- This page is for dissertation fellowships for 2014-15 (including research fellowships, dissertation completion fellowships, and other predoctoral opportunities).
See previous years' pages: Dissertation Fellowships 2012-13 AND Dissertation Fellowships 2013-14.
See also fellowship discussions at theGradCafe: The Bank
NEW PAGE: Dissertation Fellowships 2015-2016
RECENT ACTIVITY on Dissertation Fellowships 2014-15 Wiki[]
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AAUW Dissertation Fellowship[]
- Deadline: November 15, 2013
- Any idea what the odds are on this? Aside from bad, I mean.
- Any idea when we might hear back? I can't find a date on the website, and it was one of the earlier deadlines, so I was thinking we might hear soon, but I don't know.
- APRIL 15, 2014. Notification of awards mailed to all applicants. Fellows and Grantees posted on AAUW’s website at www.aauw.org. AAUW is not able to honor requests for earlier notification.
- 3/27/14: Anyone heard anything at all about early rejections?
- 4/2/14: I haven't heard anything about early rejections yet. Has anyone application been updated in the online portal, where the recommendations are listed? What a long wait!
- Applied (Dissertation)? x11
- applied x2 to the "international" competition
- 4/7/14: WoC, applied for the dissertation fellowship and I havent heard anything about early rejections yet. My application status still says "recommended"
- 4/8/14: Mine does too (just says "recommended). Ugh, only a week to go I guess...kind of agonizing, though probably ridiculous to hope since the odds are so bad on this one! (x6)
- Has anyone heard anything? I know, I know...patience is a virtue and they'll be posting the recipients online tomorrow, but I suspect that recipients may have already received emails letting them know? I find it a bit ridiculous that, obviously, they have already selected their gals, but we have to wait until exactly on Tax Day to find out who received what (for $40 an application, they could at least have a less arbitrary "reveal" date).
- 4/14/14: Nope, nothing on my end. My guess is they aren't sending emails (but depressingly -if they are we just didn't get one because we aren't winners!) And yep, totally ridiculous. Also wondering what time will it be posted? At midnight tonight, or mid-day tomorrow? Anyone know?
- cue Wilson Phillips "Hold On"---one more day...
- Would someone please post the link here when it comes?
- I can't log in to the application portal. Maybe they are in the process of updating?
- 4/14-No e-mail, or regular mail notification. The wait continues. What time tomorrow will the list be up on the website, does anyone know?
- 4/15-I woke up dreaming the list was posted. It isn't on the website yet that I can find. Anyone know where on the site it will be posted?
- 4/15-I dreamt that I won the fellowship last night, which likely reduces my odds of winning even more lol! I haven't seen anything on the website either. I was hoping it would be up this morning. Good luck to us all!
4/15 - list is up. Congratulations to winners! http://www.aauw.org/article/aauw-announces-fellowships-and-grants-for-2014-15/
4/19- Congratulations to the winners! Received a letter in the mail today letting me know that I am an alternate! (x3)
Best of luck to the other alternates out there! (x4)
- Anyone know how many alternates are selected, and when alternates find out if they get selected?
I would be curious to know about alternates, too. I just came home from a trip away to see that I've been selected as an alternate, as well. I am guessing that not many people turn this fellowship down, but it's nice to know. (5/3) -Have any alternates heard anything yet? (5/16)
Nothing yet here (5/17) Or here (5/18)
Waiting, waiting, waiting to hear about alternate status, but I'm thinking I'll go ahead and pack this one in. :(
5/26 - Any news about alternate fellowships yet??
5/26 - I also haven't heard anything yet.
6/27 - Still nothing. I wonder if we are at the point where we can presume that alternate statuses won't be upgraded to selected for a fellowship.
Last year's Dissertation Fellowships wiki included the following:
- 2012–13 Summary
- Dissertation Fellowships: 60
- Postdoctoral Fellowships: 12
- Publication Grants: 17
- Total Fellowships: 89
- Women of Color: 20%
- Eligible Applicants: 693
- Total Awards: $1,687,000
ACLS/ Luce Dissertation Fellowships in American Art[]
3/10 Emailed with acceptance (acceptance letter was in my spam folder!)
- --Congratulations! I haven't heard anything, which I assume is bad news. Anyone else?
- A friend got a rejection by email on 3/10 too. If you're certain no notification is hiding in your spam folder, there's a small chance you're an alternate, but last year my alternate notification came on the same day as acceptances and rejections.
ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowships[]
So, did anyone apply this time?
- I did, and giggled in glee as I sent off many hours of work to be rejected. The odds on this fellowship are so bad, I might as well have bought lottery tickets.
- I applied, and they contacted me within a couple weeks to tell me I wasn't qualified because I'm too much social science and not enough humanities.
- Sorry to hear that, but I suppose it's good they told you sooner rather than later. I'm in the social sciences and did not receive such a notice, so I guess that means there is a (teeeeny tiny) sliver of hope for me. Ha.
- I also applied. (2/4) x2
Waiting Game
- The website states that applicants will be notified by "Late March." That language is consistent with prior years, but I think it is to give them flexibility if a delay occures. I just double-checked, and for each of the past three years (2011, 2012, and 2013) applicants were notified by e-mail on the first Friday in March. If that pattern holds, we should hear from the foundation by Friday, March 7, 2014. Good luck to everyone.
- Has anyone heard back yet? (2/28)
- Not yet. I assume above-mentioned date, Fri March 7, will hold up. (3/2)
- Seems like less chatter on this one than in years past. Quiet before the storm?
- I would wager it's more resignation than anything else. Our odds (something like 3-4 % in a good year, and who knows how many this year, after another bad job placement season) are so amazingly slim.
- Sigh, I suppose you're right.
- I believe last year was Thursday. 3/7. So might this year be Thursday 3/6?
- Looks like no... or do they sometimes release later in the day?
- It's not even noon yet!!
- Fair!
- This is my first time applying- do they notify you in the case of rejection, or do you only get notified if you receive an award?
- You will receive notice no matter what. Once the results are out, you can also ask for the reviewer's feedback as well (although not all reviewers will make it available).
- It's really annoying that the notifications for this one often, apparently, get caught in spam filters. My univ email + forwarding system has three separate stages at which spam can get caught, so now I have to check all three every 10 minutes (obviously).
- Crap. Really? Do you know by chance what email address it might come from (based on past experience?) We also have very strong filters at my institution, but if I add an address to my contacts it might stop it from getting caught in the filter.
- Talking to a friend who applied twice ... the notice came each time from a different specific person (so not a generic address), both insertnamehere@acls.org - hopefully your filter can handle that?
- Nothing yet here (2:45 PM Central Time) (x3)
- Well, it's 5:15 on the East Coast, so I think we're looking at tomorrow. Best of luck, everyone.
- UPDATE: For what it's worth, I just called (at 9:10AM Eastern on 3/7) ACLS on their 212-697-1505212-697-1505 number, and spoke to Karen Watt Matthews on extension 138. She said that she didn't expect notifications to be sent out until the end of the month. I said that the reason I called was that in previous years, the notification went out around this time of March. She seemed to acknowledge that. So I asked her if notifications would be expected today (Fri 3/7). She said with a semi-chuckle, "Oh no, the committee hasn't even met yet." I thanked her for letting me know and sparing me the waiting anxiety. She seemed to semi-chuckle (sweetly) at that too. So there you have it, as far as this information goes, we won't hear from them today (unless the committee magically meets, decides and sends out notifications by end of day).
- Thanks for sharing. I would never have had the guts to call, so it's really appreciated!
- yes, thanks!! (x6)
- No worries. I was like, don't want to waste another day constantly checking email, spam, and this wiki :)
- (3/13) Has anyone heard anything yet? I check my mail every day and check my inbox once an hour.
- No, I don't think anyone has heard yet. But a belated thank you to the phone caller above, who put my incessant checking to rest. There are only three weeks left in the month, so hang tight everyone. I know this is agonizing.
- Possible we will hear something tomorrow. I'd say likelier the Friday after that. And likeliest the one after that. But wouldn't it be nice to put this to rest tomorrow?
- HEY everyone, just wanted to let you know that I spoke with the Program Director and his words verbatim were "We are trying our best to get all of the notifications out by the 25th and 26th" so I would definintely not stalk your inbox too frequently just yet :) Best of luck!
- Thank you so much! More waiting, but at least we can all relax a little. (x2)
- Hi again, I just wanted to say something. Everyone who applies to this grant is inherently gifted, and I don't think any of you should forget that. Even though this grant may not come through, we will all make it!!!! (x3)
- Email with acceptance 11:30 PST (3/18) (x7)
- Congrats to you guys!
- Please check your Spam folder everyone in your email. My acceptance came in there, and only by reading here did I remember to check that.
- Wow nothing here. Is that an implied rejection? (x12) Guess so? Rude.
- what is the first letter of last name of person who was accepted?
- my partner was accepted, last name begins with G. i have heard nothing, my last name begins with C. (3/18)
- I just called the office and spoke to a woman on extension 161 (124, 136 and 138 went to voicemail). She checked and said that they were still in the process of sending out notices, that they "go out in waves", and that I should keep checking through the week. I asked whether both acceptance and rejection notices are going out together, and she seemed to say (a bit hesitantly to my pensive ear) "correct". Fingers crossed! <--Thank you for checking instead of just passively-aggressively sniping on facebook, like I did. We owe you one. (x2)
- But if no one has received any rejections yet I'm hesitant to believe that. Sounds like acceptances first... (X5)
- You're probably right (this is me, the phone caller) <sigh_shrug_guffaw_wtf_tears_fetal>
- Thanks for your hilarious comment that will surely cheer us all up! Remember...CHECK YOUR SPAM FOLDER, just in case!
- Waitlisted! Email rec'd 3/18. Anyone else on the waitlist? Was anyone here accepted to this and something else and planning to turn this down? :)
- I still haven't heard either way. That is very unprofessional of them. (x1000) There is also no update on the online application portal -- you'd think they could at least integrate the decisions into that system so that we could all have the chance of finding out within a reasonable range of time.
- I haven't heard either. Do we think that people who haven't heard were rejected? (x2)
- I think so - I presume the first round of bad news will start after lunch (EST).
- The plot thickens: a colleague of mine just told me that he called x138 at the ACLS. He was told that the committee "just met" and that letters would go out by the end of next week. When he followed up asking if acceptances had already gone out, she insisted that nothing has gone out. In other news, to all of those who are accepted, please treat us well when we are your adjuncts. :-)
- I wondered if we we're all being punkd. (x3)
- Wait, that would be really elaborate at this point with the waitlist report and the person talking about last name letters... I'm so confused. And my confusion is so painful.
- Can someone with basic computer skills please tell the rest of us how to check the IP addresses of the posts above? I would love to know if we're being fooled -- and it shouldn't be that hard to figure out. TYIA
- I'm the poster above ("The plot thickens:"). I made my post more in the spirit of showing that the ACLS doesn't seem to have its story straight--as the post below ("OK, some clarification") also illustrates--than to suggest a conspiracy on this wiki. Those accepted should be rightly congratulated, as well as thanked, for sharing a private decision for public benefit.
- Thank you. I've also gone back and checked all the updates to this grant over the last three days. If the IP addresses are any indication of who is actually posting, then there is no evidence of foul play. While I hope the "rolling waves" comments are correct, I'm inclined to think that the fact I haven't heard means that I have been rejected. Again, CONGRATULATIONS to those of you who were selected. Well done!
- OK, some clarification. I called one of the Program Assistants and he said that both acceptances/rejections as well as waitlist letters were ALL being sent on a rolling basis. So the tendency here should not be to to jump on the doomsday express. Not everyone who has been accepted has heard something.
- So when I called yesterday (I was the person who spoke to extension 161 at 2pm PST), the woman didn't know which fellowship I was referring to -- I had to specify ACLS-Mellon Diss Completion. Then she gave me a response similar to the one right above, that acceptances and rejections were rolling together in waves (but she sounded tentative). So maybe the "plot thickening" post was a situation of ACLS not realizing the caller was asking abt a different fellowship. I think that if acceptances have gone out, they wouldn't have gone out by mistake.
- Just to add (perhaps unnecessarily) to the general hysteria, I just received an email from the manager of the Office of Fellowships and Grants saying that notifications will be going out today. For what it's worth. So in other words: we might hear today? Maybe not?
- Maybe they are all rolling, but if we have 6 acceptances out of what? 25 max? I think that writing is on the wall as not everyone even knows about/ checks this website. Sorry guys. I'm over and out with my doom and gloom.
- Oh, you're probably right, but in the interests of correcting the record, there are 65 to 70 fellowships awarded and I bet a large proportion of people who applied check this website.
- On a side note, even though I'm trying to be optimistic, I feel like curling up in a ball for an indeterminate period of time and weeping.
- In reading previous years' threads about notifications being sent in waves, it seems that what those who called in heard about that being the case, is true. Calm down, people. And hope for the best. There are 70 fellowships. I've read, and reread the version of this website from 2012-13 and 2013-14; it seems like rejections/acceptances/waitlists etc poured in simoultaneously. Which suggests that, yes, ACLS does send out announcements on a rolling basis. Also inclined to think that there might be something to an alphabetized order. There's got to be a way to organize +1000 applications. Don't lose hope! It's not the end of the month just yet. [moved from top of page; posted 3/19]
- It could also be by field since they had to break things up for the readers... (This is my hope too: 3/19)
- That's a great point. For those of you who have heard back, what is your primary field?
- Anthropology
- On the one hand I feel bad for them for being flooded with calls, but on the other hand it seems like they should reconsider their system. Notification did say "1,000 applications for 65 awards."
Post-Hysteria Posts
- Please use this space to post any definitive notifactions received after 12pm EST on 3.19.14
- In case it helps to know more: the acceptance e-mail was a provisional award, which needs to be confirmed by an e-mail from the advisor, certifying in part that the student will finish the dissertation during the fellowship period. After the advisor sends the confirmation, due March 26, the ACLS will send out official paper award letters.
- Mar 26?! Jesus, I think its safe to say that those of us who have not heard are being rejected. What a clusterfuck notification system.
- Rejection 12:30PM PST (x4)
- Rejection 12:33pm PST : I'm a "C" in English Lit. who fortunately has another offer.
- Rejection 3:30pm EST (art history)
- Rejection 12:21pm PST. Last name C, American studies
- Rejection. 3:40 EST (x3)
- Rejection. 12.35PM PST. Communication.
- Rejection. 3:22 EST. (x2) Last name F, American History (won dissertation aid elsewhere, so this was moot); Last name A, American Studies (I'm disappointed that I didn't get this fellowship - this was my second year applying - but I'm not overtly surprised. Judging from past years, the majority of the awards go to folks from top tier universities and ivy leagues. Coming from a school that's neither of those, I always knew it was a shot in the dark. Oh well. Life goes on. I refuse to take this rejection as a sign of my worth as an academic. Congratulations to the winners!)
- Rejection, 3:38 EST. Last name W, History; Rejection 3:25 Last name S, History
- Rejection - 3:48 EST. History. Probably a good thing because I think I'm going to want another year to work on the diss. Congrats to the successful applicants!
- Rejection - 3:55 est - Sociology.... now I have to finish this thing faster! Congrats to the lucky few!
- Rejection - 4:55 pst - History - Last name P, rejection. Sigh. Hearty congratulations to those that were successful.
- Rejection- 3:55 est- Anthropology. FML!
- Just a reminder that you can ask to see your reviewer comments, if that's something that interests you, by replying to the rejection email. I got the following response: "We received your request for feedback on your application to the Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship program. ACLS’s reviewing system allows evaluators to release comments to applicants at their discretion. Hence, it is possible to not receive comments from all of the reviewers who participated in the assessment of your application. As we are still in the midst of the fellowship selection season, you will receive an email with the comments that reviewers provided on your application by late April."
- Reviewer comments are not ready yet (3/14)
- Have any of the alternates received word yet? In previous years succesful alternates heard back as quickly as two weeks after the initial announcement.
- not yet! The original notification said to expect to hear by the end of April, but I assume they already know whether anyone has declined since recipients had to confirm acceptance by 3/26. So I can't imagine it's a good sign not to have heard by now. Any idea how many alternates they selected? Did anyone here who was accepted decline it?
- I agree - the window of opportunity is closing rapidly. While some alternates have definitely received the award, a quick search on google shows that a significant number of people (like 20) were declared alternates but were never upgraded to awardees. These folks put their alternate status on their CVs.
- Got my official rejection off the alternate list today 4/18. Congrats to everyone who made it!
- Comments received (2pm Pacific - 4/29) x3
- Did anyone else get unanimously positive comments and still get rejected?
- Yep, I had only rave reviews about my project despite being rejected.
ACOR-CAORC Fellowship[]
- Deadline February 1, 2014
- Applied x2
- Notification by April 15
- It is April 14 has anyone heard anything???
- check your spam box, my answer came in the spam box
AERA Minority Dissertation Fellowship[]
American Academy in Rome- Rome Prize[]
Has anyone applied to this? Invitations to interview should go out this month.
- I applied to this. Haven't heard anything yet. Has anyone else? (1/17)
- Nothing here either. (1/28) x6
- Last year, finalists were invited to interview on 2/1. Every years is different, of course, but if I don't hear by Monday, I'm breaking out the consolation wine.
- Invitations last year were delayed due to server issues, etc, during the submission process because of Hurricane Sandy. Generally they go out in mid-January, though each field is notified individually on the timeline of each committee. While I would be surprised to hear they have gone out given that no one has posted such news on here, I'm only holding out hope for another week or so.
- Has anyone heard yet? (2/4)
- Nothing yet. (2/4) x 8
- A friend has interview but for a postdoctoral position. Any word about us predoc candidates? (2/17)
- Seriously? Still nothing? The website says that the committees meet from Jan-Mar... but in years past they had already started sending out rejections at this point... (2/26)
- Also, haven't heard anything (rejection or interview). Maybe they are delayed cause of all the crazy weather? (3/4)
- Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I've just worked up the nerve to call the office in NYC directly -- as it turns out, all the juries are done meeting, they've conducted interviews, and contacted the finalists. Rejection letters should be going out in the next week or so. But the nice gentleman I spoke with encouraged me to try again next year, as their committees change completely from year to year. Oh well! Congrats to the fellows out there, and better luck next time to everyone else! (3/4)
- Thanks, OP, and congrats, fellows x3
- And to make it official: rejection in the inbox. Congrats to the fellows and best of luck to the rest of us in finding some sort of funding for next year... x2
- They were very insistent on keeping the interviews secret. For the record, notification of the interviews was later in January (1/21-1/23) for interviews were conducted last week in February (1/22-1/25). Thanks and good luck next year!
ASA Minority Fellowship[]
Deadline: Jan. 31, 2014
- Applied (x2)
- Has anyone heard anything back? Or does anyone know when ASA notified applicants last year? Thanks! (04/16)
- I think a flyer or other promotional material said we would hear back by April 30.
- Just talked with one of last year's winners. The winner was called with the news about a week before the stated announcement date, so maybe we'll hear back soon too.
- A friend of a friend apparently received an offer a while ago. I'm guessing that means that selections have been made and that the rest of us are out of the running.
- Received email re alternate status, 4/29
Belfer Center for Science and International Affairs Research Fellowships, Harvard University[]
- Ernest May Fellowship, deadline January 15, 2014
- Applied: x1
- Rejected (3/24)
Boston College African and African Diaspora Dissertation Fellowship[]
- Deadline: January 31, 2014
- Applied: x5
- Email confirming receipt of application (2/10) x4
- Selection committee hopes to make final decision by the week of April 21.
- Just got my rejection letter (4/4) (x2)
- The rejection letter was really encouraging and personalized. That's how to write a good rejection letter (I'm looking at you, Woodson Institute...). Congratulations to the winner!
Me too
I still haven't been notified... did you guys get your notification via email or post?
-Both. Why don't you contact the director?
CAORC Mediterranean Regional Research Fellowship[]
- Deadline: January 13, 2014
- Applied x7
- Notification by April 15
On 4/2 I received an email asking me to fill out forms for the American Research Center in Egypt. However, the email makes it very clear that *it is NOT confirmation that I have received an award.* One of the forms has to be filled out in ARABIC, including an abstract of my project, and they want it turned in on 4/7! Hopefully this is a good sign?
- Update 4/14: I just received an email that I am an alternate.
I received that form e-mail in early February. It might be for you!
April 14, any news??
- Nothing yet x3
- Alternate status (last name 'A' ): email says they chose SIX
- Rejection received via email (4/15)
- check SPAM
Has anyone with 'alternate' status heard news yet?
- No, nothing yet (5/1)
CAORC Multi-Country Research Fellowship[]
- Deadline: January 13, 2014
- Applied x5
- Notification by April 15
- Rejection received via e-mail (4/10), x3
Carter G. Woodson Institute PreDoctoral Fellowship at UVA (African & African American)[]
- Deadline: December 1, 2013
- Applied: x4
- Looks like in past years notification went out mid to late-February. Good luck to all!
- Anyone know how many predoctoral fellows they typically accept? Publics vs. Ivies?
- There are currently 8 so I would deduce 4 per year but I don't think they provide that info
- On the website, it says notifications coming out in early March
- It looks like decisions came out towards the end of February the past few years. The website does say "early March," however, so perhaps the date changed. The website also states that decisions will be mailed out. Does anyone know if that was the case in previous years (or were decisions e-mailed)?
- New theory: the 4 of us who applied to this are probably also the 4 who applied to the Boston College African Diaspora fellowship. How about we decide who among us goes to UVA & who goes to Boston, WE notify THEM, and everyone lives happily ever after. Y/ Y?
- So you're suggesting the time honored tradition of dibs? I'm in. Dibs on the Woodson. I feel so much better about this whole process now.
- Received a rejection letter via mail today (3/10) (x2)
- Still waiting, but I am on the West Coast. :/
- Received rejection today (3/11) in the Midwest.
- Received rejection today via mail (3/15). x2
- Any acceptances? I have not received any information one way or another.
- Haven't received anything yet - what does this mean?
- For those who have received notifications, does it still read "Under Review" when you login to your profile? Still haven't heard anything...
- My status still shows as "Under Review," but I have indeed been rejected. I would make sure there's nothing in your spam folder and then try to contact Deborah McDowell, the program director. Good luck! (3/22)
- 3/24--You might also check with Cheryll Lewis 434-924-6255434-924-6255 cll2d@Virginia.EDU, who is the asst for this program.
- 4/9--Still haven't heard back. Assumed rejection.
- 4/10--Has anyone heard about acceptances?
- 4/13-No info about acceptances. Anyone willing to call?
- 4/13 - I'm not sure why someone needs to call to hear about acceptances. Obviously, if you haven't heard one way or the other on your application (or are on a waitlist), by all means, call. I'm sure they'll do a press release when they're ready to make the announcement. There are many reasons why they wouldn't want to make this info public yet - perhaps some of the people they selected are deciding on other fellowship offers, or maybe some of them are candidates for jobs and making negotiations on that front.
Carter Manny Award[]
Since the Carter Manny Award’s establishment in 1996, over $600,000 has been awarded in recognition of outstanding doctoral students whose work represents some of the most innovative and advanced scholarship on architecture and its role in the arts, culture, and society.
Center for Democracy, Development and Rule of Law (Stanford) Predoctoral Fellowship []
- 1 applied
- rejection by email (3/18)
Center for Jewish History, Dissertation Fellowships[]
- Deadline: February 10, 2014
Center for Jewish History, Lapidus Summer Fellowship Program[]
- Deadline: March 3, 2014
- Six-week summer fellowship from June 16, 2014 to July 25, 2014 with a stipend of $6,000.
- Any updates? (4/7)
CFD--Consortium for Faculty Diversity Pre and Post-Doctoral Fellowships[]
- Deadline: October 31, 2013 (continuous)
- I know the deadline just passed, but has anyone heard anything yet? 11/13
- Must have patience for this one -- many of the schools do not move on this until the spring.
- Any updates out there? I'm guessing I was passed over since I never heard. 4/7
- Received pre-doctoral, 1 year fellowship-March 2014
Charlotte Newcombe Fellowship[]
- Applied x16
- 11/19 - anyone else still waiting for letters and supplemental materials submitted last week to show up online?
- yes, anxiously so! Waiting on a letter that I know my recommender emailed. (11/20)
- Just received the confirmation email referenced below (11/21)
- 11/20 - emails going around today letting you know that your application is complete. Got mine and so did a friend this afternoon.
- I got an email stating my application was complete on (11/20) also, but it hasn't shown up in the system yet. Also, for some horrific reason, I have 5 open applications on the system because it just kept creating new ones.
- OP here--just got an email (11/21) also confirming complete application, said it would take a few days to show up online. My duplicate applications have been deleted by the program.
- 2/18 - Any news? I'm anxious! (x3)
- Nothing yet (2/18)
- Based on past wikis we should be hearing something today, but nothing yet (2/20)
- Hopefully news this Friday 2/28.... Unless others have heard back already? Good luck everyone! (2/25)
- Nothing as of 2/26! (x7)
- Does anyone know when they plan to notify everyone about the first round of rejections and the finalists? (2/27)
- It looks like finalists were selected 2/23, 2/22, 2/22, and 3/7 the past four years. Last year appears to be an anomaly because of Hurricane Sandy, so I imagine we'll be notified later today, tomorrow, or next week at the latest. (2/27)
- Just got notice that I didn't make it on to the final round - >550 applications for 22 spots. Good luck to the finalists! (2/28) (x8)
- Finalists notified via e-mail (2/28) ("12% of almost 600 applications" were selected) (x4)
- I haven't heard anything, rejection or otherwise. What does that mean?
- To the above- it's possible that you might be under consideration as an alternate, in case someone turns it down.
- It's a Friday and wondering if we will hear today ...Last year notification was 4/1 but in past years it has been in late March. (3/28) (x3)
- Just notified that I am not a Fellow. Congrats to those who were selected! (3/31) (x3)
- Award notification by email Monday 3/31. Given until Friday to accept/decline award.
Chateaubriand Fellowship in the Humanities[]
Applied x 7
Any idea about the response time frame for this fellowship? (4/17)
- From the website: "Traditionally, the selection committee meets at the end of April. Results will be sent by e-mail early in May." (4/19)
- In past years they appear to have notified around this time. Maybe we'll hear something this week. (4/21)
Did anybody hear anything? (4/30)
- Rien.
- Rejection via email. 130 applicants 15 fellowships (4/30)
- I haven't recieved an acceptance or rejection email yet...curious to know if there might have been a mistake of some kind and if I need to contact them. Has anyone else NOT been contacted yet? (5/4) [OP: this was an email issue]
- Acceptance via email on April 30th for 8 month fellowship. Decision due May 7. (5/7)
- I also received an acceptance on April 30th. Has anyone heard anything since from the program coordinator? (5/20)
- Similarly, received acceptance on April 30th, accepted, and haven't heard back from the coordinator. Please update us if you hear! (5/23)
- I've also written a couple of e-mails to the coordinator after accepting, but received no response. I guess I won't worry if I'm not the only one! (5/23)
CLIR/ Mellon Fellowship[]
- Applied x 12
- Anyone know when to expect news? (3/3)
- According to past forums, CLIR/Mellon notifications came on March 4 (2011), March 12 (2012), and March 20 (2013) by email. Those days were, respectively, the first Friday, the second Monday, and the third Wednesday of the month. Last year, rejection emails went out March 28. Nope, not obsessing. Not at all... (3/3)
- Anything at all yet? (3/8) Nothing yet x3
- When I applied, I received the following by email: "Thank you! Your application has been successfully submitted, and you will be notified of your application's status by e-mail on April 1, 2014."
- My guess is winners have been notified at this stage. Seems to be too late to start making first-round announcements. (3/10) x2
- hope not, but no news here (3/10)... but as posted above, it's all still possible! x 2
- still nothing.... anyone else? (3/12) x 8
- just paranoid thinking: 9 original applicants here, but after march 4 only 4 of us complaining about no news....?
- ^^other people have lives and aren't wasting their time on this thing? (also # has increased to 6, FTW!)
- still nothing. just sayin' (3/13) x6
- If it's any consolation, last year people posted within minutes/seconds to say they'd gotten a positive response. I wouldn't be surprised if the same is true this year and people just haven't heard yet. Go anonymity!
- Regardless of the news, I'd guess this will be the week (3/16).
- countdown starts: nothing today (3/17). so far. x6
- aaaaand nothing today (so far).... (3/18). This ain't looking good. Doesn't anyone know anyone who has a friend who got the award email a week a go and can put us out of our misery?
- I think it's over. Sigh. I would say that they have a crappy process telling winners well in advance (and everyone knowing this is how it's done), and meanwhile the losers have to wait til late March/early April to get their rejection. It's a bit like handing out bonuses and then saying "Oh, and everyone who is left. You're not only not getting a bonus; you're also fired!" x3
- It is entirely possible that they simply have not made any decisions yet. I would wait until at least 1 April before panicking. x 2
- Also remember that CLIR is based in DC, which has had at least five snow days this year (including Monday). I would guess that these disruptions might slow things down on their end. x2 YES! must be the snow. though if nothing today, then I'll bury my hopes in unfinished papers.
- Nothing (3/19). x11
- Nothing yet (3/20) x4. Maybe all the rejectees found themselves here in this little obsessive group...
- Possible they haven't rendered their decisions yet: no one in this forum has announced that they've received a rejection email, and notifications of acceptance were sent out on March 20th last year. Keep your head up!
- You know, I was reading the ACLS/Mellon thread, and it seemed like those folks just went ahead and called the fellowship office for clarification about the notification process/timeline. Maybe we should do that tomorrow...
- did someone try to call? or get the award? anything?
- I tried to call yesterday and the only option was to leave a message (I did not).
- Nothing yet x 10
- Right - some winners have to have been announced. Someone, somewhere...TALK TO US!!
- so as I see it there are only two scenarios: 1) they have emailed winners weeks ago, and we happen to be a non-representative group with all losers or 2) there was major delay due to snow storms and they actually haven't decided yet. Problem with the hopeful 2) is that other Mellon committees DID meet despite the storms, and that such a late notice date would leave them only very little time for participants to confirm and/or to contact alternates....
- Option 1 seems the most likely because the website already has information about the fellowship workshop for recipients.
- I'm pretty sure that information has been up there for weeks, if not months. I don't think it has anything to do with whether a decision has been made or not ...
- Yes, I know. Well, well, we tried.
- still waiting (03/24)
- My theory is that good and bad news will all come on 1 April, as the CLIR Mellon people stated in the 'thanks we've got your applications' emails... (03/24).
- /\ I like this theory!
- Any word, anyone? Hard to believe they haven't announced the awards yet... (03.27)
- Nothing! (03.27). Expecting a rejection letter on 1 April, but it looks like nothing has been announced yet. Only a couple more days of waiting...
- I'd really like to know where my rejection is (3/31). x6
- it seems like they will notify everyone tomorrow? whoa. any news? - Not yet x 1
- rejection email received (4/1) X 7 (a friend got rejected too)
- ironically got a Diss Mellon last year with same 3 referees; no joy this year, alas
- For perpetuity's sake: 17 awards out of 367 applications.
- Email with acceptance (4/1) x 2
Columbia University GSAS International Travel Grant[]
Applied x1
Council for European Studies (CES)/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship[]
anyone applying for this??? 1/7
- - Yep! Planning on send it out this week. I have no idea what the chances are. The application document word lengths are strange though. 500 words for a diss description but 800 to talk about what you are going to be doing over the fellowship term. I guess they really want to know what you are spending their money on. 1/8
- - Applied x4
- Anyone applied for this last year? Have an idea if they really wait till May to tell the results?
- Received notice of award last year on March 28
- Has anyone here applied for the other CES fellowship, the pre-dissertation version? Any news on when we hear about that one? Is it the same time frame as the dissertation completion version?
- no word yet here (3/4)
- Still no word (3/14)
- Same here. I hope we are on the same March 28th-ish timeline as the other CES fellowship. (3/14)
- No word here either (3/17)
- No word (3/20)
- If it helps, I applied for the pre-dissertation version last year and received a rejection notice on 4/24
- when applied for pre-dissertation in previous year I got an alternate notice on 4/25
- Any news on pre-diss fellowship? (4/7)
- No news here. Anyone want to call and ask about the pre-diss? All I know is that it says announcements go out in April. (4/7)
No word (3/25) x3 (3/28) x4 (3/31) x4
- Anyone willing to email the Council to discover whether notifications have been sent?
- I checked the website again and it says announcements will go out in April. I'm guessing that means the end of the month...because every grant takes forever to hear back from. Though I'd love it if someone was willing to call, like the poster above suggests, and try to get a firmer time frame. (4/3)
- I called them. It appears notifications have not been sent out yet. The Council says that we should expect notifications "closer to May."
- Thank you! (4/3)
- Thanks! Did you ask about diss completion fellowships and/or pre-diss fellowship notifications?
E-mail notice of diss completion fellowship award today (4/3) x2
- Congrats! No notification here (4/3) x2
- Re: calling. I had asked about completion fellowships. I am unsure of why they gave me above information.
- Last year they waited almost a month before sending out rejections because they have a wait list. That's probably why they said "notifications" aren't coming until closer to May.
- Fellowship award notification 4/8 x 2 <--- was this for the dissertation completion fellowship or the pre-dissertation fellowship? It was for the Dissertation Completion Fellowship x2
- any notification other than one acceptance? Sounds like there were 4 acceptances.
- notification of rejection 4/14 for pre-dissertation fellowship x3
- rejection: diss completion app 4/14 (x3)
- No word yet (4/15). Anyone else still waiting?
- Yes, still waiting here too (4/15). No rejection and no acceptance (diss completion fellowship).
- They published the pre-diss awards yesterday (4/16) on the web, but no word on the final diss completion awards. I haven't gotten a rejection email yet. (4/17) x2
- No word yet, starting to get annoyed (4/21)
- None here, either. Are any of you who received a completion fellowship considering declining the award due to other offers? (4/21)
- Tumbleweeds blowing - no word yet. (4/28) X3
- They posted the winners today, so I'm assuming those of us who haven't heard (and aren't on the list) just haven't gotten our rejections yet. http://councilforeuropeanstudies.org/grants-and-awards/dissertation-completion/recent-awardees
CES Staff here! We sent out all notices for all awards on or before April 14. If you haven't heard, please do check your spam box and/or check in with us directly at ces@columbia.edu.
-decisions will be rendered late March, early April.
- March 25: rejection via email. The letter was for both research and study grants.
- March 28: offer for long-term research grant received via email. (X2)
Dan David Prize[]
I applied for this (for the Graduate Student Scholarship) but do not know anyone else who did... does anyone have any idea re timeline or communication of status/notification with this award? (x3)
Apparently, the committee met recently, and we can expect to receive email notifications soon (Called foundation on 3/25/14).
- Woke up to rejection! 3/27/14 x4
- Acceptance via e-mail for Past Dimension: History & Memory, 3/25
Danforth Center on Religion and Politics (Washington U. in St. Louis)[]
- Two year postdoc in residence at Washington University in St. Louis: H-NET
- Deadline: January 1, 2014.
- Applied for Dissertation Completion Fellowship x3
- Offer received (2/13) x2
- Notification of status as alternate (2/13)
- Rejected (2/13) x2
Dartmouth College[]
The goal of the Chavez/Eastman/Marshall fellowship program is to promote student and faculty diversity at Dartmouth, and throughout higher education, by supporting completion of the doctorate by underrepresented minority scholars (including African-American, Latina/o, and Native American scholars) and other graduate scholars with a demonstrated commitment and ability to advance educational diversity.
- Deadline: February 1, 2014
- Applied x3
- Has anyone heard back on this one yet? (3/24)
- Nothing. The website says April 1, so next week. Looking over the past few years on here, it looks like they sometimes go a few days into the first week of April too. (3/24)
- Haven't heard anything yet (4/1). (x2)
- Haven't heard anything yet (4/2).
- STILL haven't heard anything (4/3). x3
- anyone heard back? (4/7)
- Nothing yet (4/7). x4
- Rejected by email (4/8) x3
- Rejected by mail (early April)
Dedalus Foundation Dissertation Fellowship[]
- Applied x 3
- Haven't heard anything back yet -- but we still have until May. Waiting eagerly/patiently! I wonder if they'll continue the trend of awarding two recipients? (3.26.14)
- Ten days
- Anyone hear anything yet? (5.13.14) NOPE, nothing yet.
- D: How many typically apply? Not everyone uses this website, I know, but I expected to see more activitiy here as we are so close to the decision date
- Has anyone heard anything yet today? (5.15.14) Does anyone know if in past years they have sent out rejection letters/emails or just acceptances?
- Haven't heard anything yet... I've been refreshing their website like an idiot all day! I think that I remember reading that last year they just posted it online before actually emailing anyone... (5.15.14) 5:20pm.
- That's really helpful to know - thank you! Although now I will probably also start checking their website constantly :).
- NP; at this point, i am ready to start drinking either way... :)
- It looks like last year they waited until the 30th to announce. We might have another week! (5.21.14)
- NP; at this point, i am ready to start drinking either way... :)
- jeopardy music:: (5.16)
- ... ♫♫♫♫♫♫♫♫ (5.19) 12:00pm.
-I emailed the foundation to ask about when they are going to announce. They wrote back that they had just had their final meeting and letters should go out in the middle of next week. Best of luck to everyone!
- Thanks! But I guess "final meeting"' doesn't really mean "decision"... in any case, yes, best of luck... but not too much luck! ;)
- Any word on whether they will be e-mailing us in addition to sending snail mail? (If so, remember that in the early phases of the application process, their e-mails were arriving in Spam folders for many of us, so be sure to check there, too!) (5.23.14)
- The email just says that letters will be sent to candidates by the middle of next week so I'm assuming snail mail only but I'm by no means sure. (5.23.14)
- Nothing yet. Did anyone hear something Tuesday or Wednesday? (5.29.14) Update: Rejected via mail. Good luck to the rest of you!
- Was it sent to your home or department? I ask because I'm living abroad and getting a bit impatient. ;)
- My home; don't expect much if you do not receive the award. Basically two sentences: "You applied for this. You didn't get it." with a vague "we were impressed by your work" statement. DF also not very helpful with followup. Good luck!
- I hear you. What a long wait for a disappointing outcome. Can you tell I'm not expecting good news?
Dolores Zohrab Liebmann Fund[]
Individual universities have internal deadlines; within-university winners move on to national fellowship competition
- National fellowship app x1 (haven't heard back as of 3/18/14)
- If it helps: I didn't receive notification that I had received the award until VERY late! The acceptance letter was mailed to me and I received it early/mid-May.
- National fellowship app submitted in January. No response as of 5/23/14....
- No response here, 5/16/14. Anyone else? (x2)
- Sent an email on 5/12/14. Response indicated that the committee is meeting this week and will send results to schools and students by the end of the month.
- Thanks for this. Definitely a long wait. (x2)
- I can't imagine that there's any chance for good news at this point. Does anyone know if they send out acceptances first and then rejections, or if everything goes out at once?
- Haven't received anything yet, but they updated the site with 2014 Contributions. Those waiting can look here to see if their university made the list: http://fdnweb.org/liebmann/contributions/. 5/30/14.
- Thank you for the link -- that pretty well tells the story. Congrats to those at the listed universities. 5/31/14
- Rejection letter 6/2/14. Hope that's helpful for anyone still waiting.
Dumbarton Oaks Junior Fellowship[]
Deadline: November 1, 2013
- Anyone been asked for an interview yet?
- No. January 5. (x8)
- Still nothing, 1/12 (x7)
- Again nothing. I suspect that, like last year, the finalists have already been contacted. January 24.
- Don't worry about this. In the last year topic somebody wrote that "Interviews were conducted the first weekend of February and successful candidates informed soon after". (Jan. 24)
- Thanks. But doesn't that mean that they're flying people in the first weekend of February? That is, if I have not been contacted for an interview by now then, presumably, I am not a finalist? I know I'm asking for you to speculate, but it would be helpful. Thanks. 27 January.
- No. I suppose that it means that they will start organizing interview dates from first weekend of February. 27 Jan.
- Ah. Good. Thanks very much for the response! 27 Jan.
- Any news? 3 Feb.
- Still no news for me and I although I haven't heard through the grapevine about others with interviews, judging by the patterns from previous years I'm giving up hope on this one. *sigh* (x2)
- I spoke with Margaret Mullett. Interviews with finalists were conducted last weekend and I believe that those who received the award should have heard by today. Feb 5.
- Thanks for the information! Sad... but at least now we know.
- Ok. Sad, but it seems that it is not an international junior scholarship, patterns shows that always win those students who are studying American Universities, therefore I would be very very proud if I could see a correct announcement in the next year and of course the CV's of the winners. Feb. 16.
Eleanor Tufts Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Southern Methodist University[]
Fisher Center Pre-Doctoral Fellowship, Hobart and William Smith Colleges[]
Applications now open; screening begins March 28
(CFP: https://www.hws.edu/academics/fisher_center/Fisher_Center_Predoc_app.pdf)
Does anyone know any update on this one? Discontinued?
Found CFP on their website: https://www.hws.edu/academics/fisher_center/Fisher_Center_Predoc_app.pdf (not my area of study, so I doubt I'm going to apply)
- Anyone applied or heard anything? It was a pretty obscure (and yet wildly broadly reaching) CFP but I applied on a longshot. No word as of 4.14.14
Five Colleges[]
Deadline: January 6, 2014 (continuous)
- Applied x12
Does anyone know how many people apply for this? (12.31)
- From last year's wiki "Last year around 250, the year before 330. No numbers for this year yet."
- Anyone heard anything about the results yet?
- A couple days ago (on 3/14) someone posted 'offer letter recieved via email' but it has since been deleted. I haven't heard anything, but I've been puzzling about the statement and retraction. I'm inclined to believe that if we haven't heard anything that is a bad sign.
- I actaully think that if it was deleted it was probably posted in the wrong fellowship slot. But, I'm hanging my hopes on the fact that in the past two years the awardees haven't been notified until early April.
- Congratulations! Are you willing to share which college? I applied and haven't heard anything. :( (3/24)
- I'm not certain why this keeps happening--but there have been at least 2 individuals who claim to have been offered fellowships or on campus visits (neither of which are me), both of which have been deleted. For posterity and clarity of the actual thread, I thought I'd reproduce those claims.
- Yea, I'm not sure WHY they were deleted or by whom but I'm pretty sure the campuses don't fly people out for visits. . .
- I thought the same thing...if we're being trolled, I'm not certain why THIS thread would be the one to troll, considering there are so few of us.
- OMFG has anyone heard anything? This wait is KILLING me. (3/28)
- I posted that I was invited to visit one of the colleges but deleted it because an official offer has not been made and will not be made until after the visit(s) are done. I didn't want to jeopardize that, but I also don't want to frustrate people. I also don't know if all the colleges do campus visits or if each handles things differently. (3/28) (x2 - sorry about the confusion with the posting/deleting!)
- Well, thanks for the clarification. But, it makes me even more worried that I am not a final candidate. Are you willing to share which campus? (3/31)
- rejection e-mail received. (x6) (4/1)
- it noted "over 140" applicants
- it said that major decision-making factors were the mentoring capabilities of departments on the campuses during the coming year and their future hiring plans
- Haven't heard anything yet (4/3)
Ford Dissertation Fellowship[]
- Applied x16
- Also, the wait is ALREADY killing me x3
- If they keep the same schedule as last year, they should be meeting this week (3/4)! It's going to be a looong few weeks.
- Anyone have news (3/18)? When should we expect to hear?
- Based on previous years' wikis I doubt we will hear until early April. . . . . (3/19)
- It seems like people already started receiving their notices today. Does anyone know if they tell everyone at once? I can't imagine why they wouldn't, but holding out a little bit of hope (3/21).
- Notices of award? Nothing here, unfortunately (3/22)
- Nothing here. Does anyone know if those received notices are acceptances or rejections? (3/22)
- Based on The Grad Cafe discussion thread for Ford (under The Bank), there were definitely acceptances, not sure about rejections. One seems to have been humanities and the other was actually a pre-doc fellow in biology. (3/22)
- The Ford is fairly transparent, and it does look like some Fellowships have been awarded. http://nrc58.nas.edu/FordFellowDirect/Main/Directory.aspx?Report=5&SortKey=2014
- It looks (as my perusal shows) as though hardly any humanities students have been awarded fellowships (except for one Latin American History). There are still 21 left to go out, so I'm going to continue to hope that most humanities offers haven't been made yet!
- I received an acceptance late Friday afternoon (for sociology, dissertation completion). The award offer states you have one week to accept or decline. The directory of fellows seems to grow longer as more people accept (Friday there were 14 and now the list is about 36 people long). It's my guess that after they sort out who's accepting, they'll make another round of notifications and may actually be able to avoid a long alternate list. So not all hope is lost...I'd also like to add that Ford has rejected me twice before, once at the predoctoral level and last year for dissertation completion. I almost didn't apply this year. If this year is not your year, keep applying! Good luck to all!
- Looks like rejections started going out on Grad Cafe.
- Received an email saying I'm an alternate (3/24 5:30 PM). They expect to make the decision in a month from now, but... "If we do not contact you again, unfortunately we are unable to offer you a fellowship this year." (x6)
- Question for alternates: what field are you in?
- History
- Chemistry
- Sociology
- Communication
- Official rejection email received today (3/24). (x3)
- Honorable Mention (3/24) Oh well, I tried. (x2)
- Called to ask about alternate status. Field of humanities has two slots, it is extremely rare that they would NOT be accepted by the two finalists.
- I called as well. History/philosophy is closed
Curious as to whether any alternates have received an award? It is now about a month after the first set of alternates were notified, I believe. (4/23).
- Never received an email at all. Emailed them on 4/30 and now is 5/30 and it seems they forgot completely about my application. The odd thing is that even now there isn't a list of winners or honorable mentions on the site.
- Ford is pretty responsive. Are you sure you used the correct email address? Either way, a quick phone call would work.
- The winner and honorable mention lists have been updated. http://sites.nationalacademies.org/PGA/FordFellowships/PGA_084507
- In response to the original question, I was an alternate who was later selected as a winner. It doesn't happen often, but it does happen. So future alternates, don't get too down on yourself. You never know what will happen. Good luck!
Ford Predoctoral Fellowship[]
Frank M. Cushing Science Policy Fellowship[]
A fellowship for marine science postdoctoral scholars and doctoral candidates interested in bridging the gap between science and policy by spending a year in Washington DC researching, developing and advocating for research and sound ocean policy.
Frederick Douglass Institute Predoctoral Fellowship[]
- Deadline: December 31, 2013
- Applied x 2
Any word on this one? When do folks typically find out?
- Radio silence
- I have heard nothing (x2) (4/3).
- Called and was informed that applicants will be notified by next week.
- People were supposed to be notified this week (week of 4/6) but I've heard nothing and its (4/11)
- It seems from years past that they usually notify their candidates pretty late, if at all
- rejection. can't say I am surprised. the shabby application process and the long unprofessional wait. (x2)
Frick Collection Andrew Mellon Curatorial Fellowship[]
Did anyone apply for this (now the Anne Poulet Curatorial Fellowship)?
- Yes. I believe interviews are taking place this week.
Fulbright IIE[]
- Recommended by National Screening Committee for grant, pending host country program sponser approval. 1/28 (x4)
- Accepted for Brazil (4/14)
- Accepted for Benin (4/21)
Fulbright-Hays DDRA[]
- 9/3: Any news from campus reps?
- 9/3: My campus rep said she hasn't heard anything yet and doesn't know when we will hear from FH.
- 9/11 From what applicants are saying on another forum, the results may be sent out on Friday 9/13. This does not seem to be official.
- 9/11 My campus rep said soon, but did not define soon. this week? next?
- 9/12 My campus rep also said soon but had no new info on an actual date. The grant period starts Oct. 1 and last year they sent out notification on Sept. 7. I can't imagine it would be later than this week but who knows?
- Thank you guys for trying to get info from your campus reps, anyways! I think process would be a lot easier if they just let us know when we would know, so I wouldn't spend every day on edge...
- 9/13, 2:30 EST, Campus rep says no news yet--check back next week.
- What a nightmare. (x5)
- 9/16 no news here. (x3)...but it still seems a bit early (11:40 Eastern). If they could tell us Monday morning wouldn't they have told us Friday afternoon?
- 9/16 9:20 Pacific: my campus rep has heard nothing.
- 9/16 As of 2:30 Eastern, my rep had no news to report; just said no one said anything except September.
- Is anyone bold enough to call Stephanie McKissic in Washington on all of our behalf? (not me!)
- ^ I did Friday afternoon and this morning... rang to voicemail.
- ↑ Thank you for that! I guess I wouldn't answer my phone either if I was her.
- Out of curiosity, has anyone tried emailing anyone at Fulbright-Hays directly?
- 9/17 in AM: Still no news. Will we hear today?
- 9/17 9:00 a.m.: I emailed them directly. Will post if they respond.
- Looks like today's not the day either. The neglect is starting to hurt my feelings (x3!).
9/17 3:51 Pacific: according to some on GradCafe forum, notices are going out now!
- Do notifications come from campus reps or from Fulbright directly?
- - got an email from campus rep.
- - I also just go the e-mail notification from my campus rep.
9/18, 1pm east coast, no news. anyone else with no news? (x2)
9/18, 1pm midwest. argh!!!!! no news. campus rep says in the past it has taken them several days to announce to unis across the country.
9/18, 130pm midwest. i think this is an absurd notification system. nothing here.
9/18, those who heard, can you tell us what University? none of my friends at other Uni's have heard either...
It may have to do with start date (just guessing). I was notified yesterday evening that I got the award and my start date is October 15. I'm one who posted on the gradcafe. Not sure about start date of the other person. Did you all contact your campus reps? Or have you just not heard from them?
9/18, I just called my rep. She told me over the phone, if folks are anxious might be worth just giving your rep a call. Pretty stiff competition this year, our campus only got 1..we usually do pretty well. Good luck All
9/18 I don't think it has to do with start date. My start date is April, and I found out yesterday.
9/18 This is torturous. Our rep says still no news and that he/she would forward us information immediately. Only select schools have heard then?
- 9/18 Sorry you guys are still waiting. I was notified by my campus rep late on 9/17, I'm at a University of California
9/19 anyone still out there with nada?
- yes.
9/19, 1030 EST, received notification from NYU
9/19, 1330 EST, For those who heard so far, have notifictions come in the morning? Searching for a pattern seems futile, but I'll probably be more productive today if I just stop checking e-mail (and have a reason to do it!)
9/19 7 EST Are there still any schools that haven't heard? Would it just be schools that didn't have anyone accepted? It's just to bizarre to me that they take so long to send out notifications.
- 9/19 22:25 EST Yes, my school's still waiting. Couldn't tell you whether or not it's because we didn't have anyone accepted.
9/20 9amEST i suppose it's dumb to hope any acceptances will come today...
9/20 9:20 EST Waiting blows. Perhaps I should just accept game over.
9/20 1015 EST Has anyone gotten a notification today? Are they still going out? Or should we give up.
9/20 noon EST. Keep the faith folks! It seems they do it university by university. It's a clusterfuck of a system, but don't make it personal. I'm still waiting too and trying to keep my mind off it. People who have heard and disclosed on here and GradCafe have been of all stripes- accepted, rejected, and alternate- so I think it's an institutional thing and not a selection one.
9/22 10:30 EST. So I'm hoping I get some kind of news tomorrow, but isn't it a little late in the game?
9/23 9:00 EST Anyone from Harvard heard anything?
9/23 Please post if you hear any news today. I think everyone who received the grant has been notified.
9/24 so, i think that clearly awards, rejections, and alternates have been awarded. it's not just awards. the problem really is, what about those of us at schools whose program officers haven't been contacted?!
9/24 (i.e. 6 days before the close of the budget allocation), 10:00 EST. I have decided to reject the award if I am given it out of principle. Who's with me????? (x2)
9/24 I think either they forgot about my school or no one here got it.
9/26 Is anyone else here an alternate? I wonder if they have upgraded any alternates?
10/1 - I am an alternate and have not heard. Have others? >> This is the alternate who wrote on 9/26. If you do hear anything, please post! I feel like we may never hear with the federal government now being shut down, if this goes on for more than a few days.
- 10/4 - I'm an alternate and still haven't heard anything. I believe the end date is Oct. 7, so after that no awards will be made.
- 10/4 - I've heard nothing at all, which seems to me that means it's a no go, although I would appreciate at least that rejection letter. With the shut-down there's no telling now. Anyone have any news?
- 10/9--I am also an alternate. My campus rep said that they were going to start filtering through on 10/1, right when the govt shut down. Office has been closed since then, so who knows.
- 10/18--The govt. is now open again, so if any alternates hear anything from DOE/their reps, or if anyone gets their scores back, could you please post? (This is the alternate who wrote on 9/26)
- 10/23 Found out today I got bumped up from Alternate to Principal. My campus rep only heard confirmation today.
- 11/19 Does anyone know what the point cutoff was? Just received the score reports. One reviewer gave me 93 and one 100 (and I didn't get it.)
Gaius Charles Bolin Fellowships, Williams College[]
- Deadline: November 15, 2013
- Applied x10
- Emailed letter of receipt for application--review begins immediately and concludes mid-jan (11/25)
- Heard depts have submitted their nominees to selection committee, which is moving to the short-list by end of January, and decision after that. (12/31)
- Rejection received via email (1/16) x7
- My letter, at least, indicated that I had not made it to the semifinals. (Does that mean that the departments to which I applied did not forward my name as one of their picks?? I assume so.)
- Rejection received via email (2/10)
- My letter indicated that I had made it through the semifinals and then to a very short list of finalists. They said, "The final cut had less to do with the caliber of applications than with the “fit” of certain scholarly interests with our plans for staffing and the curriculum in the coming year." x2
Getty Library Research Grant[]
Getty Pre- and Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
- I know the deadline just passed, but has anyone heard anything yet? 11/13
- I applied last year-we have a long way to go before we hear anything.
- It will be at least six months before there is any hint of notification. And sometimes when they do make intitial notifications, they do not make it clear whether you are actually shortlisted or not. Be prepared for a serious wait/uncertainty period.
- Are interviews via phone or in person?
- I don't believe there are any interviews at all.
- Applied x4
- Received offer of award 2/7 by email (Pre-Doc)
- Was that offer for the pre or postdoc? Has anyone else heard?
- No word yet x4 (2/15)
- Last year they emailed applicants outside the US and mailed letters to those inside the US. Not sure if they're doing the same thing or have fully switched to email.
- I know of a US-based predoc who has already learned of an award, I assume via either email or phone. [2/10]
- Anyone know of any postdoc notifications? (2/20)
- Rejection letter for pre-doc received via email (2/25)
- Rejection letter for pre-doc received via email (2/26) (x3)
- Still no word yet (2/26) (x2)
- Just received rejection (3/14). Guess I must have been an alternate but now the list is finalized?
- Same here, just got a rejection email today. (3/14) (x2)
- Still haven't heard anything about predoc app (3/23)
Harry Frank Guggenheim Foundation Dissertation Fellowship[]
- Does anybody know if it's worth applying to this if I was previously rejected last year? The guidelines don't specifically forbid previous applicants, but I noticed they do ask if we've previously applied...
- I know at least one person who applied 2009-2010 and was rejected, only to be awarded the fellowship the following year (2011-2012). So, it is possible.
- Applied x 8
- Just received e-mail confirming that my application is complete. (02/20) (x5)
- Received e-mail saying they didn't have my recommendation letter. Was able to fix it and they sent me an email saying my application is complete (02/26) (x2)
- Hey, does anybody know how many people apply for this fellowship? 8-10 are awarded each year, but I haven't been able to find any information on the number of applicants. Thanks.
- According to the grant website they are offering at least 10 grants this year.
- If the pattern from the past few years holds, we should find out this coming week, probably on Tuesday or Wednesday. I have my fingers crossed. Good luck to everyone else!
- any news? nothing here yet 6/10/2014 at 5PM CST / 6 EST x3
- No news as of 6 EST 06/10/14. I logged onto my account, and it looks the same as before as far as I remember. It just says "Process: Dissertation Fellowship" and "Application: Submitted." x5
- 6/11/2014 Update (1:30PM EST) - still nothing. Tempted to call and ask for an update? Has anyone called already?
- 6/11/2014 Nothing here either. Let us know if a call yields anything (1:42 PM EST). Ditto 5:30pm EST.
- 6/12/2014 any updates, anyone? (9:20 AM EST).
- 6/12/2014: I called, and they said the board meeting would be early next week and notifications would be sent out by mid-week (Wednesday or Thursday). (10:10 AM EST)
- 6/12/2014 Thanks for the update! And good luck everyone! (10:42 AM EST) x5
- 6/17/2014 Nothing so far. BTW does anyone know what the chances are of getting this at a non-US university (UK, good (not top ten)? x1
- 6/18/2014 11:40EST - still nothing.
- 6/18/2014 11:45 EST - I just called. They are sending out the decisions today! Good luck, folks.
- 6/18/2014 11:49 CST - Just received rejection via email. x7
Heanon Wilkins Fellowship, Miami University of Ohio[]
- Anyone heard anything from Miami University? Aplied and haven't heard anything as of April 14th...
- My application still says in progress. Seems like a long wait for consideration given review started March 5. Assuming they have have already nailed their short list down but would be interested to hear what others think?
Henry Roe Cloud Dissertation Writing Fellowship in American Indian and Indigenous Studies[]
Rejection 9:30am Pacific Time via email today 5/5/14
IHR Mellon Fellowship[]
Five Dissertation Fellowships in the humanities are offered to candidates, who wish to spend time in the UK carrying out archival research for their dissertations.
- Applied x 6
- Did anyone else apply to this? Judging from last year, it looks like notifications should go out next week. But that's based on an n of 1.
- I hope it is a good sign that none of the 4 people here heard from the IHR last week. Perhaps they actually mean early May.
- Last year they notified everyone on 4 April.
- The timeframe for this award has become very difficult to anticipate. If I'm not mistaken, applications were due later and decisions were sent out earlier for last year's pool than for the current pool.
- Does anyone have any idea how many people typically apply for this fellowship?
- Accepted for the pre-dissertation version (4/10)
- Movement. Congratulations! x3
- What time did you receive this notice?
- As a matter of curiosity (and a smidge of paranoia), did anyone receive notices from the application system when reference letters were uploaded?
- I did not receive any such notices from the IHR.
- Thanks!
- (4/23) Still no word?? I was certain we would hear something early this week considering those I know who received the award last year. Hopefully soon!
- Rejected (4/24/14). Email came around 7:30am EST/12:30 GMT. x3
- 96 applied and 5 were awarded.
Illinois Institute of Technology Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Philosophy[]
Ithaca College Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellowship[]
- Applied x8
- any call backs or requests for documents or word from references?
- Writing sample requested at the end of December/online interview offered mid-January.
- For what department was the writing request?>English/Creative Writing Dept.
- On campus interview requested (2/14) with MLL
- On campus interview requested (2/21)
- Remember seeing a page saying that they were planning to complete selections by the end of January (although that page seems to have disappeared now). Have not heard back directly or via references, so assuming I was not selected based on the previous poster's mid-Jan interview.
- Rejection email received (2/15) x 3
- Curious, to which departments did folks who received the rejection e-mail apply? I have yet to hear anything about this.
- Theatre
Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship[]
The Jack Kent Cooke Dissertation Fellowship Award supports advanced doctoral students who are completing dissertations that further the understanding of the educational pathways and experiences of high-achieving, low-income students. We seek to provide funding for doctoral candidates whose work informs and advances the following populations/aspects of our mission:
- high-achieving students from low-income backgrounds, and/or
- students who demonstrate the potential for achievement, and/or
- the conditions that promote high achievement (e.g., school settings, interventions, policies).
- Applied x 4
- Haven't heard back (5/9/14) (x2 5/19/14)
Josephine de Karman Fellowship[]
- I'm thinking about applying to this fellowship, but I'm a little unsure what can this fellowship money be spent on? Research supplies only? Or, can you use these funds to pay for conference travel, books, a personal laptop, etc.? I've called Judy (de Karman secretary) multiple times asking, but still no word. Any help from previous winners or those who know would be much appreciated!
- I think this is a dissertation-year stipend, isn't it? I'm not sure which instructions you're reading, but my understanding is this is a stipend for living, tuition, fees, and so on (including presumably any research costs). I don't think it's very restrictive.
- Does anyone know if we will be receiving confirmation that our packages arrived and/or that everything was properly submitted? I forgot to ask for a tracking number at the post office and don't see any way to check online.
- For whatever reason, asking for a tracking number isn't helping - I had to ask to confirm that it arrived, as it didn't show otherwise.
- Applied x10
- Just called and got a message that selections will be made April 19th. Apparently all winners will hear that day. If you don't hear on the 19th, the implication will apparently be that you have not received a fellowship. So we should know soon!
- Thanks for this info! Ah well, we'll see what happens... (x3)
- I guess today is the day, right? I'm pretty sure I won't be hearing anything, so will one of the lucky awardees please let the rest of us know when you get a call/email? (x6)
- I'd be a little surprised if notification came on a Saturday, but perhaps that's how they operate over there. My instinct is that we'll hear on Monday.
- I had this thought, too, but then I also called earlier this week and got the same message as above. Judy said that the review committee is getting together one last time on April 19 and she would contact the winners that day...weird though that it's a Sat!
- I looked back at the old announcements, and they always did come on Saturday. Usually it seems around 4pm EST.
- It is 6pm EST and no email or call yet. Is it about time to throw in the towel? It seems that they call at 4pm EST or earlier. Anyone hear anything yet?
- I haven't heard anything either (3pm mountain time), but don't throw in the towel yet. They're located in San Dimas, CA, right? So it's only 3pm still there...maybe another hour or so?
- How possible is it that no one who checks this page received one? Also, I have called their office as late as 8pm Pacific (twice) and had the secretary answer, so it's conceivable this could go later than normal business hours.
- I supppose it's fully possible no winners check this page - there are only about 8 selected each year, right?
- Yeah and half those go to senior undergrads, who might not check a dissertation fellowships wiki.
- A friend of mine heard that he got it at around 5 pm.
- Rejected. 5.40pm on 4/19. I just called them. The woman said the committee just finished making the selections. But she said she would look up for me, and she said that I was not selected. I am from an R1 in Southern California. Communication.
- Accepted via email 4:30pm on 4/19. (x2)
- Chosen as an alternate via mail (end of April)
Knauss Marine Policy Fellowship[]
Lehigh University Pre-Doctoral/Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Latin American Studies[]
Lake Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship[]
The Lake Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship supports emerging scholars studying subjects related to faith and giving in a variety of academic fields. Fellows:
- Receive three stipend payments totaling $22,000;
- Attend a meeting of the Lake Institute Advisory Board and meet with its Research Committee;
- Are invited to special research-focused Lake Institute engagements;
- Have the opportunity to take advantage of the Lake Institute’s resources and expertise;
- And share their research through information on our website and citations in our seminars.
Applicants must:
- Be candidates for a Ph.D. degree at a graduate school in the United States;
- Fulfill a pre-dissertation requirement by December 31 of the year applying, including approval of the dissertation proposal with the expectation that the dissertation will be completed no later than July of the year following the fellowship grant year;
- Have not received a similar grant or fellowship for writing of the dissertation.
- http://www.philanthropy.iupui.edu/lake-institute-doctoral-dissertation-fellowship
- For more information contact Lake Institute at lfi@iupui.edu
Lemmermann Award[]
This should say Lemmermann Award, not sure how the title got deleted... [replaced 4/19]
- Applied 3/15 - anyone else? x1
- Rejected 5/6 x2
Lewis and Clark Fund for Exploration and Field Research[]
Anyone else applied?
- They are supposed to have a decision by May 2014, but there is no specified date. Anyone rejected yet?
Library Company Of Philadelphia Dissertation Fellowships[]
- Applied for Albert M. Greenfield Foundation Dissertation Fellowship x1
- Received offer for Mellon Scholars Dissertation Fellowship
- Rejects- 196 applicants, 28 awards (and most of them short-term ones) x1
Louisville Institute Dissertation Fellowship[]
The Dissertation Fellowship program is designed to support the final year Ph.D. or Th.D. dissertation writing for students engaged in research pertaining to North American Christianity, especially projects with the potential to strengthen the religious life of North American Christians and their institutions, including seminaries, while simultaneously advancing American religious and theological scholarship.
- -Inquired via email and learned that the committee with meet in early to mid-April and that decisions will be out by the end of April.
- -Applied
-Called April 7 and they said decisions would be sent out by the end of the week
- Received rejection letter (4/14), committee met last Monday (4/7). 90 applicants.
- -Has anyone who was notified by e-mail that they received a fellowship received a letter yet? Or were only declines received today?
Mabelle McLeod Lewis Memorial Fund Grants (for Nor-Cal schools only)[]
Applied; haven't heard anything (3/6) (6x)
any knowledge of when decisions have been given in the past ? (3/14)
- Looks like 3/19 last year for acceptances and 3/25 for rejections.
No word yet either way 3/17 5pm pst
- Rejected via email, 3/17 8:30 pm (x4) Weird time to notify people. <-- I guess St Paddy's night is a good time for us to celebrate this with beer...
- Yup, rejected via email same time. And a Happy St. Paddy's to you, as well. :(
- ditto the above, save the remarks about st patrick.
- Argh, thought this was my safety option... <--Don't give up. Despite getting rejected, I got another fellowship that is much more competitive and prestigious than this one, and I know someone else from last year who got rejected for this one but then got an ACLS/Mellon. You never know what happens in the room, or what the funding priorities are from year to year. Best of luck! [Thanks for the kind words! Fingers crossed for a scenario like these.]
I have not received an email, yet (3/18 8am PST). Anyone else also still waiting for a reply?
- Still waiting as well (3/18, 2pm PST) <-- I have just been told that acceptance letters will be sent out tonight
- Funding offer received (3/18 8:30pm PST)
Marilyn Yarbrough Dissertation Fellowship (Kenyon College)[]
- Closes: Dec 15, 2013
- Application URL: https://employment.kenyon.edu/applicants/Central?quickFind=50932
- Applied x7
- What fields are represented here, just out of curiosity?
- Religious Studies
- History x2
- Philosophy x2
- Art history
- Anyone heard anything? I know that phone interview invitations tend to be sent out around now. I've got radio silence, though.
- Nothing here. I was actually wondering the same thing...
- Also nothing. I'm not sure we will get much info with only 4 of us.
- Nothing here either (2/7). I can't find any info on the website to give any kind of time frame for responses.
- Nothing here (2/10)
- They've done phone interviews and are doing on-campus visits during the next two weeks (2/14)
- Rejection email received (2/26) x7
Marquette Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship[]
The primary aim of theArnold L Mitchem Dissertation Fellowship Program is to help increase the presence of currently underrepresented racial and cultural groups in the U.S. professoriate by supporting doctoral candidates as they complete the final academic requirement, the dissertation.
- finalists have been invited for campus interviews (2/13)
- fellowship accepted (3/22)
Mary Isabel Sibley Fellowship (French)[]
Rejection received via email 4/24
McNeil Center for Early American Studies Fellowships[]
Applied (x5)
I'm proud of the quiet dignity of applicants for this fellowship while other threads that shall remain nameless have descended into misinformation and panic. Good luck to all!
- Does anyone have an idea of when we will hear about this? (Sorry to break the streak of quiet dignity.)
- That was supremely dignified! I'm eager to know too but have nothing to add beyond camaraderie. The confirmation email suggests they're unusually open to answering questions about application status if you can't wait any longer, but I bet we'll hear by the end of the week.
- I overheard from someone on the committee that they are meeting on Friday to discuss the applications. I'm not sure if this is to make the final determinations or not, but I think we'll probably hear at the end of the week. Good luck to everyone!
- Rec'd email rejection tonight (4/7) x3. Some nice lines about how competitive it was this year (80+ apps).
- Wait listed by email on night of 4/7. If anyone who has been accepted is fortunate to have other good options for next year, please decline, pretty please!!
- Emailed with acceptance (4/7) x2
Metropolitan Museum of Art, Art History Fellowship Program[]
Has anyone heard anything yet? Or is it always the first week of March, right before the 7th?
- Email rejection (2/21) x4
- Award offered by email (2/21); originals to arrive later this week.
- Rejection received via email (2/26) (x3)
Miller Center Fellowship in Politics and History (UVA)[]
- Applied x 8
- Any idea on when we can expect to hear back?
- anyonen heard? (3/25) <-- they plan to send out offers/rejections towards the end of this week.
- They typically let applicants know in late March (around the 22-25th, according to previous years)
- nothing yet (3/18)
- still nothing (3/21). Has anyone heard back?
- Not a peep! I was really expecting to hear something today.
- The email I got when I submitted my application said finalists would be contacted by May 1. Is there a reason people are expecting to hear sooner/this week?
- The webpage says "Applicants will be notified of the selection committee's decision by April1, 2014." Not sure which one is correct...
- I contacted the Miller Center last week and received the following response on Sunday (23 March): "I expect that notifications will go out this week, probably mid-week."
- But still nothing... (3/28) (x4)
- Still nothing (3/31)
- And still no word (4/1) (x6)
- I have a feeling this ship has sailed :(
- When I asked weeks ago, I received this answer: "On our website we say that fellows will be notified by April 1st. There is a possibility it will be before then, but absolutely no later than that date."
- Which means that they most likely sent out award letters/emails to successful applicants by now. Perhaps they are expecting a few successful applicants to decline the fellowship, which would mean offering it to other applicants and only when they have sufficient confirmations will rejection letters/emails go out.
- Called today (4/2). Response was that decisions should be out by week's end.
- (4/4) rejection letter received. x5
- noted that there were 124 applicants x5
MTSU Underrepresented Minority Dissertation Fellowship[]
applied x1
interviews completed (5/1)
NAEd/Spencer Dissertation Fellowship[]
- applied x3
- some of you can find the first round result in your applicant portal, under application status.
- what does status: drafting mean?
- Thanks for the info. Rejected x 3 (2/15). **It says the "status" was updated "20 days ago" which means this decision came through before the end of Jan... why not send notices to applicants then who do not make it through the first round, so we can move on? Seems strange to me to just have to stumble on this info. (2/18)
- second the question on what does status "drafting" in applicant portal mean? (x4)
- RE: Drafting the response I got was there is a problem with their system, but if you received a confirmation email when you submitted your app, then your app is with them and reviewed.
- How do i get to the applicant portal? There is no link on the website and my old link doesn't work...
- i went to https://www.gdg.do/prod1/portal/portal.jsp?c=4348801&p=4739686&g=4741168&d=4741168
- Rejected by email (3/4). They said they have identified a pool of finalists, there were over 400 applications, and expecting to fund 25. (x4)
- Second round, notified by email (3/4). Out of 400 apps, 61 accepted to second round. 25-30 finalists to be announced in a month (x2)
- Does anyone know when final decisions come in? Looks like last year it was April 17th, but the letter for the second round read "in a month" (from 3/4)...
- My second round email said the notifications would be in by early May.
- I heard they're deciding now - at AERA
- Gosh, wish they'd let us know sooner (if they decided last weekend)!
- Heard they met on Monday and tuesday in Philadelphia after AERA... we should hear soon!
- The online portal says my app was last edited two days ago! Does anyone see changes in their portal too? My status still says drafting...
- I just checked. Mine reads last edited 3 days ago and "drafting" as well. Well if they met already, I sure hope we hear before May.
- Got an e-mail 4/10 asking for missing info in my app, and it says "Decisions should be forthcoming in the near future." Eek!
- Just recd. an email - 30 awards were made this year. All the best everyone! (x3)
- Acceptance email, 4/15. (x3) and snail mail 4/17 (x1)
- 4/16: Haven't heard a thing. Is anyone else in my boat? Has anyone gotten a rejection?
- I know a finalist who did get a rejection letter. perhaps they have a waitlist? if that's the case, the acceptance email asked for a confirmation of acceptance or a decline by april 23 so I assume you'd hear shortly after that!
- 4/17: I heard back positively this afternoon. Not sure if I was on a waiting list or if they sent out the decisions in waves (1x)
National Gallery of Art CASVA Pre-Doctoral Fellowship []
- Applied for 12-Month Chester Dale x7
- 3yr Paul Mellon x1
- Robert and Clarice Smith
- 3 yr Finley x1
- Ittleson x1
- Does anyone know when they'll be making calls for interviews? I thought the application said mid-January, but I could be wrong. If it is next week, good luck to everyone!
- Last year they contacted interviewees on January 14 via phone call, so hopefully it will be around the same time this year.
- It's January 14th - anyone hear anything?
- Not yet x12 -- sigh
- I called and was informed that calls for interviews have not been made, and that they will be contacting people via email in the next couple of weeks.
- Hmm, that seems a bit bizarre, since in-person interviews have been conducted in past years within the first two weeks of February, and only rejections are typically sent by email. Hate to sound completely pessimistic or to doubt your story, but is it possible that calls were made this week (and none of us got one), and by calling to ask you made it clear that you hadn't received a call (and thereby an interview)... and so rather than basically reject you over the phone, they just told you that you'd get an email in a few weeks? If you could clarify exactly what was said, that might dispel any false hope! Thanks in advance.
- Yeah, I thought of that after I got off the phone! You're probably right. It was a quick talk. Not much more to report except that the woman on the phone didn't skip a beat when I asked her if calls had been made. "No, not yet, emails will go out in the next few weeks."
- Thanks for clarifying! Sigh. Would be a bit horrifying if they just lied to you without hesitation... but not outside the realm of possibility. So we continue to wait :(
- Any news? Anyone?
- Just got a call inviting me to an interview Feb 6-7 in DC (at 4:30pm EST January 21) <---this disappeared off the wiki but is visible when you try to edit. Is this for real?
- Yes, for real I got a call yesterday afternoon. (x1) I'm sorry that it disappeared, it's proabably because I edited it again to add the time and date which somehow messed things up.
- 1/22: Called for interview x 3
- Would you mind sharing your field and which fellowship you applied for?
- Ittleson x1
- 2/3: Emailed letter of rejection x 3
Post interview acceptances or rejections?
- 2/10 Called with acceptance
- Anyone else with news? For those accepted, which fellowship were you up for? (not a finalist, just curious)
- 2/11 Post-interview email telling me that I've been named an alternate. Mailed letter to follow.
National Science Foundation (NSF)[]
- applied for cultural anthropology January 2014
- received "not competitive" email on April 8, 2014
- applied for Science, Technology, & Society Feb 2014 x2
- received "high priority" for Science, Technology and Society
NIFA Postdoctoral/Dissertation Fellowship[]
- Applied in February, applications due on the 20th. Still no word as of June 23d.
Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study Graduate Fellowship[]
- -03/07 heard back, was not selected: "although your application raised interest among reviewers, other applications were considered more competitve," etc etc
Predoctoral Fellowship for Excellence through Diversity (UPenn)[]
Deadline: March 1, 2014
Applied (x6)
- Did anyone receive an application confirmation?
- After sending a message asking if all of my materials had been received, I got a reply stating that they were in the process of gathering all the materials from each applicant and that they'd let me know if anything was missing.
- Perfect! Thanks so much.
- I wonder when we will hear anything? (04/07) I didn't see anything about it from last year. Hope everyone is well...
- Two years ago, applicants were notified during the first week of May. I'm not sure about last year though.
- I had a friend that applied -- the timeline was the same. We should all expect early May.
- When did the interview take place last year? Or was there an interview at all?
- I recieved an e-mail stating I made the final round but did not receive the fellowship on 04/23. It was very supportive, which was nice for a rejection.
- Best of luck to the winners! Penn seems like a great place. Very kind people.
- Is anyone still waiting to hear back? I haven't heard anything yet...
Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation/ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in Buddhist Studies[]
Did anyone apply for this?
- Yes, but I haven't heard anything yet. (3/19)
- I also haven't heard (3/31). The website says we'll be informed in May.
Notification of nomination for the fellowship. (4/4)
- Ditto nomination notification (4/4)
- So if I haven't heard anything, does that mean I am out? (4/5)
Phillips Exeter Academy Dissertation Year Fellowship[]
Phillips Exeter Academy seeks to support the academic and career development of doctoral students, and promote diversity and lively intellectual exchange on its campus by offering a Dissertation Year Fellowship that will support PhD candidates in the completion stage of their dissertation.
This one year assignment will provide a $14,000 stipend, research and travel funds of up to $1,000, room & board, benefits, access to our facilities and resources, as well as professional development opportunities. [1] fellows are welcome to participate in most aspects of school life, and to share their work/research with the community during their residency. Fellows do not have prescribed duties during the residency, and shall not have any other full- or part-time job.
The fellowship is open to all disciplines. Candidates who are interested in potentially teaching in an independent school setting, and who are underrepresented in higher education, are particularly encouraged to apply.
- Applicants should have completed their research and be prepared to devote full time to writing their dissertation.
- A Curriculum Vitae
- Two letters of reference, one of which should be from the dissertation advisor
- A brief statement of purpose (500 words) testifying to the appropriateness of the Fellowship
- A two to three page synopsis of the dissertation
- Completed Application for Dissertation Year Fellowship
If you are sending your materials electronically, PDF format is preferred to preserve document formatting, or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). Please email them as attachments to teaching_opportunities@exeter.edu You may also fax your documents to <a href="tel:[tel:(603)777-4393 (603)777-4393]">(603)[tel:777-4393 777-4393](603)777-4393</a>.
- Deadline for submission is March 1, 2014. For more information visit: http://www.exeter.edu
- Does anyone have a sense of what fields they favor for this?
- It's a pretty new fellowship, so I think it's still difficult to get an idea of preferred fields, if there's any in fact. But here's an article on the current fellows: http://www.exeter.edu/exeter_bulletin/12984_16205.aspx
Sarah Pettit Doctoral Fellowship (Yale)[]
Sigma Delta Epsilon - Graduate Women in Science Fellowship []
- Has anyone heard any news about this fellowship yet? Notifications were supposed to be sent out "before or on July 1" (7/1/2014 - noon, Mountain standard time). Thanks!
School For Advanced Research Weatherhead Fellowship[]
Sheng Yen Education Foundation Grant for PhD Dissertation Research[]
- Notification of award with reviewer reports by e-mail (4/18)
SSRC Drugs, Security and Democracy Fellowship[]
SSRC Pre-Dissertation Fellowship[]
- Threads from the Grad Cafe suggest acceptances for two sections, Immigrants and their Homeland Connections and Oceanic Studies, have been sent. Has anyone heard from other sections yet? Particularly State Building and Governance? (3/27)
SSRC Eurasia Program Dissertation Development Awards - CANCELLED[]
- This one isn't happening due to Congressional cuts to Title VIII funding.
SSRC International Research Fellowship[]
Threads from previous years suggest requests for additional information should be coming any day now. Has anyone heard anything yet? (1/31)
- When did you write this? I don't know what "any day now" means and I'd like to know too! (1/31)
- Sorry, added the date to my above post. I looked at the pages from previous years on this site and people reported getting transcript requests (via email) over the course of several days, from the end of Jan to the beginning of Feb, with rejection letters coming via snail mail in mid-Feb (Posted 1/31).
- Transcripts requested (2/4) x 5
- Rejection letter received via mail (2/8) x6
- For those who recieved transcript requests, any idea when final offers are made / rejections sent out? (3/3)
- - In a prior year, my acceptance notification came on 4/26. Good luck!
- Rejection by email (4/15). Stated that my application made it to the final round, but alas. A letter by post with the referees comments is forthcoming.
- - Notification of award by e-mail. (4/15) (x3)
Society for Historians of American Foreign Relations Dissertation Completion Fellowship (SHAFR)[]
Anyone hear about this fellowship? 4/23
Nothing yet. 5/10 (x3 5/18)
Smithsonian American Art Museum Fellowships[]
Reviews are currently underway. Notifications will be sent April 1, 2014.
Applied x 4
Have acceptance calls been made? [3/18]
- Acceptance calls were made last week
- Acceptance calls have not been made for the SAAM Pre-Doc Fellowships. I contacted the Fellowship Corrdinator and she confirmed that the Fellowship Committee will meet next week. I hope this helps clear up confusion. [3/19] <= thank you for checking
- 4/2 After an email received this back from a SAAM coordinator: "The notifications were supposed to go out yesterday from the central Smithsonian Office of Fellowships and Internships, but apparently they’ve been slightly delayed. My apologies for this. I am hopeful they will go out today or tomorrow at the very latest. If you want to email siofi@si.edu (the main office) to ask your status directly, you are welcome to do so."
- Rejection email (4/2)
Stanford Humanities Center Fellowships (Whiting, Geballe, Mellon, Liebermann)[]
- This is in-house only.
- Received email notification of Mellon Fellowship (3/13)
United States Institute for Peace (USIP) Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Dissertation Program[]
- Applied x2
- Interested in this one but no idea when they'll notify applicants...would love to know if anyone hears from them.
- Just checked their website and they say they'll notify applicants in early May. Apparently this is also the last year the dissertation scholars program will be active! That's too bad.
- waiting to hear from them too...my last dissertation grant hope...
- sent an email requesting timeline update to the program coordinator, received reply 5/3: "We are not able to make any announcements until late May." guessing that this may mean that acceptances have been sent, and they are waiting for return confirmations. Congratulations to those who received a positive result!
- Hi, thank you for the information. How does late May announcement mean the acceptance letters have been sent already? There is no forum where i saw someone sarying they got the letter. or they may be no forum at all for USIP dissertation fund.
- In past years, USIP notified all appliants on the same day, usually on a Monday or Tuesday during the 2nd week of May. So, it's very unlikely they would change course this year and notify some but not others.
- The government shutdown likely affected the USIP decision timeline, as it has for some other federal granting agencies.
- The website says "We expect to announce the winners of the Peace Scholarships in early May." This leads me to believe that they have already sent out word to winners.
- It's only May 5, still early May. I'm saving my anxiety for next week.
- I do wonder if they're behind schedule. The website looks the same as ever. Anyone hear as of May 16?
- I have not heard anything. One person above mentioned an email exchange with the program coordinator. This leads me to think that USIP may notify late May -- despite the line on the website.
- notified of award (5/20)
- Is there anybody else notified? are the selected ones sent first?
- Notified that my application was not chosen, 5/20. If the awardees were notified first, the difference was a few hours at the most.
- I have not heard anything as of 5/21
- Rejection (5/21) (x2)
- Rejection 5/21 2PM EST; email noted that only 5 applicants were chosen to receive the grant (from a pool of 140 applicants). This is half the number of awarded grants, as compared to years' past. Wishing all applicants luck!
University of California, Santa Barbara Black Studies Dissertation Fellowship[]
Applied x 3
- Received confirmation 3/17 that application was received via e-mail
- Does anyone know who the head of the search committee is? (4/4)
- No idea about the search committee head; on 3/20 I recieved an email notification that my application was received. At that time, the email stated that the committee was meeting within the next couple of weeks but I still haven't heard anything.
- Does anyone know if the responses will come by mail or email
- No idea. I couldn't find anything from years past.
- Pin and needles....
- This waiting is hardcore...it's almost May
- ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh just tell me! x2
- I am currently on the UCSB campus for a guest lecture. Is it inappropriate to go over and just ask when we might hear back? I don't want to be disrespectful
- Emailed notifcation of rejection (5/15) x 2
- Sigh, such an interesting place. Wish we could get some type of feedback. Congratulations to the winners!
University of Connecticut, Pre-doctoral In-Residence Fellowships[]
Applied x 3
Out of curiosity, to which institute did you apply?
- AASI x 2
Any one hear anything back yet?
- No confirmation or anything yet. Folks usually have phone interviews around this time though.
Any word? Anyone? Bueler?
- Phone interviews have been scheduled for the IAAS.
- Congratulations to the interviewed!
- offer letter 4/11
- if you don't mind me asking, from which institute did you receive an offer? and, did you have a phone/skype interview?
Has anyone else heard anything? Rejections or acceptances? (4/14)
- I applied to the Women Gender and Sexualities Studies Program but I haven't heard anything. I sent an email to Courtney Wiley on April 7 to ask when they would let applicants know the outcome but haven't heard anything back yet. (4/15)
Does anyone know how many applicants they received last year/this year?
Anyone have an idea of when we should hear back? (4/30)
University Fellows Program, University of Wisconsin-Platteville[]
- Applied x 1 - Gender & Sexuality
- Hi folks, does anyone know if this fellowship is being offered this year? Last year was five fellowships and deadline was February 24th, but I can't find anything for 2014-15. Also the Office of Diversity and Inclusion, which hosted this, no longer seems to exist. Any info. anyone?
- Deadlines were late this year. Two fellowships are being offered in specific areas/fields: one in Portuguese (deadline May 17) and one in Gender and Sexuality (deadline June 1).
- I called the office multiple times - no one was able to give me any info. I also emailed a couple of people, never heard back. Giving up on this one.
- They say the person in charge is on medical leave and nothing could happen until he/she comes back.
- That says a lot about the commitment to diversity. One person gone, it doesn't happen.
- Looks like there was a changeover in leadership at the Diversity and Inclusion office, at the least, a new Administrative Assistant and contact for this fellowship.
USF Ethnic Minority Dissertation Fellowship[]
Applied x 2
- Since this one requires applications by mail, did anyone get confirmation that your applications were received? How do I know if my application arrived safely in their hands?
- Rejection email received 4/4 "we have been unable to find an appropriate fit for your interests and experiences to fit within our current academic programs." I suppose they could have at least proofed their rejection emails :-/
UT-Austin AADS Dissertation Fellowship[]
UT-Austin Ransom Center Research Fellowships[]
Applied x1
Wenner Gren diss fieldwork research grant[]
- Applied for the 5/1 deadline, notified of advancement to second round 8/1
- email notification of advancement to second round 2/14 x3
- Does anyone have any idea what projects (specifically in physical anthro) got funded on the last round? WG never updated the list of recent grantees...
- Mine was funded in the October 2013 cycle and is a bioarchaeology project
Any news on final decisions??? It is later than usual already, for results...
- None here, but I emailed their office today to ask when decisions would be announced. No response yet. Will post if I hear anything.
- Oh please do! It is quite late for them... I wonder if they are planning to get results back before the next deadline or not (4/15)
This is the latest announcements have been made in several years...PLEASE LET US KNOW WHEN YOU HEAR BACK! (4/15)
- I just called them to ask if we would get more time to resubmit if notified after the deadline, and was told that we would definitely be notified before the deadline. He repeated it twice. (4/15)
- Any indication of when? (4/15) Of course not.
- rejected 4/16
Has anyone received an official acceptance yet? (4/22)
Nope. Got the "no need to reapply/send a revised budget" email on the 16th, nothing official yet. (4/24) * waiting to hear back from NSF now...
official notification 4/24
Winterthur Dissertation Fellowship[]
Applied (x1).
- (3/18) Recieved email notification that I was awarded a short term fellowship and was alternate for a one semester dissertation fellowship
- (3/20) Also received email notification that I was awarded a short-term fellowship
- (3/22) Have yet to hear anything (no msg. in inbox or spam folder), which I'm guessing is a bad sign.
Woodrow Wilson Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship in Women's Studies[]
1/9/14: Received email telling me my application was not a finalist. x3
- And here I thought that, since I didn't see it on the wiki for a long time, that somehow people would magically forget about this fellowship and I would be one of only a few to apply! :)
- so, they told me I was a finalist sometime in january. Just got an e-mail today (2/5) that I recieved a fellowship and will get the formal stuff in the mail. They asked for me to reply immediately to let them know if I accept or decline and fill out some questionaire, which leads me to believe there will still be more fellowships offered depending on how many of the first round of offers are accepted/rejected--but that is only speculation on my part.
Yale University - International Security Studies - Predoctoral Fellowship[]
- International Security Studies at Yale (ISS) awards up to two Smith Richardson Predoctoral Fellowships each spring. These fellowships begin each September with a term of one academic year.
- The Smith Richardson Predoctoral Fellowship is designed for advanced doctoral candidates from universities other than Yale. Awardees are given an opportunity to interact with the ISS community and take advantage of Yale’s unique academic resources. The fellowship targets students in the field of security studies, with an emphasis on international, diplomatic, or military history.
- Fellows must be in residence in New Haven or its environs during their fellowship year. Eligible candidates will have completed the archival research for their doctoral dissertation, and winners will be expected to use the award to make substantial progress in writing their dissertation. Applications from non-U.S. citizens are welcome, but successful applicants bear final responsibility for all immigration-related issues.
- The stipend is $24,000 per year, with an additional $3,000 in research expenses. ISS provides each fellow with shared office space and single membership in the Yale Health Plan if the fellow’s home institution does not provide transportable health coverage. Fellows will not be eligible for Yale financial aid or degrees, nor will they be allowed to take or teach classes.
- Please submit a vita, a 3-5-page research proposal (describing your work and how the fellowship will be used), transcripts, a short (no more than 50 page) writing sample, and three letters of reference (one should be from the applicant’s dissertation advisor) to: Igor Biryukov, Senior Administrative Assistant, International Security Studies, Yale University, PO Box 208353, New Haven, CT 06520-8353.
- The deadline for receipt of application materials is the first Friday of April. Finalists may be asked to visit Yale for an on-campus interview, or to participate in a telephone interview. Yale University is an AA/EOE. Female, minority, and handicapped candidates, and veterans are encouraged to apply.
- For more information e-mail Igor Biryukov.
- rejected 5/13