contract, 2 chapbooks; leaving part-time lectureship at VCU)
  • HODDER (Princeton): Katy Didden (PhD Missouri, poet, 1 forthcoming book; leaving post-doc at Saint Louis University); Adam Ross (fiction; 2 books)
  • KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY: Stephanie Kartalopoulos, poet (PhD Missouri, MFA University of Florida, no book)
  • LAKE FOREST COLLEGE: Jacob S. Knabb (MFA, Purdue)
  • MILLSAPS COLLEGE: Edward Porter (MFA Warren Wilson, Madison Fellow, PhD Houston, no book).
  • MUHLENBERG COLLEGE: Dawn Lonsinger (MFA Cornell, PhD, Utah, one book)
  • RAMAPO COLLEGE: Hugh Sheehy (MFA Alabama, Flannery O'Connor winner)
  • UNIVERSITY OF THE INCARNATE WORD: Joshua Robbins (MFA Oregon, PhD Tennessee, one book; leaving post-doc at Tennessee)
  • EMORY FICTION FELLOWSHIP: David Samuel Levinson (MFA New School; two books--story collection with Viking and forthcoming novel with Algonquin; leaving Writer-in-Residence position at TAMU; former Gettysburg Emerging Writer Lecturer). 
  • EMORY POETRY FELLOWSHIP:  Malachi Black (MFA Texas; one book forthcoming; two chapbooks).
  • SMITH COLLEGE, ELIZABETH DREW PROFESSORSHIP: Emily Barton (MFA Iowa; two books major press).


NOTE: some discussion of the competitive Creative Writing job market (specifically, as it played out in a 2011-12 fiction writer search at Ohio University) may be found here (although irritatingly, the Chronicle has made the article subscription only):

Question removed.

Someone was kind enough to post the article on her FB page. Here's a link:


About half of the tenure-track poetry jobs I applied to this year turned out to be insider hires. Is there anyone left who doesn't think the humanities runs on a corporate model in which neopotism is rampant?

  • Really? I actually thought this was one of the "better" years in terms of inside hires, but maybe that just shows how jaded I have become... how many insiders do you count?
  • Hmmm... I recognize 5 inside hires among the poets. So there's a chance there's a few more. The single-most important factor in getting a tenure-track job is who you know. It FAR outweighs any other variable. The next is probably publication, followed by diversity. Talent -- which committees don't know how to assess -- is way down the list.
  • Often when a visiting prof is hired, the committee will say they hope it can turn into a permanent thing. It rarely happens, and sometimes after a semi-promise is made, someone else gets hired from the outside anyway if there is a tenure line that comes open. It is a heartbreaking thing. This discussion of "inside hires" makes it sound so sinister for a university to basically promote to tenure a person who they would have hired on the tenure track the first time if there had been a tenure line. Presumably, if they promote the visitor, it means the person has been a good teacher, a good colleague, and a good publisher. In short, a desirable known quantity whose work has been very good, and who everyone hopes to keep around. That seems like a good thing, karma-wise -- instead of cutting a good person loose because of the arbitrariness of the one- or three-year appointment, the person's good work is rewarded with a more permanent gig. It would be better for the whole creative writing eco-system if every university who had a good and qualified visitor or lecturer would promote to tenure-track reliably. When it happens, even as rarely as it happens (five poets this year is a sad, small number, given how many non-tenure-trackers there are in this country), it seems like a thing to celebrate, not a thing to treat as though it were ugly and terrible.
  • I think the above commentator gives a false impression. When departments have someone they like who is already in a "visiting position" that the Dean okays for a "tenure line," the so-called "search" is often just pro forma to comply with regulations. I have seen this happen and I've heard of numerous detailed accounts from others. Despite what the poster above says, it's not all that rare. The other applicants -- of which there might be 100s -- spend their time and money naively sending in materials. It's great news for the person in the visiting gig, sure, but largely a waste of valuable time and even more valuable money for many more others. Of course, there is little way for any of us to know in advance. There's so little transparency in these matters, which makes strategizing one's efforts and conserving one's resources very difficult. One hopes that this wiki is a some small step in correcting that problem. 
  • Sometimes that's true -- it's a sham search, and the time of the other applicants is wasted, because the committee is required by law to conduct a search but the committee already knows it wants the inside hire. Other times, a sham search is intended, but someone outshines the would-be inside hire and wins that way. Other times, a sham search is not intended, but the would-be inside hire outshines the other candidates and wins that way. Other times, the would-be inside hire is not allowed to apply for the job which is more or less the job he or she has been doing for three years. Sometimes the inside hire is more qualified than the person who is hired. Other times, others are more qualified but the inside hire gets the job. There are as many scenarios, in their particularities, as there are hirings involving an inside candidate. In any case, the inside candidate, like the other candidates, desperately wants/needs a job, and the hiring of the inside candidate is no less honorable than the hiring of the outside candidate, and the not-hiring of the inside candidate is no less honorable than the not-hiring of the outside candidate. This job market is hard on everyone, and the majority of qualified applicants will not get a job this year. It seems crazy to pile on people who are finally crawling out of non-tenure-track hell and into a tenure-track position -- the same thing we all want or at some point have wanted -- because they finally were granted an entry-level position at the university at which they had already been doing the job, probably at twice the courseload of their tenure-track colleagues. And it is worth noting that no "inside hire" situation is ever set in stone, because these decisions are rarely made by individuals. They are usually made by committees, and when they are not made by committees, they are often made by chairs and deans who take great pleasure in upturning the apple cart of the creative writing professors by giving them something other than what they desired in the first place. If you go someplace to interview, and you get the whiff of the inside candidate, swing for the fences anyway. Chances are, you might get the job.
  • At some point, any said Visiting Assistant Professor had to apply for the Visiting Assistant Professor position, where he or she beat out any number of hundreds of applicants by any number of superior qualifications. In fact, who knows how many years before this moment, he or she held various, similar adjunct, visiting positions, or perhaps a tenure track line before this. And as anyone knows, it is not the case that any visiting line "turns" into a permanent position.  In most cases, a permanent line must be argued for by the department, and approved by the dean, and various levels of the wider university system, and then, if all works out for the best, the line opens up, to which the "inside" candidate might apply. Sometimes one is invited to apply. Sometimes one is not. So once again, he or she, if hired in the tenure-track line, has, once again, beaten out hundreds and hundreds more applicants, who again, simply did not have any number or the right qualifications for the job. That's just the nature of the beast.  I have always seen the Visiting Assistant Professor line as a step toward the tenure track line, such as one might consider the nationally recognized post doc, residency, or significant award or awards. In fact, applying for jobs, particularly the elusive tenure track position, is only a part of the process, which includes, obtaining the best credentials possible, publishing with vigor, and reaching out into the community and the profession which one may one day want to belong by way of conferences, retreats, readings, etc. Like honing the path that refelects one's serious job application materials, all of these efforts, do not strike me as "wasting" one's time or money, but spending these with the clear hope and vision that one might get what one works and pays for.
  • It seems to me that, perhaps, the frustration of finding out that an inside hire has taken place isn't so much the inside hiring itself (for many good reasons, as outlined above), but the fact that an institution requires non-insiders to submit materials that cost money--dossiers and such--from the outset.  I understand the need to have a real search, requesting real materials, but if an insider is a strong candidate, is it too much to ask that schools not request materials that cost applicants money until the latter stages of the search process?  If it's fairly obvious to the committee that they'll take their inside candidate far into the search (and, of course, I don't know to what degree committees start out knowing this or not), it would save applicants a lot of heartache, funding-ache, and a degree of annoyance if they were only asked to submit, say, cover letters and CVs at the outset.  That way, perhaps, they wouldn't feel that their time has been wasted on a search that, for most purposes, they had no chance of success at from the beginning.  
  • Here! Here! I am fine with the inside candidate or VAP or long-term adjunct having the upper hand in a search. But if that's the case, don't make the rest of us submit 9 or 10 very specific and time-consuming (& $$-consuming) documents in our applications. Cover letter and CV should suffice until the pool is narrowed a bit. 
  • It is often the case, that one who is a strong visiting, tenure-track, or tenured professor is solicited, directly, to apply for one or more positions.  In this case, only a cover letter and a CV is requested of that invited candidate.  Sometimes nothing at all is needed after the invite but a yes or no. But to apply for a position from the outside, even as is the case for the "inside" visiting candidate, demands one to put together the required materials that all of the applicants must submit.  I don't think some folks above understand the depth and nature of a search, which isn't about simply gathering the least materials possible to fill the query, or to make it easy on anyone, especially for those who wish to get into the very secure door of a tenure-track position; instead, in many, and maybe in most cases, it is designed to fill a specific need for the department and the university.  Again, sure, maybe some schools have someone dreamy in mind, and if this is the case, the dreamy one is invited straight to campus, or even given the opportunity to give a talk which serves more as a public introduction to the campus community, since the vetting has been done at other levels and registers.  So for most people, applying for jobs requires costs that the serious candidate will need to pay, just as one choses certain schools, fellowships and publications to pay for, and/or engage with, in one way or another. The thing is, if one feels as though they are wasting their time solidifying their application materials, ie. CV, Letter, recs, evals, etc. then this is probably the case.  Because the person that gets to MLA, the final rounds, or the job, inside or outside, has usully put together a strong application by whatever standards; and in fact, with this, the person who receives the offer, is usually offered more appointments than the one he or she eventually selects. The job market, in the end, is an opportunity to share one's work, and to hopefully, show why one should be teaching at this or that university, and the first requirement is to meet the applications demands to the best or one's abilities, required and beyond. I have been involved in a number of searches that actually filled more than the intended position, sometimes including or not including the current visitor, because the materials and interviews of the outside candidate helped to reveal what was possible beyond the initial description and need of the advertised position.  I say, just keep working at deepening and honing those job materials, and be seriously prepared to set aside the required time and money to keep in the application mix, because one never knows what is possible as one continues to develop through the process of the job search.
  • "I don't think some folks above understand the depth and nature of a search, which isn't about simply gathering the least materials possible to fill the query, or to make it easy on anyone, especially for those who wish to get into the very secure door of a tenure-track position."  Not sure what you're basing this on. 'For most searches--during the initial screening phase--search committees make first cuts off CVs and cover letters alone; many only check CVs. I don't blame them. Anyway, they absolutely do not read through hundreds of glowing letters of rec or study undergrad transcripts just to create the shortlist. In fact, the transcripts of final candidates are often a mere HR requirement, not for committee members to analyze that B in Shakespeare's Comedies, which has nothing to do with whether or not someone can succeed on the t-t. So it is a waste of time and money to send those materials when they're rarely looked at during the initial screening phase. Your wisdom is well-intended, but it is possible to heed its overall message while still criticizing needless and wasteful elements of the process that could be improved. For instance, fewer departments require candidates to shell out thousands of dollars to attend a conference just to interview for a shortlist spot when that process can be accomplished over the phone or Skype. Again, nothing wrong with taking a hard look at the process without becoming embittered. 
  • The search process, on all sides, is often a long one that does not begin with a simple list of requirements, ie. CV, letters, and often prize winning books, etc. Sure, some places only look for CV's and letters, others ask for more, including transcripts, MLA visits, etc.  Applying can be very costly.  It is also very time consuming,   Skype or no skype, in the end, the process is the process, but my point here is that the applicant is not in the position to determine what the institutuon needs and ultimately decides to request.  Who knows what is read, or not read, considered or not by the varying and vast sorts of committees, and people on them?  Who knows what is imagined or envisioned beyond the materials publicly requested?  The search process is multilayered and is not meant to haze or punish the applicant.  Oh wait, maybe it is?  So be prepared.  Being competitive, and to advance from one stage of candidacy to the next -- and hopefully to join the faculy that is trying to get to know you -- is to make certain that your application is strong and complete from start to finish.  Sure, there are people with various pedigrees, skill sets, identities, etc. that committees have in mind, consciously and unconsciously, and sure, some schools like to ask for a ton of materials up front, others far less.  We all know that this varies. And yes, clearly, there is not uniformity in how applications are considered or read from institution to institution.  But to me, the hard looking (at least for the job applicant) is not in attempting to understand or to feel as though one can control what the institutions wants, but to present what is requested in the strongest way possible, which is very demanding and, yes, quite costly.
  • You are so doggedly interested in offering patronizing pep talks (who are you, what makes you special and why are you making so many assumptions about commenters?) that you continue to miss the point of this particular discussion, in addition to assuming that merely broaching the topic is compensating for weaknesses in other areas or an admission of bitterness. And, with all due respect, I know all of this other stuff you keep mentioning and don't need to be lectured. It is entirely possible for me to critique this one aspect of the system while understanding the bigger picture, despite what you may think. I also know that when faculty create the shortlist, they look for shortcuts and easy ways to weed down the pile (I'm not suggesting this is bad), and that it's not a revolutionary idea that schools only ask for CVs and letters initially. I've heard many a faculty member suggest the same, because the requirement is often an administrative one, one created by some admin drone, not an actual member of the SC. Yes, I know certain things are out of my control, yet I don't understand why you persist in conflating mere discussion of this issue with our supposed inability to focus on the bigger picture. I can promise you I don't spend every waking hour obsessing over whether or not schools require letters and undergrad transcripts in October, but that it doesn't hurt me or anyone else to consider the issue in a discussion forum. 
  • It's a flawed, inefficient, and needlessly expensive system. I don't understand how anyone could not agree with that assessment. The MLA should study the issue and recommend a wholesale revision of the process. The bromides I'm hearing about the complexity of the academic hiring process make me laugh. People all over the world get hired for incredibly complex and well-paid positions without all of this self-righteous fuss. I'm an academic. I'm tenured. But it's this kind of talk about how we're different and special as a profession that drives me nuts. The above poster's suggestion that committees seriously think about only requesting a cover letter and a CV for stage one of the search is a good one. It's a place to start. I think this should be the case whether or not the committee is predisposed to an inside candidtate. Doing so will save applicants--many of whom live adjunct job to adjunct job -- money and it will also save the commitee time. I understand that if the search is late or expedited, all the materials might need to be requested up front, but this isn't the case in the vast majority of hires. 
  • Sorry to be so peppy, but to a certain extent, I actually enjoyed the job search process, even when it was difficult and expensive. It taught me about my work, the market, finances, people, and in the end, it was, is an adventure. All I am saying, is that it is one channel for profesionalization, and one can't or won't change anything about the application process for any given application.  Maybe on the committee, one can help decide what's requested. Point taken, maybe all should ask for the CV and Letter, many do, in fact. Many don't. Many places are simple, and some more thoughtful. Sure there are vast ineficiencies, and the applications are not cheap, neither is the AA, BA, MFA, Phd, etc., the same for Book Prize submissions, travel to conferences, and even the writing life in any form, really, so I'm not certain why any of this is all that surprising, and that one might think that all of a sudden, the academic job market will get affordable and easy and drop the related hoops; in fact things get more and more difficult as the tenure track lines vanish into some expensive unknown, and so many are weeded out and/or blocked along the way. 
  • There are several false equivalencies here between the “writing life” and “academia.” Book prize submissions that accompany fees help understaffed and overworked small presses and typically fund an honorarium prize to the winner; those same presses support the work of emerging writers or writers who don’t appeal to major houses. AWP’s benefits are too numerous to list. I hope you’re not suggesting MLA is worthwhile for creative writers outside of the hotel suite interviews, because it’s not. No one believes that, even the search committee, because they only stay in town for the interviews. If you do, you’re alone. I could continue. Lumping all of these costs into one single category-stew and suggesting that a complaint against one or two is a complaint against the whole, or the expression of a naïve belief that writers are surprised to realize they need to invest in their careers, is disingenuous at best, especially when the other costs you cite are ones most serious writers consider worthwhile. I’m dumfounded at your insistence that we not discuss the nuances of some of these costs in a discussion thread, nor do I find it necessary to subtly shame writers for questioning elements of the process, which, by the way, is possible without those writers being anti-academic. 
  • Amen to that.  I'm just going to keep writing books; anyone who wants to learn something from me can buy one.  I spent all last year applying for jobs I'm super overqualified for in towns and cities I really didn't feel like relocating to.  Every time I was turned down I felt relief.  I'm a writer, not a teacher, Jim, and when I actually think about spending the next twenty-five years teaching creative writing, reading mediocre student work, advising students, sitting on committees, and maybe if I'm lucky enough to stick somewhere doing it all in some podunk town I'd never in a million years choose to move to -- well, it makes me want to puke.  You guys can do it.  I'm leaving the field to you.  I'm going to get a job at Trader Joe's.  I'd rather manage a supermarket, or just stock produce all day, than spend one more day involved with this half-witted, antithetical-to-creativity, crap.  
  • The single greatest expense is the need to attend two conferences. This is something AWP and MLA need to redress; one could argue that it's their job to. It puts writers in a uniquely ridiculous financial bind, one which no other MLA discipline has to endure. 
  • And: ditto what previous commenter said about "academia" and "the writing life." Academia is a career path desired and pursued by a tiny portion of writers.
  • I wrote that comment and would like to add that the concerns I raised are shared by folks across the disciplines, candidates and professors alike. This issue is certainly not limited to creative writers. The process is inefficient and elitist. What other professions require people to attend a conference to interview? To pay $100 to join an association just to register at the discounted rate, all while producing an oversupply of candidates, many of whom are severely underpaid as NTT faculty? Yeah, I’m currently saving my money for MLA Chicago, and yeah, I will soon be fitted for a new interview suit—yeah, I’ll do what I gotta do, but that doesn’t make it right.
  • One reason a job ad asks for more than a CV and cover letter is because of timing and because of the process of approval to interview and to (eventually) extend an offer that goes beyond a department to the larger HR and Provost's offices. As someone who has been on several SCs, it is not uncommon for a SC to take from the application deadline to early December to read all applications, then to meet at the end of the semester in mid-December to make decisions about who to interview at MLA. With MLA in early January, SCs face a race against the clock, after interviewing, to select candidates for campus visits, report back to the Dept. Chair if they are not part of the SC, and then for the Dept. Chair to approve and submit the request to HR and the Provost (or whatever bureaucratic channels an institution has) to bring those candidates to campus (ideally mid- or end of January, beginning of Feb.). At this point, the candidates-to-be-invited-to-campus go under review by people outside of the hiring department, and these larger offices usually require a complete application: transcripts, letters of recommendation, AA/EO surveys/forms, along with the CV, cover letter, writing samples. With the busyness and quick turnaround of the winter break, sometimes with campus offices closed between fall and spring semesters, and with this race against the clock to secure the top candidates for campus visits, you can understand why a complete application is necessary up front, so all ducks are lined up and so there aren't any delays with having to gather more materials from candidates at a hectic time of the year. As with job searches all around, the materials requested with the initial application have nothing to do with the candidates' best interest, but solely with the institution's.

5/6/13: Moved "DIVERSITY WATCH" list and discussion to Talk:CreativeWriting 2013.

Q. Why is it that schools don't announce their hires? There are multiple jobs that we know have been accepted, but no word as to whom took these jobs. In fact, every year there are jobs that are accepted and the only way to find out who got the job is by going through the faculty list the next year and finding who wasn't there the year before. 

  • A1: Schools almost always announce new hires somewhere. Why might schools not announce now? Well, the acceptance of the offer could be informal, meaning, negotiations are occurring and no contract has been signed. It's also not unheard of for candidates to continue interviewing after signing a contract and breaking the contract to take a better offer. Same reason why SCs wait a while to send out rejections--what if the person backs out at the last minute and you've already formally rejected your entire pool of candidates? "Dear Rejects, you're not going to believe this, but we are unrejecting you!" Most schools have nothing to gain by formally announcing new faculty in the Spring, and most SCs are doing the best job they can and it's easier to understand these issues if you imagine yourself in their shoes for a second. 

The comments below about a lack of diversity seem to have been immature.  Of the 19 poets hired so far under poetry TT jobs, there are at least 6 minorities, and perhaps more; at least one gay poet and probably more. These numbers would approximate the general population, and it's quite posssible that the proportion will grow further as the last positions are announced, particularly as highly qualified minority candidates are, in fact, often some of the most sought after applicants, and therefore migh have multiple job offers they are negotiating between.  I want to caution everyone against interpreting a universally difficult academic and creative writing job market in terms of being at a particular disadvantage.  Many job searches are, in fact, actively looking for minorities, although certainly there can be subconscious forces working against such conscious efforts at affirmative action.  I suppose it will be interesting to see what the final tally is, but I suspect it will be relatively in line with the general population.  I am saddened that from a few early results people leap to such damning conclusions.

  • ---Would we be having this same conversation about (conventional) gender hiring? Perhaps the presence of VIDA has quieted the vitriol about the clear issues of the lack of women in these positions; however, we're somehow still getting these outrageous comments suggesting that we need to not look at the lack of persons of color in these positions. Take a look around you: the great majority of faculty who teach creative writing are white, and that's a huge problem that needs to be addressed. I agree that we need to hire faculty of color whose primary job is to teach creative writing, not to only be invited in when they're needed to teach African American Lit or Latino Lit or Asian American Lit or Native American Lit; just creative writing.
  • --- No, the comments about the lack of diversity are in no way immature or premature, which might be what the poster meant to say, I hope.  The said terms "minority" and "gay" are as antiquated as the above wishful and naive observations that reel through the comment above.  The notion that universities are "looking for minorities" is rather, well, quite hopeful, and the vision of "minorities," "highly qualified," or otherwise, juggling multiple offers, is a fantasy that harkens back to the age old lie that minorities have the upper hand in this or any other job market situation in the U.S. via the damning vehicle of Affirmative Action.  I think many of us mature minded folks here still think that AA is and should be in place because of the historical, systematic, and policed exclusion of colored people and women from jobs, institutions in this country.  So stop with the silly tallies and the fear biting racism implicit in the fantasy of banking on ignorance and blaming the unconsious.  Hampshire College was the only search explicit in looking for someone with an expertise (CW with a speciality in AF AM Literary Arts) and I do know that at least 3 of the finalists were African American!  Go Hampshire!  Funny this job is not on this WIKI list -- I don't think.  Who got what? Look. Deal with the Damning Conclusion. Or maybe all of the other searches were unconsiously geared for a "minority" candidate to reflect the "general popuation," O.K. Uh, No.  I for one hope there is a boon of colored folks that fill in the remaining spots and that these folks' work and their practice is not to make poetry or fiction made to fill a spot on anyone's white radar, but to genuinely fulfill and reflect the need to bring in multiple perspectives and attention to difference, and to challenge the sameness of the largely white departments -- creative writing included --  and the state of the larger instututions that promulgates and helps to engender such tired thinking that believes that hiring  6 "minorities" or 60 "minorities" might even begin to make a difference in our field and beyond at this particular moment.
  • No, not premature or immature -- I am so happy that people on this board actually spoke up passionately about the obvious disparity in the numbers! I am also hopeful that we simply might be able to celebrate the fact that finally some folks and maybe even more, from various underepresented facets of our community, all of whom are obviously way talented and well feathered beyond the beyond, are or will be in da house!  

[moved from above, 4/2]: Q: Can we keep a count on how many "inside hires" were actually hired? It might be instructional for this particular crowd.

  • Then we should also keep track of how many "inside candidates" were passed over, because that happens as often, if not more often, as the inside candidate being hired. I know many inside candidates who have been humiliated as VAPS...having to walk around the rest of the academic year knowing everyone in the building knows they weren't hired. Imagine that. Just a thought for the conspiracy theorists who think the game is always rigged.
  • I have had friends in this position. Just eyeballing the list, i think it's more common than not that the VAP does NOT get the job.
  • Why is it a humiliation? Being hired as a VAP is not a promise that you'll be hired for a tenure-track job, if one happens to come up. Sure, it's disappointing, but any decent job gets 150 or more applications - only someone with a very inflated ego would think they were the favorite, just because they got hired as a visitor, or that any of their (temporary) colleagues would be laughing behind their backs when they didn't get hired permanently. People really have better things to do than worry about what does or doesn't happen to the VAP.
  • Sorry for the confusion--I didn't mean to imply that a VAP should feel entitled to the t-t job, but for most, it can be a rather humiliating experience/awkward work environment. I don't see what's unreasonable about pointing this out. It's much easier to be the rejectee who doesn't have to see the committee at work every day, if ever again, don't you think? And plenty of VAPs have actually been treated poorly at work after getting rejected, mainly because the search committee doesn't know how to handle the awkwardness either and they end up avoiding the VAP and cutting off communication entirely. Happens all the time.
  • I have also known VAPs who feel incredibly awkward/embarassed for the duration of the contract but it wasn't about them: as much as "people really have better things to do than worry about what does or doesn't happen to the VAP" I've also seen faculty who don't know how to be relaxed or the same around VAPs after the search committee has passed them over. I saw this happen with two VAPs at my institution this year in two different departments. All of a sudden their fellow faculty stop emailing as much, or emails start coming through the department admin (or other signs of increasing formality), they start avoiding the VAP in the hallway, etc. In other words - it's not like the VAPs I know are walking around wailing "I was OWED this job!" or that their colleagues are "laughing behind their backs," it's that some faculty start churning out awkward sauce to the VAP the rest of the year. I can only speculate on why this behavior manifests ("survivor's guilt," passive aggressiveness, or just plain boorishness) but I've definitely seen it.

[previous Q. removed by author: complaints about nepotism in searches and workload of a 4/4 TT job]

A: As someone who tentatively went on the market this year and will be returning during my final funded year next year, I would be more than happy in a 4/4 teaching comp, lit, and cw.  So if you're dissatisified, I will gladly take your job.
A: U mad?
A: Devil's advocacy: a huge portion of jobs in any field are landed via connections. Such is life. Hopefully MFA & PhD students are told this, in which case they have choices: cultivate said connections; forego doing so & hope for the best; choose a different field. I'm not saying any of this is fair and good, but keep in mind that fairness is in the eye of the beholder. Example: assuming those inside candidates care less about writing or teaching than those not hired is an untenable assumption. I've never been an inside cand., but I've seem many hired, and the various rationals I've witnessed are way less than malevolent: i.e., If we don't hire this spouse, our esteemed writer is going to leave; this department is a miserable place, and I desperately want someone I know and like as a colleague; I'm friends with this person precisely because I believe in their writing, want to see it advanced in the world, and believe our students would benefit from their excellence. (And: most applicants won't, like you, get stuck tenured teaching 4/4; most will end up adjuncting 4/4 for 20k a year and living in poverty, or will simply decide to do something different.) 

Q. Is there a special circumstance (spousal hire or some other category) that led to the writer with hardly any publishing credits and the MFA from E. Washington to get the tenure-track job at New Mexico -- a big-deal job to be sure? Just curious, knowing how many writers with significant credentials aren't getting interviews.

A: From what I understand, she had a close relationship with the outgoing director of Screbendi. Also, the application requested a publication portfolio, so it would seem they valued graphic arts, editorial, and managerial skills and experience over publication credentials.
A: Also maybe probably she was a great teacher who everyone loved?
A: Also the position was within an Honors College and the job description preferred experience with that and an understanding of that mission. My background isn't in CW, but my experience in student affairs/higher ed has shown me that Honors College at state public schools have a deep commitment to close student interaction and development and want people amongst their faculty who demonstrate that (frequently even above and beyond credentials that signify a focus on individual development/publishing). Honors College faculty are encouraged to work with undergraduate students from across campus and who love doing that. So candidates who might seem solely CW, or who express interest or possess experience in working with only CW students (and first year comp or tech students outside of an honors college) probably didn't have as relevant credentials to the search committee, no matter how significant they are in their own right.
A: I know two individuals whose publication records are so impressive they would knock you down breathless but who can't get hired to teach at a university -- anymore. The reason? Because people have hired them in the past, and word gets out.
  • Q: To above poster: I am truly not trying to deliberately misunderstand, but canyou please explain what you mean... People have hired them in the past and wordgets out? About what? Are you talking about applicants with spouses in the biz? Are you talking about applicants who have turned down job offers? I would love to understand. Thanks!
  • A: There does sadly exist the phenomenon of the person who is an unbelievably talented writer while simultaneously an unbelievably bad teacher / colleague. And voices travel.

Q. Why are t-t people leaving Alabama?

  • -Just conjecture, but Peter is going back home, to where he did his MFA. As for Dave? Better fit maybe?
  • - It's Tuscaloosa. Dave's partner had a hard time finding a job, and no doubt they'll feel more at home in SF.

Q.  Anyone else willing to share? Poets? Anyone, anyone?

  • -I spent some time at Alabama (not as a t-t), and my sense was that a lot of the faculty in the department there were wanting to be elsewhere.  Not because of the U itself, but because Tuscaloosa is smallish and in the deep south.  So more a location thing.  Me, I think I could be happy in Tuscaloosa.  And to add more to this--my sense, too, is that U is quite supportive of the creative writing program.  So mainly location for these folks.  Though there could be other things I wasn't privy to.
  • -I've had many undergrads who won't apply there b/c of location, no matter how good the program's reputation is (or used to be). And if one were raising kids, I imagine it would seem even less desirable.  It seems to be a stepping stone to better gigs.

Noting a non-diverse tally: Of eighteen job earners listed so far, 9 white men, 7 white women, 1 Asian woman, 1 Latino man. 

  • -- I note that at least 8 of the white male hires are either 1st generation college grads or otherwise working class identified. This is another diversity marker but one that is too often sneered at. I hope that opportunity is increasingly available to all qualified candidates, although for now a very small percentage of qualified candidates are getting jobs at all. It is a little sad to read these complaints and see how the system's stinginess is causing us to turn upon one another. In truth, we who chase this high risk dream have more in common than manyof us hve in common with our families of origin.
  • --The Chronicle's last survey (2010, I think) indicated that 90% of tenured faculty are white, and 75% are male. Class diversity is important, but this doesn't negate wanting the academy to enter the 21st century 
  • --I wonder whether that's a fair statement. We do not know each hire's ethnic background (unless you are just going by names and what the person looks like), and doesn't diversity mean more than just skin color? Shouldn't we factor in economic background, sexual orientation, religion, physical abilities, whether one is a first-generation college student, etc. before we label the hires as non-diverse?
  • Quick research suggest the white mostly male hires do not identify with any of the listed diversity qualifiers in their writing or elsewhere. Also notable is the avoidance of hiring people with multiple books.
  • --Um...many of the jobs listed are entry level/asst. prof and not appealing to someone with "multiple books."
  • --"Not appealing" on what basis?  Pride?  I have five books and I've been looking for a full-time job at any rank for six years.  Two books ago, in other words.  
  • --There are obviously many variables at play here. I was responding to the general notion that the market isn't interested in writers with "multiple books," a point that is way too general to apply to the diversity of jobs here at a variety of instiutions that serve varying needs. For instance, do you have a PhD that qualifies you to teach literature at a SLAC in addition to CW? The PhDer with one or no book can teach intro to CW and lit courses. Several of the jobs posted here fall under that category. And...if the writer with multiple books already has a TT and Associate rank, why would he or she apply to Asst. Prof jobs? In short, there's really no evidence that there is a "notable avoidance of hiring people with multiple books." 
  • -How can you tell this from "quick research"? How do you know the economic background, for example, of these people? Do I have to write poems or stories that are directly autobiographical for my own diversity to "matter"? While I do agree that there should certainly be more people who are not white on the above list (definitely!) I think expecting peoples' writing to be dependent on their identity (or vice versa) is extremely alarming. Maybe the quick researcher is trying to land a weekly column somewhere. To me, the most notable thing is how many hires have PhDs. Well over half. This is becoming a requirement...
  • --It's important to note the racial and ethnic make-up of faculty in any department. If white men are still being hired in higher numbers than others, this has to noted and addressed. Diversity, of course, doesn't just mean race, nor does it only mean economics, diversity also means distinct styles and influences, what the person will bring to the table, in terms of offering something new to the department. That said, creative writing programs are overwhelmingly led by white faculty, which is a problem, as it does not reflect the reality of the writers in the U.S.
  • --Well said, it doesn't take more than quick research to note how deeply whitewashed the academy is, and will continue to be unless some of these departments and positions embrace the need to diversify in terms of race and ethnicity.  I'm thrilled that at least two of these positions have gone to two poets of color, Lee and Jackson, who are very interesting poets and are associated with organizations, Kundiman and Cave Canem, respectively, that help to challenge the well worn wheel  of whiteness in the poetry world and its various departments & institutions. And speaking of diversity and distinct styles, I'm curious about how many of these folks above hold PhD's that required the formal critical disseration, and how many wrote a collection of creative work with a critical introduction, or some other hybrid form as PhD thesis.  This does make a difference, especially given the sorts of departments, MFA, Literature Progrms, or those MFA in Lit. departments, where people end up teaching.  Maybe it would help to say from where, at least, they received the PhD?
  • --Not sure it makes much of a difference. Even though the diss is creative, PhD CW programs still require CWers to take and pass comp exams, which qualifies them as literature generalists. If they're hired to teach CW, they don't need a second primary area and the comp exams are more than enough to qualify them as lit generalists. 
  • -Most of the PhD programs named above are creative writing PhD programs (UIC, Missouri, FSU, Utah) which means their doctoral candidates have passed qualifying exams (like a lit PhD) but then have written a creative dissertation (perhaps with a critifictional or ars poetica component, but that is up to the individual), not a critical one. That's the main difference between a lit PhD and a PhD in creative writing. It's possible someone up there was a tradtional lit PhD student at one of those CW PhD schools, but unlikely.  Is the MFA, soon, a thing of the past?  Is the PhD in Creative Writing an amplified MFA?  I do know writing the critical dissertation, proper, is arguably very different from passing the Comps or any Qualifying exams, or writing and defending any critical introduction, and/or CW manuscript, but point taken about these exams and the process offering some strong generalist (and specialist) training. I think it matters, though, because the PhD in literature or other area allows one to teach at a particular level in a specific field, and many related (or not so related) ones because of the skill set that writing and defening a critical dissertation provides.  I'm curious about places like SUNY Buffalo, CUNY Grad Center, UC Santa Cruz, Berkeley, Others? that offer the PhD in Literature and/or Poetics (or some similar emphasis) and how these critical PhD folks enter the job market and the field in general.  I wonder if people feel as if they need a PhD in Creative Writing to get a CW job, just as folks felt (or feel) like they need the MFA for the same.  I'm also curious if this motivation is different than someone who wants to get a PhD to teach in a given field, a field that includes Creative Writing if this seems possible.   
  • There are no academic jobs and getting a Ph.D. will make you into a horrible person: A jeremiad. - Slate Magazine
  • Unless claiming otherwise, someone with a PhD in CW is considered a specialist in contemporary lit (either fiction, poetry or nonfiction) since that is what one is or should be producing. In my opinion and experience, the PhD is not like an MFA. It is far more rigorous, theory and lit-crit focused, and heavy on professionalization. But I'm sure mileage will vary from MFA to MFA and PhD to PhD.
  • --To echo the commenter above: the PhD in CW is more rigorous than the MFA. 4-5 years compared to 2-3. More lit classes (in addition to lit classes previously taken at the MA/MFA level). Comp exams. Creative dissertations that typically involve a critical component, either a critical preface or an oral defense that requires the writer to discuss his/her creative work alongside relevant theory, criticism, and literary-historical topics. I never meant to compare the rigor of passing comp exams to the rigor of writing a research-based critical diss, more than I meant to point out that the passing of comp exams--for anyone--is a professional qualification to be considered a generalist in academia. It's considered the gold standard, minimum qualifaction for someone to teach lit surveys, which is why ABDs are sometimes hired before they finish their dissertations because, at the very least, they're qualified to teach undergrad literature. Yes, a CWer with a PhD in literature would be an attractive candidate to some schools, but can you imagine how stretched for time this person might be, assuming he or she prefers CWing over lit schloarship? So, instead of using the diss to write a novel, story collection, or poetry collection, the writer would spend all that time writing a diss on Milton (or whoever), and less time on creative publications. The CW in PhD is effective because it professionalizes the writer more than the MFA and qualifies him or her as a generalist while still allowing time for creating publishable work within his/her genre. 
  • --Bottom lines: 1. The CW PhD is reassuring to lit folks who've never quite bought/been suspicious of/looked down on the MFA; & 2. With hundreds of poets applying for a position, it's natural that minimum qualifications keep rising; it's a buyer's market. In the interest of fair advertising, professors in both programs need to stress that the vast majority of people with *either* degree will never, ever land a t-t job; my worry is that while most MFA programs get this, and increasingly stress it as an art degree that will enrich your writing life, the PhD programs haven't yet caught up to reality, which begs the question: What's the point of a PhD if one doesn't go on to teach, or if one will adjunct for 20k a year, which one could do with an MFA? To a certain extent, a PhD is a pyramid scheme; it exists to perpetuate itself.
  • --To the commenter above: how do you reach the conclusion that PhD programs "haven't caught up to this reality" when there are a) fewer such programs to begin with and b) most of them only accept an extremely small number per genre? At many places, it's something like 1-2 per genre. Most of the PhD programs I'm familiar with are more upfront about the academic job market than MFA programs, especially when the entire point of earning a PhD is to land a tt job eventually. Keep making wild assumptions though. I always find it funny when MFAers use many of the same lame paranoid arguments against PhD programs that were used against MFA programs 15-20 years ago. And, not all CW jobs are the same--the PhD simply covers all of one's bases because more schools offer CW today than ever before, meaning, CWers need to be more versatile in today's market because some out-of-the-way rural liberal arts college that wants to offer CW can't afford to hire someone just to teach CW. Spin it all you want, but someone with a two-year studio MFA isn't qualified--professionally speaking--to teach literature courses to English majors on a consistent basis. However, reputable publications and an MFA are still good for a tt job at an MFA (or MA) program, where the person is only expected to teach CW and one's publications improve the status of the program. Notice that MFAers with good pubs are still landing jobs at a similar rate as they have in the past at schools with MFA programs. People need to spend more time considering institution type and the needs of that respective institution's student population. Too many people on the Wiki lump all jobs together and ignore the vast differences between a CW job in the MFA program at Memphis and a CW job at Monmouth College. 
  • Simple math: fewer programs + fewer grads still equals far more candidates than jobs, especially if one factors in type of job, as you mentioned, and other factors (inside hires, MFA or Ph.D preference, specific sub-specialties, demographic needs) and realizes that for a poet there will be c. 30 jobs listed, but far fewer actually appropriate to any given vita; add to this the fact that there will likely be more CW Ph.D programs as time goes on, and multiply the number of degree-holders over a decade or so, and the odds of getting a t-t job are quite small. My comment was not a criticism of either degree; I was merely pointing out what anyone embarking on either degree should be aware of; and I would argue that this awareness is more crucial for the Ph.D, b/c while the vast majority of MFA students I've taught have no interest in an academic career, those who've gone on to doctoral work do so precisely b/c they're hoping for just that. Will they be qualified for such? Absolutely. Will they all, or even most of them, land t-t jobs? Mathematically impossible. 
  • And that "simple math" would apply to most fields, other than, perhaps, the field of Garbage Collecting. I get your point though--seems like part of life. 
  • You could argue this about a PhD in pretty much any humanities field, unfortunately. It's a huge problem in academia now (and has been) and people should go in with eyes wide open. If you're thinking of getting a CW PhD, check which programs have the highest number of graduates at t-t jobs. Even going to the top program is no guarantee--you've got to work while you're there too: produce and publish as much as you can. And even then...
  • --My MFA in the States, while giving lip service to critical work, was focused almost entirely on the creative work; it gave me the time I needed to develop as a poet. The critical and creative PhD in the UK requires a full-length creative collection as well as a roughly 50,000 word critical component. It is a completely different beast. When I entered the PhD program, I’d already written two books of poetry. During the next three years, I spent about 2/3 of the time on the critical work. It was necessary as that was where my weakness was. The dissertation had to be defended before a mixed panel of academics. In my case, one was strictly a poet and the other was solely a literary critic. The dissertation and my defense had to satisfy both. I am certain this experience has made me a better teacher and a better writer. I’ve got a few books of poetry published now, and those books have been well reviewed, but I still don’t have that TT job.
  • --Interesting to me how multiple hires (Zach Savich, Kyle Minor, & Kevin Gonzalez) have two MFAs. KG's are in different genres, poetry & fiction. ZS's seem to both be in poetry, and no idea about KM.
    • A: KM's both in fiction.
  • --Creative Writing programs are also overwhelmingly led by those on the political left.  I'm guessing diversity doesn't extend to those on the political right, right?
  • --I'm not sure how many faculty members are the left right moderate conservative etc, and I'm not sure how the above poster knows this, either. Personally, I don't think that creative writing programs are necessarily run by persons who are politically left: if they were, they'd be doing more to radically change the out/look of those they hire. It's unacceptable for us to be in 2013 and looking at the statistics listed above; as well, if creative writing programs are run by the political left, why are there still an inordinate amount of cw programs that they have not one person of color on faculty, or only one or two? & yes, before you come back and try to make an argument about politics not having anything to do with race, I'll preempt you and say politics has everything to do with race and avoiding frank discussions about race only reifies the issues with cw programs being dominated by Caucasians.
  • C: The other interesting thing is how many fiction hires thus far don't have a book, as though they fit into the lit model wherein one's hireable with a few articles (stories) published. Whereas in the past few years, you can count on one hand the number of poets hired without at least a book under contract, and often with several under their belts. Twice as many jobs and lower standards: O genre disparity. 
  • -I object to this comment about "lower standards" for anyplace hiring creative writers without a book. This discounts an entire range of academic activites, such as academic publishing, conference presentations, innovative teaching, active research, etc. in addition to having a stable of publications from respected journals. Some departments obviously value candidates who are active in a wide range of scholarly pursuits--and rightly so.
  • D: Poets have more opportunities to publish books than fiction writers--this isn't exactly a secret. And poets have always, on average, published books at a younger age than fiction writers. Poets also write 60-80 page books. Not saying it's easier to write poetry--please don't misunderstand me--but it makes sense why the poets would tend to have more books than the fiction writers. 

Q.  It is premature to draw conclusions from a list that is less than half filled, isn't it?

  • Half filled.... or half empty?

Q. For those who had interviews this year (especially fiction writers), what are some of the KEY QUESTIONS one should prepare to answer in the initial Skype interview phase of a search? Is there a good resource out there for job searches and interviews specifically in our field? Pretty please with sugar on top.

A. Here are ten questions I was provided before a Skype interview last year. While these were specific to a small liberal arts college, they're representative of the kinds of questions I've been asked at interviews (5 over last 2 years) 1. To start with creative writing, tell us something about your creative work. 2. Describe your approaches to teaching lower division creative writing classes. Upper division creative writing classes. 3. In what ways might you reach out to the communities on campus and beyond? 4. What kind of student mentoring do you enjoy or look forward to? 5. In addition to creative writing, we need lower and upper division courses taught in literature. Do you see yourself offering one of the literature courses we currently offer—or do you have another course that you would like to offer to enhance our program? 6. How would you approach teaching a course like our first-year seminar? 7. Talk about a success you have had in a classroom. 8. Talk about something that didn’t work and how you handled it. 9. From what you know about us, what appeals to you or resonates with you? 10. What would you like to know about us?

Q. When listing who got jobs as **teachers** (profs) of creative writing, why are the only two things listed (i.e., the only things people seem concerned with and/or are discussing): 1. degrees and 2. books? What about years of experience teaching creative writing (and/or literature)?!  I see people who landed jobs on this list who have almost no teaching experience and others with 10+ years experience. This seems like it would be and should be and probably is a very important factor in hiring higher education educators, and its elision in this discussion seems very problematic and troublesome.

A. Yes, it's troubling indeed. There are also those candidates who earn certificates in rhetoric/composition and professional writing, as well as those who have backgrounds in theater or journalism that make them more appealing to programs trying to fill specific holes in their course offerings. It's not always just about literary publications and a book/no book dichotomy.

Q: Anybody have any idea who, if anyone, was hired for the jobs at the University of Chicago, the University of Virginia, and Johns Hopkins (all fiction)??

A: This topic has been addressed numerous times on previous years' wikis; see HERE for relevant links to interview questions.

FICTION: Full-Time / Tenure-Track Positions[]

Adelphi University (NY) - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction - POSITION FILLED[]

The Adelphi University English Department seeks a tenure-track assistant professor of creative writing with a primary emphasis and strong publication potential in fiction and a secondary interest in creative non-fiction. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate courses in literature and creative writing. Eighteen-credit teaching load with advising duties. Adelphi’s two-track undergraduate English major offers concentrations in literature or creative writing; the MFA program offers students the opportunity to work in poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction and dramatic writing. The successful candidate will have a commitment to teaching excellence and a willingness to participate in MFA program administration. Apply online at with a cover letter and CV in PDF form. Three letters of recommendation should be sent by a portfolio service or directly by the letter writers to Jane Fisher, Human Resources, Levermore 203, Adelphi University, Garden City, NY 11530. Deadline November 1.

MLA JIL 10/05/12

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/19 (2)

Rejection (no interview): Nice enough rejection recieved today via email. 1/17

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/16, video conference interview

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: according to "Who Got What" at top of page.


Get a load of this materials request:

Please send us one copy each of:

  • all your published books,
  • a sample (one or two pieces each) of your published Fiction and Creative Nonfiction not collected in a volume,
  • a sample (one or two pieces each) of work-in-progress and,
  • a teaching portfolio including syllabi of courses you have taught or wish to teach, reports of formal observations,
  • student evaluation surveys and any other items you feel will be useful to us in evaluating your teaching.

Anyone else think it's unreasonable to be asking for work in progress?

yes. but what to do about it?

Actually, I think it's a very good idea. Many writers will testify to the fact that your best work is often the hardest to publish. I wish more universities requested work in progress, just like they do for research jobs. Well if that's how one wants to define "best".... And what to do about it? Suggest politely that you feel published work is sufficient to judge your teaching and research abilties and if they can your application for that reason relax that you avoided a job at department with which you might not be compatible.

Everybody has unpublished work, no? That's the easiest thing to send to the committee. Why "suggest politely" that you don't want to do it?

American University of Beirut - Open Rank, Creative Writing-Fiction[]

The Department of English at the American University of Beirut is seeking to fill a position, open rank, in Creative Writing – Fiction. Candidates with an interest in the cultural context of the Middle East and the multilingual situation of Lebanon are especially encouraged to apply. The teaching load is 3/2 in creative writing and literature. Positions begin September 1, 2013. Applicants must have a PhD upon appointment. Appointments are for an initial period of four years with opportunities for renewal and advancement. To apply, send a cover letter, CV, writing sample, sample syllabus and three letters of reference to:

Patrick McGreevy
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
American University of Beirut
c/o 3 Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, 8th Floor
New York, NY 10017-2303


Patrick McGreevy
Dean, Faculty of Arts and Sciences
American University of Beirut
P.O. Box 11-0236
Riad El-Solh
Beirut 1107 2020 Lebanon

Electronic submissions are highly encouraged and may be sent to

Review begins December 1, 2012 with interviews at MLA.

The American University of Beirut, founded in 1866, is the preeminent liberal arts university in the Middle East, serving a diverse, multilingual student body.

For more information on this position, please visit

MLA JIL 10/18/12


Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Baylor University (TX) - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Creative Writing, tenure‑track assistant professor to begin Fall 2013. The Department of English seeks a dynamic creative writer to teach both undergraduate and graduate courses. Primary expertise should be in fiction writing, the novel and/or short story. The candidate should be a published creative writer as well as a gifted teacher, with the terminal degree in hand at the start of the appointment. This position offers both a competitive salary and generous benefits.

Applications will be reviewed beginning 1 October 2012 and will be accepted until the position is filled. To ensure full consideration for MLA interviews, applications should be completed by 1 November 2012. A letter of application, a c.v., transcripts, and three letters of recommendation should be sent to Dr. Dianna Vitanza; Chair, Department of English; One Bear Place #97404; Baylor University; Waco, Texas 76798‑7404. After an initial review of applications, a portfolio of writing samples will be requested of applicants being considered for MLA interviews.

Baylor, the world’s largest Baptist university, holds a Carnegie classification as a “high‑research” institution. Baylor’s mission is to educate men and women for worldwide leadership and service by integrating academic excellence and Christian commitment within a caring community. Baylor is actively recruiting new faculty with a strong commitment to the classroom and an equally strong commitment to discovering new knowledge as Baylor aspires to become a top tier research university while reaffirming and deepening its distinctive Christian mission as described in Pro Futuris(
 Baylor is a Baptist university affiliated with the Baptist General Convention of Texas. As an AA/EEO employer, Baylor encourages minorities, women, veterans, & persons with disabilities to apply.

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 10/14

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA interview scheduled (12/5)x3

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/29

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 2/25

Offer accepted: 2/26


Does anyone know the environment at Baylor well enough to comment on the level of discomfort a non-Christian faculty member might experience? The ad indicates that the Christian mission is taken seriously. Does that mean you would have to be visibly Christian, or would a Jew/Muslim/Budist/atheist/whatever who didn't advertize their views be perfectly welcome?

I'm tenured on the English faculty at Baylor and on the search committee this year.  We're just back from Boston where we met some terrific candidates.  Baylor has gradually moved away from a "Baptists-first" policy and become much more ecumenical (thankfully), but you normally have to be a Christian with active church involvement to be hired (we have also recently hired a Jewish faculty member in our department).  I hope this information helps.

Belmont University (TN) - TT Assistant Professor (Creative Writing-Fiction) - INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

The Department of English at Belmont University is seeking applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor (Creative Writing) beginning August 2013.

Job responsibilities include teaching courses in first-year writing, third-year writing, and courses in creative writing (fiction) in the undergraduate major and in the graduate program. Additional responsibilities include academic advising, student mentoring, scholarly activity, and college and university service.). Preference will be given to a candidate who holds a Ph.D. in English with a specialty in Composition/Rhetoric or Creative Writing and who has demonstrated excellence teaching composition and creative writing. As all Belmont undergraduates complete an innovative general education program with significant interdisciplinary components, Belmont University is particularly seeking applicants who can demonstrate the interest and ability to work collaboratively in course design and to teach interdisciplinary and topical courses in this program. For additional information about the position and to complete the online application, candidates are directed to An electronic version of a Cover Letter, Curriculum Vitae, and List of References with contact information must be attached in order to complete the online application.

The university seeks a person of Christian faith and commitment to the mission of the university. During the application process, applicants will be asked to respond to Belmont's mission, vision, and values statements, articulating how the candidate's knowledge, experience, and beliefs have prepared him/her to contribute to a Christian community of learning and service and give a brief statement of teaching philosophy.

Belmont seeks to attract an active, culturally and academically diverse faculty of the highest caliber skilled in the scholarship of teaching, discovery, application, and integration. Belmont is among the fastest growing universities in the nation. Ranked No. 7 in the Regional Universities South category and named for the fourth consecutive year as one of the top "Up-and-Comer" universities by U.S. News & World Report, Belmont University consists of approximately 6,700 students who come from every state and 25 countries. Committed to being a leader among teaching universities, Belmont brings together the best of liberal arts and professional education in a Christian community of learning and service. The university's purpose is to help students explore their passions and develop their talents to meet the world's needs. With more than 75 areas of study, 20 master's programs and four doctoral degrees, there is no limit to the ways Belmont University can expand an individual's horizon. A comprehensive, coeducational university located in Nashville, Tennessee, Belmont is a student-centered Christian university focusing on academic excellence. Belmont University is an equal opportunity employer committed to fostering a diverse learning community of committed Christians from all racial and ethnic backgrounds. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The selected candidate for this position will be required to complete a background check satisfactory to the University.

Deadline: open until filled (posted 11/1/12)

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/5, 12/13

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 3/13

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Berry College (GA) - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction + Web Publishing - OFFER ACCEPTED []

The Department of English, Rhetoric, and Writing at Berry College invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor in Fiction beginning August 2013. Experience teaching first-year composition and significant experience with web and new media publishing is required. This faculty member will shoulder the primary responsibility for offering introductory and advanced workshops in fiction. In addition, this faculty member will offer one of the two courses in professional writing in our writing track—Writing for Online Environments—as well as 3 sections of composition per year. PhD or MFA required. Send application letter, curriculum vitae, and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. Sandy Meek, Department of English, Rhetoric, and Writing, Berry College, P. O. Box 490350, Mt. Berry, GA, 30149-0350. E-mail inquiries: Review of applications will begin November 1, 2012 and continue until the position is filled. For more information on our program, please visit our website at:


Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received: Nov. 5

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):  11/27 (Skype)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 2/14/13


  • Does this read to others as 3/3 or 3/4?

Binghamton University (SUNY) - TT Assistant Professor of Fiction Writing - INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

The English Department at Binghamton University (SUNY), a Division I Research Institution with a thriving creative writing program that sponsors the literary journal Harpur Palate, the Milt Kessler Poetry Prize, the John Gardner Fiction Prize, and the graduate student national writing conference Writing by Degrees, invites applications for a tenure-line assistant professor in fiction writing. The course load is 2/2, and the successful applicant will teach undergraduate and graduate fiction writing, and Studies for Writers courses in craft and literature, in a department that offers a BA in Creative Writing, and a MA and a PhD in English with a Creative Writing emphasis. Therefore, a strong background in critical academic work within English or related disciplines will be an advantage. MFA or PhD required. Ability and desire to work with graduate students on PhD exams, MA theses, and direct creative dissertations as well as serve on dissertation committees is necessary. We especially welcome candidates who place a premium on collegiality and whose work is grounded in the literary art of historically under-represented groups. Substantial publications in fiction are needed (at least one full-length book from a nationally recognized trade, university, or literary press and publications in well-known literary journals), along with relevant teaching experience at the university level.

Send application materials, marked "Search A," by Nov. 15 to Professor Robert Micklus, Chair, Department of English, Binghamton University, PO Box 6000, Binghamton. NY 13902-6000. Application files should include a cover letter outlining your scholarly interests and your expertise, background, and experience in teaching creative writing/fiction; a CV; and a dossier including at least three reference letters.

MLA JIL 09/28/12

Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 2 (11/24, email)

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 1 (12/6, email)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


California State University, San Bernardino - TT Assistant Professor in Creative Writing-Fiction - OFFER ACCEPTED []

-- [note: no interview is mentioned below]   [Later: this note and the one below were about campus interviews, which (it seems) were incorrectly posted in the heading] [1/31: see update below in NOTES indicating that campus interviews have actually been scheduled.]

-- [re: note - I heard it through the grapevine, which is slippery, I suppose. Feel free to alter the heading if your sources are better than mine.]

The English department seeks a fiction writer to fill a tenure-track Assistant Professor position that begins September 2013. Terminal degree (M.F.A. or Ph.D) in creative writing is required. Candidates must have a strong record of publication and professional accomplishment. Primary teaching responsibilities will be creative writing fiction courses in our undergraduate and graduate programs, as well as M.F.A. project supervision. We particularly welcome candidates with a secondary specialization in an area including but not limited to African American literature, Asian American literature, and screenwriting.

Candidates should submit a C.V. and a letter of application that includes a statement of teaching philosophy and strategies, as well as professional accomplishments and goals. Candidates should also submit names, telephone numbers, and email addresses of three references, as well as a copy of most recent transcripts. All application materials should be submitted to Sunny Hyon, Chair, English Department, CSUSB, 5000 University Parkway, San Bernardino, CA. 92407. Deadline: Materials must be received by November 16, 2012. Interviews will take place at the MLA Convention in January 2013. Hiring for this position is dependent on budgetary approval.

Contact: Sunny Hyon, Chair, English Department

Deadline: Nov. 16

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

  • 11/19 - Received a request through the mail for writing sample, philosophy, and recs. Not sure if they're asking everyone for this. 11/24: in the post, as with previous poster; language of letter does suggest all applicants are getting this request, not a second round

Rejection (no interview):

MLA interview scheduled: [posted 12/8] x4  

Rejection (after MLA interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


"The teaching load for full time lecturers is 11 courses (four WTU each), unless reduced by specific instructionally related assignments."

Correction: The above note is incorrect. This is a tenure-track position not a "full-time lecturer" position. The correct teaching load is 3 classes per quarter with opportunities for release time through journal editorships, etc.

  • Re: additional materials: Any sense out there whether, in fact, all applicants will get this request?  

Does anyone know when CSUSB plans on holding campus visit interviews? They didn't tell me at the interview and I'm not sure if I can write to ask.

Haven't heard anything, no, but you can write to ask and should

  • They gave me a rough date of 1.20 for notification, but they emphasized "rough."

I asked right after the interview and they told me they didn't know yet when they were going to do the campus interviews because they were still doing the preliminary interviews (and this was after MLA was over). Perhaps someone who has not contacted the committee yet could write and ask since we have a bit of confusion? 

  • I called the assistant and he said the campus interviews haven't been scheduled yet. [posted 1/29]
  • I appreciate the above post.  Thanks for sharing.
  • I emailed the search chair and she responded on 1/28 indicating that campus interviews have indeed been scheduled. [posted 1/31/13]

Since the offer has been accepted, does anyone know by whom it was accepted?

Coastal Carolina University - TT Assistant Professor of English (Fiction Writing) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at Coastal Carolina University invites applications for a tenure-track position in fiction at the Assistant Professor level. Our growing department seeks an experienced instructor with a fiction writing background to teach graduate-level classes in the M.A. in Writing program, undergraduate fiction workshops, introductory creative writing, and first-year composition. The new hire will also have the opportunity to work on Waccamaw, the department's award-winning literary journal.

Competitive candidates will have a Ph.D. or M.F.A. in creative writing, as well as training and teaching experience in creative writing, literature, and first-year composition. The successful candidate will have significant publications in literary journals and/or at least one published book. Preference will be given to candidates with a published novel and/or experience teaching long-form fiction writing. Additional specialties desired include: literary editing and publishing, a secondary genre (screenwriting, poetry, or creative nonfiction), and women's and gender studies.

Coastal Carolina University, a public liberal arts institution located just nine miles from the Atlantic coast resort of Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, enrolls more than 9,000 students from 48 states and 39 nations. The University is accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award the baccalaureate and master's degrees.

Candidates should submit electronically a letter of application (outlining interest in the position, qualifications, and approach to teaching) and a current CV at To ensure full consideration, application materials must be received by November 15, 2012.

Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: "20 pages long form fic w/ 1 page synopsis) 12/17 (weird, since it's after the phone int) x2

Rejection (no interview): 12/8 (e-mail)

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):  12/05 (phone) x4

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:  1/18

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 2/18

Offer accepted: 2/28 Email this morning: "I wanted to let you know that the Assistant Professor of English (Fiction Writing) position at Coastal has been filled."


Anyone hear anything yet? I think they were contacting references last week. Just curious.

One of my references was contacted either last week or before that. Haven't heard anything, though.

Offer Made:  Would you be willing to say when you visited?  I had a campus visit too, and I'm a bit surprised to hear that they made an offer so soon.

A: I posted the offer on behalf of a friend, though I believe it came soon after the visit.

College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University (MN) - TT Assistant Professor - Fiction - SKYPE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

The Department of English at the College of Saint Benedict and Saint John's University, invites applications for an Assistant Professor, tenure-track position to begin August, 2013. Specialization in fiction; MFA required; Ph.D. preferred. The 3/3 teaching load includes upper-division and lower-division literature and writing courses in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction. A commitment to undergraduate teaching, advising, and service is essential. Additional expertise in a major literary field, new media (including screenwriting), emerging forms, community writing projects, and/or linguistics is desirable.

The College of Saint Benedict, a liberal arts college for women and Saint John's University, a liberal arts college for men, are located four miles apart in Central Minnesota just outside metropolitan St. Cloud and 70 miles from Minneapolis. Both are Catholic colleges in the Benedictine tradition, which emphasize quality teaching and a commitment to intercultural learning. For further information, see .

APPLICATION PROCESS: Applications are accepted on line at Applicants will complete a faculty application form and attach a cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching philosophy, evidence of teaching effectiveness and an unofficial transcript, (official transcript required for on campus interview).

You will also be required to submit at minimum 3 letters of reference. On the reference screen, you will be asked to list 3 names and email address. If you use a placement service, you will need to contact them to request the email address to list. The system will then automatically send an email to your letter writer or placement service requesting a letter of reference for you.

Inside Higher Ed


Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/14

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


St. John's/Ben's has contacted references

DePauw University - TT Assistant Professor of English (Fiction Writing) -  CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

English Department. DePauw University. Fiction Writing. Tenure-track position in Fiction Writing beginning August 2013. M.F.A. required; strong record of publication preferred; rank and salary commensurate with experience.

Teaching includes advanced fiction writing, introductory creative writing, contemporary literature for majors, writing-intensive seminar for first-year students, and other writing-intensive courses for majors and non-majors. Candidates should show evidence or promise of teaching excellence and commitment to undergraduate teaching in a liberal arts setting.

For information about Department, visit Pre-tenure leave and funding available for professional/curriculum development (

Submit application letter and curriculum vitae to Harry Brown, Chair, English Department, Asbury Hall, DePauw University, Greencastle, IN 46135.

Application review begins October 29 and continues until filled.

DePauw is an Equal Employment Opportunity Employer. Women and members of underrepresented groups are encouraged to apply.

Deadline: Oct 29

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/5 (6), 11/5, 11/12 (2)

Rejection (no interview):

MLA interview scheduled: 12/12 - (MLA Interview) (2)

Rejection (after MLA interview):

Campus interview scheduled: [see NOTES]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Email says they have made their selections for "semifinalists" / "shortlist"

Q: Has anybody who interviewed with DePauw at MLA heard from them since? They said early to mid-February for campus interview scheduling, but it seems really quiet.

A: Nope. Nothing yet for me either...

A: Same nothing here.  They did tell me they'd decide on campus interviews at the end of Jan. 

A: I wrote to the chair. Campus interviews are underway. [posted 2/17]

Georgia College and State University - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

Job Summary/Basic Function: Teaching (4/4 or equivalent), creative writing/scholarship, service

Knowledge/Skills and Abilities: Ability to facilitate learning for undergraduate and graduate students in liberal arts context; knowledge and skill to create writing for publication and production; skill in identifying, critiquing, and editing such work; ability to work collaboratively with department and community. In keeping with the university's liberal arts mission, we will require the successful candidate to help further our goal of inclusive excellence and the promotion of cultural, racial, ethnic, and gender diversity.

Minimum Qualifications: MFA in creative writing; Experience in teaching at the college level; Permission to work in the United States

We seek a writer who has published at least one book of literary fiction and has additional publications in at least one other genre.

Preferred Qualifications: PhD in writing/creative writing; Evidence of success in teaching creative writing to both graduate and undergraduate students in a liberal arts environment; Successful experience with one or more of the following: journal editing, script writing, play production, teaching the pedagogy of writing/creative writing, and/or supervising programs for writing in schools

Special Instructions: Other document is a statement of teaching philosophy. Cover letter must establish fit between advertised position and candidate's credentials, and this must be confirmed by resume/vita. Send book or equivalent publication to Creative Writing Search Chair, Georgia College CBX 044, 231 West Hancock St, Milledgeville, GA 31061-0490. Successful candidate will be asked to have official transcripts sent directly to Department Chair and to give permission for a background check.

Deadline: 12/7/12 (priority date)

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA (12/14) via email X2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/18/2013

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction Writing - POSITION FILLED[]

The Department of English in the IU School of Liberal Arts on the Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) campus seeks a tenure-track assistant professor in fiction writing, to begin August 2013. PhD or MFA, strong record of publication in the genre, and evidence of successful teaching are required. Additional desirable credentials: publication in and ability to teach a second narrative genre and/or experience teaching literary editing or publishing. For faculty with an active research agenda, the teaching load is five courses a year. Cover letter, three letters of recommendation, CV, and a fiction sample of no more than 15 to 20 pages should be submitted by November 20, 2012, to Prof. Karen Kovacik, Creative Writing Search, 425 University Blvd., CA 502L, Indianapolis, IN 46202. Please email the same materials to Prof. Kovacik at Additional information about the position and department can be found at IUPUI is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Institution M/F/D and is strongly committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty. Individuals who require a reasonable accommodation in order to participate in the application process must notify Professor Karen Kovacik, IUPUI Department of English, 425 University Blvd., CA 502L, Indianapolis, IN 46202, phone: (317) 274-9831 a reasonable time in advance.

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: Nov. 20

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 12/11 (x2) 12/18

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):  12/07 (Skype) x 2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 12/19 by phone

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: according to "Who Got What," at top of page.


Anyone hear anything since the Skype interviews?

No, and I thought they were deciding on campus visits this week. 

I haven't heard anything either. They also told me they were planning to decide this week.

Still no word? Anyone out there know something and care to put down this miserable dog?

A. Campus interviews have been scheduled. 

Iowa State University - Associate Professor of Creative Writing (Fiction - Environment and Writing) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

We seek a nationally distinguished fiction writer to teach undergraduate English courses as well as graduate courses in the MFA Program in Creative Writing and Environment. A unique three-year interdisciplinary writing program, the MFA in Creative Writing and Environment provides faculty with opportunities for cross-disciplinary collaboration and innovations in curriculum development through the environmental lens of the program. Minimum requirements for the position include an MFA or PhD, two books from eminent publishers/presses, demonstrated ability to publish and teach in a second genre, and evidence of accomplishment in teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level. Preference will be given to applicants who have a demonstrated interest in environmental thought and action; demonstrated knowledge of place-based, environmental writing and/or writing about the natural world; experience serving on graduate-level thesis committees; and a demonstrated commitment to the teaching of undergraduate creative writing courses, participating in MFA programs, and departmental service. Position begins August 2013. Initial teaching load 2/2.

Please apply for this position through the Iowa State University website at by clicking on “Apply for this Vacancy” (#130091) and completing the Employment Application. Please be prepared to enter or attach the following materials for consideration: letter of application, curriculum vitae, 1-page teaching philosophy, short (20-30 pages) sample of creative work, and list of four references including email and phone number. Application deadline is March 17, 2013. Direct letters of application to Dr. Barbara Ching, Department of English Chair. AA/EO Employer. Women and members of historically underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

MLA JIL 2/15/13

Deadline: March 17

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled: 4/4/13

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 4/12/13

Rejection (after campus interview): 5/15/13

Offer made: An offer has apparently been made and accepted.

Offer accepted:


Q: is this the search that got canceled? did it get un-canceled?

A: seems to have been uncanceled and readvertised with a more firmly fiction-oriented focus [2/17]

Johns Hopkins University - TT Asst. Professor, Dept. of Writing Seminars (Fiction) - AWP INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

We are seeking to fill two positions, one in poetry, one in fiction, both at the assistant-professor level. Interested applicants should have at least one book of poetry or fiction published, and another near completion. Teaching responsibilities (two courses per semester) will include undergraduate and--eventually--graduate courses. Ability and experience in the teaching of writing and literature are requisite to the job. The Writing Seminars, one of the oldest graduate programs in creative writing, offers a two-year Master of Fine Arts degree in poetry and fiction, as well as an undergraduate major. Our program leans toward the aesthetic and intellectual rather than genre and popular—ends of the literary spectrum. Please submit cover letter and CV electronically via Interfolio.


Poetry: Please send book to: Amy Lynwander, The Writing Seminars, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Gilman 81, Baltimore, MD 21218


Deadline: Oct. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 12/28, 1/9

Preliminary interview scheduled: 2/4/13, via email [AWP]

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Why the radio silence? Anyone heard anything from them?

Not a peep. 

Nevermind- just got my rejection letter and copy of my book back.

Your book back? You hardly ever see that any more. Sorry to hear. I'll be waiting for mine.

Any more word on this out there? Have all of you gotten your books back? (I'd like mine returned, if they're not going to get in touch.)

A: I've not received a rejection, nor have I had my book returned. 

A: I haven't heard anything either, a/o 1/9.

A: Me either. Do we know if they interviewed at MLA? Maybe they're doing AWP. Has anyone called and asked?

A: I got my books back.

1/11 -- I just talked to a friend who's also applying to this position. She emailed the admin coordinator who said the department is close to a short list.

Q: Are rejections arriving via snail mail or email?

Q: So now what? Heard anything? It's been 13 days since the 1/11 comment above. Any clues?

A: I am at least one person who emailed the admin coord and have heard nothing since the 1/11 response. I've yet to receive a rejection, but I'm disinclined to email again...

Committee members are meeting this week to discuss the short list.

I confess this has been painful to watch. Like water dropping on foreheads.  I wonder why they had an Oct. deadline, or why they didn't just say in the ad they were interviewing at AWP, if that's what's happening.

Q: Yesterday was the last day of the week. News?

A: Nothing. Not even a rejection. 

A: AWP interview scheduled, according to post above [2/5]

Q: Would people getting interviews be willing to say what their book # status is?

A: Two books, but I don't think that was a prerequisite.

Knox College - TT Assistant Professor of English - Fiction[]

The Department of English at Knox College invites applications for two tenure-track positions in creative writing: fiction. A willingness to teach in at least one other genre is essential. Evidence of teaching excellence on the college level and potential for significant publication are expected. The successful candidate will have experience in and demonstrated commitment to teaching writing, as well as mentoring students in a residential, liberal arts college environment. This position involves teaching a 2/2/2 load including introductory, intermediate and advanced writing and literature courses.

General Information: Deadline Date: March 31, 2013 Date Posted: March 1, 2013 Type: Full-time Positions Available: 2

Job Categories: Academic Tenure Track

Qualifications: Required Degree: MFA Preferred Degree: MFA

About the Organization: Knox College is home to one of the most highly regarded undergraduate programs in creative writing in the country. Located in historic Galesburg, Illinois, Knox enrolls approximately 1400 students from 48 states and 51 countries. Applicants can learn more about the college at and more about its programs in English Literature and Creative Writing at

Genres: Fiction

For More Information: URL: Email: Phone: 3093417910

How to Apply: Please forward letter of application, vita, statement of teaching philosophy, unofficial transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to: Nicholas Regiacorte, Chair, Department of English, Knox College by e-mail to: Review of applications materials will begin on March 30, and continue until the position is filled. Short-listed candidates will be invited for Skype interviews. All candidates will be notified of the outcome of the search when it is concluded.

Application must be received by March 31, 2013

AA/EOE Statement: In keeping with its 176-year commitment to access and diversity, Knox particularly welcomes applications from women and members of other underrepresented groups.

Deadline: March 31

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): Rejection

Preliminary interview scheduled:

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 5/17


--Anyone with the scoop on this one? Knox is a great school, but this is just odd. Two tenure-track jobs in the same late March? And the ad makes it seems like decisions will be made after Skype interviews. 

-- Does anybody know why the moved from preferred degree as Ph.D. in the original call to MFA. Are they no longer considering Ph.D.s? If so, why? A: Probably because the VAP they just hired has an MFA and not a PhD and it was an inside job the whole way.  Both hires were internal.  

-- Apparently they have filled both TT lines already. [posted 5/2]

--How do you know? If you don't mind me asking.

--Something's not right here. They had two t-t lines to fill w/ a deadline of 3/31 and, a month past the deadline, both slots have been filled. I wonder if they even had campus visits? The ad is confusing and makes it seem like Skype=campus visit.

The ad on the Knox website states, "All candidates will be notified of the outcome of the search when it is concluded." At this point (5/3), I have not been notified.

I haven't been notified either. This is very suspicious. Seems like they already had their minds made up. The listing also disappeared off of the AWP website as fast as it appeared. Seems like there is no way around schools hiring in this way.

Yeah, you could say it's suspicious that they've already a) conducted first-round interviews; b) hosted enough candidates on campus to fill two slots (need a bigger pool of finalists to receive two acceptances); and c) successfully negotiated with two candidates in a mere month since the application deadline. I'm sorry, but that doesn't pass the smell test. Also, it's annoying when inside jobs like this ask for letters and transcripts.There's an Interfolio mailing down the drain.  

---Does anybody know what is going on with this job?  This wikia is fluctuatiing between saying the jobs are filled and that they are still open.  I am genuinely interested in this position. I guess this is what happens when anybody can edit...

--Looks like this was an inside job the whole way, at least for one of the spots. Chad Simpson landed one of the t-t gigs. I didn't realize he was a VAP, because his bio on Knox's website doesn't use the visiting label. More importantly, though, there needs to be some law that prohibits colleges and universities from requiring LORs and transcripts upfront. How many candidates wasted Interfolio money on this job that was posted as a mere formality? That's actually my biggest beef with inside jobs: the money I waste sending materials that, at the very least, should only be required from shortlisted candidates. 

--Chad Simpson, Cyn Kitchen.  Both there 5+ years. 

--Bush League to advertise this position nationally (happy for the candidates--not their fault). Remind me to never apply for a position at Knox again.

--Unfortunately I was unfriended by a "friend" at Knox for applying for this position (Cyn Kitchen) the day Knox received my materials. The search materials were obviously going to the already-selected hires. Everything abvout this search is unethical. I suppose that since Knox is a private college that this is legal? 

Loyola University Maryland - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction Writing / Screenwriting - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Assistant Professor of Writing (Screenwriting and Fiction)

The Department of Writing at Loyola University Maryland seeks a tenure-track assistant writing professor with a terminal degree in English or related field to teach six classes per year that will include our core composition course and advanced undergraduate courses in Screenwriting and Fiction writing. Service to the department and university is also expected.

Required qualifications: Terminal degree in hand by August 15, 2013. Record of effective college-level teaching of writing, including introductory composition; graduate course work in writing pedagogy; ability and willingness to teach the first-year core writing course; ability to teach upper-level screenwriting and fiction writing courses; record of national publications, presentations and/or screenings that demonstrates promise in screenwriting and/or fiction; commitment to Loyola's Jesuit educational mission, including the first-year living-learning program.

Desired qualifications: Doctoral degree; successful experience teaching upper-level fiction and screenwriting courses; ability to teach other advanced courses offered by the department; experience with interdisciplinary teaching/collaboration; demonstrated ability to use technology to enhance writing instruction; interest or experience in departmental administration.

Application deadline: November 1, 2012. Electronic submission of a preliminary application is required of all applicants, . For more information, contact Peggy O'Neill, Chair of the Writing Department, at

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/5 (Phone)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/14 (For early Feb.)

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 3/20


Northern Michigan University - TT Asst. in Creative Writing: Fiction - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at Northern Michigan University invites applications for a tenure-track position in creative writing: fiction. MFA or PhD required. Expectations include publications, successful teaching experience at the college level, the ability to teach undergraduate and graduate fiction workshops, and undergraduate composition and/or literature courses. A commitment to professional/scholarly/creative engagement and service is important. Additional requirements include the ability to communicate effectively verbally and in writing, ability to assess outcomes, knowledge of principles and methods for course development and instruction for individuals and groups, ability to work effectively with others in productive ways, and the ability to manage one-own time and that of others. The ideal candidate will have a strong secondary emphasis in screenwriting and/or playwriting. Other responsibilities include the direction of MA and MFA theses. Competitive salary, excellent benefits, congenial department.

To apply for this position, please submit the NMU faculty profile, cover letter, curriculum vita, transcripts, and the names, addresses, and telephone numbers of three references to . This position will be posted until November 15, 2012.

Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 12/10 (x4)

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/10 (x2)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:

  • [NOTE of Acceptance posted 4/1]


Is Matt Bell leaving already?

A: No. This is a different line.

Northwestern University - Tenure-line Assistant or Associate Professor in Fiction Writing - OFFER MADE AND ACCEPTED[]

The English Department of Northwestern University invites applications for a tenure-line assistant or early associate professor in fiction writing, to teach undergraduate creative writing and literature courses and graduate fiction writing in a curriculum with a strong reading and analytic component. MFA or PhD required. Ability to teach poetry, creative nonfiction, or cross-genre courses helpful. We especially welcome candidates whose work and thought engage a wide aesthetic range, formal or generic innovation, and/or the literary art of historically under-represented groups.

Substantial publications needed (at least one full-length book or the equivalent). Cover letter should be specific about your scholarly interests and your expertise, background, or training in teaching both creative writing and literature and should include the names and contact info for three referees, one of whom can speak about your teaching. Application includes a cover letter, CV, and a fiction sample of 15 to 20 pages (no books or complete MSS at this time) and should be submitted online at by November 1, 2012.

LINK to Application Instructions

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/28

Rejection (no interview): 2/7

MLA interview scheduled: 12/12x1

Rejection (after MLA interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/12/13 x 1

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 3/4/13

Offer accepted: 3/4/13


Q: Has Northwestern already contacted your references?

A: I used the Interfolio specific email addresses for letters of reference. The letters were requested the same day as my electronic application.

Q: Word around Chicago is that Northwestern is only interested in applicants with a Ph.D., and that they discarded applications by writers with only an M.F.A.

Pacific University (OR) - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction-Writing and 20th c. Lit. - CAMPUS INTERVIEW HELD[]

Assistant Professor of English. Pacific University (Oregon) invites applications for tenure-track assistant professor in Fiction Writing and Twentieth Century Literature beginning August 2013. Our department offers undergraduate majors in literature and creative writing and publishes the literary review Silk Road. Ph.D. required in Creative Writing or Literature with fiction publications, or MFA degree in Creative Writing with published book of fiction. Preference for applicants publishing scholarship on Twentieth Century literature, editing a literary magazine, and working in a second genre (creative nonfiction or poetry). Candidates with research in literatures of Pacific Rim encouraged to apply. Required: at least one year of experience teaching undergraduate literature and fiction writing. Teaching load: five courses annually including composition, first-year seminar, and senior capstone supervision. Hire will assist with our Editing and Publishing minor and program development in creative writing. Salary competitive. Pacific University is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.

Application review begins Nov. 10, 2012. Preliminary interviews held at MLA in Boston. Submit a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, teaching statement and three letters of reference to English Search Committee ( We accept only electronic submissions, PDF preferred.

Deadline: review begins November 10, 2012

Acknowledgment received: 1,11/8

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): Email rejection 12/7 (x6); They have identified semi-finalists and I am not one of them. 

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA): 12/6 (x3)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/23

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 

Offer accepted:

  • Note was posted and erased about offer accepted, 3/4. Can anyone confirm?


I'm a bit confused since the notations at the very top of the wiki earlier today (1/24) made me think three campus interviews had been scheduled. Now those notations are gone and there's nothing more here to show three postings. I'm assuming there were indeed three separate campus interviews posted by candidates but any clarification gratefully received. 

  • Any word on campus interviews??????

Also posted at 20-21 c. American 2013

Rice University (TX) - Associate Professor of Creative Writing, Fiction - POSITION FILLED[]

Associate Professor with expertise in the writing of fiction. Opportunity to design and teach creative writing and literature courses to a select undergraduate student body. Responsibilities include: two courses per semester, two semesters per year, research/scholarship and university service. M.F.A. or PhD. and strong record of publication required, as well as demonstrated ability and interest in administering and coordinating offerings in Creative Writing. Send letter, c.v., dossier, and writing sample (max. 25 pages) by November 1, 2012 to Professor Susan Wood, Fiction Search Committee Chair, English Department, MS-30, Rice University, 6100 Main St., Houston, TX 77005. Rice University is an AA/EO employer, women and members of underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

MLA JIL 09/20/12

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: email 11/20/12, 11/30

Rejection (no interview): 2/20 via email

MLA interview scheduled:12/10

Rejection (after MLA interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [see NOTES]


Made final 8 at MLA but no flyback. Good folks, though.

"The Fiction Search Committee thanks you for your application. However, the position has now been filled." (ie OFFER MADE and ACCEPTED?) [posted 2/26]

Rochester Institute of Technology - TT Assistant Professor (Fiction) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The English Department seeks a fiction writer for a tenure-track position in creative writing. Qualifications: Ph.D. in English or MFA in Creative Writing at time of appointment, experience of college teaching, a strong research agenda, and publication record. The candidate will specialize in either genre fiction (particularly science fiction and fantasy) or literary fiction that addresses the conventions of genre. In line with R.I.T.’s commitment to the digital humanities, the department’s ideal candidate will have engaged with electronic and cross-media literatures.

Teaching assignments include creative writing courses, as well as general education offerings, with opportunities to develop courses in areas of specialization. The teaching load for new faculty is 2/3 and includes the possibility of working with students on the undergraduate print and online publication, Signatures.

Apply online at Search: 150BR. Please submit your cover letter addressing the listed qualifications, including a 1-page statement of teaching philosophy; a vita; a writing sample, a ‘contribution to diversity’ statement; and the names, addresses and phone numbers for three references.

You can contact the search committee with questions on the position at: Dr. John Roche, Chair, Search Committee, Department of English, Rochester Institute of Technology, Bldg. 6, Rm. 2016, 92 Lomb Memorial Drive, Rochester, NY 14623-5604, (585) 475-4922, or

We are seeking an individual who has the ability and interest in contributing to RIT’s core values, honor code, and diversity commitment. RIT promotes and values diversity, pluralism and inclusion in the work place. RIT provides equal opportunity to all qualified individuals and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, creed, age, marital status, gender, religion, sexual orientations, gender identity, gender expression, national origin, veteran status or disability in its hiring, admissions, educational programs and activities.

MLA JIL 09/27/12

Deadline: November 9, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA 12/15 (x4)

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 1/14 (e-mail) x 2 (guy was really nice, and said they interviewed 18 candidates at MLA)

Campus interview scheduled: 1/9, 1/11

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 2/18

Offer accepted: 2/19


Anybody know what a "contribution to diversity statement" might be?

A:Contribution to Diversity Statement: A guide for RIT candidates

--Is anyone else having trouble with the website? When I click on "search openings" or "create a new account," it takes me to a blank page.

Q: those of you who receieved interviews, may I ask, are you writers of genre fiction?

A: Yes, but not exclusively. (1) Not at all. (2)

A: Yes, the majority of my fiction has appeared in genre publications. (1)

Rocky Mountain College - Asst. Professor, Creative Writing (Fiction) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Rocky Mountain College in Billings, Montana invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor of English with a specialization in Creative Writing (Fiction). The successful candidate will teach four three-credit courses per semester, including college writing, and beginning and advanced creative writing courses; will help build a quickly developing creative writing program; and will participate in the activities and service of the department and Rocky Mountain College. Terminal degree in creative writing and a record of publications and of successful teaching are required.
Rocky Mountain College is a private, comprehensive, baccalaureate college located in Billings, Montana, where the Northern Plains meet the Rocky Mountains, offering limitless recreational and cultural opportunities. Information about Rocky Mountain College is available at Billings is a growing community of about 125,000 people that serves as the center of culture, commerce and health care for a multi-state region.

To apply, submit a letter of interest, curriculum vita, and writing sample (less than twenty pages), and a Rocky Mountain College application (go to and click on faculty & staff then employment opportunities) via email at or mail to: Human Resources, Rocky Mountain College, 1511 Poly Drive, Billings, MT 59102. Applications will be accepted until November 15, 2012. AA/EOE

Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/21 x 2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 01/15

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 02/06

Offer accepted: 02/11


I had a telephone interview with this college last week. Their questions seemed unserious. Maybe the committee was between gears. Anyone have a similar experience?

My experience was different only because they sound like they want quite a bit out of whomever they hire. 4/4 load with advising and committee work and they want you to re-design the undergraduate creative writing major. Sounds like they want a one person army.

Roosevelt University (Chicago, IL) - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction Writer/Creative Writing Program Director - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Roosevelt University invites applications for a tenure-track, assistant professor position, to begin Fall 2013, from experienced fiction writers to direct our thriving creative writing program uniquely focused on the novel with specializations in narrative and the lyric essay. We seek strong leadership and vision for our MFA program, which draws students from across the nation, and for our growing undergraduate creative writing concentration.

Candidates should have at least one book of fiction from a major or midlist press; additional publications in creative non-fiction are highly desirable. Our program also oversees publication of Oyez Review; thus experience with literary magazine production is also a plus, though not required. 

The successful candidate, in addition to supervising MFA theses and teaching workshops and literature courses at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, will be responsible for student recruitment, vetting and overseeing graduate assistantships, selection and invitation of writers in residence, course scheduling, and coordinating our well-respected reading series, for which the standard teaching load of six semester courses per year is reduced. 

Roosevelt University was founded in 1945 on the principle that higher education should be available to all academically qualified students. Today, Roosevelt is the fourth most ethnically diverse college in the Midwest (U.S. News and World Report, 2013) and a national leader in preparing students to assume meaningful, purposeful roles in the global community.

Applicants must submit all materials—letter, cv, and dossier—addressed to Larry Howe, Chair of the Department of Literature and Languages, on the university website at the following url: Deadline for applications is November 9.

MLA JIL 10/12/12

Deadline: Nov. 9

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/16 x 6

Rejection (no interview): 12/14 (e-mail)

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA Interview 12/16 x 2

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 1/17

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:

  • Notice of acceptance posted in Feb.


BE WARNED!!! This is an awful job. They expect you to teach a 3/3 on TWO different campuses (one downtown and one in Schaumburg, which is an hour train ride and sometimes a two hour drive, depending on the time of day), AND direct their MFA program. Totally unrealistic. If you don't believe me, look at the turn over. This job literally comes up every two years because no one stays in it. If you get an offer, I'd demand at least a 2/2, and only at the downtown campus. They are blatantly taking advantage of the horrible job market. Don't let desperation make you miserable. Shame on you, Roosevelt "University"!

It's not a 3/3 because there is a one course release for director. Further, unless things have drastically changed, the director will not teach at the other campus. 

I'm not sure of the protocol here, but I am sure that the facts in the  first comment about the Roosevelt job are incorrect. I teach at Roosevelt, and I was the Director of Creative Writing for six years. We no longer have creative writing classes at Schaumburg, so the position is on the downtown campus only. There is a course release that accompanies the job. The charitable interpretation of the first comment is that the author's information  is very much out of date.

Janet Wondra

This job posting speaks for itself. The third paragraph proves how miserable of a job it will be. No, I am not the original poster, but I did apply for this job two years ago, which interviewed in L.A., and four years ago (maybe five) when it interviewed in Chicago. And so, that's three job listings in six/seven years. Seems the original poster might know more than you're leading us to think. Food for thought. 

The job posting two years ago was an assistant professor, not the director.  The program has had one director for 6 years, another for the last 4.  An interim this year. 

2/6/13: The original comment above ("Be Warned!!") is inappropriate for this section of the Wiki. I'm glad Dr. Wondra stepped in to clarify, but no member of the search committee should ever have to defend their university or program. She has been charitable, as she says—but I'll be less so. The commenter jumped to conclusions and does no one any good by freaking out publicly. Be Warned, you must live in Chicago, and I bet you're a scorned applicant. Grow up.

Salisbury University (MD) - Asst. Professor, Creative Writing (Fiction) - POSITION FILLED[]

The Department of English at Salisbury University is accepting applications for the position of Assistant Professor of English

Area of Specialization: Creative Writing (Fiction)

Primary Job Duties: Teaching three four-credit courses per semester in beginning and advanced creative writing with an emphasis on fiction and in literature, rhetoric, or film; helping build the creative writing program; and participating in the activities and service of the department and the university. Utilizing effective teaching and classroom management strategies which enhance the success of diverse learners.

Minimum Qualifications: Terminal degree in creative writing required. Ph.D. degree desired. Record of successful teaching and of publications with national and/or international distribution.

Applications will be accepted via Salisbury University's Online Employment Application System. Please visit our website to apply online. See the FAQs of the Online Employment Application System for more information and instructions.

To be considered an applicant, you must apply online and submit the following: 1). A letter of application that should outline education history, teaching experience and interests (including possible secondary areas of specialization), publication record and current prospects in literary writing and any scholarly research activities and interests; 2). Curriculum Vitae. Additionally, please have three (3) blind letters of reference, provided directly from your professional references or by an Online Credential Service Provider sent directly to Clacie Hubbard at

If you have any questions about the position, please contact the search chair, Dr. John Wenke at All other documents that you wish to provide must be attached to your application in the Online Employment Application System. Please do not send any other documents via E-mail.

Candidates attending MLA Convention should indicate such in their letter of application. Furthermore, candidates should indicate in their letter of application for which position they are applying.

Applications submitted by November 1, 2012 will receive first consideration. The position will remain open until filled. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointment will be contingent upon verification of eligibility to work in the U.S. and is expected to begin August 2013.

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 3 (11/20--phone; 11/20--MLA (x2)), 12/28 (MLA)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: according to "Who Got What" at top of page.


  • From interview today. 150+ applications, 15 MLA/Phone interviews, plans on scheduling 3 for campus visit.
  • Q: It looks like the Poetry job has moved, but still no movement here. Has anybody who interview with them at MLA heard from them?
  • A: I heard through the grapevine that campus visits were scheduled for this one, but don't have details. 
  • A: I interviewed at MLA and had written this off as one where I didn't make the cut. It seems from looking at the jobs that there are several here that I know have interviewed but nobody has posted anything. I haven't heard anything specific on this one though.

San Francisco State University - TT Asst. Professor - Creative Writing, Fiction - PHONE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

The Department of Creative Writing at San Francisco State University seeks candidates for an approved tenure-track position in Creative Writing, fiction, at the level of Assistant Professor, to begin Fall 2013, subject to financial ability. Responsibilities include teaching in the B.A., M.A., and M.F.A. programs; supervising M.A. and M.F.A. theses; reading yearly applications to the graduate programs; contributing to curriculum development; and campus, community, and professional service. Normal teaching load is three courses per semester. Minimum qualifications: M.F.A. or equivalent with a strong commitment to university teaching; book publication; and experience teaching at the university level. Salary competitive, commensurate with qualifications. Information about the Creative Writing Department available at the following websites:, and To apply: Submit, in hardcopy, a letter of application, curriculum vitae, 3 letters of recommendation, a ten-page writing sample, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. Semi-finalists only will be asked to send copies of their books. Send to: Hiring Committee/ Creative Writing Department/ San Francisco State University/ 1600 Holloway Avenue/ San Francisco CA 94132. (415) 338-1891.

Deadline is December 14, 2012. SF State is an AA/EO employer.


Deadline: Dec. 14

Acknowledgment received: 12/21 (x2)

Request for additional materials: 12/27(x2), 2/1

Rejection (no interview): 2/12

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): phone interview scheduled 2/1

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Any news?

Skidmore College - TT Asst. in Fiction Writing - MLA INTERVIEWS REQUESTED[]

The Department of English at Skidmore College invites applications from actively publishing fiction writers to fill a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in fiction writing. Secondary interests welcome. The teaching load will alternate yearly between 3/2 and 2/2. Responsibilities include periodic participation in Skidmore's First Year Experience program. Ph.D., M.F.A, or equivalent; publications; and teaching experience required.

We encourage applications from under-represented groups as well as individuals who have experience with diverse populations; women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply.

To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by October 15, 2012. All applications will be acknowledged; interviews will be held at MLA convention, though we will consider alternatives.

To learn more about and apply for this position please visit us online at:


Deadline: Oct. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 9/22, 9/20, 9/27, 10/17, 10/18, 9/20

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA Interview requested (email 11/30x2)

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 2 (1/15)

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Q: Are the dates above from three different people? Or was further additional material requested after initial email from MS? I was asked to send a writing sample and recs on 9/20ish, but haven't heard anything since.

A: Looking over the page history, it appears the request dates were posted by 3 different people. It seems this school is requesting extra material on a rolling basis, as the deadline hasn't even officially passed yet (10/13).

--Thank you.

A(#2): I'm the 4th person to be asked for additional materials (on 10/18). Turned in application shortly before deadline.

Looks like all the first round picks have been made. A note from the head of the search on 10/31 to say that the committee will be reading through mid December, at which point the next round of cuts will be made.

Q: Anybody hear Nay from these guys?  I see they've evidently made their selection of MFA interviewees, which I would assume is the kiss of death for the rest of us.   Q: Anyone care to say how their Skype interviews went last month? My understanding is that in-person interviews are happening Friday and Saturday. 

Stephen F. Austin State University (TX) - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at Stephen F. Austin State University seeks applications for a tenure-track assistant professor of creative writing. The successful candidate must have an MFA or PhD by time of appointment, a record of substantial publications, and demonstrated teaching excellence. We are primarily looking for a fiction writer with a secondary interest in nonfiction. Experience teaching multicultural literature, technical writing, or courses involving digital technology is a plus. The successful candidate will teach a variety of courses, from freshman composition to advanced workshops, and must supervise creative BFA theses. The standard load is 4-4 with opportunities for research and service-related reductions.

SFA is a comprehensive university with an enrollment of more than 12,000 students, located in the East Texas Piney Woods. Candidates must apply via the SFASU online application system. Please submit letter of application and CV at: Send copies of transcripts, a 20-page creative prose sample, statement of teaching philosophy, and three current letters of recommendation directly to Dr. Mark Sanders, Chair, Department of English, Stephen F. Austin State University, PO Box 13007, SFA Station, Nacogdoches, TX 75962-3007.

Review of applications begins on October 26, 2012; position open until filled.

Deadline: Oct. 26

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [yes, see NOTES]


Does anyone know what is wrong with this place? They have had similar ads several years running, and I've never even received a confirmation from them in the past. Any knowledge?

I know two writers who turned down job offers there, both mainly because Nacogdoches is not a very pleasant place to live, and because that part of Texas can be grim. Add to this a high teaching load and not much in the way of compensation. I would not be surprised to learn that this school has, from time to time, been used by some writers as a low rung on a ladder.

Has there been any movement on this job?

An offer has been made and accepted. [posted 5/21]

SUNY Plattsburgh - TT Asst. Professor, Creative Writing-Fiction - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Assistant Professor, English: The Department of English at the State University of New York College at Plattsburgh invites applications for a full-time, tenure track position in Creative Writing, Fiction, to begin August 2013.

Responsibilities include: Teaching load includes core courses for writing majors; upper division fiction writing courses; general education literature courses; upper division literature courses. Commitment to university service is expected. Active involvement in developing the Writing Arts Major, mentoring student writers, working with Z-Platt, our student publication, and sharing editorial responsibilities of Saranac Review, our Department's literary journal.

Required Qualifications: M.F.A. and/or Ph.D. in creative writing; significant publication in fiction, preferably a collection of short stories or novel; evidence of potential for continued publication; record of successful college teaching in creative writing. Secondary teaching interests will be considered and should be included in the cover letter.

SUNY Plattsburgh is an equal opportunity employer, committed to excellence through diversity. Salary: $48,000 minimum, plus excellent benefits.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Application materials received by December 3, 2012 will be guaranteed full consideration. Please apply to and include cover letter, writing sample, resume/CV, statement of teaching philosophy and three current letters of reference. Official transcripts from an accredited institution will be required prior to employment.


Deadline: Dec. 3

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/11, phone x 2, 12/14, phone

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: schedule 1/6 for early Feb

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Q: Anyone who has already applied, how did you get your letters of rec to them? Mailed to department? E-mailed to chair?

A: There was a place to upload email addresses in the application, along with an explanation about how we know each referrer, etc. I used the address provided in Interfolio for each letter. Normally, this triggers a request from the institution almost immediately. I haven't seen such in Interfolio yet for this application, though. I didn't see another way to do it. 

A: I had the same problem. I emailed them a week ago to ask. I haven't received a reply.

A:This was discussed in comment threads last year, I think, but more and more cases like this are popping up, and it seems the concept of "confidential" letters of reference is becoming more and more theoretical.  Applicants basically need to have PDF copies of their recommenders' letters ready to upload for online apps where letters are required on the spot.  I was nervous about it at first, but it turned out that my recommenders were understanding.  They gave me copies of their letters, no problem.  Some job posters wish to maintain the illusion of confidentiality, and some don't.   

R: I've wondered about having copies of the letters on hand too. It would certainly save money on Interfolio costs! In this app, though, there was a place to include email addresses and not a place to upload a document for each reference. I don't know if they want to email recommenders directly or if the interfolio address (specific to each letter) is fine here. It seems to me the absolute worst case is having recommenders having to constantly upload letters to online apps. I would support a system of non-anonymous letters.

R: There were two spots for this info.  In the "references" section, you filled out the info for three references.  But then in the "applicant documents" section, you could download each of the three letters, if you had your own PDF copies.

R: I've never had to have PDF copies of my letters--I've always used Interfolio to email them. When have you had to have copies?

Texas Tech University - TT Asst./Assoc. in Fiction Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Texas Tech University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant or associate professor in fiction writing. Ph.D. or MFA required, with Ph.D. preferred. Distinguished publications required, preferably with at least one book of fiction. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate and graduate courses, provide service to the department, the college, and the university as necessary, and pursue creative activity or scholarship. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2012 and will continue until position is filled. Candidates apply online at , #87290, attaching a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and statement of teaching philosophy. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Direct inquiries to TTU is an Equal Opportunity /Affirmative Action Employer, and it encourages applications from minorities, women, and persons with disabilities.

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 2/14


With the MLA conference beginning tomorrow, I was wondering if anyone has heard about this job. Would such a large school actually skip the conference? 

  • No info. on this specific search, but for what it's worth, this school is doing Skype interviews for other English Dept. searches this year (see Romanticism/Victorian/19th 2013 for example). It seems reasonable to expect they might be doing Skype for this search as well. [1/2/13]
  • I'd think it's far more likely they'll interview at the AWP.
  • Incommunicado forever, now "offer accepted." Must be an internal or local hire.
  • Agreed - No doubt about it whatsoever.
  • You can't make that assumption. Not everyone is open to sharing interview dates here. I don't think I mind not having updates but the offer accepted when it is.
  • Not internal or local. Newly minted PhD from out-of-state.
  • Met the hire at AWP. Lovely person, no evil insiderism or localism involved. So there.
  • Right. Sure thing. You bet. -------- Anyway, the problem here wasn't a lack of updates on the wiki; it was the lack of basic courtesy and communication, acknowledging the receipt of applications, notifying applicants that the position was filled, etc. Very unprofessional. 

University of Arkansas - TT Assistant Professor of Fiction Writing - SEARCH CANCELLED[]

The Programs in Creative Writing at the University of Arkansas welcomes applicants from published fiction writers to fill a tenure-track position starting in the Fall of 2013. Secondary interests in non-fiction writing and screenwriting are welcome, but not required. Applicants must have at least two published books of fiction (one may be under contract) and an MFA or PhD in Creative Writing or Literature. The teaching load of 2/2 will include one undergraduate and one graduate class per semester; other duties will include directing both graduate and undergraduate theses, screening MFA submissions and some service work. Submit two published books or one book and a manuscript showing that the second book is under contract, plus a letter, resume, and two or more letters of recommendation to Director, Programs in Creative Writing, 333 Kimpel Hall, University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR 72701 by December 1. Initial interviews will he held via Skype; on-campus visits will be in February 2013.

MLA JIL 10/5/12

Deadline: Dec. 1  AWP listing on Dec 11 extended application date to January 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 1

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 3/09

Rejection (after campus interview):


Q: Anyone heard anything about this search?

A: Only that I was not hired. They did not return my book. Not cool.

A: The search has been cancelled by the Dean, apparently against the wishes of the department. Finalists had already made campus visits. (4/13)

  • This is not the first time this has happened in the U Arkansas system. I know at least two people who fell victim to last-minute search cancellations in previous hiring years. (At least one had been extended an offer.)
  • Sounds like a program in trouble. Anyone know what happened with their VAP search?
  • And now for another bizarre twist: the job has apparently been reopened--see today...
  • This is the ad. However, would recommend caution reading much into this, as HigherEdJobs has been known to post ads like this in error (the fact that the deadline still reads Dec. 2012 points in that direction). Probably worth inquiring to confirm though.
  • The cancellation was due to the inability of the finalists--whoever was hired--to swing the diversity meter in the right direction. 
  • Is that what a finalist has to try to do - "swing the diversity meter in the right direction"? Any suggestions how someone could do this?
  • Don't try to swing a diversity meter, real or imagined in any direction.  If you don't fit the needs of a particular school, that's not a commentary on you, your education, your experience, or your writing.  Keep writing, keep publishing, keep involving yourself in your literary community.  That's all you can control.  If you focus on those things, opportunities will present themselves, and you'll likely be happier with yourself and your work than if you try to squeeze into a diversity category that you don't naturally fit into.
  • My *guess* is don't be white, which UA's entire MFA facutly is. 
  • That's a laughable suggestion. They only interviewed white males. They could certainly have invited a more diverse group of applicants -- so if anyone should be swinging anything, lay that on the search committee. BTW, when I attended this MFA as a student (and the faculty was the same then) there was 1 nonwhite student (hispanic, left after one semester) the *entire* *four* *years* I was there -- and this is a BIG program. BTW2, the entire fiction faculty is over-ripe for retirement, so this will definitely be a locus of transitional change (and therefore an opportunity to rebuild the program) for whomever can make it past those ultraWhite ultraSouthern gatekeepers currently running the show.
  • They only interviewed white people, and the search was canceled because the dean said that none of the interviewees  . . . well, basically, they were all white and couldn't expand the diversity of the department, so not being white seems like a good leg up. 

University of California, Riverside - TT Position, Fiction - POSITION FILLED[]

The Department of Creative Writing at the University of California, Riverside seeks to make a tenure-track appointment in Fiction with secondary specialties in Historical Fiction and Narratology. Position includes undergraduate and graduate teaching, 4.5 courses per year on the quarter system, thesis supervision and standard non-teaching duties. Requirements: MFA or equivalent, at least one full-length book, strong teaching experience. The successful candidate must be committed to teaching effectively at all levels, including graduate mentoring. Salary commensurate with education and experience. Position begins July 1, 2013. We are accepting electronic applications only. Applicants should send a PDF containing letter of application, curriculum vitae, and the names and e-mail addresses of three references to (Letter of application should be addressed to Professor Tom Lutz, Chair, Creative Writing Search Committee, Department of Creative Writing, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521.) Review of applications will begin December 10, 2012 and the position will be open until filled. For further information about the department, see our web page at: UC Riverside is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer committed to excellence through diversity.

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: Dec. 10

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: yes, according to Who Got What above.


Has anyone heard a peep about this one yet?

A: Not even one peep! Not even a rumor of a peep!

University of Chicago - Assistant or Associate Professor of Practice in Fiction Writing - POSITION FILLED[]

The University of Chicago Department of English and Program in Creative Writing invite applications for an appointment as an Assistant or Associate Professor of Practice in Fiction Writing. Rank is commensurate with qualifications. We look for a colleague with a significant record of fiction publications (at least one book or an equivalent number of short story publications). Applicants should demonstrate both talent and commitment as a teacher and have an interest in building a young and exciting creative writing program. Some publications engaging the history, criticism, or theory of fiction writing are desirable but not necessary. MFA or PhD required. The position is contingent upon final budgetary approval and is renewable based upon satisfactory review.

Applicants must submit a cover letter, CV, reference contact information, and a 20-30 page writing sample electronically to the University of Chicago's Academic Career Opportunities website at, requisition number 01519. In addition, three letters of recommendation by referees or dossier service should be submitted by email to Janice Knight, Chair, Committee on Creative Writing (

For full consideration, applications, including letters, should be completed before midnight Central Time on January 1, 2013. No materials will be accepted after January 15, 2013.


Deadline: Jan. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 2/8 x4

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: appointment made [posted 3/18]


University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa - TT Asst. Prof. - Fiction Writer - MLA INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

The English Department of the University of Hawai‘i seeks to fill a full-time, tenure-track position in Fiction Writing (pos. # 82046) starting August 1, 2013. Teaching Duties: introductory courses in creative writing, composition, and literature; upper-division courses in creative writing and literature; graduate-level courses in creative writing. 2-2 teaching load first year and at least one other year during probationary period; 3-2 load in other years; student advising. Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. or M.F.A. in English, or equivalent, with exceptional publishing record and evidence of exemplary teaching. Desirable Qualifications: experience and/or interest in teaching in any of the following areas: creative nonfiction, Asia/Pacific, hybrid genres, digital writing, translation. Salary: commensurate with experience and background. Applications should be sent through , and should include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample (20-25 pages), three letters of recommendation, and a teaching portfolio. The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action. Closing Date: December 1st, 2012. Initial interviews will be conducted at MLA in Boston in January 2013.

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: Dec. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

MLA interview scheduled:  12/11 (phone call) x2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Hawai‘i - Assistant Professor of English, Fiction Writer (Feb. 11 Deadline)[]

The English Department of the University of Hawai‘i seeks to fill a full-time, tenure-track positon in Fiction Writing (pos. #84559) starting August 1, 2013. Teaching Duties: introductory courses in creative writing, composition, and literature; upper-division courses in creative writing and literature; graduate-level courses in creative writing; 2-2 teaching load first year and at least one other year during probationary period; 3-2 load in other years; student advising. Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. or M.F.A. in English, or equivalent, with exceptional publishing record and evidence of exemplary teaching. Desirable Qualifications: experience and/or interest in teaching in any of the following areas: creative nonfiction, Asia/Pacific, hybrid genres, digital writing, translation. Salary: commensurate with experience and background. Applications should be sent through, and should include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample (20-25 pages), three letters of recommendation, and a teaching portfolio. The University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa is committed to equal opportunity and affirmative action.

Closing Date: February 11, 2013.


MLA JIL 1/18/13

Deadline: Feb. 11

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 1x (snail mail)

Preliminary interview scheduled: 

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  • Does anyone know if this is a distinctly different position (from the one immediately above) or a re-advertising of the same position above?
  • Rumor says a second faculty member is leaving and this is indeed a second position. (x2)
  • Okay, thx.
  • Any other news?

Got this email 1/18/2013: 

Thank you for your application for our Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing-Fiction) position. Our Dean has recently authorized us to make two hires in this area, which has necessitated our placing a new ad (same wording with a different UHM position number) with MLA Job Information List, The Chronicle of Higher Education, our local paper The Honolulu Star Advertiser and Work@UH. As an applicant for the previously advertised position, you are automatically considered for the second, and DO NOT have to apply again.

If I can answer any questions you might have about this position or the application process, please feel free to contact me at this email address.

Best regards,

Laura E. Lyons

Acting Chair of English (Spring 2013)

Department of English

Kuykendall Hall 402

University of Hawai'i

Honolulu, HI, 96822:

University of Houston‑Downtown - TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing/Fiction - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Apply to this position:

The University of Houston‑Downtown invites applications for a tenure‑track position at the rank of Assistant Professor of Creative Writing/Fiction. Fiction publications and a terminal degree are required. Applicants with a secondary expertise in critical race studies/theory and/or an additional creative writing genre are highly desirable. The teaching load is 3/4 and begins August 2013. Candidates must have an ability and willingness to teach upper‑ and lower‑level creative writing courses as well as composition and sophomore literature surveys as part of a regular course rotation. Publications and service are required for tenure. A willingness to participate in external grant opportunities is important. The University of Houston‑Downtown is a vibrant urban university serving a diverse student population. Offer of employment contingent upon verification of individual's eligibility for employment in the United States. UHD is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer. 

Applicants should submit an initial letter of application and CV online at the link above by November 12, 2012 for interviews at the Boston MLA in January. Candidates selected for the next stage of review will be contacted to send additional materials.

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Nov. 12

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/20 (x2)

Rejection (no interview): 11/20 generic "no thanks" email x5

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):  12/04 (MLA)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:  Campus interviews have been scheduled. [posted 2/11]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Has anyone heard about campus interviews? 

I haven't.  I wasn't clear on their timeline, but at this point it seems rather late.. I haven't heard either. 

University of Louisiana at Lafayette - Writer-in-Residence and Assistant/Associate Professor of English (Fiction) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Tenure-track position, beginning Fall 2013, in Creative Writing-Fiction. Duties: teaching one creative writing workshop per year, directing creative writing dissertations and master’s theses, working with undergraduate students, presenting at least one public reading or lecture each year, and participating in the department and university. Continued publishing and other duties associated with holding a university position. Qualifications: Extensive publications, evidence of international reputation, and professional experience in teaching creative writing workshops. Salary competitive. A house close to campus is provided. Minority candidates are encouraged to apply. Previous Writers-in-Residence include Ernest Gaines, Rikki Ducornet, and Kate Bernheimer. Send application letter, CV, and names and addresses of three references to Professor James McDonald, Head, Department of English, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, P. O. Box 44691, Lafayette, LA 70504. UL Lafayette is a selective-admissions, state-supported university located in the heart of Louisiana’s Acadian-Creole region. The department offers the B.A., M.A., and Ph.D. in English, with graduate concentrations in Literary Studies, Rhetoric, Creative Writing, Folklore, and Linguistics. AA/EEO

MLA JIL 1/18/13

Deadline: February 20, 2013

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 3/4 Phone interview Scheduled.

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Interviews to be conducted through March 21st

I guess at this point so few people are checking into the site there's no news. I'd like to know if campus interviews were scheduled for this position.

University of Mary Washington - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction Writing - POSITION FILLED[]

Tenure‑track Assistant Professor of English specializing in fiction writing. Substantial publications, demonstrated excellence in teaching, and MFA or equivalent by August 16, 2013 start date required. Expected familiarity with range of twentieth‑ and twenty‑first‑century fiction, genre history. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate fiction workshops, capstone senior seminar, individual studies, general education courses, as well as developing courses in specialty area. 4/4 course load or equivalent. MLA interviews.

To apply for this position and/or obtain additional information about the University, visit . Only applications submitted through this site will be considered. Applicants should submit a University of Mary Washington faculty employment application, letter of application, CV, unofficial graduate transcripts, and fifteen‑page writing sample and arrange for three letters of reference to be submitted. Applications will be accepted until 11:59 p.m., October 22, 2012.

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Oct. 22

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA Interview scheduled (12/3 x 4)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/11

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [See NOTES below]


At the MLA interview, interviewers said they'd be contacting finalists for on-campus visits, contacting them by 1/11. Apparently, if you haven't heard by then (like me), you're still in the pool, but not in the top three.

Also an MLA interviewee here (not contacted). Can you clarify what you mean by "still in the pool, but not in the top three"?

I was told they would get back to candidates towards the end of January. They are doing two searches, and are going to work on filling the other one first.

Word is the faculty voted on the fiction hire on Monday. So the question is ... offer made?

I was one of the three invited to campus, and I have not received an offer. I assume you haven't either, so it either went to the third, or it hasn't been made yet. I know they were trying to fill the postcolonial position first, so it's possible they ran into some delays.

if only the third were here ... picture me shaking my fist at the sky for not being able to know one way or the other. BTW: Much luck to you.

Don't shake your fists! I would feel very comfortable calling the Dean's office and asking if the calls were made, if I weren't in class all day. They are all very nice people (as I'm sure you noted). Much luck to you too regardless.

Wikimate, sorry to say, I contacted the dean's office after classes, and indeed, we two are out of luck. My condolences and many good wishes.

Ahhhh. Now I'm shaking my fist at the ground. Condolences to you as well. I can say I didn't feel this one, if that's a true thing, but I so enjoyed my time there that I allowed myself to daydream for just a moment about the possibility. Now onto obsessively worrying about the other one, which had a much less specific timeline.

University of Massachusetts, Amherst - Asst./Advanced Asst., Creative Writing (Fiction) - OFFERS ACCEPTED []

Assistant/Advanced Assistant Professor of Creative Writing

Creative Writing (Fiction). Assistant or Advanced Assistant Professor, tenure track, to begin Fall 2013. To offer instruction in MFA Fiction Workshops and in modern and contemporary fiction on the graduate and undergraduate level, and to serve on MFA thesis committees. Our MFA in Creative Writing is one of the oldest and most distinguished graduate writing programs in the country. Active participation in the Department is expected as well as a willingness to participate in the administration of the MFA program. Qualifications: The successful applicant will have already published at least one book and demonstrate a strong ongoing record of publication. MFA, PhD in a closely related field, or equivalent, and evidence of outstanding college‑level teaching are required. Salary commensurate with qualifications. Priority Deadline: November 15, 2012. Send applications (vita, three letters of recommendation, sample of written work) to Chair, Creative Writing Fiction Search, c/o Meg Caulmare, Department of English, Bartlett Hall, 130 Hicks Way, University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA 01003‑9269.

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): x4 (12/14, letter). See note below.

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [Rumor: Two hires. One is Jeff Parker.] <--can anyone confirm? [3/10]


Q: What are the odds this goes to Sam Michel?

A: I don't know what the search committee is thinking, but I think this is a replacement for Chris Bachelder's position--he left U Mass two or three years ago for U of Cincinnati. Maybe this is neither here nor there, but Bachelder wasn't at U Mass for very long--so, it strikes me as possible that this is a 'real' search. Also, I have not received a rejection for this job (perhaps it is on the way). So my bet is 50/50 (meaning, there is no way to tell until they hire somebody) but it is fun to speculate in the absence of any real information. 

Q: Folks, may I respectfully ask if we can keep it positive here? We have this great resource here and its overall purpose is positive -- to let everyone know if a search is taking forever or if we simply haven't been contacted ourselves. I feel like it's fine to snark all you want to your friends, or in your letter to the search committee, if you actually want to be that way, but if we can keep this page factual and supportive of each other, I think that's for the best.

A. I agree as well. But could we start a subforum to spotlight fake searches where a candidate has been pre-selected? I think hiring committees need to be exposed for doing this. It costs all of us a lot of time, money, and false hope when hiring committees act deceptively. Just to be absolutely clear, I don't know anything about the UMass search. I'm just speaking to a larger problem. If the goals of the wiki page are 1) information sharing and 2) transparency, then a subforum that shares information about pre-selected candidates fulfills both aims.

A. To the person directly above--I'm not sure what the purpose of this would be, exactly--to 'expose' internal candidates while a search is happening? Would you honestly not apply for a job because somebody on the Internet speculates there is an inside candidate? It might be interesting to know after the fact, but again, how helpful is it to know? For what it's worth, I know of two instances where an 'outsider' beat an 'insider' candidate. I know that job search time is extremely frustrating and the market is very, very difficult, and we all yearn for as much information as we can possibly gather, but I'm not sure knowing what searches are perceived to be 'fake' would be useful except as a data point when all is said and done.

A.  To the above, I see your point but don't agree. I would continue to apply to such jobs. In fact, I've done so. But the "sunshine as disinfectant" principle can work here, to some degree. And totally efficacy need not be our standard. Hiring committees check this page. We know, because we see Search Chairs post here with updated information. And if they see the names of internal candidates exposed in advance, it could very well force them to reconsider the process to make it more equitable. If they are exposed in advance and then indeed do hire the internal candidate whose name has been posted, then that department develops a bad reputation in the very small, insular, gossipy world of academe. And departments don't want that. Believe, I know. I'm already on the inside. Sunshine and public oppoprobrium have a role in clarifying this murky process.

A. Unless you are on a search committee, how do you know who the internal candidates are? Rumor? By looking at a department's website and making a guess? I understand what you are saying, but I'm not sure that any department really cares about being 'exposed' - plenty of departments do hire insiders, it's very easy to figure this out after the fact, and I doubt (I am also 'on the inside') that this matters to anybody but people searching for jobs. Edit-- to be clear, I'm all for sharing information; I agree with you there, I'm just not sure that compiling conjecture about perceived insiders is that useful, since it is difficult to determine with certainty who insiders are. But hey, if people want such a forum, I say go for it; I'm just one voice here. There's nothing to stop people from posting here, too, their insider guesses. 

A: Mine was the post that seems to have been deleted -- I said that Sam Michel likely deserved the position, if indeed he is going to be selected for it, and went on to complain about what I believe I referred to as "the pretense of a national search."  This isn't snark, it isn't a failure to "lose" gracefully, and it isn't childish.  Anyone with experience in academia knows that these searches are frequently conducted with institutional and departmental imperatives in mind.  Some of these, while often inititated with the very best of intentions, are in direct violation of employment laws.  If you have ever been on a search committee, or lived with someone on a search committee, you know perfectly well what I mean.  Others are simply a matter of promoting a lecturer or a long-time adjunct to a TT position once a billet has opened.  In the second case, at least, I see no purpose being served by putting on the appearance of looking.  I have no desire to "expose" internal candidates or anything at all having to do with the deliberative process of a given search committee or search committees in general.  But why convene a search committee at all if the outcome is a foregone conclusion?

Q/A(?): Can you explain what you mean RE searches with internal candidates being 'in direct violation of employment laws'? I thought the only reason schools did searches when they had an internal candidate in mind was because they wanted to appear to have done a search, to appear as if they had looked for other qualified candidates before deciding on the 'insider'. I didn't think hiring from within was illegal? It happens all the time in the private sector, too. 

A: That isn't exactly what I said, so let me clarify.  I did mention searches that are undertaken with the objective of attaining a certain foreordained departmental or institutional goal, one that is often an open secret, except to the person sitting there two thousand miles away pulling together CV, cover, refs, etc.  I am trying to be as politic as possible here, not least of all because I generally find myself in sympathy with such goals.  I also went on to mention those searches that are undertaken as part of the process of hiring internally, which I am in favor of and *do not* consider to be illegal or objectionable.  

Comment: Last year, I interviewed for a job that went to the inside candidate, I WAS the inside candidate at a job that went to someone else, and I GOT the job that was supposed to be for the inside candidate. So, you never know.

Reply to comment: That's amazing! Also: I'm the person who originally asked if we could keep it positive here, and I just wanted to say that my original comment no longer makes sense since someone removed the comment in which the poster made fun of the language of the rejection letter. All I wanted to say was that it's fine and understandable if you feel disappointed for not getting an interview, but that I believe we should avoid using this page to vent such emotions. Sharing information is the way to go. Speculating about insider candidates: As the comment above makes clear, it's like betting on horses. You might win, but you might lose your money too.

Reply to Reply: Sure, like betting on horses. Or like forming speculations based on information posted on Wiki pages by anonymous users. 

Reply to Reply to Reply: Well, there's always the CHE (or whatever) if you find this to be an unreliable source for information.

Reply to Misread/Incompletely Comprehended Reply to Reply to Reply: My point is that I have no problem with unreliability, whether in the form of a note about a rejection or an interview or in the form a question about an inside hire. The people posting here are creative writers and thus fanciful, gossipy, and many other delightful things. However, this thread clearly demonstrates said unreliability is hard on the nerves for some. So maybe you turn your suggestions in another direction. And I positively mean that. :D

Reply to &c.: I think it's unemployment that's hard on people's nerves, and the creeping sense many of us have that things that appear to be job possibilities maybe kind of aren't, really.  But yes, I agree, delightful things, and one reason why I prefer this to CHE (or whatever)...

Reply to the person 2 above: yes these dastardly poets and fiction writers are "thus" so fanciful, so incapable of logic and heaven knows they must be suffering from ennui and addicted to absinthe and spending their days dreaming of rainbows and ponies and Keats, when they aren't gossiping and having sex with one another.  Really, they are not quite fit, are they, for navigating an opaque job market where unemployment has been at depressionary levels for decades, where compensation is lower than it is for an admin assistant in a decent-sized city, and where your choice of what part of the country you get to spend the next decade of your life is entirely up to a roll of the dice, should you be so lucky. No, the problem really must be personal, not structural, not economic, Yes, we are a bunch of pathetic whiners for wanting to know that the few jobs that we are all fighting over are indeed real jobs.  Please screw off. 

Hang on a second. I do not think we disagree with each other at all. This thread has gotten too long (guilty), and it's been tampered with somewhat, so it may be hard to follow each of the voices from comment to comment. But my lighthearted addition does not suggest any of that to which you respond above. That's okay and everything, but, you know, get help.

Q: Isn't it time to move this food fight over to the kids' table (ie. another wiki)? Seriously, people: It's a tough job market in a tough field, and it sucks not to get the job you want. Deal with it.

I don't think anybody intended to vent.  Somebody said, "Hey, I bet Sam Michel gets this job," and I said, "Great, he deserves it, I sort of wish they didn't play the National Search game when they've got a *terrific, qualified, proven quantity* of a candidate *right there* in Amherst.  And then somebody described me as an offensive jerk and, having announced that s/he was claiming the right to delete posts, promptly deleted mine and someone else's.   Whether the inside hire is happening at UMass or not, it's a pertinent issue.  I've been in on it when the fix is in.  Someone close to me has been on the Search Committee overseeing a couple of recent hires.  To "Deal with it," above: if you happened to apply for the fiction job listed by the second-tier college in northern NJ a couple of years ago, if you pulled together all your materials, maybe traveled to the campus for an interview, YOU NEVER HAD A CHANCE.  They had no intention of hiring you.  The same college, listing a similar job the very next year?  If you said, hopefully, "Hey, these guys are hiring again, and I seemed to stand out, at least a little" -- YOU NEVER HAD A CHANCE.  I had friends apply for those jobs, ask me about those jobs, but I couldn't say, "Forget it, they're hiring so and so" in case A or "Forget it, they're looking for such and such" in case B.  So deal with that, OK?

^^venting about venting lol

What are you, a Quaker?  That's not venting.

In spite of everything, hiring committees must be smart if they keep rejecting all those people who bitch, moan, complain, curse inside candidate, use the F word, tell fellow applicants to screw off, and generally make it clear to the entire world that they would make horrible colleagues. 

Somebody told me my name appeared here and I would like to say that I am Sam Michel and though I am terrific and qualified and have deserved this job for as long as I have been here, I have ceased some years ago to want the job and did not apply.  However, and for what it is worth, I completely agree that it would be swell to know YOU NEVER HAD A CHANCE in order to spare yourself the gathering up and filling in and worrying about and ignorantly hoping that, etc...  All sympathy here, boy I see it is tough, unfair, compromised, too often flat-out wrong.  Meanwhile, this search really is a search, this "insider" is very happily, sporadically employed, trying to write good books and blessedly surfing on the equator.  Shameless plug: check out Strange Cowboy, by me, no kidding, great book, I look at me sometimes and can't believe I wrote it, and if you knew me, you wouldn't believe it either....

Q: Can someone explain to me why schools go through the whole application and interview process when they already know who they will hire? It wouldn't bother me at all if they just hired who they wanted to if they already know for certain. 

University of Memphis - TT Assistant Professor of Fiction Writing - POSITION FILLED[]

The University of Memphis seeks applications for the tenure-track position of Assistant Professor of Fiction Writing. Duties include an active publication agenda, teaching at the graduate and undergraduate level, service on selection and thesis committees, and the usual range of academic duties, including advising and committee service. An interest in teaching a survey course in literature is desirable, as are publications in poetry that would allow flexibility in staffing. Literary journal experience is welcome. Required: M.F.A. or Ph.D.; demonstrated teaching excellence; and at least one book in print or in press from a nationally recognized press. Preliminary interviews may be conducted at the MLA convention or by other arrangement. For further information about our program, see our webpage at

Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. The University of Memphis, the flagship university of the Tennessee Board of Regents system, is an EO/AA Immigration Reform Act Employer.

Applications for this position must be submitted online. To apply, visit Writing samples may be requested at a later date. Screening will begin on November 15, 2012.


Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/25 (requested full copy of latest published book)

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Phone Interview 12/12

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [yes, according to "Who Got What" - top of page]


University of North Carolina Wilmington - Assistant Professor of Fiction Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The University of North Carolina Wilmington invites applications for a full-time Assistant Professor of Fiction Writing in the Department of Creative Writing on a continuing 9-month appointment, beginning Fall 2013.

This is an excellent opportunity to join a nationally recognized department that offers both a BFA and an MFA, as well as a Certificate in Publishing from a unique teaching press. The successful candidate will teach (in rotation) all levels of writing workshops from beginning to graduate, as well as courses in forms and special topics, and the senior seminar. In addition, he or she will direct and read MFA and BFA theses, mentor graduate teaching assistants, and serve on departmental committees of governance and curriculum.


  • An appropriate terminal degree (MFA or Ph.D.).
  • At least one book of fiction of strong literary merit from a national press, published within five years prior to the start date (August 12, 2013).
  • Additional serial publications of high literary quality in national venues.
  • Likelihood of continuing national publication (i.e., works in progress, books or stories accepted or in press, etc.).

Demonstrated excellence in teaching fiction writing and/or related courses.

  • A substantial record of professional activity (e.g., panels, readings, board service, etc.).
  • A willingness to participate in all aspects of the community of writers and the life of the college and university, including departmental administration.

Additional desirable credentials:

  • Publication in and the ability to teach a second prose genre (including screenwriting or playwriting) or a sub-genre of literary fiction, or some aspect of editing and publishing.
  • Success in teaching graduate courses in creative writing.
  • National recognition for creative work (e.g., literary awards, prizes, critical praise, etc.).

Priority consideration will be given to applications received by December 3, 2012, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. To apply, please complete the online application process available on the web at A letter of application detailing professional experience, publications, and pedagogical philosophy, complete curriculum vita, a short sample of published fiction (10-20 pages), and contact information (including e-mail address) for three current professional references should be addressed to the Search Committee Chair and attached to the online application, not e-mailed, mailed or faxed. Microsoft Word or Adobe PDF attachments are required. In addition, please have three references upload their letters of recommendation; if they prefer, they may send hard copies to Wendy Brenner, Chair, Search Committee, Department of Creative Writing, University of North Carolina Wilmington, 601 S. College Rd., Wilmington, NC 28403, For questions regarding the online application process, please contact Jennifer Coombs (, ph. 910.962.3196. Please do not contact the Chair of the Department of Creative Writing directly.

Salary is competitive and includes benefits. For more information about the Department of Creative Writing, see

Deadline: priority consideration for applications received by Dec. 3

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Phone, 12/10 x 2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

  • They said these would be scheduled by Xmas.
  • Do you know if anyone has been invited to campus for this position?
  • Has anyone received word after the phone interviews?

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 

Offer accepted: An has been made and accepted. Anyone know who was hired?


Any news on this position at all? I'm assuming they've invited finalists to campus, but who knows.

University of Rhode Island - TT Assistant Professor, English: Creative Writer (Fiction) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at the University of Rhode Island anticipates an opening for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor position in English (Creative Writing, Fiction) starting in September 2013, dependent upon approval of funding.  Teach undergraduate and graduate courses in Fiction Writing and literature; publish in the field; advise students; participate in departmental governance and service. M.F.A. or Ph.D. is required and must be awarded by August 2013, the terminal degree must be in Creative Writing with secondary expertise in one or more other areas of literary or cultural studies.  The following are also required: demonstrated evidence of publication in creative writing; demonstrated excellence in teaching.   Demonstrated experience working with a culturally-diverse population is preferred. Visit our website at to apply and view complete details for job posting # (6000953).  Applications will close November 20, 2012.   ONLY ONLINE APPLICATIONS WILL BE ACCEPTED.  Please provide the following attachments (PDF) with the online Faculty Profile application: (1) a letter of application, (2) Curriculum vita, (3) a sample of recent creative writing, and (4) Combine as an "Other Document": two course syllabi, and a sample of recent work in secondary field.  Official copies of transcripts must be sent directly to: Ryan Trimm, Search Chair, Associate Professor/Dept Chair, English, Swan Hall, Upper College Road, URI, Kingston, RI 02881, by November 20, 2012.  In addition, three current letters of recommendation should be sent to Dawn Cute, Department of English, Swan Hall, URI, Kingston, RI 02881.


Deadline: Nov. 20

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA (by phone) 12/19

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 2/14

Offer accepted: 3/1


Has anyone who interviewed for this job at MLA heard anything about campus interviews?

I haven't; it's been long enough that I'm guessing campus interviews have been scheduled and just not posted here. 

University of South Dakota (Creative Writing) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

The University of South Dakota invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of English with specialization in novel/fiction writing. Expertise in a second genre is highly desirable. Expertise in Native American literature and/or Women's and Gender Studies is desirable but not required.

Excellence in teaching is expected, both in the classroom and in mentoring students outside the classroom. Teaching responsibilities focus on creative writing and literature courses. An ongoing agenda for creative publication is assumed. Housed in the College of Arts and Sciences, USD's English Department offers BA/BS, MA, and PhD degrees, with creative writing specializations available at all levels; it hosts South Dakota Review and the biennial John R. Milton Writers' Conference. USD is the state's flagship liberal arts university.

Teaching experience and book publication are required, as is an MFA in Creative Writing or a PhD in English (or equivalent). Additional publications, readings, and presentations are desirable. Anticipated date of appointment is August 21, 2013. Salary is commensurate with rank.

Apply on-line at A complete application consists of a CV, application letter, graduate transcript, at least three letters of reference, and a representative sample of creative writing. Materials may also be submitted to John Dudley, Chair, English Department, University of South Dakota, 414 East Clark Street, Vermillion, SD 57069-2390.

Screening begins November 26, 2012 and continues until a suitable candidate is hired.

The University of South Dakota is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty, staff, and students.

Deadline: Nov. 26

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Phone interview scheduled:  12/12 (2)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 12/20 (1)

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Virginia - Assoc/Full Professor of English (Creative Writing, Fiction) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

Associate/Full Professor of English (Creative Writing, fiction).

The Department of English, Creative Writing (fiction) at the University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, invites applications for a tenured, full time (9 months) Associate/Full Professorship. The appointment begins August 25, 2013. A strong background in the contemporary short story and novel and an MFA or equivalent professional experience is expected. Substantial publications (two or more novels and/or story collections) from major presses is required; a strong record of non-fiction publications would be a plus. The department will select a candidate who can contribute, through research, teaching, and service, to the diversity and excellence of a well-established academic community. The 2-2 teaching load will include graduate and undergraduate fiction workshops and courses on contemporary literature. The successful candidate must demonstrate promise of continued creative excellence, a commitment to teaching, and a readiness to assume service responsibilities within the creative writing program ( and the Department of English ( ).

To apply, candidates must complete a Candidate Profile and attach a cover letter, CV, and a statement of teaching philosophy through Jobs@UVA (; the posting number is 0610780.

Work samples will be requested after initial review of applications. Initial review of applications will begin November 4, 2012.

Deadline: Nov. 4

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:12/3, 12/4 (2), 2/15 (letters)

Rejection (no interview): 2/18, by email x2; 2/19 by email (x3)

Preliminary interview scheduled (AWP, phone, Skype ...): AWP interview scheduled 2/15

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: Campus Visit Scheduled 3/17 (3 writers were invited to campus.)

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Q: Any word here?

A: Contacted the chair of search committee Feb 1 and was told they plan to interview at AWP but they had not come up with a short list yet.

A: AWP interview scheduled 2/15

University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire - TT Asst. Professor, Creative Writing (Fiction) - PHONE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

The University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire's English Department seeks to fill one probationary, tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor for a creative writer whose primary emphasis is fiction, and who has secondary expertise in poetry. Contract begins August 19, 2013.

Required qualifications include MFA, PhD or equivalent terminal degree in creative writing, an established record of fiction publication, and evidence of successful teaching. Candidates who are ABD will be considered, but all requirements for the terminal degree must be completed by December 1, 2013. Salary will be commensurate with teaching experience.

Strong assets include: experience teaching composition at the college level; experience facilitating an online creative arts magazine; a commitment to undergraduate liberal education; and a commitment to the values of equity, diversity, inclusivity and anti-racism.

We welcome candidates who prioritize teaching excellence; whose pedagogy is inclusive, empowering and transformative for students; and who draw substantial connections across their teaching, creative work/scholarship, advising and service.

RESPONSIBILITIES: The successful candidate will teach courses as assigned in the English Department. All department members teach a 5-credit composition course every semester in addition to general and specialized courses. The typical semester load is 3 courses, equivalent to 11-12 credits. In addition, all department members engage in scholarly/creative activities, provide academic advising to students, offer service to the university and community, and participate in department, college, and university committee work.

You must create an account and login before you can apply. If you have not yet registered, click on the "Click here to Register" link to begin the registration process. If you are already a registered user, input your "User Name" and "Password'and select "Login." Click the link to the Creative Writing position, and then click the "Apply Now" button to submit your application electronically. Your application will not be considered complete until all required documents are attached and all required fields are completed. Please be sure you have included: Letter of application; Curriculum Vita; Writing sample; Three letters of recommendation

LINK to Apply

To ensure consideration, completed applications must be received by October 26, 2012. However, screening may continue until position is filled. Preliminary interviews will be held by phone conference.

Deadline: Oct. 26

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 11/19 (Phone)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Just a tip on rec letters: After you submit your materials online, someone from the department emails to ask for your rec letters to be sent to her email address. The ad just says "be sure you have included" stuff (including letters). If you're using Interfolio, you spend ten minutes pasting the letter-specific email addresses into their system, but no requests show up in Interfolio. The system also reorders your recommenders (seemingly randomly), which can be bad, but it doesn't end up mattering. Thought I'd save you all ten minutes of work and ten of worry=)

University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point - TT Assistant Professor (Creative Writing/Fiction) - POSITION FILLED[]

Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing/Fiction)

Tenure-track position, starting August 2013. Teaching load 12 credit hours per semester, including at least 6 hours of first or second-year composition. Assignment may include beginning/advanced creative writing and other writing courses developed to suit candidate's interest, depending on scheduling needs. Ph.D. and ongoing publication of creative work preferred, but M.F.A.s welcomed. We are looking for outstanding teaching, a strong commitment to undergraduate education, and awareness of the importance of diversity in education. Evidence of continued scholarly/creative achievement and university service is necessary for retention, promotion, and tenure. Competitive salary dependent on experience. Send letter of application and curriculum vita to Michael Williams, Chair, Department of English, University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, Stevens Point, WI 54481. The committee will begin reviewing applications on January 1, 2013. The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is committed to diversity in education and strongly encourages applications from female and minority candidates.

MLA JIL 10/05/12

Deadline: Jan. 1, 2013

Acknowledgment received: 2

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): phone (3/18) x 1

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: x 1

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:

  • Offer accepted, per "Who Got What" list above.


Received letter acknowledging receipt of application, inviting candidates to opt out of the public listing of interviewees and finalists. (No news, essentially.)

Anyone heard anything new on this job?  Is it still being offered?

I know someone on this committee...there is an inside candidate here.

Waldorf College (IA) - Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Waldorf College is seeking a permanent, full-time Assistant Professor of Creative Writing to direct the Creative Writing major; teach techniques and workshop courses in fiction, poetry, and creative nonfiction; and mentor thesis writers.  A 4/4 teaching load will also include first-year composition and introduction to literature, as well as serving as advisor for the student editorial staff of the annual fine arts magazine.


  • MFA or Ph.D.
  • Publications in two or more genres
  • A commitment to student-centered teaching
  • Additional interest in online program development preferred

Waldorf College's small class sizes are excellent for workshop experiences.  Additional opportunities are available to instruct online or residentially during the May and summer terms.  Benefits Waldorf College offers a fully-insured health/prescription plan, life and long-term disability insurance and a 401k plan.  In addition, employees may opt to participate in group plans for dental, vision, voluntary life, identity protection and supplemental insurance.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled.

Contact: Interested candidates should submit a letter of application addressing the qualifications above, CV, three letters of recommendation, copy of graduate transcript (unofficial accepted), and a ten-page writing sample to Dr. Scott Searcy at indicating Creative Writing Search in subject line of email or by mail to Creative Writing Search, Waldorf College, 106 S 6th Street, Forest City, IA  50436. 

Deadline: open until filled

Acknowledgment received: 

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 4/16

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 4/28

Rejection (after campus interview): 5/22

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [note of acceptance posted 5/22]


Webster University (MO) - TT Asst. Professor, Fiction Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The English Department of Webster University seeks a tenure track Assistant Professor of English, to begin in August of 2013. Area of specialization: Fiction writer to teach workshops and seminar-style craft classes, with secondary area of expertise in U.S. literature from its beginnings through 1865. Expertise in a range of U.S. literature and/ or contemporary world literature also highly desirable.

MFA required. Book publication (short story collection or novel) preferable—along with teaching experience in both creative writing and literature. Typical teaching load is three courses per semester. All faculty serve as advisors to department majors. Applicants should have a strong commitment to undergraduate teaching.

Submit letter of application, CV, sample of fiction (not more than 25pp.), and names/ contact information for three references by November 1, 2012. Interviews will be conducted at the MLA in Boston for selected candidates.

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 11/27 (MLA)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/16

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 3/12/13


Q: Does anyone know who got this job? A: See "Who Got What" above.

Westminster College (UT) - Assistant Professor in Fiction Writing - SKYPE INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

Westminster College invites applications for an assistant professor in Fiction Writing. Teaching responsibilities (24 credits a year) will include multi-genre introductions to creative writing, intermediate workshops in fiction, senior thesis seminars, and courses in composition and introduction to literature. Other courses, for example workshops in creative non-fiction, playwriting, screenwriting, and environmental writing, are possible. The successful candidate will be committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching, continued creative activity and eventual publication, and close collaboration with colleagues and students. An M.F.A. or a Ph.D. (preferred) in Creative Writing or English must be in hand by June 2013.

Apply for this position using our online application system at

Review of applications will begin November 10. Initial interviews will be conducted by video conference in December.

Higher Ed

Deadline: Nov. 10

Acknowledgment received: 10/29 (mail)

Request for additional materials: 11/20 x4

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/7 (phone to schedule skype) x2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Yonsei University (Seoul KR) - TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing (Fiction) and Literature - MLA INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

The Underwood International College of Yonsei University invites applications for a tenure-track position as Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and Literature to teach at the Sinchon Campus in Seoul, South Korea. The ideal candidate will have an MFA and/or Ph.D., a significant publication record (at least one full-length book with a reputable publisher, or the equivalent), and demonstrated excellence in teaching. Candidates should be able to teach creative writing courses in more than one genre as well as introductory classes in literary studies, and supervise theses projects for the creative writing certificate.

Teaching responsibilities are 6 credit-hours (2 classes) per semester. The starting date is September 2013. Compensation includes competitive salary, health insurance and other benefits, fully-subsidized housing (for up to 6 years), and a generous relocation and start-up package.

Yonsei University's Underwood International College is a highly competitive program at South Korea's most prestigious private university, and combines the intimate atmosphere and low student-faculty ratio of a liberal arts college with the resources of a major research university. All instruction is in English, and the student body represents over 40 different countries. As part of Yonsei University’s continuing effort to increase faculty diversity, we are only accepting applications from non-Korean citizens.

Interested applicants should send a letter of application and c.v. by email to with CREATIVE WRITING in the subject line. Review of applications will take place from November 1, 2012. Short-listed candidates will be asked to submit 3 letters of recommendation, a writing sample, and sample syllabi. For additional information, please contact the chair of the search committee, Prof. Anthony Adler ( For information about the creative writing certificate at UIC, you may contact Prof. Loren Goodman ( Prospective applicants are also encouraged to visit our website at .

MLA JIL 09/28/12

Deadline: review begins Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/17

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/10 (MLA, email); x2 (also MLA, email)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


POETRY: Full-Time / Tenure-Track Positions[]

Agnes Scott College (GA) - TT Asst. Professor, Poetry - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Agnes Scott College Department of English invites applications for a tenure-track position at the level of assistant professor in creative writing with a specialization in poetry. Desirable secondary fields include creative nonfiction, fiction, and cross- or multi-genre work. The successful candidate will be expected to teach 200- and 300-level courses in poetry and creative writing and will participate in and help shape a strong creative writing program that includes a reading series, a project-based senior seminar, and an acclaimed Writers’ Festival going on its 42nd year. Many of our creative writing majors go on to MFAs and PhDs. The teaching load is 3-2, and every department member teaches one first-year English course each year and contributes occasionally to the first-year seminar program. We seek an active writer-scholar with a significant and promising publishing record and a commitment to undergraduate liberal arts learning. Candidates must have the MFA or PhD in creative writing in hand by August, 2013.

To apply send letter, CV, and three recent letters of recommendation to Christine Cozzens, chair of the Department of English through Interfolio via the MLA Job Information List or at (electronic submissions only). Additional materials—including writing sample, syllabi, teaching evaluations, and official transcripts—will be solicited from selected applicants later in the hiring process.

The deadline for receipt of applications is October 30, 2012.

From MLA JIL - July 6, 2012

Deadline: Oct. 30, 2012

Acknowledgment received: 9/8, 9/21, 10/2 x 2, 10/23, 10/30

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 12/14 e-mail x 7

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/3, 12/6

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 2/18

Offer accepted: [yes, per "Who Got What" list above]


NOTE: "Agnes Scott College is a highly selective, independent national liberal arts college for women located in metropolitan Atlanta."

Austin Peay State University (TN) - TT Asst. Professor, Poetry - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Applications are invited for the position of Assistant Professor-English with a specialization in Creative Writing-poetry. This is a full-time, 9-month, tenure-track position to begin August, 2013.

Salary is competitive and commensurate with education and experience.

Required Qualifications:

MFA or Ph.D. (creative writing) required;
Publication record and teaching experience required.
A background search will be required of the successful applicant.

Special Instructions to Applicants:

Applicant review will continue until the position is filled.

Please refer all questions to

Applications taken ONLINE ONLY at

Deadline: open until filled (posted 2/7)

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: e-mail 3/15 x 5 - poems

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): 3/25, Phone x 2

**What's going on with this? I phone interviewed for this 18 days ago and haven't heard back. No movement on this site about it either. Anyone willing to share? (4/15)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 4/5 x 1

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: Heard from a friend that an offer was made on 4/26.

Offer accepted:


FYI:  This school is listed on the Universities to fear wiki. 

Q. Does anyone know any more about this position? Teaching load? Courses other than poetry?

It's a 4-4 teaching load plus editing for Zone 3 Press and Zone 3 journal. 

Bristol University (UK) - Part-time, Permanent Lectureship in Poetry & Creative Writing[]

The University of Bristol invites applications to a part-time (0.5 FTE) permanent Lectureship (Lecturer B) in English Literature (Poetry and Creative Writing). Candidates from both academic and non-academic backgrounds are welcome to apply, but the latter will need to demonstrate the ability to teach Creative Writing at degree level.The successful candidate will join a Department with a long-standing reputation for the quality of its teaching and its research, and become part of a dynamic community of scholars in the English Department and the Faculty of Arts. For further information about the department, see .

Job ad

Deadline: 9 November 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/14 (writing samples, course outline), 11/28 (letters of rec)

Rejection (no interview): 12/6

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


California University of Pennsylvania - TT Faculty - English: Creative Writing, Poetry - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The English Department at California University of Pennsylvania seeks a published poet to teach upper- and lower-division creative writing, lower-division literature, and first-year composition. Teaching load is 4/4 and will include Creative Writing Poetry, Introduction to Poetry (literature), and first-year composition classes, as well as other creative writing classes.

RANK & SALARY: This is a tenure-track faculty appointment. Salary is competitive and commensurate with academic preparation and experience. An excellent fringe benefits package is included.

THE SUCCESSFUL APPLICANT must be capable of and committed to effective teaching and fulfillment of professional responsibilities, continuing scholarly growth, and service contribution to the University and communities. Also, the successful applicant will have experience working with diverse populations.

ADDITIONAL RESPONSIBILITIES include involvement with departmental, college-wide, and university committees. Also, in accordance with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the Pennsylvania State System of Higher Education and APSCUF, the successful applicant might be assigned to perform work at off-campus sites, in the evening/weekend college and/or provide instruction through online and/or other distance education methods.

Required Skills, Knowledge & Abilities: Applicants must have significant poetry publications and graduate coursework in the writing of poetry and the literature of poetry. Successful college teaching experience required. Professional experience as an editor for a print or online newspaper, magazine, or book publisher desired. Digital skills desired. Candidates must submit a portfolio of five poems, with at least two of them published, and show evidence of an ongoing poetry publishing agenda.

In addition to the aforementioned requirements, in order to be a leading applicant in this search the applicant minimally must be fluent in the English language, be able to communicate well, demonstrate outstanding potential for excellence in teaching through a successful interview and/or classroom demonstration and be experienced in the use of innovative curricular approaches that are student-centered, inquiry-based, and hands-on oriented.

Minimum of Education / Training: M.F.A. in Creative Writing with a Poetry Emphasis or Ph.D. in English, Creative Writing, or a Related Field with a Creative Dissertation Related to Poetry required at time of application.

Posting Date: 10-02-2012 - Closing Date: 12-02-2012

Special Instructions to Applicants: In addition to the material listed in the paragraph below, applicants must submit a portfolio of five poems, including at least two that have been published. Applications accepted only online at Physical resumes are not accepted.

TO BE CONSIDERED, applicants must submit the following: full curriculum vitae; official transcripts from all colleges and universities attended; letter of application highlighting the applicant's qualifications and teaching interests; brief statement describing teaching philosophy; and e-mail addresses of three current references who have knowledge of the applicant's ability.

TRANSCRIPTS: PDF versions of unofficial transcripts must be uploaded when applying online. Unofficial transcripts should be scanned into one document before uploading into the system. Applicants selected for on-campus inteviews will be asked to bring official transcripts from all colleges and universities to the on-campus interview.

FILE SIZE LIMITS: Files uploaded to the online application should be kept as small as possible. The system has a file size limit of approximately 2MB.

Deadline: 12/02/12

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 2/15 (e-mail)

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 1/14: phone interview (alert via phone) x 2; 1/15: phone interview, alerted by phone x1; 1/18; 1/21.

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 2/15 x 2 (email: "[T]he search committee has selected other candidates to interview whose experience and qualifications appear to more closely meet their needs.")

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Q: This past summer they ran this as a one year position. Does anyone know if they filled it, and are they simply filling this t-t spot with someone already in place? 

A: AFAIK, they did, and their website does list a "temporary instructor" who is a poet, if you dig around.

College of Charleston (SC) - TT Assistant Professor, Poetry Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at the College of Charleston welcomes applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position in poetry writing. Required qualifications include a PhD or MFA in Creative Writing with a specialization in poetry, demonstrated excellence in teaching, significant publications (a book or publications in a range of reputable journals), and strong potential for continued creative and/or scholarly productivity. Teaching assignments include undergraduate courses in poetry writing and composition, with occasional opportunities to teach literature courses and courses in the MA program. The English Department supports a variety of creative and scholarly endeavors, and is home to two literary magazines, Crazyhorse and Illuminations.

Founded in 1770 and located in the heart of historic Charleston, the College of Charleston is a public liberal arts and sciences institution with a strong commitment to the teacher-scholar model for faculty. The College of Charleston is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from all underrepresented groups. Interviews of selected candidates will be held at the MLA convention in Boston.

Send cover letter, cv, statement of teaching philosophy, current transcripts and three letters of recommendation by November 5, 2012, to Dr. Scott Peeples through Interfolio via the link above

MLA JIL 09/21/12

Deadline: Nov. 5

Acknowledgment received: 10/17, 10/23X2, 11/2

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/10 (MLA interview) Mind sharing method of notification?  --Sure! I was notified by telephone.

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 2/22

Offer accepted: yes, according to "Who Got What" above.


Q: Any news, o wiki gods? 

Columbia University - Asst. Professor of Writing - Poetry - INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Assistant Professor of Writing

The Writing Program announces a full-time position as Assistant Professor to teach poetry in its undergraduate and graduate program, effective July 1, 2013.

All candidates must have published at least one book with a nationally recognized press and have significant literary publications. Candidates should also be able to demonstrate an excellent record in the teaching of poetry. Masters degree or equivalent experience preferred. College level teaching experience preferred.

Salary is commensurate with experience. Review begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled. For more information and to apply for this position, please visit our online site at:

Columbia University School of the Arts offers Masters of Fine Arts Degrees in four disciplines: film, theatre, visual arts and writing, as well as an array of Masters of Arts degrees and undergraduate programs.

MLA JIL 11/30/12

Deadline: open until filled

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 1/24/13

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 2/19

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Q.  Has anyone heard anything?

Q. Have campus visits been scheduled?

A. Ha ha. If past Columbia searches are any indicator, you won't hear from these people for months. And if you don't get the job, they won't even have the courtesy to let you know.

George Mason University (VA) - TT Asst. Professor of Creative Writing, Poetry - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Institution: George Mason University

Location: Fairfax, VA

Job Title: Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Poetry

Type: Full-Time

Open Until Filled: Yes

Position Number: F5240z

Web Announcement:

Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Poetry

The George Mason University, Department of English invites applicants for a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of Creative Writing, Poetry position to begin fall 2013.

Substantial publications (at least one poetry book published and substantial work toward a second) are required, along with a proven teaching record. The successful candidate will teach graduate and undergraduate courses and workshops (2-2 load) in a well-established MFA and new BFA program (pending approval), and also direct theses in the MFA. Academic and university service is required.

Review of applications begins October 1, 2012, and selection is set to be made by approximately December 7, 2012.

Special Instructions to Applicants:

For full consideration, applicants must apply for position number F5240z at ; complete and submit the online staff application; and upload a cover letter and CV. Send writing sample and three recommendation letters to: William Miller, Chair, Search Committee, English Dept-MS 3E4, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA 22030

Application Information

Contact: George Mason University

Online App. Form:

Deadline: review begins Oct. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 11/19 x 8; 11/20 x 3 (email said over 200 applicants)

Phone or Skype interview scheduled:

Rejection (after phone or Skype interview):

Campus interview scheduled: They are doing interviews now as we speak. Seems to be real secretive, but I know for a fact somone has an interview today. [posted 11/7]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 12/1

Offer accepted: 1/25 Peter Streckfus, who teaches in the MFA program at U of Alabama, accepted the job.


Q: Does anyone know why they have an accelerated clock for selection? December 7 sounds mighty early.

A: Possibly an internal hire -- poet Joshua Kryah, with PhD & two books, recently joined faculty and now teaches business and composition classes.

A: They are doing interviews now as we speak. Seems to be real secretive, but I know for a fact somone has an interview today. [posted 11/7]

A: Classy to schedule campus visits and skip the part where you notify candidates that their applications have been received.

George Washington University (Wash. DC) - TT Assistant Professor, Poet - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

For appointment beginning in the fall of 2013, we seek a tenure-track assistant professor. The position is open to a poet; strong preference will be given to applicants with a secondary interest, and publications, in creative nonfiction. The successful candidate will join a thriving Creative Writing program in an English department with a strong cluster of African American literature specialists. We strongly encourage applicants whose writing engages African American experiences, or whose writing engages other minority experiences, such as Latino/a, Asian American, indigenous, post colonial, lgbt, or disability experiences.

Specific Duties and Responsibilities: The successful candidate will teach in our all-undergraduate Creative Writing program; may teach literature courses, including in the graduate program; will advise students and perform other departmental and university service; and will continue to publish at a high level.

Minimum Qualifications: Applicants must hold or be completing an MFA or PhD in English or a closely-related field; applicants who have not yet completed one of these two degrees will be considered, but must complete all requirements for the MFA or PhD by August 1, 2013. Applicants must be published poets.

Advertised Salary: Salary will be commensurate with experience.

Other Information: Only complete applications will be considered. Review of applications will begin on October 22, 2012 and will continue until the position is filled.

Special Instructions to Applicants: Please upload a cover letter, a curriculum vitae that includes a full list of publications, 20-30 pages of published material. Please upload the 20-30 pages of published material under "Sample Publications."

Quick Link:

Deadline: Oct. 22

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 12/10 x 7

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: <--date?

Offer accepted:


Q: Anyone know the teaching load?

  • A: I would guess 2/2 as GWU is a serious research university.

James Madison University (VA) - Assistant Director of the Furious Flower Poetry Center - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Assistant Director of the Furious Flower Poetry Center - 0404804 James Madison University’s Furious Flower Poetry Center serves as a resource for the campus and local Harrisonburg community. The Center hosts visiting poets, sponsors poetry workshops for emerging poets, holds an annual poetry camp for children in the community and produces scholarly texts, videos and DVDs on African American poetry. The Assistant Director of the Furious Flower Poetry Center executes the vision and initiatives of the Furious Flower Poetry Center; writes grants to support the mission of the Center and manages grants received; produces educational support materials, research and publications that further the goals and programs of the Furious Flower Poetry Center; assists the Executive Director in the coordination of conferences, workshops and seminars; manages the Center's budget and teaches courses in literature and/or creative writing as a part of the English Department. Applicants for this full-time position are required to have a Ph.D. degree in English with a concentration in African American literature or a M.F.A. in Creative Writing with an emphasis on poetry. Some grant writing experience is preferable. This is a 12 month position. Interested applicants should apply online at and reference posting number 0404804. Salary shall be commensurate with experience. Application review will begin September 1, 2012.


Deadline: review begins Sept. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: An offer was made and accepted (12/6) Elizabeth Hoover (MA, MFA Indiana U, no book)


Also posted at African American 2013

Johns Hopkins University - TT Asst. Professor, Dept. of Writing Seminars (Poetry) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

We are seeking to fill two positions, one in poetry, one in fiction, both at the assistant-professor level. Interested applicants should have at least one book of poetry or fiction published, and another near completion. Teaching responsibilities (two courses per semester) will include undergraduate and--eventually--graduate courses. Ability and experience in the teaching of writing and literature are requisite to the job. The Writing Seminars, one of the oldest graduate programs in creative writing, offers a two-year Master of Fine Arts degree in poetry and fiction, as well as an undergraduate major. Our program leans toward the aesthetic and intellectual rather than genre and popular—ends of the literary spectrum. Please submit cover letter and CV electronically via Interfolio.



Please send book to: Amy Lynwander, The Writing Seminars, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Gilman 81, Baltimore, MD 21218


Deadline: Oct. 15

Acknowledgment received: 9/27, 10/1, 10/4, 10/10

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 11/21x 3, 11/27, 12/1, 12/3 (Q. Any details? Q. How did you hear? A. Letter. Q. Was there a mention of the number of applicants? A. No.) Letter mentioning the difficult winnowing process. I was touched .C: It's not you; it's them. They hope you can remain friends. If they'd met you at another time in their lives--who knows? 

Received letter (dated Nov 27) letting me know my appllication was not considered because books were postmarked after Oct. 15. Strange, given that my application itself, via Interfolio, was submitted before the deadline, and that nowhere on the job posting was there mention of the books, which were to be mailed separately obviously, having to be postmarked by the 15th of October. But stranger is that, also obviously, the application and the books (at least the postmark date on the package in which they were mailed) were not looked at until well after the deadline; the letter was not mailed until six weeks later. Maybe next time, Johns Hopkins can be more specific about having ALL materials postmarked by a certain date, especially when they choose to require applicants to send materials electronically and via regular mail.

Another Poster: Concur with previous poster. I received the same letter. I have the P.O. receipt to prove that my books arrived on time.

Received letter (Dec 17) and book back, which was nice.

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype, AWP ...): 1/23

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: <---date?

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


A bit cruel to send out letters on a rolling basis. Just when I was beginning to hope... I'm the one who listed the 11/27 rejection. I've been out of town since the 19th, so mine may very well have come on the 21st as well. Don't despair. (Thank you for your post. May the universe reward you soon for this kindness!)

A2: As a connoisseur of rejection letters, JHU could learn a thing or two about the art of writing one.

Q. I'm wondering if anyone has heard any developments about this search. I haven't benn contacted for additional materials or for an interview, but I haven't been rejected yet either. Any news?

Johns Hopkins University - Associate or Full Prof. - Poet[]

We are seeking to fill a position at the senior level with a poet whose work in English has achieved national recognition, and who has, also, a distinguished record as a teacher. The Writing Seminars, one of the countrys oldest graduate programs in creative writing, offers a two-year Master of Fine Arts degree in poetry and in fiction, as well as an undergraduate major. Interested applicants should have at least four books of poetry published and extensive experience in teaching at the college level. Responsibilities will entail graduate and undergraduate courses, totaling two per semester. Although all our classes are small seminars, they include both workshops and reading courses. Poets who are also scholars, editors, or translators are particularly welcome; in any case, we take an intellectual engagement with literature to be an essential in the teaching of creative writing. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2012. We cannot guarantee consideration of applications received after that date, but the search will remain open until the position is filled. The appointment will start July 1, 2013. Please submit cover letter and CV electronically via Interfolio: Please send most recent books to: Amy Lynwander, The Writing Seminars, Johns Hopkins University, 3400 N. Charles St., Gilman 81, Baltimore, MD 21218 Johns Hopkins is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer. Minorities and women are strongly encouraged to apply.


Deadline: Dec. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Anyone know if this position replaces the TT position they advertized earlier?

  • They are clearly two different positions at two different levels (junior TT asst. vs. senior tenured assoc. or full) with two different deadlines. JHU English lost some significant faculty (in various fields) to other schools in the last year, so I find it plausible that they might have two open positions in this field.

Manhattan College - TT Asst. - Poet - OFFER MADE[]

Assistant Professor, tenure track

The Department of English at Manhattan College seeks a dedicated teacher and poet. Demonstrable experience in the teaching of creative writing and a record of published poetry required. Primary courses to teach include introduction to creative writing, poetry workshops at the major level, and introduction to reading poetry for non-majors. In addition, English department faculty regularly teach literature and writing courses in the College’s core curriculum. 21-credit yearly course load with a 3-credit reduction for publication.

Ph.D. in creative writing or literature in hand by August 2013. Please send application letter, curriculum vitae, and letters of recommendation to Dr. Ashley Cross, Chair, Department of English, Manhattan College, 4513 Manhattan College Parkway, Riverdale, NY 10471. No electronic submissions, please. Deadline: 1 November 2012. Applications acknowledged by email. Manhattan College, located in the Riverdale section of the Bronx, is an independent Catholic coeducational institution in the Lasallian tradition. Manhattan College welcomes applications from women, members of minority groups, and those attracted to a college with a Catholic identity. An AA/EO Employer M/F/D/V. We are committed to a diverse campus community.

MLA JIL 09/20/12

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received: 12/6 x3 (e-mail)

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/13 (x2)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/10

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 4/12

Offer accepted:


any one know what their decision schedule is?

C: I had a campus interview and haven't heard anything. Did any of the other poets who interviewed on campus hear anything?

Marshall University (WV) - TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing: Poetry - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Applications invited for a tenure-eligible assistant professorship in creative writing: poetry. Teaching experience and evidence of strong publication record required as well as PhD or MFA in creative writing: poetry in hand by time of appointment. Successful candidates will demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching, including the opportunity to develop courses for growing creative writing major and MA program. Secondary areas of particular interest are American poetry, editing and publishing, and creative nonfiction. We also seek candidates who will contribute to the University’s general-education curriculum with its emphasis on a common First-Year Seminar and core curriculum courses that enhance students’ critical thinking, as well as the College’s support of interdisciplinary programs. Send letter of application that directly addresses teaching philosophy, CV, 2-3 representative syllabi for courses in field, and sample poems (15 pages) as a single PDF file referencing Search 12960 to: Three letters of reference should be sent directly to Search Committee Chair at Review of applications will begin on November 26 and continue until position is filled. Semifinalists selected to meet with us at MLA in Boston will be notified by mid-December. Marshall University is an AA/EOE institution committed to developing a diverse faculty and staff.

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: Nov. 26

Acknowledgment received: 11/19 x 3; Search going longer than expected or no one on wiki made the cut? (12/20

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): We had a deep, rich pool for this search and are unable to interview many fine candidates. 12/21 x 5  (I am deep, and I am rich...and fine. Guess we weren't deep or rich enough. *sigh*)

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/21

Rejection (after preliminary interview): The search committee chair emailed to say that they've invited their finalists to campus.

Campus interview scheduled: 1/20

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:  2/22


A friend was offered and accepted this position a few weeks ago. 

Oklahoma State University- Poetry (Open Rank) - SKYPE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Stillwater, OK

Category: Faculty - Liberal Arts - English and Literature

Posted: 07/05/2012

Full Time

Tenured or tenure-track open rank position in Poetry. MFA or PhD in Creative Writing with significant poetry publications and demonstrated teaching excellence required. Teaching two workshops per semester. Salary competitive. OSU offers the BA, MFA, and the PhD in English with specializations in Creative Writing. For further information on the department, see our webpage at Submit letter of application, cv, writing sample, and dossier, including three letters of recommendation and transcript via email to To ensure full consideration, applications must be received by November 5, 2012. However, we will continue to accept and consider applications until the position is filled. Filling of this position is contingent upon availability of funding. Oklahoma State University is an AA/EEO/E-Verify employer committed to diversity. OSU-Stillwater is a tobacco-free campus.

Deadline: Nov. 5, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled: 12/13 Skype X1

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


This school ran nearly identical searches to this one and their 20th c./poetry & poetics position last year and the year before last. Anyone know what gives? (x-posted on 20th c. American page)

The person they hired, Angie Estes I believe, was unhappy with the position and left.

Saint Marys College of California - TT Asst. Prof. in Creative Writing, Poetry -- OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Application URL:

Fall 2013: Full-time Tenure Track. The Department of English invites applications for a full-time, tenure track position in Creative Writing, Poetry. Teaching responsibilities include Poetry Workshop and other poetry courses in the MFA Program, undergraduate courses in literature, composition, the Collegiate Seminar Great Books Program, and the January Term. Contractual responsibilities are equivalent to seven courses per year. Typical workload is six courses of teaching plus committee work and other service to the department, students and college. Service as MFA Director on a rotating basis. Qualifications: M.F.A. or Ph.D., significant published poetry, including at least one book. Strong teaching abilities, enthusiasm for teaching in a student-centered learning community. Desirable secondary specializations: World Literature in English, Popular Culture. The Department is committed to a multicultural curriculum taught by a culturally diverse faculty to a culturally diverse student body. For full job description, application requirements, and to apply for this position, go to .

MLA JIL 09/21/12

Deadline: November 5, 2012. --> or Oct. 21? ---> November 5

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: Received 11/15.

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: Scheduled 1/11 (via email).

Rejection (after campus interview): 2/06 (via letter)

Offer made: <--date?

Offer accepted: [Accepted per "Who Got What" list above]


SECRET HANDSHAKE: If you're having trouble finalizing your app, check out step #8 at:

Q1: Is this an open-rank position or an Assistant Professor position?

A: According to ad in it is an Assistant Professor position. Note also according to that ad (and SMC HR page) the actual deadline seems to be "Sun. 10/21/12 11:59 PM Pacific Time" ...

A: The SMC HR page clearly says "November 5, 2012, 11;59 PM, Pacific Time"

Salisbury University (MD) - Asst. Professor, Creative Writing (Poetry) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Area of Specialization: Creative Writing (Poetry)

Primary Job Duties: Teaching three four-credit courses per semester in beginning and advanced creative writing with an emphasis on poetry and in literature, rhetoric, or film; helping build the creative writing program; and participating in the activities and service of the department and the university. Utilizing effective teaching and classroom management strategies which enhance the success of diverse learners.

Minimum Qualifications: Terminal degree in creative writing required. Ph.D. degree desired. Record of successful teaching and of publications with national and/or international distribution.

Applications will be accepted via Salisbury University's Online Employment Application System. Please visit our website to apply online. See the FAQs of the Online Employment Application System for more information and instructions.

To be considered an applicant, you must apply online and submit the following: 1). A letter of application that should outline education history, teaching experience and interests (including possible secondary areas of specialization), publication record and current prospects in literary writing and any scholarly research activities and interests; 2). Curriculum Vitae. Additionally, please have three (3) blind letters of reference, provided directly from your professional references or by an Online Credential Service Provider sent directly to Clacie Hubbard at

If you have any questions about the position, please contact the search chair, Dr. Ronald Dotterer at All other documents that you wish to provide must be attached to your application in the Online Employment Application System. Please do not send any other documents via E-mail.

Candidates attending MLA Convention should indicate such in their letter of application. Furthermore, candidates should indicate in their letter of application for which position they are applying.

Applications submitted by November 1, 2012 will receive first consideration. The position will remain open until filled. Salary is competitive and commensurate with qualifications and experience. Appointment will be contingent upon verification of eligibility to work in the U.S. and is expected to begin August 2013.

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA 12/12 x 3 (phone call) [there are 18 MLA interviews and will be 3 campus interviews] [For what it's worth, they said they had 228 applicants.]

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/11

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 3/1


Q: Anyone know why Salisbury's fiction search has interviews (phone AND MLA) scheduled, but there's zero movement on the poetry front?  

A: Yes, because these are different jobs with different committees.

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville - TT Asst. Professor, Spec. in Creative Writing (Poetry) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English Language and Literature is seeking a specialist in Creative Writing (poetry) for a tenure-track position. The position includes a 3/3 teaching load on the undergraduate and graduate levels in creative writing, along with general education courses.

Job Requirements: This position is open to a writer with at least one book of poems published by a nationally recognized press. Required qualifications include a competed MFA or PhD in Creative Writing and evidence of excellence in teaching. TERMS OF APPOINTMENT: Tenure-track contract for academic year beginning August 16, 2013.


SALARY RANGE: Commensurate with experience and credentials.

CLOSING DATE FOR APPLICATIONS: Applications uploaded through Interfolio via the MLA job site or postmarked by March 11, 2013 will receive full consideration. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Interviews may be conducted at the AWP Conference in Boston.

Candidates should submit an initial letter of application and vita either online through the MLA JIL or by mail to:

Creative Writing Search Committee
English Department
Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
Campus Box 1431G
Edwardsville, IL 62026-1431

Candidates who advance to the second round will be asked for a writing sample, statement of teaching philosophy, letters of recommendation and transcripts.

SIUE is a state university - benefits under state sponsored plans may not be available to holders of F1 or J1 visas.

Applicants will be subject to a background check prior to an offer of employment.


Deadline: March 11

Acknowledgment received: 2/22, 2/27, 3/5 x 2, 3/4, 3/6

Request for additional materials: 3/13 (x2) Q:  Email request or hard copy and what materials? A: email request to upload to Interfolio 3 recs, teaching statement, transcript and writing sample. This is only the second round, as mentioned above.

Rejection (no interview): 3/4.

The rejection came by letter. The next day I received an Applicant Data Request Form and a note that said that "Candidates who advance to the second round will be asked for a writing sample," etc. Additionally, the envelope enclosed with the Applicant Data Request Form had no stamp on it.

Q:  How was the rejection worded?  I received the same form and letter, but there was no metion of a rejection. 

A: My understanding is that these were two separate instances. Letters were received on consecutive days: The rejection was the first to arrive and the next day the data request arrived.

A2: That is correct. The rejection letter came on Monday, and the Applicant Data Request Form came on Tuesday. It was just odd; usually, the Applicant Data Request Form has come (at least for me) well in advance of the rejection letter. Such forms seem to have more gravitas when they arrive first.

Preliminary interview scheduled (AWP, phone, Skype ...): 3/21

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  • From auto-acknowledgment: "In mid-March, our search committee will begin to contact semifinalists to schedule interviews by Skype or phone."
  • Q: Has anyone else sent in a hardcopy C.V. and letter and not received an acknowledgement? 
  • A: I sent a hard copy from Interfolio (2/19) and have not received an acknowledgement. Updade: recieved one by post later that day 3/4
  • A: Sent a hard copy in on 2/19 and received an ack. today (3/4).
  • All applicants still under consideration have been notified. 3/18
  • All applicants still under consideration have been notified? How would someone know that?   SIUE's process is a rolling one...Did somone actually get a letter/email from the school saying ALL APPLICANTS UNDER CONSIDERATION HAVE BEEN NOTIFIED?  A:  I was told by someone *who works in the department* that the SC chair told this professor that all calls for second-round materials have been sent out. 
  • Q: Yes, I wonder about that above note too. Also wonder about the e-mail requests for additional materials. In the earlier comments it seemed that people who submitted their documents electronically were contacted earlier than those who submitted hard copies. I wonder if this is happening again. I’d be interested to hear if the people who were asked for the materials sent their original application by hard copy or electronically.  
  • A: I submitted electronically on 3/11 (the deadline) and was contacted 3/13 for second round materials.

SUNY-Oswego - TT Asst. Professor of Poetry - POSITION FILLED[]

The Department of English and Creative Writing at the State University of New York at Oswego invites applications for a tenure track position as Assistant Professor of Poetry.

Review Date: Review of applications will begin November 1, 2012.

Salary: Commensurate with rank and experience.

Date of Appointment: August 26, 2013

Description of Responsibilities: The successful candidate will be responsible for teaching beginning, intermediate and advanced poetry writing in a vibrant, multi-genre creative writing program with 120 majors. Additional responsibilities include continuing to produce a nationally competitive portfolio of sustained and distinctive creative activity; providing departmental and University service; and advising majors.

Required Qualifications: MFA in creative writing; significant publication history in poetry; evidence of teaching effectiveness. Candidates must be dedicated to helping students from diverse backgrounds succeed in a multicultural and global community.

Preferred Qualifications: Familiarity with new media; expertise in a secondary genre; teaching experience that promotes global perspectives and awareness at the undergraduate level. Candidates will demonstrate a deep commitment to mentoring students and have an entrepreneurial attitude that will help grow the program.

To Apply: Submit letter of application; full curriculum vitae listing qualifications and experience; 10 pages of published poetry; three current (dated within one year) letters of reference; and a copy of the transcript of highest degree earned electronically to: SUNY-Oswego HR announcement

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received: 10/9; Q.? Anyone else worried about the online application here? I submitted materials by 10/17 and never received an acknowledgment beyond the automatically triggered "your application has been processed" email...;? A. Some of us who applied early on sent queries to the chair when we had trouble figuring out what to do about the letters of recommendation. Her response to those queries is the acknowledgment recorded here, I believe. I doubt anyone has received any other acknowledgment apart from that.

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/28 Phone interview 

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 3/29: got a letter in the mail saying they "successfully completed the search"


Q: anyone know the teaching load here? Looked into this and it seems to be 4/4, with possibilities for course releases.

Q: anyone hearing whipsers about this dept. being in flux? review of apps. should have started almost 2 months ago; wonder if politics is holding up the process...

Q: Anyone know what's happening post-phone interviews? Seems like someone must know something!

--No answers here. Did you happen to ask about their timeframe? The phone interview timeslot was so short that we ran out of time before I could ask about it. 

--I also felt rather rushed during the phone interview and didn't get a chance to ask about their timeline... but it's now been over a week...

SUNY-Potsdam - TT Asst. Professor of Poetry - POSITION FILLED[]

SUNY Potsdam invites applications for an Assistant Professor in Creative Writing -- Poetry.  This is a tenure-track position with pirmary teaching responsibilities to our BA and BFA in creative writing.  Teaching duties include upper-division courses in area of specialization, lower-division courses in literature and composition, and contributions to our interdisciplinary Master's program in English and Communication.  Demonstrated ability to teach in another genre desirable.  Full-time teaching load is 24 hours per academic year plus advising and committee responsibilities.  Continuing program of creative scholarly activity is expected.

MFA or PhD in Creative Writing with teaching experience and a book-length publication required.  To apply for this position, candidates need to create on-line application; upload CV, Cover letter, Teaching Philosophy, and also a document with names and contact information for three professional references.

Review of applications begins April 15, 2013 and continues until position is filled.  Women and minority candidates are encouraged to apply. 

Deadline: April 15 (and ongoing)

Acknowledgment received: 1

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): 4 x phone 4/16

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1 [see below]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:  [see NOTES]


  • Writing courses at SUNY Potsdam are 4-credit hours; this position mostly works out to a 3/3.  
  • C.V. *and* a resume?????
  • This job was reposted today on HigherEdJobs.  Did they not like any of the applicants?  Seems a strange thing to do when they're still doing phone interviews.
  • Any news? I assume they're wanting to book the campus interviews fairly quick-like. Just curious to hear if the ship has sailed.
  • Posters of recent Notes re: HigherEdJobs & query re: campus interviews -- did you have phone interviews? And still no word as of 4/28? (Seems like news *must* be coming soon.)
  • I hear through the reliable grapevine that campus visits have been set. [posted 4/30]
  • This one was between me and one other candidate. Got an email yesterday from the Chair that the other candidate was offered the position and accepted. Sigh...Really good folks up there in the English Dept. Students were great too. So close... [posted 5/15]

University of the Arts (PA) - Full-Time Asst. Professor of Poetry - POSITION FILLED[]

Assistant Professor, Creative Writing: Poetry

DESCRIPTION: The Division of Liberal Arts of The University of the Arts seeks a full-time faculty member to teach poetry in its new B.F.A. in Creative Writing. The program offers students an unparalleled opportunity to focus on the craft of writing in an inspiring and unique artistic environment in which young authors collaborate with musicians and illustrators, filmmakers and graphic designers, sculptors and actors. The program admits its first entering class in Fall 2013.

RESPONSIBILITIES: The faculty member in this position is a proponent of The University of the Arts’ commitment to an innovative arts education that encourages transmedia and interdisciplinary exploration and collaboration within and across its degree programs in the visual, literary, and performing arts and design. This faculty member will:

• Teach introductory, intermediate, and advanced workshops in poetry. • Teach other courses within the Liberal Arts curriculum depending on expertise, including creative writing workshops in forms other than poetry and upper-division courses in literature. • Advise and mentor Creative Writing majors, particularly those focusing on poetry. • Assist in arranging internships for students, including those at American Poetry Review, with which The University of the Arts has a formal affiliation, and provide supervision of student internships. • Supervise independent student projects by upper-division Creative Writing majors. • Assist in identifying authors for the program’s Visiting Writers’ Series, and participate in the series’ logistical planning. • Provide committee service and other duties as required. • Report to Catherine Gunther Kodat, Dean of the Division of Liberal Arts, and Elise Juska, Director of the Creative Writing Program.

REQUIREMENTS: MFA or PhD in Creative Writing. A record of publication and teaching experience is highly desirable.

RANK, LOAD, AND CONTRACT START DATE: Assistant Professor (three-year initial appointment), teaching 6 courses annually. Appointment commences September 1, 2013.

TO APPLY: Qualified applicants should submit letters of application, curriculum vitae, samples of work, and the names of three references by e-mail attachment to Applications received by Friday, December 7, will receive fullest consideration. Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the Modern Language Association convention in Boston, January 3-6, 2013.

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF THE ARTS: The University of the Arts, located in the heart of Center City Philadelphia, is one of the only universities in the United States solely dedicated to educating creative individuals in the visual, literary, and performing arts and design. Our 2,100 undergraduates and graduate students and 500 faculty members bring passion to what they do, and in the process redefine how we think, teach, and create.


MLA JIL 11/16/12

Deadline: Dec. 7

Acknowledgment received: 11/16 x 2, 12/7

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA Interview 12/11 (x2)

Q. How were you contacted?

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: yes, according to "Who Got What", top of page.


The interfolio link above links to the wrong position. It seems, though, that maybe submission via direct email is acceptable?

A: this is the correct link: - but yes, ad does suggest direct email would also be fine.

University of California, Santa Cruz - TT Assistant or Associate Professor, Creative Writing (Poetry) & Literature - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

The Department of Literature at the University of California, Santa Cruz, invites applications for a tenure-track or tenured position in Creative Writing. The Department is seeking a poet with secondary expertise in fiction, non-fiction, cross-genre, and/or other media (for example, journalism, book arts, performance, internet publishing), with an ability to teach both poetry and fiction at the intermediate and advanced undergraduate level. We seek a writer who will participate fully in our undergraduate program while also helping us to envision an innovative future in our Literature graduate program.

Teaching assignments will include creative writing workshops and courses in literature. The appointee will be expected to teach large undergraduate lecture courses as well as small advanced seminars, participate in running a reading series, mentor the Ph.D. Literature graduate students who teach creative writing, work with Literature graduate students in poetics, and interact actively with undergraduates, graduate students and faculty to invigorate the Creative Writing program. This position carries a five-course-equivalency workload, which normally means teaching four courses over three ten-week quarters and carrying out other academic and service responsibilities. The appointee must be able to work with students and faculty from a wide range of social and cultural backgrounds. The Department is especially interested in candidates who can contribute to the diversity and excellence of the campus-wide academic community through their writing, research, teaching, and service.

The Department of Literature has a strong tradition of collaborative and interdisciplinary work, and we especially encourage applications from strongly qualified candidates eager to extend their teaching and research activities across departmental and disciplinary boundaries.

RANK: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) or Associate Professor (tenured)

SALARY: Commensurate with qualifications, experience, and level of appointment.


Assistant Professor: MFA or Ph.D. in Creative Writing or related field and at least one book of poetry published or in press (not self-published); creative talent of a high order as testified to in letters of recommendation and as manifest in published and/or forthcoming writing; demonstrated record of successful college level teaching. Work in other genres or media.

Associate Professor: Ph.D. in Creative Writing or related field; or MFA in Creative Writing or related field and experience working with graduate students in poetics; at least two books published or in press (not self-published), at least one in poetry; creative talent of a high order as testified to in letters of recommendation and as manifest in published and/or forthcoming writing; demonstrated record of successful college level teaching; demonstrated service record commensurate with tenure. Work in other genres or media.


Assistant Professor: Ph.D. and/or experience working with graduate students in poetics. Ability to work in a language other than English (e.g., translation, knowledge of and ability to teach a non-anglophone literature, etc.).

Associate Professor: Ability to work in a language other than English (e.g., translation, knowledge of and ability to teach a non-anglophone literature, etc.).

POSITION AVAILABLE: July 1, 2013, with academic year beginning September 2013. Position contingent upon final budgetary approval.

TO APPLY: Applications are accepted via the UCSC Academic Recruit online system, and must include an informative letter of application (clearly outlining your educational background, teaching experience, and publication record), vitae, three current confidential letters of recommendation* (2010 or later) and a writing sample, preferably a book--manuscript pages fine--including scanned front and back covers (in PDF format). Applicants are encouraged to submit a statement addressing their contributions to diversity through their research, teaching, and/or service. Documents/materials must be submitted as PDF files.

Apply at ​Refer to Position #JPF00007-13 in all correspondence.

CLOSING DATE: Review of applications will begin on October 25, 2012. To ensure full consideration, applications should be complete and letters of recommendation received by this date. The position will remain open until filled, but not later than 6/30/2014.

Deadline: Oct. 25, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:  12/10 (Sample syllabi)

Rejection (no interview): 2/15 x 2

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):  12/10 (MLA)

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 1/19 (email)

Campus interview scheduled: <----date?

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Question #1 -- See the Creative Writing faculty roster here: Is this a replacement position for Nathaniel Mackey, who's now at Duke? Anyone know if this position is actually intended for the current Visiting Poet?

Question #2 -- Anyone know the status of the Literature/Creative Writing program in light of the UC system fiscal crisis and budget cuts?

Q3: Who is the visiting writer this year?

A3: Ronaldo V. Wilson started as Visiting Assistant Professor last year in 2011-2012. He is continuing this year in the visiting position, too.

University of Florida - TT Professor of Poetry[]

The University of Florida Department of English seeks a tenure-track full Professor in Creative Writing, with a specific focus on poetry, beginning Fall 2013. The minimum teaching load is two courses per semester. The successful candidate will join a diverse faculty and will contribute to a distinguished MFA program as well as to the undergraduate Creative Writing model.

Minimum Requirements: An MA in English or an MFA in Creative Writing or equivalent is required.

Minimal qualifications\: two single-authored books of poetry.

Preferred Qualifications Preferred qualifications: additional single-authored books of poetry; international standing as indicated by major awards or grants; expertise in translation.

To Apply:


Deadline: May 20, 2013

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Miami - TT Assistant Professor in Creative Writing (Poetry) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The University of Miami seeks applications for a tenure‑track assistant professorship in creative writing (poetry) with teaching responsibilities in both MFA and undergraduate creative writing programs. Minimum requirements: appropriate terminal degree; one book of poetry; experience in teaching creative writing at graduate and undergraduate levels. The successful candidate is expected to be a publishing writer; to serve as reader or adviser for MFA theses; and to serve on the creative writing program committee, as well as other departmental, college, or university committees. We are particularly interested in poets who bring multilingual, international, or cross‑cultural perspectives to their work.

Please send letter of application, c.v., 15‑page writing sample, and at least three recommendations to Patrick A. McCarthy, Chair, Department of English, University of Miami, P.O. Box 248145, Coral Gables, FL 33124‑4632. Applications should be sent by mail (not e‑mail) and postmarked by November 5. Selected candidates will be interviewed at the MLA meeting in Boston.

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Nov. 5

Acknowledgment received: 11/20

Request for additional materials: 11/9, 11/26 (email)

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/12 MLA

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

  • heard second-hand of a campus visit scheduled here, mid-Jan. [1/20]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:

  • [Notice of offer accepted posted 3/19]


  • This position listed last year, too. Anyone know why they didn't hire?
    • You really don't want to know. Be very aware. Lot of BS and backbiting. Play at your own risk.

University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill - TT Assistant Professor, Poetry/Walker Percy Fellow - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English & Comparative Literature and the Creative Writing Program at UNC-Chapel Hill invite applications for a tenure-track job at the Assistant Professor level in poetry writing, to begin in academic year 2013-14. The successful applicant will provide evidence of a strong, established reputation at the national and/or international level as a poet, substantial and ongoing publication, outstanding teaching at the college level, and a commitment to the teaching of undergraduates and the mentoring of young writers. MFA strongly preferred. The Percy Fellow will take an active part in the life and development of one of the strongest undergraduate Creative Writing Programs in the country. The position carries a 2-2 teaching load (4 courses per year) with significant publication expectations.

Applicants must apply online, following this link: Please attach your cover letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, a brief selection of poems as a writing sample, and reviews of recent books (uploaded as “other document”). At the time of application candidates will also be required to identify the names, titles, and email addresses of professional references (four are required). The recommenders identified will be contacted via email with instructions for uploading their recommendation letters. Alternatively, applicants may list Interfolio as a reference and the application system will solicit recommendations from Interfolio. Please see for instructions.

In addition, please send copies of recent books (must have at least one book in print) and other relevant publications to: The Creative Writing Search Committee, Dept of English & Comparative Literature, Greenlaw CB# 3520, UNC Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill NC 27599-3520. Online applications must be complete and submitted by 5:00 pm (Eastern), 23 December 2012.

We expect to invite 3 finalists to the campus in late January-early February 2013.

AWP (also posted at MLA JIL 11/16/12)

Deadline: Dec. 23, 2012

Acknowledgment received: 11/16

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: yes [posted 1/26]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:  [according to "Who Got What" above ... does not appear to have been "inside candidate"]


Interesting that the same (local) IP address that erased all mention of the inside candidate one day reports that campus visits have been scheduled the next...

I have no idea what happened here, but I have to say--so what? It's not a crime to be an inside candidate. It's just the way things work out sometimes. Everyone is just trying to put a workable life together, as I'm sure you are. Lay off. 

To notice that there is an inside candidate is not a slander on the inside candidate. Instead, knowing the situation can help the other applicants in a few ways. It can help them to determine if they should spend the time and money (this search asked for books) necessary to apply for the job. And, when they don’t get the job, it can better explain the reasons behind it. I am not sure what this hurts or why someone would not want to be identified as an inside candidate. If they are an inside candidate, then they are an inside candidate (through no fault of their own). If that does not sit well with them, then it is up to them how they want to handle it. However, knowing the situation of a search is very useful and appropriate for a wiki.

It is disappointing when a department or school has no imagination and hires a former graduate student too.

  • Q. Has a hire actually been made here yet? Is it known for sure that only an "inside candidate" is being considered for the position? It would be helpful to have more solid information about the status of this search before drawing final conclusions ... I personally don't have any info. about it one way or another, but have been on this wiki long enough to have seen many other speculative claims about "inside candidates" turn out to be inaccurate or misinformed in the end. [2/3]

Looks like this one is officially a done deal, and actually has been for a month +. Guess who got the job!

  • Evidence? Can anyone else confirm that position has been filled?

Take a look at next Fall's class schedule 

  • I don't discount the veracity of your claim, but has UNC even posted their class schedule for Fall 2013? 

University of San Francisco - TT Assistant Professor, Poetry - POSITION FILLED[]

Job Summary: The English Department at the University of San Francisco invites applications for a tenure-track position in poetry at the Assistant Professor level to begin Fall 2013.

Job Responsibilities: Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate creative writing courses: seminar, workshop, Core (general education).

Minimum Qualifications: Qualifications include an MFA or PhD with creative dissertation, demonstrated expertise in teaching in the genre and developing curriculum, and a significant publication record with at least one book of poetry in print or under contract. Expertise in a secondary area of writing or literature is desirable, but not required.

To be considered for this position please visit our web site and apply on line at the following link:

Applicants should submit a cover letter, statement of teaching philosophy, and curriculum vitae, electronically in PDF format, directly to Applications must be received by October 22. Finalists will be asked to submit a writing sample and dossier.

Deadline: Oct. 22, 2012

Acknowledgment received: 9/4, 10/4, 10/17, 10/26

Request for additional materials: 11/19

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/14x2

Q: what kind of interview? MLA? Phone? Skype?
Q. How were you contacted?

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: yes

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: according to "Who Got What" at top of page.


Q: Anyone know how this year's USF circumstances differ from last year which saw the position canceled?

A: I think last year's USF Poetry job was actually filled (at least that was the claim on last year's page, see Creative Writing 2012). Maybe someone else can confirm whether that is accurate. Whatever the case, it definitely appears that this position is located in the English Dept., whereas last year's was for the MFA program (evidently these are 2 different things at USF).

A: For whatever it's worth, I called the Office of Graduate Programs, Arts & Sciences, and was told the English Dept. and the MFA Program are indeed separate entities.

A: Last year's hire was for the MFA program. Doug Powell, who'd previous been undergrad faculty at USF, accepted the position. This position is his old one.

Q: Does anyone know teaching load for this?

University of South Florida - TT Asst, Assoc., or Full Professor, Poetry/Creative Nonfiction - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor. Poetry/Creative Nonfiction Writing. Tenure-line. Ph. D. or MFA required by August 7, 2013. Candidates must have a strong teaching and publication record and outstanding publication potential. Senior candidates should have significant book publications. Teaching will include a range of undergraduate and graduate courses in both poetry and creative nonfiction writing. 2/2 teaching assignment. Salary and benefits competitive. 9 month appointment per year; summer employment possible. Letter and vita required. Apply online at by November 12, preferably sooner. Applications received after that date will be advanced only in cases of compelling merit. According to Florida Law, applications and meetings regarding them are open to the public. For ADA accommodations, please contact Nancy Serrano (813-974-8211 or at least five working days prior to need. USF is an Equal Opportunity Institution.

MLA JIL 10/12/12

Deadline: Nov. 12, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/28, 12/3

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/16

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: late February


University of Texas at Austin - Associate Professor - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The New Writers Project, the MFA program of the Department of English at The University of Texas at Austin, seeks applications for a distinguished faculty position as Associate Professor with tenure in Creative Writing- Poetry to begin Fall 2013. Applicants should have substantial, high quality publications, a national reputation, and an excellent teaching record with a minimum of 2-3 books of poetry. The selected candidate will be expected to teach at all levels of our curriculum, to direct MA and MFA reports and honors theses, to publish actively, and to offer service to the Department, the College, and the University. To apply, please send a single .pdf containing a cover letter and a CV to: Dr. Elizabeth Cullingford, Chair at In addition, three letters of recommendation are also required and should be sent via a service such as Interfolio, or directly from the letter writers as .pdfs to the same address. Review of applications will begin on October 1, 2012, and applications received after this date may not receive full consideration. A background check will be conducted on successful candidate and the University of Texas at Austin is an AA/EEO employer. Position funding is pending budgetary approval.

Deadline: Oct. 1, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

  • deleted note indicated extra materials request in late Nov.  --> anyone else?

Rejection (no interview):12/17, "Dear Applicant:"

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 12/20

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 

Offer accepted: 2/25


University of Washington, Bothell - Creative Writing and Poetics – TT Assistant Professor (2 Full-Time Positions) -- POSITIONS FILLED[]

The School of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (IAS) at the University of Washington Bothell (UWB) seeks dynamic educators working in diverse genres, including cross genre and hybrid forms, and in poetics that address social, cultural, and/or technological aspects of writing. The successful candidates will join a faculty that spans the arts, humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences in a curriculum that values interdisciplinarity, diversity, and community-engaged research and pedagogy. Record of teaching excellence, evidence of commitment to working with diverse student and community populations, and significant published work are required at time of appointment; PhD required. Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience.

IAS houses undergraduate and graduate programs, is located in the Seattle metropolitan area, and provides faculty members with access to the research and funding resources of the UW as a whole. IAS houses twelve undergraduate majors and options, including degrees in Interdisciplinary Arts and Culture, Literature, and the Arts. It also offers Master of Arts degrees in Cultural Studies and Policy Studies, and a Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing and Poetics. IAS as a whole stresses links between diverse fields and methods of inquiry. We value engaged scholarship and experiential learning relevant to diverse student populations and communities. Successful candidates must have a demonstrated commitment to pedagogical innovation and should be prepared to teach an upper-division core course that introduces students to interdisciplinary inquiry.

For more information about IAS, UWB, and the position, go to, or e-mail the search committee chair, Professor Jeanne Heuving: Preferred deadline: 28 April 2013. Applications should include a letter addressing their artistic, scholarly, and pedagogical qualifications for working in the MFA and in IAS undergraduate degrees; a statement of candidate’s creative writing and poetics commitments; CV; sample syllabus; and writing sample. Email applications in one electronic file to Bill Humphreys:

Posted at Chronicle, March 29

Deadline: April 28

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [see below]


6/24/13 -- e-mail from Bill Humphreys: 

"Yes, we have received your materials. Thank you for your interest in UW Bothell and our CWP Faculty Search.  By way of update on the process, the search has just recently concluded and successful offers have been extended to the 2 candidates that have been identified as those most qualified for the 2 positions.  I am sorry that you were not included in this final group, though we certainly do wish you only the very best in your future endeavors as an educator."

University of Wisconsin-Parkside - TT Asst. Prof. - 20-21 c. American Lit + Creative Writing-Poetry - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

The English Arts Department at the University of Wisconsin-Parkside invites applications for a full-time (9 month) tenure track faculty member in English, with a focus in 20th and 21st Century American Literature and Creative Writing - Poetry beginning August 2013.



  • Ph.D. or A.B.D. in English from an accredited university with strong scholarly activity or interest in 20th and 21st Century American Literature.
  • A good record of teaching college-level literature and writing (including Creative Writing - Poetry)
  • A good scholarly record or potential is required for the Assistant Professor position
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills


  • Expertise and/or teaching experience in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature
  • Demonstrated experience and/or aptitude to work with a diverse student body

Essential Job Functions: Teach a full array of English courses including freshman composition with an emphasis in 20th and 21st Century American Literature and Creative Writing - Poetry with a preference for expertise and/or teaching experience in 20th and 21st Century African American Literature. Perform curriculum review, assessment, and leadership in student learning. Provide academic and career advising and mentoring of students in various areas of interest. Participate in department meetings. Work with department in university and community outreach.

SALARY: Salary is commensurate with qualifications and experience. The University of Wisconsin System provides a liberal benefits package, including participation in a state pension plan.

ABOUT THE UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN-PARKSIDE: The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is committed to access, diversity, engagement, and academic excellence. It currently enrolls approximately 5,100 students, many of whom are first generation and nontraditional students. UW-Parkside benefits from the ethnic and racial diversity of the communities it serves in Kenosha, Racine, and Walworth counties. Located in northern Kenosha County in the Chicago-Milwaukee urban corridor, much of the University's 700-acre campus has been preserved in its natural wooded and prairie state. UW-Parkside is strongly committed to creating and maintaining a multicultural, pluralistic campus environment.

HOW TO APPLY: For full consideration, submit all materials by May 7th, 2013. Review of applications will continue until position is filled.

Applicants must submit the following:

  • Letter of application
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Three letters of recommendation
  • Statement of teaching philosophy

Please send all materials electronically to Brandi Liantonio at If it's necessary to send items through the mail send them to:

Attn: Brandi Liantonio University of Wisconsin - Parkside English Department 900 Wood Rd. Kenosha, WI 53144

A criminal background check and degree verification will be required at the time of hire. The University of Wisconsin-Parkside is an AA/EEO employer.

Deadline: May 17 (revised end date)

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


I don't see any poetry courses listed on the Fall schedule (or any American Lit courses with TBA as the instructor) so I'm assuming this hire won't happen. Any news?

Also posted at 20-21 c. American 2013

Wake Forest University (NC) - TT Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing, Poetry) - POSITION FILLED[]

WAKE FOREST UNIVERSITY’S Department of English seeks to fill a full‑time tenure‑track position in Creative Writing (Poetry), at the level of beginning or advanced Assistant Professor beginning in July 2013. The ideal candidate would have a terminal degree in creative writing (MFA or PhD), demonstrated expertise in teaching poetry workshops and in curriculum development, and a significant record of publications. Responsibilities include teaching poetry workshops at introductory and advanced levels, with the possibility of other courses as appropriate to candidate’s experience, co‑directing campus reading series, and helping consolidate a recently inaugurated Creative Writing minor. Salary is competitive. Position begins July 1, 2013. Initial interviews will be conducted at MLA convention.

Wake Forest University is a private, coeducational institution dedicated to academic excellence in liberal arts, graduate and professional education. Founded in 1834, the University is ranked among the top thirty national universities. Wake Forest is a collegiate university offering a vibrant intellectual community with a rich cultural life, an impressive array of facilities and an active athletics community. The University has a deep institutional commitment to public service and engagement with the world, as indicated by the motto “pro humanitate.” For quick facts about the University, go to . For information about the Department of English, go to .

Applicants should apply on‑line at , A cover letter should be addressed to Dr. Scott Klein, Chair, Department of English. Also submit on‑line your vita, statement of teaching philosophy, and a writing sample (5 to 7 poems). Confidential letters of recommendation must be sent via email by the recommender or dossier service to Applications and other materials must be submitted no later than October 22 at 5:00 pm. EOE/AA

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Oct. 22

Acknowledgment received: 10/28

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): X3 (1/11/13) "We received a very large number of applications, from an exceptionally qualified pool of candidates."

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA interview scheduled (11/27) (11/28) (11/29)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/6    C: That was quick! 

Rejection (after campus interview): Email rejection 1/12

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [yes, according to "Who Got What," top of page] 


Sketchy is this one, especially with an online applicaiton process fraught with technical issues. Two applicants I know of never received acknowledgment. One of those is a brilliant young poet with three books, an MFA, AND a PhD. Wow...

11/30/12:  Was there a request for additional materials that didn't get recorded here?  Or did they just go directly to contacting people for MLA interviews?  I'm curious because the wiki seems somewhat less active this year, making it difficult to gauge what's really going on out there.

  • [12/3/12]: There wasn't a request for additional materials, just an email to schedule MLA interviews.

[9/17/12]: The online system doesn't appear to let candidates upload the requested documents. Never encountered this before in a University system.

In Resume/CV Profile, after your contact info, look for a button on the right marked "Profile Attachments." This allows you to update the required documents. It's confusing and easy to miss. Good luck!

[10/11/12]: From

"How do I apply for a position with Wake Forest University if I have never submitted an application before? You will need to go to the Employment Listings tab and click the 'Search Current Openings' link. Scroll down until you see the position you would like to apply for. Click on the link with the position name and scroll to the bottom. Click on 'New Resume'; you will then have three options to choose from. You may upload a resume, you may copy and paste a resume into the text box from a document, or you can proceed without a resume. You will need to provide some additional contact information. Enter this information into the correct fields and click on the 'Continue to Step 2' button at the bottom of the page. This next page is where you will be able to upload additional documents if necessary. Once these have been added, close out of the box and click the 'Continue to Step 3' button at the bottom of the page. You will then be asked to answer several prescreening questions. These are required and must be entered prior to continuing to Step 4. You will then have the opportunity to review the contents of your resume and edit if necessary; after reviewing, click 'Continue to Step 5'. You will then need to answer some additional questions but have the option of selecting 'I choose to not self-identify' if you do not want to participate. After clicking the 'Continue to Step 6' button, you will then have one last opportunity to review your entire application. If all is correct, please click 'Continue'. You have now successfully completed the application process."

  • Several potential inside candidates. A: Not sure these visitors have "significant publications" to be too worried. Also, no PhDs, which a school of Wake's status would seem to privilege. A#2: Believe me, there are no viable inside candidates for this position.
  • didn't this search also run last year?
  • Yes. Does anyone know if they lost the funding, or just decided not to hire anyone interviewed?
  • They made two offers; both turned them down. They really only had funding for an Assistant search, but then ran it last year as Assistant or Associate, which created problems.

Washington College (MD) - TT Asst. Professor, Poetry & Non-Fiction - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at Washington College seeks candidates for a tenure-track Assistant Professor appointment with specialization in creative writing (poetry and nonfiction) to begin in August 2013. A Ph.D. or M.F.A. in English or Creative Writing is required; evidence of teaching excellence on the college level and potential for significant publication are expected. The successful candidate will have experience and demonstrated commitment to teaching writing as well as interest teaching and mentoring students in a residential, liberal arts college environment. This position involves teaching a 3/3 load including introductory and advanced writing and literature courses and advanced poetry and non-fiction writing workshops. Tenure-line faculty are expected to contribute courses to the college-wide first year writing and research program. Salary is competitive.

Washington College, home to a vibrant literary community, is located in historic Chestertown on Maryland's Eastern Shore, enrolls approximately 1450 students, and is within easy driving distance to Washington D. C., Philadelphia, and Baltimore. Applicants can learn more about the College at and more about the English department, the creative writing minor, the Sophie Kerr Series and Prize, and the Rose O'Neill Literary House at

Application Process: Applicants should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae (with names of references) and a writing sample through our online portal Consensus, at Applications must be received by Nov. 1, 2012 for full consideration. Dossiers (including letters of recommendation and transcripts) will be requested after initial screening; interviews of selected candidates will be held at the MLA convention. Washington College is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are strongly encouraged to apply.

Deadline: Nov. 1, 2012

Acknowledgment received: 9/10, 10/1

Request for additional materials: 11/14 x 5

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): invitation to MLA interview 11/29 x 2

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 1/11 (3 candidates invited to campus; 15 MLA interviewees contacted to update, no one eliminated from pool until offer accepted)

Campus interview scheduled: 1/11

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: <--date?


This position seems to keep reappearing every few years. Anyone know why?

A: I think the previous listing was maternity leave/sabbatical replacement.

Weber State University (UT) - TT Assistant Professor of English, Poetry Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Weber State University's Department of English Language and Literature invites applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of English specializing in poetry writing. The position will begin in August 2013.

The successful applicant will play a key role in shaping the future of creative writing in our department and should have a historical and theoretical grounding in poetry. The teaching load is four courses per semester and will include both existent and new courses in our growing undergraduate and graduate programs.

Weber State University is an open-enrollment university with 24,000 students located approximately forty miles north of Salt Lake City in Ogden, Utah. Ogden boasts year-round recreational opportunities, a thriving arts community, a historic downtown area, the Sundance Film Festival, and easy commuter rail access to Salt Lake City.

Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. or MFA in English, poetry writing, or related field completed by August 1, 2013.

Preferred Qualifications: Seeking candidates with demonstrated experience and ability to teach poetry writing, contemporary poetry, and composition; recent applicable publications and presentations; interest in supporting campus publications, writing-related activities, and organizations; experience working with non-traditional student populations.

To apply, complete the faculty data form at and attach a cover letter, CV, writing sample of 5-10 poems, teaching philosophy, and the names and contact information of three references. Additional materials may be requested.

Review of applications will begin Dec 1, 2012.


Deadline: Dec. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Skype interview request 1/22

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 3/15

Offer accepted: [yes, according to "Who Got What" top of page]


  • Anybody know the status of this search?

Williams College - TT Position in Creative Writing (Poetry) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The English Department of Williams College seeks to fill a full-time tenure-track position in Creative Writing (Poetry), beginning in fall 2013. Appointments are normally at the beginning assistant professor level. Requirements include at least one book with a nationally recognized press, as well as evidence of excellence in teaching. Candidates should have MFA or PhD, or a completed thesis, in field by the time of appointment. Interviews will take place at the MLA convention in Boston, Jan. 3-6.

Teaching responsibilities include a 2-2 workload with a Winter Study term every other January. Normally, two of a year's regular-semester courses will be poetry writing workshops, the others literature courses, introductory or advanced, of the candidate's design. Qualified candidates should apply by Nov. 5 with a letter of application, curriculum vitae, brief writing sample (8-10 pages of poetry), three or more letters of recommendation, and full descriptions (including syllabi if possible) of at least two literature courses the candidate would like to teach (courses need not have been already taught to be proposed). Applications should be sent through . All offers of employment are contingent upon completion of a background check.


Acknowledgment received: 10/02; 10/16; 10/18; 10/25; 11/2

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 12/20 via e-mail x 8 ("quite a few applications from some very good scholars")

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA 12/18 (x3)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/10 x2

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 2/1

Offer accepted: 3/18


Give yourself plenty of time to apply for this job. Additional notes are included in the Interfolio application process, including who to address the document to & several additional documents, that are not listed in the ad.

Thanks for the heads-up. Please also note they've extended the deadline to 11/9, due to the hurricane (information found on the Interfolio application page).

William Jewell College (MO) - TT Asst. Professor of English (Creative Writing - Poetry) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English seeks applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of English position to begin August 2013. The successful candidate will be trained in creative writing--poetry. Preferred candidates will also have the ability to teach creative nonfiction and a strong academic background in one or more of the following areas: critical theory, world literature, or minority literature. Teaching responsibilities will include courses in creative writing, in literature and/or critical theory, and in the Colleges core curriculum. Other responsibilities will include academic advising, involvement in College and departmental committees and activities, and continued creative production and publication. Qualifications are an MFA in creative writing or a Ph.D. in English or related area with creative dissertation, evidence of successful teaching at the college level, and a strong record of publication.

Review of applicants will begin Nov. 1, 2012 and continue until position is filled. More information about the position and application procedures can be found on the Colleges website, under Employment. William Jewell College is an equal opportunity employer.


Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received: 9/10, 10/8

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

  • It's hearsay, but a friend of a friend had a campus visit for this position.

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Superfun list of required documents for this position which I will not be applying for:

  • Letter of application
  • William Jewell Application
  • Curriculum vitae
  • Response to the college mission
  • Statement of teaching philosophy
  • Evidence of teaching effectiveness
  • Scholarly/Creative goals
  • Transcripts (copies are acceptable until finalists are selected)
  • Three letters of recommendation (for finalists only)

Wright State University (OH) - TT Assistant Professor, Creative Writing: Poetry - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Tenure-track assistant professor in Creative Writing: Poetry to begin August 2013. Required by the time of appointment: Ph.D. in English or MFA in Creative Writing with expertise in and ability to teach poetry. Also required: significant creative publication in poetry and promise of future publication; teaching experience and evidence of successful college-level teaching. Preferred: secondary teaching interest and publication in creative non-fiction. Candidates with substantial graduate-level work in Disability Studies, Gender Studies, Postcolonial literature, or African- American literature are encouraged to apply.

Load: five courses over two semesters plus advising and service. Courses will include graduate and undergraduate courses in field(s) and other service courses. Opportunity exists for summer teaching. All department faculty must be able to teach composition. Salary competitive.

Preliminary interviews will be by video conference; finalists will visit campus in winter. To apply, go to by November 1, 2012 for first consideration. An AA/EO Employer

Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/19 x 3

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Skype 12/6 x 4

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 12/27 (email said campus interviews scheduled)

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: Yes [posted 1/31/13]

Offer accepted: [see below]


Does anyone know the status of this position? Was the offer accepted? Yes, according to "Who Got What" list above.

NON-FICTION: Full-Time / Tenure-Track Positions[]

Monmouth University (NJ) - Assistant Professor, Creative Nonfiction - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Monmouth University - Assistant Professor, Creative Nonfiction

Assistant Professor, Creative Nonfiction

Posting Date: 01/11/2013

Closing Date: 02/15/2013



Position Summary

The School of Humanities and Social Sciences at Monmouth University is seeking applications for an Assistant Professor in the English Department. This anticipated opening is for the 2013-2014 academic year and is a tenure-track appointment.

The department has built a growing creative writing program with poets and a fiction writer on staff. This position will complement these positions to enhance undergraduate and graduate study.

The candidate would be expected to: teach 9 credits per semester (12 credits with a 3 credit course load reduction), a 3/3 load that will include creative writing, composition, and literature at the undergraduate level, and creative nonfiction in the MA program; serve on committees; advise students; and maintain disciplinary currency.

Additional information about the English department can be found at:



Date Position is Available


Required Skills or Software:

Basic Knowledge of MS Word 2007

Basic Knowledge of MS Excel 2007

Excellent interpersonal, organizational and communication skills

Other Requirements:

Ph.D. or MFA. ABD candidates may be considered with degree completion expected by date of employment.

Must have at least one book published with a nationally-recognized press.

Preferred Qualifications:

Previous teaching experience.

Special Instructions to Applicants

When applying on-line, please include a letter describing teaching and writing interests, a C.V. with contact information for three recommenders, and twenty pages of creative work.

Transcripts and three letters of recommendation can be sent to: Susan Goulding, Chair, Dept. of English, Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ 07764.

Interviews will be conducted at the Association of Writers and Writing Programs (AWP) Conference.

Required Applicant Documents

Resume or Curriculum Vitae

Cover Letter

Log in to to apply and see the job duties for this position no later than the deadline date.

Monmouth is a private, moderate-sized, coeducational, comprehensive University founded in 1933. It serves residential and commuter students in seven schools: the Wayne D. McMurray School of Humanities and Social Sciences; the School of Education; the Leon Hess Business School; the School of Science; the Marjorie K. Unterberg School of Nursing and Health Studies; the Graduate School; and the Honors School. Monmouth's campus is a five-minute drive from the Atlantic Ocean in West Long Branch, New Jersey, and is convenient to New York City and Philadelphia, as well as plentiful local attractions. The 156-acre campus features 54 buildings, including historic landmarks and state-of-the-art facilities.


Deadline: 02/15/2013

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): AWP interview scheduled (2/27) x 2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: scheduled for first week in April

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


New Mexico Highlands University - TT Asst./Assoc. (Preference for Creative Non-Fiction) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

New Mexico Highlands University is accepting applications for an Assistant/Associate Professor of English. The faculty member will participate in undergraduate and graduate English Programs.


MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: EDUCATION: Doctorate or ABD in English with specialization in writing or related area. EXPERIENCE: Demonstrated excellence in teaching, research & writing.

PREFERRED: Publications in creative non‑fiction.

Interested candidates must submit 1) letter of application describing teaching & research interests; 2) curriculum vitae; 3) unofficial copies of advanced degree transcripts; 4)names/address/phone numbers of 3 professional references; 5) evidence of teaching excellence; 6)samples of syllabi.

 References will be contacted in conjunction with on‑campus interviews. Official transcripts should be requested upon acceptance of on‑campus interview.

New Mexico Highlands University, 
Human Resources, 
Assistant/Associate Professor of English, 
Box 9000, 
Las Vegas, NM 87701
. Email applications will be accepted:

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Nov. 9

Acknowledgment received: Email 11/3

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 4/3


Rollins College - TT Asst, Creative Non-Fiction - OFFER MADE[]

English/Writing: Assistant Professor of Creative Non-Fiction, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL. The Department of English at Rollins College seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Creative Non-Fiction with a start date of August 2013. The annual course load of the candidate will be 3/3, with an expectation of courses in writing, advanced style, composition, introductory literature, and the core of the English major and writing minor. A Ph.D. or M.F.A at the time of appointment is preferred; A.B.D.s will be considered. Successful candidates must provide evidence of excellence in teaching along with a strong record of publication. Interested applicants must apply online via the College's employment web site,, and upload the following materials merged together as follows: (1) A letter of application describing teaching and writing interests, (2) A curriculum vita. Questions may be directed to: Philip Deaver; Chair, Search Committee; E-mail: When needed, additional information will be requested by the committee. Review of applications will begin November 1, 2012 and continue until the position is filled. Interviews will be conducted at MLA.


Deadline: Nov. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): March 5

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

  • [Offer posted in header on 3/7]

Offer accepted:


Rutgers University - Camden (NJ) - TT Asst. Professor, Creative Non-Fiction[]

The MFA program at Rutgers-Camden is seeking a tenure-track assistant professor with expertise in creative nonfiction (CNF), at least one book of CNF from a nationally recognized press and either a second book or an outstanding record of journal publication in a secondary genre. The candidate will be a member of a research-based English department with teaching responsibilities in the MFA, MA, and undergraduate programs. In addition to supervision of graduate theses and participation in our Writers in Camden program of visiting writers, the candidate will serve on the editorial board of our award-winning literary magazine StoryQuarterly. Applicants should send a CV and the names of three references. Salary and benefits are competitive. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. For information about our program, see Applications are due by November 30. Professor Lauren Grodstein, Director, MFA Program in Creative Writing, Rutgers University, Armitage Hall, Camden, NJ 08l02.

MLA JIL 10/5/12

Deadline: Nov. 30

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Towson University - TT Asst. Professor, Creative Non-Fiction - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Position: Creative Non-Fiction Writing specialist. Sub-fields may include lyric essay, free-lance writing, editing, prose style, memoir, and/or rhetoric. Candidates must possess a demonstrated commitment to teaching and evidence of an active creative agenda, generally shown by a book or several significant journal publications. Three-course load each semester for initial three-year appointment; teaching load after this three-year period will be seven courses per year, with possible occasional course release for exceptional scholarly productivity, service, or teaching. Qualifications: MFA or Ph.D. in appropriate discipline must be conferred by time of appointment.

Application Process: Electronic submission of application materials preferred. Address cover letter and curriculum vitae to Professor George Hahn, Chair, and send via email to Review of applications begins 9 November 2012. Upon submitting your Curriculum Vitae to indicate you are an applicant for this position, please be sure to visit to complete a voluntary on-line applicant data form.


Deadline: Nov. 9

Acknowledgment received: Nov. 16 (1)

Request for additional materials: Nov. 19

Rejection (no interview): Jan. 7 (1)

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Dec. 17; Skype January 11

Rejection (after preliminary interview): January 24

Campus interview scheduled: Jan. 23

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: February 25th

Offer accepted: March 4th


University of Missouri, Columbia - TT Assistant or Associate Professor of Creative Nonfiction - OFFER ACCEPTED.[]

The English Department at the University of Missouri seeks a tenure line Assistant or Associate Professor in Creative Nonfiction with a solid publication record and the ability to teach workshops in CNF at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, along with some literature courses. The position offers the opportunity to build the CNF area in the context of our well‑established PhD‑granting writing program. Start date is August 2013; PhD required by time of appointment.

As the flagship campus of the state's university system, MU offers a wide range of resources, including multiple options for research leave and summer funding. The ordinary teaching schedule is two courses per semester.

 Only online applications can be considered. Please apply to‑a‑job/academic/index.php. A letter of application, CV, and the names of 3 references with contact information are required. Attach these materials in the Cover Letters and Attachments section of the application system. Review of applications will begin by November 9 and will continue until the position is filled.

Here is a revised ad (which is now posted on the MLA JIL) which has both a change in application criteria (slightly expanded) and a clearer link to the application site:

Job opening, University of Missouri

OCT 31: The English Department at the University of Missouri seeks a tenure line Assistant or Associate Professor in Creative Nonfiction with a solid publication record and the ability to teach workshops in CNF at both the graduate and undergraduate levels, along with some literature courses. The position offers the opportunity to build the CNF area in the context of our well‑established PhD‑granting writing program. Start date is August 2013; PhD preferred, or an MFA with strong publications and a record of scholarly activity. 

As the flagship campus of the state's university system, MU offers a wide range of resources, including multiple options for research leave and summer funding. The ordinary teaching schedule is two courses per semester.

 Only online applications can be considered. Please apply to (job 8591, posted 9/5,2012) A letter of application, CV, and the names of 3 references with contact information are required. Attach these materials in the Cover Letters and Attachments section of the application system.

Review of applications will begin by November 9 and will continue until the position is filled.

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Nov. 9

Acknowledgment received: 10/18 (usps)

Request for additional materials: 10/24 (email), 11/10, 11/18

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Interview scheduled for MLA on 1/5 [posted 12/12]

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: OFFER ACCEPTED [posted 4/24]


Yes-- Everyone take note that they are now taking applications from MFAs; no PhD requirement anymore.

That seems like a strange switch all of a sudden. I am thinking they're going to hire someone they know with a PhD, and they just need more applications for bureacratic reasons.  

[Comment: I think this "sudden switch" has more to do with not being able to find PhDs with the kind of experience they want.  The position is for an adv asst or associate.  There are plenty of people that have the teaching experience and pubs to qualify for this job  that *only* have MFAs. Just my two cents, for what it's worth.  12/12]

Or they didn't get enough apps. I'm guessing there are far fewer NF CW PhDs then there are Poetry& Fiction. They're asking for something about a decade too soon. 

University of San Francisco - TT Assistant Professor, Creative Nonfiction - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The MFA in Writing Program at the University of San Francisco invites applications for a tenure-track position in creative nonfiction at the Assistant Professor level to begin Fall 2013.

Job Responsibilities: The teaching requirement is two courses per semester; typically three of these four courses are in the graduate program (workshop or craft seminar) and one in the undergraduate creative writing program. Administrative responsibilities include serving as coordinator for nonfiction MFA curriculum and performing duties related to admissions and thesis approval.

Minimum Qualifications: Qualifications include an MFA or PhD with creative dissertation, demonstrated expertise in teaching in the genre (preferably at the graduate level), and an ability to contribute to an innovative, expanding writing program. Candidates must have a strong publication record, with at least one book of creative nonfiction. Special interests, such as teaching ethnic literature or teaching in a second genre, are encouraged.

To apply, applicants should first register on the university’s HR website ( by creating a username and login and providing pertinent contact information. To start the process, click on “Apply for This Job” at the top of the page. Do not submit any of the required documents on this website. Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, two letters of recommendation, and a brief statement of teaching philosophy (two to three single-spaced pages) electronically via email to Each required document should be a separate attachment in PDF format.

Complete applications must be received no later than October 15. Additional materials may be requested as needed at later stages of the process

Deadline: Oct. 15

Acknowledgment received: Sept. 21 (email from chair)

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:  Dave Madden.  Leaving TT at U of Alabama. 


Be careful. Submitted materials in August, had multiple forms of evidence that materials were sent, department chair claims they were never received even with evidence to the contrary and refused to consider application.

Yes, very odd. I applied for this job and had my dissertation supervisor send an electronic letter of recommdation. She sent it twice electronically (per department's instructions), but to no avail. The department claimed not to have received it and that the letter wasn't in their spam folders. In the end, she (a dependable and powerful scholar in her field) had to fax it. I wonder how many applicants were stymied due to this technological (? I assume) problem. 

OPEN: Full-Time / Tenure-Track Positions[]

Armstrong Atlantic State University (GA) - TT Asst. Professor, Professional/Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department Of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy at Armstrong Atlantic State University invites applications for a tenure-track position in Professional and/or Creative Writing beginning Fall 2013.

Minimum Qualifications: Candidates must have Ph.D. in Professional Writing, English, Communication, or Journalism or a Ph.D. or M.F.A. in Creative Writing (except poetry) by August 2013. Demonstrated record of excellent teaching, evidence of scholarly or creative promise, commitment to university service.

Preferred Qualifications: Professional experience in public relations, journalism, publishing, editing, advertising, grant writing, or technical writing would also be beneficial.

Essential Duties Summary : The successful candidate will teach a variety of courses in our Professional Communication Program. Courses might include Introduction to Communication, Freelance Writing, Technical and Professional Writing, Creative Writing, and Journalism. Administrative duties may include student advising, supervising professional internships, and assessing student outcomes.

Armstrong Atlantic State University is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative-Action Institution committed to cultural, racial, and multi-ethnic communities and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Georgia is an Open Records state.

Three confidential letters of recommendation should be sent by email to or by mail to: Tony Morris, Department of Languages, Literature, and Philosophy, Armstrong Atlantic State University, 11935 Abercorn St., Savannah, GA 31419.

Employment is contingent upon successful completion of a background investigation.

Salary: Salary is competitive and commensurate with education and experience.

To be considered for this position please visit our web site and apply on line at the following link:

Link to Apply:

Deadline: 12/05/2012

Acknowledgment received:12/3

  • 12/13: Email (bcc'ed to multiple recipients, I assume): "We will begin reviewing applications in early December and will contact by December 14 those candidates whom we wish to interview at the MLA convention. If you do not hear back from us then, you should assume that you are not among the group selected for interviews.")

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):12/11-MLA

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/11

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 2/11

Offer accepted: 2/11


Did anyone else have a strange experience interviewing for this position?

Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013

Baldwin Wallace University (OH) - TT Assistant Professor of English – Creative Writing -- POSITION FILLED[]

Tenure track position to begin August, 2013. MFA/MA in Creative Writing + Ph.D. in Literature or MFA/MA + Ph.D. Creative Writing required by August 2013. The department seeks a colleague to teach creative writing (playwriting emphasis) along with some other area of specialization in literature. Teaching load normally 21 semester hours per academic year comprised of seven 3-credit hour classes, including lower-level writing and literature courses. Department needs may require flexibility in scheduling and types of courses taught as needs change over time. Additional job expectations include advising, committee work or other college service, evidence of scholarly and professional activity (such evidence may include but is not limited to publication). The English Department at Baldwin Wallace University seeks to attract faculty whose highest priority is undergraduate teaching.

The University is an equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate because of race, creed, age, disabilities, national origin, gender, or sexual orientation in the administration of policies or programs. We support and encourage diversity in a variety of forms, both within the student body and the faculty (see

Applications can be made online at until November 30. A single pdf file containing a letter of application, CV, letters of recommendation, and unofficial graduate transcripts must be uploaded at the time of application.

Letters of recommendation not available to be included in the pdf must be sent separately to Michael Dolzani, Chair, Department of English, Baldwin Wallace University, 275 Eastland Road, Berea, OH 44017-2088. MLA interviews in Boston. Official transcripts and writing sample (25 pages or less, please) by request only. Receipt of application acknowledged by departmental email.


Deadline: Nov. 30

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  • I have some helpful information from the department: Baldwin-Wallace seeks a creative writer with a Ph.D. and any kind of playwriting experience, not necessarily reflected in any kind of degree or connection with a theatre company, just someone who could teach an Introduction to Playwriting and Intermediate Playwriting course along with literature courses, freshman composition, and, if the creative writing program continues to grow, also help with teaching fiction and poetry. [posted 11/10/12]
  • Question: Has anyone heard anything about this job? Above it says they planned on interviewing at MLA, but no one posted about getting an interview. Has BW decided to do phone interviews, AWP, or have they cancelled? 

Beloit College - TT Assistant Professor of Renaissance Literature and Creative Writing - OFFER MADE[]

from the MLA JIL: Assistant Professor: Renaissance Literature and Creative Writing

The Department of English at Beloit College invites applications for a tenure-track position in Renaissance literature/Shakespeare and creative writing, starting in August 2013. Along with expertise in Shakespeare, we particularly invite applicants interested in colonial/postcolonial Renaissance studies, writing for performance, and outreach to diverse local communities. The successful candidate will teach five courses during the academic year, including introductory creative writing, introductory literature, Renaissance literature/Shakespeare, and creative writing courses on various topics and genres, including writing for performance. Beloit faculty members also contribute regularly to the First-Year Initiatives Program and to capstone courses. Ph.D. in literature required by time of appointment.

Please submit materials, including letter of application, c.v., dissertation abstract, teaching portfolio, reference letters, and writing sample (including scholarly and creative writing) through Interfolio using the link above by November 5, 2012. We will conduct interviews at MLA 2013 in Boston.

Located in a diverse community close to Madison, Milwaukee, and Chicago, Beloit College is a highly selective liberal arts college of approximately 1250 students from 49 states and 40 countries. The college emphasizes excellence in teaching, learning beyond the traditional classroom, international perspectives, and collaborative research among students and faculty. Recognized as one of the Colleges that Change Lives, Beloit is committed to the educational benefits of diversity in our learning community and encourages all interested individuals meeting the criteria of the described position to apply. AA/EEO Employer.

Deadline: Nov. 5

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 11/14 [From Renaissance 2013 page]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: yes, 2/14, according to Renaissance 2013

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Renaissance 2013

California Baptist University - TT Position, Creative/Technical Writing[]

English Creative/Technical Writing

The Department of Modern Languages and Literature at California Baptist University invites applications for a full-time tenure-track position in creative/technical writing. Strong candidates will demonstrate evidence of teaching effectiveness, exceptional oral and written communication skills, and potential for scholarship. The Department is seeking a highly motivated individual with evidence of and potential for curriculum and program development in creative and technical writing. The successful candidate will teach a range of courses in various forms of writing as needed. Candidates with a Ph.D. in English with an emphasis in creative and/or technical writing will be given preference.

California Baptist University, an evangelical Christian university affiliated with the California Southern Baptist Convention, invites applications for tenure-track positions to begin August 15, 2013 in the areas listed below. Candidates must embrace the mission of California Baptist University and evidence a clear understanding of, and commitment to, excellence in teaching through the integration of the Christian faith and learning. A terminal degree in the field indicated is preferred, although candidates with a masters degree who are working toward a terminal degree may be considered. An application for a position may be submitted electronically through the Universitys web site at


Deadline: Open until filled (posted 10/18/12)

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013

Carnegie Mellon University - TT Asst. Professor of Creative Writing - AWP INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Carnegie Mellon University’s Department of English invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor with a specialization in creative writing. The position is open to a writer with at least one published book in prose or poetry and a strong publication record and teaching experience in the other genre. We welcome writers who work in traditional print media, but also encourage applications from writers with interest in new media forms in the broader context of contemporary arts and culture. Required qualifications include a PhD or MFA in Creative Writing or closely related field and evidence of excellence in teaching. Teaching load is two courses per semester plus active involvement in the creative writing program’s thriving undergraduate environment. Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position if filled. To ensure full consideration, please submit materials by Jan 14, 2012. We plan to make a preliminary selection of potential candidates in January and hope to meet with candidates at the AWP in Boston in March. Please submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, a statement of teaching philosophy, sample syllabi and a writing sample. Questions may be addressed to Ms.Vickie McKay, (412) 268-2850.

MLA JIL 12/21/12

Deadline: Jan. 14

Acknowledgment received: 1/10 X3, 1/17 x2 — Q: Was the acknowledgement via the department or via Interfolio? A: Automated(?) reply from dept. office manager sent via Interfolio.

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (AWP, phone, Skype ...): 2/1 (AWP) 

  • Q. How were you contacted? A. Email.

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Creighton University (NE) - TT Asst. Professor, Lit. and Religions/Creative Writing (Poetry) - SEARCH SUSPENDED[]

This is a tenure-track, entry level position in Literature and Religions (including world religions) beginning August 2012. Secondary area and MFA degree in creative writing (poetry) strongly preferred, 3-3 teaching load. Ph.D. required no later than July 1, 2013, with evidence of excellent university-level teaching and significant publications. All faculty teach 100-level courses.

Ph.D. required no later than July 1, 2013, from an accredited college or university. 2-4 years prior teaching experience. Candidates should familiarize themselves with our programs, department, university and mission at

Creighton University's normal hours of operation are 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., however, this position will require occasional evening and weekend commitments. Position requirements may include teaching evening classes.

Other document 1 - Transcripts

Other document 2 - Letters of recommendation and writing sample

Application Information

Online App. Form:

Deadline: Open Until Filled (posted 11/2/12) from Comparative 2013: " Review of applications begins December 5 and continues until the position is filled."

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  • Note the following added to the cross-posting of this position at Comparative 2013: "3 letters of reference to Bob Whipple, English Department, Creighton University, 2500 California Plaza, Omaha, NE 68178."
  • From Generalist 2013: Search suspended; candidates notified by letter dated 12 April 2013.

Also posted at Comparative 2013 and Generalist 2013

Dixie State College of Utah (UT) - TT Position in Creative Writing - CANCELLED[]


  • Develop and teach courses in area of creative writing.
  • Supervise students in the creation of department publications as assigned.
  • Teach composition courses and literature courses as needed.
  • Serve on college and departmental committees as assigned.
  • Attend department, division, and faculty meetings; work with other faculty in program management; and adhere to college policies.
  • Should be technology literate and/or willing to become certified and teach online or blended courses.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Ph.D. in English with creative writing emphasis by August 2013 from a regionally accredited institution.
  • Extensive writing experience and publication in national journals and/or presses.
  • Experience in creative writing the classroom working with any or all of the following genres: poetry, fiction, and nonfiction.
  • Experience in teaching college composition

Terms of Contract: Tenure-track (9-month) faculty position. Position begins fall semester (August 2013). Salary is based on competitive Dixie State College faculty salary schedule. Excellent benefit package included. This position is contingent upon funding. Electronic Application Procedures: Application review begins January 15, 2013, open until filled. Submit cover letter, resume, contact information for three references (including email) and unofficial transcripts electronically at . Employment may be contingent upon positive results of a background check. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply. If, because of a disability, you need special services or facilities in order to apply for this opening, please call the Human Resources Office (435) 652-7520.


Deadline: review begins Jan. 15

NB: Interact with their job application program using Internet Explorer. All other internet browsers (that we had on hand) failed to let us see or complete (and therefore submit) the full application.

Acknowledgment received:


Received this note in an email on 4/17- "Unfortunately, this position has not received institutional funding, and we will not be continuing with the search at this time."

It's 4/18 and I still haven't received this e-mail. Still, I'm sure it's coming.  I suppose a lack of funding helps to explain why nobody has heard anything this entire time.

I had sent an addendum to my application to the Department Chair, and he responded to that email. Otherwise, I don't think they would have notified me--or anyone else--of the search being cancelled.

Q:  Anyone hear anything on this one?

A: Unfortunately, no.  At this point, I expect to receive a rejection letter/e-mail any day now.

A2: I haven't heard anything, either. This is a beautiful part of the world that I know well from childhood, rockclimbing, hiking, etc.; I really wish they'd get back to us soon!

Doane College (Nebraska) - TT Asst. Professor of English (pref. for Fiction Writers) - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Doane College invites applications for a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor of English for fall 2013. Ph.D. plus college teaching experience preferred, and a commitment to teaching in an undergraduate liberal arts college. Teaching responsibilities include colonial and post-colonial literatures; special consideration may be given to those who write and publish fiction, to teach in both our writing and literature programs. Send a letter of application, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy and research interests, and contact information for three references electronically to Dr. John M. Burney, Vice President for Academic Affairs, . For more information visit the Doane College website at . Review of applications will begin November 12 and will continue until the position is filled. Doane College is an equal opportunity employer and actively seeks candidates who reflect the diversity of the nation.

Deadline: Nov. 12

Acknowledgment received: 11/16

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/10 phone interview

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

[From Anglophone 2013: "Campus interview scheduled: 12/14 x1"]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Anglophone 2013 and Generalist 2013

Fitchburg State University (MA) - TT Asst. Professor of Creative Writing (Poetry and Fiction) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Fitchburg State University, located in Fitchburg, Massachusetts, is a public institution dedicated to integrating high-quality professional programs with strong liberal arts and sciences studies. Founded in 1894, the university now has more than 30 undergraduate programs and 22 Master's degree programs, and 7,000 full and part-time students with 199 full-time faculty. Fitchburg, Massachusetts, a city of 40,000 is located in the north central part of the state, about one hour's drive from Boston.

Full time, tenure track position in English Studies, with specialty in creative writing (poetry and fiction). Additional background in African American literature and emergent ethnic American literatures desirable. Courses include but are not limited to Fiction Writing, Poetry Writing, First-Year Writing and the development of new courses that support the English Studies curriculum.

Minimum Qualifications:

1. Ph.D. in English required.

2. College teaching experience required.

3. Ability to teach undergraduate courses in creative writing (poetry and fiction), first-year writing and other courses within the English Studies curriculum.

4. Ability to integrate appropriate technology and software in teaching.

5. Commitment to excellence in teaching, demonstrated teaching experience appropriate to the level of appointment, and evidence of scholarly/creative activity.

6. Ability to work effectively with a diverse student body.

7. Ability to perform all duties with or without reasonable accommodations.

See also:

Deadline: Review begins Nov. 12, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): skype 2/26

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1 (3/25)

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 4/26

Offer accepted: Yes [posted 5/11]


Q.  Any news anyone?

Franklin College Switzerland (Switzerland) - Full-Time Asst. Prof Creative Writing [NTT] - SEARCH CANCELED[]

Franklin College Switzerland invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor in Creative Writing in the context of a Department of Literature and Culture. In addition to being a published author in prose fiction, he or she will have a secondary interest in other forms of creative writing and have a strong affinity with comparative, transnational approaches to literature and cultural studies. The position is full-time with a clear promotion ladder according to the Anglo-American model.

The successful candidate will direct and develop the department’s program in creative writing, position the program within a network of other like programs in Europe and North America, and work closely with a small, but dedicated student body to foster a vibrant creative writing culture at Franklin. In addition, he or she will also contribute courses to the larger department whose strengths lie in interdisciplinary, topic-based courses in areas such as film, gender and sexuality, law and culture, travel and diaspora. Active ongoing professional engagement is a must and we expect a PhD and solid teaching experience at the time of application.

Conference call interviews, followed by on-campus interviews for finalists. Preference will be given to candidates with European experience.

Deadline Date: December 7, 2012. Date Posted: November 4, 2012. Start Date: August 25, 2013. Type: Full-time

Academic Non-Tenure Track

Salary Range: 75000 to 80000 USD

Benefits: pension, moving costs

URL:; Email:; Phone: 0041919863653

Please submit a letter of application, a cv, and a sample syllabus in creative writing to by December 7, 2012. Short-listed candidates will be asked to provide dossiers with a writing sample and teaching evaluations. The position will begin in the fall of 2013, pending funding. Please direct questions to Professor Caroline Wiedmer,

Application must be received by December 7, 2012

MLA JIL 11/09/12

Deadline: Dec. 7

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 12/15x3


Search canceled. [posted 1/9/13]

Hampshire College - Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and African American Literary Arts - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Hampshire Colleges Creative Writing Program invites applications for an Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and African American Literary Arts, to begin in fall 2013. We seek a writer (of poetry, fiction, and/or creative nonfiction) whose artistic and critical work is engaged with the histories, literary arts, and cultures of people of African descent, particularly in the United States. We are especially interested in candidates whose work explores the intersections of creative practice, research and issues of social justice. We seek candidates who are interested in teaching workshop-based courses as well as modeling for students what it can mean for writers to engage with literature through critical and theoretical lenses.

At least two years of college level teaching, a terminal degree (MFA or PhD), an active interest in critical pedagogy, and a record of publication are essential. The Creative Writing Program is part of the School for Interdisciplinary Arts, which includes arts and social action as one of its key mandates. In keeping with the Schools mission statement, students are encouraged to consider issues of social justice and the power of art to change lives. The Schools robust collegial atmosphere depends on close collaboration, and collective openness to experimentation and artistic cross-pollination.

The deadline for application submission is Friday, October 19, 2012.

Applicants should submit a cover letter describing their professional experience, current interests and projects, and envisaged contribution to Hampshires unique experimenting environment; a one page statement of teaching philosophy; a current curriculum vitae; a writing sample of no more than fifteen pages; and the names and contact information for three recommenders via our website at:

  • Please note that we will accept, in addition to your online application, hard copies of your writing sample (only) if you feel your work is best represented in this way. These materials can be mailed to us at: Search Committee, Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and African American Literary Arts, School for Interdisciplinary Arts—WP, Hampshire College, 893 West Street, Amherst, MA 01002


Deadline: Oct. 19

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Skype interviews scheduled. [posted 12/21]

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: Campus interviews scheduled 2/1

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at African American 2013

Iowa State University - Associate Professor of Creative Writing - CANCELED[]

The English Department at Iowa State University is seeking an associate professor of creative writing to teach undergraduate creative writing and graduate-level courses in the MFA Program in Creative Writing and Environment. Genre open. The successful candidate will be an experienced and innovative teacher with the ability to teach in at least two genres and an accomplished writer of national reputation whose creative work demonstrates a commitment to environmental thought and action. In addition, we are seeking a colleague committed to supporting program initiatives and the department through service, as well as to collaborate with colleagues to bring fresh ideas and new approaches to teaching creative writing through an environmental lens.

Required qualifications include an MFA or Ph.D., publications and experience commensurate with the rank of a tenured associate professor (at least two books, with some publications in a second genre), and evidence of effective teaching. Preferred qualifications include evidenced expertise in place-based, environmental or science-based writing, and/or writing about the natural world and an experienced teacher with the ability to teach in at least two genres. 2/2 teaching load to begin; 9-month, tenured position with proposed start date of 8/16/13.

To apply for this position, please apply through the Iowa State University website at and click on “Apply for this Vacancy” (#121006) and complete the Employment Application. Please be prepared to enter or attach the following: a letter of application/cover letter, curriculum vitae, a statement of teaching/research interests, and contact information for three references including mailing address, email address, and phone number. Application deadline is October 26, 2012. AA/EO Employer. Women and members of historically underrepresented groups are strongly encouraged to apply.

MLA JIL 09/27/12

Deadline: Oct. 26


Received (via email) 1/22/13: "Thank you for your interest in the Associate Professor of English position at Iowa State University.  Unfortunately, we have decided to withdraw this vacancy.  Please continue to visit the ISU Job Opportunities website at as we anticipate a new search in the near future. Thank you!"

John Brown University (AR) - Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

John Brown University, Christian, independent and evangelical, seeks a faculty member to teach undergraduate courses in creative writing beginning August 1, 2013, with emphasis in fiction and/or poetry and core curriculum courses of English I and English II. Other responsibilities may include but are not limited to administering a yearly writing festival and teaching literature courses. Faculty members are expected to contribute to university life in areas such as academic advising, recruiting for the program, and committee service.

A terminal degree, M.F.A. or Ph.D., in creative writing is preferred. Effective teaching experience in higher education, evidence of scholarly potential, and a commitment to Christian higher education are essential.

Submit electronically a letter of interest and vita to Attn: Dr. Ed Ericson III, Vice President, Academic Affairs, John Brown University, Siloam Springs, AR 72761. Phone: 479.524.7129. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

MLA JIL 12/21/12

Deadline: 1/31/2013

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 2/8

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:  2/8


Email from the VPAA: "Thank you for your interest in the position of creative writing at John Brown University. We appreciate the training and expertise which your letter and CV describe.  As the position was recently filled, we are no longer accepting applications. We thank you for your interest in John Brown University and pray that you will soon find a place of effective service."

Keystone College (PA) - TT Asst. Professor of English - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Division of Communication Arts and Humanities at Keystone College invites applications for a full-time tenure track Assistant Professor of English with specializations in creative writing and literature, especially British Literature to begin Fall 2013. Qualified applicants should hold a PhD in English with emphasis in the preferred specializations. Applicants who are ABD within one year of completion or who hold an MFA degree at the time of appointment also will be considered.

A demonstrable ability to teach undergraduate courses to majors and non-majors is required. The successful applicant will exhibit a willingness to mentor undergraduate research projects, and will have the opportunity to develop new courses in their areas of interest. Experience with online teaching and learning is a plus.

Teaching assignments may include: Academic Writing, Writing About Literature, Introduction to Literary Studies, Creative Writing, British Literature, and/or other literatures, and Special Topics. The applicant may also be asked to serve as a curriculum coordinator.

The normal teaching load is 12 credit hours per semester. Scholarship; service to the College; a strong commitment to advising; and, mentorship of students, including research involving undergraduates is expected. The successful candidate will have a well-developed or emerging research agenda.

In addition, the successful candidate must show evidence of the ability to work effectively with students and colleagues and have a strong commitment to undergraduate liberal arts education. The candidate must possess excellent communication skills and be self-motivated. All full-time faculty at Keystone College serve as academic advisers and on Division and College committees.

Keystone College is a private, co-educational college where emphasis is on undergraduate education, and growing importance is placed on faculty mentored student research projects. The Division of Communication Arts and Humanities strives to maintain a personalized, student-centered approach to teaching and a collaborative approach to productive undergraduate research.

Letters of application should include a curriculum vitae, three letters of recommendation, and a statement of undergraduate teaching philosophy and research interests. Official transcripts with college/university seal will be required prior to employment.

APPLY TO Human Resources, Keystone College, One College Green, La Plume, PA 18440-1099 e-mail:

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Higher Ed

Deadline: open until filled (posted 9/26/12)

Acknowledgment received: 

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 9/26  Emailed application materials; received email from Jean Jenkins stating that the search had been closed "due to the large response." 

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Phone interview conducted: 2/28

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 3/26

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 4/25

Offer accepted:

  • [Acceptance noted 5/2]


Lesley University (MA) - Asst. Prof of Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Lesley University is committed to active learning, scholarly research, critical inquiry, and diverse forms of artistic practice through close mentoring relationships among students, faculty, and practitioners in the field. Lesley prepares graduates with the knowledge, skill, understanding, and ethical judgment to be catalysts who shape a more just, humane, and sustainable world.

We offer a competitive benefits package that includes health, dental, life, and long-term-disability insurance. In addition, we offer generous amounts of vacation and holiday time, as well as a tuition remission policy that enables employees to expand their knowledge and skills.

Job Description: This faculty member will teach the introductory creative writing course, introductory and upper-level creative writing courses in their genre, introductory and upper-level literature courses and the Humanities Internship Seminars; will oversee the publication of the student literary magazine; will actively promote programs in recruitment and retention events; and will consult with his/her supervisor regarding expenditures, actions, and unique situations.

Requirements: An MFA in poetry or fiction is required. At least two years of successful teaching experience in an undergraduate setting. Experience successfully teaching introductory and upper-level creative writing courses in an undergraduate setting. Experience successfully teaching introductory and upper-level literature courses in an undergraduate setting. A record of publication, either a book published with a recognized national publisher and/or significant periodical publications. Excellent verbal and written communication skills. A record of curriculum development and advising undergraduate students is a plus.


Applications will be reviewed as they are received, applicant screening will begin immediately, and the search will continue until the position is filled.

Application Instructions: Please include a cover letter, CV/ resume, and contact information for three references.

Application Information

Please apply online

Online App. Form:

Deadline: open until filled (posted 4/11/13)

Acknowledgment received: 5/2 (email):  "We have received your materials for our creative writing position.  The committee will be meeting in the next few weeks and will contact you should we need any further information." x3

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): x1 (Skype) [posted 5/3]

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: x1 [posted 5/15]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 6/27


4/25 - Attempted to apply using link above: "The job posting has expired." Considering that this listing was posted on 4/11... Is a two-week window typical for an "open until filled" position? 

4/26: I applied online on 4/12 without problem, but I went back in to my application file tonight and saw the status of the position is "closed." I don't know what that means - the options are "open," closed" or "filled." Does "closed" mean canceled? Or does it mean they received so many applications they're closing the ability to apply? 

4/27:  There have been instances this hiring season of schools closing the application window very quickly due to the hire volume of applicantions.  This might be another. 

5/3: Has anyone *not* received the email acknowledgement listed above? I haven't, so I'm a little worried.

Looks like the search committe met sooner than anticipated if they're already calling people for interviews--less than 24 hours after the SC sends out acknowledgments.

Linfield College (OR) - TT Asst. Professor of Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at Linfield College (a selective liberal arts college in Oregon’s Yamhill Valley) invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in creative writing. Responsibilities include teaching creative writing classes across genres, particularly creative non-fiction; an introductory college writing seminar; and literature classes appropriate to training. Expertise in multicultural literature desirable. Ongoing publication history and evidence of successful undergraduate creative writing instruction essential. MFA or Ph.D. required. Appointment begins July 1, 2013. Applicant dossiers should include application letter, CV, statement of teaching philosophy, writing sample(s), three letters of recommendation, degree transcripts. Applicant files will be reviewed on receipt; evaluation leading to top candidates begins November 15. Skype interviews conducted in December, campus interviews in February. Send dossier to Meridith Symons, Office of Academic Affairs, Linfield College, 900 S. E. Baker Street, McMinnville, OR 97128. Applicants from underrepresented groups encouraged to apply.

MLA JIL 09/28/12

Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/8 Skype interview x3

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 12/18

Rejection (after campus interview): 3/10

Offer made: 2/28

Offer accepted: 3/6


Q: Anyone know the teaching load?

A: Typically 3-3 or 3-1-2.

Louisiana State University - TT Assistant Professor, Screenwriter / New Media (Dept. of English)[]

The Department of English invites applications from screenwriters well versed in traditional narrative screenwriting and new media platforms for a tenure-track assistant professor position in the Creative Writing Program. Required Qualifications: Ph.D. in English or terminal degree in creative writing or related field. Exceptional combination of education, publication, and professional experience may be considered. One published work; evidence of innovation and excellence in teaching, and cutting-edge creative work. Additional Qualifications Desired: Knowledge in writing series for the web or mobile devices, production experience, and/or experience in one or more of the following areas: web-design, non-linear film editing, or new-media promotion of scripts or films.

The position has a competitive salary and a very attractive teaching load of undergraduate and graduate courses, typically two courses per semester. Candidates will be contacted for preliminary phone interviews. Applications will be acknowledged in writing. An offer of employment is contingent on a satisfactory pre-employment background check. Application deadline is November 30, 2012 or until a candidate is selected. Apply online and view a more detailed ad at: Position # 000311


Quick link at ad URL: MLA JIL 11/05/12

Deadline: Nov. 30

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Film Studies 2013

Macalester College - Asst, Assoc, or Full Prof. in Prose Creative Writing[]

The Department of English at Macalester College invites applications for an assistant, associate, or full professorship in prose Creative Writing, starting Fall 2012 [assume "2013" is meant, given Nov. 2012 deadline!]. We are especially interested in candidates committed to working with students of diverse backgrounds. Successful candidates will be expected to pursue major writing projects as well as to help sustain, as appropriate, the College's emphases on multiculturalism, internationalism, and service. Requirements for the position include: a terminal degree in creative writing, at least one published book, and successful teaching experience. To apply please submit letter of application, C.V., and three references at AcademicJobsOnline,

Applications received by November 1, 2012 will receive first consideration.


Deadline: Nov. 1, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 11/16 - writing sample and teaching statement (4)

Rejection (no interview): 11/16 (email) (7); 12/11 (email)(2)

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


-- Pretty strong inside candidate here.

Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts - TT Asst. Prof. of English – Creative Writing and Literature - POSITION FILLED[]

The English/Communications Department seeks candidates for a full-time, tenure-track position in creative writing and literature beginning September 1, 2013. The position requires a demonstrated commitment to excellent teaching and to working effectively with students in creative writing workshops. The successful candidate will teach a wide range of creative writing and literature courses, develop upper level courses in her or his areas of expertise, and offer courses in the general education program, including composition.

Additional responsibilities will include recruiting, advising and mentoring students; engaging students in undergraduate research, study away/study abroad, and related opportunities; participating in departmental and committee work; and maintaining a professional scholarly agenda.

This position is contingent on final budgetary approval.

QUALIFICATIONS: Candidates must hold an earned Ph.D., or the M.F.A. with at least sixty (60) hours of graduate credit, with strong preparation in creative writing and literature. Candidates who are ABD with a firm date of completion for the degree will be considered.

Preference will be given to candidates with at least three years of successful teaching experience at the college level; interest in ongoing professional development; and experience with instructional technology.

TO APPLY: Submit a cover letter, vita, a statement of teaching philosophy and three letters of reference with application. All applicants will apply online with necessary materials through Interview Exchange at . Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until position is filled.

Preliminary interviews will be conducted at the MLA Conference in January 2013. For best consideration please submit all materials by December 15, 2012.

MLA JIL 11/05/12

Deadline: Dec. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): MLA interview request 12/17 (x5)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:4/30 (email):  "On behalf of the English/Communications Department at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts, I thank you for applying for our recent open position for Assistant Professor in Creative Writing/Literature.  As soon as the opening was announced, the college received a deluge of applications from very highly qualified candidates.  It proved to be very difficult to choose from among all the persons with superlative talents and excellent records, but the college has completed its search process and the position has been filled."


Early favorite for the Rhodes College Award: 3rd version of this search within the calendar year. If anyone wants to explain why this one is worth the $7 interfolio toll, speak! A: It began as a quick hire for the spring of 2012, shifted to a one-year appointment during that search, and now it is a full-blown TT position.

Does anyone know if there is an internal candidate on this job? 11/20

Q: Does anyone who interviewed at MLA/via Skype know the status of this search? 1/29

A: I've heard nothing--though they indicated they were planning to invite a week or two ago--anyone? 1/30 X2

Monmouth College (IL) - TT Position in Creative Writing (Open Genre) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Monmouth College, a residential liberal arts college in west central Illinois and founding member of the Associated Colleges of the Midwest (ACM), announces a tenure-track position in Creative Writing, beginning August 2013. Successful candidates will have demonstrated excellence in teaching creative writing courses at all undergraduate levels. Genre specialization is open, but candidates should be prepared to teach introductory and advanced courses within an annual 3-3 load. In addition to specialization in creative writing (publications preferred), expertise in American literature is preferred as is the ability to teach our required first-year composition course. Candidates should expect to contribute regularly to our integrated general education program.

Required: M.F.A. or Ph.D. is required for appointment as an assistant professor. A commitment to the liberal arts and an appreciation for the small college learning environment is essential.

Please forward letter of application, vita, evidence of teaching excellence, statement of teaching philosophy, unofficial transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to: Dr. Mark Willhardt, Chair, Department of English, Monmouth College by e-mail to: Review of applications will begin December 1, 2012 and continue until the position is filled.

Monmouth College is a nationally-ranked private liberal arts college with an enrollment of approximately 1,300 students. Monmouth offers the Bachelor of Arts degree in 34 majors. Founded in 1853, it is affiliated with the Presbyterian Church (USA). It is located in Monmouth, Illinois, a small, friendly community located approximately one hour from both Peoria and the Quad Cities.

Monmouth College, an Equal Opportunity Employer, is committed to diversity and encourages applications from women and minority candidates.


Deadline: Dec. 1

Acknowledgment received: 11/16, 11/27 X2, 11/30 X2 12/7 x2

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Call to schedule MLA interview 12/17 (x3), 12/18

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: Campus visit scheduled 1/15

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 2/20


Naropa University (CO) - Assistant Professor of Writing and Poetics[]

Naropa University's Jack Kerouac School of Disembodied Poetics seeks a full-time core candidate Assistant Professor of Writing and Poetics with excellent abilities in creative writing, literary scholarship, and program administration, with appointment to begin fall 2013. The position and its duties will require teaching both creative writing workshops and literary studies courses, undergraduate and graduate, in both on-campus and on-line classes, as well as program coordination of the Summer Writing Program, a month-long summer conference of workshops, readings, panel presentations, and lectures.

Job Duties:

School and University service as described in the Faculty Handbook.
Teach creative writing workshops and literary studies courses.
Program coordination of Summer Writing Program.
Curriculum development and assessment.

Engage in personal and professional development in contemplative practice and education, as well as diversity/inclusivity.

Minimum Qualifications:

MFA or PhD in Creative writing or Literature.
Three years of college-level teaching in creative writing and literary studies.
Two published books of creative literary work.
Two years academic administrative experience including budget responsibilities.
Two years of experience in event planning.
Expertise in innovative poetry, fiction and literature.
Computer skills including Microsoft Office.
Strong interpersonal and communication skills.

Preferred Qualifications:

Familiarity with Naropa's Jack Kerouac School and its Summer Writing Program.
Commitment to diversity and contemplative education.
Experience with higher education curricular planning and assessment.
Supervisory experience.
One year of experience editing a literary journal.

Applications: Qualified applicants should apply online at by February 15, 2013 and include:

A letter of interest including primary professional qualifications and pedagogical statement.
Curriculum vitae.
One published book of creative work.
Two recent course syllabi of your own design (one for a creative writing workshop; the other for a literary studies course).
Three letters of recommendation from writers or colleagues in equal or higher academic positions.

Deadline: FEB 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Oklahoma City University - TT Asst. Professor of Writing (Fiction/Non-Fiction) - PHONE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED []

The Department of English in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences at Oklahoma City University invites applications for a nine-month tenure-track faculty position beginning Fall 2013. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate creative writing and first-year writing courses. Required teaching load of 21 credit hours per year will be adjusted for first year. The position requires someone with a teaching commitment appropriate to a liberal arts college, the expertise appropriate to someone professionally active in the field of creative writing, and the curiosity and community spirit of a generalist. Qualifications: Writing-focused Ph.D. or M.F.A. required, with writing expertise in fiction and creative nonfiction. The successful candidate must have terminal degree in hand by start date, evidence of effective teaching, and a record of publication. Promotion and Tenure: In addition to teaching and advising of students, all tenure-track and tenured faculty members in the School of Liberal Arts and Sciences must fulfill scholarship and service requirements as defined by the Procedures for Renewal, Promotion, and Tenure in the Appendix to the OCU Faculty Handbook. Effective teaching, scholarship, and service are required for promotion and tenure. The Department: The English department at Oklahoma City University offers an undergraduate major with three tracks—literature, writing, and English education—as well as a low-residency MFA in Creative Writing and a graduate certificate program in writing. In addition, the department supports the general education program with writing and literature courses and contributes to the Rhetoric minor and the Moving Image Arts, Honors, and Masters of Liberal Arts programs. Faculty members may also have opportunity for occasional collaboration with the low-residency MFA program and for teaching abroad in the Universitys program in Singapore. A complete list of courses, faculty, degrees, and other information about the Department of English is available at

Procedure for Submitting Applications: Applications will only be accepted online. For complete information on this position, and to submit electronic materials for application, please visit Application review process will begin December 21and will continue until the position is filled. Required Application Materials: Letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, current c.v., contact information for three references, unofficial transcripts. Writing samples and additional materials will be requested of candidates during the screening and interview process. Contact for Additional Questions: Direct questions about the position or search to Dr. Tracy Floreani, English Department Chair at


Deadline: review begins Dec. 21

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 1/ 13 Post interview request for writing sample.

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 2 X PHONE 1/9

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 1 via email 1/18

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Oakland University (MI) - TT Assistant Professor of English - Creative Writing for Screen and Television - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at Oakland University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Creative Writing for Screen and Television to begin August 15, 2013. Special consideration will be given to applicants with experience teaching upper-division literature courses in drama, modern drama, and/or film adaptations of plays or works of fiction.

We are seeking an individual with evidence of genuine enthusiasm for teaching undergraduate general education courses, workshop courses in screen and television writing, and cognate classes in drama or adaptation for a newly created B.A. program in creative writing. Masters level graduate courses in English are an option.

Applications packets should be submitted no later than Monday, December 3, 2012, and include the following materials: • letter of interest addressing teaching and creative and/or scholarly goals • curriculum vitae • teaching portfolio (including statement of teaching philosophy, syllabi, and evaluations, if available) • writing sample • graduate transcripts • three letters of recommendation

Ph.D. or M.F.A, prior teaching experience, and a record of creative or scholarly productivity are required. Competitive salary and full benefits; 3/2 teaching load.

The position will remain open until filled.

Education: • PhD or MFA (in hand or expected prior to July 2013) in creative writing (screen and television). Candidates must have some experience in screen or television writing workshops. Teaching: • University-level teaching experience in television and/or screen writing, adaptation or drama. Scholarship: • Record of creative and/or scholarly productivity.

Additional teaching and research materials may be uploaded, at the applicant’s discretion, under the “other documents” area. Questions about the search can be directed to Edward Haworth Hoeppner, Search Committee Chair, via email to

Closes: 12/3/2012

Application URL:

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: Dec. 3

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (Skype): "1/5" according to Film Studies page.

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:

  • [from  Film Studies page: "3/28"]


Also posted at Film Studies 2012-2013

Randolph College (VA) - TT Assistant Professor of English (Playwriting/Creative Nonfiction) - OFFER MADE[]

The Randolph College Department of English invites applications for a tenure-track appointment in playwriting and creative nonfiction at the rank of assistant professor. Expertise in African-American literature also welcome as the position includes the opportunity to serve as liaison in a partnership between the College and the Anne Spencer House Museum and Garden.

The successful candidate will teach multi-genre intro and advanced workshops and intermediate playwriting and creative nonfiction, participate in a lively interdisciplinary BFA program, and assist with an endowed visiting writers series. All professors in the English department teach first-year composition, advise senior projects, and perform institutional service. Desired qualifications include an MFA in creative writing; demonstrated excellence in teaching creative writing, especially playwriting; and a current record of national publications, presentations, and/or productions that demonstrates strong potential for continued productivity.

Randolph College, established in 1891 as Randolph-Macon Woman’s College, is commended in the Fiske Guide and the Princeton Review for its collegiality and its student-centered focus on the liberal arts. The College is located in Lynchburg, VA, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains, convenient to Charlottesville, VA, Richmond, VA, and Washington DC. For more information, visit or contact Heidi Kunz, Chair, Department of English at

To apply, please submit a letter of interest, statement of teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, and writing sample of 15 to 20 pages to (attn: ENGL search). For full consideration, application should be received by December 1. Off-campus interviews will take place at MLA in Boston, Jan. 3-6, 2013. EOE.

MLA JIL 11/05/12

Deadline: Dec. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/13 (MLA, via phone call), x2 (MLA phone call)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: <--date?

Offer accepted:


Anyone heard anything yet?  They said at MLA that it'd be "a few weeks," but it seems a bit long-ish, no?

I assumed they were having campus visits and just waiting until they had an accepted offer to let the rest of us know. That's the way it seems to usually work. Anyone else heard anything?

That is what I halfway assumed, though I have a lingering hope that they simply haven't made decisions yet, because no one has posted here that a campus interview has been scheduled (which obviously doesn't mean that one hasn't).  They were very nice, open, and kind at MLA (at least during my interview), and they didn't seem like the types who wouldn't let you know that you weren't a finalist, but that was just my impression.

This job seems kind of quiet.

Anybody else heard anything about it?  There can't be just three interviewees, can there?

  • Probably, like most jobs that interview at MLA, there are between 10-15 total interviewees. Only a fraction of interviews are ever marked on the wiki, for any job. I wouldn't expect any further movement on this one until after MLA.

Anyone heard on this one yet?  They seemed pretty on the ball and open at MLA, but since then, silence.  I'm too much of a wimp to call up the department to inquire; anyone else done so?

Salem College (NC) - Director of Center for Women Writers/ TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - CAMPUS VISITS SCHEDULED[]

Salem College, a residential liberal arts college for women in Winston-Salem, NC, announces its search for a director of the Center for Women Writers in a tenure-track appointment as an assistant professor of creative writing in the Department of English and Creative Writing. Requirements include an M.F.A. in creative writing or a Ph.D., preparation to teach at least two genres (with preference for poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction), evidence of teaching excellence on the college level, and an established publication record with potential for significant future publication. Faculty responsibilities include teaching, advising students in the major, and overseeing the creative writing curriculum and course schedule. Center director responsibilities include organizing an annual program of visiting writers and speakers, administering writing awards, promoting events, and collaborating with relevant constituents to further develop and elevate the Center. Position begins August 2013. Applications must include a letter, CV, transcripts, statement of teaching philosophy, a writing sample of 10-15 pages, and contact information for three references. Send to Creative Writing Search Committee, Department of English and Creative Writing, Salem College, 601 S. Church St., Winston-Salem, NC 27101 or e-mail Review of applications begins November 1 and continues until position is filled. Salem College is an equal opportunity employer and encourages women and underrepresented minorities to apply. For more information on Salem College, see

Founded in 1772, Salem College is ranked as the oldest womens institution in the nation by founding date and the 13th oldest college overall by the American Council on Education. It provides a four-year liberal arts experience to a diverse and vibrant undergraduate student body. The student-faculty ratio is 13 to 1, average class size is eleven, and full- and part-time faculty number approximately one hundred. The college operates on a 4-1-4 academic calendar and offers a number of special programs including Women in Science and Mathematics, the Center for Women Writers, the Center for Women in Business, graduate programs in education, and the Fleer Center for Adult Education. Salems beautiful 64-acre campus is located in the Old Salem historic district in the heart of Winston-Salem.


Deadline: Review of applications begins November 1, 2012 and continues until position is filled.

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

  • [phone interview noted on 1/8]

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: <--date?

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Does anyone know the teaching load for this position?

--I believe the current VAP teaches 3/3. UPDATE: The teaching load is a 3-1-3.

--From the last sentence of the ad: "The college operates on a 4-1-4 academic calendar and offers a number of special programs including Women in Science and Mathematics, the Center for Women Writers, the Center for Women in Business, graduate programs in education, and the Fleer Center for Adult Education. Salems beautiful 64-acre campus is located in the Old Salem historic district in the heart of Winston-Salem."

--The current VAP is one of three scheduled campus visits.

Salem State University (Salem, MA) - TT Faculty - Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Job Summary/Responsibilities: The Salem State University English Department is seeking a full-time, tenure-track faculty member in creative writing beginning in September 2013. The ideal candidate must be qualified to teach first year writing courses in the core curriculum and graduate courses in writing, possess strong administrative and communication skills, and serve as a departmental liaison to arts community events in Salem and beyond. The standard teaching load is eight classes per year (four classes per semester). Subject to available funding.

Required Qualifications: Required qualifications include (1) the Ph.D. or the Master of Fine Arts (M.F.A.) in Creative Writing, (2) evidence of strong teaching and scholarship in at least two genres including poetry, and (3) strong administrative and communication skills, with experience in arts administration.

Preferred Qualifications: Preferred qualifications include (1) strong publication record, (2) familiarity with producing a literary magazine and coordinating a visiting writers' series, (3) experience in and a commitment to teaching in a multicultural, multiracial environment with students of diverse backgrounds and learning styles, and (4) capability in distance-learning methods and instructional technologies.

Special Instructions: Please apply online and attach resume and cover letter ONLY. Employment is contingent upon a completed background check satisfactory to the University. Internal candidates are not subject to background check.

Higher Ed

Deadline: open until filled (posted 1/20/13)

Acknowledgment received: 1/26 (autoreply)

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): 3/22 X 1

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 4/2 X 1

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:  Done [posted 5/7]


2/9 - There's no listing for this position at the SSU job site ( HigherEd posting states "Position Deleted 1/30/2013" Ideas? Could this position already be filled or pulled after only 10 days?  A:  I just checked the status of my application.  The status was "In Progress."  But I never received any form of acknowledgment from the school that it had received my app.  As we've seen with many schools this hiring season, they could've closed the search due to being overwhelmed with applications.  Or, the cynical view: they already know who they're hiring and had to make the appearance of a search and have no intention in hiring any of us. 

Has anyone heard back post AWP interview?

Salve Regina University (RI) - Asst. or Assoc. Professor of English (Creative Writing and Lit.) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Salve Regina University invites applications for a tenure-track position in its English Department to begin in September 2013. The candidate should be a published creative writer as well as a gifted teacher, with the terminal degree in hand at the start of the appointment. The successful candidate will also have a strong background in critical academic work and the ability to teach in one or more of the following areas: African-American Literature; Caribbean Literature; Contemporary World Literature; Contemporary American Literature. Must be willing to teach regular sections of first-year writing.

Requirements: Terminal degree in Creative Writing by date of appointment (September 2013) and successful teaching experience at the college level. Commitment to participating in classes within the core curriculum.

Additional Information: Salve Regina University offers generous benefits to eligible employees including: health and dental coverage, life insurance, long-term disability, 403B plan, tuition benefits and more. Salve Regina University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer. The University actively seeks diversity among its employees.

Application Instructions: Candidates must apply on-line only at Please upload with your online application: Cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a list of references.

Candidates attending MLA Convention should indicate such in their letter of application.

Link to Apply:

Deadline: December 1, 2012

Acknowledgment received: Email 11/26 (X 2) saying they've received over 200 applications. They're going to contact 10-12 interviewees for MLA (or Skype) soon after 12/1 deadline.  If you've seen the campus, you won't be surprised about the number of applications. (12/6) Thought there might be more movement on this one by now--Overwhelmed by apps at the end? 

  • (12/8)  Received email asking to verify continued interest in the position and availability for interview at MLA.   (x2) No mention of Skype interview if unable to make MLA.  Using MLA to thin the herd more? C: They wouldn't do that; sounds like an interview request to me, no? (x 2)  A:  Sure, it sounds like a request for a job interview *at* MLA.  If you aren't going to MLA, then maybe they'll just use MLA to weed out even more applicants.  The overall tone of all of the school's correspondence has been perturbation a la  "We advertised the job, and now we're stuck with all of these applications." C: They wouldn't risk a lawsuit. I read it as a concerned committee keeping folks in the loop. I'm sure Skype is still an option, if you can't make MLA.  --they do seem to sound a bit negative. I thought the email was a bit confusing: much of it disclosed the details of the reality of the job "so as not to waste your or our time" the time I got to the part about confirming if I'd be available for the MLA interview I was confused about whether or not I was one of those selected (and whether they were trying to convince me not to bother) or if it was a generic message to candidates.
  • All candidates contacted with this message are still being considered, and Skype or phone interviews will be arranged for candidates not attending MLA (from a member of the search committee). The committee meets late this coming week to narrow the field to 12-15 candidates. [posted 12/09]

This sounds like all those contacted above, while still being considered are not all going to be invited to MLA, despite the request for our MLA schedule. Assume clarification will arrive later this week.

Request for additional materials: 12/11 (three poems or one short fiction/creative nonfiction). 12/17 (additional creative writing samples, three letters of recommendation, syllabi). Q: Do you think they're done contacting applicants for MLA interviews? I'm wondering if they'll let those of us from whom they requested an MLA schedule know if we're also no longer in the running (12/19).

Rejection (no interview): 11/26 x 5; Just sent this in, too. So stuffed they're barfing out the new applications automatically? 12/1 x 1.  12/20 x 3 ("But we'd like to keep your application on file in case our interviews aren't successful."  Yeah, right.) I didn't get that phrase in my email, so maybe they mean it. Sometimes they are being honest but rarely. 12/21 x1 

Q:  Did anyone who said he/she wasn't attending MLA get an offer to conduct a phone interview? Yes--to take place late January.

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/17 (MLA, via email) x2; (phone, via e-mail)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/26 (via email)

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 3/15

Offer accepted:


Shippensburg University (PA) - Full-Time 1-Year Position - Creative Writing-Poetry[]

The Department of English at Shippensburg University invites applications for a full-time one-year position in Creative Writing-Poetry beginning August 2013. The 4/4 course load will include two sections each semester of first-year college writing, as well as courses in poetry writing and general education literature.

An MFA or PhD from an accredited institution is required by the time of appointment. Candidates must demonstrate a commitment to teaching and professional activity including published poetry (preferably a book).

To apply, submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, a writing sample (3-5 pages of published poetry), and a dossier including letters of recommendation and unofficial transcripts as PDF attachments to Kim van Alkemade, Search Committee Chair, at Review of complete applications will being on May 31, 2013, and will continue until the position is filled. A successful on-campus interview is required and will include a demonstration of teaching effectiveness and evidence of a commitment to understanding diverse populations. If selected for an on-campus interview, official undergraduate and graduate transcripts must be submitted prior to the interview.

Offers of employment are contingent upon successful completion of a criminal background check, proof of eligibility to work in the U.S., as well as sufficient course enrollment and budget allocations. For more information about the Department of English and Shippensburg University, see Shippensburg University is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Individuals from traditionally underrepresented populations are encouraged to apply.


Deadline: May 31

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Southwest Minnesota State University - TT Asst. Prof. - Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Southwest Minnesota State University (SMSU) invites applications for a nine-month, tenure-track full-time Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing) to begin August 2013. Classes taught will include introductory creative writing (multi-genre), and beginning and advanced poetry workshops in a strong, broadly recognized undergraduate creative writing program. All English faculty teach general studies composition and literature classes and are expected to engage with students on that level. Candidate must be willing to assume duties of Director of Creative Writing when needed (a three-year term, by department vote), which carries three credits of reassigned time. SMSU, one of seven universities in the Minnesota System, provides a diverse curriculum of liberal arts and selected professional programs. The University is located in the town of Marshall (pop. 13,000), in rural southwest Minnesota, 155 miles from Minneapolis/St. Paul and 90 miles from Sioux Falls, SD.


Terminal degree in creative writing required.
Poetry publications and experience teaching composition and workshops required.
Teaching experience in multi-genre creative writing courses required.
Must also have experience teaching a variety of literature classes.
Should possess strong verbal and communications skills.
Desirable qualities include working with off-campus groups, experience directing a writing program, Visiting Writers series, or other public literary events.
The successful candidate should be committed to excellence in teaching, working closely with students, and collaborating with department colleagues.
Demonstrated abilities/ competence in instructional technology, including online instruction and commitment to interdisciplinary education is preferred.
Must have an understanding of and appreciation for liberal education, as well as a sense of collegiality. The University is committed to fostering a global perspective.
The successful candidate will have demonstrated ability to teach and work with persons from diverse backgrounds.

Application review will begin February 11, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled. Letter of application addressing position qualifications, vita, student evaluations, and transcripts should be attached to your application. To apply for this position, please complete the online application process at Additional information on Southwest Minnesota State University can be found at:

Southwest Minnesota State University is a member of the Minnesota State Colleges and Universities System and is an equal opportunity educator and employer.

Deadline: review begins Feb. 11

Acknowledgment received: Feb 3 (auto e-mail).

3/7: "Thank you for your application for the Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing).  Your application has been forwarded to the search committee for review. We appreciate your interest in this employment opportunity with Southwest Minnesota State University and wish you the best in your job search. Sincerely, Barb Okrina" X2

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):  "The committee has just finished telephone interviews with a number of candidates and will be select individuals  from that group for campus interviews." (email)

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 5/20  "I would like to advise you that the search committee for the Assistant Professor of English (Creative Writing) vacancy at Southwest Minnesota State University has concluded its selection process.  An offer of employment for this position has been made and accepted.

Your application for this position and interest in Southwest Minnesota State University is appreciated.  Best wishes in all of your activities.

Very truly yours,

Barb Okrina"


Q: Is anyone else having a very difficult time with this job application program? I've tried it in Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, but nothing seems to be able to move me along to the point where I can actually submit my application.

Q:  Anyone hear anything on this yet?

University of Calgary - Tier Two Canada Research Chair in Creative Writing (TT Asst. or Assoc. Professor) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED [?][]

Tier 2 Canada Research Chair in Creative Writing, Department of English, Faculty of Arts The Department of English at the University of Calgary invites applications for a Tier Two Canada Research Chair in Creative Writing. This appointment will be a tenure-track position at the Assistant or Associate professor level.

We are seeking an emerging scholar with a PhD. As per CRC regulations, the applicants must be less than 10 years from their PhD. The Chair-holder will be an outstanding emerging researcher who has a strong record of publication and is pursuing an original, innovative research program. This candidate should also have the potential to attract top-ranked graduate students to the Department. The successful candidate will contribute not only to the Department, but to the cultural and intellectual life of the Faculty, the University, and the community at large.

The Department of English at the University of Calgary is the only English-speaking university in Canada that offers a PhD in English with a specialization in Creative Writing. We are one of the most dynamic research and teaching departments in Canada, with thriving MA and PhD programs and a strong undergraduate program. The University of Calgary has set its sights on becoming a top five research-intensive university in Canada by our 50th anniversary in 2016. Calgary, recently named one of the world's five most livable cities by The Economist, is a vibrant creative centre, and hosts an exciting community of writers. We encourage applications from all qualified women and men, including members of visible minorities, Aboriginal peoples, and persons with disabilities. For more information about the Department, see our home page:

Applicants should send a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, a 1-2 page description of the creative project in progress, and a sample publication. Candidates should arrange to have three confidential letters of reference forwarded directly to:

Dr. Bart Beaty, Head
Department of English
University of Calgary
2500 University Drive NW
Calgary, Alberta T2N 1N4

or by e-mail to the Department Manager, Anne Jaggard:

Consideration of applications will begin on February 22, 2013. The selected candidate will be vetted by the Canada Research Chair Committee in Ottawa. For more information on the Canada Research Chairs program, please see

The position will be effective as early as July 1, 2013 or a later date mutually agreed upon.

The University of Calgary is a leading Canadian university located in the nation's most enterprising city. The university has a clear strategic direction - Eyes High - to become one of Canada's top five research universities by 2016, grounded in innovative learning and teaching and fully integrated with the community of Calgary. For more information, visit

All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadians and permanent residents will be given priority. The University of Calgary respects, appreciates, and encourages diversity.

MLA JIL 1/11/13

Deadline: review begins Feb. 22

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: <-- scheduled before deadline passed? date?

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Georgia - TT Assistant Professor of Creative Writing - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

U of Georgia, English, 252 Park Hall, Athens, GA 30602

The University of Georgia announces a tenure-track, open-genre position in Creative Writing at the Assistant Professor level to begin fall 2013. We are particularly interested in applicants with more than one area of expertise, including poetry, fiction, creative non-fiction, digital poetics, or literary translation theory and practice. Applicants must have a terminal degree in the area (whether an MFA or Ph.D.), a significant publication record, and a demonstrable commitment to teaching. The position carries a 2/2 teaching load with significant publication expectations. Service on Department and University committees, as well as mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students, are important responsibilities of all tenure-track faculty. The salary is competitive. Telephone interviews will be held to determine finalists, who will be brought to campus. Interested parties should send a letter of application, a CV, and three letters of recommendation as PDF attachments to Michael G. Moran, Head, at They should also send by mail a copy of their latest book. Review of materials will begin December 3, 2012 and will continue until the position is filled. The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, its many units, and the University of Georgia are committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and students, and sustaining a work and learning environment that is inclusive. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The University is an EEO/AA institution.

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: review begins Dec. 3

Acknowledgment received: 10/31; 11/6; 11/29

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: [see NOTES below]

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  • No action on this job at all?  Has it folded?
  • 1/25 email:  "We have selected our three finalists and are in the process of bringing them to campus. Best, Mike Moran."---> Did you JUST get this? I haven't received anything. You would have thought it would be a mass email. Sigh.  A:  No, I sent a query email.  I received that response back pretty quickly, though. 

University of Houston - TT Associate or Full Professor (Playwriting/Hispanic Writing)[]

The Creative Writing Program of the Department of English at the University of Houston is seeking to fill a tenure track or tenured position, preferably at the senior level, with a playwright who can enhance the understanding and appreciation of Hispanic literary heritage and contemporary Hispanic writing. Ideally, applicants should have established themselves as an accomplished playwright and have the potential to be an effective teacher. Teaching load is two courses a semester for two semesters a year.

Please send letter and vita to j. Kastely, Director, Creative Writing Program, Dept. of English. University of Houston, Houston, TX 77204-3013.

On-line applications are acceptable, send to CWP@UH.EDU.

Search will continue until the position is fulfilled.

Deadline: open until filled

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Houston -- TT All Ranks (Nonfiction/Playwriting)[]

The Creative Writing Program of the Department of English at the University of Houston is seeking to fill a creative non-fiction or playwright tenure track or tenured position, at a level to be determined by relevant experience and publications. Ideally, applicants should have published at least 2 books, have an MFA or PhD degree in Creative Writing, and a proven track record as an effective teacher.

Teaching load is two courses a semester for two semesters a year.

Please send letter and vita to: John McNamara Interim Director Creative Writing Program Dept. of English University of Houston Houston, Texas 77204-3013. On-line applications are acceptable, send to CWP@UH.EDU

Review of applications will begin 20 November, 2012 and continue until the position is filled.

Deadline: review begins Nov. 20

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of New Mexico - TT Asst. Professor, Honors College - POSITION FILLED[]

The University of New Mexico Honors College invites applications for an Assistant Professor, probationary appointment leading to a tenure decision in the Honors College. This position will include the responsibilities of administrating programs and teaching associated courses for Scribendi, a regional student publication of art and literature. The faculty member is expected to teach a minimum of two courses per semester, mentor students, and participate in other activities of the Honors College. The Honors College is a university-wide, undergraduate, interdisciplinary program offering special academic opportunities to high-achieving, highly motivated students from all UNM colleges and schools through an active learning (seminar/tutorial) approach. We seek faculty with a student-centered philosophy, innovative ideas, and strong mentorship skills who are engaged in creative, experimental teaching. In addition, applicants must demonstrate a record of scholarship and strong interpersonal skills. Tenure and promotion decisions are based on teaching, research, and service to be determined at the time of hire. Minimum Qualifications: 1) Applicants must have an M.F.A. or Ph.D. in hand by the appointment starting date; 2) M.F.A or Ph. D. earned in the Humanities , Creative Writing, Professional Writing, or closely related interdisciplinary field; 3) Record of teaching experience; 4) Record of scholarly work appropriate for entry level faculty; 4) Prior experience with small press publications in an editorial and/or administrative position.

Preferred Qualifications: Demonstrated experience using professional publication software (such as Adobe InDesign or QuarkXPress); Record of or potential for developing written materials and images in online or digital formats (such as Web 2.0 applications, websites, blogs, wikis, etc.); Experience in an Honors program; Demonstrated experience teaching publication skills (copyediting, graphic design, desktop publishing software, etc.); Demonstrated scholarly interests, teaching background, or prior academic degree in an interdisciplinary field; Demonstrated experience with innovative curriculum, program development, international study programs, or community-centered learning; Excellent interpersonal skills; Demonstrated ability to work effectively in a collegial environment.

Salary and Appointment Status: The salary range is between $65,000 and 68,000 commensurate with qualifications and experience. The position is available beginning August 12, 2013. The University of New Mexico is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action employer and educator committed to cultural diversity and compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act. UNM is a Department of Education Minority Serving Institution.

Applications: Applications must submitted no later than November 12, 2012. To apply, please visit this website: and reference Posting Number 0817656. All application materials must be attached to the UNM Jobs application and shall include: 1) a letter of interest that addresses the applicants experience and qualifications; 2) a curriculum vita; 3) a teaching portfolio of 5-10 pages (to include, for example, sample syllabi, assignments, teaching evaluation outcomes); 4) a portfolio representing the applicants small press publication work; 5) and a list of four references with complete contact information. NO FAXES, HARD COPIES, OR EMAIL APPLICATION MATERIALS WILL BE ACCEPTED. Queries may be directed to: Dr. Leslie Donovan, Search Committee Chair,, or Dr. Rosalie Otero, Director,; phone: (505) 277-4211.


Deadline: Nov. 12

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 11/29 x2  Q: Did they by chance include any information, such as number of applicants? And was notification by e-mail or mail?

1/30 x2 (generic "please-see-attached" email with PDF letter -- that's a new one): "The committee has decided to focus on other candidates..."

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: Public announcement that job talks have been scheduled:

For an R1, it's interesting that the inside candidate has absolutely no publications listed under her bio.  Guess that MFA from Eastern Washington is more prestigious than I realized.
She has a poem in Emerge. The journal has 186 likes on Facebook. How much more prestige do you need?
Isn't it good for everyone if schools look at the person and their work? i am tired of the CV-driven world, myself. Schools starting some thinking outside the box might be good for everyone?
I don't know how hiring committees can get beyond the "CV-driven world" when there are now hundreds of applicants for every position. In any event, "thinking outside the box" is fine, so long as that doesn't mean someone gets a great job at an R1 simply because s/he is friends with the committee chair.  Not that I'm saying that's the case here or anything.
Then don't say it. Just as likely she worked her butt off this past year and showed people what a wonderful colleague she would be--yes?
I wish hiring committees would read the poems.
I wish hiring committees valued good teaching. 
I wish hiring committees didn't use searches to work out their aesthetic and personal conflicts.
I wish job seekers could stop taking down other job seekers with spurious comments and insinuations, since it doesn't help anyone get hired and it bloodies the water so much so that only sharks survive in the end. More blood and more x2
Call me crazy. Call me flu-ridden and hallucinating a better world.
I won't call you crazy, just willfully naive.  Sometimes people get jobs because of connections.  It happens all the time, and it's happening here as well.  You can't possibly believe that she would be a finalist if she weren't friends with the committee chair, right?
With poetry pubs in such Lulu-endorsed journals as Emerge, how can she not get the job?
I'm just a lurker (not CW but occasional admin for the jobs wiki site and a rhet/comp person) but seriously what is it with all the focused hate on a person who is a candidate just because you can see the person identified? All I had to do was google this person's name and see this person's professional website to notice that this person has more publications than any hater above is giving credit and this person seems to meet most of the minimum and preferred requirements by possessing some serious print and digital publishing and management experience. Or in hater speak - I didn't notice the job ad's requirements saying 1) must possess an overweening amount of snark when anonymous situations afford you the opportunity. Otherwise I'd say a handful of you above are more than qualified. 

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:

  • Position filled according to "who got what" above.


Q: Anyone know what's up here?  It seems pretty clear there's an inside candidate.  Is anyone else keeping track of this position?

A: I applied but haven't heard anything yet--neither rejecton nor acknowledgement.  Perhaps they're planning on interviewing at AWP. So who do you think the inside candidate is?

A: I also applied and have yet to hear back from them - rejection or acknowledgement. What is AWP?

A: AWP is Association of Writers and Writing Programs; their conference also happens to be in Boston this year. The conference caters to the numerous MFA programs acorss the country, the journals associated with those programs, UPs, and other presses. 

Q: Leslie Donovan formerly taught the Scribendi workshop the position describes, but it's currently being taught (as of Fall 2012) by Amaris Ketcham--not listed on the Honors College page.  She did undergraduate work with Scribendi (when it was advised by Donovan), then took an MFA elsewhere, and was brought on in the fall in a part-time position.  She has an outstanding portfolio of digital and print work, and Scribendi has won a few awards under her direction.

I have a problem with the person above who called out the winning candidate by name, implying by not implying that the person is not qualified.  If you have a problem with the system you should work to change the authority/system, not attack other people who are in the same situation as you.   It's easier to post anonymous sour-grapes, silly comments.   I think, that to prove you aren't just a troll flinging out anonymous accusations, and that you have some credibility, you should post your own CV, publications, and other work, so that we may all judge YOU.   You should also list all the connections that you have cultivated in your life, including the time and energy you spent in doing so.  Don't hide behind your anonymous post.  Whether you like it or not, there are a lot of people on earth, and so there is a lot of competition.  Employers are working within an economic system where their risk is mitigated by employing those who have proven themselves!

  Q: Anyone heard anything since the New Year? I saw they are also hiring for a Director of Honors College and University Programs. I wonder if the program is getting a whole new face lift? Two positions and a position for Director all in the last couple months.

Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013    

University of Tampa - TT Asst. Professor, Journalism and Creative Writing[]

Assistant Professor of Journalism and Writing

The Department of English and Writing in the College of Arts & Letters at The University of Tampa is seeking candidates for a full-time tenure-track position at the Assistant Professor level, to begin August, 2013

Teaching load is six four-hour courses per academic year, within the Journalism major (three courses), the First-Year Writing program (two courses), and in the Creative Writing program (one course per year).

A Ph.D. is required; candidates must have that degree in hand by August 15, 2013 at the latest. Ph.D. in journalism, English or Composition/Rhetoric preferred.

High-quality teaching is paramount. Professional experience in journalism is expected, and the ideal candidate will be able to teach multimedia storytelling and digital reporting/writing. Candidate must also have a commitment to teaching first-year writing.

Demonstrated excellence in writing (fiction or nonfiction) and a continuing track record of publishing is expected. Once hired the Assistant Professor will maintain that scholarly/creative work, advise students, and provide service to the department, college, university and broader community, in addition to teaching.

For details and to apply online go to:

Applicants should attach a cover letter detailing their teaching, writing and journalism experience and how those and other attributes qualify them for this position. Also required: a current curriculum vitae; one scholarly writing sample (from your journalistic work); and one creative writing sample (fiction or nonfiction). In addition, applicants will be requested to enter name and email address for three (3) reference providers.

Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. The University of Tampa is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity employer.

Deadline: Open until filled [posted Oct. 24]

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Tampa - MFA Program Director/Assistant or Associate Professor - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English and Writing in the College of Arts and Letters at The University of Tampa seeks a creative, innovative individual with significant professional accomplishment to serve as the Director of its low-residency MFA in Creative Writing. This is a 10-month renewable term faculty appointment, at the Assistant or Associate Professor rank, with administrative and teaching responsibilities, beginning June 1, 2013.

Qualifications. The successful candidate will have a record of effective teaching as well as distinguished publishing credentials in at least one major program genre: poetry, fiction, or creative nonfiction. The ideal candidate will also have an appropriate terminal degree (Ph.D. preferred), a record of successful administrative experience and, preferably, familiarity with or experience in a low-residency MFA Creative Writing program. We seek an enthusiastic individual with excellent communication skills and a commitment to inspiring strong community and collegiality within the program.

Responsibilities. The Director will develop and implement the residency schedule of workshops, craft seminars, and panel discussions for students and faculty. With support from the Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies and an advisory team, the Director will plan and host students and faculty for two 10-day residencies annually, provide administrative oversight for all aspects of distance learning, and respond to student, faculty, and administrative concerns, as needed. The Director also serves on the University Graduate Council and as a member of the English and Writing department faculty participates in the business of that department

Teaching responsibilities include a standard load of five MFA mentees each January and June term

The Director works with the University's Office of Enrollment Management to maintain and implement a comprehensive, strategic marketing/advertising/public relations plan to target local, regional, and national markets; establishes and maintains all academic requirements in keeping with SACS accreditation, and ensures adherence; collaborates with IT for an online presence; is responsible for the program's operating budget and oversees program assessment; represents the program at various conferences; collaborates with Admissions to establish application criteria and procedures and help recruit MFA candidates; reviews applications and manuscripts; recruits, coordinates, and maintains a strong MFA creative writing faculty

In keeping with the AWP Director's Handbook, the Director pursues adherence to the Association's "Hallmarks" for a successful graduate program by agreeing to "nurture a culture of creativity, vitality, intellectual rigor, artistic discipline, and collegiality." The MFA Creative Writing Director is supported by an MFA Admissions & Academic Advisory Committee including the Associate Dean of the Office of Graduate and Continuing Studies, the Chair of the Department of English and Writing and one or more members of the UT English/Writing Department qualified to teach in the program. The MFA benefits from the resources and experiences of the oldest undergraduate Writing major in the state at an institution that is also home to Tampa Review, the oldest literary journal in Florida, situated at a private downtown university ranked 26th among Tier 1 Regional Universities in the 2011 rankings by US News & World Report.

Salary for the Director will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. For full consideration, candidates should apply by January 15, 2013. Review of applicants will continue until the position is filled.

For details and to apply on line go to: Applicants should be prepared to attach a cover letter, current curriculum vitae, a sample of your creative writing and a one-page statement about scholarship interests. In addition, applicants will be requested to enter name and email address for three (3) reference providers.


Deadline: Jan. 15, 2013

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 3/5

Offer accepted:


University of Wisconsin-Waukesha - TT Asst. Professor of English, First-Year Writing (Creative/Comp.) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at the University of Wisconsin Colleges invites applications for a full-time tenure-track Assistant Professor of English at its UW - Waukesha campus to start in the fall of 2013. Qualifications

Ph.D. or equivalent terminal degree in English or closely related field. ABD candidates will be considered, provided the PhD is confirmed by the start of the appointment.

Responsibilities and Expectations: The successful candidate will demonstrate experience teaching first-year college writing courses, and preferably in creative writing and/or a range of composition courses—developmental to advanced. Possession of a graduate degree in Composition/Rhetoric and/or Creative Writing is preferred. Experience working with student literary magazines and specializations including Creative Writing pedagogy, poetry, writing studies, and the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning is desired.

The academic year teaching load is 12 credits per semester, with no more than three course preparations per semester. Teaching expectations are to regularly teach first-year writing courses, Composition I and II (ENG 101 and ENG 102), as well as Creative Writing I and II (ENG 203 and ENG 204). Other courses may include Basics of Composition (ENG 098), Literary Magazines (ENG 205) and literature courses in the candidates area of specialty, such as Introduction to Poetry (ENG 255). The successful candidate will also help supervise the campus literary magazine (The Windy Hill Review). This tenure-track position requires scholarly activity in the discipline, a commitment to professional development and participation in campus and institutional service.

As a lively and active community of scholars, UW Colleges English faculty are expected to contribute to the discipline through research and/or creative writing. The department values the scholarship of teaching and learning, service learning, interdisciplinary studies, and/or initiatives that engage students in their first year.

The University of Wisconsin Colleges is the freshman-sophomore liberal arts transfer institution of the world-renowned University of Wisconsin System. The UW Colleges comprises thirteen two-year campuses around the state, plus UWC Online, each of which offers an excellent liberal arts and pre-professional education for students beginning work toward a bachelors degree. The UW Colleges will also soon offer a Bachelor of Applied Arts and Sciences at six of its campuses, including Waukesha. See http://www.uwc.eduformoreinformationabouttheUWColleges. UW-Waukesha is a freshmen and sophomore campus, located in Waukesha, WI, about 20 miles west of Milwaukee. The campus was founded in 1966 and opened with 500 students. Today the campus averages 2,000 students who come from a variety of backgrounds, academic preparation and ages. For more information about the campus, see

Applicants are required to apply online: UW Colleges will not consider paper, emailed or faxed applications. Additionally, applicants must complete all required fields and attach all required documents at the time of application. Required application materials: a letter of interest, current vita, unofficial transcripts, a one-page statement of teaching philosophy, and names and contact information (e-mail address, phone number, and mailing address) of at least three references. Student evaluations of teaching may also be submitted if available. ABD candidates should also provide evidence of the advanced status of their dissertation.

For assured consideration, application with all required materials must be received electronically by January 16, 2013.


Deadline: Jan. 16, 2013

Acknowledgment received: 1/28 e-mail-x4

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 4/3

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: (Offer accepted)


Any news on this one?

Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013

Wayne State College (NE) - TT Position, Creative Writing / Editing and Publishing - INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Assistant Professor in Creative Writing_Editing and Publishing

Department of Language and Literature

Faculty. Full-time; tenure track to begin August, 2013.

Qualifications: Completed MFA or PhD required for appointment at rank of Assistant Professor; completed Masters degree required for appointment at rank of Instructor. The candidate must have relevant teaching experience; must demonstrate pedagogical excellence while contributing to both the college and department in areas of research, service, and diversity. A strong commitment to developing collegial relationships with colleagues is expected. A strong publication record is preferred. Experience teaching at a small, rural, state school is a plus. Theoretical knowledge and practical experiences in working with students who are culturally or linguistically diverse is preferred. All applicants must be authorized to work in the United States without sponsorship.

The successful applicant will have a background that includes teaching within an editing and publishing curriculum that also includes experiences that support WSC press duties. The School of Arts and Humanities ( is dedicated to developing and expanding students’ intellectual, aesthetic and creative thought and performance through its commitment to high standards and quality programs.

Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Attractive and comprehensive fringe benefit package. Send letter of interest, resume, contact information for at least three professional references; and a WSC Application Form (available at to:

Chair, Creative Writing Search Committee
Director of Human Resources
Wayne State College
1111 Main Street
Wayne, NE 68787
or email to

Phone: (402) 375-7403

Review of completed applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled. Wayne State College is an equal opportunity institution.

MLA JIL 02/08/13

Deadline: open until filled

Acknowledgment received: 2/21, 2/23, 2/25, 4/6 by mail

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 4/15 by mail

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): 4/10 (x2)

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 5/8 by mail (x2)

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Wayne State University (MI) - Prose Genres (Associate or Full Professor) - SKYPE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

The Department of English at Wayne State University invites applications for a senior appointment (Associate or Full Professor) in creative writing. We seek candidates with a distinguished record of publication who are working primarily in prose genres, including fiction, creative non-fiction, and drama.

Wayne State University is an urban research university with the highest Carnegie designation of RU/VH (Research University, very high research productivity). The teaching load in the English Department is 2-2.

The WSU Jobs site will open on or around October 1, 2012. All applications must be submitted online. To submit an application, applicants should go to and upload a letter of application and a CV. All applications are due by November 1, 2012.

Wayne State University offers more than 370 academic programs through 13 schools and colleges to more than 31,000 students in metropolitan Detroit. Wayne State is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.

MLA JIL 09/20/12

Deadline: Nov. 1  Feb. 15 (according to AWP; see below)

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Skype interview scheduled [posted 3/13/13]

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  • Any news here?
  • I"m a little confused. Did they reopen the search? I ask because the Nov.1st deadline doesn't comport with what I read elsewhere, which said they had a deadline for early THIS year.
    • Not sure what you're referring to exactly. Is it possible you are confusing this with the Wayne State College position (posted immediately above this one)? WSC position was just posted in Feb. 2013. Otherwise, I personally have not seen the Wayne State University Prose position re-posted with a new deadline elsewhere (and it's not on their HR page). If you have link that says otherwise, though, please do share. [3/1/13]
    • See the AWP website. They had a reposted date of 2/15 for Wayne State U. Associate level which I think is this same one. So did they restart the search?
  • Admin. for this page doesn't have access to AWP list; could you please cut/paste text of reposted ad below? Thanks.
  • NOTE NEW DEADLINE [From AWP List]: "Associate or Full Professor of Creative Writing, Wayne State University (Michigan, United States). The Department of English at Wayne State University invites applications for a senior appointment (Associate or Full Professor) in creative writing. We seek candidates with a distinguished record of publication who are working primarily in prose genres, including fiction, creative non-fiction, and drama. General Information: Deadline Date: February 15, 2013. Date Posted: January 9, 2013. Start Date: August 15, 2013. Type: Full-time."

University of British Columbia (Poetry, Fiction, Nonfiction, Children's), 2 positions, Assistant Professor - REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL MATERIALS[]

Creative Writing Program (British Columbia, Canada)

The Creative Writing Program at the University of British Columbia invites applications for two full-time, tenure-track Assistant Professor positions in the Creative Writing Program, to begin July 1, 2013.

Requirements include: graduate degree (Master of Fine Arts in Creative Writing preferred, but a combination of a Masters degree in a related discipline and appropriate writing and publishing experience would be acceptable); demonstrated excellence in writing in one or more of the following forms: fiction, non-fiction, poetry, children’s writing; experience in the teaching of university-level creative writing courses preferred; experience in teaching in online settings an asset; two major publications or productions required.

The ideal candidate will have an international profile and experience teaching at both the graduate and undergraduate level, including both workshops and large lecture classes. The successful candidate will have a strong commitment to high quality undergraduate and graduate education and s/he will be expected to teach a total of 15 credits per year, to participate fully in Creative Writing teaching team work and program administration, to supervise a number of graduate theses, and to maintain an excellent record of teaching, service, and scholarly activity, which includes a distinguished record of professional publication and artistic production.

The starting salary for each position will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Positions are subject to final budgetary approval.

Applicants should email a letter of application, including a brief statement about pedagogical perspectives on the teaching of creative writing, a current CV, evidence of teaching ability and effectiveness (course outlines, student evaluations, etc.) directed to Chair, Selection Committee, Creative Writing Program, University of British Columbia at

They should also arrange for three confidential letters of recommendation (including letters from established writers and indicating suitability of the candidate for appointment in an academic setting) to be sent under separate cover to the above email address. In addition, a copy of each of two recent publications should be mailed to: Chair, Selection Committee, Creative Writing Program, University of British Columbia, Buchanan E462 - 1866 Main Mall, Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z1 Canada.

Deadline: Jan. 31

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 3/11

Rejection (no interview): 3/20

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  • Anyone have a sense of how many candidates usually advance to the semifinalist stage when there are two openings?
  • Q: did anyone else out there apply to this position? If so, what have you heard?

Western State Colorado University - TT Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing[]

Western State Colorado University invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position of Assistant Professor of English and Creative Writing in the department of Communication Arts, Languages, and Literature. Duties: Teaching responsibilities will include courses in creative writing and composition. This is a 4/4 load, with additional responsibilities for mentoring creative writing students beyond the classroom. Responsibilities include service to campus, advising of majors, and serving as co-advisor to the English programs student-run visiting writers/open-microphone series as well as mentoring and guiding student efforts to submit and publish their work.

For more information on the English Program, please visit our website at: Qualifications: Terminal degree required and, all other criteria equal, a Ph.D. in creative writing preferred, along with literary publication history in two of the following three: short fiction, narrative nonfiction, and/or poetry for both closed and open forms. Must have thorough grounding in critical/literary analysis. Must have excellent record of teaching experience. Literary magazine production or editorial experience a plus. Additional Application Information: The expected start date is July 2013.

To apply: go to and use our online application (see the "apply" link at the top of the job posting); required attachments to your online application include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, transcripts, sample lower- and upper-division creative writing syllabi, evidence of previous teaching experience, sample student evaluations, and a 12- to 15-page published writing sample. In addition, please have three letters of reference e-mailed to Ms. Heather Messner at

Please direct questions regarding the position to Dr. Mark Todd, e-mail:

Unofficial transcripts are acceptable during screening. Official transcripts are required prior to employment.

WSCU encourages the application of qualified women and minority candidates.

Screening of applicants will begin March 25, 2013 and will continue until the position is filled.

WSCU is a residential, four-year public university with an enrollment of 2,300 students who come from across Colorado and all fifty states. Faculty members share a strong commitment to personalized education with the liberal arts as its core. They are student-oriented, collegial, energetic, and engaged in the campus and community. The curriculum provides professional flexibility that values experiential learning and interdisciplinary approaches. The university is located in Gunnison, Colorado, a rural community 200 miles southwest of Denver. At an elevation of 7,700 feet in the southern Rocky Mountains, the Gunnison valley provides significant year-round outdoor recreational opportunities. Employees have chosen WSCU because of the quality of life combined with rewarding careers. Visit to learn more about WSCU.


Deadline: review begins March 25

Acknowledgment received: 2/16- automated email response

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 4/15 x 5 ..."there are other candidates whose qualifications better met the the requirements of this position..."

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


They disliked my application so much that they rejected me twice in the span of four minutes. 

Ha. I thought it was somehow appropriate and fair, after how much they asked for with that app., to get two rejection letters. 

Westminster College at Mesa, AZ - Asst. Professor of English - SEARCH POSTPONED[]

Westminster College at Mesa, AZ, a four-year liberal arts college, seeks applications for a full-time non-tenure track Assistant Professor position in English beginning August 2013. Candidates should have specializations in literature and creative writing. Teaching load (4/4) includes a broad spectrum of courses including composition, creative writing, survey courses in British, American, and/or world literature, upper level courses in area(s) of specialization, and the Westminster Seminar, our first year student program. The appointment is tentative pending accreditation approval of the campus and final authorization to begin operations in Fall 2013; the position may be converted to tenure track in the future. Ph.D. required. For details log onto: To apply send letter of application, c.v., teaching statement and 3 confidential letters of recommendation to Dr. Debra Brenegan, English Search Committee, Westminster College, Fulton, MO 65251. Review of applications begins immediately; continues until position is filled or search is closed. EOE.

MLA JIL 02/8/13

Deadline: open until filled

Acknowledgment received: 3/13-via post

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Generalist 2013

Q: Has anyone heard anything about this one yet?

A: [from Generalist page: "Per the department chair, the search has been postponed indefinitely. [posted 4/22]"]

Yale-NUS College - Head of Writing (Open Rank Position)[]

Head of Writing at Yale-NUS-College The newly established Yale-NUS College ( in Singapore announces the following faculty position in Writing: Head of Writing across the Curriculum in a liberal arts environment. Administrative experience is desirable. Open Rank. Yale-NUS College seeks outstanding teacher-scholars who are active researchers, eager to be part of the inaugural faculty, committed to innovative pedagogy and curriculum development, and who enjoy close mentoring of students. Yale-NUS College, a collaboration between the National University of Singapore (NUS) and Yale University, draws on the best elements of liberal arts education in the United States to re-imagine the curriculum and collegiate experience for the 21st Century. Both Asian and Western perspectives will be integrated throughout the students’ course of study. Yale-NUS College will be a fully residential four-year College, located adjacent to NUS’s main campus. The College emphasizes small class size, close interaction between living and learning and a common curriculum, which will be significantly broader than most established “core curricula.” It will include courses addressing material and disciplines from across the humanities, social sciences, and natural sciences. The faculty at Yale-NUS College participates in a lively academic culture, with a tenure track and teaching requirements comparable to those at leading liberal arts colleges in the United States. Salary, benefits and leave policies are competitive at an international level. The College values diversity and is committed to equality of opportunity. For additional information about the College and the faculty hiring process, including submission guidelines, we invite you to visit our web site at .

Review of applications will begin November 1, 2012 and will continue until open positions are filled. Short-listed candidates may be invited to visit Singapore beginning in January 2013. Note: MLA JIL version of this ad (posted Nov. 9) states the following: "Applicants are encouraged to submit their materials by November 30, 2012. Review of applications will continue until open positions are filled. Short-listed candidates may be invited to visit Singapore beginning in January 2013." Interfolio LINK

Apply here (for tenure-track application) and here (for tenured application)

Deadline: Nov. 1 Nov. 30

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  •  As an American, and a former resident of Singapore, I have mixed feelings about the expressions of concern about academic freedom at NUS/YALE. NUS is one of the top 20 universities in the world -- yes. Singapore is not quite a western style democracy, but it is the cleanest and most efficiently run place I have ever lived. Corruption is NOT tolerated. Most Singaporeans are honest and hard working. The only problem with Singapore is the heat and humidity! I have heard from two former employees that the Nanyang Technological University is not a nice place to work. But I have heard nothing bad about NUS. Running things "differntly" is not always worse. If you are concerned about having everything just like you know it back home, my advice is to stay home.

Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013

Young Harris College (GA) - TT Assistant / Associate Professor of English in Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Young Harris College invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track Assistant or Associate Professor of English in creative writing. The successful candidate will have earned a Ph.D. or M.F.A. in creative writing, have a solid record of publications, and be committed to teaching a 4/4 load of creative writing and composition courses in an undergraduate, liberal arts curriculum beginning August 1, 2013. In addition, candidates will be encouraged to take an active role in the development of Young Harris College's creative writing program. Special consideration will be given to candidates who have secondary expertise/training in composition and rhetoric. Creative and scholarly work in the candidates field is encouraged and supported by the institution.

Young Harris College is a private, baccalaureate degree-granting college located in the beautiful mountains of north Georgia. Founded in 1886 and historically affiliated with The United Methodist Church, Young Harris College educates, inspires and empowers students through the highest quality liberal arts education. The College currently has more than 1,000 students across five divisions—Education, Fine Arts, Humanities, Mathematics and Science, and Social and Behavioral Sciences—and plans to increase enrollment to 1,200 over the next few years. The historic campus in Young Harris, Georgia, is currently undergoing major campus improvements to accommodate the Colleges growth, including recent completion of a 200-bed, LEED Silver-certified residence hall, Georgias first higher education facility north of Atlanta to achieve this certification, a 57,000-square-foot, LEED-certified recreation center, the second higher educational recreation facility in Georgia to achieve this certification, and a 148-bed, apartment-style residential village. In 2011, the College was granted candidacy for NCAA Division II athletics. YHC is among fewer than 200 colleges and universities nationwide named to the 2012-2013 list of Colleges of Distinction.

Candidates should apply electronically at

Applications should include a cover letter, CV and three letters of recommendation.  In addition, transcripts should be sent electronically to or by mail to Dr. Steve Harvey, Chair of the Search Committee, Human Resources Office, Young Harris College, P.O. Box 68, Young Harris, GA 30582.  Review of applications will continue until the position is filled. Selected candidate must successfully pass a background check.

Deadline: Open until filled [posted 10/30 at the Chronicle]

Acknowledgment received: 10/31 (email)

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/11

Rejection (after campus interview): 2/25.

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [see NOTES below]


Campus interviews have been scheduled for late January and early February.

2/25: Email: "Thank you for applying for the position of Assistant Profesor of English/Creative Writing at Young Harris College. We very much appreciate your interest in our college, however we had a number of applicants and the position has been filled.  Please continue to monitor our website for future opportunities you may be interested in applying for."

VISITING POSITIONS / Limited Term Appointments / Fellowships[]

Bowling Green State University - A&S Distinguished Visiting Writer (Fiction)[]

Fiction Writing. Distinguished Visiting Writer. The English Department seeks applicants for the Arts & Sciences Distinguished Visiting Writer. The successful candidate will be in residence spring 2014; teach one workshop in our BFA program and one workshop in our MFA program; give a reading and a lecture; and advise theses. Qualifications: 1) MA, MFA or Ph.D. by time of employment; 2) at least one book of fiction and critical recognition consistent with a writer of national reputation; and 3) evidence of outstanding teaching. Salary: competitive. See our website,, for a fuller description of the position. Send cover letter, CV, transcripts, three current letters of reference, writing sample (one book), a list of courses taught with brief descriptions of each, and 1-2 sample undergraduate and graduate syllabi to Kristine Blair, Chair, English Department, Bowling Green State University, Bowling Green, Ohio 43403-0191. Final candidate(s) are required to authorize and pass a background investigation prior to an offer of employment. The starting date of employment for this position is January 2014.

Application deadline: Postmarked by March 16, 2013.

MLA JIL 10/12/12

Deadline: March 16, 2013

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Claremont McKenna College (CA) - VAP, Creative Writing[]

The Department of Literature at Claremont McKenna College seeks to fill a one-year replacement position for a visiting assistant professor in Creative Writing, possibly renewable for a second year. We seek a fiction writer with possible secondary fields in creative nonfiction, poetry, or some area of literature. The teaching requirement is five semester courses for the year, three in creative writing and two in freshman writing. MFA or Ph.D. required. Please submit electronic copies of a letter of application, curriculum vitae, dossier of recommendations, evidence of teaching effectiveness, and writing sample (twenty-five pages or so) by June 17, 2013.

Application URL:

MLA JIL 05/24/13

Deadline: June 17

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Colby College - VAP (1 year) - Poetry  POSITION FILLED []

Visiting Assistant Professor of English (Poetry)

Applications are invited for a one‑year sabbatical replacement, for the 2013‑2014 academic year, at the rank of Visiting Assistant Professor, from candidates with demonstrated teaching excellence and publications in the field of creative writing, poetry. Anticipated teaching assignments include an annual load of five (5) courses over two semesters, of which at least four will be introductory or intermediate poetry workshops. High priority will be given to candidates with demonstrated teaching excellence, publications, and completed MFA or terminal M.A.

To apply, please send application materials as .pdf or .docx attachments, by no later than January 15, 2013, to Jennifer Finney Boylan, Search Committee Chair, Include cover letter, CV, three letters of recommendation, statement of teaching philosophy, and description of creative interests.

In order to accommodate highly talented candidates who are simultaneously seeking tenure‑track positions, we will interview on‑campus for this one‑year, non‑tenure‑track visiting assistant professorship beginning March 1, 2013. Short‑listed candidates will be invited for Skype interviews in February. All candidates will be notified of the outcome of the search in late spring.

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Jan. 15, 2013

Acknowledgment received: (1/7) automatic reply and EEO survey request (1/16) Ditto

Request for additional materials: 1 [posted 3/4]

Congrats! Can I ask what they asked for? Poems or evaluations?

Thanks. They asked for poems.

Do you get the request on 3/4?

No, I got the request about a week before.

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Any news on this search? 

Visiting hire appears to be at least partially based on cronysim. It's not that I'm naive, just tired of same old same old. Why run a search only to give the job to an old friend?  

College of Wooster (OH) - Visiting Assistant Professor of English - POSITION FILLED []

The Department of English at the College of Wooster invites applications for a visiting assistant professorship in creative writing (fiction and/or poetry) for the 2013-2014 academic year. Teaching load includes four courses in introductory fiction and poetry writing and one course in advanced fiction and/or poetry writing as well as directing year-long theses in the College’s signature Senior Independent Study program. Ph.D. or M.F.A. expected. Evidence or promise of teaching excellence and a significant publication record expected. Submit letter of application, vita, three letters of recommendation (directly from the referees) and a writing sample of no more than twenty-five pages electronically to Thomas Prendergast, Chair, English Department (

Review of applications will begin immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Full ad at

Deadline: open until filled

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): Email from chair saying the "one-year position" has been "verbally accepted" and that they will be "advertising in the fall a three-year visiting assistant professor of creative writing position."

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Columbia College Chicago - Stuckey LAS Emerging Writer-In-Residence Lectureship[]

Department of English, Columbia College Chicago seeking candidates for the Elma Stuckey Liberal Arts and Sciences Emerging Writer-in-Residence in the genre of Creative Nonfiction. Two-year appointment starts August 2013.

Lecturer will teach, give a public reading, advise a student-curated reading series, and possibly supervise a small number of graduate theses.

Writers from underrepresented communities and/or those who bring diverse cultural, ethnic, and national perspectives to their writing and teaching are encouraged to apply.

MFA or PhD in English or other relevant terminal degree in past five years; demonstrated excellence in college-level teaching; strong record of publication in national literary magazines. Preference to those who have published a book of nonfiction or who currently have a book of nonfiction under contract.

To apply: (Job ID 100540). Review of applications begins 3/15/2013.

CCC encourages qualified female, LGBTQ, disabled, and minority individuals to apply for all positions.

MLA JIL 2/15/13

Deadline: review begins March 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


DePaul University (IL) - VAP in Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of English - Creative Writing

DePaul University, Chicago

The English Department invites applications for a full-time non-tenure-track position in Creative Writing beginning in January 2013. This position carries a teaching load of three courses per quarter and is eligible for renewal. The successful candidate will teach a variety of workshops in DePaul's Creative Writing concentration within the English major and in the graduate Master of Arts in Writing and Publishing program. A specialty in fiction writing is highly desirable. A secondary specialty in American or contemporary literature, ethnic literatures, or world literature is welcome. Candidates should be prepared to teach general education courses for majors and non majors in the universitys Liberal Studies program. Salary is commensurate with experience. Full benefits are provided.

Candidates must have the appropriate terminal degree in hand by December 2012, demonstrated expertise in teaching, and a record of publication and ongoing creative activity.

To apply, please visit the following URL:

Submit an application [cover] letter and CV only at this time. These materials must be received no later than Sept. 28.


Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: Yes

Offer accepted: Yes


Q: Has anybody gotten a request for an interview?

Dickinson College - 2-year VAP in Fiction Writing[]

The Department of English at Dickinson College invites applications from actively publishing fiction writers to fill a two-year Visiting Assistant Professorship in fiction writing, with a possibility for a third year. The five-course-per-year teaching load includes fiction workshops at the intermediate and advanced levels, a team-taught, mixed-genre introductory creative-writing workshop, an introductory course in reading fiction, and an upper-level literature course on "the craft of the short story." The candidate will also help full-time faculty members with hosting visiting writers. M.F.A or Ph.D., publication (ideally, a book of fiction; minimally, a substantial record of fiction publications in major literary journals), and teaching experience required. The ability to create inclusive learning environments for an increasingly diverse student body will be an important characteristic of the successful candidate.

Our program in Creative Writing is an undergraduate minor that may be taken in combination with any major. Workshops are limited to 15 students and tend to draw students from all disciplines. Dickinson College is a private, selective, liberal-arts college of about 2,400 undergraduate students located in central Pennsylvania, 20 miles southwest of the state capital, Harrisburg, and within easy driving distance (1½ to 3 hours) of Baltimore, Washington, Philadelphia, and New York. The college is known and respected for its international, interdisciplinary, and sustainability programs. Salary and benefits are competitive, and support for travel to conferences and for research is generous.

Applications for this position are being accepted at Review of applications will begin on November 9, 2012.

The College is committed to building a representative and diverse faculty, administrative staff, and student body. We encourage applications from all qualified persons.

Deadline: review begins Nov. 9

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials: 2/14, 3/12, 3/21

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Earlham College (IN) - 1 yr. VAP in Creative Writing - POSITION FILLED []

Earlham College will be hiring a one-year visiting assistant professor for the 2013-14 academic year with the ability to teach Creative Writing, as well as general education and literature courses in the applicant’s specialty. The position is renewable for up to two additional years. The teaching load will be 2-3 with oversight of campus readings by visiting writers and by students. The typical load will be one advanced creative writing class each semester in the area of the person's choice with one or two introductory creative writing courses or one introductory course and one literature or interdisciplinary course. Interdisciplinary programs at Earlham include, among others: African and African-American Studies, Women's Studies, Peace and Global Studies, Jewish Studies, Latin American Studies, Environmental Studies and International Studies.

Applicants should have either an MFA or Ph.D/ABD.

Send CV, three letters of recommendation, cover letter including statement of teaching practice and philosophy, and brief writing sample to Amanda Abney, English Department, Drawer 116, Earlham College, Richmond, IN 47374-4095. See for more information about Earlham and its programs. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.

MLA JIL 4/5/13

Deadline: open until filled

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): Position filled, according to rejection email on 6/6.

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): Skype Interview, scheduled via email 5/31

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


George Washington University - Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington (Fiction) - POSITION FILLED[]

2013-2014 Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington (Fiction): For appointment beginning in the fall of 2013, we seek a writer of fiction to teach two semesters at The George Washington University as the Jenny McKean Moore Writer-in-Washington. The successful candidate will teach a small fiction workshop each semester for members of the metropolitan Washington community. No tuition is charged for these workshops, which are not open to University students. The successful candidate will also teach two classes, one each semester, for students at The George Washington University. This position is funded by an endowment from the Jenny McKean Moore Fund for Writers. The late Jenny McKean Moore, who had been a playwriting student at The George Washington University, left in trust a fund to encourage creative writing, and the trustees of the Fund helped design the program. The position is intended to serve as a fellowship for the visiting writer, since it involves only a moderate teaching load. The program's location at a university in the center of Washington should offer additional attractions for the writer. Basic Qualifications: The writer must have significant publications (including a book of fiction published by a well-regarded press) and experience teaching, though not necessarily in a conventional academic setting. The writer need not have conventional academic credentials. He or she should reside in the Washington area while the University is in session, 1 September through early May. Campus housing is normally available to the writer through a subsidized rental agreement. The salary for 2013-2014 is expected to be $58,000 plus an attractive benefits package.

Application Procedure: To be considered, complete an online faculty application at and upload a cover letter, a 20-30 page writing sample, a resume that includes a full list of publications, the names of at least three references. Only complete applications will be considered. Review of applications will begin on October 22, 2012. The deadline for applying is 16 November 2012.

MLA JIL 09/21/12

Deadline: Nov. 16

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 2/27

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted: According to GWU's web site, Molly McCloskey will be leading the fall 2013 fiction workshop. Looks like they've made their pick...


Q:  Has anyone heard from them?   

A: I was just going to ask the same thing. I haven't heard anything as of 1/11.

Gettysburg College (PA) - Emerging Writer - Lecturer in Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

DEPARTMENT OF ENGLISH - Emerging Writer Lecturer

One-year appointment, beginning August 2013, for a creative writer who plans a career that involves college-level teaching, to teach three courses per semester, including Introduction to Creative Writing and an advanced course in the writer's genre, as well as to assist with departmental writing activities. Mentorship for teaching and assistance in professional development provided. M.F.A. or Ph.D. with creative dissertation required. Teaching experience and literary magazine publications are essential. Competitive salary.

To apply, send letter of application, curriculum vitae, names of three references, and 10-page writing sample to: Emerging Writer Lectureship, Department of English, Campus Box 397, Gettysburg College, 300 N. Washington St., Gettysburg, PA 17325, postmarked by January 25, 2013. Electronic applications will not be accepted. Do not send entire monographs, books, etc.

Gettysburg College is a highly selective liberal arts college located within 90 minutes of the Baltimore/Washington metropolitan area. Established in 1832, the College has a rich history and is situated on a 220-acre campus with an enrollment of over 2,600 students. For the past three years, The Chronicle of Higher Education has recognized the College as one of the top "Great Colleges to Work For." The College assures equal employment opportunity and prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, gender, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, age, and disability. Gettysburg College is committed to creating a more diverse community; as part of that process, the College encourages candidates from historically underrepresented groups to apply.

Deadline: Jan. 25

Acknowledgment received: 1/28 Post 

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):3/5

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): 3/4

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:  3/11


A friend announced today that she has accepted this position.

Gonzaga University (WA) - Lecturer in Creative Writing - PHONE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

GONZAGA UNIVERSITY, Spokane, WA. The Department of English is seeking a one-year, non tenure-track, Lecturer position (3/3 teaching load and advise Senior Writing Projects) to teach introductory literature and creative writing for the academic year starting September 2013. Required qualifications: PhD in English (Literature or Creative Writing) or MFA with at least one book. Evidence of significant experience teaching literature and creative writing is essential. Particular consideration given to fiction and creative non-fiction writers with strong experience teaching literature and substantial creative publications. Applicants are required to submit the following online: a cover letter, current CV, a statement of teaching philosophy and three letters of recommendation. For a full position description and to apply: please visit our website at and apply online. For assistance with your online application, call 509-313-5996. First consideration given to applications received by April 26, midnight, Pacific Time. Email inquiries to Gonzaga University is a Jesuit, Catholic, humanistic institution, and is therefore interested in candidates who will contribute to its distinctive mission. Gonzaga University is an AA/EEO employer committed to diversity. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.

MLA JIL 3/29/13

Deadline: April 26

Acknowledgment received: 4/1

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): Form letter rejection, 5/30. 

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): phone 5/3

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


The AWP listing for this job describes the position as "a one-year, non tenure-track, Lecturer position at the Instructor or Assistant level." Any idea why the difference? Could this actually be a one-year VAP?

  • A: It may be the difference is between ABD [and/or MFA?] (Instructor) and complete PhD (VAP). This is often the case with TT positions.
  • A: I contacted the search committee chair who replied with the following in his email: "It is a lecturer position...[and] is a one year position with no renewal."

Hamilton College - 1 yr. VAP in Creative Writing (Poetry) - POSITION FILLED[]

The English and Creative Writing Department at Hamilton College seeks a Creative Writer specializing in poetry for a one-year leave replacement position at the level of Assistant Professor. MFA or PhD in Creative Writing required. The successful candidate will teach 5 courses, including a mixed-genre introductory workshop in Creative Writing, an intermediate workshop in poetry, and an introductory course in literary study. Position begins August 1, 2013. Please submit letter of application, curriculum vitae, writing sample (10 pages), transcripts, and three letters of recommendation to Interfolio at Address materials and send questions to Onno Oerlemans, Chair, English and Creative Writing Department, Hamilton College. Applications accepted until March 15, 2013. Hamilton ( is a residential liberal arts college located in upstate New York. Applicants with dual-career considerations can find other Hamilton and nearby academic job listings at Hamilton College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity in all areas of the campus community. Hamilton provides domestic partner benefits. Candidates from underrepresented groups in higher education are especially encouraged to apply.

Deadline: March 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Anyone heard anything re: this position? Thanks. (x3)

Position Filled (notifed by email).

Thanks for the update.. 

Ithaca College (NY) - Asst. Professor of Writing (3 yr. NTT Appt.) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

The Department of Writing in the School of Humanities & Sciences at Ithaca College invites applications for a full-time, three-year, non-renewable appointment in Writing, beginning August 16, 2013. The successful candidate will carry a 3/4 teaching load, teaching primarily 100- and 200-level courses, including Academic Writing, Personal Essay, Argument, and Introduction to Creative Writing. In addition to teaching, the successful candidate will be expected to provide service to the department.

Qualifications: Applicants must have an M.F.A., Ph.D., or other terminal degree in writing, rhetoric and composition, or literature by time of appointment; a record of publication; minimum two years experience teaching first-year composition; and demonstrated excellence in, and commitment to, undergraduate teaching. Experience teaching writing courses in more than one genre preferable.

Job Type: Non Tenure Eligible, notice

Application Information

Contact: Ithaca College

Phone: 607-274-1207

Online App. Form:

Interested individuals should apply online at and attach a cover letter and curriculum vita. In addition and under separate cover, please arrange for three signed letters of reference to be sent to Lynn Hyde, Department of Writing, Ithaca College, 953 Danby Road, 430C Smiddy Hall, Ithaca, NY 14850. Inquiries about the position may be directed to the Department of Writing at 607-274-3138. Questions about the online application may be directed to the Office of Human Resources at 604-274-8000. Review of applications will begin immediately. To ensure full consideration, complete applications should be received by December 7, 2012.

Deadline: Dec. 7

Acknowledgment received: 12/5

Request for additional materials: 12/12 x 6

Q: Would you mind saying what genre you work in? Also, e-mail or post notification? A: Poetry and non-fiction. Email.

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 12/21 x 2 (phone)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 2/20

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013

Kansas State University - Visiting Assistant Professor, Creative Writing-OFFER ACCEPTED[]

The Department of English at Kansas State University invites applications for a visiting assistant professor serving as a one-year replacement in poetry beginning August 18, 2013. Secondary interest in another genre preferred. Teaching load is 3-3 and includes introductory classes in poetry writing and literature as well as mentoring graduate students on M.A. committees. Successful candidates will have a M.F.A. or Ph.D. by August 2013 in Creative Writing, a strong publication record, and evidence of excellence in the classroom. Service opportunities will include active participation in program-sponsored events. Commitment to diversity through pedagogy and course content required. Information about the department and university can be found at

Send letter of application, c.v., evidence of teaching effectiveness (sample syllabi, statement of teaching philosophy), and a list of graduate courses completed to Karin Westman, Head, English Dept., ECS Building, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. (Letters of reference and writing samples will be requested later.) Review of applications begins April 8, 2013 and continues until the position is filled. Background check required. Kansas State is an equal opportunity employer and actively seeks diversity among its employees.

MLA JIL 3/15/13

Deadline: review begins April 8

Acknowledgment received: 3/22, 4/2 x 2 - e-mail (w/ EEO/AA request)

Request for additional materials: 4/22 x4, 5/6

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): 5/9x2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 5/14

Offer accepted: 5/16


Lake Forest College (IL) - Visiting Assistant Professor – Fiction Writing and Publishing (3 year appointment) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]

Lake Forest College seeks a writer of fiction to fill a three-year visiting (non-tenure track) position in the English Department teaching courses in creative writing and developing courses in the design, production, and publication of books and journals. Teaching load will be three courses per semester, beginning in fall of 2013. The successful candidate will have a substantial teaching record, a promising publication history, an MFA or PhD, and experience in small or large press publication. He or she will have the opportunity to work with the growing Lake Forest College Press/&NOW Books, as well as with student publications. Submit letter of application, c.v., 10-20 page writing sample, and three recommendation letters to:, or to Robert Archambeau, Department of English, Lake Forest College, 555 N. Sheridan Road, Lake Forest IL, 60045. A highly selective liberal arts college located on Chicago’s North Shore, Lake Forest College enrolls approximately 1,500 students from over 47 states and 79 countries. At Lake Forest College, the quality of a faculty member’s teaching is the most important criterion for evaluation. The College also expects peer-reviewed publications and active participation in the College community. Lake Forest College embraces diversity and encourages applications from women and other members of historically underrepresented groups. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until the position is filled.

Deadline: open until filled [posted in MLA JIL 3/1/13]

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): 1 (3/22), 1 (4/1 - phone interview - alert via phone)

Rejection (after preliminary interview): 4/12 (email: "[W]e have decided not to bring you to campus for the next stage of interviews as we believe our other candidates are a better fit for our current needs.")

Campus interview scheduled: 4/12 — via phone

Rejection (after campus interview): 5/14 -- via email(!)

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Maryville College (TN) - Visiting Instructor in English - Poetry - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Non-tenure-track, full-time appointment, August 2013. English or M.F.A. in Creative Writing with a concentration in poetry; college teaching experience required. Candidates will have experience in teaching composition and research methodology and be broadly trained and committed to strong teaching in the liberal arts tradition. Teaching duties include creative writing courses and senior study supervision in the major; courses in the College’s nationally recognized general education (core) curriculum, including some combination of first-year composition, first-year seminars, and western world literature.

Maryville College is a baccalaureate-granting institution affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, USA. In 2012 the College was ranked in the top tier of “National Liberal Arts” colleges by U.S. News & World Report, named a “College of Distinction” for its excellence in student engagement, quality of teaching, vibrancy of college community, and success of graduates, and recognized as a “Great College to Work For” by the Chronicle of Higher Education. Located in Maryville, Tennessee, Maryville College is ideally situated between the Great Smoky Mountains National Park and Knoxville, the state’s third largest city, as well as within minutes of the major research facilities of Oak Ridge Associated Universities (MC holds associate membership) and the University of Tennessee.

Applications received by December 17, 2012 will be guaranteed full consideration. Complete applications must include a letter of interest, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, statement of teaching philosophy, and three letters of reference (two of which fully address teaching experience and potential). Applications should be submitted electronically through Interfolio via the link above or by e-mail to (put “Comp Search” in subject line). Cover letters may be addressed to Dr. Susan Schneibel, Chair, Division of Languages & Literature, Maryville College.

MLA JIL 11/16/12

Deadline: Dec. 17

Acknowledgment received: 1/31 X3

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 1/10: phone interview (via phone)

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 1/21 (via email)

Rejection (after campus interview): 3/20 (via phone)

Offer made:

Offer accepted: Candidate has accepted offer & signed contract as of 3/20.


Q: I received an email acknowledgment of receipt today (1/31), which is notably after a campus interview has already been reported. Does anyone have any info on what's happening in this search?  Apparently they're taking their sweet time with the application acknowledgments -- tomorrow I imagine I'll receive the note that says, "After full and careful consideration of your application...."

A: From what I've heard, the delays are largely administrative in nature.

A2: The search is definitely still in progress; no final decisions have been made.

Millsaps College (MS) - Teaching Fellow in Creative Writing POSITION ACCEPTED []

The Department of English at Millsaps College invites applications for a one-year Teaching Fellowship in Creative Writing to begin in August 2013. The fellow will teach two courses per semester, including an advanced course in the writer's genre, and will assist with departmental activities. Preference will be given to candidates who work in multiple genres, including but not limited to narrative nonfiction, journalism, playwriting, screenwriting, environmental writing, or the graphic novel; liberal arts background and experience teaching courses involving digital technology are a plus. A Ph.D. or M.F.A. in English or Creative Writing is required, as is evidence of significant publication.

To apply, submit the following materials by email to a cover letter addressed to Dr. Eric Griffin, Chair, Department of English, which discusses teaching philosophy and provides specific examples of effective teaching practices; a curriculum vitae; an unofficial graduate transcript; three confidential letters of reference; and a writing sample of no more than 25 pages (more than one genre preferred). All applications should be complete by Friday, March 8, 2013.

Millsaps College is a nationally ranked liberal arts college in the capital city of Jackson, Mississippi. We offer a competitive salary including health and other benefits, a travel and research stipend of $2000, and reimbursement for moving expenses. Employment will be contingent on complete background verification. Included in Colleges that Change Lives, Millsaps is committed to academic excellence and pedagogical innovation. Millsaps is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from minorities. For more information about Millsaps College and the English Department see

MLA JIL 2/15/13

Deadline: March 8

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter:

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ....):

Campus interview scheduled:

Offer made: Yes 

Offer accepted: Yes


Missouri Southern State University - 1 yr. (renewable) Asst. Professor of Writing -- CANCELLED[]

The Department of English and Philosophy of Missouri Southern State University invites applications for a one-year, possibly renewable position for a writing specialist at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning August of 2013. Successful candidates will have ability to teach courses in writing ranging from first-year courses to advanced courses in areas like professional writing, technical writing, and creative non-fiction. The position requires a commitment to teaching excellence at the undergraduate level; the course load is four courses per semester. PhD by August 1, 2013, is required, as well as experience teaching writing courses. Also preferred is the ability to teach courses in American literature after the Civil War.

Applications must be completed by January 14, 2013, after which date screening will begin immediately and continue until a qualified candidate is selected.

Applicants should submit a detailed letter of application, curriculum vitae (with the names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers of three references), teaching philosophy, and copies of undergraduate and graduate transcripts. (Official transcripts are required 45 days after contract is issued). Please email documents to and include the position you are applying for in the subject line.

Missouri Southern State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Employer. Applicants must be lawfully authorized to work in the United States. Employment will require a background check. E-verify participating employer.

Deadline: January 14, 2013

Acknowledgment received: 1/14- automated email reply


2/25- email-"the University has decided not to fill this position at this time"

Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013 and Generalist 2013

Missouri University of Science and Technology - Max C. Weiner Distinguished Professorship in English or Technical Communication[]

The Missouri University of Science and Technology, formerly University of Missouri-Rolla, invites applications and nominations for the Maxwell C. Weiner Distinguished Professorship in English or Technical Communication. This is a one-semester, endowed position for Spring 2014 semester. The field of expertise in English or Technical Communication is open but preference will be given to poets or other creative writers, especially those with an interest in contributing to our new Creative Writing minor. Qualifications: Applicants must have significant publications in their field and university teaching experience. Responsibilities: The Weiner Professor will present two public lectures, lead two faculty seminar sessions, and teach one course. To apply, please provide a letter of application and vita. Generous salary is provided, commensurate with background and experience.

Our department offers the following degrees: B.A. and cooperative M.A. in English, B.A. in English education, B.S. and M.S. in technical communication.

Deadline for receipt of applications is February 15, 2013

NOTE: All application materials must include the position reference number in order to be processed. Please address your application letter to: Human Resources Services, Reference Number: R00029388, Missouri University of Science & Technology,

The final candidate is required to provide official transcript(s) for any college degree(s) listed in application materials submitted. Copies of transcript(s) must be provided prior to the start of employment. In addition, the final candidate may be required to verify other credentials listed in application materials.

MLA 09/27/12

Deadline: Feb. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter:

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ....):

Campus interview scheduled:

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013

Muhlenberg College (PA) - 2 yr. Visiting Lecturer in Creative Writing - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Visiting Lecturer - Muhlenberg College invites applications for a two-year position in creative writing beginning Fall 2013. Muhlenberg is a selective liberal arts college in eastern Pennsylvania, conveniently located an hour from Philadelphia and 90 minutes from New York City. The College has an innovative English curriculum and a national reputation in theater and dance. Requirements for the position include an MFA in creative writing or equivalent degree, publications, and commitment to teaching. Candidates must be qualified to teach courses in poetry, other genres, and online publishing. Teaching load is three courses per semester, including a First Year Seminar. Muhlenberg offers a competitive salary and a full benefit package, including the availability of health insurance coverage for same-sex domestic partners.

To apply, submit the following materials for consideration:

  • - Cover letter discussing teaching philosophy and providing specific examples of effective teaching practices
  • - CV
  • - Graduate transcripts
  • - Three letters of reference
  • - Writing sample of approximately twenty pages (more than one genre preferred)

Send complete application package to Dr. Grant F. Scott, Chair, Dept of English, Muhlenberg College, 2400 Chew St., Allentown, PA 18104. As an alternative, materials may be submitted electronically to the English Department Administrative Assistant, Grace Gardella, at For best consideration, apply by November 15, 2012.

MLA JIL 10/12/12

Deadline: Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received: 10/23; 11/8

Request for Additional Materials: 12/10, 12/11 (Copies of books)

Rejection Letter: 1/3 (email) x4: 'We have completed our search and have chosen a candidate whose experience and training best meet the requirements of the position.'

- Just attempting to get on with my life and someone changes single quotes (above) to double when single will do just fine; stop trying to get my goat! Down with tyranny! Long live the single quote!

- Sorry; was copypasta-ing all quick-like and didn't notice. I've changed it back. Your goat is very nice.

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ....): 12/7 (Skype), 12/10 (Skype)

Campus interview scheduled: 12/26 (x2)

Offer made:

Offer accepted: 2/8


Murray State University (KY) - Visiting Professor/Watkins Endowed Professorship in Creative Writing[]

Visiting Professor in Residence, Nancy and Rayburn Watkins Endowed Professorship in Creative Writing, Department of English and Philosophy, Murray State University. Nine-month, non-tenure-track position (renewable for two additional years) to begin August 2013.

QUALIFICATIONS: M.F.A. in Creative Writing or equivalent. Distinguished record of publication in nonfiction (minimum of one book) required, with specialization in another genre preferable. Evidence of excellence in teaching creative writing required.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Will teach two courses each semester in the undergraduate creative writing program and the low-residency M.F.A. program, be available for January or July residencies, participate in the reading series, and serve on the editorial staff of New Madrid.

Application Deadline: January 15, 2013

To Apply: Please submit a letter of application, a current CV, and copies of transcripts electronically via the MSU online employment system at Mail three recent letters of recommendation and a writing sample to: Watkins Search, Department of English and Philosophy, Murray State University, 7C Faculty Hall, Murray, KY 42071-3341. Screening interviews will be conducted at the AWP Conference.

Deadline: Jan. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter:

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ....):

Campus interview scheduled:

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


New College of Florida - Writer in Residence, Spring 2013 - PHONE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

New College of Florida announces an opening for a Writer in Residence, spring semester 2013 (February-May). The successful candidate will have: at least one published book, and significant publication in other venues as well; two years’ experience teaching creative writing, which can include instruction as a graduate student; and a strong commitment to playing an active role in the community of our residential honors college. MFA, MA, or equivalent degree preferred, but experience considered. Writers whose work engages multiethnic experience especially encouraged. The Writer in Residence will be responsible for teaching two semester-length writing courses (one multi-genre introductory course and one course in the applicant’s specialty), and will give at least three public readings. We are especially interested this year in fiction writers, though all applicants will be considered. Salary $22,725 for .75 FTE, with no benefits. Send the following materials in PDF format: curriculum vitae, letter of application, writing sample, dossier with three letters of reference and official transcript, and two course proposals (one for an introductory level course and one for a more specialized course) to If electronic submission is not viable, please mail your application to: Dr. Andrea Dimino, Chair, Search Committee, Division of Humanities, New College of Florida, 5800 Bay Shore Road, Sarasota, FL 34243-2109. Review of applications will begin December 1 and continue until position is filled. For disability accommodations, contact Chair a minimum of five (5) days in advance @ (941) 487-4360. New College of Florida is an EO/AA/ADA employer Security background check required

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: review begins Dec. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter:

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ....): 12/12 phone

Campus interview scheduled:

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Oklahoma State University - VAP - Creative Writing (Fiction)[]

One-year appointment beginning August 2013. MFA or PhD in Creative Writing, or related area. 3-2 teaching load. Appropriate terminal degree, appropriate credentials, significant national publication, and demonstrated teaching excellence required. Additional publication and teaching expertise in creative non-fiction desirable. Salary competitive and commensurate with experience. OSU offers the BA, MFA, and the PhD in English with emphasis in creative writing. For further information on the department see our webpage at To ensure full consideration, applications should be received by May 1, 2013. We will continue, however, to accept and consider applications until the position has been filled. Email with subject line "Fiction Writer" letter of application, cv, writing sample, and dossier, including three letters of recommendation and transcript to This position is contingent upon availability of funding. Oklahoma State University is an AA/EEO/E-Verify employer committed to diversity. OSU-Stillwater is a tobacco-free campus.

Deadline: May 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Penn State Altoona - Emerging Writer Residency (Fiction/Creative Non-Fiction)[]

The Penn State Altoona English Program is taking applications for a one-semester teaching residency in fiction and creative nonfiction.  The residency is designed to offer an emerging writer substantial time to write and offers a salary of $10,000 in return for teaching one general education level introduction to creative writing workshop during the Fall 2013 semester (August 26-December 20).  The resident writer will also give a public reading and work informally with our English majors.  We are looking for a writer with publications of fiction and creative nonfiction in literary magazines.  Emphasis will be placed on the quality of the work submitted.  You will be expected to live in the Altoona area during residency for the Fall 2013 semester.  Benefits and housing are not included.

A Masters degree in Creative Writing or English is required; an M.F.A. or Ph.D. in Creative Writing is preferred. Teaching experience is also preferred.  The application must consist of a cover letter; a Curriculum Vitae (including resume, teaching experience, publishing history and one or more letters of recommendation); and a writing sample (one story and one essay and/or a 10-page excerpt from a book-length project).

Applicants should submit their inquiries, applications, and additional materials to: Emerging Writer Residency, Ms. Erin Murphy, 212 Hawthorn Building, Pos C-38347, Penn State Altoona, 3000 Ivyside Park, Altoona, PA 16601-3760

Review of applications will begin April 1, 2013, and continue until the position is filled.

For additional information about Penn State Altoona, please visit our web page at


Deadline: review begins April 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter:

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ....):

Campus interview scheduled:

Offer made:

Offer accepted:

NOTES AND QUERIES: Anyone hear anything on this one?

Phillips Academy (MA) - Roger F. Murray Chair in Creative Writing - CAMPUS VISITS SCHEDULED[]

Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts, an independent, coeducational, secondary boarding and day school with a diverse community of students and faculty, seeks a writer-in-residence to fill the Roger F. Murray Chair in Creative Writing. This is a two-year appointment to begin in September 2013, with a possibility of renewal for up to two more years. Responsibilities include teaching two seminar classes (maximum 15 students per class) in creative writing per term. Minimum requirements include at least one published book and demonstrated success in the teaching of creative writing at the university or secondary level. Competitive salary and benefit package. This position is comparable to similar appointments at the university level. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled, with review to begin on November 16, 2012. The academy welcomes applications from diverse backgrounds. Please send resume and letter to Creative Writing Search Committee, Dean of Faculty, Phillips Academy, 180 Main Street, Andover, MA 01810. For more information, please visit Background check required. EOE.

MLA JIL 10/26/12

Deadline: review begins Dec. 1 "review to begin on November 16, 2012."

Hey poets. I know times are tough, but let's not post the wrong deadlines, ok?

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter:

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ....):

Campus interview scheduled: [see below]

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Q. Does anybody know which writers have previously held this position?

A. Lewis Robinson currently; Bill Lychack immediately before him, I think. I haven't been able to find any comprehensive list anywhere online.

Q:  Did anyone hear from them?   I got an email on 11/15/12 saying they would be in touch for interviews.  

To the person who posted above: Did they ever get back to you about interviews? I've still heard nothing a/o 1/19.

Called and inquired. Finalists have already been invited to campus. 01/28

Princeton University - Hodder Fellowship - AWARDS MADE[]

The Hodder Fellowship. Princeton University, Lewis Center for the Arts


The Hodder Fellowship will be given to writers of exceptional promise to pursue independent projects at Princeton University during the 2013-2014 academic year. Hodder Fellows may be poets, playwrights, novelists, creative nonfiction writers, translators, or other artists and humanists who have "much more than ordinarily intellectual and literary gifts" and who are selected "for promise rather than performance." Given the strengths of our applicant pool, most successful Fellows have published a first book and are undertaking significant new work that might not be possible without the "studious leisure" afforded by this fellowship. Hodder Fellows spend an academic year at Princeton pursuing independent projects. Fellowships cannot fund work leading to the Ph.D. You need not be a U.S. citizen to apply. Submit a resume, sample of previous work (10 pages maximum, not returnable), and a project proposal of 2-3 pages.

Guidelines available on website. Princeton University is an equal opportunity employer and complies with applicable EEO and affirmative action regulations. Apply online at


Deadline: November 1, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Campus Interview Scheduled:

Rejection Letter:

Offer Made:

Offer Accepted:


I saw an announcement on twitter, dated March 1, 2013, that Katy Didden was awarded a Hodder Fellowship. Does anyone know if this is accurate? Any other updates? The website says announcements will be posted in February. 

  • Yes, the tweet was accurate. [3/4]

Princeton University - Fellows in the Creative and Performing Arts - FINALISTS NOTIFIED[]

Princeton University, Lewis Center for the Arts


Open to early-career artists whose achievements have been recognized as demonstrating extraordinary promise. Fellowships are for two academic years. Fellows will teach a course each semester or, in lieu of one course,  may be requested to undertake an artistic assignment. A salary is provided. For full details and application guidelines see below.

Application deadline is February 15, 2013

Princeton University invites applications for the inaugural Princeton Fellowships in the Creative and Performing Arts.

Princeton Fellowships in the Creative and Performing Arts, funded in part by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation, will be awarded to artists whose achievements have been recognized as demonstrating extraordinary promise in any area of artistic practice and teaching. Applicants should be early career poets, novelists, composers, visual artists, conductors, musicians, choreographers, playwrights, designers, graphic novelists, film makers, performers, directors, and performance artists -- this list is not meant to be exhaustive -- who would find it beneficial to spend two years working in an artistically vibrant university community.

Apply online at


Deadline: February 15th, 2013

-Called and they said just starting the process (3/15). Over 1000 applications.  

Q: Did they offer any sort of timeline? 

A: On their website it says finalists will be notified by late March.

Update: I called this morning (4/1) and they said they wouldn't announce the finalists for another month. Apparently, they are still "working it out."

Further update: The website now says "Finalists were notified the last week of March, 2013." I wonder if the person on the phone was uninformed?

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Campus Interview Scheduled

Rejection Letter:

Offer Made:

Offer Accepted:


Ramapo College of New Jersey - Assistant Professor of Creative Writing and Literature (Temporary)[]

The successful candidate will teach Creative Writing and Literature (especially fiction) and will be expected to contribute one section of the general education writing course each semester. Candidate will also be expected to assist the convener of the Creative Writing minor and concentration in the Salameno School of American and International Studies in implementation, coordination, advising, and curricula development of the Readings at Ramapo Visiting Writers Series as well as support student-driven events and publications.

In addition to teaching 7 courses per academic year, faculty members are expected to maintain active participation in research, college governance, and academic advisement. Qualifications Earned MFA or Ph.D in Creative Writing by August 2013 with a specialization in fiction. Evidence of publication and future promise. College teaching experience required. Full-time teaching experience preferred.

Review of applications will begin Friday February 1st 2013 and will continue until the position is filled.

Online App. Form:

Deadline: review begins Feb. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter:

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ....):

Campus interview scheduled:

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Sam Houston State University - Visiting Assistant Professor - POSITION FILLED[]

The appointment includes a 4-4 teaching load with half of the courses to be taught either online or as hybrid courses; the teaching opportunities will include undergraduate creative writing and other courses.

An MFA or a Ph.D. in creative writing, with a primary emphasis in fiction is required. A secondary emphasis in creative nonfiction is preferred.

The successful candidate will meet the degree requirements, have significant publications with reputable presses and journals, and a strong commitment to teaching at the undergraduate level.

For full consideration, please send a cover letter, c.v., three letters of reference, and twenty-page writing sample to Dr. Helena Halmari, Department Chair, Department of English, Sam Houston State University, Box 2146, Huntsville, TX 77341. Applicants being considered will be asked to provide additional information and materials. Review of applications will begin November 15, 2012, and continue until the position is filled. Interviews will be conducted via Skype.

Deadline: review begins Nov. 15

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter: Letter received stating the position has been filled. 3/2/13

SKYPE interview scheduled:

Campus interview scheduled:

Offer made:

Offer accepted: [see above, Rejection]


Scripps College (CA) - Mary Routt Endowed Chair of Writing [SPRING 2014 or SPRING 2015][]

The Scripps College Writing Program seeks two distinguished visiting writers for the Mary Routt Endowed Chair of Writing, one during the spring semester of 2014 and the other during the spring semester of 2015.

The successful candidates will serve as Mary Routt Chair of Writing throughout the spring semester (from mid-January to mid-May). Teaching responsibilities include one writing workshop in the area of his or her choice as well as a presentation of his or her work at two public events. We are looking for candidates with critical recognition consistent with a writer of national reputation; we prefer candidates who can show evidence of outstanding teaching ability.

Please send a cover letter indicating which of the two spring semesters (2014 or 2015) you are available, a cv (including a list of previously delivered courses, workshops, and/or lectures with brief descriptions of topics), three current letters of reference, a writing sample, and a sample course syllabus for an undergraduate writing seminar to Kimberly Drake, Director of the Writing Program, Scripps College, Claremont, CA 91711 ( We encourage emailed applications, when possible. Review of applications will begin December 1, 2012.

Scripps College is one of seven members of The Claremont Colleges consortium located 35 miles east of Los Angeles. In a continuing effort to build a diverse academic community and to provide equal educational and employment opportunities, Scripps College actively encourages applications from women and members of historically under-represented groups.

MLA JIL 10/5/12

Deadline: Dec. 1

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Southern Methodist University - 2 yr. Professor of Practice, Creative Nonfiction[]

Professor of Practice in English. Position No. 00052655. Southern Methodist University seeks a fiction writer to fill a two-year Professor of Practice position in the English Department's undergraduate creative writing program, with a primary responsibility for teaching creative nonfiction. This position will begin in Fall 2013. Applicants must have a terminal degree in creative writing (M.F.A., Ph.D., or M.A.), teaching experience, and a record of publication.

The individual hired would be expected to teach three genre-specific courses each semester at the beginning, intermediate and advanced levels. Candidates with a proven track record of innovative pedagogy in creative writing and an enthusiasm for teaching are especially encouraged to apply.

Submit a letter of application, curriculum vita, 20-page writing sample, and contact information for three letters of recommendation to Prof. David Haynes, Department of English, Southern Methodist University, Box 750435, Dallas, TX 75275-0435. Screening of applicants begins on May 28 and will continue until the position is filled.

SMU will not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability, genetic information, or veteran status. SMU's commitment to equal opportunity includes nondiscrimination on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. Hiring is contingent upon the satisfactory completion of a background check.

Deadline: May 28

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


St. Lawrence University (NY) - Viebranz Visiting Professor of Creative Writing - PHONE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]

Fiction or creative non-fiction writers with significant publications and teaching experience are invited to apply for the position of Viebranz Visiting Professor of Creative Writing for the academic year 2013-2014. Publications and teaching experience in a second genre would be preferable. The individual hired will teach two genre-specific courses each semester, at the beginning and advanced level, and be an active participant in the English Department. Departmental activities will include giving a reading as part of the St. Lawrence University Writers Series; serving as a reader on a senior honors thesis, and possibly directing a senior independent project; and leading occasional workshops for senior writing majors, or giving a craft talk on writing. Evidence will be sought of a proven record of innovative pedagogy in creative writing and an enthusiasm for teaching; minimum two years of undergraduate teaching experience. M.F.A. or Ph.D. in creative writing, with at least two books and significant additional publications, are required. We encourage applications from candidates who bring diverse cultural, ethnic, and national perspectives to bear on their writing and teaching. The successful candidate will join a department with a curricular commitment to teaching the mutuality of the study of literature and the practice of creative expression. Salary commensurate with experience. A fully-furnished house is provided as part of the compensation package. Please send a detailed letter of application, C/V emphasizing publications and relevant teaching experience, e-mail address, sample syllabi and writing exercises, to Dr. Sidney L. Sondergard, Viebranz Search Committee, Department of English, St. Lawrence University, Canton, NY 13617. Review of applications will begin on October 31, 2012. Finalists will be asked to submit a writing sample and three letters of recommendation attesting to teaching experience.


Deadline: Oct. 31

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): phone 11/11

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Smith College - Elizabeth Drew Professor of English (Fiction)[]

The English Department at Smith College seeks a fiction writer with a distinguished record of publication and commitment to teaching to serve as the Elizabeth Drew Professor of English for a 2-3 year term, to begin in the fall of 2013. Previous recipients include Anita Desai, Elinor Lipman, Sue Miller, and Kurt Vonnegut.

This half-time position offers an annual salary of $52,000 and a housing allowance; college-owned housing may be available. One writing workshop (course limited to 12 students) to be offered each semester. Questions regarding the search should be directed to Professor Floyd Cheung, Chair of the Search Committee,

Visit to apply. Submit a letter of application and a curriculum vitae. Review of candidates will begin on December 15, 2012.


Deadline: Dec. 15, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Sweet Briar College (VA) - Asst. Professor (1-2 yrs), Creative Writing-Fiction[]

The English Department at Sweet Briar College seeks a full-time sabbatical-replacement position in Creative Writing at the assistant professor level beginning in August 2013. The position includes the possibility of renewal for a second year, also as a sabbatical replacement, and of a subsidized rental residence on campus for the successful candidate. The colleges typical teaching load is three courses per semester. This position will include a multi-genre introductory creative writing workshop, nonfiction and journalism workshops, and at least one first-year writing course. The second years appointment, if available, would also include fiction workshops. Other duties include assisting the creative writing director in organizing the visiting writers series, contributing to the annual undergraduate creative writing conference, and participating in other departmental programs and initiatives. Successful candidates will have an M.F.A. or equivalent degree, demonstrated commitment to and excellence in college-level teaching, a strong record of publication, and experience writing and teaching creative nonfiction, journalism, and fiction. Please send letter of application, CV, and writing sample via email to Applications received by February 22, 2013 will be given priority in the hiring process. Sweet Briar College is a nationally-ranked, independent, liberal arts and sciences college for women where close student-faculty interaction is emphasized. The College is located on 3,250 acres near the Blue Ridge Mountains about fifty miles south of Charlottesville and 20 miles north of Lynchburg. The Virginia Center for the Creative Arts is located on college property one mile from the colleges campus. Sweet Briar is committed to enhancing our academic community and encourages applications from qualified individuals with diverse backgrounds, experiences, and ideas.


Deadline: Feb. 22

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Truman State University (MO) - Clayton B. Ofstad Endowed Writer-in-Residence Visiting Asst/Assoc Professor of Creative Writing (Fiction)[]

Truman State University Department of English and Linguistics invites applications for the inaugural Clayton B. Ofstad Writer-in-Residence position. This one-year appointment with possible renewal for a second year is for an experienced fiction writer who is committed to mentoring undergraduate and graduate writers at a highly selective, public liberal arts and sciences university. This position has been created to expose students in Truman's BFA Program in Creative Writing to the work of actively publishing writers in order to develop their skill as writers, their knowledge of publishing and graduate programs, and their understanding of contemporary writing. The Ofstad Writer-in-Residence will teach introductory creative writing courses and fiction workshops as well as literature and writing courses in his or her areas of interest. This position offers a competitive salary, enhanced travel funds, and a budget for hosting readings by contemporary writers.

RESPONSIBILITIES: Responsibilities include teaching three courses per semester, mentoring writers at the undergraduate and graduate level, and organizing readings on campus as well as an annual reading of the writer's work.

QUALIFICATIONS: · A Ph.D. in English, a Ph.D. in Creative Writing or a MFA in Creative Writing in hand; · Expertise in fiction; · A strong publication record; · Evidence of strong written and oral communication skills. · Evidence of the ability to teach introductory creative writing classes and upper-level fiction workshops; · Evidence of teaching effectiveness at the college level or the potential for teaching effectiveness; · Experience mentoring writing students preferred; and · Experience organizing readings preferred.

RANK/SALARY: Rank will be determined by education and experience. The salary for the Ofstad Writer-in-Residence is $50,000 regardless of rank. Truman offers an attractive benefits package including access to campus recreational facilities, tuition discounts, health, dental and long-term disability insurance coverage, retirement benefits, and tickets to campus cultural and athletic events.

THE PROGRAM: Truman State University's BFA in Creative Writing is part of the Department of English and Linguistics at Truman State University. The Department also offers a BA in English, a BS in Linguistics, an MA in English, as well as supporting several other degrees, a range of minors, and interdisciplinary programs at the university. Our BFA Program, the only such program in the state, was founded in 2010 in response to strong student interest. The program is growing rapidly, the department supports regular creative and interdisciplinary campus events, students in the program pursue a wide range of professional and creative activities, and the university is home to literary journals The Green Hills Literary Lantern and The Chariton Review as well as the Truman State University Press.

APPLICATIONS: Electronic submission of applications is required and can be completed at: Complete applications must include a letter of application, curriculum vitae, graduate and undergraduate transcripts, three recent letters of recommendation, and evidence of teaching effectiveness. Please direct any questions regarding this process to Review of complete applications (minus letters of reference) will begin on March 18, 2013.

Deadline: March 18

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Alaska-Faibanks - 1 yr. Full-Time Term Instructor (Fiction) []

The Department of English at the University of Alaska Fairbanks invites applications for a full-time one-year replacement appointment in Creative Writing - Fiction at the rank of Term Instructor beginning August 2013. The successful candidate will teach courses in the Fall 2013 and Spring 2014, with minimal department duties and encouragement to engage fully in the life of the department. Courses to be taught may include creative writing workshops and other creative writing courses at the graduate and undergraduate levels, as well as core courses and courses in any other area(s) of specialization. Please identify other fields of expertise in writing, academic specializations, or interdisciplinary/ collaborative work. Prior teaching experience is a must. 

The candidate should be a published fiction writer, an experienced teacher, and have a terminal degree in creative writing (MFA or PhD) or related field.

The successful candidate must have teaching experience at the university level and must be a published fiction writer.  Please attach letter of intent, curriculum vitae, names and contact information for three references, and writing sample up to 25 pages. 

Any application materials that cannot be uploaded, such as portfolios, books, etc. should be mailed directly to UAF English Department, PO Box 757500, Fairbanks AK 99775. Be sure to reference the job posting number. All finalists are subject to background check. 

Online App Form:

Deadline: 5/26/13

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Arkansas - 1 yr. Visiting Associate Professor of Fiction Writing[]

The Programs in Creative Writing at the University of Arkansas invites applications for a one year Visiting Associate Professor appointment starting the fall of 2013.

Applicants should have at least two published books of fiction and some university teaching experience. Expertise in a secondary area such as screenwriting is highly desirable but not required.

The teaching load will be 2/2 (one graduate and one undergraduate class per semester). Other duties will include screening MFA submissions and serving on MFA thesis committees. Salary will be commensurate with Visiting Associate Professor status.

Submit a letter of application, one copy of your most recent book of fiction, a resume, and two letters of recommendation to: Director, Programs in Creative Writing, 333 Kimpel University of Arkansas. The deadline for applications is December 1, 2012. Please state clearly on the envelope that you are applying for the Visiting Associate Professor position.

MLA JIL 10/5/12

Deadline: Dec. 1, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


  • Geoff Brock, who teaches in the MFA program at Arkansas, is married to a novelist.  She's published one book with Random House, has an MFA from Arizona, and is currently working on her second novel (set to be published by Random House).  So, I'd be surprised if she didn't get the job. 

University of the Incarnate Word (TX) - VAP in Creative Writing (1 yr.) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]

Position Summary The English Department at the University of the Incarnate Word invites applications for a 1 year Visiting Assistant Professor position in Creative Writing, beginning in Fall 2013.

UIW Mission The University of the Incarnate Word is a Catholic institution that welcomes to its community persons of diverse backgrounds, in the belief that their respectful interaction advances the discovery of truth, mutual understanding, self realization, and the common good.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities The successful candidate will be assigned English core courses and the teaching load at UIW is 4/4.

Required Education: Candidates must hold an MFA degree in Creative Writing.

Required Experience: Must provide evidence of excellence in teaching Creative Writing at the college level.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities: Official duties and responsibilities of faculty members at the University include teaching, scholarship, service and professional activities. In all matters, faculty are expected to maintain the highest standards of professional ethics consistent with the UIW Mission.

Department: English

Job Category: University Faculty

Job Type: Full-Time

FLSA Status: Exempt

Pay Basis: Monthly

Equal Employment Opportunity Employer: The University of the Incarnate Word is an equal opportunity employer and as such provides equal opportunity for employment and advancement of all employees without regard to race, creed, color, religion, national origin, sex, age, disability or veteran status.

Job Close Date: 03-25-2013

Required Applicant Documents

  • Resume/CV
  • Cover Letter

Online App. Form:

Deadline: March 25

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...): 4/2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled: 4/16 x2

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 5/6

Offer accepted: 5/13


University of Massachusetts Dartmouth - Lecturer, Professional Writing[]

The Department of English at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth seeks a full-time Lecturer in professional writing for a two year appointment.

The successful candidate will teach undergraduate courses that might include introductory and advanced journalism, feature writing, public relations, community and environmental reporting, science/technology journalism, review writing, writing for online publications, writing about popular culture, or creative nonfiction. The teaching load is four courses per semester, beginning Sept. 1, 2013.

Minimum Qualifications:

  • Master's degree required, terminal degree preferred, in English, communications, journalism, or closely related field with a specialization in journalism is strongly preferred
  • College-level teaching and professional experience in the field

To apply, please submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, 3 letters of recommendation, and writing sample (not to exceed 10 pages). All application materials should be sent as attachments to email communications (MS Word or pdf format) to: Finalists will be asked to submit transcripts. Completion of the search is contingent on the availability of funding. Formal review of applications begins February 18, 2013, and continues until the position is filled.

MLA JIL 1/18/12

Acknowledgment received:

Request for Additional Materials:

Rejection Letter:

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ....):

Campus interview scheduled:

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Rhetoric/Composition 2013

University of Nebraska at Kearney - Reynolds Chair in Creative Writing (5 yr. Appt.) - OFFER MADE[]

Department of English, University of Nebraska at Kearney

This is a non-tenure track special appointment for a five-year term at the Assistant or Associate level. Teach 2/2 load of classes in creative writing and in area of scholarship.

Required: MFA, PhD, or comparable experience required. Publication of known and appreciated work in creative writing, preferably poetry. Demonstrated success in undergraduate and/or graduate teaching necessary. Preferred: Successful applicant should be able to contribute to the educational traditions of the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

Start Date: August, 2013. Competitive salary and benefits.

Application deadline January 21, 2013.

To apply, visit and follow instructions to complete the on-line Faculty Application. In addition attach a cover letter, vita, and contact information for at least three references to the on-line application.

Also, arrange to have three professional letters of reference mailed to: Chair, Search Committee, Department of English, University of Nebraska-Kearney, Kearney, NE 68849

Direct questions about the position to: (308) 865-8299

Direct questions about the application process to: (308) 865-8655 or


Online App. Form:

Deadline: Jan. 21, 2013

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): Phone 2/6 x2

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Anyone know if the phone interviews have been completed? Have Skype or campus interviews been scheduled?

Any updates?

Nothing here. Did they give you a timeline? My interview felt kind of rushed, and I didn't have much of a chance to even ask about their schedule.

I had interview 2/11. Search timeline was by the end of that week or early the following week. No word as of yet, though references were contacted last week.

I see that some of you had interviews. Anyone heard about campus interviews or know the status of the search? Thanks for sharing.

University of Tampa - 1 yr, (renewable) Assistant Professor of English (FYW/Fiction) - OFFER MADE[]

The Department of English and Writing, in the College of Arts & Letters at The University of Tampa seeks a candidate for a one-year, renewable term as Assistant Professor of English in first-year writing and creative writing (fiction) to begin August 2013.

Teaching load is three four-hour courses in each 14-week semester: one in creative writing and two in first-year writing.

A terminal degree in an appropriate field is required. The ideal candidate will be able to demonstrate excellence in and a commitment to the teaching of first-year writing and creative writing, as well as artistic excellence through strong publication of fiction.

Candidates should demonstrate a commitment to excellence in learning, engaging students in experience beyond the classroom, outstanding scholarly or creative activity, and service to the university and community.

For details and to apply online go to:

Applicants should be prepared to attach a cover letter detailing teaching experience, a current curriculum vita, a statement of teaching philosophy, a creative writing sample and a scholarly writing sample (which can also be another creative writing sample). In addition, applicants will be requested to enter name and email address for three (3) reference providers who will address your teaching and scholarship.

Review of applications will begin January 17, 2011 [assume 2013 is meant?] and continue until the position is filled. Salary is competitive and commensurate with experience. We are committed to providing career opportunities to all. The University of Tampa is an EOE/AA employer.


Deadline: Jan. 17, 2013 [?]

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...): 2 x 12/3 Phone / 2 X Skype completed 

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made: 3/5

Offer accepted:


University of Toledo - Lecturer - Creative Writing  (poetry or creative nonfiction)[]

Creative Writing Lecturer.  

The University of Toledo Department of English invites applications for a full-time instructional position (lecturer) beginning mid-August 2013.  The position is a continuing non-tenure-track appointment, renewable yearly, contingent upon satisfactory performance and instructional need.  The lecturer will teach 24-30 credit hours per academic year of introductory and advanced creative writing courses, and other courses as assigned. Specialties in poetry and creative non-fiction preferred.  Experience in teaching creative writing is required plus either an MFA or status as a published author. 

Applicants must apply at Applications should include a cover letter to Professor Timothy Geiger; a current CV; a recent writing sample, and a list of three references with contact information. 

Deadline for Applications:  July 31, 2013. 

If you have questions, please submit them to  The University of Toledo is an equal access, equal opportunity, affirmative action employer and educator.  

Deadline: July 31, 2013

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


University of Toronto Scarborough - Lecturer - Creative Writing[]

The Department of English at the University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC) invites applications for a full‑time teaching‑stream appointment in Creative Writing. The appointment will be at the rank of Lecturer and will commence July 1, 2013.

 The ideal candidate will have a strong record of publishing fiction and/or creative nonfiction, or the production of original plays or screenplays. Candidates must have a PhD in English and/or MFA/MA in Creative Writing, demonstrated excellence in teaching literature and creative writing at the university level, and a demonstrated commitment to the scholarship of teaching and learning as it pertains to creative writing. The successful candidate will also be expected to engage in service activities in the Department.

Appointments at the rank of Lecturer may be renewed annually to a maximum of five years. In the fifth year of service, Lecturers shall be reviewed and a recommendation made with respect to promotion to the rank of Senior Lecturer. Senior lecturers have continuing appointments. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.

All qualified candidates are invited to apply by clicking on the following link: (Job Number 1201230). Applications should include a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and one writing sample. If you have any questions about this position, please e‑mail to cw‑ All application materials should be submitted online.

 The UofT application system can accommodate up to five attachments (in total 10 MB) per candidate profile; please combine attachments into one or two files in PDF/MS Word format. Submission guidelines can be found at:‑to‑apply .

Applicants should also ask three referees to send letters directly to the department Chair, Professor Christine Bolus‑Reichert, via e‑mail to cw‑ by the closing date, November 15, 2012. Please note that preliminary interviews will take place via teleconference.

 UTSC has an interdisciplinary commitment, and a multicultural student body speaking a wide range of languages. The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research, and live in one of the most diverse cities in the world.

For more information about the Department of English, please visit our home page at

The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from members of visible minority groups, women, aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.

MLA JIL 09/14/12

Deadline: Nov. 15, 2012

Acknowledgment received:

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview):

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Williams College - Gaius Charles Bolin Dissertation and Post-MFA Fellowships[]

The Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowships at Williams College are designed to promote diversity on college faculties by encouraging students from underrepresented groups to complete a terminal graduate degree and to pursue careers in college teaching.

The Bolin Fellowships are two-year residencies at Williams, and up to three scholars or artists are appointed each year. Fellows devote the bulk of the first year to the completion of dissertation work—or in the case of MFA applicants, building their professional portfolios—while also teaching one course as a faculty member in one of the Colleges academic departments or programs. The second year of residency (ideally with degree in hand) is spent on academic career development while again teaching just one course.

Gaius Charles Bolin was the first black graduate of Williams. The fellowship program was founded in 1985, on the centennial of his admission to the College. He was an active and influential member of his class who went on to a career as a lawyer. He valued education and worked against racial prejudice.

Eligibility: The Bolin Fellowships are awarded to applicants from underrepresented groups, including ethnic minorities, those who are first-generation college graduates, women in predominately male fields, or disabled scholars.

Applicants must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents who intend to pursue a professorial career in the U.S. Ph.D. candidates must have completed all doctoral work except the dissertation by the end of the current academic year. MFA candidates must be recent recipients of the degree; only those with degrees granted in 2012, or to be granted in 2013, are eligible to apply.

Terms: The annual stipend for the position is $36,000. The College will also provide health and dental benefits, relocation and housing assistance, academic support including office space and a computer, and an annual allowance of $4,000 for research-related expenses.

During the period of residence at Williams, the Bolin Fellows will be affiliated with an appropriate department or program and will be expected to teach one one-semester course each year, normally in the fall semester of year one and the spring semester of year two.

Candidates should apply via Interfolio (see below) before November 15, 2012 with:

  • a cover letter with a description of your teaching interests; this letter should also explain how you fit the eligibility criteria for the fellowship;
  • a full curriculum vitae;
  • an official graduate school transcript and three confidential letters of recommendation;

PhD applicants: a copy of the dissertation prospectus, preferably limited to 10-15 pages and a timetable for completion of the degree.

Post MFA applicants: project description, as described below:

  • Writers: 2-3 short stories, 10-15 poems, or novel passages not to exceed 50 pages;
  • Visual Artists: 20 images;
  • Theatre Artists: sample of design portfolio;
  • Musicians: complete list of works or significant performances;
  • Choreographers/Dances: documentation of performance;
  • Film and Video: links to works.

Please click the link below to apply to a particular department. You may apply to more than one.

Relevant Links for Creative Writing:


Comparative Literature:

See Chronicle Ad for complete list of Interfolio links.

Deadline: Nov. 15, 2012

Acknowledgment received: 11/20, 1/3

Request for additional materials:

Rejection (no interview): 2/1 (email) x 2

Preliminary interview scheduled (MLA, phone, Skype ...):

Rejection (after preliminary interview):

Campus interview scheduled:

Rejection (after campus interview):

Offer made:

Offer accepted:


Also posted at Humanities and Social Sciences Postdocs 2012-13 and Dissertation Fellowships 2013-14

Q & A[]


Q:  Is there any point in pursuing Creative Writing gigs with an English degree? I'll soon be a Dr., but I'm also publishing my first novel this year.  There isn't a lot available in my field, so I've applied for a few VAPs in fiction, and haven't heard a thing. I know there are lots of reasons for this (ABD doesn't help, of course) but I'm most curious about whether Creative Writing is now so professionalized that the wrong qualifications-- even if they're combined with a strong publishing record-- are enough to sink you. I'm not sure publishing a novel makes me a particularly strong academic candidate, either, so I'm feeling a bit... liminal this year.

A1:  A difficult question to answer.  I went out in a similar position a few years back (though I have an MFA in addition to my lit PhD).  Though slightly different--I had story pubs, but no book.  I managed to get a job--but at a place specifically looking for a lit/cw combo.  Elsewhere, my experience was that I got passed over in favor of CW PhDs with similar credits (or in favor of people with far stronger credits, whatever the degree).  So there does seem to be lean towad the CW PhD over the Lit PhD.  However, in your situation--with a novel being published--you'll be in a potentially stronger position.  And so much of this will depend on the needs of the department, which you might not fully know in advance.

A2:  It certainly is.  With a book in press, it seems like you'd be as viable as any other applicant with only one book, maybe even more so if you're applying to a school that isn't a major player in the CW world.  Some schools will want someone who can take a lit class here and there.  I was hired because I have technical writing in my background.  I've never been asked to teach tech writing (yet) but I was asked in my interview if that would be something I'd be willing to.  "Of course," I lied. I know that several of my profs in my MFA program had lit doctorates. 

A3: You are or can be a very strong candidate! Have you taught or can you teach some fiction workshops? That will help strengthen your application. Keep in mind that the Creative Writing PhD is really a lit PhD with a creative diss in most cases, so with your novel, you should be in a strong position, especially with smaller schools who want to boast that all or most of their faculty have PhDs, and where they want people who can multitask. This will be especially true when your novel is published and not just under contract. Next year, apply to everything--it sounds like your mistake this year was applying too selectively. It's a very tough market. Lots of people with PhDs also have books and/or great publication records. Try to distinguish yourself in your job letter. Also, make sure to emphasize teaching CW if it's a (mostly) CW job.


Q. Thanks in advance for any thoughts on my question here. There are some wise people on the site and I'm grateful. I am 49 years old and my profile seems good enough that every year for the past four years (I graduated in 2007 with a PhD in CW), I'm getting a good number of MLA and Campus Interviews but so far this year (again) it doesn't look like I've secured a TT position. I work particularly hard on the job applications because of course I feel like I"m racing against time. At this point in the process this year, I'm thinking that I must move beyond what has just happened (no TT job offer) and do my best to finish my full-length prose project. (I have some journal publications in Fiction and quite good supporting publications in CNF as well as published scholarship.) My thinking right now is that if I was able to get a publisher for the novel I'm currently working on by the next round of applications (Fall 2013), then I'd be in a much better position for TT jobs. Of course, this makes total sense if you are 30 and your PhD is fresh. But in my position, am I deluded to think that I'll get any interest as I approach 50? Have I passed the expiry date even if I had a novel coming out? **Or** will stronger publications really significantly help regardless of age? Thanks again for any thoughts. 

A: I've seen a great deal of evidence that stronger publications significantly help, regardless of age! Absolutely. And I've witnessed searches in my department where a more mature, confident candidate with more publications but equal teaching experience looks preferable to someone younger. Pursuing those publications will do great things not just for your likelihood of being hired, but for your own sense of confidence as a writer, too. Go for it!

A. I can't tell you how grateful I am to you for taking the time to respond. This heartens me so much! *Thank* you. 


Q: Conventional wisdom has it that folks who already are in a tenure-track position are in better positions to "step up" to other TT positions elsewhere. I have noticed some of this in our field, but not a ton. As someone considering a position that, while fine for the short-term, would not be ideal long-term (i.e. I'd love to find another job within 5 years), I was wondering if any of you could let me know of your experiences with this- did you find that more schools were interested in your applications once you were tenure-track?

  • A: My sense is that taking a TT position can help get you to another (more desirable) TT position within a certain window of time. If you truly want to move on from the 1st TT position, expect to go on the market right away (i.e. first year in the job). If you are early in the tenure cycle (i.e. first 1-3 years) AND you stay productive with publishing, you likely will be able to move on to better opportunities. However, the closer you get to a tenure decision (years 4-6 roughly), the harder it will be for you to move, even if you stay productive at publishing (and ironically, perhaps even because you are productive). This seems to be because you might no longer be considered "entry-level" enough (i.e. too advanced, too expensive) for a beginning assistant position. This factor can limit your options for moving. Once you do get tenure, of course, it is even harder to move (because Associate jobs are fewer), unless you really stay productive (that's where it starts to help you again) and/or are just a star. Hope this helps.
  • A2: While I mostly agree with the commenter above, I think he/she downplays the signficance of publications a bit. Publications are always a potential game changer. If your first TT is at a small liberal arts college or university without an MFA program, and--seven years after taking the job--you publish a novel with a major press, you're still a viable candidate for an MFA job (I'm assuming your desire to take a better job down the line dovetails your ambition to publish consistently well). 

MLA Interviews[]

Q1: Generally, how long is it between an MLA interview request and a notification of the actual date and time of the interview? While I'd like to spend the entire weekend in Boston, finances dictate otherwise.

A1: I'd go ahead and send your contact an e-mail asking about a time-frame so you can begin making travel plans...this seems about as reasonable as it gets.

A2: Actually, I find it unusual that they didn't try and tack down a date with you with the initial call (unless it's a situation where the committee decides on finalists and then someone in the office finalizes interview details). Generally, most MLA interviews take place on Friday and Saturday, unless the college is near the host city, which might bring up the late Thursday interview. Regardless, you should feel comfortable in at least requesting a specific day. CW hiring committees don't expect you to stay for the whole conference, because unless it's a lit-heavy faculty committee, they aren't either.

Q2: How many people do school typically interview at MLA? Do all schools then narrow the list to final candidates and invite them to campus or are final decisions made at MLA?

A: 10-15 at MLA, then 3 for campus visits. Nothing is final at MLA.

C: Thanks. although now my MLA stress is through the roof. I hear you, but, hey, getting the MLA interview is the most crucial step. It all flows from Boston...


Could we go back to the old format up top, where you can see each job without having to scroll through everything? I find that a lot easier to navigate. Thanks!

  • Not exactly sure what you're referring to, but if it's the "Contents" list for the page, it is still there, nothing has changed. Sometimes it may be hidden, but if you look very carefully at the top of the page, you'll see it - click the "show" link to see the full list.
  • I'm having the same problem - I've been using this wiki for months, and all of a sudden today the "show" button has a different format. I agree - the old way was way easier to naviagate.
    • Again, I'm seeing the same old contents list as usual. I think the site might be acting a bit glitchy today. I would recommend possibly clearing your browser cache / reloading the page and seeing what happens. Maybe try a different browser too. Certainly, no administrator has changed the format, so I'm guessing it's something going on with the larger Wikia interface. Una74 (talk) 16:43, November 28, 2012 (UTC)
  • I think what users are referring to is that the contents section now only shows the main categories with Header 2 formatting (e.g. "Fiction," "Poetry," "O&A," etc.). Gone are the listings with Header 3 formatting (individual position listings, or the "Format" subhead in this section, for example). Since admins didn't change the format, is this a Wikia change, perhaps even a temporary thing? If permanent, is there any way to restore both Header 2 and Header 3 titles in the contents, as it was previously? I did recache/reload to no effect. Thanks admins!
  • UPDATE: the issue seems to be that users who are not logged into the site cannot see the Contents formatted with Heading 3. I have contacted Wikia about this issue (which seems to have been introduced with Wednesday's site update) and they have replied that they recognize the problem and are working on a fix. However, I went ahead and reformatted everything in H2 because I don't know when Wikia is going to get around to fixing the issue and I know this is a pretty heavily trafficked page. Hopefully this solves the issue for now, but let me know if you've continuing to have TOC issues. You can also report any on-going problems directly to Wikia here: (you will need to create a User Log-In to report: - this also hides your IP address, FYI). --Una74 (talk) 16:27, November 30, 2012 (UTC)
  • Thanks for the sluething and the temp fix, Una74!
  • Is there a way to fix the Contents list? For some reason, a) the whole list is numbered consecutively, rather than broken down by genre and b) the genres themselves constitute one of the numbers. 
  • Yes, I am aware of that. The problem is that if I go back and format the genre sections in a different heading (as they were before), people who are not logged in will post here complaining they cannot see the schools in H3 in the Contents. This is because of the interface glitch described above. We are still waiting on Wikia to fix it (hopefully with the next site upgrade on Wed.). When that TOC issue is fixed, hopefully soon, I will go back and reformat the genre categories as before. Thanks for your patience. Una74 (talk) 18:55, December 2, 2012 (UTC)

12/5: TOC bug fixed, headers have been reformatted.

Job List this Year[]

They're not posted here, but has anyone heard anything about the two positions open at University of North Carolina Wilmington? 1. Editor (Ecotone/Lookout Books) 2. Asst. Prof. of Fiction Writing (12/29/2012)

  • Asst. Prof. of Fiction Writing position now posted above in "Fiction" section (12/29).

Is this it? I expected a bit of a job-market bump mid-month. Will more apps arrive later because of Jan. MLA? Thoughts?

I wonder if more departments will opt to interview at AWP this year. Also, a few interviews last year took place as late as April. Fingers crossed for more listings!

A: Usually, most departments have posted their listings by the end of October. Occasionally listings pop up after that date with December or January deadlines, and they usually are visiting positions, one-semester appointments, fellowships, or contingent positions. Sometimes positions also pop up last minute and for a brief time for inside candidates, so as to make their applicant pool more shallow. All of this is to say that, if previous years hold true, there may be a few of listings that appear after November 1, but if you're looking for a TT position with a decent teaching load, I wouldn't count on that much more cropping up.

Also, I doubt many departments will wait to interview at AWP, and certainly less will be interviewing at AWP than last year. AWP 2013 is right before spring break, which is when most TT positions are finishing campus visits or already making offers. I predict that the vast majority of schools will be conducting MLA, phone, or Skype interviews this year in order to have their pick of the best candidates possible.

Sorry to be such a downer, but those are the trends I've noticed over the last few years. I too am crossing fingers for more listings, for it means more of us get positions in the end.

Timing of MLA Interview Requests[]

Q: Is it ever acceptable to contact a school after you've submitted your application but before you've received an interview/rejection notice?  Several weeks ago, a number of people said they were rejected for one of the jobs on this list. Thus far, nobody has reported receiving an interview request.  As I still haven't heard anything whatsoever, I wonder if it is okay to inquire as to my status.  Is that a bad move? Q: Are schools required to contact thier canditates within a certain time-frame before MLA? I'm shocked at how little movement there is on the Wiki, and with MLA less than a month away. If folks aren't just posting to the Wiki, that's one thing. If that many schools actually have not made decisions yet about who to invite to interivew at MLA, well, that just seems like poor timing...A: I wouldn't contact anyone on the search committee just yet. Hang in there. I would take it as a sign that you're still in the running, especially if one round of rejections has been sent out. Many schools assume you're already going to MLA whether you say you are or not, so interview requests can come right up until and during the conference. At that point, if you're not at the conference already, you can ask about alternative interviews (skype, phone).

Q: For those of us on the market for the first time--Have we entered the main window for notifications/interview requests? I know theoretically we might hear right up to and during the conference, but won't most the activity occur over, say, the next three weeks? Just trying to keep my nerves to a manageable fraying. 11/28

A1: It's still a little early, but I would expect the bulk of MLA interview requests to be coming in starting next week. That said, with MLA now in Jan., it seems like schools keep pushing interview requests later and later into Dec. each year. And yes, even right before X-mas (or after) is possible, although only a minority usually run that late. We'll see how it goes in the next month. Skype / phone requests are of course a different story.[11/30]

Q: Now that MLA is after New Year's, how late in December have schools been contacting candidates they want to interview? Anyone with experience of this in last year's job market? 

A2: Mid-December will probably be high season for MLA calls. But plenty come in right before Christmas with the new January MLA schedule, and some could trickle in right after. Excelsior! (11/30)

Advice for interviews: skype/phone or in person if given the option? 11/28

  • If you have the time/money to do the in-person interview, you are  much, much better off taking that option, IMHO.
  • Save your money and ask for a Skype or phone interview. If the search committee can't accommodate that, they're not particularly eager to hire you anyway.
  • Views on this will differ (last year there was some heated debate on this topic: see CreativeWriting 2012). I appreciate that MLA is expensive and often not particularly to creative writers' liking (literature and rhet/comp people usually don't like it very much either). My urging  for the in-person interview (if possible) over phone/Skype is based on personal knowledge of searches where interviews were split between Skype/MLA. The people who did the MLA interviews invariably made a stronger impression and were invited to campus, whereas the Skype interviewees almost always got crossed off the list. I can think of one exception to this: a friend who got sick, missed his MLA interview, and made it up over the phone. We thought he was doomed, but he ended up getting the job. So I guess it can happen, But I think this is more the exception than the rule. Would be interested to hear others' experiences, though. Who out there opted for Skype over MLA and came away with the job?
  • I got a campus visit (and job offer) based on a phone interview.

AWP Listings[]

Why are there no listings up here from AWP? Are they pulling them from the Wiki? Or do they just not have any exclusive listings anymore, and every listing they have is also on the MLA JIL? (10/17/12)

A: Wiki admin does not have access to the AWP list, just MLA. If there are jobs that are only advertised in AWP and not yet posted here, others need to post them. If you're not sure how to post them above, you can add the info here in this space. [10/18]

A: I think the AWP listings are gleaned from other postings. I haven't noticed anything posted there that hasn't been either on MLA or the Chronicle.


1. Wisconsin Institute for Creative Writing Fellowships (Also open to writers who've published no more than one book as of the 2013 application season)

2. Wallace Stegner Fellowship at Stanford University (The Stegner Fellowships are extremely competitive, and open only to writers who have not yet published a book--though having a book in contract but not due for release until after the beginning of the fellowship is alright, & so are books in other genres--though don't require any particular degree or academic background. It's possible (though infrequent) for folks with only a BA to be awarded a Stegner, some have PhDs but no MFA, and many fellows have no or few publications.) (Q: You can't hold a Stegner if you've already published a book?  I can't find this confirmed anywhere else. I was under the impression that some past Fellows had already published a book before their term at Stanford. A: I can't find it confirmed on the Stanford CW FAQ either, but I am a recent fellow & am certain it's still a requirement (or was changed quietly in the past year?!).)

3. Axton Fellowship (Website says this is not currently being offered:; note: these fellowships seem to be offered every 2 years, so keep this on your radar/check back)

4. Bucknell/Stadler Center (offers several different fellowships--one year-long, one semester-long, alternating poetry and prose)

5. Provincetown FAWC (Academically unaffiliated, fwiw.)

6. Gettysburg Emerging Writers Fellowship

7. Colgate University Olive B. O'Connor Fellowship

8. Houston Teaching Fellows (The University of Houston's answer to overworked TAs? A 2yr 4/4 that pays $40k, accepts four people per year.)

9. Gaius Charles Bolin Dissertation & Post-MFA Fellowships at Williams College (For minority & historically underrepresented writers and scholars.)

10. Emory University Creative Writing Fellowship (Alternates between poetry & prose with one fellowship awarded every year, 2/1 teaching load)

11. There are a handful of year-long emerging writer fellowships as the Writer-in-Residence at secondary schools, or in academically unaffiliated contexts, such as the Reginald Tickner Fellowship at the Gilman School, the George Bennett Fellowship at Exeter, and fellowships at St. Alban's School, Interlochen Arts Academy, the Hub City Writer's Project and others.


2011-2012 Poetry Hires:

27 Hires (--# doesn't includes positions that didn't fill)

PhD (+MFA or MA or both): 11

MFA + 2 or more books: 4

MFA + 1 book: 8

Don’t know: 3 (Grinnell, Ohio Northern, Irvine,--if you know who was hired, feel free to fill in on last year’s page)

Note: The Viterbo hire had a PhD but no book. The UW La Crosse hire had at least one book. Note: thank you! Anyone knows who was hired for the 4 remaining positions boldfaced above, please post?)

[note: so far, all hires except two last year had one or more books].

2010-2011 TT poetry hires:

29 hires

PhDs: 13 (one of the PhD hires, Roger Reeves, had no book yet)

MFA + two or more bks: 7

MA + two bks: 1

MFA & 1 bk: 5

MFA & no bk: 1

Don’t know: 2

[note: 2 out of 29 hires didn't have a book at time of hire].

2009-2010 T-T poetry hires:

19 Hires:

PhD + 1 or more books: 5

MFA + 2 or more bks: 6

MFA + 1 bk: 5

Don’t Know: 3

[note: all hires had 1 or more books at time of hire].

Who's Using This Wiki[]


under 30: 8

30-35: 41

36-40: 28

41-45: 11

46-50: 8

over 50: 10

TOTAL: 105 <-- Don't forget to update Total!!


Poet: 35

Fiction Writer: 35

Creative Non-Fiction Writer: 6


  • Poetry/Criticism: 6
  • Creative Nonfiction/Fiction: 5
  • Fiction/Poetry: 3
  • Creative Nonfiction/Poetry: 3
  • Creative Nonfiction/Fiction/Poetry: 3
  • Fiction/Creative Nonfiction/Playwriting: 1
  • Fiction/Creative Nonfiction/Screenwriting/Journalism:
  • Fiction/Creative Nonfiction/Screenwriting:
  • Fiction/Screenwriting/Playwriting: 1
  • Fiction/Poetry/Criticism: 2

Search Committee Lurker:

Other Lurker: 2

Partner/Spouse Lurking on Behalf of Applicant: 1

Employment STATUS[]

Unemployed and looking for job: 5

Employed in other field, wanting to re-enter academia: 5

Employed in other field, just trying to break into academia: 5

Finishing MFA or Ph.D. & going on the market: 17

Have fellowship after MFA or Ph.D. & going on the market: 2

Working as adjunct/lecturer, looking for TT job: 30

Have visiting gig, looking for TT: 7

Have TT job and looking for new one: 13

Tenured and on the market because of a spouse/partner: 2

Have tenure but looking for new job: 5

Window shopping: 6


PhD only: 2

PhD and MA: 6

PhD and MA (lit, not cw): 2

Phd and Terminal MA: 3

MFA and ABD: 8

MFA only: 37

PhD and MFA in ...

  • Fiction: 7
  • Poetry: 7
  • Non-fiction: 2

PhD and MFA (two genres): 7

PhD, MFA, and MA: 4

Two MFAs (in different genres or same):

Terminal MA:

MFA and MA: 9

MA (not terminal): 



No book yet: 21

First book under contract: 11

First book published: 14

First book + edited anthology published: 4

First book published, second book under contract: 8

First book published, second book in submission: 4

Multiple books published: 36
