Jobs in pre-1800 European Literature, 2016-2017
Jobs in French, 2008-2009
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I'm on the market and I'm... ...ABD, but defending real soon now: 17 ...a Ph.D., but still at my degree-granting institution: 2 ...a visiting assistant professor or adjunct position: 9 a post-doctoral position (ABD or with degree in hand): 3 a tenure-track position: 3 a tenured position: 1 a non-academic position: ...on a Search Committee: 1, (UTC) Actually, I'm just lurking:
Tenure-track positions
1. Adelphi U, 19th/20th c. lit., Francophone lit./culture
-Position no longer shows on their HR website. -Rejection letter 01/26
2. Albright College, open
- acknowledged app received, 11/19 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled via email 12/6
3. Auburn U, generalist
– scheduled phone interview via email 12/10 - acknowledged app received, 1/14 (by mail) - had phone interview mid december and received acknowledgement of app. mid January. - has anyone gotten a definite date about possible invite to campus from them?
4. Bryn Mawr, 18th century
- acknowledged app received, 11/7 (by mail)
5. Canisius College, generalist (French and Italian or French and Arabic), Search on Hold
6. Central Washington, generalist SEARCH CANCELLED
7. Christopher Newport
- acknowledged app received, 11/26 (by mail) - scheduled MLA interview, 12/1 - on campus interview in progress 2/06
8. Coker College, generalist
9. Colby College
- MLA interview scheduled 12/12 (by email) - Post-MLA rejection letter, 1/12
10. College of Staten Island
- acknowledged app received (by mail) - phone interview scheduled 11/18
11. College of William & Mary, French Colonial Studies
- not on short list (by email) 12/5 - MLA interview scheduled (by phone) 12/10 - Campus Interviews scheduled
12. Connecticut College, Francophone Cultural Studies
- email ack, 12/11, decisions by 12/19 - MLA interview scheduled 12/16 (by phone) - Any news?
13. Eastern Illinois University
- telephone interviews scheduled 12/12 - Campus interviews in progress (began 2/10)
14. Eastern Michigan U SEARCH CANCELLED 01/30/09
15. Elon U, open
- acknowledged app received, 11/3 - phone interview scheduled, 12/5 (by e-mail) - rejection letter received 12/6 (by mail) - 2 phone interview conducted 12/10--campus visits early Feb. (invitations possibly before xmas) - Does anyone know if they have extended on campus interview invitations yet? - Campus interview invite 1/22 (by phone) - Offer extended and accepted 2/23
16. Emory & Henry, generalist
- (2) acknowledged app received, 12/1 (snail mail) - telephone interview conducted 1/6--campus visits late Jan. - Campus interview scheduled, 1/19 by phone
17. Florida Atlantic U, Francophone literatures
- Requested online application, 11/20
17b. Florida Atlantic U, post-1700
- Not sure why this posting was erased. Does anyone have any news about it since campus interviews?
18. Georgetown in Qatar
- acknowledged app received (Nov. ?) - rejection letter (Feb 14)
19. Gonzaga U, open
- acknowledged app received, 11/18 (by mail) - Campus interview in progress
20. Harvard 17th
- acknowledged app received, 11/12 (by email with survey) - and also by email (11/24) - scheduled mla interview, 1/12
21. Indiana, Bloomington, 17th century or 19th century
- acknowledged app received, 11/18 (by mail) - on-campus interview scheduled - fwiw: I believe that an offered has been extended and accepted; candidate declined an offer at my university to take a job at IU - offer extended and accepted
22. Iowa SU, Generalist
- acknowledged app received, 11/4 - Scheduled MLA interview, 12/1 (x3) - Requested writing sample and syllabus 12/5 (x3 ) - Friend scheduled campus visit 1/5
23. Ithaca College, generalist SEARCH CANCELLED 1/28
24. Johns Hopkins U, 20th & 21st century literatures SEARCH CANCELED 12/18
25. Kent State University-Stark campus, French language search
- Search committee reading files currently 12.14.08 - anyone know about campus interviews??????
26. Knox
- acknolwedged app received, 12/2 (by email x2) - friend scheduled interview 12/16 - Any news on this position?
27. Lehigh
- acknowledged app received, 11/19 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled via email 12/4
28. Loyola College, 19th century French lit & Francophone
- (2) friend scheduled MLA interview (12/1) - on-campus interview scheduled
29. Macalester College
- acknowledged app received, 11/15 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled, 12/10 (by phone) - acknowledgement app received 1/15!! by letter dated 12/15 - Rejection letter post-MLA interview 2/6
30. Miami U - Ohio, 20th/21st c. French studies SEARCH CANCELLED
31. Northwestern, Medieval
- MLA interview requested by phone 12/4 - have already scheduled first round of campus visits 1/12
32. Northwestern, Renaissance
- MLA interview requested by email 12/4 - MLA interview scheduled over phone 12/4 - Campus interview scheduled in early January - Any news? - no news here... - Offer made on 2/24
33. Northern Illinois University, Applied Linguistics
- MLA interviews scheduled, 12/04 - Campus visits scheduled and in progress.
34. Quest U, generalist
35. Rhodes, Generalist
- acknowledged app received, 11/25 (by mail) - MLA interview requested, 12/8 (by email) - MLA interview scheduled, 12/9 (by phone) - invitation for on campus interview, 1/2 (by phone) - friend accepted position, mid Feb.
36. Saint Edwards University, generalist
-Offer made early March, accepted March 12
- Does anyone have interview information on this position yet?
37. Salisbury U, generalist
- acknowledged app received, 11/3 - Phone interview scheduled 1/8 - Phone interview conducted 1/16; more interviews to be conducted this week. - News abt callbacks after 1/21
38. Santa Clara U, 19th, 19th-20th
- rejection letter, 12/12 - Friend scheduled MLA interview (12/4?) - Friend scheduled campus visit (1/26)
39. Scripps College, 19th c. French Cultural studies
- requested writing sample, 11/11 - Can someone confirm if interviews have been scheduled? thanks. - friend scheduled interview 12/6
40. Southern Methodist Open Specialization
- acknowledged app received, 11/13 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled, 12/19 (by email) - Campus Visit scheduled, 1/8
41. Syracuse U, 19th/20th c. French
- phone interview scheduled 1/16 - campus visit scheduled 1/27
42. Trinity College, 20th c. literature and culture
- acknowledged app received, 11/3 - acknowledged app received, 11/6 (by email) - MLA interview requested by email, 12/1 (x2) - rejection letter, 1/15 was this a post-MLA interview rejection letter or a rejection w/no interview? - on-campus interview invitation, 1/21 (by email)
43. Tulane, Open
- acknowledged app received, 11/14 (by email) - MLA interview scheduled (by phone) 12/13 - on-campus interview scheduled - any news?
44. U of Alberta, cross-cultural
45. U of Colorado, Boulder, 18th century
- MLA interview scheduled by phone (12/6) - on-campus interview scheduled (1/2)
46. CU Boulder 19th century
-MLA interview scheduled by phone (12/9) -Friend scheduled MLA interview by phone (12/9)
47. U of British Columbia
- acknowledged app received, first week of December (by snail mail)
48. University of California, Davis, Early Modern
- requested writing sample, 12/4
49. University of Chicago
- heard from Prof that this one is cut due to econ crisis
50. University of Dalhousie, Renaissance
- asked for more materials and ack app rec'd,11/18 by email - secretary emailed that all candidates had been sent letters on 12/8, should arrive shortly.
51. University of Louisiana, Lafayette, Quebec
- acknowledged app received, 12/03 (by email) - campus interviews scheduled
52. U Miami, 19th c. lit/culture
- acknowledged app received, 11/17 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled by email 12/9 - on-campus interviews scheduled (1/20) - fwiw: I'm pretty sure that they have extended an offer (friend is grad student in dept.) - offer has been extended; if it helps, all 3 candidates were impressive and more than acceptable - offer accepted, late Feb. (confirmed)
53. U of Mississippi
- contacted advisors, 11/1 - telephone interviews scheduled
54. U of West Georgia, Open
- Phone interview scheduled-12/02 (x2) - Campus interview scheduled for late January, 1/10
55. U of Texas San Antonio, open
56. Vanderbilt U
- acknowledged app received, 11/18 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled via email, 12/2 - rejection letter, 12/11
57. Vermont, Quebec
- MLA interview scheduled, 12/5 (by email) (x2)
58. Wayne State U - 20/21st
- Any news post MLA? - on-campus invitation, by phone, 1/6
59. Wisconsin, Stevens Point, 20th century
- acknowledged app received, 11/29 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled by email 12/18
60. Wisconsin, Oshkosh
- acknowledged app received, 11/15 (by mail) - MLA interview scheduled 11/21
61.Yale 17th century
- acknowledged app received, 11/18 (by mail) - acknowledged app received, 11/15 (by mail) - interview scheduled 12/15 (via e-mail)
62. Yale Francophone/Maghreb
-MLA interview scheduled 12/15 (via email) -Not invité to campus (12-30)
Non-tenure-track positions
1. Barnard College, Lecturer
- interview 12/9 - rejection reply to e-mail inquiry 12/22 (after having interviewed 12/9)
2. Earlham College, 1-yr VAP
- acknowledgement app received snail mail
3. Hamilton C, modern/Francophone
-Campus interview invite by phone (2/13)
4. Middlebury College VAP
- acknowledgement app received snail mail (2/9) - Any news on when interviews should start? --rejection letter march 16
5. Wake Forest University Visiting Instructor or Lecturer
- acknowledgement app received snail mail
6. Harvard, Senior Preceptor
- Scheduled MLA interviews, 12/3 - Rejection e-mail 1/5 (following MLA interview)
Doctoral and Postdoctoral Fellowships
1. Chateaubriand Fellowship
- Has anyone who applied for these fellowships heard anything yet? The website says notification "at the beginning of March," and it's well beyond that... (3/17)
Format guidelines
[Partial edit]
For new position announcements, please add the relevant information: School, specialty, due date, and link to job description, if available.
As job search progress indicators become available, add the type of information and date preceded by a hyphen on the next line after the position announcement. The link to a job description can be deleted after the application due date.
After an offer has been accepted, please underline the name of the institution so that we can easily see which positions have already been filled.
For example:
1. Midwest Dreamland U, 16/17th c., due 11/1/08 - updates: - writing sample requested by e-mail 11/5 - phone interview scheduled 11/20 - MLA interview scheduled 12/3 - on-campus interview invitation 1/12
- offer extended 3/11 - offer accepted 3/25 - rejection letter received 4/1 (Rejection letters received after the on-campus visits.)
How to use this wiki
[Partial edit]
* Editing is easy! If you know of information that should be added or changed, click the "Edit page" button and add it. The formatting conventions are pretty easy to understand. * For second-hand and uncertain information, the result of last year's discussion seems to be that you should add the information, but identify it as such. Check last year's wiki for examples. * Do keep in mind that edits and discussion page posts will be tied to your IP address. If you're concerned about identifying yourself, post from home or a public terminal. On the other hand, it's not like the whole world doesn't already know you're o
n the market.
* The discussion page is pretty unsatisfactory. Other disciplines have different discussion forums (see, for example, Link Classics). If someone has a better solution than the discussion page here, please make a suggestion.
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