Page for Academic Positions in English Literature 2013-2014 (and related fields that start in fall 2013).
NEW PAGE for 2014 Jobs: English Literature 2013-14
See Talk Page for discussion and demographics
Pages from Previous Years: English Literature Jobs 2011, English Literature Jobs 2012 and English Lit Salaries 2012-13
In addition to the MLA JIL, jobs may be posted at The Chronicle of Higher Education,, Inside Higher Ed, H-Net, Academic Careers Online and HERC.
- Rhetoric and Composition Jobs are also posted at the WPA Job Board.
A new Wiki on academic journals in the Humanities has been started. You can add / view information about publishing in literary studies journals at Literary Studies Journals.
OFFER MADE? OFFER ACCEPTED? Share salary information for new English Literature Jobs at English Lit Salaries for AY 2013-2014
MLA / Interfolio partnership announced: FAQ about Using Interfolio Dossier to Apply for Positions in the JIL
From MLA JIL: "Please note: The online JIL will close for the summer on 30 July. There will be no further updates to the list after 6 July. The database of new job listings for the fall will be available for searching online beginning 14 September."
It is up as of 3:15 pm ETS on 13 September.
- The entire MLA site (including and beyond the JIL) is still down as of 10/31/12 (assume this is hurricane-related). Not sure where to go to find out when it will be up .... Interfolio is now working again, however: see Blog post about delayed deliveries.
- 11/2/12: This is the current note on the MLA JIL website: "Because of the recent storm in the Northeast, the MLA office is closed and the MLA Web site is down. We apologize for the inconvenience and hope that service will soon be restored. The 1 November deadline to apply for travel grants to the convention has been extended to 9 November."
- Sunday, Nov. 4: The MLA JIL is back online: (however, the list hasn't been updated since Oct. 26). --> Job List updated as of Nov. 5.
MLA JOBS: Putting the "AACK!" in the tenure track
See also: The MLA Job List for Everyone
British/Anglophone Literature[]
Restoration/18th-Century British
Romanticism/Victorian/19th-Century British
Modern and Contemporary British
Anglophone and World Literature/Postcolonial
American/North American Literature[]
Early and 19th-Century American
20th and 21st-Century American
Other Ethnic American (including Latino/a, Asian, Native American)
Generalist and Non-National Categories[]
Community Colleges
New Media and Digital Humanities
Children's and Young Adult Lit. / English Education / Primary and Secondary Literacy