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NEW PAGE (for 2012-13 job cycle): Cultural Studies/Ethnic Studies 2012-13
Not sure how many people will read this- please change this counter so we can keep tabs on how many people check/update:
I'm on the Market: 27 (2 Latin American Studies)
I'm just curious: 1
- Just curious...How many of you will have/have a PhD in AAS vs. traditional fields?
- I am in an ethnic studies program.
- I have a PhD in history.
- I'm in an interdisciplinary PhD program.
- Finishing PhD in related humanities field (3)
- completing PhD in African American/Diaspora Studies
- I'm completing my PhD in Sociology
- I have a Ph.D in African American Studies
- I have a Ph.D. in American Studies. (3)
- I have a Ph.D in African American Studies
- I have a PhD in an interdisciplinary.
- I have a PhD in Linguistics.
- I have a PhD in history.
Arizona State University (Indigenous Literatures and Comparative Ethnic Studies)
Bard College at Simon's Rock-(2 positions AAS)
- received ack via snail mail (11/21)
- any word on this search?
- they are just starting phone interviews (12/13)
- request for phone interview - they are scheduling for this week (12/16)
- Did anyone get invited for campus visit yet? (1/6)
- what's going on with these searches?
- I never heard anything after my phone interview.
- they are in the midst of campus interviews 2/20
- have they hired anybody? campus interviews for af-am took place the first week of February. (3/16)
Bowdoin (African American Studies)
- received ack via snail mail (12/5)
- " 11/24
- Has anyone heard from Bowdoin? (1/7)
- Not yet... (1/7)
- Invited, via email, for campus interview (12/24) to take place late Jan or early Feb
- anyone else? I am so bummed :(
- Nothing (either positive or negative) (1/9)
- I asked about a timetable and was told the search committee will be meeting in mid January to decide on campus visits and they plan to contact all applicants about the status of the search in late January. Im not sure if this helps, but I had to share. . .
- Thanks. That is helpful.
- has anyone else heard anything yet (1/22)?
- nope....still waiting......... (1/22) (1/28x2) are there only 3 of us here...two waiting and one with an interview? lol
- it's possible! i was thinking of emailing the chair today just to find out what's happening- especially since someone indicated (above) that we would be getting info on the status of the search in late jan. (1/28)
- I contacted Femi and wrote the above message, including the one about there only being two of us :) Go for it....why not? I am anxious :)
- I heard making decisions about campus visits "in next few weeks." (1/30)
- has the person from line 5 interviewed yet?
- from "line 5": I ended up turning down the invite to interview because I accepted a tenure track job elsewhere.
- Thanks for the update, and congrats on your position!
- anyone know how many folks were on the short list?
- Any news?. . . .
- Not a peep (2/20)
- 2/18 Post on AfAm Lit list says Bowdoin interviewing on campus this week
- Whatever happened with this position? Was an offer made? (3/6)?
- No idea...I stopped thinking about this one a couple of weeks ago :(
Case Western Reserve (post doc AF/AM)
Connecticut College-Postdoc (Center for Race and Ethnicity)
- Does anyone know anything on the timeline for this one?
- i vaguely remember that they said interviews wouldn't be until feb
- i'm assuming they'll be contacting people soon if interviews are in february. has anyone heard anything from them? (1/22)
- nothing here. has anyone contacted them?
- i contacted them. chair says that they hope to have a short list in two weeks (1/28)
- any word on this? are they going to do interviews by phone?
- i got in touch w/ the chair about the timeline- she didn't indicate what kind of interviews they would conduct (2/6)
- Anyone heard anything from Conn? (2/20)
- someone on the postdoc wiki reports getting a call for an interview (2/25)
- anyone else heard anything? (3/6)
- I haven't heard anything at all (3/13)
Colorado State University
- heard that they have already brought candidates to campus (11/25)
- Is this a literature position?
- No, not a literature position.
- If this is the NAS position, I've not heard anything yet (2/23)
Columbia (CSER and English)
- requested writing sample (11/20)
- more info on this one on the English wiki page, under Other Ethnic American
Columbia (CSER and Anthropology)
- requested letters (11/11)
- rejection letter (dated 11/7)
Concordia University (First Peoples Studies)
Does anyone have any info about this position? I noticed it was advertised in 2008-2009 but apparently never filled.
Dartmouth (Native American Studies)
- Does anybody know what's going on with this search? I received an ack ltr way back in '08, and nary a word since (2/13)
- I'm tempted to write, but the college was featured in a NYT article a few weeks ago about hiring freezes. Doesn't sound good. (2/15)
- I have a friend who applied for a position in another dept at Dartmouth that did get frozen; but in this case they notified applicants of the situation via e-mail. I would expect the same of NAS, which is why I wonder if it might still be ongoing. I would say wait until March before inquiring. (2/20)
- only half frozen. They were looking to fill two positions, but ended up being able to fill only one. per rejection letter (2/21).
- still not heard anything (2/23).
- As commented above, they reduced their search to one position (literature), which they successfully filled. Search is over. (per letter, 2/23)
Dickinson (African American Studies)
- request for phone interview (11/7)
- invited for campus visit
- did anyone else apply for this one?
- does anyone know if dickinson made a hire? (2/25)
Florida International University (African and African Diaspora Studies Program)
- ack via email (12/5)
Florida Gulf Coast University (African Diaspora Literature) (1/01/10)
Frederick Douglas Institute (U of Rochester)
- anyone know anything about this post doc?
Hampshire (African American Studies)
- request for additional information (11/22)
- i've heard they have a long short list, and will be making final short list this week (12/10)
- has anyone heard anything from them? (12/16)
- No. I emailed for followup and have not heard anything. It could be (I hope) they are delayed because of the ice storm and this has put them behind schedule (12/17).
- Interesting. Glad to know I'm not the only one still waiting. (12/17)
- Call for interview today (12/17).
- campus visits scheduled (1/7)
- anyone know how many? (1/7)
- no idea. i just know that campus visits are first and second week of feb (1/22)
- offer made and accepted
Ithaca College (CSCRE)
- received e-mail saying they won't contact candidates they want to pursue further until the Spring semester (12/4) (x3)
- Scheduling mid-Feb phone interviews (1/6)
- Did they hire anyone last year? If so, do you know what area/discpline? I see that they scheduled a campus visit in Feb '08, but there's no additional information in last year's wiki posting.
- They are interviewing candidates this week (2/9)
- Invited for campus interview (2/20)
Muhlenberg (African American Studies)
- request for phone interview (12/1)
- ditto. Shortlist is 13, they will bring 3 to campus early Jan.
- they called me today for a phone interview 12/1
- called today to schedule campus visit (12/17)
- what ever happened with muhlenberg? has an offer been made? (1/28)
- they conducted campus visits but did not make an offer
- Wow-- how come?! Did the funding for the position dry up?
- email to finalists did not give a reason for not making a hire. It was the President's decision not to make a hire. (3/16)
NYU (African American Studies/Gallatin School of Individualized Study)
- request for additional info (11/12)
- did anyone hear anything else from NYU? Or anything about a timeline?
- just curious- did anyone else out there apply for this position? curious if anyone else has heard from the search committee (12/16)
- emailed them to find out what's going on... (12/18)
- was told that search committee completed its first round of interviews; they are in the process of determining the finalists for this position. (12/18)
- rejection letter received (3/1)
NYU (Latino Studies)
- Has anyone heard about the Latino studies position. Deadline was in October and not a peep...
- Request for additional information (11/20)
- Email rejection (12/17)
- Invited 4 candidates for campus talks in February (2/28)
- Heard it was offered or will be offered to the political scientist (3/4)
San Francisco State University (American Indian Studies)
- I received notice they were extending their search, but the CA market ain't looking so good. Not holding my breath (2/15)
- Campus interview and job talk- two candidates - one hired as of 9/09
- Received email saying that they received all my materials and application is now considered "complete" (12/8/08)
- Received email confirming search as ongoing, that they would have a long short list by January and conduct phone/vid conferencing interviews, and then on-campus interviews late Jan or early Feb (12/19)x3
- Any word? (12/17)
(Is it true that all UC searches are being cut, due to the recent round of budget wars in CA? If so, that is really upsetting.... Not to be alarmist, but it feels as if we are all fighting over crumbs...
- Each UC is handling hiring decisions at the campus level. Berkeley has dramatically reduced its number of searches this year but has committed to funding those that were approved.
- Invited for phone interview (1/10)
- Rejection letter (1/30)X2 (2/4)
- Invited to campus (2/13)
- WTF: I was rejected for this a few weeks ago and just got a "Complete your UCB application" questionnaire email for it. Anyone else?
- WTFx4!! Got same email. I don't know what the hell it means, but I'm going to write to find out. (x4) What the heck?!?!?!? Are they covering their backsides or what? (2/20)
- If any of you above find out the reasoning behind the (impersonal and bewildering) email, would you kindly post the information? How odd.
- I replied to the email asking what reason I would have for filling it out after already being rejected, but so far no response.
UC-Davis (Native American Studies)
- Any word on this position? (2/6)
- There is a shortlist (as of late January) and candidates have been invited for job talks. (2/7)
UCLA "Cultures in Transnational Perspective" postdoc
- Any word? (3/24)
UC-San Diego
- Requested additional writing samples 10/21
- Was this in addition to the writing sample they requested with the application?
- yes
- Rejection letter (11/13)
- Also got a request for additional material on 10/21, but have heard nothing yet. Request also indicated finalists would be notified week of 11/10, so...
- Rejection letter (11/19)
- Anyone heard anything new? (12/10)
- Not a thing. No rejection letter. Nothing. (12/10)
- Heard they had campus interviews last week. (12/11)
- Does anyone know anything else on this one? I was on the long-short list, but did not make the campus interview. Is there any reason to have hope? Good luck to everyone else!
- they offered the job to someone great.
- Wait - I thought this was a cluster of three different positions. Have they interviewed for all three positions? (12/17)
- oh, i only know about the assistant prof. position. they offered it to someone.
- Rejection email (1/13) x3
- 4 interviews have been scheduled, if you haven't received notice or a rejection letter, assume you are not a potential candidate
UC-Santa Cruz (Latin American Studies)
- search cancelled (postponed?) due to UC budget cuts
University of Colorado-Colorado Springs (Indigenous Studies)
- Position offered and accepted (1/22)
- I got the best rejection letter in my life from the department chair. They're acknowledging the candidate pool's strengths and clearly taking indigenous studies seriously. The candidate who got the position is stellar--congratulations.
- To echo the comment above, I too got the most personal, most encouraging, and longest (1 and 1/3 pages) rejection letter in my life. I could tell that they had really considered my application seriously and I was very impressed.
University of Colorado-Boulder
- Any news? (12/10)
- Can anyone confirm that they have requested letters of rec? (12/18)
- Received automated email on 12/08 that app was being reviewed for further consideration and that an email was sent to references listed asking them to submit letters. (12/19)
- received rejection today (12/29) x2
- Received invitation for campus interview (1/27)
University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana (post doc in AF/AM)
- anyone have info?
- I emailed the other day about it and they said they offered it to someone and they accepted (3/26)
University of Kentucky
- Any news? (12/23)
- Request for writing sample (12/15)
University of Massachusetts-Amherst (African American Studies)
- has anyone heard if this search is still going forward (i know u mass imposed a hiring freeze early- september- but it sounded like some searches might proceed...)
- this search has been cancelled (11/22)
- search cancelled letter received today (12/2)
University of Minnesota
- Has anyone heard about the Chicano Studies position?
- Not a thing.
- Heard that search IS progressing like a regular search, but they won't know for sure if it will actually be completed due to new "hiring pause" that has been instituted (12/8)
- Has there been any progress on the Chicano Studies position? (1/18) Called for campus visit (2/1)'
University of Nebraska (Africana/African American Studies)
University of New Mexico (Africana)
- Invited for on campus interview (12/16)
- call to assess my availability for a campus visit (12/16)
- ditto (12/16) they are scheduling interviews for late jan
- SC called tonight to tell me there was a snafu. The committee has to meet again in late Jan. and resubmit the candidate list to the dean. Then interviews will be scheduled. I hope this one doesn't get cancelled. (12/17)
- any word on this? it's been over a month since they checked on availability?
- E-mailed the chair to get an update. She informed me that the search is being cancelled. They will be looking for visiting professors to teach classes in African-American history. (1/30)
- any idea if they will be contacting those on the short list first? Or how the visiting professor search will go?
University of North Carolina at Charlotte (Africana/African Diaspora Studies)
- Search is canceled because of economic downturn; received letter in mail
University of Oregon
- Got an email about being on the "long short list" 11/24
- 11/24: was this in response to an email you sent them? Or one that they sent to candidates more generally? Thanks.
- Neither. They asked for more materials (some were missing from my app I guess) and said I was on the long short list. I hadn't emailed them and it was not a general email sent to candidates.
- Contacted via e-mail for an interview via video conferencing next week. Was told to find a video conferencing facility in the yellow pages. (12/3)
- That's an odd request. Are they paying for it or are you expected to cover that expense? If this is in lieu of a phone interview, it seems like a somewhat sneaky way for them to visually assess the race/ethnicity of the candidates, and if it's in lieu of the on campus interview, it's a rather interesting way for them to reduce costs in this crap economy. Keep us updated on the video conference thing.
- I did not apply for this job, but I have heard from individuals formerly assoc. with Oregon that they have done video conferencing for several years. it is in lieu of conference interviews, rather than in lieu of phone interviews (I'd rather do a video conference interview because I appreciate seeing people's expressions when i'm responding and find it easier to make it into a conversation).
- Had the video interview and it was much better than a phone interview. They paid all costs. They hope to call candidates to schedule January on campus interviews by Christmas.
- Rejection via e-mail. (1/3)
- Rejection # 2 (1/3)
- Rejection letter, states position was offered and they are waiting for candidate to accept. (2/11)
University of Redlands
- Any word on this job?
- I haven't heard a thing (12/4)
- I received a snail mail ack of application, though they said I was missing materials that I'm fairly certain they have. Also came with HR diversity form.
- Received reply 12/3 to e-mail inquiry" "search postponed indefinitely due to budgetary reasons."
University of Virginia (African American and African Studies)
- any news about this job?
- received rejection letter in mail (1/26)
University of Wisconsin (Afro-American Studies) - interviews took place in December - offer extended and accepted in January
- Do you mean the African-American history job in the Afro-American Studies dept.? According to the history wiki, two on campus interviews were conducted the first week of February.
- I am referring to the job that was advertised as a "cluster" position in "African diaspora studies"
Vanderbilt University (African American and Diaspora Studies)
- Anyone heard anything about this one? (3/24)
Schools in alphabetic order. List positions that are NOT from History and English departments. Put field in parenthesis, list requests, interviews, campus visits, offers with dates.
(Asian American)
-Request for phone interview (12/12) -Rejection letter rec'd (1/5/)
Arizona State
(Asian American)
Boston College
- received acknowledgement of application & AA form (12/1) - Received rejection letter (2/1)
Cal Poly San Luis Obispo
- telephone and email request for phone interview (12/7)
CSU Northridge (Afro-Carribean)
DePaul (Latin American) (International Studies)
Fort Lewis (Co) (Native American)
Ithaca College, Center for the Study of Race, Culture and Ethnicity
(ethnic, diaspora, global) - Requested more materials - Phone interview scheduled (12/1) - Campus visit scheduled (early Feb)
Iowa State
(Asian American) - Any news?
-Got a cryptic phone call 1/29 that a short list had been made, was I still available, but no campus visit offer. They said they would call back next week.
-Heard that candidates have been invited. Don't know if this is true or just a rumor (2/17)
Kansas State University (KS)
(Ethnic Studies)
- Complete silence--no acknowledgment, no nothing. Anyone know anything?
Metropolitan State University (MN)
- Phone Interviews scheduled (Dec) - Four Candidates invited to campus (Jan)
Minnesota State U Mankato (MN)
(Native American)
- Received phone call in early March that search deadline had been extended to late March. No contact since.
(Latino) - Notified finalists (2/15)
(Asian American) - Requested additional materials (12/1) - Invited three candidates for on-campus-interviews (12/19)
(Asian American)
San Francisco State
(American Indian) - two candidates short-listed (11/15)
(Chinese American) Any news?
Sonoma State
(Ethnic Studies)- campus interviews scheduled for January
SUNY Buffalo
(Asian American and/or Asian Diaspora Studies with a focus on the Americas) - Phone interview scheduled according to American Studies wiki (11/12), - campus interview scheduled
SUNY Stony Brook
(Asian American Lit.)
UC Berkeley
(Native American) - three candidates invited for campus visit & job talk (11/5) - 1st candidate job talk (11/26)
UC Riverside
(South Asian Media)
UC Santa Cruz
(Latin American and Latino studies) campus visits scheduled
UC San Diego
(African American/African Diaspora) - sent rejection letter (2) 12/3 - job candidates invited
(Af-Am - Ethnic Studies and the Urban Studies and Planning Program) - rec'd rejection letter 12-3-07 - job candidates invited
U of Colorado at Denver
(Asian American)
- rec'd rejection letter 1-27-08
U of Hawaii
(Asian American) - Interviews at ASA, campus visits late Nov. according to American Studies wiki Job offered (12/6)
U of Maryland College Park
(Asian American Public Policy) - rec'd rejection letter 1-27-08
U Mass - Amherst
(Native American) - AA forms sent (11/17) - syllabi requested (11/27) - Had phone interview in Dec, but haven't heard a thing since (2/15). Anyone else?
U of Michigan - Rec'd letter that search was canceled 1/3/08
(South Asian Media)
(Latin American and Latino Studies) - made an offer
(joint with history, 19th and 20th c.) - request for the entire diss (late-Oct.)
U of Oregon
- phone/conference interview scheduled - campus visit scheduled - when did they contact you to schedule campus visit? (11/26)was this for the AFAM or the Caribbean position?
UT Austin
(Asian American/Anthro)
- Campus interviews taking place now for Asian Am postision (2/15)
-Request for additional materials (11/26)
UT Austin (American Studies/Mexican American) Have picked their finalists (2/14)
(Chinese Diaspora or the African Diaspora in the Americas or Chicano/Latino American history)
University of Virginia
Writing Sample requested 12/18
University of Washington
- received acknowledgment via letter with AA link (11/5) - asked for writing sample (11/16); asked for dissertation (11/28)
U Wisconsin - Madison
(Native American [cluster hire]) - search failed last year - job talks scheduled (11/29)
Washington State Univ - search put on temporary hold
-Request for writing sample (12/12)
Williams College
(2 yr postdoc Asian American)
-Campus visit scheduled (12/9)