Academic Jobs Wiki

Reading/Literacy Education

Faber College

  • Asst. Professor of Literacy Education. Due 10/31. References contacted 12/1. Rejection received 12/16. Phone interview scheduled 1/17. On-campus interview scheduled 2/1. Offer made 2/20. Discussion in italics.
  • Asst. Professor of Pre-Law... or was that Pre-Med?... Education. Due 11/15. On-campus interview scheduled 1/19. Lunch date with Dean Wormer's wife, 1/20. Rejected 1/20. Complaints about the dean's wife in italics.

Is this 2010-11 page? It might be nice to get rid of the typo in Archive for the literacy page....

And so on. This wiki is a great resource and I'd love to see it evolve into something more useful. To the posters who have contributed material to the top and bottom of the 2010-2011 search: Why not incorporate your info with what is already here? This makes the page even harder to navigate, with information appearing in multiple places. [Reply: I completely agree. Although I'm not the one who added the postings, I just put them in order. It was driving me crazy and I had some nervous energy to burn off.]--Thanks!! As it is, the page is already somewhat cumbersome… in the future, it might make better sense to organize the page by discipline or department.

I'm taking the liberty of starting the 2010-2011 jobs wiki. I've edited none of the material for the previous two cycles. In fact, it might be interesting to see how the market has evolved over the years.

Let's keep the format the same.

List (in alphabetical order):

College / U., Rank, Department or Field (Date Posted) --application acknowledgment (Date Received) --interview request (Date Received / Date of Interview) Best of luck to all of you. See you out there on the interview trail.

NOTE: to contribute, click here: edit this page NOTE to someone who will be on the job market next year: take a minute to look through the wikis of other jobs and figure out why the Ed jobs wiki is so much less helpful than the others. Maybe the Wiki needs to be arranged byField (as suggested above - e.g., Ed Studies, Ed Psych, Ed Admin, Misc.). Any thoughts or suggestions? This page is frighteningly unhelpful and unfriendly (compare to the Humanities and Social Science Postdocs wiki on this site)).


BELOW THIS LINE IS FROM LAST YEAR (Applying in 2009)--- Please add new jobs (Those that we will apply for in 2010/ 2011, but start in Fall 2011) ABOVE


Job Postings for the 2010-2011 Academic Year Appalachian State, Asst, Foundations of Education (Application Deadline 12/7/09) (Application acknowledged x 6) - notified of shortlist status x2 (1/28), notified of shortlist status and references contacted 2/22, campus interviews scheduled (2/25)

Appalachian State, Asst, History/Social Studies Education (Deadline 11/20)

       --Phone interview scheduled

Arkansas State U., Asst. / Assoc., ECE (11.11.09)

Bates College, Visiting Asst., Foundations (2.22.10) -- 3 interviews have been scheduled (3/10)

Bucknell University, Asst., Teacher Education (12.16.09)--rejection letter, dated 2/18 x3

Central Michigan, Asst., English Ed:  K-8 (Application Deadline 10.19.09)

Clemson University (MAT program)- application deadline Nov. 1. Phone interview Dec. 23. Campus interview in February.

Colgate U, Comparative Ed (rejection letter 12.22.09) (phone interview early nov)

College of Charleston, Asst/Assoc, Ed Foundations (App Deadline 12.1.09) .

College of New Jersey, Asst., Social Studies Ed. -- acknowledgement of application (December '09)

Columbia Teachers College, Asst., Curriculum Studies (App Deadline 11.1.09) (2 positions)-- application NOT acknowledged by 12.1.09 (Application acknowledged 12/11/09 x3; AAEOE request 12/11/09) rejection 2/25. Interviews started or not? Any news rejection

Columbia Teachers College, Asst. Prof., Literacy Education (8.29.09) - know of folks interviewing (2/3/10)

Columbia Teachers College, Asst. Prof., Inclusion Education

Cincinnati State Technical & Community College, ECE Field Practicum & Student Teaching Coordinator, ECE (8.22.09)

Coastal Carolina University, Asst., Educ Generalist (ASAP) (anybody know whats up here?)--no acknowledgement; website says searches still ongoing. Letter of rejection received 4.12.10--position offered and accepted.

Colby-Sawyer College, Asst. / Assoc, ECE (10.5.09) --request for phone interview early Dec.

DePaul University (is this in ed policy?)- application materials due in Nov. On campus interview in Feb.

Depaul University - Ed Psych position

DeSales University, Asst., Secondary Math/Science Ed. -- request for phone interview (January '09)

Drake University- application materials due Nov. 1. rejection letter sent in November

Duke University- Non TT, Professor of the Practice- Deadline was 4/15. No word yet.

Eastern Kentucky U., TT Asst. / Assoc., ECE (11.7.09)--request for phone interview early Dec.

Elizabethtown College (PA), Asst. / Assoc., ECE (9.12.09) --application acknowledgment (10.1.09) --interview request (req. early 10.09/ campus visit sched. for mid-Nov.)

Endicott College (MA), Asst., Literacy Ed. -- Has anyone heard anything? 4/5: If you have heard anything, could you please let me know? I have an offer but this is the job I am really interested in... I am not sure what to do, and if I knew that other people were being called for this job, I could give up hope and accept the other... If you have heard anything, please post it. I would be so grateful.

Georgia State University, Asst. Prof., Reading Ed (11.15.09)--request for phone interview late January; campus visit scheduled for late Feb.

Georgia State University, Clinical Prof., Non TT, Foundations

George Washington University, Asst./Assoc. Prof., Ed Research (12.5.09?)-- rejection letter (1/29)

Gonzaga University, 1 year faculty school of education (leadership and administration) hire found (3/5)

Harvard Graduate School of Education - EDLD program (Application Deadline 1/8/10) (Application acknowledged 1/15/10) [Was this for a job or for being a student in the program?]

Hobart and William Smith Colleges, Asst. Prof, Foundations/Multicultural Ed. (1/19) Anyone heard anything? Rejection 3/15

Hofstra University, Asst. Prof, Ed Foundations (App Deadline 12/15) application ack X 2(12.20.09) Search suspended, per 1.14.10 letter.

Illinois Institue of Technology- application date Nov. 1. Phone interview Nov. 2. On campus interview in January.

Illinois State University, Asst Prof, Ed Foundations -- phone interview (mid-Nov)

     - any word re: on-campus interviews? (12/20) -- yes, this position has been offered and accepted (1/11) rejection letter 1/19

Illinois State University, Asst. Prof., Early Childhood/Early Elem Literacy (10.15.09) - rejection letter (1/16)

Iowa State University, Asst/Assoc, Foundations

Iowa State (in what discipline?)-application dealine in November rejection letter sent in November

J. Sargeant Reynolds CC (VA), Instructor, ECE (9.12.09) --application acknowledgement (10.5.09)

Keene State College (NH) - Asst. Prof. Elementary Ed - phone interview (1.26.10)

Kent State U., TT Asst. Prof., ECE (11.7.09) - phone interview scheduled (2/5/10)

Kent State U. Asst. Prof. Adolesc. Lit. (12/15/09 app. deadline)--phone interview 12.16.09--campus interviews scheduled January-February

Knox College, Asst., Generalist (Application Deadline 11.01.09)---application acknowledged via e-mail -- Phone interview 12.11.09

Lehigh U, Asst/Assoc, Teacher Ed

Lesley University, Asst. Prof., Technology Ed.

Lewis University, Asst. Prof., Reading and Literacy

Loyola Marymount, Asst. Prof., Urban Ed. (1/15) - app. ack. via e-mail x2--rejection letter 3.23.10x2

Marist College, Asst. Prof., Literacy Ed (10.7.09)

Metropolitan State College of Denver, Language Arts Education

Milikin University, Asst., English Ed (Application Deadline 11.01.09)

Millersville University, Asst., Science Ed (Application Deadline 03.01.10)--application acknowledgment via letter (03/11)

Missouri State University, Asst., Foundations (Application Deadline 10.30.09)--application acknowledged via letter x2 -- no letter here, but called and confirmed with search chair; phone interview 1/25 - What discipline? -- rejection letter 1/25 --Any word about on-campus visits?

Monclair State University, New Jersey, Open Rank Teacher Ed (until filled)--application acknowledged via letter 12/5

Monmouth College, Illinois, Educational Studies

Montana State, Asst., English Ed (Application Deadline 10.30.09)---application acknowledged via letter--received letter dated 12/29 informing of decision to hire someone else.

Nazareth College, Social Foundations (Application Deadline 12/15/19) - rejection letter, dated 3-26-10

North Carolina Central University- (no closing date listed, but the posting has been up since sept 09 I believe) Curriculum and Instruction with emphasis on Urban Ed. Submitted app March 25, have heard nothing

NC State University- Teaching Assistant Professor for the MAT program. Submitted application April 14th. No word yet. Position is supposed to begin on 6/1/10

North Dakota State University, Asst. Professor Educational Technology (until filled) -- applied 11.29.09 -- application acknowledged via email 2.17.10 -- online screening interview 3.12.10 -- campus visit 4.5-7.10 -- position offered 4.20.10 -- position accepted 4.22.10 -- contract signed 5.10.10

Northwestern, Asst./Assoc., Social Disparities in Human Learning and Development (Rolling App., Deadline 11.15.09) -- application acknowledged via e-mail x2 Any news re interviews/rejection? (Rejection received 3.15.10 x2)

Northwestern, Asst./Assoc., Computational Literacy (Application Deadline 11.1.09)

The Ohio State University- application due Nov. email of confirmation. Heard nothing since. - held on campus interviews (1/10) for science ed position

Ohio U., Lancaster, Instructor, ECE (11.7.09)

Old Dominion, Asst., Technology Education (Application Deadline 10.1.09)

Providence College, Asst. Professor Education (Application Deadline 12.1.09) -- Has anyone heard anything? - Rejection Letters sent (1/5/10) - Q. I did not get a rejection letter, but I also have not been called or emailed about it. Has anyone interviewed (by phone or on campus) yet? Just wondering if maybe I was rejected but not sent a letter, or if maybe this means I still have a chance... Thanks! -- No clue but I wouldn't hold my breath. I think SCs should be in SPED, not teaching it. --- Thanks so much for the laugh. Update: rejection letter dated 3/8. So sad... Congrats to those of you who got interviews! I am sure this is a great job- I love Providence College! -- to whoever just posted this, you can have heart in the fact that you were probably in the "backup pile." I got my rejection letter back in January. I live about 4 miles from PC and would've killed for this job! [probably a bad phrasing, considering recent events]

Purdue University Calumet, Asst., English Ed (Application Deadline 10.15.09)---application acknowledged via e-mail

Purdue University West Lafayette, Asst. Prof., Lang/Lit Ed (App. Deadline 12.7.09)--application acknowledged via letter 12/8 - search canceled for lack of funding (2/3/10)

Rhode Island College, Foundations--references contacted via email 1.25.10 - This is not news... the HR system automatically sends out the reference request. --- 3.3.10 The finalists have been called for the interview (FML! not me)

Rockhurst University, Asst. Professor Education- rejection letter 12.4.09; rejection email 1.13.10

Roosevelt University, Asst/Assoc in Curriculum Studies-- phone interview 11.17.09, offer made and accepted late Feb./early March

Sacred Heart University (CT).  Asst/Assoc Gened/Sped -

Saint Vincent College, Asst. Prof., Education (posted 9.11.09) - 11.2.09 application acknowledged

Shippensburg U. (PA), Asst. / Assoc., ECE (11.8.09)

Southern Connecticut State University (CT) Asst/Assoc SPED

Southern Connecticut State University (CT) Asst/Assoc RDG

SUNY Fredonia, Ed Foundations (Application Deadline 11/1/09)

SUNY Potstam, Asst Prof Secondary Ed (English ed)--rejection via email 2/25/10

Syracuse University, Asst. Prof., Literacy Ed

Syracuse University, Social History of Education (Deadline 1.4) ... (8.2.10) I applied to this one, no word yet. Still early but I'm curious - has anyone else who applied heard anything? E-mail of interest from scc.(x2) Thanks. May I also ask: interest, as in setting up an interview or interest in further materials, considering you for next stage? Also, when? - asking if still interested in position... would be in touch...; some campus visits occurring now (first 2 weeks of March), rejection letter (April 23)

Texas A & M Corpus Christi- lost funding for position letter rec'd on March 14.

Tri-County Technical CC (SC), Instructor / Dept. Head, ECE (10.5.09) --phone interview scheduled for early Nov., campus interview request for end of Nov.  

University of Akron, Asst., STEM Ed (Application Deadline 11.15.09)

University of Arkansas, Asst/Assoc. Prof/, Ed Foundations (11.16.09)-- search frozen due to lack of funding 3.3.10

University of Central Missouri, Asst. Prof., Ed Psych (12.17.09) --

University of Colorado at Boulder, Asst., Learning Sciences/Ed. Psych (App deadline 11.01.09) --LORs requested, 11/11/09, 11/09/09, add'l materials requested, Feb 2010; offer accepted, April 2010

University of Colorado at Boulder, Assoc., Learning Sciences/Ed. Psych (App deadline 11.01.09)

University of Colorado-Denver - application due in Oct.(is this the same as the posting that's below this?) Email confirmation. Heard nothing else.

University of Colorado at Denver, Asst., Science Ed (Application Deadline 10.26.09)

University of Colorado at Denver, Clinical Asst., Urban Education/Found (11.1.09) (Application acknowledged and references requested)

University of Hartford, Asst., SPED (10.6.09) - no acknowledgement of materials rec'd as of December 7 (jeesh!); Interviewed in February (loved these folks!) but guess it's not to be because it is now April and no word :( ... anyone out there been offered this position?

University of Hawaii, West Oahu Asst/Asc Teacher Ed K-12 (Deadline Oct. 16) Acknowledgement of materials received and request for other materials October 16.

University of Houston-Clear Lake, Asst., English Ed (Application Deadline 11.01.09)--phone interview, Dec. 19; campus visit late Jan.

UMass Boston- Nov. 30th application due. email confirmation. Email sent inquiring more info in Dec.

University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), Joint Program in English & Education, Assistant Professor of English Education (Posted 1.18.10) -- application acknowledged (2.1.2010)--request for recommendations 2/12. Rejection email 4/9.

University of Missouri-Kansas City, Asst. Prof., Ed Foundations (App Deadline 10.30.09) --application acknowledged via e-mail x2 -- phone interview, 1/21 -- notification of suspended search, 2/23 - are you serious? is suspension the same as cancelation?

University of Missouri-Columbia, Asst. Prof., Literacy Education (Orig. Application Deadline 9.20.09 but extended) - received letter dated 1/9 informing of decision to hire someone else.

University of Nebraska-Lincoln- application date due Dec. 15th. email confirmation. Email sent stating they are checking references

University of North Dakota, Asst/Assoc, Educational Research (8/31/09) job ad

University of Pennsylvania, Asst/Assoc., Literacy Education (App Deadline 10.15.09) - campus interviews scheduled (early December)--rejection letter 2/3/10

University of Pittsburgh - Greensburg, Asst., non tenure, Foundations or Special Ed + Admin Duties (App. Deadline 12.1.09)

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown, Asst. Prof, Early Childhood (App. Deadline 3/15/10)

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown, Asst. Prof, Secondary Science (App. Deadline 3/15/10)

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown, Assoc./Full Prof, Division Chair (App. Deadline 3/15/10)

University of Pittsburgh-Johnstown, Asst. Prof, Teacher Ed (App. Deadline 3/15/10)

University of Pittsburg - Ed Psych and learning outside the classroom

University of Rhode Island -Asst SPED: electronic submission; search closed 11-28; no acknowledgement as of 12-8: Any word on this search/dept from anyone?

University of San Francisco, Asst. Prof., Teacher Ed (eliminated from search via letter 1/4)

University of South Carolina, Asst./Assoc. Prof., Ed Psych (1.15.10) --

University of South Florida, Asst., Science Ed (Application Deadline 11.30.09)

University of South Florida, Asst./Assoc., Secondary/Second Lang Education (11.30.09)

University of Southern California, Asst/Assoc, Teacher Ed and Policy and Leadership (11.15.09)  Application acknowledged via email. Campus interviews for Teacher Ed Position scheduled for late January/Early February.

University of Southern Cali.-Davis- application due Oct. Phone interview Nov. 23. Rejection email sent Dec.

University of Southern Maine, Asst. Prof., Literacy Ed (10.13.09) - eliminated from search via email (11.23.09)

U of Tennessee, Asst., English Ed (Application Deadline 12.01.09)---application acknowledged via e-mail--campus interview January--rejection phone call 2/18

University of Texas at Austin, Asst. Prof, STEM Education,--- phone interviews being offered March 10-20; On-Campus interviews early April

University of Texas at San Antonio, Asst. Prof., Literacy Education--position has been offered and accepted as of February.

University of Tulsa, Asst. Prof., Education-Reading, Children's Lit., (Application Deadline 11.1.09)

University of Virginia, English Language Literacy Studies--conducting phone interviews January.

University of Washington-Seattle, Asst. Prof., Literacy Ed (App. Deadline 12.1.09)--application acknowledged via email 11/12--received phone call January.

U of Wisconsin-Green Bay, Asst., Generalist (Application Deadline 10.30.09)---application acknowledged via e-mail. rejection letter, dated 1-8-10.

University of Wisconsin- La Crosse, Asst. Prof. Dev/Ed Psych (9.30.09)-- phone interview sch'd for mid Feb. (x2), campus invite for early March (x2)

University of Wisconsin-Madison application date (1.8.10)- letter of receipt in November. For WCER/LA&S position-rejection letter 1/17. For Ed Psyc/Quant position, anyone heard anything?

University of Wisconsin-Stout, Asst. / Assoc., ECE (10.4.09)--application acknowledged via letter mid-Nov.

University of Wisconsin-Superior, Asst. Prof, Social Studies Ed (1/18) -- app. ack. via letter

Utah State University, Asst./Assoc., STEM Education (Application Deadline 1.4.10)

Utah State University, Asst./Assoc., Engineering Ed (Application Deadline 1.4.10)

Vanderbilt University, Asst. Prof., Language, Literacy, and Culture Education (10.15.09)

Virginia Commonwealth University, Asst. Prof, Ed Foundations (12.2.09) -- 1.6.10 application acknowledged, phone interview late Feb., requested to contact refs of short list from phone interviews

Wake Forest University- on campus interview 12/7 - rejection letter sent 1.11.10

Washington State University (TriCities), Asst. Prof., Ed Psych (11.16.09)-- 11.18.09 application acknowledged, email late Feb. have reviewed all apps and will be making campus invites soon; 3.22.10-rejection letter x2

Washington State University (Pullman), Asst. Prof., Ed Psych (11.16.09)-- 11.18.09 application acknowledged, email late Feb. have reviewed all apps and will be making campus invites soon; 3.22.10-rejection letter x2

Western Carolina University, Asst/Assoc Ed Research (Dec.1.09) Application acknowledged and request for more materials 12.2.09.

William & Mary, Asst., Ed/Social Found (App Deadline 11.1.09) - rejection letter 1/11/10 x4. What field? (Don't understand this question) [I mean what discipline - as people from many different disciplines apply to foundations jobs, I was wondering which ones have been rejected.] - History x2. - Philosophy - Interdisciplinary. email received December 2009 --3 candidates chosen for campus interview.

Winthrop University, Asst. Prof. of English Education (App Deadline 1.15.10)

Worcester State College - Asst. Prof., Middle/Secondary Methods


Saw the first posting for Fall 2009 start date. Here's a new list for 2009-2010 jobs. (I'm not going to delete any of the 08-09 postings).

Come on education people! I know I'm not the only one applying for jobs here, and if I am, great! I'm going to get offered them all!!! The wiki only works if people contribute to it. If you don't know how, all you do is register and then click on "Edit" at the top. Then you just type in like a Word document. Let's start posting on this wiki!

  • I've started adding to your posts. Good luck.

List (in alphabetical order):

College / U., Rank, Department or Field (Date Posted) --application acknowledgment (Date Received) --interview request (Date Received / Date of Interview) --

etc. Arizona State (Phoenix, not Tempe), Open rank, Foundations, application acknowledged (10.23.08), search NOT canceled, phone contact made with initial round of selections (1.8.09) Invited for site visit (2.2.09)

Arizona State (Phoenix), Educational Psychology - app acknowledged 11/08, search discontinued 12/08

Appalachian State, Asst, C & I (1.9.09) application acknowledged

Ball State University, Asst., Statistics/Research Methods --application acknowledgment (10.14.08), rejection letter received (02/06/09) [offer extended]

Boise St., Instructional Technology - Phone interview scheduled for Nov. 30, 2009.

Boston University, Special Education Application acknowledged 01.06.09 --Rejection email 02.02.09

Bowling Green State University, Asst., Classroom Assessment, Research, and Applied Stats in Education (Posted 10.15.08)--application acknowledged (11.14.08)

Capital University, multiple positions.

College of New Jersey, Assist. Prof., Technology Education (Posted 9.12.2008) --Phone interview request (2.5.09) -- Invitation to campus (3.5.09)

College of Notre Dame (Maryland) Literacy Education --invited for campus interview (12.21.08)

Connecticut College -- Asst., Generalist (Critical Pedagogy & Math Methods) -- application acknowledged (11.20.08)

Drake University, Asst. / Assoc., Ed. Admin. & Leadership (Posted 7.03.08).

Fairfield University (Ed. Tech) -- Rejection 01/2009

Fort Lewis College, Teacher Education, application acknowledged (10.27.08) phone interview scheduled by email (1.23.09) Invited for campus interview (2.19.09) Offer extended (3.15.09)

Gainesville State College - Application submitted 3/16/09 (also the closing date) - no acknowledgment yet. 4/19/2009 all listings removed from open faculty positions page.

Georgia Gwinnett College - application acknowledged shortly after 12/2008 submission, nothing since. 5/16/09 - letter cancelling search.

Georgia State University, Language and Literacy (Posted 11.15.08) --Application acknowledged (mid 11.08). Reposted 6/16/2009. Filled 8/13/2009.

Georgia Southern University, Curriculum Studies --official application acknowledged (2.3.09) --phone interview arranged (2.12.09)

Grand Valley State University, Foundations --hired (1/4/09)

Grinnell College, Secondary Ed -- acknowledgment of application received (Nov 08)-- --Campus visits in Feb.

George Wash. Univ., Asst., Comp./Int. Ed. - Received rejection letter (Jan 12) -- any news?

George Wash. Univ., Asst., Qualitative research, non-TT

Harvard Graduate School of Education, Open Rank, Comp./Int. Ed. Anyone heard anything?

Hiram College, Asst. Teacher Education. (Received acknowledgment)

Indiana University, Asst., Educational Research Methodologist(Posted 9.29.2008) --campus interview (12.08), Rejection letter was sent (01/08/09)

Iowa State University, Asst. Math Ed., application acknowledged (1.18.09)

James Madison University, Asst. / Assoc., Assessment and Measurement, (Posted 9.11.08)

--application acknowledged (10.28.08) --interview requested (10.29.08/date of interview 11.05.08) --rejection letter (12.20.08)

Kennesaw State University, GA -- application acknowledged (12.08) -- phone interview (1.09) -- checking references (1.09)

Loyola College in Maryland, Assistant Professor, Literacy Education -- phone interview requested (11.12.08) -- invited for campus interview (12.22.08)

McNeese University (Ed. Tech.) -- Rejected 02/01/09

Miami University, Asst., Educational Psychology (Posted 9.24.08) --application acknowledged (10.04.08) --email notification of hiring freeze (12.23.08)

Miami University, Asst., FAmily-School-Community--applicn acknowledged -- phone interviews in December

Miami University, Ohio, Asst., Ed Admin, Leadership and Policy Studies (posted early Jan 2009)

Mercer U. (Macon) (C and I 2/15/09) set up campus interview next week

Mesa State College, Asst. Prof. Foundations; application acknowledged, (10.20.08)

Michigan State University, Asst/Assoc Prof, International Development Education (East Africa), Narrowed to 3 finalists in mid-December.

Montclair State University (NJ)-Educational Foundations-Rejected 11/22/08 --Had phone interview 10/13/08

This job is still posted in places. Did they find a candidate?

Mount Mercy College (IA), Asst. Prof., Dept. of Education -- Offer made and accepted (Late DEC)

New York University - Steinhardt, Asst., International Ed. --application acknowledged (10.16.08) rejection letter received (late Feb)

Northwestern, Postdoc --Interviewed 1/22, no word since

Northwestern Post-doctoral Fellowship/Research Analyst (School of Ed and Social Policy) -- reposted early March

Oklahoma State- secondary : decision is in the hands of the dean (3.13.09). Candidate selected (3.18.09) and it wasn't me.

Old Dominion University- Social Studies Education-Rejected 11/8/08

Southern Illinois University Edwardsville, Asst./Assoc. Prof in Science and/or Mathematics Education (Posted 11/12/2008) --Phone interview 1/23/09 --Campus interview request 2/9/08

Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Asst., Educational Measurement and Statistics (Posted 10.2.08) --application acknowledged (10.23.08)

Southern Illinois University Carbondale, Asst., Qualitative research & Foundations--application acknowledged

Stanford university, Educational Anthropology -ANY NEWS? - job talk scheduled -No, this one was canceled.

Stonehill College, Curriculum & Instruction (2 positions) -- Review of applications in February

Syracuse -- Asst., Social History of Education -- Review of application begins 12/01/08

  • Did they find a candidate?

Syracuse: Science ed- 3/14 interviews done.

Teacher's College Columbia - Comp./Int. Ed. --application acknowledged (12.08) anyone heard? No. Any news?

Teacher's College Columbia - Literacy Education -- invited for campus interview (12.22.08)

Teachers College, Columbia U, CCTE, open rank - application acknowl

Texas Tech University, Social Studies--Application Acknolwedged (12/1/08) Called References (1/10/09)

Towson University, Elementary Education (Literacy) -- contacted references (11/24/08)

Troy University, School Psychology (Posted 5-09; Reposted 6-09)

University of Akron, Asst., Ed. Foundations and Leadership (assessment & research methods) (Posted 9.04.08) --application acknowledged (10.28.08)

University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, School Psychology (Posted 11.15.08) --scheduling phone interviews (12.13.08), position filled (3.09)

University of Alabama at Tuscaloosa, Asst., Educational Research

University of Alabama at Birmingham, Asst., Dept of Human Studies, Ed Psych and Research (Posted 10.20.08)

University of Alberta, Ass., Media and Youth Culture-Secondary Education

University of British Columbia, School Psychology; application acknowledged 12.05.08

University of Arizona, Asst/Assoc. Educational Foundations application acknowledged (11.15.08)

University of California, Davis, Asst. Prof. Learning & Adolescent Development in Community & non-school contexts; application acknowledged (11.18.08) Rejection letter (2.20.09)

University of Cincinnati, Quantitative Research Methodology, position was canceled (01/12/09)

University of Colorado at Denver, Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology --application acknowledged (11.17.08)

University of Connecticut, Asst./Assoc., Measurement, Evaluation and Assessment --notification of hiring freeze (10.23.08)

University of Delaware, Asst., Early Childhood Ed. (Posted 8.7.08).

University of Houston-Clear Lake, Educational Research and Assessment --phone interviewed (late November, 2008)

University of Iowa, Evaluation

University of Iowa, Science Ed - rejection letter in january

University of Kentucky, elementary ed- in limbo after all interviews complete (3.14.09) Offer extended (3.18.09)

University of Louisville, Asst., Instructional Technology - ANY NEWS???

University of Louisville, Science education -- phone interview in early December (I heard an offer was extended)

University of Louisville, Open Level, Educational Measurement and Quant. Methods (Posted 9.5.08) --application acknowledged (11.12.08)

University of Louisville,Educational Policy Analysis/Research --phone interviewed in early December

University of Massachusetts Amherst, Foundations and Social Justice; notification that search is canceled because of budget issues (12.11.08)

University of Massachusetts, Boston, Asst. Urban Ed.; application acknowledged (12.1.08)---phone interview 1-8-09

University of Missouri at Columbia, Educational Leadership and Policy Analysis -- Position has been unfrozen, still accepting applications (1.26.2008)

University of Missouri at Kansas City, Assistant Professor in Educational Psychology --application acknowledged (Received 11.10.08)

University of Missouri at Kansas City, Educational Research --application acknowledged (November, 2008)

University of Missouri at KC, Educational Foundations--application acknolwedgement (11/20/08)

University of New Mexico, Asst, Educational Psychology (Posted 9.12.08) --application acknowledged (10.20.08) --phone interviews scheduled for week of 1/19

UNC Chapel Hill. Hybrid Teacher/ Professor position. Has anyone heard anything about phone interviews???? Still no word???????(Posted 2/2/09)

University of North Texas, Asst, educational research --phone interviewed (middle November, 2008)

University of Norther Colorado, educational technology/ed foundations --application acknowledged (late January) --references checked (week of 2.9.09) --phone interview scheduled (2.16.09) --contacted for site visit (3.4.09).

University of Northern Iowa, Quantitative Methods --application acknowledged (November, 2008), Position suspended (by mail 01/17/09)

University of Oregon, quantitative research methods --application acknowledged (12.16.08)

University of Oregon - special education - application submitted 01.01.09 --Application acknowledged (01.12.09)

University of Pennsylvania (Reading/Writing/Literacy) --invited for campus interview (12.21.08)

University of Pennsylvania, open rank, quantitative and experimental research methods --4 candidates were interviewed on-campus in December, 2008

University of Rochester - Urban Education. Filled.

University of Saint Louis-English Education-References were checked (11/15/08)--Campus visit in January...Offered position 2/9/09

University of South Florida, Asst., Educational Measurement and Research (Posted 10.10.08) --application acknowledged (10.23.08) --interview requested (11.25.08) --telephone interview (12.3.08) --request to contact references (12.5.08)

University of Southern California, Urban Education; application acknowledged (11.20.08)

University of Southern Mississippi, Asst., ed research (posted 10.28.08) --interview requested (12.5.08) --telephone interview (12.10.08)

University of Texas at SA, Foundations-Application Acknolwedged (11/25/08) --invited to campus in Feb.

University of Texas at Austin, Asst., Math & Science Education - ANY NEWS???

University of Texas at Austin, Asst., Instructional Technology

University of Vermont, Secondary Education, Rejection (e-mail) 01/12/2009.

University of Vermont, elementary ed, Rejection after interviews completed, 3/13/09

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Asst./Assoc., Ed Psych/Quant. Methods (posted 10.1.08) --application acknowledged (11.12.08) --rejection letter (12.23.08)

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Asst./Assoc., Sociology of Ed. --rejection letter (11.12.08)

University of Wisconsin-Madison, Asst/Assoc., Comp./Int. Ed. --Rejection letter received (12.08)

University of Wyoming, Asst., Early & Elem. Ed. (Posted 7.29.08).

University of Wyoming, Asst., Ed. Leadership/Ed. Research (Posted 10.20.08) --application acknowledged (11.19.08)

Ursinus College, Asst/Assoc., Generalist -- application acknowledged (11.17.08)

Vanderbilt, Open rank, Foundations -- application acknowledged (11.20.08) -- search canceled for financial reasons, will redo in 2010 (notified by mail)

Wellesley College, Asst, Urban Education -- application acknowledged (10.15.08) email rejection (1.14.09)

Western Connecticut State University, Asst., Educational Psychology (Posted 11.11.08)

William and Mary, School Psychology (Posted 9.08) --called references (early 12.08) --position filled (3.09)

Youngstown State University, Asst., Educational Psychology (Posted 10.6.08) --application acknowledgment (10.16.08) --campus interview scheduled (11.23.08) --offer extended (12.8.08) --offer accepted (12.9.08)

Youngstown State University, Asst., Qualitative research & Foundations


Come on Education People! This can only work if people fill in information. There is no reason the Ed Site should be so empty and virtually useless. Please don't just visit this site and leech off it. Fill in what you know...

People are still posting over on the old site, also - not sure if most are posting on both, or just one or the other!

Note: This is a pasted-in copy of the page from before it was deleted early this morning. Adelphi U. (sped) - application acknowledged (10/23) on campus interview 12/6

American University (ed psych) - Application acknowledged via postal mail 11/12

Angelo State University (curr. & instr.) - rejection letter 4/25/08

Arizona State (math ed)

Auburn University (social foundations)

Boston U. (sped) - application acknowledged (11/1)

Brandeis U. --application acknowledged 1/10 --references contacted for letters 1/12

Carleton College (Urban Ed Generalist) - application acknowledged 1/12, calls for interviews will be made mid-February, received rejection stating that three candidates have been invited to campus

Central Washington U (foundations) - phone interview scheduled (2/6)

The City University of New York (Foundations) - acknowledgment letter 3/6/08

Clemson University (Secondary Social Studies)

Coastal Carolina University (Human Growth & Dev.) - acknowledgment letter 1/25/08, rejection letter 3/24/08

Colby College (12/6) on campus interviews scheduled

College of New Jersey (sped) - application acknowledged (10/15)rejection letter 2/12

College of William & Mary (sped)rejection letter 2/12

Colorado State U (generalist) - acknowledgment letter 3/17/08

Columbus State University - request for more materials 4/1/08

CUNY Brockport (sped)

Dickinson College -application acknowledged (10/22). rejection letter received (12/21).

Dickinson State University (psych & education) - acknowledgment letter 4/21/08

Duquesne (sped)

East Stroudsburg U.(sped) - application acknowledged (10/18) campus interview 2/25

Eastern Washington University (ECE)

Florida State (ed policy) - phone interview (11/27)

Florida State (history of ed) - rcvd acknowledgment & request for online app; said review of applications is underway (11/8)

Fort Hays State University - acknowledgment letter 5/08

Georgia State

Gettysburg College -application acknowledged (11/1); list of finalists said to be determined by sometime in December

Harvard University - equity and access: request letters of rec (11/22); rejection letter (2/28)

Hofstra University Dean-> application acknowledged (12/07); search committee meets 01/08

Indiana University (social studies)

Kent State (ECE) Kent State (social studies) - app acknowledged/Aff act form (12/3), 12/6 telephone interview scheduled

Lake Forest College -application acknowledged (11/1); (12/6) telephone interviews scheduled

Long Island University (curr. & instr.) - acknowledgment letter 3/5/08, rejection letter 4/25/08

Loyola University Chicago (C&I) - app acknowledged - plan to identify 3 finalists ASAP and schedule on-campus interviews in late Jan/early Feb (12/3)

Marist College (sped) - email contact of interest (10/25)

Millersville U. (sped) - application acknowledged (11/1)campus interview 2/13

Montclair State University (Educational Leadership) Application 11/17, phone interview 2/28.

New Jersey City University (Educational Leadership) Application 11/17, interview, 2/6, second interview 3/5.

North Carolina State University (educational leadership & policy), 12/5 campus interview scheduled for Jan

Northern Arizona U (History of Ed/Secondary History) -phone interview scheduled for Jan (12/17) -on-campus interview scheduled (1/16) - heard from chair that candidates will be interviewing through 2/6 or so.

Ohio State University (sped)-rejction email 2/08

Otterbein (foundations) - application acknowledged/release form for reference check (11/20) - phone interview scheduled for early Feb (1/16)

Pacific University (curr. & instr. in secondary ed.) - acknowledgment 5/9/08

SUNY Plattsburgh - acknowledgment letter 4/16/08, phone interview 4/08, on campus interview 5/08

Providence College (sped) rejection letter 2/4

Purdue -job offered and accepted (grapevine sources)

Salisbury University - acknowledgment letter 5/7/08, rejection letter 4/10/08

SIU Carbondale (curriculum studies) - app acknowledged/aff action form (12/3)

St. Joseph's (teacher education)

Texas State

Stanford University (history of education) Stanford (math ed)

Temple U. (sped)

Temple U. (curriculum theory) - search suspended per letter of 1/16

Texas Tech University (Associate Dean, College of Education) - reviews scheduled to begin 1/7/2008; no info yet

University of Alabama (secondary social studies) - app acknowledged/aff action form (12/3)

UArizona -job offered and accepted

University of California - Santa Cruz - application acknowledged (11/13)

University of Cincinatti (sped) campus interview 3/19

University of Colorado, Denver (ed. psych.) - phone interview 5/08

University of Connecticut (sped) - application acknowledged (11/4)

University of Georgia (sch psych) - application acknowledged (10/25), rejection letter 1/2008

University of Georgia (math ed) -hired someone(through the grapevine)

U Illinois Chicago (math ed)

U. of Maine

U. of Mass. at Amherst (sped)

U of Missouri-Columbia (Higher Ed.) Phone interviews scheduled and conducted(2/23)

University of New Mexico (ECE / multicult.)

University of North Dakota (Stats & Evaluation) -- Actively seeking more candidates for limited candidate pool (1/22)

U Oklahoma

Universty of Pittsburgh-main campus(sped)

University of Pittsburgh @ Bradford (sped)-application acknowledged 11/28

University of San Francisco (C&I) - application acknowledged/release form for reference check (11/20); phone interviews (12/12) - rejection received snail mail 1/26

University of Texas Austin

University of Toronto (Globalization)

University of Toronto (Multiliteracies)

U of VT (secondary ed) - phone interview scheduled for early Feb (1/16)

University of Wyoming (Ed Studies/multicultural ed) - app acknowledged/Aff action form (12/3)

Vanderbilt -(ed policy) -(math ed): rejection letter first week of Dec -(chaired education positions X 4): 1 candidate talk posted on Website (3/10)

Vassar College (Multicultural Ed) 2/9 Rejection letter received

University of Virginia (curr. & instr.) - search suspended 5/15/08

Washington College - rejection letter 5/22/08

Western Michigan (C&I) - application acknowledged/release form for reference check (11/21) - telephoning references (12/17)

Westfield State College (sped)campus interview 1/29

West Chester University (sped)-campus interview 3/17

William Jewell (secondary C&I), phone interview scheduled 12/7 -on campus interview in early January - offer made 1/17 - offer refused 1/31

Wright State University (ECE)

====Schools That Have Made Offers name, date notified

William Jewell (1/17)- refused on 1/31 Adelphi University (12/22)-refused 1/8 University Arizona (early Feb)-accepted

====Schools That Have Invited Candidates to Campus Adelphi University (11/15) Colby College North Carolina State (12/5) Loyola Northern Arizona U (1/17) SUNY Geneseo University of Arizona William Jewell (1/16) University of Pittsburgh (1/29) Westfield College (1/31) Millersville University (2/12) UNC Wilmington-SEARCH CANCELLED East Stroudsburg 2/25 Richard Stockton-2/20

====Schools That Have Scheduled Phone Interviews Adelphi University (11/7) Gettysburg College (~12/14) Lake Forest College (12/6) Kent State (12/6) Florida State Otterbein (1/16) William Jewell (12/7) University of San Francisco (12/12) U of Vermont (1/17) East Stroudburg U. Buffalo State (2/14) Central Washington (2/6) U of Missouri-Columbia (2/23)

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