Academic Jobs Wiki
Academic Jobs Wiki

Please indicate the following: Geographical region, school size, urban/rural, rank/position, teaching load, starting salary, misc comments.

  • Please specify as well candidate status and job level: ABD, Post-Doc, TT, non-TT, starting Assistant, advanced Assistant, Associate, etc. since these factors influence salary levels too.
  • Would be interesting to see gender given that everyone says women receive lower initial offers and are less likely to negotiate!
  • For example: Research I, TT starting assistant prof. (female ABD), $54k, 2/3, midwest, small city, negotiated up from $53k.

For comparison, most recent prior page: English Lit Salaries for AY 2016-2017 (no AY 17-18 page).

Back to English Literature 2017-2018

Salaries for English Literature Full-Time TT Jobs starting in Academic Year 2018-19[]

  • East Coast R2, TT assistant prof. (white Latina, Independent Scholar, 2yrs PhD in hand), 3/2 with 2/2 first year (course release every few years), $60k, $10.5k startup (moving, computer, research, etc), $1350/year conference/travel. Same starting salary as male assistant professors hired previous year.
  • Research I, TT starting assistant prof. (male ABD), $68k, 2/2, southwest, college town, negotiated up from $61k.
  • West coast R2, TT assistant prof. (female ABD), $71k, $4k startup and moving, 4/4 with a 3/3 for two years, laptop and printer, $1,500 per year conference/travel. Negotiations limited due to union contract; contract ensures fall raise in salary. 
  • East Asia R1, TT assistant prof. (female, 4 yrs PhD in hand), $110k, 1/2 (course release every few years), $20k startup, $2000 per year conference travel (additional support possible). Negotiations limited because it is not the norm here.
  • South R2, TT assistant prof (woman of color/South Asian immigrant ABD); 2/2; junior leave; 72K, 13.5K startup; 2.5K office/tech, 2.5K summer stipend (incl moving); 1K conference/travel.

Salaries for Creative Writing Full-Time TT Jobs starting in Academic Year 2018-19[]

  • Midwest SLAC, small city very low cost of living, TT Assistant Professor, 2-2-2, with 1-2-2 for first two years (negotiated), $58k (negotiated), $5k startup, $2k moving, new desktop computer, full benefits, up to $2,200/yr conference travel
  • Midwest SLAC, small town with low cost of living, TT advanced Assistant Professor, 3-2 plus senior project advising, $61K, $3k startup (negotiated), full benefits & 2 VAP years counted toward retirement contributions etc, new laptop while VAP before hire. Credited 2 years toward tenure based on 8 years previous teaching experience. $1350/year guaranteed conference travel plus other funding available.
  • Midwest R2, small town, TT Assistant Professor, 3-2 with two course releases in first six years (negotiated), $60k (negotiated), $5.5k moving, $2.8k computer, full benefits, $1.5k conference travel per year with $2k for international travel/research for one year (negotiated).
  • Southwest "Community Engaged" State University, small city, TT Assisstant Professor, 4-4 with course release the first year, $53,500 (negotiated up from $53,000), $3K moving, new computer, full benefits, $2K conference travel/year, neg. adjunct work for spouse

Salaries for Visiting English Literature and/or Creative Writing Jobs starting in Academic Year 2018-19[]


Salary Information from Previous Years[]

For some further comparisons and information, see pages from previous years:
