- Colorado State University (job may be in MD) CIRA/NESDIS (unspecified), due Jan. 10, 2010
- Colorado State University (job may be in MD) CIRA/NESDIS (ocean color), due Jan. 10, 2010
- Columbia University's Center for Climate Systems Research (NY) (cloud physics), no date specified.
- Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center (MD) (trace gas/aerosol), no date specified.
- Goddard Earth Sciences and Technology Center (MD) (lidar/remote wind sensing), no date specified.
- Harvard University (MA) (terrestrial ecosystem modeling w/Moorcroft), no date specified.
- Indiana University (IN) (environmental biogeochemistry), consideration begins 1 December 2009.
- Kansas State Geological Survey/ University of Kansas at Lawrence (KS), full-time position in hydrogeology, due Jan. 8, 2010.
- Los Alamos National Laboratory (NM) (sub-surface flow and transport), no due date specified.
- NCAR Advanced Study Program, due Jan. 5, 2010.
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), two positions in aqueous geochemistry, no date specified.
- Pacific Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL), hydropower, no date specified.
- Princeton Atmosphere and Ocean Sciences (NJ) (biogeochemistry), open until filled.
- Southern California Coastal Water Research Project Authority (CA), position in modeling run-off/environmental contaminants, no date specified.
- TU Braunschweig (Germany) (vadose zone hydrology), due Jan. 1, 2010.
- University of Florida (FL), Water Institute Fellow, due Jan. 15, 2010.
- University of Georgia (GA) (Savannah River watersheds), no date specified.
- University of Hawaii (HI) HiGear (aerosol research), open until filled.
- University of Pennsylvania (PA) (analysis of soil organic matter), no date specified.
- University of Wisconsin (WI) (high-resolution stable isotope analysis with ion microprobe), open until filled.
Positions available
- Amherst College, Modern & Ancient Sedimentary Environments, deadline November 1
- Arizona State University, Planetary Surface Processes, deadline December 15
- Boston College, Earth System Science
- Case Western Reserve University, Environmental Science
- Colorado School of Mines (CO)- T-T Assistant Prof. Structural Geology/Tectonics, due??
- Goucher College, Assistant/Associate Professor, Environmental Studies
- Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Global Change Geology (tenure track) due 30 Nov 09 [search deferred for one year]
- King Abdullah University of Science and Technology (Saudi Arabia) tenure-track or tenured positions in environmental hydrology, open until filled.
- Middlebury College (VT), Assistant Professor of Geology (tenure-track), due Nov. 9, 2009.
- MIT (MA), junior faculty position preference for Climate (tenure-track), no date specified.
- National Taiwan University (Taiwan), three faculty members at all levels in atmospheric sciences (tenure-track), due Dec. 31, 2009.
- Ohio State University (OH), tenure-track faculty position in hydrology, open until filled.
- Oregon State University (OR), civil engineering position in water resource engineering (tenured), due Dec. 1, 2009.
- Syracuse University (NY), Assistant Professor in Aqueous Geochemistry (tenure-track), due Dec. 1 2009.
- Union College (NY), Assistant Professor in marine geology, oceanography or paleoclimatology
- University of Arizona, tenure-track faculty in planetary science, first round of rejection letters sent Dec. 2.
- University of Bristol (UK), Lecturer in Earth Sciences
- University of Cincinnati (OH), Assistant Professor of Geology (paleobiology/biogeochemistry) (tenure-track), open until filled.
- University of Florida, Gainesville, Climate Studies and Global Change (tenure track) 21 Dec 09
- University of Houston (TX), tenure-track position in environmental engineering, hydrosystems, due Jan. 11, 2010.
- University of Maryland (MD) Research Associate Professor of Geography (remote sensing science), due Jan. 15, 2010.
- University of Michigan, Geological Sciences (3 positions)
- University of Nebraska at Lincoln (NE), Assistant Professor of Geosciences (mesoscale meteorology/severe weather) (tenure-track), due Jan. 4, 2010.
- University of Nebraska at Lincoln (NE), Assistant Professor of Geosciences (watershed hydrology) (tenure-track), due Nov. 23, 2009.
- University of North Carolina at Charlotte (NC) Assistant Professor of Geography and Earth Sciences (landscape ecology and human-environment interaction), due Jan. 4, 2010.
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington (NC) Assistant Professor of Isotope Geochemistry (tenure-track), due Feb. 1, 2010.
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington (NC) Assistant Professor of Coastal Remote Sensing (tenure-track), due Feb. 1, 2010.
- University of Rochester (NY) Climate Dynamics/ Climate variability (tenure track) 15 Dec 09
- University of San Diego (CA) Assistant Professor of Marine Science and Environmental Studies (environmental geochemistry) (tenure-track), due Jan. 4, 2010.
- University of Texas at San Antonio (TX) tenured or tenure-track position in low temperature geochemistry, consideration begins Dec. 15, 2009.
- Universite du Quebec a Montreal (Quebec, Canada) Canadian Research Chair in Light Isotope Geochemistry, due Jan. 4, 2010.
- Whitman College (WA), tenure-track faculty position in the Astronomy Department - Planetary Scientists too, due Feb. 1
- University of California, Berkeley (CA), Assistant/Associate Professor in Climate Science (joint appointment at LBNL), Applications must be postmarked by February 27, 2010.
- University of Chicago (IL), Assistant Professor (no field specified), due Dec. 15, 2009.
Requested letters of reference
- Amherst College
- Arizona State University
- Case Western Reserve University
- Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- Union College
- University of Cincinnati
- University of Florida
- University of Michigan
- University of Rochester
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Scheduled campus interviews
- Amherst College
- Arizona State University
- Union College
- University of Cincinnati
- University of Florida (based on the seminar schedule they posted online)
- Middlebury College
- University of Arizona
- University of San Diego
- University of North Carolina at Wilmington - Both positions (based on the seminar schedule they posted online)
Rejection letters sent
- Amherst College
- University of Arizona (1st round sent Dec. 2, 2nd round sent Jan. 13, 3rd round Jan. 28)
- University of Bristol
- Case Western (sent Feb. 18)
- University of Michigan
- Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- west virginia university
- Universite du Quebec a Montreal
- University of Florida
- University of Texas at San Antonio
- Boston College (March 22)
- Goucher College (March 23)
- Union College
- University of San Diego
Offers made and accepted
Amherst College
Boston College
Union College
University of Florida