This page is for dissertation fellowships 2012-13 (including research fellowships, dissertation completion fellowships, and other predoctoral opportunities).
I didn't find this page already in existence, but if it is please link it here in the description box. If not, I guess this is the new page!! Good luck to all
The previous year's page (2011-12) is HERE .
NEW PAGE: Dissertation Fellowships 2013-14
Academy for Advanced Study in the Renaissance - 2013 Program in Italy/ Mellon/ Northwestern U.[]
- Five week seminar in Italy - April 15-May 17 - Rome, Naples, Fiesole (Florence) sponsored by the Mellon Foundation and Northwestern University
- "Applications are welcome from any graduate student who has reached PhD candidate status and made substantial progress on the dissertation. Applicants from any discipline or geographical specialization are welcome, but the dissertation should concern the Renaissance period, broadly conceived (ca. 1300-1700).All proceedings will be conducted in English. No knowledge of Italian is required."
- "Fellowships include the cost of room and board in Rome, Naples, and Fiesole plus a stipend to cover air transportation to Italy, trains in Italy, and incidental expenses. Participation in the Academy should come at no cost to the student and may be combined with other fellowship support or research grants."
- Deadline for applications was May 15, 2012
- Notification was planned for June 30, 2012 - but this has been extended due to the overwhelming response to the Fellowship
- and are chairing the selection committee and fellowship
- Has anyone heard back? I got an email July 6 that the committee couldn't meet the selection deadline due to the large pool of applicants - but was informed that I am 'still in the running'.
- I've had the same email, and no news since. Hmph. Anyone else heard?
- Same here. But I'm guessing the only people searching for news on the program are, like us, people who will not have had any further news. Is it too much to ask someone to come on here to gloat?
- I'm guessing nobody wants to email the people making the decision? I'd have thought that there'd be some response even if it's a rejection; silence seems pretty cruel...
- I had a reply last night. Good news. Good luck to everyone else!
- I had a reply too - rejection (Aug. 21) - but there were a lot of applicants. There were apologies for the delay in making the decision. I'm sure it will be a great program!
ACF Child Care Research Scholars[]
Any news? Supposed to hear by September 30...
ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship[]
Application due November 9th 2011 (References and Institutional Letter due November 14th)
- Survey: How many people following this wiki applied for this. (x36)
- Rejection email 1/14, said over 700 applicants.
- Awards and rejections came at the same time last year (early March). Were there first-round rejections this year? Has anyone else heard anything?
- Nothing. Perhaps above posting was an error? Or me and all the people I know made it past first round? (in which case, yay!) (1/20)
- Nothing here, either. I'm a little suspicious-- but maybe all of us following this are just incredibly brilliant. :) I'll hope for the latter.
- Rejection post probably refers to the ACLS early career fellowships, which notified last week and had around 700 applications (1/20).
- I applied for this fellowship a couple of years ago and there were 1,200 applicants - I'd be surprised if this number dropped by 500 in this market!
- When can we expect to hear from them, any ideas?
- Hello all, I hope we are excited about this one? Any ideas when can we expect the news. Do we know a date? (02/29)
- It seems next week will be THE week.
- Or will it be the end of March, like the webpage says?
- Last year they notified on March, 8.
- For some reason, my post disappeared! Does anyone know if they send rejections out by email as well? I'm out of the country for a while, and while I'm hoping for good news, I'm prepared for a rejection...Anyone know? Good luck to everyone.
- They should notify via email, I suppose. Last year they did that.
- Hey folks, did anyone hear? Or is it just me going crazy? Have waited on too many things this year, and none materialized....(x5).
- Oh, I sympathize! Glued to my email and the wiki right now... Somehow the waiting is just a tiny bit easier with all of you willing to share information. Thank you all for that generosity-- and good luck to everyone!
- Keep in mind that their current website says "late March." The March 8th date of last year doesn't necessarily mean anything about when they'll get the results to us. Academics are notorious for being late, not early. So it might be a good idea to just let it roll in whenever it rolls in; otherwise, we're liable to spend two weeks constantly refreshing the Wiki, which isn't very much fun and will make one more stressed.
- Easier said than least for me! ;) (x2 - seriously)
- I'm hoping the news comes soon so I can stop asking the free online Ouija Board about this fellowship everyday. Or maybe I'm the only one that is doing this???
- I guess I should put away my magic crystals.
- Glad I am not the only one doing magic crsytals and online tarot! (03/08)
- I have TOTALLY consulted the mystical powers of the free online tarot about this stupid fellowship!
- Perhaps today? Would be nice to get the news, good or bad, before the weekend! Just wanted to echo the thoughts that the wait is easier knowing others are going through the same thing! (03/09)
- Just broke protocol and called to ask when word will come in... was told 'in the next few days'... (03/09)
- ^ thanks. helpful to all of us who are sitting on our hands in attempts to stop checking our email every few minutes.
- Thanks! Now begins the wait for the next week. Yeah, I don't think they will announce the result on the weekend. So, we can stop checking our email every nano second (03/09).
- Thank you, kind brave soul!
- I thought this was later! I will start the compulsive email checking immediately.
- Rejection letter via email (3/9). More than 1100 applicants, 70 awards.(x14)
- Notification of award; congrats to everyone! (3/9)(x3)
- Also rejected. I didn't have high hopes but I'm glad I applied. I hope others who were rejected will find some solace. You're not alone, by far! And congrats to those who won!
- Just curious, did everyone get same letter that includes "you may wish to reapply next year"....? (Yes X4)
- Alternate here. Anyone else? (3/9)
- Rejection letter. Yes, my letter also said, "you may wish..." Good luck to those who got the award.
- Ha. How about good luck to those who didn't get the award? (That's not bitterness; I wish the best for those who got it, too.) (Okay. Maybe a little bitterness.) (X1)
- Got a fellowship! (Medievalist - English Language and Literature/Music)
- Hey All - how many of you were on the job market this year AND applied for this fellowship? I was rejected and am thinking about applying again next year; I'm curious about this fellowship's general demographic, as I (obviously) need to up my game! Congrats to those who won, btw, and good luck to those of us who are taking a different path.
- Any idea how important institutional affiliation is? From looking at past winners, it doesn't seem to be a very diverse group. And there are a lot of historians.
- Yeah, I noticed the lack of diversity, too. Can anyone shed any light on this?
- I'm one of the people who posted earlier about receiving the fellowship. I don't know how important institutional affiliation is, and I'm hoping my selection wasn't based on that. The fellowship itself was entirely unexpected for me, as I have a fairly non-traditional approach and was told by my committee that I basically had no chance at the fellowship. I too thought that the fields of past winners was rather traditional but I thought I would give it a shot anyway. I can say that the dissertation chapter I submitted was certainly historical, but my proposal was more in line with my multi-disciplinary approach, so I tried to speak to multiple constituencies. In response to another question, I'm not "on the market" per se this year (did not apply for any postdocs), but I did apply to two jobs that were my "dream" ones.
- Thanks so much for your response! Anyone else (winners or otherwise) willing to chime in here?
- Institutional affiliation clearly is a factor, at least an unconscious one. It is also very well possible that students at private institutions receive a better training in writing fellowship applications. That aside, looking at past winners, the vast majority of dissertation topics is very specific. Most titles include a reference to a geographical area as well as to a well-defined time period.
- As the person who responded above: while institutional affiliation is undeniably---and unfortunately---going to be a factor in these kinds of non-blind decisions, I have to say that I did not receive any formal training in the writing of the application. My committee didn't read the application that carefully, nor did I have it vetted by fellowship or writing tutors elsewhere on campus. Perhaps there is some tacit training one receives, but formal...I didn't receive any. And yes, my reading of the topics in past years was that they were very circumscribed. While the chapter that I sent was rather limited to a small time period, the rest of my dissertation is not, as it doesn't not necessarily have a particular time or geographic focus. I think it really depends on who reads your application. One of the few bits of direct advice I received on this fellowship was to think very carefully about the selection of "disciplinary areas"; I therefore chose a diverse set that worked across the various disciplines present in my dissertation.
- Has anyone requested feedback from the reviewers? I got a response saying that no comments were designated for release. I'm curious as to how common this is. Thanks!
- I just sent an email request for feedback yesterday morning (as I began to get over the sting of rejection, ha), but haven't heard anything yet... I will post when I hear back!
- Thanks! And I hear ya about the sting of it. But it fades in time...right?
- who did you email to request for feedback?
- FYI, I received this fellowship a few years ago (after initially being an alternate), and I asked for the comments from reviewers, and ony received one, which was a paragraph long, and actually pretty negative on the whole (at least, it was very sceptical of the arguments I was making). It was kind of bizarre, and had I not gotten the fellowship, would not have been very helpful for thinking about how to write a better application the next time. My guess is the reviewers have to give permission for their reviews to be released to applicants, and for whatever reason, some (many?) may not want to do so.
- They are hit-or-miss, I think.--I applied but did not receive the fellowship last year. Two sets of comments. One was quite insightful and actually quite helpful--and I've since reformulated part of the framework to address the concerns. The other, I think, truely had no idea what they were talking about. The implied (without names or citations) that part of my project was duplicative of other published work. After reading, re-reading, and distributing the comment to a handful of senior scholars in the subfield, no one has yet been able to identify what the hell the comment was refering to. In truth, I think that the reason that some reviewers do not release their comments is that they spend about 30 seconds reading the proposal and half that time thinking about what to write.
- Thanks so much for these insights-- they're really helpful, particularly if I end up receiving insane comments that could just add salt to the wound. It's always a bit of a relief to hear that some big academic decisions can sometimes be a little arbitrary. Just a quick question if either of you have time-- do comments come via email or snail mail? And for the person asking above, I sent my request for comments to as indicated on the ACLS FAQ page.
- The default, I think, is a pdf, with an option to request a hard copy. At least, that's what I experienced last year.
- having served on an admissions committee with waaaaay less applications, i would say that with 1110 applicants, it's definitely abitrary. not to say that the fellows don't deserve it, of course, but with that much material to go through, there's no doubt that many strong candidates fall through the cracks.
- First, congrats to the winners! Second, when I asked for a copy of the reviewers's comments on my (unsuccessful) application, I received the following response from ACLS: "unfortunately, reviewers did not designate any comments for release to the applicant." (3/26)
- Question for above, and for anyone else who as received feedback: When you submitted your request via email, did you receive an acknowledgement, or just the feedback? I submitted an inquiry last week, with no response to date.
- Received feedback from reviewers, by mail (3/24).
- This is the above poster who requested feedback after the "sting of rejection"-- received comments by mail (3/26). One merely descriptive, one very complimentary. Turns out it helps a bit-- I encourage everyone to request these and hope you get them!
- What is the email address for requesting readers' reports?
- I emailed the person who sent me my rejection letter. They then set in a request for feedback from my reviewers. I received the feedback about a week later in the mail.
- For those of us who need to apply again next year...are there any resources available that offer examples of successful ACLS proposals?
AAUW Dissertation Fellowship[]
Application Due: November 15, 2011 (Recommendations due by November 17)
Did anyone here apply for this?
Survey: How many following applied for this? (x23)
- Anyone have an idea of when we will likely hear back? (3/09)
- The Web site says April.
- ^ April 15th.
- Most likely not until the end of the day on the 15th.
- Any thoughts on the fact that April 15 this year is a Sunday?
- Maybe the 16th, then? Possibly the 13th, but my guess would be after the 15th, not before.(4/4)
- I sent them an e-mail. Their response: "Thank you for your email. Notification of awards will be mailed to all applicants on April 13, 2012 via regular mail. We will also post the list of fellowship and grant recipients on our website at that time."
- Thanks for the info! (X5)
The list is up (4/13) (Wait, where? I don't see it. Can you give us a link?)
The list:
- 4/16 got a letter offering "alternate" status, pending additional funding - no dates/further info. Anyone know how often they draw from their alternates or when they announce it?
- 5/11 They've started offering to alternates. My colleague was notified yesterday.
4/16 lovely rejection letter received. At least now I know where that application fee went; to the stamp and attractive letterhead.
4/17: Does anyone know any stats re: number of awards and number of applicants (for this year's dissertation fellowship competition)?
- 4/17: They did not provide either of those statistics in the acceptance letters.
4/17 Notified of acceptance. They require our decision no later than May 15; the letter states that at that time, if they don't hear from us, they will offer the award to an alternate candidate.
AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship[]
Did anyone here apply for this?
I applied for the AERA Dissertation Grant (deadline 3/1), anyone else? Did anyone hear back yet? (4/11/12)
No word yet (4/13/12)
At AERA 2012 Vancouver, someone said she was notified that she had received the AERA Dissertation Grant. I assume this is different from the Minority Dissertation Fellowship award. I think there are several hundreds of applicants for the Minority Dissertation Fellowship award and I read that 3 awards will be given. Results should be out by early May (4/26/12).
Thanks for posting. I haven't heard from them regarding the AERA Dissertation Grant yet (yes, different from the Minority Dis Fellowship), assuming I did't get it then. I had inquired on 4/12, back then they said the proposals were still under review (4/27).
Anyone got any letters yet? Acceptance? Rejection? (5/3/12)
Rejection for the Dissertation Grant, via email (5/4/12)
Thanks, I'm waiting for my rejection notice for the Minority Dis Fellowship. (5/5/12). Considering how competitive it is.
Rejection via email (5/11/12) Me too, rejection email (5/11/12).
American Academy in Rome- Rome Prize[]
No word yet (1/23)
Word around here is that the short list has already been contacted for interviews, but not confirmed (1/26)
What do you mean by around here?
- around my department, where a student (not in residence) is rumored to have gotten an interview
Not a peep (2/3) but I heard they do interviews in March.
- Last year interviews were scheduled by the end of January and took place in February. Those not on the short list were not notified of their status until the end of March, when the winners were notified. As much as I want to believe otherwise, I'm pretty sure that not a peep means we're out of the running at this point
There is a student in my department that has an interview scheduled with the selection comittee. (2/6)
Very kind rejection letter received by email today (2/29 x2).
rejection letter received by email (3/1)
- This seems really early--last year decisions weren't sent out unil March 22. Can anyone confirm?
- I confirm; was rejected from both ancient and medieval areas this afternoon.
Has anyone else who didn't get an interview (which I assume means the rejection is pending) also not heard? (2/29)
- I'm in the same position, not a peep (12/3) Modern Italian Studies
BC African and African Diaspora Studies Dissertation Fellowship[]
Survey: How many people applied for this fellowship?
-I applied (x1), have not heard anything yet.
Last year it was early April, so perhaps we'll hear next week?
Received rejection (x3) via email today (4/4)
Applied haven't heard anything (4/4)
CAORC Multi-Country Research Fellowship[]
How many people have applied? (x4)
are recipients notified before mid-april date or does everyone find out at the same time?
there's no info about this fellowship from previous years. maybe that means that a relatively small number applied for this (fingers crossed)? ----which could work in our favor or could just mean that it's a small pool of REALLY qualified applicants.
I applied for this last year and was rejected. In my rejection letter they said nearly 100 candidated vied for ten slots.
To the above poster: when did you receive your letter? Was it via email or snail mail? it was 4/15 via email
Anybody hear anything about this yet? -called and they said they were still reviewing up til today (4/13). website says announcements go out april 17
I found out today that I received a CAORC grant. It came by email at around 10:30AM Eastern. There was no information on the number of grants, or other applicants, as sometimes accompanies these types of announcements. They make it very clear that they reserve the right to re-negotiate funding in the case that you receive other grants. Good luck to all! -- April 16, 2012
Has anybody gotten a rejection from them? I haven't heard anything as of 4:30pm on 4/16.
Congrats to the above poster! Rejection email received 2:25pm 4.17 (x2)
On alternate status and have not heard anything back from them yet! Anyone? (5/15)
CASVA Predoctoral Fellowships[]
Has anyone heard anything yet?
Nothing here (2/1)
or here (2/3)
Still nothing (2/6)
Interviews are taking place this week. (2/6)
Has anyone who interviewed heard anything yet? (2/11)
Rejection letter in the mail yesterday (2/12). Good luck to those who interviewed!
Any news for those who interviewed yet? (2/13)
Rejection letter in the mail (2/13). Congratulations to the chosen few!
Has anyone who interviewed received a rejection? (2/14)
Not yet (2/15)
Post interview rejection letter arrived (2/16)
Center of Military History (CMH) Dissertation Fellowship[]
Any idea how many people apply for this? (x1)
Has anyone heard anything yet?
I got a rejection two days ago and they said 22 people applied. If you haven't heard anything yet...might be good news.
Received acceptance notification via mail on 4/7. The letter did not say how many they accepted, but it did state the same fact that 22 people applied. In the past, the CMH has accepted two or three fellows per year, according to their website.
Chateaubriand Fellowship in the Humanities[]
The selection committee meets in April. Results will be sent by e-mail within a few days.
Has anyone heard from the committee? [No]
Anyone??? I saw here on the wiki that last year they made offers on the 15th - a Sunday this year. Today, maybe?
Nothing here. Hoping for today; let the waiting end, please!! [Haven't heard anything either. I'm beginning to think they made offers already, and rejections will come in a few days - that's what happened last year, according to the wiki.][I received a rejection email last year on Mon April 18 at 6:26 pm. Email stated committee had met W Apr 13. So maybe at the end of Mon Apr 16 2012 we'll get our rejection emails?] [Interesting point. So, let's suppose the committee met last week; they'd be sending acceptance letters today because of the weekend, I suppose. If you got the email at 6:30 pm, so maybe there's a chance they're still emailing people today. Anyway, this is pure speculation... I guess the waiting is not over at all...]
Nothing here, either. Normally, the jury meets during the second week of April and the offer letters are sent out first at the beginning of the following week - a few receive both the Chateaubriand and the Fulbright. That opens up spots on the 'waitlist.' Once the winners have accepted their fellowships will the rejection letters be sent, usually at the end of the week.
-So if we haven't heard by the end of today (4/17/12), we can assume that we were not successful?
- As I recall, the process was delayed a few weeks (December 31 deadline instead of December 15), so the jury could also be meeting late this year. However, given that the TAPIF/Fulbright/IE fellowships expect a response around the same time (late-April; TAPIF is April 22), I wouldn't say that an offer is likely at this point. But I hope that you do receive some positive news! Bonne chance!
-Thank you! Has anyone heard any positive news? Bonne chance to all!
- No... But I am keeping my hopes down. [x8]
- (4/18) Still waiting here too. I wonder what's taking them so long. But as it has been said, I believe that our chances are dim now.
- Either two possibilities: (1) the jury hasn't met yet; (2) they are waiting on someone to choose between the Chateaubriand and some other fellowship (Fulbright, etc.)
- 2 doesn't seem plausible. What are the chances that this many people are on the 'wait list' vs 'reject', but we haven't seen any acceptances?
- They issue rejection letters after all the fellowships have been accepted.
- But in that case it wouldn't make sense for them to have a wait list.
- Yes, it does. They email the original 12 - 15 people first. Some decline the Châteaubriand in favor of the Fulbright. Then they offer whatever is left to those who were next on their internal list (typical in France, too). This is what the Consulate/Chateaubriand Office explained to me when I applied for it last year and didn't hear anything.
- So this logic hinges on someone having received one of the initial acceptances. But we don't have any evidence of this yet
Last year it took from April 13th to April 18th (with a weekend in there, so three business days) to start issuing rejections. It really sounds like they haven't met yet. (Or are meeting now.) [x4]
4/18/12 - Nothing yet for me either. This is driving me nuts. I wish we at least knew if anyone had received accpetance (x4)
- At this point I just want my rejection letter! [x3]
I think I'm internally bleeding with anticipation [x2].
4/19 1:30 pm - Still nothing. [x4] (This thread is beginning to sound like Beckett)(I'm starting to think that our assumption that French bureaucracy would operate in any sort of systematic, straightforward, or expeditious manner has gotten us all rejected, on account of our clearly demonstrated misunderstanding of France. [x2])
Has anyone emailed the program coordinator? might be a good idea to ask about a time frame of the announcement. --> we should actually send the program coordinator this anguish-filled post, so they know how much despair (and internal bleeding) they're causing. I've heard nothing back as of 4/19 EOB...
-4/20 11 am: En attendant Chateaubriand (cinquième acte).
Emailed the coordinator on 4/17, no response yet 4/20. So French!
4/20 evening: looks like we are waiting until sometime next week!
QLB!! (Quoi la baise!!) [x2]
4/23 11 am: Still waiting here. QLB indeed!
4/23 11:30am - have not heard anything yet. At this point, it may be safe to assume rejection... Also, does anyone know if they give feedback on applications? Do we get to see our reviewers comments? [I also think rejection is certain; but I find it bizarre that we don't have any evidence that successful applicants were contacted. This is just very frustrating.][They do not give feedback with rejections.]
Also still attendant. This makes me poop! (Pardon my French...) If you got accepted and have been sworn to secrecy, we beg you to take heart in the anonymity of this forum and bring some répit to the pauvres cons who were rejected! [x3]
4/24, 1pm, still nothing yet...[There's really no reason to wait anymore. They must have contacted recepients, none of whom use this wiki. Hard to believe, but stranger things have happened...][And then just forgottten to send rejection notices? Note that website now says, "Traditionally, the selection committee meets in April."]
--> The deadline was later this year (December 31 instead of December 15), so everything's late as a result. They will send letters (yay or nay), so it's just taking longer. Ayons la patience, oui? But if anyone's dying to know, perhaps a call to the consulate would be warranted. Normally, the French are more welcoming of a telephone call than of email (at least that's the way it goes here in France). I still say good luck to everyone.
4/24 - Breaking news: the selection committee hasn't met yet. They're meeting at the end of the week. Bonne chance à nous tous! [Voilà des news vraiment cassant! Thank you for the grain of hope--bonne chance à tous!]
4/24 Thank you so much for all of those who are/were keeping us all informed! Good luck to all (x2!!)
4/30 Hoping that the results will go out today. If they met last week, would it be reasonable to expect responses today? [ I truly hope that is the case].
4/30: No response by 11:45am EST. My spine feels like de la confiture.
4/30: No response by 1:06pm either. Why do the last few hours feel longer than the preceding 4 months?
4/30 If they met Friday I'd wager that acceptances go out today but that, as with every other program on the planet, rejections will take a couple of days.
Ouais, it's probably a safe bet that no news is bad news at this point.
Tomorrow is a federal holiday in France (labor day), so most people have today off as well. Knowing how the country typically functions, letters will most likely go out at the end of the week (at the earliest).
--> This. is. cruel. And how revolutions begin.
--> Tomorrow is the Fête du Travail, so the Consulate will be closed. They probably delayed the Chateaubriand selections due to the presidential elections this year, so it may take until next week (6 May is the final run-off between Hollande and Sarko). Hopefully, they will give everyone answers by the end of this week, as there are those who need to make choices between fellowships and/or teaching assignments. This sucks....
--> Does all this mean that no responses have been sent out at all? Could it be that they contacted the winners and the rest of us are just waiting in vain...
--> For right now, I would assume that no responses have been sent out. Usually, one (or more) people on this site will report an offer or a waitlist within a few hours if any have been made. Also, the Consulate may email later in the evening (6:00 p.m. Eastern Time), depending on its schedule/deadlines. Just sit tight for now if possible.
Hélas! Pas de pitié pour les croissants...
Received notification of award at 5:00 pm EST via email. 120 applications, 8 full-year fellowships, 4 fall fellowships, 3 spring fellowships awarded. [Congrats! Is there a deadline to accept the award?][Deadline is May 8 to accept.]
Congratulations! Any alternates? Alternate notification 4:45 pm EST via email [x1]
30/4 - 6:58 pm - Rejection email received
Got rejection at 7:00 pm. E-mail said 120 applications and 15 fellows selected (without the details given to the winner above - congrats, btw!). Good luck to everybody with research, teaching & co. Hope we can all get to go to France, sooner or later... Allez!
Waitlisted...notification received 4/30, 6:40 pm! Congrats to those with awards, and good luck!
CLIR-Mellon Dissertation Fellowship[]
Does anyone know how many people usually apply for this fellowship? (Or, how many people applied last year at least?) Thanks!
I received (but declined) the fellowship last year: the letter said 15 applicants were selected from a pool of 488. Good luck!
Did you go through an interview process?
My friend received this fellowship last year and did not have an interview.
Are there multiple rounds for this competition, or does everyone find out in the March30/Apr 2 range?
For the above two who mentioned being or knowing recipients, when did the positive email notification arrive? It seems that all mentions of the CLIR on various sites have only listed rejection emails (on Mar 29 or 31 in past years). Thanks!
- Not sure of the precise date, but it's certainly before March 29. As I understand it, the Foundation gives all those awarded a fellowship sufficient time to accept or decline it before making any public announcements that name the fellows. I believe the April 2nd announcement date listed on the CLIR website is the date the Foundation issues the official (and final) press release, not the date they first contact recipients.
- Yes, that's my understanding too. The question is what is their time range for positive notifications. Last year someone on this site mentioned March 4. Technically, CLIR might have contacted the recipients already...
I applied for this last year and received a rejection email around 5pm on March 29th, 2011. Of course, the real downer was that the winners already knew that they had received this award by the time the rest of the commoners found out their unfortunate status. Bummer :(
i know someone who won this award last year and she later revealed (after rejection emails were sent out) that she knew she had it by the first few days of March (confirming the fortunate March 4th poster above).
Haven't heard any news, awaiting anxiously!
Me neither...
No word here! Hopefully they haven't notified recipients yet! (x4) 3/12/2012
A colleague of mine was notified yesterday (3/12/2012) of acceptance--so it seems notifications are starting to go out. <--- question: notification via email or post? thx. (3/13)
- She received an email.
- Anyone knows if they send acceptances out all on one day or in "waves" over a week or two?
Has anyone heard of other positives, or still just the one mentioned above? I'd assume they notify at the same time...but, who knows.
<--In response to the above, I also recieved an acceptance by email on 3/12. So that is at least two people (congrats!)
- I know of a 3rd person who received an acceptance on 3/12 via email, with the email noting there were 497 applications and 17 winners.
Any alternates?
I applied, but haven't received any notice. Assuming folks have been notified, congratulations! (3/18)
Rejection email on 3/27 at 3:50 pm. Says that 17 awards were made from among 497 applications.
- <-- Also received rejection email on 3/27. (x6)
- rejection expected after not hearing anything earlier...but still stings. I wish they'd give feedback. (X1)
FYI for future applicants - when they send out offers a few weeks ahead of rejections they ask recipients to keep their offer confidential until the formal announcement is made. They also ask that offers be accepted or rejected within just a week or so, which leads me to think that they leave themselves time to make offers to alternates before sending out any rejection emails.
To the previous poster, thanks for this info. It is knowledge like that, that helps the rest of us. I always wondered if some fellowships/grants had a confidentiality mandate, and I think it's nice to know that some do. I have received a few fellowships, but none of them had a confidentiality request. I'm not surprised, though, that some of the biggies, like the CLIR-Mellon, do have this clause.
Charlotte Newcombe Fellowship[]
How many followers applied for this? (x16)
Pleasant rejection email received 2/22 (x15)
- Pleasant but nonetheless disheartening (x2)
Received an e-mail on 2/22 informing me that I've been selected as a finalist. E-mail says "of over 550 applications, the top 10% have been selected and forwarded to the Final Selection Committee for review" and "at least 21 Fellows will be chosen in this final round."
- Congrats!
- Thanks! I'm quite surprised, and trying not to get my hopes up since it's still more likely than not that I'll ultimately be rejected. Good luck to the rest of you!
- 3/28 -- still waiting to hear from them... not sure if the lack of response means I didn't get it. Update 3/30: Rejection e-mail received.
Received the CN fellowship (email 3/30 -- asked to accept or decline by 4/5). Email stated they took 21 fellows. I assume there is a waitlist and those on it may hear today given the deadline to accept/decline.
Cornell University Pre-/Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
Due November 1st 2011 to paritcipating department via email (16 departments)
- Survey: who is applying to what departments?
- Please see information in cross listed post:
- Has anyone heard any news yet?
Council for European Studies Pre-Dissertation Fellowship (Columbia)[]
How many followers applied for this? (x2)
The site says that the decision will be made by May 1. Can anyone from previous years confirm whether that is the notification day, or has is come earlier?
Last year they emailed candidates on April 22.
Does anyone know the approximate number of applications they receive?
Rejection email 4/5 :(
Consortium for Faculty Diversity (CSMP) or (CFD)[]
This fellowship has over 30 member schools. Has anyone heard from any of those schools yet??
Is this the same as the Consortium for Faculty Diversity?
Yes, it is. I think they changed the name, or merged, or something like that. It is now through DePauw University.
Alright, in that case. I haven't heard anything. Anyone else?
- I wrote a letter to Bowdoin College maybe a month back and was told they were doing interviews for their postdoctoral positions from CFD. I'm not sure if that means they have already finished interviews for the predoctoral fellowship
- Luther College's political science department had skype interviews back in December. They said that they were going to have flyouts in early February, no word though.
I haven't heard anything from anyone of the schools -- I feel like if I was going to be interviewed I would have heard. Anyone else? (Field is Classics. Posted 3/22)
I heard that someone was selected for Macalester college this week. I still haven't heard regarding my application either way. (3/23)
I had a campus interview with Mount Holyoke College (3/13) and accepted their offer (3/16). This is for a postdoctoral position.
Do they inform if no schools pick you up? At this point, I'd just like to hear one way or another to assess my best options.
As of 4/4 I have not heard, but a friend who had this fellowship in 2008-09 was not notified until June that a school had chosen her, so hang in there.
- Seriously??? That seems really late. I also feel like it'd be nice to know if I"m in the running or not.(4/4)
- Seriously. The problem is that each of the 40 schools has their own timetable, and one may know they need someone in a particular field in January while another might get a surprise vacancy in June. It's a wonky system.
- I just got an email from a school (on 4/11) asking me to interview for a postdoc position, so yes, this is a rolling process. I have already accepted another position, so I declined the interview.
- What discipline? Part of the weird thing with this one is that we don't know which schools will even have positions available in our fields.
- Are schools even considering pre-doctoral applications? It seems like only postdoctoral applicants are being contacted.
- In response to the above poster, I just accepted an offer for a pre-doc fellowship. (This will be my completion year) But I sense that the colleges tend to be on different timelines...
Dartmouth College -- Chavez/Eastman/Marshall Fellowship[]
Anyone else applied for this one? Heard anything?
- I also applied- nothing yet. The website says notification on April 1.
- Rejection via email (4/3) <-- X2
Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Fellowship[]
anyone else apply for this? hear anything yet? thanks.
Haven't heard anything yet. Anyone else? (4/17) (x2)
They will be conviening to decide in May. (4/18)
Thanks for the updates fellow anonymous modernists. Looking forward to the end of this waiting game. (4/19)
Augh, still waiting! Anyone? Anything? (5/2) <--- Nothing so far (5/3)
According to whoever answered the phone at the DF hq, notifications will be made by the end of the week. (5/14)
Anyone? (5/18)
Nothing. Apologies for getting anyone's hopes up. I simply repeated what I was told! Will this ever end . . .? (5/19)
Emmanuel College Diversity Dissertation Fellowship[]
Posted on HR website 3/1/2012 and advertised in various publications
Applied for the position (x3)
What's the closing date for this fellowship?
The ad here [[1]] only states that the postion is open until filled - no closing date is given.
I contacted HR: the committee is "currently reviewing applications" and should be contacting potential candidates "soon." I was instructed to contact again if I don't hear anything in the next couple of weeks. (5/3)
Five College Fellowship Program[] Rolling applications accepted starting January 2nd, 2012
- how many people have applied for this? it looks like there were 330 applicants for four spots last year and the awards weren't announced til late! (x13)
- Anyone hear back from this one? It says announcement made in march but I wonder if they generate short litsts?
- Yes, they do. I applied last year. We were told responses in March. I e-mailed in April and was told responses w/in two weeks. I called in early May, and the administrator I spoke with checked her short list and said I wasn't on it. She also said that the hold up was that individual colleges had to make their choices, and they didn't issue any offical notices until all the colleges had done so. Offical rejection came in June.
- contacted 5 Colleges administrator Feb 5 -- still accepting applications. went on to contact respective institutions within the consortium about likelihood of hosting a fellow in certain divisions or departments --
- reply February 10, no need in social sciences at Hampshire College
- reply from UMASS via Five Colleges administrator: UMASS does not typically accept a fellow. Rather, fellows are dispersed amongst the other four colleges
- I applied in the social sciences as well - any news from the other colleges? Thanks!
- If last year's wiki is any indication, nobody hears anything for awhile...yikes
- 3/13- still no news. Anyone else?
- I've heard nothing. Emailed the administrator today to ask.
- Let me know what she says when you hear back!
- I will report back for sure! I just asked when we might know and also if there is any way to know if one is out of the running.
- This is what I heard back, "The committee members are in the process of selecting the finalists. By the end of the month we will be sending letters to everyone." 3/14
- Thanks for the update! Good luck! Hopefully this doesn't get dragged out longer than necessary!
- Agreed, and good luck to everyone out there waiting for these results!
- Still no word yet... is it wishful thinking to expect to hear from them tomorrow?
- Probably! I just want to know either way at this point!! I really hope to hear SOMETHING!!
- Let me know if you hear anything and I will do likewise. I am waiting anxiously!
- I will!! I hope this ends soon. (x2)
- Something tells me we are not going to get a message this week :( Has anyone dared to call them? I want to but I'm scared to learn the outcome!
- I just emailed them, since I need to decide by next week if I am taking a teaching job. I'll let you know if they get back to me.
- That's a totally legit reason! I emailed them too, but no one responded to the last inquiry I sent them so who knows... sigh.
- I applied for this fellowship last year and sent an email asking about my status and never received a reply. When I called, however, the assistant was vey friendly and immediately told me my status. So for those curious...calling may be a good idea. (3/30)
- I decided to call them today (4/2) as suggested, and here is what I learned:
- There is a shortlist (and I wasn't on it :(), BUT the administrative asst. didn't know what the status of the list was, i.e. whether it is definitive, or whether it is still being worked on.
- Results will be announced via e-mail mid-April
- I get the sense that I was rejected otherwise I'd have been on that shortlist considering there are only two weeks left, but who knows what the selection committee's process is?
- That is good to know, I have to decide on an adjunct job and don't want to leave the school hanging in the slight offchance this fellowship works out! I'm calling tomorrow, too.
- Emailed today and the administrator emailed me right back: name is not on the shortlist either. Kind of a relief at least to know! Best of luck to the rest of you!!!
- What email address are you using to reach the administrator? Thanks so much.
- I emailed Sharon Harrison: Good luck!
- I just called and found out I wasn't on the shortlist either. Disappointed but better to know. Best to everyone still in the running.
- I emailed and found out that I wasn't on the shortlist. The administrator also confirmed that we should formally hear back by mid-April. Best of luck to those who made the cut.
- Well, this must be a short short-list because I am also not on it! Oh well! Good luck to the rest who are still in the running. (x2)
- I am not in the short list as well. (x1)
- Just learned that I am also among the long list of names not on the short list :) Good luck to everyone else! (4/9)
- Emailed Sharon Harrison 4/6 and as of 4/16 never heard back. I *could* assume this means I am also not on the short list, but I prefer to believe they don't want to spoil the surprise when I get zillions of dollars.
- 4/20 - Anything? Anyone?
- I am STILL waiting for my formal letter of rejection! (x3)
- 4/21 - Are they snail mailing or emailing letters?
- 4/22 - Has anyone heard that they are ON the short list?
- 4/25 Rejection via email (x8)
- 4 fellows, 250 applicants
- My rejection email included this odd bit: "We would very much like to be able to share your information with committees at our five campuses who embark on searches in your field over the next year. If you do not want us to do so, please let me know (copying" Did everyone get that? That seems odd to me.
- Yes, got that too. (x10)
- Yes, I got that too.
Ford Dissertation Fellowship[]
Has anyone else applied for this fellowship?
Yes x10
Any ideas when they inform??
The application says April.
Last year they announced 4/7, for what it's worth.
So does that mean tomorrow will be the day when we all learn our fate? Last year, April 7th was a Thursday.
^ I certainly hope so! Tired of sitting on my hands.
I just heard word last night (4/5) by email that I've been selected as an awardee! I'm ecstatic. I hope you all hear good news!
- Congrats!
4/6 Just heard a yes via email! Good luck folks!!
4/6: received rejection email. 590 applications for 35 spots according to the letter. (x2)
4/6 Rejection letters out.
4/6 haven't heard yet - ack! i guess there's still time in the day
4/6 on alternates list, not sure what the chances are now (x4)
4/6 on atlernate list, Field of History. Anyone else?
Has anyone else NOT heard? (paroanoid panic) (x4)
As of 4:30 EST I still haven't heard a word so you're not alone.
Check your junk mail folders, folks. Mine arrived there hours ago...alternate
- i did - nothing in there
- I did as well-nothing
As an FYI, I read on a different site that last year they took 3 days to send out all the emails because the predoctoral and postdoctoral fellowships were all decided upon at the same time. This year there were 1300 predoctoral applications so that's a lot of emails! So if you're in the same boat as me and haven't heard yet, I guess that's not necessarily a sign either way and don't freak out.
Are notifications coming in alphabetical order?
- Nope, not unless they've got hundreds of A's...
4/6 Honorable Mention/Alternate list. Does anyone know how does the alternate list works? Have they actually pulled from this list in the last few years?? Are there good chances??
anyone have any experience on calling to find out results? i just need to make some life choices here, and knowing my funding situation would help...
- good luck getting them on the phone, I heard that calls have been going straight to voicemail since Friday...
- 4/9-I've had no luck reaching them by email or phone and still waiting to hear-anyone else in the same boat?
- exact same boat. no email (not in a junk folder). have tried calling (direct to VM). have tried to email (no response).
- Well nice to know I'm not alone then. I'll update if, when, I hear anything
4/10 - Still no word. Just spoke to someone at the offices. They informed me that all emails have gone out. Advised that I email to inquire about my status. Will update if I hear back.
4/10 - I also called the office, they told me the same thing (to send an email inquiry about my status). They said I would probably hear back tomorrow. I didn't change my email address and there was nothing in my spam folder. Something is not right here...
- that's what i'm afraid of. i also didn't change my email, nothing in the spam tired of not knowing.
- I'm more concerned about the reason why some of us did not receive emails. Were our applications even reviewed/included in the competition? Did we slip through the cracks?
- i'd hate to start speculating in this direction
- i'm sure the people at Ford would too, but how would we know this is not the case?
4/10 That's my concern too as I emailed haven't heard back. Seemingly there's at least 3 of us just on this forum in this situation. We can't be the only ones!
- just curious - of those of us who haven't heard, are we all dissertation fellowships?
- Yes - I did not hear about the status of my dissertation fellowship application.+6
- Same situation here, I have not heard back yet about the dissertation fellowship.
- This was my original thread. Just heard. Honorable mention but no. So seemingly they're going back over their list and emailing those they missed. Good luck to those still waiting. (x5)
- I also received rejection and HM. It's very suspicious to me that so far we all have the same result so I will be requesting feeback. I need proof that my application was reviewed and that this isn't their way of sweeping a mistake on their end under the rug.
- do you know how to request feedback?
- send an email to I suppose
- Yes, send an email to (secretary said to include last 4 digits of SSN, and that it would take some time to get them out)
- I second that question. It might be that they sent out all the acceptances and alternates as one group on thursday night and then sent out the rejections on friday, forgetting the HM as a group, hence why there were some but not that many. Anyway, if you get anywhere, let us know!
- do you know how to request feedback?
- Are we all getting HM letters dated April 3?
- that's what i have (x5)
4/10 - At least 6 dissertation fellowship applicants had to contact Ford to have their decision notification emailed to them. From what everyone has posted here, it sounds like they all received the same HM letter. Does anyone else find it odd that all of them would be "skipped" on the day the notifications were sent and that they all received the same HM letter after notifying Ford that they never got a decision? I don't know about the rest of you, but I want to know why our notifications were delayed.
- I am curious, but I'm not sure there's anything we coudl do about it even if the most paranoid suspicion (that our applicaitons didn't even get reviewed) is true. Fellowships have been awarded. They have no more to award. What is more likely is that a batch of emails in the same category didnt go out (my impressiong from talking to them was that they were doing all the emails themsleves). Either way, congrats to the recipients and best of luck for those of us who have to figure out alternate funding next year..
- I second the above sentiment. Let's not let curiosity and disappointment become conspiracy theories. Considering they probably sent emails to about 1800 people over two days, there are bound to be mistakes. It's unfortunate that we didn't get notice with the rest, but the pattern suggests that it was just that: a mistake, a batch of identical responses that got lost in the shuffle. So, chin up everyone: let's ask for whatever feedback they can offer and just focus on writing better proposals the next time around.
I'm curious what you all mean about asking for feedback. What kind of feedback can/do you get? (4/11)
- From previous/other forums, it seems that Ford keeps on file some kind of written evaluation of your application materials. I'm not sure whether they keep it for everyone or how thorough it is. But previous posters, here and elsewhere, have suggested that they'll send you this information if you request it. I've asked for mine. Will post if I hear back from them.
- I have also asked for mine - will post if/when I receive it.
- Interesting, thanks! I will do the same.
5/2 I was an alternate, and received notice today that I'm now an awardee!
5/4 In what field were you originally named as an alternate? Are you aware of whether or not all the alternates who have been awarded a Fellowship have been notified? And are they notifying alternates as fellowships are denied or have all the fellowships now been accounted for?
- I was named as an alternate in Literature. I imagine that some alternates might decline the award - the deadline for my response is May 9th. When I spoke with the office yesterday (5/2), they seemed busy notifying alternates, which leads me to believe that all fellowships have now been accounted for. I have friends named as alternates in the fields of History and Ethnic Studies and I don't think they've heard anything yet.
5/3 - Has anyone received their feedback yet? (I haven't)
- got mine by email 5/25 - useful
Frederick Douglass Institute Fellowship[]
-Has anyone heard from the Frederick Douglass Institute at the University of Rochester yet? (3/14/2012)
Have heard nothing. Sent inquiry but haven't received response... (4/18)
-Still nothing at all, 5/1.
Fulbright IIE[]
First round emails sent out 1/19/2012
So far Belgium, Germany, and the UK final results are in (3/16/2012)
From those that have heard, was it through email or snail mail?? thanks and congratulations to all and good luck to those still waiting.
Accepted Israel via email 3/22/2012
Accepted France via email 3/18/2012
Rejection from Spain via email 4/16/2012
(x a million) <---- right?
So, I know this may not be useful to anyone wanting to do fieldwork abroad this summer or next Fall, but I actually emailed the administrators in charge of F-H, and was told that they actually are planning to hold a F-H for this (2012) year, and that they are just waiting on their application materials to be approved. However, I was told the same thing in both September and then in March.
Here is the text of an email from March:
"We still plan to have the competition, and the allowable dates of research will be adjusted accordingly. We understand that the timing is becoming increasingly inconvenient, but we will move forward once we have our application materials approved."
So, hold out hope, especially if your dates of research are flexible and you can leave in the Winter/Spring...
FULBRIGHT - HAYS is happening this year!
Deadline is due 06/14 for projects starting in October. Here is the link:
7/3 Does anyone know when the results will be announced? Can't find this info anywhere online.
7/5 Results will be announced in September, per Amy Wilson at Fulbright-Hays.
7/7 Really? That seems like incredibly inconvenient timing. The whole FH thing is certainly peculiar this year...
9/5 Still have not heard anything and getting anxious. Anyone have more info?
9/6 Same here. Still waiting for news.
9/7 alternate status (notified) (x 3)
9/7 May I ask which country/region the person notified with alternate status works on?
9/7 Acceptance email
9/18 Anybody with alternate status upgraded? Not to my knowledge :-/ (Update, 9/22: news on Gradcafe of alternate being upgraded yesterday)
9/26 Looks like all awards have to be made by tomorrow (27th)? Have any other alternates been upgraded?
Georgia O'Keeffe Research Center[]
Any wiki users apply for this?
Anyone hear anything?
I believe last year's decisions were announced late March/early April. Their timeline seems to run a bit behind the mass of other fellowships.
Still waiting! Anyone here anything yet? (4/9)
I emailed them on 4/2, and quickly responded that it was taking longer than expected and that they "hope to have decisions made and people notified by next week."
Rejection received by snail mail (4/17) (2x)
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation[]
Applied? ( x5)
E-mail received 2/24 notifying me that my application was complete and under review. Anyone else get this?
- Yup.
- I got the same email. Don't think we will be hearing from them until most other fellowships have already come in.
- Still waiting for response. Sounds like these responses will come in June.
- We should be hearing from them in about two weeks, by mid June. I called because I am travelling/no email.
- Rejection via email. Check your spam folders; that's where mine was (6/13/12)
Harvey Fellows Fellowship[]
Applications were due 1 Nov. 2011. Decisions are supposed to go out 3/1/2012. Anyone heard anything? How many people applied?
- - I was applicant #9.
- - 2/9/12: i haven't heard anything. I think 250ish people applied last year.
- Survey: How many wiki followers have applied for this fellowship? (x3)
- Survey: Has anyone heard anything except for the initial acknowledgement of materials being received?
- - If you don't mind me asking, what subject did you apply under? (2/14/2012)-
- - History (1)
- - Philosophy (1)
- - Religion (1)
- 2/21/12 - Who knew rejection was so hard? Rejection notification received via email.
Henry Luce Foundation/ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in American Art[]
How many people applied for this? (x4)
Has anyone heard anything yet?
Last year rejections were sent via snail mail at the end of March
So, based on the last few years' wiki pages, this week should be the week. Has anyone heard anything either via snail mail, e-mail, or phone? Just curious...
Just heard - no, via email :(
Received an email stating that I'm an alternate. I think all notifications went out via email today. (3/27)
Yes, rejection e-mails were sent today (3/27) as well. Best wishes to those who were awarded and to the alternates!
Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation Writing fellowship in American Indian and Indigenous Studies[] - Due March 23rd
Did anyone else apply for this?
Looks like they have selected a candidate, who has accepted the offer (4/24)
Ithaca College Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellowship[]
wiki followers applying for this fellowship position (x6)
--anyone know if they are still accepting applications? though the closing date is in april, the posting no longer appears in their employment database (
-- applied February 2 with automatic HR response indicating I applied for "PRE-DOCTORAL DIVERSITY FELLOWSHIP in Humanities and Social Sciences"; just received (February 20) another seemingly automatic HR responses of same wording except title changed, "PRE-DOCTORAL DIVERSITY FELLOWSHIP in [I'm withholding the specific department name for confidentiality]". It appears as if they grouped candidates into respective departments and programs.
--I also received the above-described HR message (Feb 20), and was intrigued to discover which department/program they had assigned me to, since I had indicated an openness to a joint appointment in two different programs.
--Like others, I received the same HR message (Feb 20). They assigned me to my home discipline, though I made no indication in my application which department/program I hoped to be placed in.
-- I also received the same HR message (Feb 20). Does anyone know when references are contacted for letters?
-- I had received the same HR message as well (January 17), no word yet on references.
--Received an invitation for campus interview with the Environmental Studies dept (3/20). I am declining since I have accepted a position elsewhere.
-- Any news from other departments?
--None so far (3/22)
--Haven't heard anything (3/24)
--No news here (4/2)
--Still haven't heard anything new (4/4)
--Still nothing (4/9) (x4)
--I emailed a member of the selection committee (with whom I had corresponded early on about whether or not to apply) and this person indicated that they have narrowed down to 5 finalists and I was not among them. Correspondent did not say whether all 5 have been notified, but it seems probable? (4/10)
-- Phoned the HR contact number and was informed that I should receive information within the next two weeks (4/16) WAS THIS POSTING DONE ON 4/16 OR IT MEANT 3/16 ????? <-- that post was done on 4/16. I still haven't heard anything (4/26) has anyone else?
- Received invitation for campus interview (3/20). Campus visit first week of April.
- Which Department? Have you already had your visit? When? (4/17)
- sociology. Last week 4/25
- ANY NEWS? Did they make any decision?
Joseph L. Fisher Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship[]
Anyone Apply?
I did apply, but havent heard anything back yet.5/2/2013
I applied but haven't heard anything back either. 05/29/2013
Joseph-Armand Bombardier Canada Graduate Scholarships (CGS)[]
Has anyone else applied for this? Yes (x1)
Josephine de Karman Dissertation Completion Fellowship[]
Has anyone else applied for this fellowship? Yes (x20)
Just out of curiosity, does anyone think it is kind of strange that they emphasize this fellowship goes to primarily students from "top-tier" universities?
I agree, it's weird. (x1)
At least they are honest about it. And, to be frank, given the structure of the application, which was heavy on resume and light on production, I think that "bias" (and I use that word carefully) is inevitable. Compared to say, the ACLS, though, which makes no such admission, but which exhibits a similar institutional pattern, I find the de Karman's honesty somewhat refreshing. As a proud member of a second-tier university, I applied for this, but I haven't given it a whole lot of thought since.
The date was April 15th. Has anyone heard anything?
Last year they didn't notify until the 30th of April (even though the date said the 15th then, too).
I saw that but was hoping for better luck this year. Thanks though!
Called the number listed on the website. A recorded message states that the committee will meet Saturday, April 21; if you don't hear from "her" (assuming the secretary) on the 21st you should assume you did not receive a fellowship.
Thanks for passing on that info!
Can anyone confirm whether offers went out today as suggested above? I'd just like to know whether it's time to quit holding out hope for this one. Thanks! (4/21)
The organization is based in California, so I think they are on Pacific time- I'd say wait a few more hours before giving up hope. (4.21)
anyone hear anything?
Nothing yet. I really wonder if they will actually tell us today.
Got a call from them telling me I received the fellowship around 3:45 east coast time. Note: my grad program is in the bottom half of the top tier in the discipline, and i went to ivy league undergrad. (4/21)
congrats! I haven't heard anything so I assume I got rejected. (x6)
Anyone know if they decide on the scholarships for undergrads (rising seniors) at the same time as those for grad students? I'm assuming yes (and that I got rejected), but it'd be nice to confirm. Thanks!
Do they even send out notifications announcing official rejection? If they made their decisions on the 21st, you would think they would have sent out letters by now notifying people that they did not receive the Fellowship.
I don't think they notify...but I wonder when it goes up on the website officially? I'd like to see who won.
Kress Institutional Fellowships[]
They will be notifying in early March, it seems.
- do you mind sharing where you heard this? Just wondering :)
- I saw it here:
- March inches ever closer...
Has anyone heard anything yet?
- Nope, nothing yet! (3/15)
- still nothing! (3/19)
- I wonder what gives? (3/23)
- A friend who received the Kress Travel (RIP...) two years ago told me that she wasn't notified until late March, and that she ended up calling the foundation to ask about her status. The website may say early March but in practice that doesn't seem to happen often?
- I emailed the Kress office in NYC (3/29) and was told that "as the selection of the Kress Institutional Fellows are now made by the host institutions, you will need to contact the XXX directly with your inquiry."
- Good to know - thanks for posting. Have you emailed the host institution?
- Yes, but no response.
- I wonder if this coming week will be the week we know? (4/8)
- rejection (4/17) (x3)
- Late but for the record, I received by rejection letter from INHA (Paris) in late Jan/early Feb. (Don't know exact date, currently in a recycling facility somewhere). Awardee was also notified by early Feb.
Lehigh University Predoctoral/Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
I applied for this one (x1), no word yet.
Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research[]
Just wondering how many people applied? (x3)
Has anyone heard anything? When are notifications usually sent?
I think the website listed May.
Just wondering if anyone has heard anything. 5/08
Just called and they said notifications would go out by email at the end of the month 5/14
Thanks for making the call and posting the info on the wiki page. 5/15
Rejection received. Congrats to winners. 5/30 (x2)
7/14 What about the L&C waitlist? I was told decisions would be made at the beginning of July, has anyone heard anything?
4/10/14 Has anyone heard anything yet? They say May for the awards selection. Does anyone know when in May (early versus late May)?
Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship[]
How many following applied to this? (x3)
- Anyone know when announcements will be made (3/09)?
- No word yet - anyone else hear anything? Receipt e-mail said "by mid-April." (4/03)
- Rejection letter, 81 applications (4/7) (x2)
- Anyone know if they release reviewers' comments?
- Were the rejection letters sent via email or post?
Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation/Teaching Fellowship (Kenyon College)[]
FYI: Although the online employment site is still accepting applications for this position, an administrator informed me (02/07) that the search committee is in the final stages and is no longer reviewing applications. Good luck to those who applied!
- Any news here?
- I've heard nothing
- Rejection (3/15) x3
Marquette University, Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship[]
-I've heard nothing yet. Their website seems to imply they will send out notification before the end of March.
-Rejected April 2 (x1)
The Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship (French)[]
Has anyone else applied for this?
Does anyone know when results are usually announced?
-Has anyone heard anything (4/17/12)?
No news here.
I haven't heard, either (4/18/12) - anyone else?
I asked when they plan to announce the results and they said it might be late April.
Any news? (4/29/12)
Nope. (4/30/12)
4th May -any news? -- No, nothing. (x2)
9th May- anyone?! -- Still nothing. I wonder if they email us or just send a letter (for those rejected).
14th May - I asked last week; they said the judges were still deliberating and that they should decide by mid-May.
Thank you for checking! Would anyone know how many people apply for this?
Anything? (5/21/12) -Not for me! (5/21) (x2) - some closure would be nice.
25th -Still nothing?! (x3)
29th -- Anyone?
Nope... does somebody else want to try emailing them?
Stilll nothing? (4th June) -- Nothing for me. I already emailed them twice and hesitate to do it again.
8th June - Anyone? - Nope. I wonder what's going on. -- Yep, I'm wondering the same thing (June 14).
It is June 25th. The fellowship supposedly starts in less than a week. Has anyone heard anything? -- No, I haven't heard anything. At this point, I'm wondering if they've made a choice and just did not announce the rest of us.
July 11th. I'm still waiting for some kind of rejection email. Has anybody heard anything? -- (July 19) No, never heard back from them, even after emailing them a few months ago.
The McNeil Center for Early American Studies Dissertation Fellowship Program[]
Any word on these fellowships yet?
The committee is supposed to meet next week (3/31)
Notification of award! (4/4) x 3
For those who heard: was it email or by letter?
Memorial Foundation for Jewish Culture Doctoral Scholarship Grants[]
Anyone heard anything?
Received award notification in mail today, dated 7/16 (7/17)
Metropolitan Museum of Art Fellowship[]
Anyone else following applied for this? (x6)
Any word yet?
Nothing here yet (2/14)
Does the Met conduct interviews for this fellowship?
Not usually. Last year acceptance letters arrived by snail mail in early March.
Rejection letter received (3/6) (x2)
Accepted! (3/8)
Middlebury College Dissertation Fellows Program[]
Wiki followers applying for this fellowship position (x7)
Anyone know when we might hear? Last year someone posted a rejection email from this program on 03/08/11.
Anyone know how many they accept? I think they only accept one, but I'm not 100% sure on that.
From the website, it looks like they accept one fellow per year, but sometimes extend a fellowship for an extra year, so they might have two fellows at once (as they appear to have this year--one in History, one in Women's and Gender Studies).
What departments are people applying into? Philosophy (x2)
American Studies (x2)
Women's and Gender Studies (x1)
Geography (x1)
Spanish (X1)
History (X3)
I received an email message today (02/27) indicating that applications are currently under review and Skype interviews are expected to begin with finalists in the second week of March (x3)
Did everyone who applied receive the email mentioned above? It looks like it was an automated message via Interfolio.
Anyone hear anything about interviews yet? Nothing yet, only crickets.
Still nothing? (3/9) Still nothing. When they said they would be doing interviews the second week in March, I assumed that meant this week. Maybe they meant the second full week in March? Or they are sending rejection letters after they interview people?
I assumed it meant next week, but I still find it strange that we haven't been notified yet. I wonder if none of us following the Wiki got interviews, but perhaps that's overly pessimistic.
It's certainly possible. I imagine that they got several hundred applications and there are only a handful of us following the wiki. I just thought that most programs and fellowships sent out rejections first, which would suggest that even if all of us are in the rejected pile that we might have heard by now.
Not necessarily. For some, rejections are an afterthought, so for those in the rejected pile might not hear until after others have been selected. Also it looks like last year's rejection was received at the beginning of the second full week in March. Perhaps, we'll know by next week or the committee was being overly optimistic in when they would be making their decisions and may not made any decision right now?
When I got the automatic Interfolio notification, I assumed that it meant there would be some sort of email next week (the full second week of March). Most big fellowships make you wait until April even for "yes" answers, so this timeline doesn't seem too ridiculous.
Anyone on here hear about an interview? (3/14)
nope (3/14)
Files are currently being shown to prospective host departments -- I don't know where this fits in the whole process (i.e., whether those applicants who are being vetted by departments have already been interviewed, or if they are part of a larger group that will be pared down for interviews). Sorry I can't be more helpful -- know, however, that there is some movement on this end. (3/14)
Received e-mail--notification of finalist status and invitation for Skype / telephone interview. (3/16)
Congrats! That's wonderful! Good luck with your interview!
(Thanks! And best of luck to all with various fellowship apps.)
As for the rest of us, better luck next time!
I got e-mail today saying my app is still in the running and that it is receiving further consideration. Maybe this means the department is still making a choice? (3/16)
If you received an email, which departments contacted you? Maybe some of us are still in consideration but in different departments.
Just received my rejection via email. (3/19) x3
Just received an email asking for an interview, noted that I am a finalist; however, I will decline the interview because I have accepted a position elsewhere. Best of luck to the next person on the list!
For those of us still waiting, does anyone have any insight as to what our status means? I have not recieved an interview but recieved an email stating that I was still being considered and my application was sent on for a further round of review. I am just wondering if anyone knows how this process is structured and thoughts on where my application might be (with the department, with a general pool, on a waitlist etc.)
- Which department? It does not say which department; just a generic email asking to be interviewed. FYI. Hope all best candidates will get this fellowship!Has anyone still in the running heard anything? Or has anyone had an interview (4/17)
- Sorry, to which department did you apply?
- Sorry, came to this Wiki late - I had an interview on 4/12 and was told that they hoped to make an internal descision the next day (4/13 - a Friday), and that official descisions would be announced the middle of the next week - which I think should be any day now?
- Thanks to the above person for posting--that's helpful to know. I interviewed a few weeks ago but have not heard any news. (4/19)
- Any word? 4/26
- Not a peep. (4/26) x2
- Does anyone think it is appropriate to ask at this point? I'm very tempted to send an email to Kareem, but don't know if it would be inappropriate to do so.
- I took the plunge and sent an e-mail to the search committee a week ago, asked about the status of the search, but have not received a response. (4/27)
- I've also just sent an email - will post if I get a response. (4/30)
- Just got an email saying that two candidates were offered the position and both accepted, which means that we should all be getting rejection emails soon. Good luck to everyone in their other projects! (5/2)
- Very much appreciate the above post. Although I'm very disappointed, I'm also relieved to know. Good luck to all with other opportunities as well. (5/2)
Miller Center[]
- Survey, who has applied for this (x4)
-Survey: anyone apply for that technology one? (x1)
- Rejection recieved via email (3/23 x3)
- Has anyone who applied in January 2012 heard back yet? If so, to which program did you apply?
- Received rejection notice 4/27/2012 in cultural anthropology
- Anyone hear back from Aug 2012 DDIG applications yet?!
SHAFR (Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations) Dissertation Completion Fellowship[]
Did anyone hear anything on this? The website says beginning of May . . .
No word yet. (x2) (5/20)
Nothing official, but I assume that they've probably already told the winner - if the award is presented at the conference in June, they'd have to leave time for the winner to make arrangements. Maybe we'll all hear back after the official presentation?
Smith Richardson Predoctoral Fellowship[]
anyone have any ideas on dates for this? (4/22)
Offer made (4/27)
Spencer Foundation/NAEd Dissertation Fellowship[]
Anyone else apply for this? Any past applicants know when they notified last year?
I received the rejection letter couple of weeks ago (4/2).
Received acceptance letter today (4/27).
was told i was a finalist (3/10/13)
SSRC-Drugs, Security, and Democracy Fellowship[]
Who applied for this? (x3)
Any News? No News as of March 27-12 (x3)
Does anyone know how many people applied last year?
I heard they granted about 20% of the applications last year. I haven't heard anything yet either, 29 March
Received email rejection 4/2 (x2) :( [sorry to hear... I'm thinking of applying next year, did the email say how many applications they received?]
Proposal accepted 4/2
Why is this fellowship focused on Latin American empirics, when so many other case studies?
I haven't heard anything yet. 4/3
Requests for transcripts sent via email 2/2
Rejection via mail 2.13.12 (x6), letter said over 800 applicants, rejection letter I got said over 1,100 applicants applied from 126 universities.
(Via the forums at gradcafe) someone contacted the program officer and was informed that they will not be notifying with final results until May this year. [Someone else: But they generally email acceptances, and mail rejections. It's not clear if 'final results' refers to the acceptances or the final round of mailings]. [That makes sense to me. If there really were a significant delay, I believe they would inform everyone about it]. [I wonder if it also may be an effort to give themselves some wiggle room and prevent an onslaught of phone calls mid-April when people start to get antsy]
- here's the post from gradcafe: "Received an announcement from SSRC last night re: another grant competition. Got excited about receiving something from SSRC and was slightly disappointed to learn nothing new about my application. I wrote back and thanked them for the announcement and asked if there was any indication of when notifications for the IDRF would go out. Emily [the program officer] wrote back immediately and let me know notifications would go out in May. Hang in there!" (
- Update (4/12), also via gradcafe: the program officer reportedly replied to an applicant's inquiry about the timeline, saying that responses would be sent out the week of April 23.
Acceptance received April 26, 3:50pm EST (x6). Acceptance email said there were 1,148 submitted applications and seventy-seven provisional awards granted.
Were all acceptance emails sent at exactly the same time?
Notifications to the alternates were sent on April 27. Any idea on how many alternates are there? And how much chance do they have?
- (04./30): There are cases where someone would need to turn down the IDRF. According to the FAQs: grantees who receive the SSRC IDRF are able to accept it with another grant if the research the grants are paying for are different. For example, a student could accept a Fulbright award to Germany and the SSRC to do research in North Africa. However, awardees can not accept both the Fulbright and the SSRC for Germany. Therefore, if an awardee was awarded multiple fellowships for the same research they would have to choose one to accept, meaning an alternate would be chosen if they turned down the SSRC.
SREB-State Doctoral Fellowship[]
Who applied? (x1)
I applied but no update as of yet - 5/30/12
Notification of awards emailed on 8/2/12, not sure if they sent rejection emails as well
Smithsonian American Art Museum Fellowship []
How many people applied for this? (x3)
Does anyone know when letters or emails typically go out?
3/15 - I received a call notifying me that I was a recipient of one of twelve fellowships. Over 100 applications.
Anyone get a rejection yet?
I haven't received anything yet. Congrats to the person who received one of the coveted twelve! Way to go!! Just curious, did you receive pre- or post-doc fellowship? Also, is it a Terra one or something else? Totally understand if you can't or don't feel comfortable sharing info on the wiki page. Just thought I would ask anyway.
It was a pre-doc. I don't know all of the other details though. I'm guessing notifications should be sent out soon though!
Thanks for sharing, and congratulations once again! I am in the pre-doc camp as well, and since I didn't hear anything, I assume I didn't get one. But, I am happy for you, my fellow wiki-contributor.
Collegue of mine got a call on 16 March offering her a post-doc.
Just looking for any other updates from my fellow Wiki followers. It has been a week since the last notice. Has anyone else heard anything? Any rejections? Anyone on a wait list, perhaps?
It seems that rejections were sent in early April last year.
I also received a phone call offering a pre-doc fellowship on 3/15. They asked for a confirmation a.s.a.p. (within a week) before they send out official letters in early April. So I assume if candidates turn down the fellowship, SAAM will contact alternates?
Congrats, and thanks for sharing! It's good to know that they gave you a deadline to reply. It makes waiting a little easier for the rest of us. :)
I emailed on March 20th to inquire. Received a quick reply that the fellows had already been selected.
Have any of you been notified that you are an alternate? Do they tell people that, or just tell the alternates nothing until they have learned that one of their initial selections has declined?
Has anyone who received a fellowship been mailed their official materials yet?
Soroptimist Founder Region Fellowship[]
Who applied? (x2)
rejected by snail mail.
Robert & Patricia Switzer Dissertation Fellowship[]
Anyone apply? (x1)
United States Institute for Peace (USIP) Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Dissertation Program[]
How many applicants? (x8)
Rejection email received 4/25 from Elizabeth Cole stating there were 194 applicants and feedback is available after June 1. (x4)
- Congrats to those selected!
- Time to move more quickly towards completion and defense... I certainly wished they announced earlier!
I emailed the program and they said they're aiming to notify applicants on or around April 20.
- They notified awardees by email around this week last year. Has anyone heard anything yet?
- Nothing yet (4/18). Do they notify by email or snail mail?
- Still nothing (4/20). Anyone heard anything? Nothing yet (x3).
- I emailed a couple of weeks ago and was told that decisions would be out by April 23 at the latest.
- Still nothing (4/24)? No word so far (x6)
I heard that they were going to notify people by 3/9. Has anyone heard back yet?
- I think the 3/9 notification is for the Senior Fellowship Program, not the Dissertation one.
- Last year was 5/9 when notifications were received.
They uploaded the letters of recommendation to the online applications (under Applicant Attachments) 2/24/2012
University of Pennsylvania - Fellowships for Excellence in Diversity[]
anyone apply?
I have applied. But not sure when we'll hear back.
I did-no word, yet.
I emailed the vice provost's office (email address available here: They have not made final decisions yet but are on their "final round," and can tell you whether or not you are still in the running. (5/2)
Did they tell you when they would make their final decisions?
They didn't, sorry. Good luck all.
Just received an email rejection (5/3)
Has anyone else received a rejection or an award notification... Im assuming by the notifications are coming soon? (5/17)
Did anyone hear anything else about their Penn Predoc Application? I am quite anxious.. (5/22)
University of Texas - Austin, Black Studies Dissertation Fellowship[]
-No word yet
Wenner Gren Dissertation Fieldwork Fellowships[]
Any news on rejection letters/notification for the 1st phase? It is Feb/12 and I have not heard a word...
Feb. 15th, phase 1 e-mail received (acceptance) (x2)
Feb 15th, (rejection - 1st phase) x1
Does anyone know if WG makes transcript requests? If so, has anyone received one or any further news for second-rounders? Thanks.
I've never heard of them making transcript requests. I don't expect to hear anything before April.
Has anyone heard anything? It looks like from last year's page, e-mails were sent on this date last year. Are both rejections and acceptances sent via e-mail or the former via post? Thank you.
-Talked to WG a few weeks ago, they said they were aiming to get everyone notified by 4/15, so that people would have a chance to re-apply before the 5/1 deadline. (That means this week!)
From gradcafe: Emails requesting more information on your budget went out this morning. How many followers received one?
I just did (April 9th). What does it mean when they say "Your application is still pending but we expect to make final decisions and have all applicants notified by May 1. If you haven't heard by that time, please contact us. There is no need to reapply for the next deadline."
I just got the same message about application still pending (April 9th). They asked me to submit a revised budget and to tell them if you have been notified by other funders. If they bother to tell you not to reapply and to tell them what other sources of funding you've received, that means they are considering you for an offer.
It means that if we do not receive funding, we can't try and reapply for the upcoming cycle? Thanks for explaining! It means that if you haven't heard from other funding sources you applied for, Wenner Gren will probably offer you funding. Of course you may reapply, if you insist.
I know someone who got a request to revise a budget in the second round and was not accepted. [Probaby the WG considered giving the person an offer, but told the WG he accepted other awards already]. No, the situation was that the person was simply not taken (and did not have another grant). [Too bad, then probably the person was considered for an award, but as an alternate in case others do not accept their Wenner Grenn funding offer. The other candidates took their Wenner Gren offer, and your friend the alternate was left out]
Yeah, but does anyone know of anyone who didn't receive an early budget email and ended up receiving the award? Not likely...
April 10th - rejection by email. :(
April 12th - Acceptance arrived in the mail (postmarked April 10th 2012)
Snail mail or...?
Yes, by snail mail. [Has anyone received rejections via snail mail as well?]
Does anyone know what the score cutoff was for funding? They give everyone a numeric score in round 2 and I wondered about the funding scale. (Trying to judge how close I was to help sort out how much to change for next time.) Thanks! Scoring information was not provided in the acceptance letters, you might want to write them and ask if they're willing to tell you?
Question about alternates: When you are offered funding, does WG let you know if you were an alternate or not? Was anyone notified they were an alternate? Tx
Anyone heard anything from the May 2012 cycle? Second round notifications were sent out early August. Anyone receive a budget email yet? Based on previous years, notifications will likely be sent in late September or early October.
October 8: Received request for update on other funding applications via email. From gradcafe, it seems they have also sent out a round of rejections.
Oct 9: Also received request for updated budget, funding.
April 8 2013: Received request for updated budget and funding info (Nov 1 submission).
Williams College Bolin Fellowship []
Rejection via email 01/05: x2
Message included this info: "Nearly 100 applications" and "you have not been selected as one of the semi-finalists."
Have not heard anythign so fingers crossed. Anyone know when they announced last year (2011 for 2011-2012academic year)?
Rejection received on 02/29 - via email was told i was on a "very short list of semi-finalists" and that "The final cut had less to do with the caliber of applications than with the “fit” of certain scholarly interests with our plans for staffing and the curriculum in the coming year."
Woodrow Wilson Fellowship in Women's Studies[]
Are the results out? I have not heard anything
How many here applied for this? (x6)
Does anyone know when results for this one are usually announced (ball-park)?
- From looking at their website, in years past fellows were announced as early as January, but most often in April--I'm expecting to hear one way or another in late March/early April
Rejection via email 3/6. (x4)
6 fellowships were awarded from a pool of over 100 applications
Have others not heard anything yet, either way? 3/11
I haven't heard anything yet, either way. 3/20
Those who were notified that they received a fellowship, what date did you hear?