This page is for 2011-12 Fellowships!!!
See ALSO: Dissertation Fellowships 2012-2013
See ALSO: Humanities/Social_Sciences_Dissertation_Fellowships_2010-11
ACLS/Mellon Dissertation Completion Fellowship[]
Rejection by email 03/08 (x5)
- Letter noted that 70 fellowships were awarded, selected from a total of 1101 applicants.
offer by email 3/8 (x5)
- could those who received offers identify their field/sub-field?
- Medievalist
- Medievalist - English Language and Literature / Music
- I believe you can ask for readers' reports. May be more useful than know fields and sub-fields awarded. Also, ACLS web page will list those shortly.
- An ACLS employee just informed me that readers' reports can be made available, upon written request sent to, but not until at least May.
- FYI - Last year I asked, but was told that the readers didn't "designate any comments to be released." (Given the 1000+ apps, it's unsurprising they don't comment on them all....). That said, can't hurt to ask.
- For those of you who are very curious about the process: there are ALWAYS comments made by the reviewers. Some reviewers tend to write more detailed ones, while others reserve themselves to only one sentence. Results are in-place after the meeting which takes place in the middle of April. If you contact someone from ACLS the beginning of May. If you received the award, they will let you know; if not, you will hear that you should expect to receive the results by mail. Info from the primary source.
- Just want to add that I received hardy copies of the readers' reports when I applied to this a few years ago -- very brief but useful nonetheless.
- Does anyone know how many reviewers read each application?
- 3 reviewers
- Thanks, primary source person!
- Alternate for the ACLS here. Any insights into when they are in a position to announce awards to alternates, if any? What is the deadline for accepting the awards? It seems highly improbable given the current market that anyone would turn down the grant!
- Deadline for accepting awards 3/31
- (Have heard about one person who is turning down the grant this year.)
- Hi, I was an alternate for a different ACLS diss. fellowship last year and got off the waitlist 2 weeks after I heard of my alternate status--I was notified via snail mail, nothing like bringing you back to college with the big vs. little envelope in the mailbox. You never know!
- ANOTHER alternate here: does anyone know how many alternates there are? A friend of mine at a different school got an offer, and he also has a tenure-track job starting this Sept., and he was able to postpone his job for a year in order to accept the ACLS. Very depressing... some people have it all! --> That's really a shame. The ACLS really needs to do something about this. I was an alternate 2 years ago and I knew 2 people who had completed their dissertations, deferred some sort of job or postdoc and accepted the ACLS. Unfortunately people are applying to this fellowship as a back up to their job search. However, decreasing the number of years one can be in grad school before applying doesn't work since schools have different coursework and teaching requirements (notably difference between public and private universities).
- I haven't yet received a rejection email nor have I received anything in the mail. The website says applicants will hear by the end of March. How is it that some of you have already heard?
- All notifications have been sent out as far as I know -- perhaps you should contact ACLS.
ACLS Dissertation Fellowship in Eastern European Studies[]
AAUW Dissertation Fellowship[]
Has anyone heard anything yet?? (4/11) -
-Haven't heard anything yet either. (4/11)
I went back and looked at the application instructions and it says they notify everyone on 4/15 and post winners on the website as well (4/11).
Last year they only notified winners on 4/15 and rejection letters came in the mail a few days later. Either way, check the website on the 15th (4/11).
The list is posted. (4/15)
- I have been selected as an alternate for the AAUW dissertation fellowship. I received notification via snail mail yesterday. Does anyone know how many alternates there are? or typically how many alternates make it off the wait list? (4/17)
- I have also been selected as an alternate, via snail mail today. Would definitely be interested if any one knows how many of us there are....(4/16)
- It's May 15th. Any alternates hear anything?
Any applicants out there? (Jan. 2013)
- Yes: 4
American Educational Research Association (AERA) Minority Fellowship Program in Education Research[]
Boston College African and African Diaspora Dissertation Fellowship[]
- (2/10) Email asking for name of dissertation advisor, mailing address, how I found out about the fellowship, and an Affirmative Action form to fill out... Anyone else receive this?
- (2/10) I also received this, but am pretty sure everyone does. I got the same email last year--I think they just want the info on file.
- Above poster: when did you hear the results last year? Did you find out via email or post? Thanks!
- They emailed people who didn't get the fellowship on April 5th last year (looks like they are staying on schedule this year too)
- rejection letter 4/6 x4
Carter G. Woodson Institute PreDoctoral Fellowship at UVA (African & African American)[]
- offer letter rec'd in mail (2/17)
- rejection letter received in mail, 2/17
- Anybody have any idea what the timeline for these is? I know the interviews have begun but have no idea when awards are decided.
- It seems that each school is different, as far as availability and timelines go. But ought we to assume that if we haven't yet been contacted, we're not in the running?
- I don't think we can assume that we're not still in the running. From last year's wiki page, people reported having been contacted in the past in March. Someone even in May (with an offer, which I assume was not an initial contact). I keep thinking about contacting the administrator of the program at DePauw to see if she has any words of wisdom, but I also don't want to rock the boat.
- I was contacted by one of the schools in December, given an on-campus interview in February but told someone else was selected in March. Don't know how the process works for every school though.
- The same thing happened to me (as above poster), but I haven't actually been notified I didn't get it yet. At this point, though, the length of time tells me I'm out of the running, would definitely appreciate a rejection tho....rejection received! (4/13)
- Does anyone know of any successful candidates on this front? It seems like there are a lot of positions offered, but aside from the 2 above searches, no one seems to have claimed anything...
- Any updates on these?
- I just learned that someone was selected for Macalester college this week. I haven't received word on my application either way. (3/23)
Chateaubriand Fellowship in the Humanities[]
3/25/2013: wondering when we'll hear anything. please update if you get any word! thanks in advance!
April 15th 2012: Has anyone heard anything yet? [wrong page. 2012-2013 here:] Still waiting... nothing so far. Check out the current wiki though.
April 15: Quelqu'un? Quelqu'un? Bueller?
Offer received by email April 15. Email indicated 12 candidates had been chosen from among 121 applicants.
4/17/2011: Haven't received anything. Do they send emails to the candidates first and then rejection letters later? --> In years past this has been the case, though there is a wait list. Each year usually a couple of people get the Fulbright and the Chateaubriand and must decline one or the other as you cannot hold both simultaneously. Bonne chance!
CLIR/ Mellon Fellowship[]
3/25/2013: wondering when i'll hear anything. if anyone else is out there watching this, please update when you receive word! thanks in advance.
- Hi, you're looking in the wrong place (this is the wiki for 2011-12). The results for 2013 are out unfortunately:
• received email notification (yes!) on 3/4 (Can someone verify that this date for the CLIR Mellon? Was this for the fellowship for research in original sources? March 4 is significantly earlier than previous years.)
Last year's candidates, when did you hear about this? See:
Any more news? Rejections/acceptances? Or is it all announced on March 31st?
I suspect it will be as last year: rejections will be sent March 31st, and awards will be announced April 1st. Good luck to everyone.
A note for those applying this year, last year the email message was sent to my spam. Add alucko at to your address books. Good luck! I am applying again, anxious week! [03/29]
Just got a rejection e-mail [3/29, 5pm EDT]. Good luck to everyone! x3
Rejection email. Same time. Good luck to everyone else.
I haven't received a rejection yet. Should I contact CLIR Mellon or wait until April 1st? Has anyone received offers? Thanks.
Charlotte Newcombe Fellowship[]
- (2/22) Notification via email that have proceeded to final stage (600 applicants; 12% proceed to final stage; 20 eventually selected and notified by the first week in April)
- (3/21) Rejection received via email x2
- (3/21) Alternate notification via email x4
- (3/21) Notified of selection; response required by March 28 x2
- (4/5) Any news on this? I was selected as an alternate and told I would be contacted by 3/31. I'm not optimistic, obviously, at this point but it would be nice to just know! (x4)
- (4/5) We have ESP...just got my alternate rejection! x2
Dartmouth College[]
Any info on this one? Acc to their website notifications were to be made April 1.
Rejection via email 4/8
5 colleges[]
- Is this the kind where they interview you and decide or just notify you when you get it or don't?
- Anybod heard anything on this one? (nope...)
- I don't know why the previous post was modified. After the nope, there was some commentary. Hoping it was the respondent. (edit: it was. i deleted something that didn't seem to make sense on second read-through, but was basically, "good luck!" :) ) As for timelines, I seem to recall seeing something on this for previous years around 3/15, but now I can't find it so it was probably a fever dream. At any rate, the website says March, so we have at least three more weeks to go.
- I emailed to ask and received a reply today (3.29): the administrator writes that they hope to send emails with final decisions next week. No explanation of whether interviews were held or not. Anyone know?
- Don't know about interviews. I've applied to several of these residential pre-docs this year, and I have learned that this is the lowest priority for them: right behind hiring an adjunct toilet cleaner. We're even more of a captive labor force than the post-docs/regular jobs because we ain't got no other alternative whatsoever.
- As of 5 April, no word about anything x4
- Heard "hope" of decisions by end of next week (4/7),(4/12)-- heard the same -- "hopefully email notifications sometime this week"
- What do you mean you heard that? Did you call?
- Yes, I called
- Any news/offers? (4/14) Nope, no news yet. (4/14) =/
- I guess no news this week after all (4/15), but that's okay because the people running it have a lot of hope.
- LOLz! Thanks!
- Haha... anyone know if this program makes offers before notifying everyone else?
- Wouldn't be surprised at all if that was the case - seems like all residential fellowships and post-docs follow this pattern.
- No news. (4/18) (x7)
- There was a state holiday in MA yesterday (18 April) so there would have been no news. Fingers crossed they will get around to it (since they have so much hope) today or this week or before Easter or even May....
- No news. (4/20) x5
- Has anyone called since last week?
- I called and left a message a couple days ago, 4/19. No response.
- Wow.
- Called and the lady said there is a list of semi-finalists (my name is not on there). She doesn't know when they will have a list of finalists. (4/22) Thanks for the info! I called as well -- not on the list :( (4/22)
- Above posters, did the woman you spoke to say that they would email semi-finalists, or do we have to call to find out? Thanks!
- I would encourage you to call to find out -- the lady did not mention to me when the notifications would be sent out and I did not ask as well (4/22)
- 2 schools have selected a finalist. There are shortlists for the other two committees to determine their finalists. If you call, they'll let you know if your name is on the list. Or if it isn't (sad face!).
- Unfortunately, I am overseas and cannot call. Though I sent an email middle of last week, I haven't heard back. Thanks for the updates, and perhaps I will hear back soon.
- I called today, and am not on the short list. They will be sending an email shortly. (4/25)
- Also not on the short list. Evidently there were about 330 applicants for four positions.
- (4/27) Called and surprisingly am on the short list. Said they were hoping to finalize their choices by the end of this next week (so 5/6th). She did confirm that EVERYONE regardless of decision (yay or nay) would be receiving an email then.
- Has anyone received offers? (4/29) (nope) x2
- The bad news, unfortunately, is that next fall, the schools will wonder "Why didn't any of our fellows show up?" And someone, somewhere, will find a folder at the bottom of an enormous TO DO pile: ooops!
- Any offers/rejections via email/phone calls as yet? (No, 5/6)
- Nothing as of 5/10 (x3).
- Nothing as of 5/17. (x3)
- Not sure if we will ever hear back? (x2 5/25)
- rejection email 6/6 (x3)
Ford Dissertation Fellowship[]
All items finally marked as recieved on the online page (2/5)
Has anyone heard from the Foundation? When should we expect an answer? (3/15)
Last year, I was notified on 4/9. Didn't get it: I hope YOU get it, it's a grueling app.
They are meeting this weekend (3/18).
Receieved rejection letter (4/6); wasn't diverse enough
(4/6) I got a letter saying I didnt win but I am on a list of alternates. anyone know how this works? [(4/7) If for some reason any of the chosen fellows decide to decline the Fellowship, Ford will offer it to an alternate.]
(4/6) Do the winners recieve emails or letters? [(4/7) Emails]
-- I just got the notification of offer email!!! Amen!! (4/7 1:45pm CST)
(4/7) Still haven't heard anything, is this reason to be hopeful?
(4/13) Received notice by email that I am an alternate/honorable mention. My field is in the humanities. Does anyone know of someone who was an alternate and received a fellowship in this field or any other?
I am curious as I am also an alternate, any idea of when they post the final winners? The alternate letter says you will not hear from them again unless you are given an offer. I am curious as to when they finalize and post...if anyone has any idea from previous years. (4/27)
Frick Collection Andrew Mellon Curatorial Fellowship[]
Fulbright IIE[]
--- First round notification emails sent out 1/20/2011
--- France award letters sent 3/11/2011
--- Israel award notification email sent 3/31/2011
--- India award letters sent early April 2011
- Still waiting, no word (4/14). Saw a notice that 7 University of Michigan students won; notified on 2/25.
- The UM students of which you write won in the 2010-2011 competition. The article celebrating their scholarship was published on 2/25.
- 4/13 Email from Program Director stating that the recently proposed federal budget includes significant cuts to a number of U.S. Department of Education programs, including “Title VI” programs of which DDRA is one. This budget bill will pass (or not) this Friday, April 15. If the bill passes, USED will have 30 days to revise its budget to incorporate the new cuts. That said, we will not receive DDRA results until mid-/late-May.
- Thanks for the clarification and news regarding the US Gov't budget hang-up. That is such a shame, what a bad year to apply! I won't hold my breath. Do you know if the budget cuts effected the Boren Fellowship as well, I applied for both.
- Not sure about the Boren, but here's a good article (albeit one delivering bad news) in the Chronicle from 4/13:
- 4/25/11: The Fulbright coordinator at my university (UMich) responded with the following when I emailed him with my concerns about the budget cuts: "As far as I know there will be little or no effect on 2011-12 awards." He has been working in this position for the better part of 2 decades I think, so I trust him!!! Still no word though. PLEASE don't make us wait until MAY!!!!!
- 5/4/11: Got my rejection email from Boren today
- 5/9/11: Any updates/news about notification?
- 5/11/11: Nothing yet at U Chicago.
- 5/11/11: nor at Columbia.
- 5/14/11: Has anyone still waiting already received an IIE? The deadline to register for their Orientation in DC is May 18. Are you planning to move forward as planned with the IIE or are you holding out for news re: the DDRA?
- 5/19/11: Still no word here. The 30-day deadline for DoE to submit a final budget to congress has passed... how much longer are we going to be waiting?
- The budget is up: - Pg 17 3 (a) 2 - a is the Fulbright Hays (GPA, DDRA, etc), but no word on what the DDRA-specific cuts are...or when they are going into effect.
- Looks like it has been cancelled?!
- 5/20/11: I have just received the news from USED that there will be no Fulbright-Hays DDRA Fellowship awards made this year. USED reports that there are no plans to permanently eliminate the Fulbright-Hays DDRA Program; they expect the FY12 competition to proceed as planned.
- Not that this is the best forum for a discussion, but this is fucking horseshit. Education is always slashed in times of crises, and it rarely recovers to previous levels. I guess it's good they didn't end up cutting Pell grants, but still...
- I just can't believe that this is happening... To hell with tax breaks and any representative who passed this budget!!! x2
- Surprise, surprise, surprise! Another chance with a private organization bailout, albeit a slimmer one!
Harvey Fellowship[]
- 3/1 recv'd rejection email.
Ithaca College Pre-Doctoral Diversity Fellowship[]
- Phone call on 4/21 to set up interview in the next couple of weeks
- Rejection email 6/8
Josephine de Karman Fellowship[]
Did anyone hear anything today? Decisions were supposed to be announced "on or around April 15th."
-Nope, still waiting!!!
Has anybody had any luck getting through to them via phone or email?
I've been calling the number on the website and I keep getting voicemail. (4/18)
- The committee will not meet until April 30th, then they'll make notifications via email and/or phone to recipients only. (4/19). - Thanks for sharing this info.
Offer received 4.30
Did you received the offer via telephone or email? - Voicemail and email.
Any others?
Mabel McLeod Lewis Memorial Fellowships (for No-Cal schools only)[]
-- offer received by email 3/9
--Rejection received by email 3/23
Medieval Academy of America - Dissertation Grants (Grace Frank, etc.)[]
Award letter received 5/10 (postal mail).
Medieval Academy of America Schallek Fellowship[]
- First alternate named 2/26 ??? 2011?
Miller Center Fellowship in Politics and History (UVA)[]
An email confirming receipt of applications named May 1 as the date by which finalists will be announced, but last year applicants received word much earlier. Any news?
When did applicants hear back last year?
Received one-line response on 4/5 (negative) x2
National Science Foundation (NSF)[]
12/19/2013 Any word on results from the Aug deadline for dissertation research grants? Any word on results from the Jan deadline for dissertation research grants?
Mine says that results are pending and that peer review started 3/14.
4/15: A few cohort-mates (in anthropology) have received rejections
4/25: Received email rejection today
Newberry Library Long- and Short-Term Fellowships[]
The Newberry’s fellowships support humanities research in residence at the Newberry. We offer intriguing and often rare materials; an interdisciplinary research community; individual consultations with staff curators, librarians, and scholars; and an array of scholarly programs. All applicants should examine the Newberry’s online catalog before applying. More information is available at
Long-Term Fellowships support research and writing by post-doctoral scholars. Fellowship terms range from four to twelve months with stipends of $4,200 per month. Deadline: December 1, 2012.
Short-Term Fellowships support travel to research in our collection for PhD candidates and post-doctoral scholars from outside Chicago. We also invite short-term fellowship applications from teams of two or three scholars to collaborate on a single, substantive project. Terms are usually one month with a stipend of $2,000. Deadline: January 15, 2013.
SSRC International Research Fellowship[]
Transcript requests sent in beginning of Feb 2011. Rejections for SSRC received by mail in third week of Feb. 2011.
Seems like people got acceptance emails Monday April 11 and notifications they were alternates Tuesday April 12. No rejection notices yet for those who got transcrit requests (4/17), though clearly no earlier email = rejection.
Stanford Humanities Center Fellowships (Whiting, Geballe, Mellon, Liebermann)[]
3/14 Offers received.
United States Institute for Peace (USIP) Jennings Randolph Peace Scholarship Dissertation Program[]
4/18/11 - Has anyone gotten word (of rejection or acceptance)?
- They plan to make notifications via email by late April early May (4/19/11)
-Rejection received (5/9/11) x 2
UT-Austin AADS Dissertation Fellowship[]
(4/15) Committee is finalizing decisions and should email applicants by end of next week.
(4/25 Rejection email
(4/28) Did the rejection email have any additional information in it?
(5/3) Phone call to the department today. They apologized for not having emailed me, and said they had many applicants and had simply neglected to email some of the rejections. Nothing quite like having to initiate your own rejection. Keep it classy, folks.
Wenner Gren diss fieldwork research grant[]
10/31/13 I applied on May 1st and received email confirmation that they received all of the required materials, but have still heard nothing back. Has anyone else heard yet?
2/13 E-mail announcing successful at stage one. Moving on to stage two. 30% chances.
4/6 Rejection email sent.