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Tenure-track positions[]
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Non-tenure track positions[]
New York University (NYU) Washington, DC - Part-time Lecturer for "Principles of Microeconomics"[]
New York University is seeking a local, part-time lecturer to teach 1 section of “ECII-UF9102 Principles of Microeconomics” at our study away center in Washington, DC for fall 2016 (there is a slight possibility of a second section, or of a need for 2 instructors to teach one section each).
Course description
The course introduces fundamental concepts in microeconomic analysis by examining price theory and its application. After an overview of key economic concepts, such as comparative advantage and opportunity costs, the course investigates the decision-making process of consumers and producers. Thus, we will study on the demand side, utility, indifference curves, and elasticity; on the supply side, output, costs and business finance. We will then focus our analysis on market structures including competition, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, and monopoly. Our next concern will be the study of the labor, capital, and financial markets, in the context of which the causes of income inequality will be explored. We finish our study of Microeconomics with the analysis of economic efficiency and the role of government in the economy.
The position and course
The salary will be based on equivalent and appropriate part-time faculty rates for the course. The lecturing role includes all preparation, delivery, and grading. Some administrative assistance is available to support the preparation of course materials. Courses are to be intellectually challenging in content, and rigorous student assessment is required. Current projections are for the course to have from 10–24 students, with a cap at 24.
The course is envisioned to run once per week for 14 instructional weeks (3 hours for each session) plus a 15th session during the "final exam week" for any final test or paper (roughly 2 hours). Our current preference is for someone available to teach an evening section (6:15pm-9:15pm), but a day or afternoon section might be possible in some cases. The complete Fall 2016 NYU DC calendar is online.
Lecturer requirements
All part-time lecturers are expected to have a Ph.D. or terminal degree in the area of their teaching and must be approved by the appropriate academic unit at NYU. In some instances, significant professional expertise and experience in a relevant field may be suitable.
Application procedure
If you are interested in applying, please send (1) a CV, (2) a letter of interest, and (3) some final end-of-semester course evaluations (summaries are preferred to individual comment forms) to dc.academics@nyu.edu to the attention of Dr. Kerstin Sorensen (Assistant Director for Academic Affairs) and Mr. Mark Nakamoto (Academic Program Coordinator). In the letter, please highlight any relevant experience you have in teaching and/or research relevant for the course.