This page is for postdocs that begin in 2010.
Page for 2011: Humanities and Social Sciences Postdocs 2010-11
Note that the new wiki system has a rich text editor which should make editing these pages simple! However, please adhere to the following guidelines:
- Please place new fellowship entries in alphabetical order. Note that "University of X" should be alphabetized by U as first sort, and X as second sort within the U listings.
- Please mark the title of the fellowship using the H3 header.
- Please include the deadline and a web link to the ad/website; PLEASE follow the format of other entries.
- For logging comments or updates, please begin your entry with a bullet point. Each entry should have a separate line.
- For substantive comments or updates about status, interaction, etc., please include the date at the beginning of your entry so that users can scan the info quickly for new entries.
For more information and answers to some questions about timing, materials requests, application numbers and fields, offers, etc. see last year's postdoc wiki at:
Fellowship Listings[]
ACLS Dissertation Fellowships in East European Studies (Deadline was November 11, 2009)
According to their website, notifications will be sent out in May. Does anyone know from previous years when in May notifications were sent?
A friend of mine who received this fellowship a few years ago said the notifications to the winners actually went out sometime in April. Another friend, who was an alternate that same year, received a letter in the mail in early May. Not sure about this year--but it seems like an awfully long time to wait.
-received a rejection in the mail 4/4
-ditto (4/5)
AAUW American Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: November 15, 2009
- Status goes here
- When are we hearing back on this?
- They publish the names of recipients in a pdf on the website every April 15th.
- What time do they announce the results? I am looking at their website and cannot find anything. (4/15)---> I can't find anything either. Don't think it's up yet. But if anyone finds it, please let us know where! Good luck everyone.
- Didn't get it, but good luck to everyone else. Here is the link:
- 4/15/10--Where did the above link come from? I don't see it posted anywhere on the website as of 3:15 PM Eastern Standard Time.
- I can't find the link on the webpage, either, but thanks to whoever posted it. I am an alternate... anyone else? And does anyone else have any idea how many alternates they pick?
- Are the alternates listed on the link above? How do you know if you're an alternate? Will they email with rejections? --> I'm pretty sure that last year I got a rejection letter by snail mail.
- I received an email today letting me know I'm an alternate (they're not listed on the link). An actual letter is being sent to me as well.
- I still don't see that list on their website. Where did you find it and how did you know?
- I called them and they told me the URL and I posted the link. They said they were changing websites and facing all kids of technical issues.
- I got a rejection letter by snail mail today.
- I also heard that they sometimes don't contact winners, but just post the list, so if you don't have a rejection letter soon, look for your name on the list.
- I got this last year and they emailed notifications to awardees on April 16th after posting the pdf on the website on the 15th.
- 4/21/10--The AAUW did contact me about a dissertation fellowship, both via email (4/15) and snail mail (4/20), but not before I saw my name on the list. BTW, thanks to the person who posted the link above. And good luck to everyone.
- Another alternate here. Does anyone know how many alternates there are or what the chances are of receiving this fellowship as an alternate?
- 5/2/10 -- I guess it depends on whether any of the awardees in your category declines the offer and your rank in the alternate list. They do not let you know where you rank though and so you just have to keep your fingers crossed. I was an alternate last year and never got the award. I never made it to even to the alternate list this year though. Congrats to all the awardees and good luck to the alternates
- 5/27/10 I too am an alternate and emailed to see what kind of timetable might exist for further information. The response was that at this point all awardees had accepted their offers, but that their status could change at any time during 2010-2011, and if so, an alternate would be alerted.
American Academy in Rome[]
[; November 01, 2009
American Academy of Arts & Sciences Visiting Scholars[]
Info Deadline: October 16, 2009
- Status goes here
- Q: Anyone know when decisions will be made?
- Just checked the site, said in March
- Anyone know if they do interviews?
- Not according to last year's wiki
- anyone ever hear anything? applied and never hear back, (2/11)
- same here (3/3)x2
- I heard that the committee met recently, and my source (who's not on the committee, but in touch with some of them) thought that they should probably be contacting people soon. Vague info, but better than silence, I guess. (3/5)
- Has anyone heard anything? Anyone happen to know if they extend all offers at the same time? (3/11)
- I've heard nothing even after emailing them maybe 2 weeks ago letting them know that I was under accept/decline deadline pressure from another institution. (Every other place has been very nice about updating me on my status when asked, btw.) (3/19)x2
- Called on Tues, 3/16, was told they were in the "final stages" of making a decision and would send notifications soon. Vague, but if you have a deadline for another fellowship, I'd call on Monday.
- Anything? (3/23)
- Rejection letter! Finally. It's a weird relief to be able to just stop waiting for the damn thing. (3/24, Boston area)
- Any indication of # apps, whether offers have been made, etc.?
- 302 applications, according to letter. No mention of how many fellowships or any other details.
- Rejection by mail (3/25, CA; 3/25, PA)
- Interesting. Did anyone get good news? No news? No news here (3/25, NC).
- Rejection letter in mail (3/25; 3/26, NC)
- Is anyone else still waiting to receive a rejection letter? (4/16)
American Council of Learned Societies[]
Info Deadline: 11/24
- 50 two-year postdocs for 2008-09 Ph.D.s, according to the story I linked from Inside Higher Education. My question would be if these fellowships are applied for through the degree-granting institution or a new hiring institution.
- through the degree-granting institution, which has to nominate you. Schools are given a fixed number of nominations
- Is it then portable, or do you actually serve the fellowship at the degree-granting institution?
- That part's not entirely clear to me - the fellowship cannot be served at the degree-granting institution, but I don't know if you're randomly assigned a school or if the school makes the final decision as to which candidates they want. More information will probably be available once the invites to apply go out (which at my school is the end of this month)
- Here's the process: Each participating school does internal nominations to the nationwide competition. Total nationwide nominees will then total around 1,000. Out of this 1,000, they give out 50 or so 2-year fellowships. If you're one of the 50, participating schools all get a chance to pick you from the entire pool. If you get multiple offers, you get to choose which one you want to go to.
- I have a question about the way this will operate/what the target group is and I'm wondering what people think/know/have heard. Assuming they'll choose the 50 best candidates from this pool of us (say 1000, though I like those cooking down the numbers below. noone seemed even to have heard about it at my large highly ranked research institution - I might have been the only one nominated for all I know), since this is a general competition (rather than meeting the qualifications of a job description), wouldn't we also assume that these are the 50 people likely to get TT offers? There aren't many jobs this year but there are a whole lot more than 50 for this pool. So if they're announcing in late January (after most major TT searches will be well into the on-campus stage) aren't those 50 selected most like to be about to receive a TT offer? And if so, aren't most of us like me, in that I'd take most TT offers over a decent but not amazing Post-doc. And if so doesn't that mean that many of the 50 will turn down the Post-doc? Will there be a waitlist? I guess what I'm saying is the timing of this seems off and I wonder to what extent this post-doc will add 50 real spots to the field or if it's just intensifying the scramble for the best of the best.
- A waitlist would indeed seem appropriate in this situation, but I think I remember reading somewhere that there won't be one. Perhaps they're banking on not having to pay for all 50?
- I agree. According to the materials distributed by ACLS, there will be no wait list. Since most candidates would probably prefer a t-t job to this or any other post-doc, and since those who win this competition will likely be stellar job candidates as well, it seems unlikely that ACLS will award all 50 fellowships. Given the depth and severity of the job crisis in academia (and all other job sectors!), it's really too bad. After all, they do keep a reserve list for other competitions (e.g. Early Career), and as I understand it, many of the alternates received an award. Does anybody else have insight to share?
- Yeah (it was my question above), I started to put all this together just as I was finishing the application. Really disheartening to think that the purported aim of this grant (to keep the humanities afloat during economic depression) is potentially completely undermined by its execution on the ground. Trying to assume that I haven't taken all of the particulars into account.
- Maybe those accepting TT positions or more prestigious post-docs will withdraw from the competition in time to make room for the others. Just a hopeful suggestion.
- I'd like to think that as well but unless the notification is later than expected (late january) the earliest of searches will just be in campus visit stages, so noone will know yet.
- Informed by institution of nomination for fellowship. Application materials from ACLS to follow shortly. 10/29
- ACLS request for materials by Nov 24 deadline (10/30)
- Were you informed by email?
- Yes. Received email from ACLS on 10/30.
- Question about this postdoc: on the online application, they ask you to list up to 8 other places you have or are currently applying to, listing the most recent first. Well, I'm sure applying to more than 8, and I wondered if anyone else had a sense of the subtext of this question: should I list the 8 fanciest places to which I'm applying, the 8 least fancy, a mix? Should I list other postdocs, or only TTs?
- I understood that question to mean: what were your experiences on the job market in previous years. Do you think they are looking for info from this year's ongoing searches, e.g., "interviewing at conference" or "invited to campus"? Curious to know what others think and how you are approaching this.
- The page on the site says: "[The information] is for administrative purposes only and will not be distributed as part of the selection process." So I would just answer by listing the most recent eight applications that you have filed and the results of those applications, as that is what they ask for. No need to be strategic, as it will not (if I am reading correctly) be passed on to the reviewers.
- Ah, I see you are correct. Many thanks!
- Does the 25 page limit include the bibliography?
- Yeah, I think so. I tried to upload a file of 25 pages + footnotes; it wouldn't let me even upload the file. Dagnabbit.--Thank you! Back to murdering that piece some more!
- Do you think it is okay to put footnotes in 10 pt font rather than 11 pt? I've got four pages of figures (i.e. only 21 pages of text), so I can make some adjustments, but it just looks better with the notes slightly smaller than the main text. Thoughts?
- What if you decrease the size of the figures? --Thanks - I'll try that.
- Does it have to be 25 pages? mine is 17 and I am quite happy with it.
- Mine is 15 pp. (published article) including notes.
- 1000/50=20. A 1 in 20 chance is probably the best odds of anything on this page. Princeton (and one supposes Harvard, Columbia and Chicago) are 1 in 280, Michigan 1 in 172. Thank You ACLS for this glimmer of hope!
- You know, I saw where they said 1000 or so applications. But then I also saw where they said each institution can nominate up to 10, and there are 60 nominating institutions. So I'm confused. But I'm happy to let myself believe that the chances are closer to 1 in 12!
- I can't remember where I read it, but I think I saw that each university was given a particular number of students to nominate, up to 20. - I read 30.
- I read 15 somewhere.
- (2nd poster) - I looked, and my nomination email said my home institution nominated 10, but perhaps that was just them. I suppose I should just take ACLS at their word, but I'm happier imagining that the odds are lower...
- Only two nominations from my rather large, Western land-grant university. I hope the odds are much better than 1: 20.
- I like this trend! Maybe there's even a few places that didn't get their s**t together in time to nominate anyone! (wishful thinking is the bread and butter of the humanities job seeker...)
- maybe there are only 50 of us!
- I'm not sure how many my home university (Harvard) made, but I'm assuming quite a few more than 10.
- My little private university nominated 5 -- and just barely got it done in time. Still, one in twenty chances with an honest application beats 1 in 400 with an application spun towards "diaspora" or some other B.S.
- I don't want to burst anyone's bubble here, but my school nominated 35.
- <pop!>
- My school was "invited to nominate up to 15." Sounds like different schools were asked to nominate different numbers of applicants. It looks like we might need to take them at their word that there will be close to 1,000 total.
- I think I'll start practicing the expression "It was an honor just to be nominated."
- Any idea what the time line is on this postdoc? When will they select the chosen 50?
- I seem to remember them saying we'd be notified in late January...?
- It said on the application that the 50 would be selected and notified in late January, and the host universities would make their offers in February.
- I just went and double checked my application (to make sure my third reference had arrived). I saw that on the informational part of the application, my description of my project cuts off mid-word. I checked it when I uploaded it, and I swear this was not an issue at this time. I am hoping that because I describe my project throughout the rest of the app that this is okay. Did this happen to anyone else??? Is this an automatic reject pile kind of error, do you think? Grrr....
- I have a better one: just looked at my application materials and realized I left a note to myself in the writing sample ("add footnote about X"). On the first page! Who does this? I feel like an idiot.
- LOL. Thanks for sharing this :)
- do yourselves a favor and leave your applications alone; send them off and don't look back. If you want to fret, do so over the applications that lay ahead.
- My chair just informed me that there are officially 800 applicants--so the odds are even better than 1/20 (i.e. 1/16). Good luck to everyone!
- Thanks for the info!
- Received rejection email, 1/12 (French) (French/SLA) (English x5) (Classics) (Comp Lit x2) (English/Film studies X2)(Spanish)(Musicology) (Art History x4)(Ethnomusicology)(History x2)(Anthropology) (Linguistics)(German)
- heartbroken (x7)...but also grateful to know now rather than April.
- balls
- Vowing never, never to apply to a postdoc again. Too much work and too much competition.
- Unfortunately, we are unable to provide feedback on your application as there are no reviewer comments available for this program. Furthermore, we do not know at this point whether this program will be offered again next year. Everybody received this last painful stab, yes?
- Anybody else out there NOT receive a rejection email? I didn't, but no acceptance either, so I'm wondering if I've made some sort of first cut ... or just that the rejection email hasn't arrived yet for some reason... (1/12) (x3)
- What time did the rejection e-mails come? Trying to figure out if it was a mass mailing or coming in waves...
- Email acceptance 1/12 (x11)
- Congrats to those accepted! (x4)
- To the person who didn't receive a rejection or acceptance email: You may want to inquire with Lauren Birnie <>. That's where my email came from.
- Does anyone else find the second stage in the process weird? You wait for schools to bid on you. Some will do interviews, some won't, and the bids will trickle in. So you may get a bid from one and they give you a deadline to accept before you know whether or not you're getting a second bid. It seems unorganized. (x2)
- I agree. And does ACLS really expect us (and our advisors) not to reach out to departments informally to try to influence where we end up? (1/14) (x2)
- remember: *if* is still a key factor-- one can still only end up with a one year stipend, and no job for the next.
- I know *if* is a possibility still, but with 50 candidates and 92 schools, statistically it seems like most candidates would get at least one bid.
- my question is: since this is across the humanities and the (chuckle) humanistic social sciences, how are the schools who get to select going to determine what department gets priority? a nerd olympics between anthropology and history? competitive karaoke between music and religion? the possibilities are endless... [a question we all must press @ the "webinar"]
- if you don't get a bid, then what? 35K (yes, that's great), but no institutional affiliation, no health insurance, and another year on the job market. it's a serious question, thoughts? you may be able to pick up a teaching gig on the side for institutional affiliation.
- to above: given that many of our peers are going to be adjuncting for much less and without health insurance as well, things could be far worse...I'm not saying that 35K and no institutional affiliation is ideal, but with the market the way it is, I would be hesitant to complain too much about this. (x3)
- yes, 35K is much more than I'm making this year as an adjunct. And without real institutional affiliation (I'm still using my grad school affiliation and hope I can sneak by on that for another year) - I am thrilled about the 35K possibility (and will be estatic if i get an offer!)
- so sorry, wasn't complaining just asking. i am very grateful.
- I think it is early enough still that we can press ACLS to set some kind of deadline for schools to make their bids. Unless, they are going down their list too, and will want to approach their preferences one at a time. yes, very unnerving process..... but can't complain given the job market.
- As for affiliation, in my experience it's not that difficult to get a dept. at a research university to appoint you as a "visiting scholar" or some other meaningless (and yet so bizarrely important) title
- thank you, this is the type of advice i was looking for.
- Anyone who got this in French?
- Has everyone already gotten an assignment for the webinar? What happens if you can't do either time?
- I got my assignment. I don't know what happens if you can't do either time, but "webinar" is such a silly word. -- It sounds like a longer "webisode".
- I let them know that I couldn't do either time, but I haven't heard back yet.
- OK, this is interesting: Apparently my home institution is having a meeting this week for all dept and program chairs to inform them about this fellowship and to discuss procedures. Then, there will be an internal due date for dept/programs who want to hire someone to submit a proposal, and the Dean will choose among them. Then an offer or offers will go out to the ACLS fellow(s). I wonder if other schools are doing something similar. (1/18) - thanks for this update. Out of curiosity, are the dept. chairs or whoever is responsible for putting together the proposal grousing about having to do this? It would suck to be the victim of an indifferent dept. chair who does not care about the program and therefore does not follow through with it...
- One would hope they all do something similar, this will be my big concern during the "webinar".
- Met with my current institution's Dean yesterday and found out some pertinent info: Institutions can make as many offers as they like (not limited to one field, one fellow) and they will get the list of us on January 25th. When the first round has finished (we have said yes or no), there will be a round two where institutions will get a list of leftover candidates to whom they can make offers. In other words, the chances of any of us getting left with the one-year gig are minute. There are very few institutions out there that would not look at any of us as anything less than an amazing deal, worth the 15 or 20,000. Also, in terms of time-line: my dean thinks the first decisions will have to be made by Feb 15th. This may help some of you who, like me, will be waiting to hear about TT jobs.
- Ditto for my institution. They will distribute the list to departments as soon as it is available, and invite proposals. The dean's office will then set up a priority list, based on teaching needs and general intellectual "fit," and is planning on going down its list until it has made two successful hires, if possible. If none of the offers are accepted, it will go back to the list.
- any news from today's webinar?
- Could some one explain what this "webinar" business is all about? I am at a total loss ... Many Thanks
- It's an online seminar to explain the fellowship and let us ask questions. It mainly rehashed what the website says and the FAQ they sent with acceptances. They did give a timeline however: the dossier clearinghouse opens on Jan 25th, offers from schools should be made from Feb. 15-28, and the deadline for us to accept offers is March 8th.
- That seems like a very early deadline (March 8th). What if you are still waiting to hear from TT or postdocs that are longer than two years? And what if you get offered a TT after March 8th, which could happen if you're the second or third choice at a school -- will we be expected to turn down TT if we have signed for this postdoc?
- It was made abundantly clear (because we asked) that you can accept an offer by the 8th and then renege if you get a TT job. The point of the fellowship is for us to get jobs and to have time and support for research (hence the nice teaching load); if you get a better job that is TT, DO NOT FEEL BAD about reneging. She also said that she can only assume an institution would understand.
- did she anything about how many of us she thought would be placed?
- She said that because this is the first time the program has been run, this is an experiment for them, and they don't know how many of us will get bids, hopefully all.
- About the second round of offers -- how will this work? If you turned down an offer in the first round, does that make you ineligible to receive offers in the second round? I seem to remember something about how you forfeit the award if you refuse all offers, so just wondering how this applies to the first/second round business.
- She didn't mention anything about a second round. All offers will be made within a two week window from Feb 15-28th. Your decision isn't due until March 8th, so you have time to weigh your offers. But if you decline them all, you forfeit the postdoc.
- quick question--my webinar is scheduled for tomorrow morning, i do log-in online AND call the phone number too? A: yes - call the number via computer or phone
- Can someone suggest a format by which to report developments on the Wiki as we move into the next stage?
- That depends on what kind of information you (general "you") want to share.
- probably best not to mention specifics, but i will say that i was contacted today and invited for a campus visit. A: cool! they're moving fast. Can we get a sense of field (whether humanities or social science) and what kind of school (private or public, research or teaching)? I think this might be a good format for sharing info on this fellowship. Thanks! Sure, 1. social sciences 2. private 3. both 4. campus visit.
- Yes: if you're comfortable, please share: 1. humanities or social science 2. private or public 3. research or teaching 3. campus or phone interview or both.
- Email requests: 1) humanities; 2) public; 3) both teaching and research; 4) phone interview (1/28) 2nd and 3rd requests, same (2/5)
- Email request for conference call; humanities; private (1/28)
- Phone call: 1) humanities; 2) public; 3) research & teaching; 4) campus visit (local) (1/27)
- Email request for conference call (1st request); humanities; public; research & teaching (1/29)
- If people could also indicate the number of contacts they receive (e.g. 2nd request for interview) I think that would be helpful as well
- email 1. social science 2. public 3. both 4. phone interview (2nd request) 1/29
- has anyone from English heard? --I'm in English and haven't heard from any schools yet. Q: yes, me English.
- Call 1. humanities 2. public 3. both (1/30); followed by 2nd request same but private (1/31), then 3rd request same (1/31), and 4th request same, 5th same, 6th same but public (2/2), 7th same, 8th private teaching, 9th same, 10th same, 11th private research and teaching.
- Can people add the fields/departments in which offers were made? the list of school and possible departments is really too long to make this sticky (1/30)
- some schools were obviously prepared and knew exactly what they were looking for, others weren't, i think lots of people will get calls next week, so if you haven't heard yet, do not dispair.
- request for course proposals; humanities; private; teaching (I assume, given the nature of request) (2nd request) 1/31
- I have been getting emails of interest, but all have said they are confirming interest on my part so that they know they are not wasting their time by going ahead with requesting an ACLS fellowship from the Dean (this has been from both private and public institutions). However, as I suspected, many colleges and universities are going to need someone in my field (French) less than in other more wide-ranging humanistic disciplines. It would suck to get this far only to find that, once again, the marginalization of my field is keeping me from getting a job. I will stay positive, though, until Feb 11. I just really hope that all disciplines, even the most marginal, end up being represented in the final university and college selections.
- And one more thing: what a pity that the state of things has come to such a point where colleges and universities who can have 3/4 time assistant professors for the price of graduate students have to nevertheless fight and scramble for the money. I thought this was supposed to make it easy, but the fact that schools have to apply for us and fight with other departments is unfortunate.
- I think it's pretty silly that some schools are doing campus visits for a short term appointment, but the fact that schools are competing for us may work to our advantage. I'm hoping to have some degree of choice in where I end up, which wouldn't happen if they just made appointments.
- Has anyone heard nothing...? ---Yes, I haven't heard anything at all. Trying not to panic though! It seems like there are a dozen or so requests mentioned on here, so even if another dozen people got requests and don't use wiki that is still many universities and colleges of the 90 participating ones that haven't contacted anyone yet.... Or at least, that's what I'm telling myself!:) (x2)
- Just to say from the university side, my department (research 1) hasn't contacted anyone yet while we try to sort through the candidates, fit with department needs and desires etc. But it will do. The process seems insane, but we are definitely hoping to have one or more of you join us and appreciate the opportunity to have your talents made available to us. Hang in there.
- I wonder if anyone can explain this... This program is supposed to alleviate the job crunch. But then why do they want ppl with TT offers to drop out? If that person would take an ACLS over a TT, then wouldn't that clear the TT for someone else (potentially someone without an ACLS)? If, for example, that person turns down the TT but then is also ineligible for the ACLS, universities who would have taken the person on ACLS lose and there is an additional person still on the market w/out placement. Maybe I'm not understanding something about how this is supposed to work.
- Re previous post, the idea is to provide some sort of functional system to tide over top recent grads who have no TT options, and to help institutions stuck in hiring freezes or who have had recent losses in their faculty ranks and need someone to fill in a missing piece for a couple years until things allegedly return to normalcy. I think the program is right on the mark, based on the 7 letters I've gotten from institutions (5 which have told met to expect an offer letter on the morning of the 15th). I have 4 flyouts (!) already lined up. FYI, some institutions have given departments carte blanche to make as many offers as they want (no quota). Others, the dean or provost has limited the campus to 5 offers total (quota). So there's a wide range of different things going on. [7 invitations: 5 R1, 1 ivy, 1 SLAC]. Anyone worrying about not hearing - I got one letter on the late afternoon of Feb 2, so offers still coming thru.
- I have to wonder about the relevance of the above post - other than to engage in a somewhat shameless act of self-promotion. [in Conan O'Brien voice] Aren't you special! My qualm with the ACLS all along was that it furthered this elitist attitude. I asked during the webinar, for example, if fellows did not get offers from the schools that they tapped, why not expand the pool to include less "prestigious" institutions. My question was brushed aside with the answer: "The ACLS put a lot of time into selecting the schools it did." Surely many other schools outside this group are hard up financially as well, and would welcome the opportunity to participate in the program. Teaching to the less-privileged, not the less intelligent, is important as well. Or, to propose something really far out, why not stick all of us in an office building in New York (I know the Mellon Foundation has space) and allow us to run are own school for two years, admitting students from all walks off life. I know, I know...logistical details would be crazy. But come on, the whole tenure track and postdoc process is lacking in creative solutions and that is why it is falling apart, but full of elitism. Revolution! (x2)
- I agree...troll? + 3 above yr post?
- This is my problem with the wiki in general. Rather than creating spaces for encouraging dialogue on reform and change, it reproduces the competition that ultimately undermines us all, as we submit to the market logic that has come to define our profession like so many others.
- Heard from a faculty member that they chose no one in Philosophy for this program.
- Dear 7 letters and 4 flyouts: May I ask what field you are in? Thank you.
- the use of the word "letter" seems odd. (2x)
- Plus "dispair" and "threw"...anyone else think the 'comforting' posts all look a little bogus?
- Ok, so I'm being called elitist, troll, bogus, and "special." Let's see what other asinine drivel will surface on this cantankerous board. Whatever. I have no relation to ACLS other than having become a finalist for this particular postdoc (having not had success with ACLS-related things, nor any other postdoc, in the past), and decided to post only in the interest of providing info I thought might be useful for others in the group of 50+, or for scholars who might get one of these in the future. In 4 of the institutions I talked with, I learned that my program of specialty is literally one stroke away from disappearing altogether (faculty departures, frozen searches), and this ACLS fellowship, from their perspective, gives that department their only chance to actually survive long enough to stall and hopefully pursue a search down the road. From the postdoc-recipient's standpoint, for those of us with no TT options for next year, this postdoc (hopefully) keeps us in the running for the promised Future Times when money grows on trees again and TT appointments are flowing. In light of this, independent of whether I got it or not, it's a particularly timely initiative. By "letters," I mean emails ranging from "we're making an offer" to "we have no idea what is going on but want to make and offer and think it might be possible." That some of us are getting 8 or more offers is not self-promotional (how can I self-promote anonymously?) but rather a commentary on the extent to which some colleges and university programs are in deep doo-doo.
- I have heard that some schools will not even begin making calls until next week, and interviews will be on phone. some state school take longer to get through (haha -- not bogus, just exhausted) red tape. and some depts are hearing about this now, from the grapevine, ad calling their deans. so things can only get better!
- 2/3: I just spoke with the chair of my department (R1-English.) She informed me that there were 16 English candidates chosen (not bad odds for 92 schools), and that our department is still perusing the applications and has not contacted anyone yet. She also mentioned that most schools will make their decisions over the next two weeks. So, it's still way too early to stress out about this stuff! P.S. LOVE the idea of starting our own school because we're that good and the system is that flawed--you rock, wiki-pal.
- 2/3. On campus interview request (my first request) came by phone: research, private, humanities.
- 2/4: So far I have been contacted by mostly public institutions who need more teachers. But, no one has confirmed they will offer me the fellowship. Is there a rule that they are not allow to offer us the actual offer letter/email until the 15th? --I think that's the case
- So the 7 letter person: you're the Babylonian dude?
- My first contact with a school (by phone): research, private, humanities. Said they were making a proposal to the dean to make me a bid. (2/4)
- i'm overwhelmed by the pace of this process and am thinking of sending a short note to acls suggesting that they extend the deadlines?
- That would only create confusion and doubt, and decrease the possibility that this program be sponsored next year, assuming they even listen. If you remember, the job market search moves at a crazy pace as well. Trust the process. Nicole Stahlmann knows what she's doing.
- Those overwhelmed are lucky indeed - congrats! It's worth remembering too that the accelerated timeline is very much in our favor, and not something the institutions would be otherwise inclined to do (x1)
- okay, thank you!
- Q: What are the two deadlines (offer letter, accepting offer) and are they set in stone or can universities do as they please? I am confused and some universities have been trying to tell me I have it wrong and that we can proceed at the pace we mutually desire, putting the pressure on me to decide. Help! If no one answers, I will write to Stahlmann.
- A1: Nicole had assured us that "the only date we need to worry about is March 8" - the deadlines for candidates to accept/reject offers. Universities may have internal deadlines in addition to the ACLS-imposed deadline that offers need to be made in the 15th-22nd time window (which may be 15th-26th, or 25th-28th; I've heard all 3 mentioned).
- I'm curious if universities are allowed to impose internal deadlines on us or if this is just sneakiness on their part. I was under the impression that we didn't have to decide until March so that we had all our offers on the table first.
- during the webinar i wrote down that offers would be extended between February 15 and 26, so that by february 26th we would know if we had an offer or not. then we have until march 8th to decide and let them know. she did say that if we aren't going to accept an offer to please let the school know asap so that they can extend another offer to their second choice presumably.
- An interesting blog discussion about the absence of philosophy candidates in the final ACLS mix, as well as a low-down on what disciplines are represented by the final pool of candidates:
- The blog discussion IS interesting (I'm not in philosophy and I wouldn't have realized this was an issue, though I get it now). Where did he get the break-down though, as far as award depts? And does anyone know whether/which SLACs are eligible to make offers? Is there a list? A: SLACs can make offers, there's a list that was sent with acceptances.
- I got a call from a school today saying my application was in a small pool of potential hires and that the ACLS required that they get my permission to consider my application before forwarding their recommendation to the dean. No other schools have mentioned such a requirment. Have any of you heard anything like this?
- Yes, I got a call like this from a larger state school (humanities). 2/10
- I asked the question about SLACs making offers above. Is it possible for someone to post this list, if it's not too long? I'm not a fellowship awardee, just wondering whether the SLAC where I currently have a non-TT apppointment is likely to be making an offer/offers. Is the acceptance also the source of the bloggers info about the dept. breakdown of awards? Thanks!!
- It's a long list, about 30 SLACs. There's a copy of it on the ACLS application website, under program description though.
- I wonder if this means that we won't be getting any surprise offers on the 15th, then, if departments have to get our permission to consider our apps before forwarding recs to deans. This seems like a weird step; wouldn't our very application mean that we hope to be considered?
- That was my concern as well. Although I suppose it's possible to be contacted for an interview after the 15th.
- Do we have to be contacted for an interview in order to receive an offer, though? I had thought that we might just have offers coming in on the 15th without any previous notice from the school. Is this incorrect?
- I thought that was the case. Most of the contact I've had has come from dept heads who didn't even call our conversation an interview, but rather said they wanted to discuss what classes I could teach so that they could strengthen the bid proposals they were sending to their respective deans. They didn't ask my permission to pursue my candidacy. But then I got a call from a school that only wanted permission, our conversation lasted only about a minute, literally. This is a weird process.
- Different schools have to go about it differently depending on their bureaucracy. They want us, and know best how to make it work given their knowledge of their particular environment. I think we would be making a mistake to get legalistic about it. If they want to set it all up, then call for a minute to get the requisite "approval" from the candidate, so be it.
- Indeed. I think we're just wondering if this is a prereq set by the ACLS. If it is, then it would mean that no surprise offers will be made on the 15th. I think that's what we're wondering about here. At any rate, I guess we're about to find out.
- I think we can expect letters that say: "Hi, we're so and so, we didn't want to contact you before getting money from the Dean, but we would like to follow-up with a offer if you're amenable and still available. And we can talk first if you like."
- I know for a fact that at least one large public school is planning to make offers on Feb. 15 (or thereabouts) with no previous contact with the fellow. I have to imagine that there are others. So, this suggests that you should definitely not commit to any school until after Feb. 28.
- I'm not sure I agree with the comment immediately above. Waiting till after Feb. 26 has the potential to hurt other fellows, because it means that schools can no longer make offers to their second or third choices (the ACLS is obviously concerned about this possibility as well, since Nicole specifically said to try to accept ASAP). I have a hard time believing that a school would wait till the very end of the offer period, and then out of the blue make an offer to someone they had no previous contact with... if the top choice of the schools I have spoken with makes me an offer I accept immediately. No point in hurting each other if it can be avoided.
- We have until March 8th to accept. I think one good way to avoid "hurting" other fellows would simply be to give up offers you know you won't take. If you are still up in the air or want to see if you get anything else, I think it's perfectly fine to wait until the 28th. By the way, does anyone know if schools will be allowed to make offers after the 28th?
- That's my plan: to reject all other offers once I receive an offer from my preferred school. I'm actually torn on two, but I see no reason to keep other schools hanging if I've got it narrowed to two (assuming I get bids from my top two choices).
- I was wondering how many of you who have been in contact with bidding institutions have actually had to do (or will do) a campus interview? Thanks.
- I've spoken to 5 schools and had 1 campus visit
- I've spoken to 8 and had 2 campus visits.
- I've spoken to 14 and had/will have 5 campus visits
- to the person above: will you be visiting schools after the 15th? are these just informational visits or will you be giving a talk etc? do you think it's appropriate to ask for a visit after you receive an offer? thanks!!
- yes, a couple visits after the 15th, the institutions requested the visit, one said they will be making an offer on the spot, another was less clear regarding the likelihood/timing of a possible offer. What is appropriate - nobody knows, we're all in uncharted territory! However, if you have multiple offers and visiting the campus would make all the difference in terms of your decision, definitely consider bringing it up?
- I've spoken/been in touch with 12; 2 campus visits
- Anyone heard anything? I realize it's only the first day for offers, and 12pm EST at that, but for some reason my anxiety has increased tenfold.
- It's President's Day, after all, so lots of schools are closed today. I think we will all get offers.
- Two offers (Humanities, research, public) (2/15) - by phone or email? By email / One more offer (Humanities, research, public) by email, I didn't have previous contact with them (2/16)
- One offer, private, social sciences, research, by phone and follow-up e-mail with formal offer.
- Five offers: public and private split, humanities.
- Two offers, private, humanities, research, one by phone and one by e-mail.
- (2/15) Two phone interviews. Two offers. One that came from an unexpected institution--meaning no prior contact or interview. I wasn't expecting to get offers from schools that had not contacted me during the first two weeks of February. It's a bit strange since I had already prepared myself mentally for a different scenario and now there are more possibilities to consider. (This is not a complaint!) Feb 16: Three more offers came in this morning (all identical). This is a bit overwhelming and I'm getting a lot of pressure to make a quick decision.
- Are universities making identical financial offers or are they different? A: identical
- Could the people with 12, 14, 18 million contacts please let us know (separately) what their fields are? I'm thinking of changing my research topic. Thanks!
- 4 offers: one out of the blue, three from schools i had phone interviews with
- 4 offers: 2 SLACS, 2 large publics (all previous contact)
- Is anyone else still receiving requests for interviews? I thought last week was for interviews and the 15th-26th when offers come in. There just seems to be a great delay in the responses by some institutions--like they were asleep at the wheel. I have offers in hand but if I wait to go through more interviews before the institutions decide, then I run up against the deadline requested by these ofther institutions. This would be so much easier if all interviews took place within a certain time frame and then another for offers.
- I had a phone interview yesterday and a request for another today.
- Q: How are most people making this decision? Geography? Courses proposed to teach? School ranking? Library resources?
- geography and ranking
- Geography, ranking, cost of living, how many "service" courses expected to teach vs. courses in my speciality, how much research time I can realistically expect to have (quarter vs. semester), but most importantly, trying to think what type of experience (large public or SLAC) will be best when going on the job market again.
- Courses (service vs. specialty) and faculty, i.e. fit betw. my research interests and scholarly community.
- At this point, my (two) offers both have serious drawbacks. I hope those of you with 7+ offers will take pity on those of us who aren't faring so well and reject the offers that aren't really contenders.
- Questions: 1. in terms of time to do research, what is better quarter or semester and why? 2. any advice about how to negotiate contracts would be helpful, i know that money and number of courses are fixed, but what about office space, computers, that sort of thing? thanks in advance!
- I don't know about the rest of you, but this has been an INSANE process for me. As of yesterday, I'm still getting inquiries from schools, which has made figuring out where I'll be totally maddening. Yet, unlike the normal job market, I actually have multiple options, so I can't complain! A: Enjoy it while it lasts, no more bids after Friday...
- I know what you mean. I had an interview this morning. It's been an emotional rollercoaster. And keeping up with the emails alone takes up a lot of time.
- I missed a school I needed to respond to and received a nasty email from the programs person using words like "professionalism." yuck. I also got an email from one school I declined asking which institution I have chosen. Q: Are universities allowed to ask such questions? A: I don't think so, but maybe they've gotten wind of the fact that one institution made 20 offers?
- Starting March 8th, what do you all say to posting here where you've chosen to go? Could be interesting to see the final layout, though I imagine Nicole Stahlmann will cook something more official up. I would propose that when you have accepted, we have a section where yo put your field, department, and next year's school. How about it?
- it would be great if we could all meet in New York, a one day conference of sorts. A: a big East Coast school which has made a lot of offers is hoping to host something like this next year (though I think just for Northeast ACLS fellows). It would be great if it could be everyone!
- The ACLS usually has profiles for the recipients of its other postdocs on the website. I hope they do the same for us, because I am so curious about who I've been talking to for the last few months on here. This has been a wild ride and the NFF program is the best postdoc ever (so many choices! what a luxury for academics!). I am so grateful for this whole experience.
- More interestingly, can we do a tally of how many offers each got? - I got 5
- I had 8 interviews (7 by phone, 1 campus visit) and 6 offers. I already accepted one of the offers.
- I'm not in English, and my specialty is one that is more and more cut from tenure streams in departments. With that said: 15 offers
- 6 offers. Chose the one most likely to turn into a t-t job after the postdoc
- 18 offers, turned down one interview
- neither of my TT on campuses turned into TT offers: thank you ACLS for this job security. I am very, very grateful.
- 5 offers. I just accepted a post at a school that I am very excited to be a part of for the next two years--thanks much, ACLS.
- Has everyone had at least one offer?
- 10 expressions of interest, which included 2 campus interviews and 2 phone interviews. Then 8 offers (including 4 that came out of the blue without phone/campus interviews). I chose based on how likely they seemed to turn into something more permanent down the line, plus the kinds of courses they wanted me to teach next year. I rejected four offers along the way and am rejecting three more now (no need to hold onto them until March 8).... Thank you ACLS!!!
- 17 contacts, 6 campus visits, 1 skype interview, many phone interviews, and in the end 15 offers (3 of which were the first contact I had had with said institution). 6 offers included some form of suggestion that a tenure-track position could-might-would surface in 2-3 years. I am very blessed to have the opportunity, and excited about where I will be going next year, but have had a challenging time keeping on top of the calls (>250) and emails (>1000).
- congratulations! how, may i ask, did you decide? i'm having a really tough time deciding between a R1 and a SLAC. if anyone has any advice i would really appreciate it.
- about the SLAC vs. R1: I have an opinion having now worked in both. It depends on your field. If you rely heavily on the library and if you like the intellectual community in your specific field (conferences, invited people, reading groups), if you would like to work with graduate students, then R1 is for you. I am at an SLAC now, and the undergraduate library is often a bummer, there is no sense of departmental intellectual community because we are too small, and really everything revolves around the undergraduates (who are MARVELOUS and who help you grow in teaching in ways that the larger schools could never do). If you can do your work without the community and the library, then the SLAC can really help you look like a serious teacher when you go on the market (especially if other SLACs are looking for TTs). I hope this helps!
- That's a tough choice. I won't say my choice was easier, because it still generated plenty of anxiety, but one school was clearly a cut above the rest.
- For those who haven't chosen yet, be very CAREFUL with the appointment rank of different offers. If your appointment is as a non-employee, you may lose significant benefits that would come with an employee status designation: most notably, disability, workers comp, and the ability to pay into an employee retirement program. It also may be much worse financially for you, as you would potentially have to pay self-employment tax and taxes on all health contributions. It is often not clearly stated on the offer letter, you have to ask HR what the designation means.
- HELP: I'm having a hard time deciding b/w a SLAC and a R1. I appreciate the advice above, but if anyone else has anything to add that might put one or the other over the top, I would greatly appreciate it.
- I assume that you've already discussed this choice with your advisor or faculty members from your grad institution. If not, do so. Otherwise, it depends on what kind of career you want to have, what kinds of courses they want you teach, department fit, cost of living, whether or not you like the location, prestige, potential for it to turn into a TT, etc. In other words, there are a lot of factors, but without knowing the specific schools or your situation, it's hard to help. You may want to post about it on the Chronicle forums.
- Depends on what your experience has been to date. If you think you want to end up at a SLAC and you've never taught at a private school, going to a SLAC would be the obvious choice. If you've mainly been in private-school land and think that R1s might be of interest some day, go for the R1.
- Hello everyone, ACLS has posted its list of fellows and our appointments:
- Rutgers (7), Berkeley (4), and Indiana (3) really cleaned up.
- After all that talk about the ACLS ignoring philosophy, there's a philosopher on the list.
- I heard that Rutgers lured people by saying they "intend" to turn ACLS postdocs into tenure-track jobs.
- i have a question: i had an interview and campus visit with a school that not only never got back to me with a decision, but also has never reimbursed me for my travel expenses, they don't reply to my emails or phone calls, should i let ACLS know?
- Absolutely.
- ACLS has just announced that there will be a 2010-2011 competition for the New Faculty Fellows program. No details yet.
American University in Cairo Teaching Postdoc Fellowships[]
-any idea of the due date for this?
Has anybody heard back from AUC?
-not even an ack
ASA Postdoc on the Current Economic Crisis[] Deadline: Feb 12th
- does anyone know when the decisions for this one will come in?
Mellon/ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients Fellowship[]
Deadline: December 9, 2009
- Anyone else doing this one? Anyone have an idea of the size of the pool last year?
- Last year's wiki conversation suggested that a lot of folks considered this a back-up plan and were then disappointed by unexpected rejections. I suppose it kind of depends on how many of those "comparable fellowships" there are--w/o those, it looks a lot like 60/40 odds or so, which on this job market sounds damn good to me! Others have thoughts/info...?
- I can't fathom considering this to be a safety net or a given since the competition is likely fierce regardless of the pool size. Do the awards skew in favor of actual ACLS diss completion recipients? (asking as a person with a non-ACLS but eligible appointment) x2 [-I am also a non-ACLS eligible appt who would like to know]
- This is TOTALLY non-scientific, but I know four people who applied for this fellowship last year (all the same discipline) and the two who got it both had non-ACLS eligible appts and the other two, who were both rejected (not even waitlisted), had ACLS diss completion fellowships. So I do not think it is skewed. And it should not be treated as a back-up plan. Like all postdocs, it is unpredictable.
- Thank you for the info. Even if that sample is small, it is useful to me. I don't think I know anyone who has applied for this in years previous.
- last year there were 900 applicants. so this grant is quite competitive. <--- wow! I didn't even know there were 900 dissertation fellowship spots of national stature out there. (NINE hundred? that seems unlikely, given that ACLS only gives out something like 65 completion fellowships. what could account for such a high number?)
- Perhaps the above poster was referring to the Dissertation Completion Fellowship? I definitely do not think the RDR Fellowship could have 900 applicants. Probably more like 100-150...but that is just a guess.
- I think 150 is a pretty solid guess: 65 Diss completion fellowships + alternates + whiting fellowship + newcombe + aauw
- +35 or so Ford Dissertation Completion people
- Anyone heard anything yet? (2/5)
- According to the website: "Notifications will be sent in late March 2010." I believe there is only one round of notification, but I'm not sure.
- Anyone know if their notifications come via snail mail or email?
- last year those who got the fellowships were notified by e-mail, which was then followed up with a snail mail hard copy. E-mail notifications came before the end of the month, around the 20th of March, I believe.
- eek, the dissertation completion fellowships from acls were mailed out yesterday, so hopefully the info for this will be coming soon! good luck all!
- Eek (x2). Please post if/when people start hearing. Good luck!
- hmm, looks like last year the recent doctoral notifications went out a week after the the dissertation completion notifications, so i should probably curtail my enthusiasm -- and maybe there is no relationship at all between the two notifications. deep breath! 3/19
- To pass the time until we hear: is anyone waiting to hear back on this who is also going into a TT position? If so, are you at all nervous about asking your chair for a year's leave before you've even gotten there? Thoughts? Strategies?
- I think it depends on how long you have to respond to their written offer. I am going into a TT, but I got a couple of other postdoc offers, too, so I'm just generally feeling them out about the year's leave. I've received some advice from mentor-types that chairs might be less willing to release new hires for the first year in this economic climate, but that didn't seem to be the case in my particular situation.
- congrats to those with TTs. the good thing about this fellowship is that it doesn't have to be taken immediately -- you can defer it until the next academic (2011-2012) year if i understood correctly.
- I too have been trying to figure out how to discuss this with the place where I accepted a TT job. I didn't negotiate for the possible leave (since I still view it as a longshot). The fact that you can use it within two years instead of immediately should make it more feasible I would hope.
- Would that more of us were in this lucky position. (x4... if I don't get this, it's adjuncting or starbucks; yes, please have sympathy on those of else with nothing else at all and this is our only hope for staying in academia next year...) (what about those of us who win the state lottery and get a postdoc? how do we negotiate this with the IRS and/or our home institutions?)
- OP, here: Good Luck to all and especially, my fingers crossed for those who don't have TT jobs.
- it just blows my mind that there are so many of us, ALL of whom presumably received seriously prestigious dissertation completion fellowships (or else we couldn't have applied for this), who essentially have nothing waiting for us as we finish. i hope that you all recognize that in any other market, you would have been snatched up, and don't let it get you down, whatever happens with acls!!!!!
- Rejection letter received. (3/25, Brooklyn, NY, snail mail and definitely for this fellowship)
- Was the rejection via email or snail mail? Awaiting my own...
- I thought last year they went out by email. Perhaps the poster meant to add this to the conversation below? Or maybe they are innovating!
- Yes, anyone receive good news by email? Let's hope they are innovating
- Well, I've pressed "refresh" 15 times since seeing the above post, and nothing.
- You are not alone, LOL. Although I am trying to remind myself that if I don't get back to work and finish my dissertation, this fellowship will be meaningless, even on the off chance that I do get it!
- thanks to the above poster for the update, and sorry to hear about the rejection. hope you are one of those with something else lined up (or the one who won the state lottery!)
- Yes, please speak up if anyone gets an email! Nothing in the mail for me today and lots of anxiety until the mail arrives tomorrow... (one of the people with nothing else).
- I don't want to augment anyone's anxiety, but looking back over last year's thread, it seems that acceptances went out by email a week before rejections went out by snail mail. Anyone here that can speak on that???? That would be sad... --> The ACLS diss completion award mails all of the rejections and acceptances at the same time. Let's hope that this year the ACLS people decided to do the same thing for this one. It would be odd if none of the 25 winners weighed in on the fairly active discussion we've been having for the last several days.
- Nothing in today's mail for me. Anyone tempted to call ACLS? Just so we can know whether everything was sent out at once...
- rejection via snail mail (3/25)... good luck to everyone!
- wish someone braver than me would call! i would send out extra "hope you get the fellowship" vibes if you did...
- Though I could use those extra vibes, I'm chicken and irrationally superstitious. Anyone else -maybe someone with a TT and less to lose- up for calling?
- notification of "short list of alternates" status by snail mail, Brooklyn (3/25)
- same here, "pleased to inform you that you have been placed on a short list of alternates," gracious wording. They expect to be in touch within 4 or 5 weeks with a final word. Received 3/25 by snail mail, Manhattan (postmarked 3/24). Nice detail: they include a second page with actual comments from the reviewers, very useful. I may call Cindy Mueller to find out how short the short list is. Anybody knows if the short lists are by discipline?
- Has anyone received an offer? It seems unlikely that they would send out rejection and alternate letters without also sending the acceptances. Anyone get one?
- All letters were mailed on 3/24 from New York, a little patience folks.
- the call for patience must be from that person who won the state lottery! i think the rest of us are understandably anxious, and could use some compassion...
- Rejection received in PA today, 3/26. Letter postmarked 3/24. (Person with nothing else, sigh...)
- to above poster - so sorry!!!!! please see my higher up post about not letting the market make you doubt your abilities! (x2!)--> Thanks so much, it's more for me right now, what I am going to do to eek out a living next year... (Thank you to x2! I really appreciate the support.)
- I just spoke to someone at ACLS, who told me that all letters went out this week. They can't disclose results over the phone or email, so I think we're all just left to stalk our mail carriers. (Thx for the info! And for your bravery.)
- No problem! I accept all positive thoughts in exchange. Also: cookies.
- rejected 3/26 new england (x2 -- at least I can stop watching this page! :)
- do rejection letters also come with comments? (Mine didn't! x2 -- 3/26)
- Acceptance packet in the mail, New Jersey, 3/26, postmarked March 24.
- Congratulations! Can you tell us when it was postmarked? Thanks!
- Acceptance packet in the mail, Massachusetts, 3/26, postmarked the 24th. The letter says that the fellowship can ONLY be deferred if one has a TT position. I know someone from last year who deferred it for another postdoc position. Has the ACLS policy changed? I realize it's more fair to spread the love around, of course.
- i was also under the impression that this could be deferred in case of another postdoc position. did they change the rules? on the website, it mentions nothing about only deferring it for a TT job. wouldn't it seem logical that people who haven't lined up a TT job should be able to defer it over the people who have longer-term job security? --> I think that part of the problem was that people with one-year positions (postdoc, etc.) were deferring the grant, getting TT jobs the next year that did not allow them to miss their first year of teaching, and ultimately not being able to take the grant. This meant that the funding, which another applicant could have accepted, was never used.
- I got a rejection letter yesterday, but my disappointment in not winning is tempered by the fact that the VAP position that I signed on to more than a month ago would have prevented me from accepting the ACLS postdoc anyhow. I just wish the rules for accepting the award would have been clear from the beginning, since I knew I wouldn't have a TT job for next year and was sure I'd just have a 1-year visiting position. The amount of time I spent on the ACLS application could have been spent on my dissertation! Congratulations to the winners, especially those who are still eligible.
- Above poster, I completely agree. The rules should have been clearer. Good luck everybody.
- Given the current job market, I think it's fair that the ACLS is tightening the rules for acceptance. Although it'd certainly be ideal to be able to defer for those of us who already got a postdoc, we should be happy that someone with nothing else for next year can use the fellowship (especially considering we might no be able to accept in 2 years, with the funding going nowhere). Granted, the application for this fellowship took an enormous amount of time (so many documents!) and I would've finished a whole chapter during that time, but actually I learned a lot about my own work drafting a proposal for post-diss research. In any case, this is the right time for a little solidarity in our part and for the ACLS to spread the wealth, don't we all agree?
- Notification of alternate status. Hope it pulls through. At this point, this is my only option for next year. (3/28) --> Good luck! Fingers crossed for you.
- If they want to tighten the rules that's fine, and I can definitely see the fairness argument in a market like this. But they should have been clear about it up front, for the reasons noted above. Also, they shouldn't let you defer at ALL, if they're not going to let you defer for anything but a TT job. Why give the lucky TT folks an added break, if they're not going to give a break to people who got a VAP or teaching postdoc? It doesn't make any sense.
- Rejection, Midwest (3/27; postmarked 3/24)
- Acceptance west coast 3/27...have a 1 year p-d so will be declining--hoping beyond hope it goes to one of my comrades w/o anything else for next year (& wish i could mandate that it do so)! :)
- Rejection, Southeast (3/26)
- Acceptance, West Coast (3/30)
- Rejection, Southwest (3/30)
- Is anyone else (with a postdoc already) asking to keep the ACLS fellowship for next year? Pondering how to go about it here, haven't answered yet.
- I wrote to them on Monday and asked for a deferral. have yet to hear back. Seems a long shot given the wording of the grant letter, but it is also frustrating that they changed the rules of the game after all of us had applied. This should have been clear from the beginning (and they have yet to make the change in policy clear on their website, which still says that fellowship can be used within a two year period)
- I can totally understand people with post doc's frustration but I also respect ACLS's efforts to make sure the grants are used. Full disclosure: As an alternate with nothing else for next year, this fellowship means the difference between staying in the academy or taking other work (and possibly never returning to the fold).
- Notified of alternate status (3/24 postmark) and decision expected in 4-5 weeks. For anyone who got accepted, what is the date by which you have to respond to the offer? Does anyone know how many alternates are on the short list? thx. --> those accepted must respond by April 14.
- For the lucky ones who got it, does anyone have any sense of how the residency matching process works? Do we have to accept our 'assignment'? Is anyone else confused about this?
- good news for alternates: got the fellowship but have another postdoc. cannot be deferred, so will be declining by April 14.
- Same here !
- Much appreciated. I'm was an alternate. Was just notified that funds are now available. A big relief, as this is my only funding option for next year. Whew! (4/10)
- Congratulations! To above poster: how were you notified? Acceptance packet in the mail.
- Congratulations. Great to hear that the wealth is being spread, it seems that many of the winners are declining. To the alternate who got the acceptance packet, what's the postmark date? Postmarked 4/5
- To the poster who requested a deferral to take another postdoc, did you receive a response? Yup, seems like it can't be done.
- That wasn't me; but I emailed them 2 weeks ago asking for clarification about something and they never wrote back.
- Email notifying me that fellowship is now available and that acceptance packet will be mailed tomorrow (15 April). Anyone else was notified today? x3
- I was accepted from the alternate pool and declined today b/c I just accepted another post-doc so if you are still waiting to hear, don't give up hope! (4/19)
- I declined last Friday, got a multi-year postdoc. For alternates waiting to hear, another fellowship has been made available! (05/01)
- Are there any alternates still waiting to hear?
Mellon/ACLS Dissertation Completion Fellowship[]
- Any news?
- I applied for this fellowship last year (and have friends who applied in the two previous years it was offered). All applicants were notified of their status (yes, no, alternate) in mid-March last year and in early April in the previous years (x2).
- Anybody out there waiting eagerly and with high hopes to hear on this one?
- Waiting, yes. High hopes, no. (3.4) x2; (3.8) x2; (3.11)
I emailed them on Wednesday but haven't gotten any response. I need to decide whether or not to accept another fellowship (for much, much less $$) by Monday, 3.15. I'm really not sure what to do. Anyone else in a similar situation?
- Bird in the hand, I think. Email (or call) again, explain that you have another offer and ask for a status update. If you don't hear by 3/15, take the other fellowship. IMHO, it would be crazy to turn down a sure thing in hopes that you'll get an extremely competitive national fellowship.
- I called them a while back and found out that the review committee will meet in mid-March and applicants notified towards the end of the month. I agree with the above post...take the sure thing. If you do get the ACLS, you can try to re-negotiate things. If that does not work out, you can at least put the offer of ACLS on your CV and write 'declined'. Good luck.
- I found myself in a similar situation two years ago. I called the foundation with the early deadline and explained to them that I was not yet in a position that I felt ready to make the decision, given that I still had a number of applications out. They were very understanding and pushed the deadline back to 1 April. In the end it was good that I did that, because I ended up getting a better offer. Its an unfortunate thing to have to do, especially if there are alternates waiting behind you. However, you should be happy that you already have something, and you shouldn't feel bad about it. This is the (dysfunctional) system that they have created. We have to do the best we can operating within it.
- I was in this (fortunate) situation last year albeit with another national writeup (though not the ACLS- I didn't apply for that one). Their notifications are on April 15 which is even later than the ACLS, making the negotiation for more time that much more difficult. Is your bird in the hand another national fellowship or one within your graduate institution? If it is within your institution, it will be totally understandable to pull out of it when a national opportunity knocks. Regardless, try your best to extend the decision timeline and be honest. That is what I did. I was gracious and enthusiastic about the first fellowship but honest with them about the additional possibility on the horizon. The university funding agency was very understanding when I had to rescind that acceptance in order to take the national offer. And the person on the waiting list for the one you decline will be thrilled.
- Anyone? Anything? Bueller....? Bueller....?
- Was told by an administrator at ACLS that notifications should go out the week of the 15th, perhaps earlier.
- Was that March 15th (this week) or April 15th? (3/17)
- This week, 3/15 (my contact w/ the admin. was a few weeks ago, though).
- By email or snail mail?
- last year all applicants were notified by snail mail
- rec'd snail mail invite to annual meeting, I assume this went to all applicants though.
- Emailed Program Adminstrator: Letter sent out yesterday but was not able to disclose result over email (3/18)
- Does that mean decisions have been made and everyone will be notified via snail mail? (3/18)
- I think so (3/18)
- I received a notification in the mail yesterday (the 18th). But I live in New York and the mailings were sent from New York, so most applicants should probably expect their letters in 2-5 days. My letter indicated that 70 fellowships were given from a pool of about 1150 applicants.
- I also received notification (3/19, New York). I wonder if all the (rejection) letters included the sentence inviting the candidate to reapply next year. Any variations? (Mine too. 3/19)
- My last year's rejection letter invited me to re-apply this year. And I did. I am waiting to receive the letter. Will definitely post on what the outcome is. (3/19) x2 --> Very interesting. As an alternate last year, my letter didn't invite me to reapply, but I was invited to apply, and did, for the ACLS Recent Doctoral Recipients fellowship. It's my fault, but I didn't realize that one could apply again (some of the other national write-up fellowships don't allow for this). Future alternates might want to inquire whether they can apply again and whether they can apply for the write-up and RDR fellowships at the same time. ---> how would that work? you have to have your dissertation done by August 31 of year X to qualify for the RDR, so if you were applying for the Finishing it seems like that would not be the case, right? If anything it seems like applying for both would signal to the committee that you were not 100% sure you were going to be done in time to qualify for RDR. this is tangential to this forum, but anyway... --> Actually, it seems like a good point that the person brought up. As an alternate you are invited to apply for the RDR, which statistically has much better odds (25 of 135ish) but a much tougher pool (i.e., all of the winners, alternates, and winners of other national fellowships) than the completion fellowship. Therefore, if you're struggling to finish, do you go with the better odds or re-do the writing application knowing that you're a stronger candidate because your writing sample will ostensibly be more polished and you might have some (more) publications to add to your CV. Some people who are applying for the writing fellowship are also applying for postdocs and jobs, so the point brought up by the above poster is really no different than this as the jobs and postdocs require completion before the start of the writing completion year!
- So acceptances will go out via snail mail too? That is strange.... --> Yes, they went out as snail mail last year.
- acceptance letter/packet received 3/19 - east coast but not NY. (posted 3/20)
- acceptance letter/packet received 3/20 - FL.
- letter notifying alternate status received Midwest 3/20. According to the letter, there is a "short list" of alternates. Does anyone know how many alternates there actually are? Also, for those who received acceptance letters, when is the deadline for making your decision?
- Deadline for decisions is 4/5.
- I am in the mid-west too. Why wont my letter come!! ugghhhh...eagerly waiting! Congratulations to those who got the fellowship and to the alternates. From the person who was invited to re-apply this year.
- acceptance letter/packet received 3/20 - Chicago
- Are acceptance letters/packets being sent Priority Mail or regular first class like the rejection notices? Also, to the individual from FL above who got the fellowship (congratulations) and are you in North or south florida?
- My acceptance packet came in an envelope marked "first class." I don't see any reason to think the rejection letters would take longer, unless they were sent later (as might happen simply by reason of the volume of letters to prepare).
- I learnt from the admiistrator that all letters were sent out last Wednesday i.e. March 17th.
- I got an alternate letter on 3/20 by regular mail. Does anyone have any idea what the chances of getting off the alternates list are? Also, the letter says that as an alternate in the first stage of the Early Career Fellowship, I am eligible to apply for the second-stage award, which they'll send details about next fall. Did anyone else get this? Do you have any idea what they are talking about?--> See above post on "Recent Doctoral Recipients Fellowship"
- I live 200 miles from NY and still no letter (3/22). Anyone else in a similar boat? In Midwest, no word (3/22). In East coast city, no word either (3/22).
- West Coast city rejection rec'd. Letter is slightly different from last year's--instead of "we encourage you to reapply," it suggests "you may wish to reapply." (3/22)
- To answer the above question: I was an alternate in the past, and eventually got off the list and was offered a fellowship. And I know from the timing of my acceptance (several weeks after the deadline for response, and after a full round of contacting alternates, according to this wiki) that I was not only an alternate, but an alternate to an alternate--as the first person they contacted had apparently turned the fellowship down. So be of good hope!
- I was an alternate last year and did not get off the list. According to the administrator, last year fewer people got off the wait list than in previous years (and this is undeniably due to the crappy market last year--many jobs announced in September were canceled after the economy took a dive in early October). Definitely keep up hope and you might not know until May if an alternate from your discipline rejects the offer and they then move onto the second alternate (the final letter from the ACLS saying all awards were handed out came on May 8), but also plan something else for next year and be ready to apply for the Recent Doctoral Recipients' Award in the fall. Good luck and remember that it's awesome that you made it this far! (x2: I never made it off the list either. It's very tough to predict because it all depends on not only how may people turn it down but what their broader disciplinary grouping is... e.g. a third ranked alternate in e.g. history could end up getting the award before a first ranked alternate in anthropology. Last year, they would tell me neither how many were in my group, nor what rank I was within it. So be very cautiously hopeful, since you simply can't know how within reach the award is.)
- I haven't received anything yet. Any News? East coast (3/23) (x1) (East Coast x1 3/24...I'm beginning to think it got sent to the wrong address!)
- FL person here: Letter sent to Orlando (I live in NYC, it went to my parents' address)
- Has anyone in Europe received their letter yet?
- You might want to try emailing or calling--they may make an exception and release information over email or phone for overseas applicants.
- I live overseas (not Europe, Asia) and received my letter today (3/24). They sent it clearly marked air mail so if you are in Europe, I would imagine it will arrive soon.
- also still waiting in northeastern US (close to NY, too). perhaps certain subcommittees haven't made decisions? or perhaps our campus mail is slow... have no idea how the process works.
- Finally received East Coast rejection letter 3/25.
- Does anyone know how alternates will be notified if they are offered a fellowship? ----> I emailed Cindy Mueller this morning b/c I am leaving town for ten days tomorrow and was worried that I would miss a deadline if I got the notification by regular mail. She said she would "make a note to send me an email if they made a decision in this time." My guess is that that means alternate notifications normally come by snail mail. (4/6) --> They did last year.
- Midwest alternate here. Received award packet in the mail today (my field is History) (4/10) ---> Congratulations!
- Any ideas on how many alternates will be offered a fellowship?
- Did anyone else ask for comments on their application and were denied? (Exact wording: "In your case, unfortunately, reviewers did not designate any comments for release to the applicant.") I was hoping to get feedback, since I'll probably re-apply next year...
- Alternate waiting with crossed fingers here. Any other alternates receive news about their status? --> Nope. Still waiting... (4/26) (x4) (5/1)
- Alternate received rejection letter saying "the funds have all been committed." (5/1) --> (x2)-- Color me a very sad alternate then. I'll look for this letter in the mail.
Arnhold Faculty Fellowship in Cognitive Approaches to Literary Studies[]
UC Santa Barbara Deadline: November 11, 2009
Anyone heard anything?
Acknowledged complete application 12/2 (one of my letters was delayed). An earlier email said everything had to be in by end of November, so they'll need some time to go through everything.
- They were meeting to discuss applications yesterday, 12/7.
- Correction (from original poster): they are meeting a couple of times next week as well--Monday and Wednesday (14th and 16th) I think.
- Are they still interviewing at MLA for this then?
- I believe they are.
- Got a call yesterday (12/14) and set up a MLA interview.
- I heard that they are uninterested in candidates who don't have neuroscience backgrounds. poster who got interview, what is your background?
- (Poster): PhD in English; diss.makes extensive use of cog linguistics and cog psych. --Well you sound like what they are looking for, good luck at the MLA!
- Offer has been made and accepted. (01/29)
- Just got a rejection email that said they had 80 applications
Brandeis - Crown Center for Middle East Studies Junior Scholar Fellowship[]
Info Deadline: December 15
- snail mail rejection (2/15)
British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
Deadline: November 26, 2009 (outline stage)
- Just out of curiosity - how many of you in the UK are going (or have gone) through an internal selection process this year before applying?
- A: I had to send them a CV and research proposal but I wouldn't exactly call it a selection process.
- There doesn't appear to be any word limits on any of the proposal stuff -am I crazy? How much are people writing?
- Yeah, I noticed that too - but I think how much you write will depend on your field and proposal. If it takes you 2000 characters to say something that could be said in 700, it could annoy the committee (esp. if they have 800 applications to look over). On the other hand, if you use 700 characters to say something that needs to be said with 2000 - and those in your field will know - then you're selling yourself short.
- When you start typing in the proposal boxes, a message appears telling you how many characters you have left. Proposal abstract: 1100 characters; previous research: 3000 characters; programme: 8000 characters; research outputs: 1100 characters; plan of action: 3000 characters; plans for publication: 3000 characters. It would have been nice to have known this when I started working on the proposal rather than when i was pasting it onto the form! Garrr!!
- Interesting. Obviously the high character limits were created to ensure that nobody complains about the lack of space this time around. Now everyone's getting hung up on the extra space they have. Alas, 'tis human nature!
- Thats not what I am hung up about...Call me old fashioned, but I think it would have been nice for the character limits to be mentioned somewhere on the form or in the notes of guidance! Alas, 'tis bureaucracy's nature!
- I've submitted and my application has been approved. Now waiting for one of my referees. Just in case this helps anyone, your referees (not you!) have until the 30th to submit their forms.(x2)
- Does anyone know who long it takes to hear back from them? I thought the funding began on Feb. 1, 2010, am am wondering how late candidates will be notified. (12/18)
- No, the funding begins in Sept/Oct 2010. The shortlist is announced in Jan/Feb, and the elections are made in Apr/May. Hope that helps.
- (15 Jan) Decision date for first round put back to 8 Feb because of an almost 30% increase in applications (2008/9: 700+, 2009/10: 900+).
- That much of a jump!? Bad sign. I shudder to think what the numbers will be in 5 years time.
- Oh dear, on tenterhooks.(8thFeb) -I just reread the email sent by the BA last week and they said results won't be out till the end of this week (12th Feb). Tenterhooks retracted.
- Has anyone heard from them? Nope, not a sausage.
- Nothing yet - wish they'd hurry up so no need to check email every 20 seconds. - ditto!
- Have not heard via email but just checked my app online and it says "formal offer: pending, 01/02/2010". What does this mean exactly? That nothing has been decided?
- It means that they are due to give you the outcome of the stage 1 app on 1 Feb (which is strange, because for me it was to have been 8 Feb, then I received an e-mail last week pushing it back to today. I tried calling 45 mins ago but they let the phone ring off, perhaps deliberately.
- What's really odd is that I never received an email pushing the outcome date back and mine was due apparently on the 1st, not the 8th, and it is now the 12th. I honestly have no idea what is going on with the BA or when there will be clarification. With the new egap system, do you think the outcomes will be emailed or sent via post per usual?
- Apparently, they will be send to the e-mail address you provided on your application. No more snail mail for the new, improved, consummately efficient BA!
- It is not looking too hopeful that any decisions will be communicated today....
- I called and was unable to get through to either the Research Grants Office or the Head of Research Awards, and the receptionist told me that she didn't think they'd 'resolved the awards', and that decisions would only be forthcoming at the start of next week.
- Rats.. and I thought this torture could end today...
- Has anyone contacted them recently?
- They just sent an email saying they're still working on it, and to contact them if we've not had an email by mid-March (!).
- Yes, I think they have been contacted by quite a few people, as they acknowledged that they received over 900 apps and closed with "If you have not received a further email from us by the middle of March (although we do not expect the decision to take this long to be finalised) please contact us again. In the meantime, we appreciate your eagerness to hear the result, and understand that many decisions may depend upon it, but must ask for your continued forbearance." They seem to have done this two part system to try and lessen their work load...
- Well... any news?
- 04/03 None, except I noticed that under 'status' on egap, it now says 'assessed', which I don't think it said before. (x2) (It said 'Approved' before, meaning that they had checked that the host institution supported the application and that the applicant met the eligibility criteria. Can't be long now (one hopes).)
- Hmm.. I now have a 'Problems with Uploading PDFs' banner and 'The search returned no results' banner in my application homepage. Strange... maybe notification will be through egap and something went wrong on their end...
- I've just checked and don't have any problems with E-GAP. They've always maintained that they'll get in touch via the e-mail address submitted when we applied/registered. Have just called and they've still gone to ground. I understand they're overstretched, but to keep us in the dark with a vague 'get in touch if you haven't heard by the middle of March' is taking the p*** somewhat.
- a friend who applied to a different ba scheme said she was told they had major problems with the electronic system ( this is back in feb) so I wonder if that was what caused the huge delay. It's horrible though.
- Invitation for 2nd stage received (4.28pm 9/3).
- Rejection email received (March 9). 913 total applicants, 15% (around 130) through to next round, c. 45 fellowships available. "Exponential [sic] growth in the numbers of applications," "many highly rated applications have not been able to be supported." Sigh.
- Didn't they give a grading to the applications last year? I know they say that they are not giving any feedback, but I was under the impression that they gave A, B, C gradings before.
- Notification of advancement to second stage (email, 03/09), deadline for completing new part of the application is March 29. They have reserve candidates in case any of the 130 finalists pull out now because they have other offers / won't finish the dissertation after all.
- Rejection (9/3). Well, I tried my best. Can't do better than that. Onto the next thing..
- Re: above--good attitude. I'm in the same boat. : ) x2
- Its so nice to see your exemplary response and I am going to emulate it. Thanks for your comradery everyone, and best of luck to the chosen 130.
Brown Pembroke Center Postdoc ("The Power and Mystery of Expertise")[]
Deadline: December 10, 2009
Snail mail rejection letter 1/8 (x1)
Did the letter say how many applicants there were? (i'm also interested- how many applicants?) - No, the letter was dated 1/6, wish they did not have to waste paper.
Received request for more materials in mid-December, due Jan. 5. Since then, no word. Anyone heard anything more recent? 1/28
Their website says they'll announce decisions for the postdocs sometime this month. 2/1
Anyone get word? It's getting pretty close to the end of the month! 2/26
Rejection letter dated 3/8 (x1)
Brown Political Theory Project Research Associates Program[]
[[1]] Deadline: November 1, 2009
- Does anyone know what the standard operating procedure is for identifying candidates? Are there interviews? What is the expected time frame in which they're likely to make decisions? Thanks.
- Email received 12/4: "The search committee will convene soon to review applications." Doesn't make it sound like they'll have interviews.
- Any word?
- Nothing here. Anyone else? (1/19)
- Nope, haven't heard anything. (1/26)
- Nothing here either. (1/28)
- Is it too soon to send an inquiry email? This is taking forever! (2/11)
- By all means, send one for all of us.
- Other blog indicates people have received finalist emails (last week).
- What other blog? A: Political Theory and Public Law Job Market (google it).
- I emailed the PTP manager and got this note: "Short list candidates have been identified. While the search is not officially closed, we are making offers and moving toward closure" (2/16)
- Has anyone heard anything here? Rejection letter have to have gone out by now, right?
- Has anyone else not received a rejection letter? I'm under no illusitions that I'm still in the running, given the timing of everything, but I always find it kinda annoying when schools never send out final notices. Is anyone else in this position? A: yep.
Brown Watson Institute for International Studies visiting fellowships[] deadline: Feb 15
- ack email (2/15)
- Anybody know how many positions are open for this fellowship?
- The initial posting said 8 but it was recently revised to 4. I wonder what the final count will be, given all the budget slashing lately.
- I was told by someone at Watson that there were over 300 applications submitted, and there are 4 positions available. (2/17)
- When will the results be announced?
- In past years the deadline was earlier, and they announced about two months later I think (info gleaned from past wikis, I've heard nothing directly).
- Does anybody know if they make a short list and then request writing samples and reference letters, or will they skip that step? (2/26)
- Request for additional information (3/3)(x3)
- Could you tell us your discipline?
- Anthropology
- Sociology
- If you haven't been contacted yet, you have not been short-listed. (Called admin to ask) 3/22
California Institute of Technology - Postdoctoral Instructorship []
Deadline: November 30, 2009
- Got rejection email today; interviews have been set up (12/16)
- Interesting. Haven't heard from them today, one way or the other.
- Has anyone else not heard anything?
- Has anyone received a call or an email for an interview with them?
- I interviewed for this position at MLA. They expect to make an offer within the next week or so, I think.
California Institute of Technology - Postdoctoral Instructorship in Intellectual, Cultural or Art History or the History of Science[]
Deadline February 1, 2010
- Any information on this one?
- seriously! :)
- Delightful rejection email, 3/11: "Based on your interests and skills and our current needs, the committee has decided against proceeding further with your candidacy."
- I particularly enjoyed the thoughtful wording as well
- "tech" might have necessitated the invocation of "skill"
- Was this only on HSS? Looks like they advertised as covertly as possible. The whole thing smells of an internal candidate...or at least a preordained one.
Canadian Commonwealth Scholarships Program - Post Doctoral Research Fellowships (PDRF)[]
info To obtain an application form and deadline information, please contact the designated agency of your country.
- For citizens of New Zealand and the United Kingdom.
- No news as of yet.
- Last year I heard in January I think of being through first round, and final result was early May.
- Pro forma rejection email saying "we are unable to tale [sic] your application [...] any further" (1/21). Hardcopy letter to follow.
- Did anyone get this Fellowship? And, is the notification as late as May? Last year it was.
- Im a current PDRF under this scheme. You definitely do not have to research on Canadian issues (I am not), nor do you need to have been to Canada or know anything about Canada. This is a fantastic scheme and I would recommend it to anyone/ everyone. There are 12 of us Commonwealth PDRFs this year. For UK applicants applying to research in 2009-2010 (current holders) there were about 12 applicants for each place. Selection is made on academic ability and your research proposal but as much on leadership potential/ references and your CV. Good luck
- Thanks for this. I thought UK nominated 25 people. I have been short-listed, but am now wondering how many they will take in total. It is difficult waiting until May to hear especially as other grants will be coming in. Thanks again!
- Anything yet?
- Rejection form letter found in my Spam box (4/15). No indication why application was unsuccessful.
Carleton College - Postdoctoral Fellowship, American Studies[]
Deadline: October 9, 2009
- I heard from them late last night at 11:30 pm (10/23) I'm setting up an interview at ASA. (x3)
- Anyone heard anything? (10/19). Not a peep--I usually leave at least 3 weeks or a month without an ack before I allow myself to indulge any freak out, tempting as they are.
- emailed to make sure they got my app. they responded same day saying they did and due to the amount of apps. they got were unable to send ack. (10/19)
- i'm wandering how people are handling this... it is likely they won't have results this week and the ASA, where the ad said they would hold interviews is about to be less than 2 weeks away. are people buying tickets to DC just in case? Or waiting until last minute and possibly paying out the nose to go to an interview?
- I had an ASA interview but haven't heard a peep since. Anyone else waiting to hear from them? (12/15)
- Also had an ASA interview, and I asked about the timeline at the end. Because they're on the trimester system, they won't be contacting ASA interviewees about campus visits until January. (12/15) x2
- I asked this question too, but thought they *hoped* to determine finalists before the end of their trimester (before thanksgiving) and have interviews in Jan. So... maybe I misunderstood this? (12/23)
- Campus visits for a one year postdoc position?! crazy! x2x3!!
- why is that crazy?
- Let's outline the full craziness of this position. First, it is not really a postdoc. No matter what they say, a 2-2 one-year position is a VAP. So, for a one-year VAP, you first had to fork over a bunch of money to travel to D.C. to interview at ASA. This alone is crazy, especially in this economic environment. As if this weren't enough, after the ASA interview they make the interviewees wait 2 to 3 months to hear whether they get a final campus visit. Then, if you're "lucky" and get the campus visit, you have to travel to BFE, Minnesota to perform for faculty and elite undergrads. After all of this, your "reward" is a one-year VAP -- if you're the chosen one. Can we all concede that this is crazy? What other industry except academia would have such an absurd process of employment for a temp hire?
- Amen (x2)
- Northfield is hardly "BFE" Minnesota. An easy commute from Minneapolis, and half of faculty from both Carleton and St. Olaf commute from the Cities. It is a chance to have a post-doc (or a VAP, if you insist) and a top-10 Liberal Arts college, with a 2/2 course load (2 courses a year less than most course loads at SLACs), class sizes under 20 students (I can only imagine, from my experience there). Why apply for a job you find so distasteful? (x2)
- You're right, I was too hard on Northfield, but everything else I said stands. A six-month, several-stage, fork-over-your-money hiring process for a temp hire is insane.
- Has anyone heard anything? anyone get invited for a campus visit? (2/8/10)
- Nope. I interviewed at ASA, got an email early January asking if I was still interested, and haven't heard anything yet. (2/9) x2 (2/11)
- I just came back from a campus interview (2/12). Was invited I want to say mid-January? On the taxi ride back to the airport the driver mentioned that he had transported 2 other candidates. During the visit I was informed that a decision would be made within the next two weeks.
- Thanks for the information. I think it's BS that the rest of us have to find out from one of the interviewee(s) instead of from the SC. Good luck.
- For those that did get a campus interview: I'm just curious. Did they request a traditional job talk or a teaching demonstration? What was the interview like?
- Received Rejection Letter over the weekend. It says the position was filled. (3/22)
Carnegie Mellon University AW Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: February 26, 2010 2 Positions
FYI: The above link provides info about what the Modern Languages Dept. is looking for. The version of the ad found on h-net at the following link lists what the English Dept. is looking for: h-net
No idea about History or Philosophy.
Has anyone seen an ad or know anything about history? I emailed the contact person in the Dean's office and haven't heard back.
Please do let us know what you find out about whether History has a slot and what they might be looking for. (2/3) --> I actually sent the email on Friday when the ad showed up on the MLA list and have yet to hear back. Perhaps someone else wants to try emailing to see if he/she gets a response?
There's something on h-net about history wanting a scholar of the Atlantic or Pacific, I think. Don't remember the specifics.
From H-Atlantic (with thanks to the previous person). The Department of History seeks a historian of the Atlantic/Pacific and/or Empire. Time period, thematic emphasis, and region open.
Has anyone received an acknowledgment or confirmation of receipt? (3/12) --> Nope.
-in response to query, received ack and assurance that the departments are in the process of reviewing applications (3/10)
-has anyone heard any news on this one? I havent heard anything since the ack email in early March (3/25)
- Nope; I never even received an acknowledgment (x3).
- Email Rejection from the History Department chair. I'm grabbing at straws, but am hoping that this possibly means that my application was one of the stronger one circulated to departments (as it explained on the posting)... (4/9) (x3)
- Email Rejection English Department (4/12) (X2)
- Has anyone in English or History not heard anything? (4/12): A: Yes (English). I have no idea what it means. (4/12)
- Anyone else still waiting on this? Any news? (4/20)
Carnegie Mellon University Humanities Center Fellowship - "Identities in Conflict"[]
Deadline: December 1, 2009
- anyone get an application acknowledgment?
- No acknowledgement or anything! However, I sent them an email and a candidate has been selected. (04/27)
Carolina Postdoctoral Program for Faculty Diversity[]
[ e-mail ack. (12/23)
Website down <24 hours before due date. Awesome!
I was just about to post the same comment, but I guess I'm not the only trying to get the application in right now. I was wondering whether the site was automatically shut down on 1/7 due to some programming error? In any case, I emailed the Program Manager about the technical problem, who was very attentive and helpful with another question I had regarding the postdoc.
Website up and running again, as of the morning of 1/7/2010
email ack. (1/8)
has everyone receive an email ack?
I haven't yet. Uh-oh! (x2)
There was a problem with their receipt of my Interfolio dossier, so they emailed me this morning (1/11). They may be trying to track down loose ends like that before sending out the rest of the confirmations.
Email ack 1/12. (2 pm, West Coast).
Email ack. 1/12 (5 PM, southeast)
Anyone know how soon they'll move on to the next stage? Or what the next stage is?
I hope it's not too *too* soon, since I haven't received acknowledgement of receipt. I assume there's really no reason to be paranoid about online applications, but now I'm wondering if I missed a "submit application" button or something!
I still haven't received an email acknowledgement either. A little concerned since this seems to be taking such a long time...
Email ack. 1/28. Email said apps. sent to departments which will send back with recommendations... final decisions made by end of feb.
email rejection 3:23pm (2/4) x3
email rejection 3:30 p.m. (2/4) x4
The email rejection noted there were 181 applicants this year.
This is interesting: I received an email rejection last week (2/19), which claimed there were 460 applicants for 5 positions. Don't know why there's such a big discrepancy between the rejection letters.
I deleted it, but mine had said something like 181 external applicants and over 400 including institutional nominees. Maybe that helps explain the discrepancy.
Anyone heard anything? (3/13)
Case Western Undergraduate Lecturer[]
Link Deadline: March 1st.
Anyone heard anything on this? (4/7)
Request for more materials (3/27)
Congrats! Well, I guess that probably means I am out of the running. Did they give you any idea of their timeline or how many people they plan on interviewing? (4/11)
They said they were planning on doing interviews during the last week of April.
Anyone know anything about this? I haven't heard anything. I figure I am out, but would like to cross it off my list.
Center for Cultural Analysis at Rutgers University[]
Postmark deadline: January 8, 2010.
Topic for postdoctoral fellowships in 2010-2011 is The Everyday and the Ordinary. Applications can be downloaded at
- Acknowledgement email 1/15. States that they've received "an extraordinary number of applications" and that they'll have a decision by March 1.
- Ditto on acknowledgement above. Sounds like they don't do interviews. Anyone know?
- According to last year's wiki, no.
- Anyone contacted yet?
- nothing yet here ...
- 3/1 email rejection (x3)
I emailed them; they said they are still digging through the remaining applications and that it should take them a few weeks before they contact people (3/10)
- Note from Administrator at the CCA - I don't believe this last post was intended for the CCA. All applicants were notified of their status or rejection as of 3/1. If anyone has any question about their status, please contact us at the addresses listed on our website. Thank you to everyone who applied - it was an exceptional pool, and we wish that we had more positions to award. (Posted 3/15)
Chateaubriand Fellowship[]
Deadline: December 15, 2009.
The College at Brockport, State University of New York Presidential Fellows[]
Deadline: December 1, 2009
- Anyone receive acknowledgment of application? (12/21)
- Nope (x3)
- So, I just looked at the HR website and now it says "incomplete records" and all of my uploaded documents aren't visible anymore. What's going on??? (3/10)
- I tried to contact the contact person (Dean?) to ask a status update a couple times, but never heard (3/10).
- Anyone hear if this position is even still viable?
- YOU GUYS CRACK ME UP! Rejection received 5/26, first word I got from them. For future years' reference.
Columbia Society of Fellows[]
Info Deadline: October 5, 2009
- Anyone know if letters can be submitted by recommenders after Oct. 5? Guess that's really a general question about these applications.
- There's no reason to wait - once you open the online account, they will send emails and your recommenders can submit their letters via email.
- Wonder if anyone can help me with this: they're asking us to design a two-page syllabus for an undergraduate course. Guess I'll just follow the instructions, but is it possible they'd actually prefer a *narrative* of what we'd assign and how we'd teach the material? The latter feels more natural to me than the boilerplate that a syllabus would involve (two- or three-paragraph overview, week-by-week list of readings), though obviously I'll leave out stuff like "Please silence your cell phones when in class." Thanks in advance, sorry for the newbie question. - Since unlike the other postdocs, they don't ask for "course description" but specifically for a syllabus, I would do that. Based on the course descriptions' on their website, I would in fact not do more than one paragraph of description, and give a detailed week to week sessions. That's at least what I did in my app.
- I did a brief course description followed by a weekly outline, including course readings. I thought this was best given only two pages. Can we all bitch a little bit about the $30 "application fee." What a joke. They don't even attempt to explain what it is for and to top it off you have to make your own copies! Is Columbia really this hard up for money? (x2)
- 30$ on credit card charged today (10/20) -- x2 (10/7)
- received postcard acknowledgment that my application was received; date stamp was 10/15. (10/21) (x2)
- I heard through the grapevine that they were swamped with applications...not surprising given the job market this year.
- No credit card charge! Does that mean wasn't processed? Urgh..
- the website says all those shortlisted for interview will be contacted "by mid-December". anyone here contacted? (12/10)
- someone I know involved with the program has said that they've been asked to look at small batches of applications and give feedback by the end of this week. So I'd expect to hear about interviews starting next week at the earliest. (12/10) - Thanks! I wish I knew too someone who is asked to review the applications... Can I also ask if "small batches of applications" implies that many have already been filtered out at this stage? Yes, according to this person, they had already narrowed it down to approx. 100 applications, which were then distributed for feedback. However, there's no way to know whose applications are in that batch. (original poster, 12/11).
- anyone know how many applications they received? (12/13)
- anyone invited to the interview? don't keep your happiness to yourselves
- Does the poster from last week (12/10) have any more insider information? What ever happened to the review of small batches of applications over the last weekend? Anu insights? Let us know if you can!
- Last week's poster here: Sorry folks, the update was more of a one-time thing than a steady source of info. As a fellow applicant, I too am waiting for any wiki news...
- this week (13-19 Dec) was supposed to be the one when interviewees are announced. oh well. when you don't even make it to the interview you realize I guess how far fetched the idea to apply was to begin with.
- Have the interviewees been announced? Or just supposed to have been announced? Has anyone heard? Not a thing
- Haven't heard a thing, but the website says "if you are not contacted by January 1," you can assume you're out of the running, so I prefer to think there's still hope ... (12/19) x1
- the same website says somewhere else that interviewees are contacted by mid-December. i guess some 30 people will be in this situation, and I was hoping one of them will make a note here so that we can fall sooner in the sweet arms of despondency. come on boys and girls, show off!
- C'mon -- it's Columbia, and it's the end of the semester. Of course there is a chance that all 30 people who got interviews are not posting; but I would not be shocked to learn that they're running late and will not contact people until next week or even after xmas.
- I second the previous poster. It sounds like a lot of fellowship competitions are running late this year because of the particularly huge number of applicants.
- Interviews have been scheduled for January 21-22 (as of Dec. 26). (x2)
- Any interviewees able to say how they were contacted? (12/26) And, perhaps, when they were contacted? (for future ref.)
- Contacted by email on 12/26
- Why have there not been rejection letters?
- I applied for this two years ago and never received a rejection letter. (They did cash my check, so I know they got the application.) From the looks of previous wikis, they do not send them.
- You'd think that for $30, they could do that. Or maybe they could make us fill out our own self-addressed-stamped rejection letter, and they could send that instead. :-P
- I didn't make the interview round, but I'm curious. Anyone want to share their experiences?
- I second the previous poster, could anyone who interviewed for this share any info about what it was like?
- Interviews were scheduled all in the same day, January 22nd. I'm not sure about the total number of finalists, but my estimate was something like 16 candidates. A peculiarity of the interview process at Columbia is that they organize a cocktail reception and dinner the night before the interviews. I must say that despite my initial concerns, I enjoyed socializing with current fellows, professors, and the other candidates. I think it contributes to make the selection process less stressful, at the very least you get a chance to see the faces of the committee members before the actual interview in an informal setting. The interview itself was rather short, at least mine was (under 20 minutes); about 10 professors sitting around a long table and asking questions about your project. If you have no previous experience this might be rather overwhelming, I'd suggest to set up a mock-up interview as a way to prepare yourself. Be ready to respond on the spot to some challenging questions staying focused and without loosing your cool; that's key, I believe, to make a good impression. At least that worked well for me.
Columbia University Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Music[]
[; November 9, 2009
Has anyone received a confirmation notice yet for receipt of materials? No word yet; it's not just you.
12/26-Q: Still nothing? Anyone?
12/29-A: They usually don't contact candidates until the beginning of the Spring semester, sometimes even later.
I applied last year and received an e-mail ack. in late Nov. It is strange there has been no news yet this year.
01/27 Received cordial rejection email (6:31pm UK time). (x2)
01/27 Perhaps this is not the right place to ask, but is anyone else unable to access the musicology job wiki? I keep getting a server fail error message.
Columbia University Weatherhead Center Fellowship in Modern Southeast Asian Studies[]
- How many other people applied for this fellowship? (2/15)
- I applied. (x1)
- Has anyone else received any sort of notification (good or bad)? (2/15)
Committee on Global Thought Fellowship[]
Info Deadline Nov 1, 2009 (priority), or Nov 15, 2009
Has anyone figured out what the deal is with the "fee" here. I just applied through their online system and as far as I can tell there's no information about a fee or how to pay. Then, when you've finished applying, the message you get (I've since navigated away from it--should have kept it around) makes mention of fee payment. What gives? Anyone figure this out?
Well, I looked over the website again and answered my own question. The form with which you can pay the 30 bucks is located here: WTF is up with a rich school like Columbia charging these fees for applications? That's $60 I've dropped on playing the Columbia lottery this year.
email acknowledgment that application was received; next word by second week of December (10/7)
did anyone else who applied get a friend request from the Committee on Global Thought on facebook? does anyone else think this is EXTREMELY strange???
of course it is strange... they are not your friends, as yet... hide your profile, check your facebook settings.
FACEBOOK!? wtf -- That's creepy. That's why I left facebook.
Yeah, I guess I'll accept--because I want a shot at the fellowship. But that's seriously messed up and creepy.
Kind of ironic for a "Committee on Global Thought." Ah Orwell ...
I think it is just the administrator that is setting up facebook stuff. It won't bear on your application in any way and (i'd hope) won't be seen by the Committee members themselves. They basically want people to know about what they are doing: events, updates, how great they are, etc.
- Received email saying that I have been selected to go on to the next round. Said they will announce in mid-January if invited for interview. (12/4)
- Is that what your email said? My email just said "Thank you for applying..." and added that those selected for interviews would be contacted "individually" in mid-January. Sounds awfully similar to a standard acknowledgment of receipt. (12/4)
- Yes, that's what it said. I've posted a copy of the letter on the Soc. rumor mill here: . The poster prior to me copied their letter and it sounded like yours. Not sure what the story is behind the different letters. (12/4)
- Received email about setting up a phone interview. (1/4)
- Is the previous update about phone interviews legitimate? This is the only update I've seen anywhere about this postdoc. (1/26)
- I had a phone interview on the 13th with two professors. They said that all the profs conducting interviews would meet the following week and then results would probably be announced in early February. (1/27)
- Did anyone receive a rejection email/letter?
- Nope. Guess the application fee doesn't cover the cost of rejection letters. (2/3)
- Rejection Email 2/8, 1:15PM (high quality/large amount of apps - also says they haven't finalized the search) (x5)
- Anyone get an offer yet? (2/11)
- I had an interview but I'm still waiting to hear the outcome. I'm assuming this means that offers have already gone out and they're waiting for people to accept or decline. Anyone have any insight? (2/15)
- Rejection email received on 2/17.
- Have all the rejection emails been sent out? I haven't received a rejection email yet (3/22)
Consortium for Faculty Diversity at Liberal Arts Colleges – Dissertation and Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
- I know that these fellowships all move at different paces, depending on school, but has anyone heard from any school? The rumor mill tells me that applications are filtering to departments, but I don't have any concrete stories. (12/21)
- Does anyone know how this process works? When do schools start contacting candidates?
- I spoke to the central administrator and she said most schools haven't started the process due to budget restraints. She anticipates that the process will pick up in February. (1/14)
- I just got an interview request for Vassar, so I believe they're starting to make decisions quickly. (1/19)
- What area/field are you in? Curious what departments are hiring at Vassar? (1/26)
- Anybody else been contacted? I've heard through the grapevine that at a couple of schools, applications have already come back from departments. Wondering whether I should be mentally crossing this one off my list of possibilities. (2/3)
- Two years ago I received an offer from a CFD institution that came around mid-March, another followed about a week later. I believe the time line for offers depends on the institution and may vary widely.
- The CFD website has a Feb 2010 update to indicate where some schools are at in the process. (2/10)
- Heard from member institution asking if I was interested in being considered for a Visiting Professor position. (3/1)
- Offered postdoctoral fellowship from member institution (3/3)
- Contacted for predoctoral fellowship interview. First thing I've heard since applying. (3/5)
- Contacted for predoctoral fellowship interview -- first thing I've heard too since applying (3/22)<--Would you be comfortable sharing where at? Good luck! (3/25)
- I don't mind sharing--I was contacted by DePauw U. (3/25)
- Received and accepted offer mid-last week for a postdoctoral fellowship. (5/17)
Cornell Population Program Frank H.T. Rhodes Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Screening beginning Feb 10, 2010 until filled
CUNY Graduate Center Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Deadline: April 12
- anyone hear anything on this one?
- I received the acknolwedgement letter + employment equity card (we don't have these in Canada, so it was a strange experience receiving it)
- request for letters of reference, due May 25
- letters due June 4.
- Are these the fellowships through the interdiscplinary committees on religion, science studies, and globalization? There are multiple postdocs at CUNY Graduate Center.
- yes
- Has anyone who was asked to provide letters heard anything more? (6/12)
- I have not. Were any other candidates given an idea of when we might know something more? (6/12)
- I also haven't heard anything.
- I recieved a request for phone interview for globalization postdoc scheduled for 6/22 (6/18).
- Called today (18/6) and been told that "some" of the committees have started scehduling phone interviews. Decisions are expected over the next couple of weeks; letters will be dispatched by a "limited staff" (i.e. it will take a while).
Dartmouth College - Dickey Center Visiting Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Jan 12, 2010
- Any news anybody? (02/15)
Dartmouth College - Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Deadline: Oct 15, 2009
received rejection letter by snail mail on East Coast: 11/2
Here too. Wow, what a speedy rejection. A bit unnerving.
I'm sure mine's in the mail, but just wondering what the letter said, specifically in terms of # of applicants.
No mention of application numbers.
Has anyone been contacted "in the positive", or is this just a first round of rejections? I'm trying to wrap my head around this happening so quickly!
Judging from the language on their website, they might just be eliminating those whose teaching areas don't match their needs well. I can't imagine they've seriously read any apps yet.
Well, it would have been nice to know what areas they were excluding. --No kidding!
But it does say on their website: "This year, we shall not be accepting applications in, at least, the following areas/disciplines: Anthropology, Art History, Film & Media Studies, and Music." Were those who received early notice in one of those areas? Or perhaps there's simply more, now, to that vague "at least" as the process has evolved. In which case, it would have been nice to know indeed!
- Not here. History is my discipline.
- have not heard anything... not even confirmation of receipt (x7)
Rejection by mail on West Coast: 11/12 - stated large number of applicants but nothing exact
Rejection by mail on East Coast; English: 11/12
Alphabetic order? My last name starts with Z... that's probably why my rejection mail hasn't arrived yet? - With a name starting with Z, it takes guts to even apply.
- My last name is early-mid alphabet and I haven't received my rejection letter...yet. East Coast 11/16 (Rejected 11/18)
Judging from the Dartmouth postdoc thread during the last two years, it seems that they would have several rounds of elimination. Some people received their rejection letters in mid December.
Rejection by mail on East Coast; English: 11/16
Rejection by mail, History 11/16
Rejection by post on East Coast; History; 11/16 (ditto 11/18: curious as to how they made decisions so quickly; did they just eliminate all ABDs perhaps? (my case))
- I'm ABD (East Coast) and still have yet to get my rejection. (Got the rejection 11/18)-- Ditto (West Coast), though I expect to file next month.
- I'm ABD too and I haven't received any letter yet. (x4) (Me neither, and I'm in History)
- I think one of the previous posts is correct: there are several rounds of elimination from not being in disciplines that they were looking for (the "at least" is important here), to a first look through and eliminating based on general strength of application (ABD-ness could be a factor, but certainly not the only one), to sending the "stronger" apps to departments, to the departments determining which apps they like, also coinciding with their teaching needs (judging by their website this is where they are now - the current rejections are most likely those that made it to this stage), and next departments will bid on candidates which the entire committee will judge, then these rejections and request for interviews will come along. The website explains this fairly well.
- ABD, East Coast, rejection came today (11/19). Letter dated 11/16.
- ABD, Midwest, rejection (11/20)
- ABD, Midwest (History), rejection (11/23)
- ABD East coast religious studies rejection (11/21)
- Rejection. Letter dated 11/17. PhD dissertation completed. (11/24)
- so far it seems the areas excluded are History and English...
- or perhaps those areas are just the most over-subscribed for a fellowship that seems more humanistic and less rigorously interdisciplinary than many others... the very unscientific sample of daily rejections on this wiki are difficult to sparse in any case...
- Yes, of course. The wiki sample is only representative of those that use the wiki (which may only be those from History and English). I suspect, though, that History and English will not get postdocs at Dartmouth this cycle. If that is the case, it would have been nice to know that there were additional departmental restrictions beyond those stated on the web.
- I'm in Comp.Lit./Spanish and was rejected two weeks ago.
- it may just be that those departments moved faster.
- I'm in English and haven't heard a word...
- ABD, Southeast (history), rejection (10/29) C: C: when was the letter dated? That seems like a crucial piece of information...
- ABD, East Coast, Romance Studies-Latin American Lit, rejection letter dated 16 Nov
- There seems to have been a lull in the rejections, so how many are still in the running, and what is your dept.? English (X2) History (x3) Geography (X1) Italian (x1) Latin American Literature (x1) Middle East/Comp Lit (x2), Native American Studies (x1)
- Does anybody know if they are going to interview at the MLA?
- I assume not, just because they say on their website that they want to schedule interviews with finalists in January, and that finalists are selected in "early December." There could, of course, be an intermediate round of interviews, but I doubt it. I'm more curious what their definition of "early December" is for notification of finalists!
- Its "early December" now! Does that mean we're finalists? :) Might as well try and be optimistic, right? --Your optimism made my morning! I think one should always consider oneself a finalist until proven otherwise. --Ditto on the optimism! I figured I was going to be receiving a rejection letter since it's past "early" December, but it looks like there's some hope yet (12/12).
- received email saying my app was in the group of files from which the finalists will be selected in early January. ABD Latin American Literature (14/12) (X1), History (X1), English (x1), Geography, Latin American, Latino/a, and Caribbean Studies (12/14), Comp. Lit. (X1), Italian (x1), Middle East/Comp. Lit. (x1)
- should those who received this email this morning (Dec 14) assume that Darmouth is behind schedule? It seems like the initial schedule announced on the Humanities Center website had mid-December as the deadline for the selection of finalists and for scheduling campus interviews to happen in early January. Any insights?
- Guess this means that the rest who were still waiting fora response will get our rejections in the mail.
- So much for optimism. Sigh.
- Rejection letter dated Dec 14 (ABD, East Coast). Good luck to the finalists!
- Rejection letter arrived today (Ph.D., Classics, East Coast). Good luck to everyone in the running still!
- Ditto, Government.
- Rejection, dated Dec 14 (ABD, Slavic, Midwest).
- Rejection arrived yesterday, 12/18 (ABD, English, west coast)
- Rejection arrived 12/17 (ABD, American Studies, Latino Studies, Midwest)
- Rejection via email, 12/21 (ABD, History) Everyone else's seem to be coming by mail. Huh.
- Rejection by mail, dated 12/21 (received 12/23). The rejection comes after the email received on 12/14 which stated that my application was in the group of files from which the finalists will be selected in early January (see post above). What does this mean? Did they make further cuts before their deadline of early January?
- It seems like 12/21 was the day they decided the finalists. That's why people received rejection letter this day via both email and snailmail. I guess the finalists will be notified in early Jan.
Duke University-Provost's Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
[; Deadline Jan. 15, 2010
- Does anyone know if there's any point in applying to this fellowship if you don't meet "diversity" criteria? I am a woman in an English department...not exactly underrepresented
- Actually I was told that there WAS NO such a requirement! (1/15)
- And I was told by a fac member that "we can always argue for intellectual diversity..." but she said it in a way that made me think that tack wasn't very likely to succeed.
- I know that the job/postdoc market is rough but I'm a little disturbed by the notion of faculty members advising candidates on how to get around the diversity mandate. (1/21)
- Actually, I think this happens regardless of the state of the market - sadly enough. (1/21)
- Have you all looked at the topics of half these postdocs? The diversity mandate is doing just fine.
- Not when people are trying to undermine it. (2/2)
- received confirmation that application is complete 1/29 (was not complete til recently; also received notification of that earlier this week)
- Anybody know when we're supposed to hear about this one?
- Here's what they said: "All applications will be reviewed and we will notify you of our decision regarding your application no later than March 15, 2010."
- Getting close to that date - anyone getting any nibbles?
- No. Argh! (3/4) (x2)
- Rejection email 03.12.10 (x2)
Duke University-Feminist/Human Animal Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
Deadline Nov. 17, 2009
has anyone heard anything? (12/10)
Shark versus giant octopus: who wins?
Tough question! I might need to see a youtube video to make this decision.
Does the absence of any comment on this fellowship mean I am the only one who applied? Or do other feminist/human/animal scholars not use the wiki? (12/22)
Animals are marginalized from use of the Wiki and from this competition.
No, you're not the only one who applied, but with any luck, perhaps we are the only two who applied. They do have 2 postdocs. But no, I haven't heard anything. (12/28)
Here's hoping! (12/29) (x3 - not one of above posters :) )
Any news? (2/2)
Nope. But according to last year's wiki, they announced their postdoc in visual culture around March 7.
Two offers have been made (2/4)
Duke University - Writing Program[]
Info Deadline Oct 30
I submitted my application online about a week before the deadline, but never got any confirmation email or otherwise, nor was my own email inquiry answered. I'm concerned the online submission didn't work. Does anyone know what's going on here?
I didn't any any confirmation either. (x2) I had a look at the wiki from last year and they got over 300 applications and it's very possibly more this year. That may explain the lack of response. --Thanks!
I didn't get a confirmation at first, so I emailed them. Received email confirmation 11/5. I think they are not sending confirmations or it's slow. I wouldn't worry. I thought the online application didn't work too, but my application did go through.
Email asking to re-send cover letter, as there was a problem with the online submission. (11/10). Though I'm troubled about this undefined "problem" I am happy to receive at least some kind of confirmation that they have me in the system, since I had not yet received any confirmation. They are working on it!
I submitted mid October and emailed last night to ask if they ever received it. Got email confirmation of receipt today (11/17)
Q: Any requests for additional materials and/or interviews yet? (12/9)
I spoke with a current writing program fellow the other day and he said that the program received around 700 apps. Ouch. They are probably sifting through them now...
R: Holy guacamole. A colleague of mine is friends with the director. She told me that they consider the apps from science folks first.
Yes - this is true about the sciences. I worked with an phd student in the scienecs, and she has a job there now. She told me that they tend to hire at least 3 English/Comp people per year and then they look for sciences for the most part.
A: This just isn't true. First, the number of people brought in for interviews and offered jobs depends on a number of factors--including how many positions are available, which applicants accept the position, and what is needed in any given year. Second, while they do look for people from the natural sciences, since it is an interdisciplinary program, they are looking for people who want to teach writing above all else. Finally, they don't look for any particular discipline first. They try to find people from a variety of disciplines to support the mission of the program.
They had 750+ applicants. Committee just met to narrow pool to 100. Will meet again to narrow to 25 or so to bring for on-campus interviews. Have not sent out any rejection notifications yet.
- Q: When was this decision made? (12/14)
- Q: This is really helpful info. Any sense of timeline attached to the upcoming cuts? When they'll narrow to 25?
12/16 - Got an email and phone call to schedule on-campus interview in Jan. (x4) [The admin asst said they had ~750 applicants and are interviewing somewhere around 15.] C: congrats! what's your area?
- -STEM field. Heavy on the "T". Don't feel comfortable saying much more.
- -I'm from an English department
- Are all of those who got phone calls for interviews in sciences and mathematics? (No.) (x4)
12/17- received very nice rejection email, says I was a finalist and will remain on the 'active' list in case interviewees decline. (x5)
12/17- has anyone else heard nothing--neither rejection nor invitation to interview? (x9)
-- Let's be honest, no news is surely bad news in this case.-- Hope they received our applications! (x4) "And if you don't know, now you know."
12/22- Rejection received by e-mail (x9)
- -- Thank the gods they had the foresight not to bother our faculty for recommendations; reams and reams of paper...! (x5) Amen. no nonsense bothering our recs until they are interested--and then the decency to send an email, without a $30 app fee. Good Blue Devils.
- --Wow, over 750 applicants. Tells you how bad the market is. My rejection letters from the DWP in the past specified around 400 applicants
- --Anyone else rejected by Duke but made it past the first cut for Harvard Expos? (x2)
- --For those interviewed, any word yet re: offers (or how many positions are, in fact, open)?
15 or so interviewed I heard. Positions will vary according to how many current fellows leave/stay. Since it is a bad market, I was told the positions offered might be significantly less than in other years. But, only time will tell...
I was told 20 interviewed, but otherwise, same as above. They had 2 positions definitely open, but all others were dependent on how many current fellows hit on the job market.
2/25 - Any recent updates on this one?
2/26 - I heard they have a wait list...anyone else?
3/28 - Two offers made (thus far) to an anthropologist and a sociologist.
Durham University (UK) Postdoc Research Associate[]
Info Deadline: Dec. 2, 2009
5 positions available on the history of the 'Tipping Point', two on climate change, two on financial crises (historical and recent), and one on the 'tipping point' as metaphor.
ECLA Berlin Postdoc Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Dec 14, 2009
Has anyone received confirmation of submission on this one? -not me. (x2)
They do not send confirmations automatically. I had to email the person and ask, and got a nice and quick reply (12/31).
- rejection email (2/3) (x2)- they had 190 apps.
- (2/3) phone interview request via email <-- declined interview, due to accepting a post doc w/earlier deadline; so at least one wait-listed person should be getting an interview slot, i hope.
- Has anyone else received neither a rejection nor a request for an interview? (2/3)
- Neither a rejection nor a request for an interview here. (2/4) x5
- Anyone have an update on this?
- They are interviewing week after next. Will decide in March.
- Email (04/21): "Thank you very much for your application regarding our postdoctoral fellowship. We received 190 applications, many of which were excellent. You were among the 21short listed candidates out of which we chose the ones invited for the interview. The decision was not easy, but I regret to tell you that we decided to invite 4 other candidates on campus. One of these candidates was offered the position."
Emory University, James Weldon Johnson Institute, Visiting Scholars Program[]
Jan 15 deadline
Offer made by email (02/08)
Emory University Fox Center for Humanistic Inquiry postdoc fellowships[]
deadline: Feb 18
- Does anybody know what is the exact list of documents that should go in the application? Thanks!
-Any updates for this one? 3/18
--Nope. I got an email acknowledgement right after I applied, but nothing since. Last year's wiki indicates that notices went out in early-mid April.
- 4/12 made offer by phone. Offer under consideration by applicant.
-Congrats! Do you mind saying: is this the Humanities fellowship or the postdoc in Poetics? (I think they had separate applications?).
-Thanks - It's Humanities. And yes, Poetics is separate.
-Rejection by mail 4/16.
- 4/16 Humanities offer accepted.
- As of 4/22, I have received neither a phone call nor a rejection-by-mail. Anyone else in this boat? Is this the alternate boat?
- Yep, I'm in that boat, and ready to be out of it. Maybe the rejections are going out in batches? I was an "alternate" last year, and I got that letter about a week and a half after others received rejections. (4/22)
- Rejection by mail (dated 4/12, postmarked 4/20, rec'd 4/23)
deadline: October 10
- Anyone from Quebec out there? THe website says they'll announce the results today (April 21), but they also make it seem as though the results are mailed to us. So has anyone heard anything? (4.21)
- The confirmation email I got back in October said the results would be sent by email in late April, so that doesn't necessarily contradict the website. Good luck!
- (4/21) The FQRSC site just released the names of the first 25 offers, but the release says there will be a second round of offers. There were over 50 awards last year, so hopefully there will be that many again.
- (4/22) @4/21: I thought there were 39 last year, (that's the number of postdocs awarded in the first offer), but they ended up offering it to 97 people (by aug 28) just to fill those 39 spots. Do you think they increase the number of awards between the first and second offers? If so, that's great news! :) ... Otherwise, it's really too bad there are only 25 awards this year compared to 39 last year.
- Good grief--that's a lot of rejections. I had a look at the annual report, which you can download from the fqrsc website, which counted I think 57 postdocs. They say elsewhere on the site that they were funding 114 postdocs in the 2008-2009 year, which I assume counted both years being concurrently funded. The offer letter mentioned that last year they were able to boost the number of offers with funds left over from other sections, but there are obviously fewer to start out with this year, so who knows?
Frankfurt University postdoc in social anthropology (value and equivalence)[]
deadline: Jan 29
- email request for interview (2/4)
George Washington University - Mellon Pre-Doctoral Fellowship in Contemporary History[]
Info Deadline Jan 18, 2010
Georgia Tech Brittain Fellows Program[]
Review starts Jan 15, 2010
- Heard anything yet? (Feb 26th)
- Nothing. I wonder if Georgia's financial problems will impact the program?
- Confirmation of materials letter (3/1)
- Current Britt here... from my understanding we are paid from a foundation, not with state while there are massive cuts, they shouldn't have too much impact on the Britts (besides -- without us no one would be teaching the comp courses!). That said, the number of positions that are hired depends greatly upon how many 1 & 2 year Britts leave. I'm 3rd year, so I'm out regardless.
- Current Britt, thanks for the info! Any idea when they'll make decisions for phone interviews?
- (3/15) invitation for phone interview between march 29th and april 9th. (Contacted by email.) x3
- Offer via fedex (4/19)
- Offer via fedex (4/22)
- I heard the pay for this is atrocious. Sadly, I wish I had an offer anyway. Any idea how many positions/takers?
- Another Current Britt in response to the above poster: yes, the pay is terrible. However, I've had a number of fantastic scholarship and teaching opportunities. I've really enjoyed working here so far in terms of the adminstration and the students (just fantastic). Heard they are still continuing to make offers.
- Anything new? (5-22)
- Offer via fedex (5/24)
Getty Research Institute Display of Art Pre and Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
hear anything yet?
Website says decisions will be announced 5 months after deadline - I assume we won't hear much till March/April?
Offer made via email 2/5
Was that predoc or postdoc? congrats either way!
Postdoc. Thanks!
Post-doc offer made via email 2/23
Anything new about the predocs (does anyone know how many fellowship are awarded this year) ?
rejection letter received (3/25)
Gothenburg - Fellowship in Globalization and Development[]
[[2]] Deadline: December 1, 2009
ooh, any news on this one? I applied and have heard nothing...(1/15)
A: according to website interviewees have been contacted Jan 13
Government of Canada Post-Doctoral Research Fellowships[]
Info Deadline "To obtain an application form and deadline information, please contact the Embassy of Canada or the designated agency of your country"
Applicants must:
- be citizens of one of the following countries: Brazil, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Norway, Russia, Switzerland. Applicants who have obtained Canadian citizenship or applied for permanent residency in Canada are not eligible for an award.
- Does anyone know whether research needs to focus on Canada (or whether such researchers will be at a distinct advantage)?
- It definitely doesn't have to be on Canada. I am not sure if it would be an advantage, but I was selected for a related scheme (Commonwealth scholarships) working on something totally unrelated to Canada, but justified by the research area of the members of faculty in the university I would be working at.
- Research on Canada is almost required since the government is involved.
- That is simply not true! Sorry, but I know it is not true [because I am a current PDRF]. Let me second what the person below says.
- Im a current PDRF under this scheme. You definitely do not have to research on Canadian issues (I am not), nor do you need to have been to Canada or know anything about Canada. This is a fantastic scheme and I would recommend it to anyone/ everyone. It is also open to Commonwealth (UK and NZ) researchers. (see Canadian commonwealth scholarships, above).There are 12 of us Commonwealth PDRFs this year. For UK applicants applying to research in 2009-2010 (current holders) there were about 12 applicants for each place. Selection is made on academic ability and your research proposal but as much on leadership potential/ references and your CV. Good luck
Hamilton College (A.Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in Arts and Humanities)[]
Deadline: March 1, 2010
Has anyone been contacted by them? Have they requested other supporting materials already? (3/30) Not a word. I was starting to think I imagined this position since no one else had mentioned it :-)
I got an AA form via email....thats it. (4/1)
same here.
Anyone hear anything yet? (4/12)
Still nothing. (4/20)
I think that candidates have probably been contacted already. It's been way too long for them not to have at the very least requested additional supporting materials. Please, anyone has been contacted, let the rest of us know (and relax and regret!).
email rejection received 04/29
I did not receive a rejection email. (05/03). What does that mean? Anyone in my situation too?
Yep--also a friend did not receive a rejection either. They must be doing this in stages. (5/4)
- Received a call for impromptu, informal phone interview and then invited to campus (5/10)
Anyone else still awaiting notification? (5/24) Yes, me!!! (5/27) and I have already sent several emails requesting information.
(5/28): New poster here, and still no word.
6/1 - offer extended on 5/29, accepted on 5/31. Don't know about the other position (there are two postdocs)
6/14 - recieved form rejection via email. Congrats to those who got the offers!
Harvard Academy Scholars Program[]
Info Deadline: Oct 1, 2009
- Received email confirmation of receipt of application saying that further info on the status of application would be sent in late November (10.16). (x2)
- "Not chosen to be interviewed... Pool of 351 applicants" email (10/30) (x3) - dito (11/2) -- same (11/2)
- Received email saying I was among 30 semi-finalists of 351 applicants. More news to follow after their next meeting on Nov. 10. (11/3) (x2)
- Received email saying I wasn't selected for an interview, so they were right on schedule. Why can't other postdocs/searches be this conscientious? (11/10) (x2)
Harvard JFK School of Government - Ash Center Fellowships[]
Deadline: Apr 15, 2010
- Anybody?
Harvard JFK School of Government - Belfer Center Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Jan 15, 2010
- Received email confirmation of receipt (1/4)
- Has anyone heard back from Belfer since getting the confirmation email? Does anyone know how many regular ISP slots are available?
- There are better (in terms of numbers of interested parties) discussions on this at Poli Sci Job Rumors (note that that search comes up with some very old stuff as well, make sure to check the dates).
Harvard Center for the Environment Post-Doctoral Fellowship[]
Deadline Jan 15, 2010
Harvard College Fellows Program[]
Deadline: March 1, 2010
- Someone I know had a phone interview and accepted an offer for what I am pretty sure is this postdoc (VES department) (4/9)
Harvard College Writing Program[]
Info Deadline: Nov 5, 2009
- Received e-mail confirmation of receipt (10/28)
- Request for more documents (10-page sample; letters; course materials; commenting task); 11/19; e-mail (x10)
C: a bit of advice for those sending more materials: harvard expos site has downloadable guides describing strategies for commenting on student writing and other such guides; this might help especially if you haven't taught in a similar writing program before. (Thank you for this note - very helpful!)
- Has anyone received a rejection notice? Or received a request for more documents after 11/19? In other words, can I wipe this one off the list and focus my fretting on other hopeless causes? (11/23)
- They asked that the additional materials be sent by December 1st, so if you haven't received a request by that time it may not be good news. Best of luck, though! :-)
- I just got a request for materials (11/25) to be received by Dec. 4th, so they may still be sifting through what must be a massive pile o' apps.
Q: Any requests for additional materials and/or interviews yet? (12/9)
Not yet. (I was asked for more materials 11/19). Assuming they received over 300 applications (according to the wiki, Duke's Writing Program received 700), I wonder how
many folks they long-listed? With the amount of materials they required, I'm guessing 50 on the long list. If anyone is asked for an interview please let us know! (12/11)
R: I looked at last year's wiki and it seems that the Writing Program interviews non-local candidates at MLA... and then in Jan/Feb interviews local candidates. Making offers in Feb/March.
- This position is also listed over at the Comp/Rhet wiki, where I just read: "Just found out they won't be doing interviews at MLA: they're doing all non-local interviews via video conference." I don't know where the info comes from or anything more specific. But I will keep a look out for updates and post here.
R: The info has been updated on Harvard's website. It now reads: "Preceptors are selected in a national search, which normally elicits submissions from 300 or more candidates, about 25 of whom are interviewed–-some via regional interviews and video conference calls and some in Cambridge in January and February. Five to ten are hired each year."
- thanks for that. Doesn't that leave things open for MLA, however? Regional interviews that are not in Cambridge?
- (12/18) I'm surprised to have heard nothing before winter break, although it appears looking at the academic calendar that Harvard's fall term ends on Monday 21st. Anybody heard how many total applications they received and how many made it to the "additional materials" round?
- So, for those of us who received requests for additional materials (and sent them), but who haven't heard anything yet - does this mean we've been cut from the list of contenders?
- But wouldn't we have heard from those who did get interviews? It is a bit mystifying to not receive any word before xmas, given the relatively early deadline.
- I wrote, and received a polite reply that basically stated the timeline was up in the air. I don't believe anyone has been notified. We'll have to hold tight until Jan.
- Thanks for that info. Good to know they are still in the process of making decisions-- but it's also crappy that they are STILL in the process! Grrr. I wish I knew if I had options-- especially with MLA coming up. Grumble.
- I have received an email requesting interview in late January. (12/23) Email said that non-local candidates will be interviewed on Skype-to-skype video. (x3)
- any seconds on this? does this mean the game is up?
- Seems as if the game is, indeed, up. As someone who sent additional materials, and has heard nothing, I'm taking it that way. Merry (expletive) Christmas to me. (x5)
- Those of you have gotten interview requests, are you local or non-local?
- I am more or less local -- will be interviewing on campus.
- I am non-local (x2)
- There goes my hopes and dreams. Was hoping everyone so far was one or the other, so at least one group of us could keep the hope alive.
- Ditto
- My hope and dreams, as well. And to think I spent so much time on that damned student draft mark-up exercise!
- Indeed, insult to injury. Eh, fvk 'em. (x3)
- What insult? Do you think you're entitled to an interview just because you worked hard on that student paper? We all worked hard on it. You sound like someone who has never applied for a job before in their life.
- Oh, dear. And you sound, I simply can't say it. I just can't. <---Hey! If you're going to delete my post, which said that anyone who is up for this job still has other options and has not lost all hope, at least replace it with the colorful language you promise! (<---Hey! I didn't delete anything. And I already added a "fvk" to the page; isn't that colorful enough?) (For me, it's pretty darn close to puce.) (<---Sorry! Someone must have deleted it in error and your comment was the first thing to appear in its place. The person below does make a good's not insulting, just part of the process. My point was that there are a lot of jobs still in play right now, so there's no reason to give up on the market if you are a competitive candidate for this kind of job.)
- Thanks for the uplifting thought, but I'm afraid I'm with the OP on this one... when the remaining postdocs are receiving 1,000+ applications [see the new Rice entry, for ex.], there is reason to give up hope...
- I agree with regard to the postdoc market, but I was thinking about the Rhet/Comp market, where things are not spectacular, but at least tolerable.
- Again, what insult?
- People, please take off your anal-retentive/hyper-literal caps, and read "insult" as a general dynamic; "insult to injury" meaning a further sting to a rejection (having spent a lot of time on an "assignment," only to be rejected). Seriously, some of y'all need to lighten up a bit.
- Talked to someone in the department, and they were able to find out that the hiring committee will likely be doing several rounds of interviews. If they don't hire from the first batch of interviews, they'll go back to the pool of second-round applicants to select new interview candidates. Apparently they did this when they hired my friend: he had given up hope but was invited to an interview in April.
- Rejection letter received on 1/19. Letter mentioned that there were nearly 400 applicants.
- Q: had you received a request for more info back in Nov/Dec.? A: No.
- They probably won't send out the "we don't want you" letters to the second fiddles until they're absolutely sure they've got commitments from the first fiddles.
- I interviewed with them last week and just accepted another job. Just FYI: They said that they were interviewing through February and that they expected to make offers late February/early March once they knew how many current Preceptors were staying on through this year. It sounds like a good gig, though, especially if you're serious about teaching.
- Just my opinion, but I would imagine that at least some of the applicants are not terribly interested in/serious about teaching; rather, they're simply looking for a position within a university to hold them over until they (in the best of all possible worlds) find a TT gig in their discipline.
- Thanks for adding this information, Interviewee (above). It was very kind of you to post even though you're no longer interested in the position.
- I got the request for more info (samples, etc.) though I got one piece of information in a day late because I accidentally left it out of the mailing. However, I have heard nothing since then. I have no idea what that means. No rejections is good, I guess. (x4 except everything was in on time...)
- I don't think we'll be hearing a positive response. The website says that they usually interview 25 people and hire 5-10. So there doesn't seem to be much chance for those of us who didn't make the top 25.
- Has anyone received an offer (or heard of anyone receiving an offer)?
- I'm still waiting for my rejection email. (x2) --I think this means we've got the job. Let's just show up in August and ask for an office and paycheck.
- Hey, that worked for George Costanza.
- They won't make offers until the TT jobs have all worked themselves out, probably the middle of this month.
- Is this for real, or is this conjecture? Where did you hear this?
- Has anyone heard of offers being made yet? It's now mid-March. Maybe some brave soul can call the administrative assistant and inquire about the status of the search and report back to us?
- An interviewee--received nice rejection letter (on 3/11) that said their slots have been filled.
- rec'd my rej letter 3/15 - had two rec letters from harvard dept heads (among others), a teacher-of-the-year award from a major univ, etc. -- didn't even score an interview. better luck to the rest of you!
- I understand your frustration, poster above. While I did get to interview, I was not selected, and I prepared many days and countless hours for the interview. I thought my interview went very well. I also consider myself to have had stellar qualifications. For example, I already had several years of experience teaching topic based writing seminars as a graduate student at my top tier university and I even had a couple of years of full time teaching as a VAP. I have an article soon to be published in a top tier journal. The search committee loved my course proposal. So the competition must have been stiff. Rest assured that out of the 400 applicants, I'm willing to bet that at least 100 of them were highly qualified and could easily have done a great job as a preceptor. Congrats to those selected.
- Rejection received 3/16 (no interview).
- Any more rejections from those who did interview?
- Anyone know how many preceptors were hired?
- I made it through the first cut (request for more materials) but STILL haven't received a rejection letter (3/23). Is anyone else still in limbo? There can't be good news this late in the game....
- Interviewed; still no rejection (3/23).
- Not interviewed, not rejected! (3/23). Received the additional materials request, not interviewed, received really nice rejection letter (4/6)
- Read last year's search -- they were still hiring people in April...
- I was interviewed and received a rejection letter on March 11th that stated in part, "I'm sorry to say that we have now filled our openings with other candidates. We had an unusually strong pool of experienced writing teachers applying this year, and we regret that we are unable to offer you a position." Note that the letter does not state whether or not those who were offerred have accepted. I find it discouraging that I received a rejection letter outright. Seems they would have kept my candidacy active just in case one of the candidates who was offered turns down the position. LOL After my interview, they must have known without a doubt that they did not want me.
- I interviewed in January and have not heard a word since.
- Just got a letter in the mail that (basically) said "You were a strong candidate and you made it through two rounds of consideration, but we can't offer you a position this year." Letter also mentions they received "over 400 applications." (4/06)
- Anyone else still not yet receive a rejection? (4/13)
- Interviewed in January; still no word (4/13).
- Is anyone else still waiting?? (5/3)
- Haven't heard from them since my interview, but at this point, wouldn't say I'm waiting...
Harvard History and Literature Lecturers[]
Deadline: January 15, 2010
Q: Does anyone know anything about this search? In past years, they haven't had many slots; is that true again this year? I'm guessing the answer is yes.
A: I interviewed with them last month (February); it seemed that a few of us were trotted in on the same day. The committee didn't indicate how many positions are actually available, but I suspect the number is pretty low...
Q: Damn--that was fast (that they got to interviews), considering how many apps they must have received this year. Did they tell you anything about time-frame? And (if you know) were interviews done at the same time for grad students applying for positions and those who already have Ph.Ds? I assume you're the latter--right? Thanks--& good luck. I think this is about as good as it gets short of a decent TT position...
Q: Oh, very, very disappointing. Thanks for posting, though. Do you know if they interviewed Harvard folks (and others in the immediate area) first? (i.e. same questions as above poster). Do you know what spots are open (i.e. more History than Literature spots or vice versa?). Thanks very much for any info. you are able to share. (3/1)
A: I'm definitely not a member of the Harvardisch Volk, for whatever that's worth, although I do have my Ph.D.. No idea about the history vs. literature issue, although the distinction appears somewhat nugatory for the HistLit people. As for timetable, I was told that no decisions would be forthcoming until the end of March, so I remain in that sad, mushroom-like state for the next month or so...
Thanks for the reply, and good luck! Maybe they'll continue to interview people through the end of the month. Here's hoping...
- (3/3) Rejection by snail mail.
- i got asked to interview last week, so maybe they're still calling folks.
- For some of you wondering how Hist and Lit works, because it is a renewable three year stint, their own lecturers are on the market pretty much every year. That means they have wait and see if those folks get jobs before they know what holes to fill. I know someone who was offered teaching in May. They certainly hire outside of Harvard, in fact it is quite common, since there are teachers from Berkeley, Iowa, etc.. Hope this helps.
- Rejection letter recieved (4/2)
- Offer letter received (4/2)
- Offer accepted (4/5) x2
- Would you mind saying what your field is? I'm curious to know how many people received offers and what fields they're in. (4/6)
- I'm medieval/early modern, for what that's worth... I'm an Americanist...
Harvard Humanities Center Fellowship[]
[[3]] Deadline: Dec 1, 2009
- Just a brief note of complaint that their $35 fee is only payable by check and cannot be sent separately, meaning there's no way to use a dossier service for the application. Thanks, Harvard, for making an application fee even more obnoxious than it needs to be!
- Surely they will accept a separately mailed check? I am in Europe, using Interfolio for applications in US and Canada . . . or am I being too idealistic in assuming they will understand?
- I have emailed them to ask this very question, and so far, no reply. EDIT: No, I take that back--they just emailed me and said it would be OK to mail a separate check, though they were surprised one might need to.
- (sarcasm) G*d bless their little hearts . . . certainly, why would anyone ever need to do such an outlandish thing? (/sarcasm) some of these places really still live in the 50s
- ack. email 12/8 (x3) did you both send out on Dec 1? just curious given that's when I did and I have not gotten the ack. email (paranoia setting in--sigh...looking forward to a break during the holidays from this application madness). I sent it Nov 30. I mailed mine on December 1--late afternoon. + the ack. email states that final decisions are made mid-February
- FWIW, I also mailed December 1st and have also not yet gotten the email.
- ack. email 12/9
- No acknolwedgment email for me, but they cashed my check on 12/4 so I'm taking that as an acknowledgment.
- ack. email 12/11, mailed late Dec. 1. They appear to be taking some time.
- 35 bucks check cashed. A: Me too and I'm at the very end of the alphabet. I don't know if this means that they are almost finishing reviewing the dossiers...(12/22)
- perhaps not - I assume the review and the money are independent procedures; got my confirmation almost two weeks after they cashed the check.
- my acknowledgement email said "Our fellowships selection committee will make its final decision in mid-February." i presume it is time for them to announce the interviews, if any are conducted.
- any news? (02/17)
- I was told (in Nov.) that "interviews are not a part of the postdoc application process" - decision based on apps alone apparently (02/17)
- i just received an email that says "You have been placed on a short list of alternate candidates. In the event that either or both of the candidates to whom we extended offers does not accept the fellowship, we will move on to our list of alternates. We will contact you with an update about your status by Friday, March 12." (x2) i'm not holding out much hope for this one (odds of even one turn-down being slim on this job market) but i'd be curious all the same to know how many wiki comrades received the same email, just cause i am curious as to how long that "short list" is. (also: is "alternate for XYZ fellowship" something folks ever put on their CV, or is it a close-only-counts-in-horseshoes-and-hand-grenades type of thing?) 2/24
- congrats! it's not a fellowship, but at least it's a vote of confidence. better than not having heard anything (which is my boat). i wish we could put "alternate" or "finalist" down, but i've been told that doesn't really fly. have other people heard otherwise? (2/24)
- Anyone know how many applicants there were for this one? (2/25)
- rejection email 3/2
Has anybody received an acceptance yet?
- Yes. We have until March 10 to decide. (3/3)
- If those offered the fellowship are willing to post here when they accept, that would be excellent for those of us waiting on alternate news...
- A glorified email rejection from a formerly famous Derridian, now out of fashion (3/4), (3/5)
- Ouch! What's with all the harshing on Homi? People on last year's wiki were so psyched to get the email from him... how the mighty have fallen...
- Funny, too, 'cause I have to say that last year I heard him give one of the best public lectures I've heard in a while...I for one am not drinking the haterade.
- Anyone else not receive any notifcation either way? (3/8)
- I also have not received notification either way. If it makes any difference, I sent my application in near the deadline and my last name begins with a letter very near the end of the alphabet. (3/8) (x2)
- For $35 I neither received an email they received my application (i called--they did), nor what I assume now is my rejection letter. (i'm not calling to get a rejection). this is really ridiculous.....
- I'm in the middle of the alphabet, received ack. of app. in December. Have heard nothing since then. I agree that the postdocs that charge fees should be more rigorous about notifying candidates, as the fee is allegedly meant to cover administrative costs. I would pay double the $35 fee if I knew I'd get a custom letter back outlining what the committee saw as my app's strengths and weaknesses.
- Near beginning of alphabet; received acknowledgement email 12/8, and rejection email 3/2. I also agree with above posts that for a $35 app fee some form of acknowledgement should arrive!
- Rejection e-mail (3/12); near end of alphabet, submitted on the deadline. (x2)
- Accepted fellowship (3//19)
Harvard Society of Fellows[]
Info Deadline (nomination letter): September 4, 2009
- Does anyone know whether one is allowed to take a second shot at the HSoF? I was shortlisted and called for interview in 2008, but didn't make it to the final 10. I had a great interview but my social skills took a backseat during the dinner (which I learn from reading the posts below is just as, if not more, crucial). Though I didn't commit any gaffes, I was reticent in circulating and that probably left no positive impression. However, I do want to apply again, but worry that their short-term memory might be good! Any advice?
- I'd like to know this too-- I had a similar situation, except that in my case, it was just that none of the faculty really came to the dinner (apparently I wasn't the only person to whom this happened). However, I was also told by multiple current fellows that dinner doesn't matter-- they were adamant about that-- so I don't know what to make of the comments about dinner being "the real interview" anyway. Regardless, I'm curious whether anyone has successfully reapplied after making the shortlist the first time, and what tactics they employed.
- Exactly. What do they check out at the dinner anyway? I still recall mine vividly where I had much interesting conversation with some of the (very) old Senior Fellows in the Humanities and a sort of "oh-you're-in-Inorganic-Chemistry-how-wonderful" kind of stuff with a couple of others. So, really! I did notice that the women Junior Fellows dressed up to the hilt for a dinner that most of the male Junior Fellows were just "meh" for, and in that aspect, the dinner was rather a non-intellectual affair. Baffling all over. I hope someone does respond to our combined queries.
- Anyone receive request for materials yet? (9/14)
- yup, check your snail mail (9/14) -- There it was! (9/15)
- Anyone care to share how many writing samples you sent? (I sent one).
- I sent three: short published paper, short unpublished paper, finished diss chapter (about 50 pages altogether). - I sent two: two published articles based on the dissertation (55 pages together). -- I sent 3: a pub'd article, a finished diss chapter, and the intro to my diss (close to 100 pgs; I'm sure it's WAY too much).
- Does anyone know when they start arranging interviews?
- 10/5 postcard acknowledgment that materials have been rec'd. -- Mine too (October 6).
- 10/14 received phone call to set up interview for early November (sent in application right at 9/25 deadline) (x3, though my deadline was later)
- Congrats, but what do you mean--your deadline was later? -- Thanks. I mean that they roll the deadline depending on when they receive your nomination letter. One of my colleagues was given a deadline three weeks earlier than mine.
- phone is eerily silent... (x3)
- Come onnn phone! I want to hear Nobel laureate Walter Gilbert's cheery voice on the other end! Ringringring!
- Give it a rest. We're too good for Harvard.
- Does anyone know what the interviews are like?
- A: I did one two years ago. All 12 or so of them in a semi circle around you peppering you with questions. Then dinner, which is the real interview. --Thanks for the info!
- on average how many applicants are there? (x2) and how many interviews would be scheduled?
- In the past, interview invites have been rolling, and they did a few interviews a week through the end of November.
- That's interesting. After I saw that some people had been called, I just wrote this off, and have been checking from time to time purely as spectator sport. But maybe the fact that we haven't been contacted yet doesn't necessarily mean anything? (x2) -- Possibly, though when I was called, there were only two dates available (with four candidates to be interviewed on each date), with the last date towards the end of November. That doesn't mean they aren't still calling, but it sounds like the availability is narrowing. -- Thanks much for sharing your info.
- Has anyone who's interviewing gotten a letter confirming the interview date after flights were booked?
- 10/27 call to schedule interview.-- Congrats. Any updates on their scheduling (ie, how many dates were still available)? -- Thanks. Seems like there were still spaces in early November.
- also 10/27 call for an interview, although my deadline was Sept. 24. does anyone know if these later call dates mean that we were some kind of back-up or is this random?
- Why the need to delete my comment twice ("I can tell when I'm not wanted...") and insert an editing comment, ("really, this is just unhelpful negativity. take it to the venting page.")? It's self-deprecating humor. I'm making fun of myself and light of the wait to know something, anything. I would gladly share any information--if I had any. How is that "unhelpful negativity?"
- Seriously, if you do not like what someone wrote, then do not read it. Delete only your own comments.
- I agree with the self deprecator on this one. No, I didn't find the post useful or entertaining or interesting, but I respect the fact that this is an open forum, and that it's not my or anyone else's place to delete someone else's posts. --Thank you both for your comments.--the self-deprecator
- Has anyone received a notification of rejection yet? I have not heard anything and it's 11/07.
- I haven't. Doesn't surprise me, though. I think they tend to keep people on the hook until all offers are made and accepted. (11/8).
- Curious about application strategies. How many here consulted past short-listed candidates (x2) or past/current junior fellows (x3) on how to put together a competitive application? Or no one at all? (x2).
- Has anyone received a call to set up an interview this week? Based on these comments, it seems like they're contacting a new batch of people every two weeks... or maybe this is it and we have only rejection to anticipate?
- I wonder how the Senior Fellows make their decisions. The interviews go by so quickly, and the week I was there, very few of them even attended dinner. Guess there's no way to tell until they call-- or don't.
- Does anyone have an interview 11/30 or after? Wondering if 11/23 is the last day because of the holidays. I need to know when to start staring fixedly at the phone and willing it to ring.
- I have an interview on 11/30. Not sure if that's the last day or not. Does anyone know how many people they fly out for interviews each year?
- I'd like to know that too. I think between 40-50 based on how many people were there my week and some guesswork and multiplication. A lot of people come from Harvard, though, so I don't know how many of those are actually flown out.
- Well, the term ends today there, so hopefully we will hear something within the next week or so.
- I have heard that it is about 50-60 people who are interviewed, for the ten or so positions, though there are a only a few positions in each sub-field (they won't take all humanities or all sciences people, there has to be a distribution). Better odds than most searches, for those who have gotten this far. I have also heard that they plan to get back to people by mid-December, but I don't know how binding that is. Good luck to all...
- Thanks for the additional info, poster above!
- (12/13) It looks like today is probably the day the decisions are being made (according to the last two years' worth of wiki discussions, it seems to be the second weekend in December when the decisions are made). If anyone hears anything today, Sunday, or tomorrow, Monday, please post. Thanks!
- I agree, calls should go out today or tomorrow.
- Is it usually via email or phone? A: Previous years' wikis indicate phone.
- You're killing me, Buster (aka HSOF) -- No kidding. My nerves are shot! Pass the forget-me-nows.
- Has anyone received notice yet?
- My guess is that if none of us interviewees have heard anything, it'll be tomorrow before we do, since the SOF seems unlikely to start notifying people at an hour that would be late for overseas people. So hopefully the silence means we've survived another day-- but if anyone DOES know anything, please put the rest of us out of our misery!!!
- Yes, anyone who gets the magic phone call, please post as soon as you hear anything (from another interviewee with bitten-to-the-quick nails)
- Heard through the grapevine: those selected were informed by phone on Sunday, 12/13.
- $@!%. x3
- Got a letter today (12/15) saying "not chosen". At least it is unambiguous! On to the next thing to worry about. Congrats to those who made it through (and to all of us who made it this far anyway).
- 'tis the season for rejection fa la la la la, la la, la, crap.
- Can I stroke my ego by saying that my rejection letter said they were "most impressed" with my credentials, or do they say that to everyone? If so, it's a little lame.... -- It's pretty standard "rejection"-fare, but that being said, if they did call you up for an interview, they must have been pretty impressed to begin with, just maybe not enough for their final cut. But there will be other victories, to be sure.
- All letters include that "most impressed" rhetorical flourish. Pretty lame indeed, feel like they are insulting my intelligence. Is it true that every year 99 % of the selected fellows are people who have been somehow affiliated with Harvard? Everybody with a real chance seems to have been an undergraduate there and nominated by a Harvard professor.
- Does anyone know if there are alternates for this? R--Don't know, I too am yet to receive my rejection letter as of 12/17, but I'm assuming it's just taking the letter longer to reach me on the West Coast. R2-- Same here, in the Midwest. I would love to believe it's a sign that there's a B-list, but I think that's probably not right. Looking at the current list of fellows, a couple years have 12 or so, and another has 8, which suggests to me that they make a couple of extra offers straightaway, and that they aren't fussed if they don't get a full cohort of 10, either.
- No, I don't think you necessarily needed to be affiliated with Harvard to get this. Perhaps it is helpful, but a friend of mine got it last year and she had zero affiliation.
- You can see all of the affiliations on the Junior Fellows page of their website. It is not just Harvard, but it is all Ivy League and places similar.
- Are rejections coming to homes or offices?-- Just answered my own question: home. "Most impressed with your work and your interview..."-- but not impressed enough, obviously! Sigh.
- I'm wondering about the "B-list" possibility, too, since I didn't get a call last Sunday, but I also haven't gotten an official rejection yet (and I'm just down the road on the East Coast... and today's mail already arrived, 12/18...). Anyone have a "real insight" into this v. just speculation? Also, I talked to a former Fellow the other day whose experience said that they do not necessarily make all offers/calls at the same time, because toward the end there's a lot of in-fighting and "horse trading" among the Senior Fellows regarding selection (like any competitive admissions process, people go to bat for certain candidates, and then "duke it out" with their colleagues). I'm trying not to get my hopes up (again), but it's hard when you feel like you're being kept holding the line...
- On the Harvard affiliation point, of course it is not "necessarily needed"--however, the conventional wisdom about this fellowship has long been that a Harvard link is a significant helping hand, "zero affiliation" exceptions notwithstanding. Someone with a lot of time on their hands could do a "scientific" analysis of this, because the names of all Fellows since the 1930s are listed (both by year and by discipline), and their backgrounds can be researched easily. I did a little analysis for just my own discipline and found that over 70% of Fellows in that category got their PhD at Harvard. That's some pretty damning evidence in support of the "conventional wisdom".
- A former Fellow told me they usually have a list of (on average) 10, drawn up all at once, with 2 alternates, and if you're one of the alternates you'll hear--and then it's anyone's guess how long it will take to get a final word on whether another candidate turned down the offer and they can invite an alternate.
- Re: Harvard affiliation. Yes, evidence is pretty strong about the need of some kind of affiliation with Harvard. I was told by Senior Faculty at other Ivy League universities and also by a former fellow that the letter of nomination makes all the difference. To have a real chance you need a nomination from Harvard faculty or former fellows. I wish I knew this before applying, I would've saved myself very precious time and energy.
- When I applied for this, one of the Fellows during the dinner "confided" in me that the decision process was a blind vote. Obviously, not true.
- Yeah, "blind vote," nice try, ha!
Haverford College John B. Hurford Humanities Center Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: January 30, 2010
- this year's theme: intersecting histories of sex, state, and society in the early modern era
- yawn (x6)
- whatever, don't apply then! (x5)
- Yawner here, I didn't apply, and x1 means what, you're agreeing with yourself?
- Of course, I always agree with myself. I was just being obnoxious in response to a snarky post. I don't really care if the topic interests you, but I happen to think it's pretty silly to pass judgment about something that obviously doesn't pertain to you and so I responded with equal absurdity. Yawner: the word snarky is also starting to make me yawn. How come snarky is the only word ever used on here to describe job search sarcasm?
- snort
- ack recieved, 1/23
- Anyone hear any news?
- nothing here (x2; 3/5)
- campus visit scheduled via email (x2 3/8)
- Thanks for the update. (And congrats!) What field do you work in, if you are able to say? Do you know if they've finished setting up the visits?
- They've invited at least three people from English, History (British), and Anthro. (4/5)
- And a fourth in French history..
- Have they made any offers? (4/21)
- Any news? (5/1)
- Offer made and accepted
Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Sept 8, 2009
email rejection (2/1)
Houston, African American Studies Visiting Scholars Program[]
Info Deadline: Feb 12
IAS Visiting Scholars[]
Info Deadline: Nov 1, 2009 snail mail rejection (1/31)
Received letter around the same time confirming that I'm an alternate (1/31) (X 2)
University of Illinois, Latina/o Postdoctoral Research Fellowship[]
Application deadline 15 Feb
Email ack. Decision to be made by April 1. (2/19)
Getting close to April 1, no news? i haven't heard from them since acknowledgement in feb. (3/23) (x2)
Offer made (3/25).
Congrats to the new postdoc! Looks like they program sometimes offers two fellowships, any idea if that's the case this year? Yes, and both offers were made for next year.
University of Illinois: Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
Deadline: March 19;
For anyone who applied to this: did they send an acknowledgment? (3/27) I didnt hear back yet, but one of my letter writers did receive an acknowledgement. It's Spring Break at UIUC until Monday so that could be the reason we have not heard back from them.
3/28: I got an email acknowledgement from the Administrator back on March 10. At that time she could only confirm receipt of my materials, not individual letters. She also indicated that this was due to the "volume" of applications they were receiving. So Spring break or not, they have been overwhelmed and it might take them some time to get through it all.
4/6 Has anyone heard anything new?
- nope, never even got an email acknowledgment (4/8) (x4)
-Postdoc offer extended (via telephone) (4/14) Congrats! Do you mind sharing your field?
-Were both offers made (and accepted)? (4/26)
-Received rejection via email (4/30) (x6)
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation[]
Application Deadline February 15, 2010
- Ack by email 2/18/10
ISAW Visiting Scholars Institute for the Study of the Ancient World at NYU[]
Application deadline 14 December
anyone here been contacted? the decisions were supposed to come in January
nope (x2)
letter of acknowledgement said further info "likely" in January, but who knows what sort of schedule they're on.
if they had more apps this year, just like all major institutions, they're probably running late too.
rejection letter received today (1/20); apparently they had ~180 applications this year
has anyone heard anything positive? and, if so, how were they contacted?
rejection letter (1/23). i don't quite like this sort of letters. even worse than invitations to donate.
Jackman Humanities Institute University of Toronto[]
Anyone else having problems submitting the application? I keep getting error messages
- A: I submitted on 11/25 and it was fine. -A2: I also received error messages until I reduced the size of my files. They say there is an 8MB upper limit. I had to reduce mine to 6.25MB before the system accepted the documents. -I emailed them and they said it was a 4MB limit - I wish I had known about the 8MB, I could have kept at least some quality of my images
-Q: Does anyone know if this postdoc gives preference to Canadian applicants? Just curious as I'm weighing the odds.
- I wondered the same thing. Most job applications seem to have a Canadian "disclaimer," and I did not see that on this one. Anyone have an idea how many people applied?
It seems they just extended the submission deadline to Dec 2 (was Dec 1) . . . any sense why? Because of the tech snafus above? -Could be tech snafus. I also wonder if its about recommendation submissions. I submitted by dossier service (i.e. Interfolio) and it took them a couple days to get my letters uploaded. So perhaps extending the deadline is to give lead time for that sort of thing. Re: amount of applications, I had hoped that the theme of Image and Spectacle might have narrowed the applicant pool, but geez, maybe not! I suspect we'll hear numbers after everything gets submitted and tallied.
- 400 total applicants
- Guess that's better odds than 1400...
According to Jackman, the Dec. 2nd date was NOT an extension, but an error. So, those of us who did have tech problems uploading our docs on Dec. 1st could be out of the running. I find it a tad cold-hearted that they might not own up to their website's poor design and accept the Dec. 2nd applications. Also, is it not a little lame that their theme is "Image and Spectacle," yet they didn't anticipate large image files with the writing samples?
- How can the Dec 2 deadline be an accident when it used to explicitly say Dec 1 in the very same spot? Are they claiming a mistake in data entry? What's your source, "according to Jackman" - did you email them?
- Agreed. I think it was quite clear that the deadline was Dec. 1 all along.
- I submitted my app. well before 12/1. I noticed the change to 12/2 when I logged-in to check that everything was in order. If I were having problems submitting docs on 12/1, I would have called them and not assumed that the unexplained change to 12/2 was correct. I understand the OP's frustration, though.
- OP here. By "according to Jackman" I mean that I called them on 12/2 and explained that I couldn't upload the evening before (it was after 5 on 12/1 when I had problems--so no way to reach them) and the person I spoke with said the Dec. 2 date on the website was incorrect. My original post was only an expression of frustration and commiseration with anyone else on the wiki who ran into similar tech problems and confusion. Be nice--This isn't about shaming other applicants; shaming large institutions I'm all for ;)
- that's absurd. i didn't apply for this one and now i'm doubly glad. what a bunch of jokers. if it said for an instant the deadline was dec. 2, then that is the deadline. you can't expect 400 people to pick up the phone and ask if the info on the website is correct or not.
- good luck everybody.
- Well, now I'm getting paranoid. If the status of my application says "submitted," does that mean everything went in and was accepted? If so, then they did extend the deadline, at least for recommendations - my letters were uploaded by Interfolio on 12/2. Any thoughts?
- I was wondering the same thing - I have no idea when my recommendations were submitted, and when I tried to check the website a few days ago it wouldn't even let me log in because the application deadline had passed.
- That is very weird. Maybe you should call them to find out what's going on. I am still able to log-in. My status says "Submitted" and when I click the printer icon under "Actions", an application summary/user profile info page comes up; I then click "cancel" to the print prompt and scroll to the bottom of the document. It confirms that each of my referees has submitted his/her letter.
- Received an acknowledgment email today (12/18) stating that my application was now complete. Prior to that, it was indicated on their website as being "submitted."
- Were they still waiting on references? I have not heard anything since submitting (my status, too, has been "submitted") and Interfolio uploaded my letters on 12/1.
- Has anyone heard anything?
- campus visit scheduled 01/18
- Has anyone received a rejection yet?
- No word at all beyond initial confirmation here
- Shortlisting completed in mid-January and shortlisted candidates already informed (01/27)
- I never even received an initial confirmation!
- I just happened to see the posts here and I'm glad I didn't apply for this!
- I asked (01/21) for an update and they refused to even confirm that shortlisting was completed. They would only tell me that the review process is ongoing and decisions would be made within six weeks.
- has anyone heard anything since the interviews? (3/4)
- 9/4. Received rejection via email.
- Spot the Canadian...uh, so I am confused. How many of out there have yet to receive rejection email? (x2)
- me 3. So are we the alternates? Good luck & may the force be with you.
Jean Monnet Fellowship[]
Info Deadline: Oct 25, 2009
- In my Max Weber Fellowship rejection letter they said that Jean Monnet applicants will be notified in mid-January. (18 Dec)
- Is it mid-January yet?
- I'd say so, but I still haven't heard anything. (1/16)
- Rejection email received. (1/2)
Johns Hopkins Center for Africana Studies Postdoc Fellowship []
Deadline: Jan. 15, 2010
Any news? (3/6) I wonder applicants for this one and the Mellon Diaspora overlap.
I recieved an email rejection on 2/22
Johns Hopkins University Mellon Postdocs: "Concepts of Diaspora"[]
[; Deadline: Nov 12, 2009
E-mail confirming receipt of application (11/11)
Heard 400+ applications. (11/19) make that 450+ applications! (11/23)
Anyone know the process for this one--will they request writing samples? will there be interviews?
They will make the first round of cuts in December, then select 10 people, offer the positions to three of those, and then move down the list (of 10) if the first three already have jobs. The first round of offers should go out around February 1st. (11/23)
Q/observation: There are 450+ people who work on "concepts of diaspora"!? Wow! - LOL, bless you for this comment! Sums up the state of the Humanities, don't it?
Well... for $48K plus health insurance plus research and moving stipends, diaspora might suddenly become a lot more central to one's research! That said, it is a very hot topic these days.
Just got my email ack. today for an application sent in late October. So they may be behind on that first round of cuts. (12/9)
- wow.
- Mine came today (12/11). x2
- Mine came today (12/13) Are they working on a Sunday afternoon?
- Ditto (12/14)
- Hopefully this means that they are pushing to make the first round of cuts before the break and stay on schedule. (12/13)
- Rejection by e-mail (12/22) (X3) Q: When did you receive confirmation of receipt of application?
- A: Oct 30
- still waiting for my rejection. Did anyone else receive theirs yet?
- Q: So they clearly haven't finish making the initial cuts. Is there any indicaiton that anthropology has made its cuts.
- Yes, I have also received mine today (12/22). The email states that the competition will open also in the next three years.
- still waiting for my rejection, too....
- I wonder if the rejection letter mentions anything about the timeline for this process or the number of applicants still under consideration. Many thanks!
Anyone yet to get an acknowledgement of app? A: I haven't received an acknowledgement of app as of 12/22
A: I never did either so I emailed Claude Poux. He just got back to me today saying that my application was complete. (1/20)
- Q For those of you who have received rejections, would you mind revealing your fields? I've heard first-round cuts often depend on departmental needs, and I'm wondering which departments are not taking people this year... A: From talking to the director several months ago, this postdoc isn't very department-focused. If they are interested in your work they will find a department home for you - he gave the example of people getting their PhD in history departments and then being place in anthropology departments.
- Thanks!
- Rejection via email on Christmas Eve. Super classy. (12/24)
- has anyone heard anything positive? still waiting on my rejection here (update: rejection received! 12/28)
- I think that this is one of those postdocs where no news is good news.
- Email rejection (12/29)x2
- Received rejection 12/29
- To those who received rejections, could you share the information in the email (for example, if it listed how many applications, etc.)? Thank you very much!
- This is all the rejection said :"On behalf of the Mellon Diaspora Fellowship committee, I write to say that while the faculty has decided not to advance your application to the final rounds- we would like you to know that there will be three more such competitions in each of the next three years. As such, you are encouraged to apply again."
- Thank you very much for this information!
- How many people out there have yet to receive rejections? 26 (2/4/10)
- Does anyone have information about how many applicants are still in the running until the Ten finalists are selected (including the Three top choices)?
- Looking at last year's wiki, it appears that with the first big cut, they narrowed it down to "a few dozen" candidates. Perhaps the process is the same this year? [4]
- Is there going to be another big cut or just fine slicing? Does anybody have any idea how many people are still in the race? Thanks.
- A major portion of this wiki is gone... someone deleted it?? vandals or slip of the finger?
- To the 26 people who have NOT received rejections: would you mind sharing your field? Music x4 (1/22) Philosophy (1/21) History x3 (1/21) American Studies/Media Studies (1/26) Modern Languages and/or History (1/21) Comparative Lit X 3 (1/21) Anthropology x4 (2/4) English (1/21) Art History (1/22) French (1/22) Anthro and/or Music (1/22) Sociology (1/28)
- Rejection received; same text as above about not being advanced to final rounds and general encouragement to apply in next three years (1/21) Q: This rejection was received today? By email? Dated when? Thanks! A: Yes, today, by email, dated 12:16 pm today.
- Would you mind sharing your discipline? Thank you! --Sure: History/Art History --Thank you and best wishes with your search.
- Anyone else?
- Q: Can someone please explain where the race is at this point? Does the last rejection mean that the last cut has been made and finalists should expect to hear soon?
- I think it is possible that not all of the initial rejection letters have gone out. (I'm trying not to get my hopes up as a rejeunction letter may be imminant).
- What I think is happening, according to the description of the entire process that someone - hopefully by mistake - deleted a few days ago, is that another department (History?) communicated their short list to the central SC. Therefore, those of us who have not yet received any news either are on departmental short lists - so still in the race - or are evaluated by lazy departments that procrastinate a decision.
- I called. They say finalists will be notified March 1st (1/22)
- I think this is a brutally long time to make a decisision. cruel.
- Thank you to the caller! It does appear from our very unscientific poll that there is not one department with an overabundance of candidates and the group represents a wide variety of departments... Too bad we won't know anything in early February as we thought. (1/22)
- I agree. There will probably be more cuts before the finalist list is complete.
- Q: Has anybody else received a rejection letter recently?
- Guess what I received after reading the wiki just now? A rejection, the same one above! My areas are English and Ethnic Studies. --> thank you for sharing. we shouldn't ask this question again... good luck!
- Q: Anybody get a positive reply this week? (1/28) nope (1/29)x5
- Q: Do any insiders have any information about the state of the race?
- I applied to this fellowship last year and received an offer in mid-March. I don't remember being notified of finalist status beforehand, so that must be something new they're doing this year...
- I did too. The question is whether they began earlier with the top of their list.
- I know it might be tedious, but could someone briefly expand on the "description of the entire process" that was (accidentally?) deleted some time back for those who never saw the original?
I think they are just weeding it down until they get the list of finalist. But its not clear whether this is being done through the African Studies Center or through the individual departments.
- I know that there is a central committee pulling professors from different departments (chaired by a professor in the History Department), so it is likely that they are considering the candidates that individual departments have nominated (and with the list above of people still in the running, it seems that there is a wide variety of departments without too many people from one department - so perhaps all depts have reported back to the committee). It is unclear whether they will pare down little by little or send out all rejections when they send out initial offers. Looking at last year's wiki, the first round of rejections didn't go out until late January, which is about one month later than this year, so hopefully we'll know something sooner than March.
- Just got my rejection today. I applied for the Center for Africana Studies Fellowship, too, and I received my rejection email for that one last week. Looks like they are speeding things up. Both emails were written the same way since it is being administered by the same department. (2/1) Q: Could you share if your rejection said the same as above about not being advanced to the final rounds and your department? Thank you. A: Yes, the same wording. My area is Art History (fyi).
- Perhaps Art History made its first rounds later than the others? Just a thought. And good luck to all. --> Though, one of the recent rejections above was Art History, too (the person listed History as well, though I know History people rejected in December)... This process is so odd and confusing! Rejecting individuals little by little... UGH! Just tell us already! (x2) 2/2
- Q:I think that they haven't made the anthropology cuts yet. Does anybody have information on this?
- ouch! just got rejected, I'm in Comp Lit. (2/2)
- Has anyone been notified that they have been advanced to the final round?
- Yes. 2/2 (I'm in comp lit/French). I'm also in comp lit (x1). More info to follow by March 1. (x3) Q: Does this imply that (as of 2/2) everyone who has been notified that they have been advanced to the final round is associated with Comp Lit? A: Nope - I got a final round email today and I'm not in Comp Lit. Q: what department are you in, if you don't mind telling us?
- OK, perhaps we could start a count?
- I have heard nothing: 16 (2/4)
- I have heard that I made it to the final round: 1
- What is going on??? Anyone up for calling?
- Did they just forget to send the rest of us rejection emails?
- I called -- apparently those who haven't heard anything are still being reviewed by one of the committees, one which hasn't reached conclusions yet. All decisions for who is to be in final round should come in by Monday; no news is good news (I was told). Then final decisions go out March 1st.
- Thank you for calling. (x9)
- And thank you for ending the ridiculous speculation!
- Thanks to the caller and can anyone clarify if there are any campus interviews involved in the process?
- No interviews.
- Did someone just accidentally erase part of this blog again?
- Q: Has anybody heard anything recently? A: Hopkins is closed today because of the snowstorm, so that one committee might not be able to meet to pare down to its list of finalists by today as the caller indicated.
- Heard from a friend at JH that the school may be closed til Wed....Uhh... --> Yup, closed tomorrow and 10-20 inches of snow predicted for Tuesday into Wednesday... (on top of the 26-30 already there). Hang in there everyone!
- Man, this is unbelievable. Hope it doesn't push the March 1st notification date. (x2)
- I just got a rejection via email (2/9 x 4). Hopefully others have better luck (and also hear soon!). Q: Would you mind sharing your fields? Thank you and best wishes with your search. A: Sure. American Studies/Media Studies (but likely considered for the History Dept. given the nature of my work) -- History (x2), mine being Islamic/Indian Ocean diaspora/history.
- Q: Has anyone been notified today of finalist status? Do you mind sharing the text of the email?
- I still have not (a/o 2/10) received anything since the ack email. Q: Anyone else in my boat? A: I am. No word. No thumbs up or down. (x6) (Anthro) (x4) (Music) (x3) (2/11) -- and History (2/12)
- maybe the anthropology committee hasn't met yet.
- i guess maybe music hasn't met. but then again, maybe they are the same committee how many of us did music and anthro (X1) versus just music (x1)? Ethnomusicology (2/11 x2)
- It does make some sense that anthro, music, american studies, and media studies would be on the same committee
- hopkins closed today
- Hang tight, everybody! And good luck all around...
- Hopkins closed Friday as well...
- Let's just hope they meet on Monday and give us some news! ---> Q: Monday is a holiday, no?--Not at Hopkins.
- At the rate they're going we could still be waiting awhile. Baltimore is not too adept at dealing w/ snow.
- Wonder what to think about my situation - I'm in the haven't-heard-anything-since-acknowledgment category... and I'm in Philosophy, which wasn't even listed as one of the fields from which they wanted applicants (I emailed beforehand to find out whether applying would even be worth my while)... so should I take it as a good sign that I haven't heard back, since it's doubtful there were very many candidates other than me to consider in my discipline? ---> I think the most that can be said (unless anyone can read tea leaves here) is that everyone in that category ought to know if they're in the final 10 very very soon. If you're in the final 10, my guess is that they are done looking at disciplines, and simply judging the 10 on their merits, and trying to rank them 1-10. Seems like that's been the MO in the past?
- Another count?
- I have heard nothing
- Disciplines: Anthro (2/15) x5 Musicology (2/15) x3 Philosophy (2/15) Ethnomusicology (2/15), History (2/17)
- I have heard I made to the final round
- Disciplines:
- Based on experience from last year, there is no notification sent out to inform finalists that they have made it to the final round. Rejections are sent out over email as they come in from different departmental committees as well as the final Mellon inter-disciplinary committee. Hence the staggered rejection emails. No news is good news.Good luck to everyone still waiting.
- But someone called and was told that all 10 finalists would be notified by last Monday (which obviously didn't happen with the blizzard)... --> Maybe the caller can clarify, but I didn't read "All decisions for who is to be in the final round will come in by Monday" that way; I interpreted it to mean that the decisions would "come in" to the central committee (or whomever) and that positive "final decisions" would "go out" (or begin going out, if they are keeping alternates in reserve) on March 1. Unless something has changed, throughout the process candidates have been notified as soon as they were no longer under consideration. --> At least 2 people on this wiki have heard they are in the final round (from comp lit/French & comp lit) so it would not make sense if they did not inform all 10 finalists of their status.
- According to an email from the chair, "We expect to complete the notification process by the end of the month." 2 more wks -- good luck! (2/15)
- Clarification: I am the comp lit/French person who reported making the final round. Actually, I first got a rejection email (with my name wrong). Then an immediate correction email stating that actually I had made it through. I don't think they intended to contact me at all yet. So don't worry if you haven't heard anything. --> I had the exact same thing happen to me. I'm in French/History.
- I looked at the blog for this fellowship last year and was horrified to see that several people didn't even receive rejection letters. So maybe some of us aren't finalists, but just fell through the cracks...
- Perhaps it's reasonable for people who haven't heard anything to email the administrator to check on the status of their applications. --> Claude Poux helped me when I wanted to make sure my app had been received in full. His email is:
- I emailed yesterday and the general answer rec'd is above--no specific info on my status was given. I'm in anthro & have a feeling the anthro. committee still has to meet this week to get their short list to the main committee. (2/16)
- They need to get their act together because some of us need to make decisions soon.
- As much as I would love a response soon, I am inclined to give them the benfit of the doubt. Many of these schools were not expecting the hundreds of apps that they received. The two or three staff members that do all of the sorting and responding are most likely overwhelmed. It's just another byproduct of this horrible economic situation.
- I agree! Based on last year's wiki, I assumed that we would not hear anything until March 1st. Looks like they are on-track and we are just a tad anxious. :)
- Rejection received (2/17) (x2) (Ethnomusicology) (Musicology), very painful after all that hoping --> good luck with your search
- How many more people received rejections today?
- Ouch! So glad I kept my hopes up all this time (Ethnomusicology, rejection received 2/17)
- This process would be a lot less stressful if they didn't run the search Survivor-style.
- But what opportunities to exercise our OCD ADD OCD ADD OCD ADD...
- I got voted off the island today (anthropology 2/22) (X4). [man, you took my line! ha. good luck all.]
- Recieved offer (art history 2/22) --> congratulations! at least someone's getting some good news... anybody else? --> Congratulations! Did they give you a date by which you must make your decision? ---> The end of this week (2/23) Q: Are you accepting?
- three offers have been made --> did you receive one and would you mind sharing your discipline?
- I got my rejection yeseterday (Anthro). My letter said that my application was not advanced to the final round. did anybody get a rejection that said something different?
- No news of any sort on my app - now it's switched from "Survivor" to "Lost." Anyone else not heard anything either way? --i.e., wait list-- I'll start the count: ethnomusicology (2/23) <--i emailed a couple of days ago and I have also gotten no response (2/26);
american studies/anthro+english (2/23)Emailed to check and I received a rejection response; history/africana studies(2/23) <--i emailed a couple of days ago and have gotten no response (2/25); French/History(2/23) - Note to the "lost"/"waitlisted"/"anxious" - Hopkins closed yet again due to weather 2/26
- Anyone else who was rejected for the postdoc receive a copy of the Center for Africana Studies newsletter, "Horizons," just now? It's like, I applied for the postdoc, and all I got was more spam! - yes, very annoying, esp. since I've nothing to do with Africana Studies! --> Seriously! I'm really surprised that they just added all of our names to their mailing list, particularly since all but 3 of the 450 are not thrilled with Hopkins at the moment.-->I got a copy too! It would be indelicate to mention what I did with it :) (But seriously, congrats to those of you who did make it.) 2/28
- Maybe it's reasonable for you to email again or even call the Director. It is unfair how they're treating you - perhaps this is indicative of how things are there? 3/1
- I don't know what's up with Hopkins but from looking around at the other schools' listings, it seems like many incumbent fellows are weighing their prospects for next year (if they are lucky enough to have them), which makes some schools unsure of how many open spots they have. If one also takes into account the recent awardees' own negotiations, it's not surprising that "waitlisted" people would have to wait quite a while. However, it wouldn't be so hard for the adminstrator to just tell you what's up. Sorry, friend. Hope you get some news, preferably good. (3/2)
- I am one of the supposedly waitlisted people (no rejection yet and no offer). It's been impossible to get information from Hopkins. I know that this wiki was followed really closely by almost all of the finalist candidates. Would anyone be able to share whether they have received an offer, whether they will/have decline/d the offer, whether they are waiting to hear back from other jobs to make their decisions, whether they are in the negotiation phase? This would be so much appreciated - as you can imagine, learning 10 days ago from the wiki that offers were extended and not hearing anymore from Hopkins or on the wiki has been a bit difficult at the end of this grueling job market season. Thank you (and congrats).
- I understand that people are trying to be optimistic with their pending applications, but it's also important for us to be honest with ourselves. Just because you haven't heard back about an application does not mean that you are "supposedly waitlisted." In fact, it would be much safer to assume that you didn't get the fellowship. (For the record, I applied for this fellowship and have not heard anything, so I am in the same boat.) Similarly, of course everyone really wants to hear back about their applications as soon as possible, but some participants in this wiki seem to suggest that it is outrageous for a selection committee to take several months to review hundreds of applications...God forbid. There is a fine line between entitlement and the expectation of common decency in this process, and many people here seem to gravitate toward the former.
- To the author of the last comment: in my humble opinion, it is a good rule of thumb to avoid directing anonymous online comments to people if you would not be comfortable making the same remarks to a person's face. Without addressing their validity, I doubt very much your comments clear that hurdle. We are not talking about a bunch of spoiled children here, but people, like yourself, who have worked very hard and are desperate for employment. Given all the stresses that grad students face in the current hiring environment, I found your comments, to put it very kindly, insensitive. --> I couldn't agree more with this comment.(x2) To the above poster, I inquired and yes, those who had not heard until this afternoon had made it to the last 10 and were on a ranked wait list in case anyone turned down the offers extended last week.
- rejection email received 3/5 (french/comp lit). X3 (ethno) -- it was the same, poorly-written form email as above
- Good luck and chins up, newly rejected folks. Making it to the final 10 out of 450+ is no small feat. Just keep on keeping on. --> Thank you very much for writing this. Best wishes to you, too.
- To those who got rejected yesterday-- It must have been excruciating to be in limbo till early March...Even I, who dropped out in Feb, felt like everyday was another torture. I truly truly believe you will get something better than this. Good luck comrades! --> As one of the newly rejected (and heartbroken...) applicants, thank you very much for taking the time to post this encouraging message. What a wonderful use of this wiki thread.
Johns Hopkins University - Writing Program[]
Deadline Jan 15th
A colleague of mine received a phone interview invitation for this position some weeks ago. 2/27
Received rejection letter on 3/19 informing me that the position had been filled.
Lawrence University Fellowships in Liberal Arts[]
Deadline Jan 31
Any word on this one? (3/10)
A: On campus interviews have been scheduled
Lilly Fellows Program[]
[; Deadline Dec. 15, 2009
Ack. letter (12/8): "Our selection committee will begin reviewing completed applications after the deadline and will contact individuals regarding their status in January."
E-mail rejection (1/5)
E-mail notification of semi-finalist status. Six finalists will be chosen around Jan. 12 (1/5) x2
Semi-finalist rejection by e-mail, Jan. 13
Invitation to on-campus group interview (1/14)
Luther College Postdoctoral Fellowship English and Enviromental Studies[]
Deadline: Oct. 20, 2009
Has anyone heard anything?
A: I had a telephone interview a few weeks ago. Last I heard, they had selected three candidates for campus interviews and were planning to have a signed contract by Dec. 16th.
A: They have selected three candidates - are doing campus visits this week. Will make final decision by Dec 14th
Macalester College - Wallin Postdoctoral Fellowship in International Studies, Islamic World Studies[]
info Deadline: November 15, 2009
- (12/29) Has anyone been asked to supply rec letters yet? Yes, around thanksgiving. - Ok, thanks.
- Hnm. Never heard anything; presume/hope that my having submitted when it was the 16th (Central time) but still the 15th (PST) was the cause of the silence.
- Not to squash your hopes, but I submitted well ahead of the deadline and never heard anything either, so if others were asked to submit rec letters (as indicated above), I say we're out of the running.
- I got a request for my writing sample (chapter) in late Nov...received email that folks would be invited to campus in mid-Feb.
- After being asked to send a writing sample and letters of rec, I was told they were meeting on Jan. 12th to review the candidates but haven't heard anything since. Anyone get an interview yet?
- Position was reposted on on December 17
- Great, that can't be good news. Haven't heard anything either since the email about Jan. 12th decision.
- heard that they conducted phone interviews last week
- I had been asked for a chapter in Nov, but have not heard a peep since
- I contacted them to check the status of my application, but they did not respond. Did anyone else have better luck?
- I had a phone interview last week (1/20), they said they would let me know this week about whether I make the final 3 that they invite to campus, but still no word (1/29).
- Has anyone been invited to campus?
- I still haven't heard anything (2/9); how many other people had phone interviews?
- email (3/24) saying that they'd had nearly 130 candidates and that they'd hired someone. Noted that application placed me in the "top fraction of [their] search pool." (Clearly not true: had never received request for more materials or phone interview.) Had also never received ack.
Madison Wisconsin - Postdoctoral Fellowship in Human Rights[]
Info Deadline: Dec 15, 2009
Any news on this position?
No news (1/26)
I haven't even had an 'app received'. (1/26) -- x2
Offer made, and alternates notified (2/2)
Magdalen College, Oxford Fellowship by Examination[]
Info Deadline: Oct 12, 2009
- When they say that "candidates must have undertaken no more than four years' graduate study" they mean post-doctoral study, in Americanese, correct?If they require a PhD AND that you not have done more than 4 years graduate study, that would be a pretty tall order, wouldn't it?
- No; remember that UK PhDs are research-only, with a theoretical duration of just 3 years (I suspect that this might be negotiable for US doctoral students, but I don't know anyone who has asked).
- I asked! And I was told that I can apply as a US PhD provided I make it clear in my application that the research-only portion of my PhD studies was 4 years or under
- What is the "examination" - is it a defense of the work you submit, or something else?
- I think it refers to the fact that if you are shortlisted, you have to sit a "viva," or a defense of your proposal/research. Kind of like a dissertation defense, but live as in a UK viva.
- I know it has been just 10 days since the deadline but has anyone heard anything? My referee received an acknowledgement email but that's all I know. Any news on when they ask for more material, interviews etc?
- Request for more materials received by email Nov. 4. (x2)
- General question for those submitting applications for positions/post-docs in the UK (or outside the US more generally) from the US: Will you go out of the way to submit things on A4 paper, or just use our normal US Letter size? In the case of Magdalen, they ask for a single copy, which suggests they'll make additional copies upon receipt, which will no doubt be in A4. Finding and printing on A4 in the US is not easy, however. Thoughts? -- I sent them PDF copies of Word Docs that I had reformatted into A4. I figured it was worth the effort if only to show some consideration; but then, I'm not one of the people above who got a request for more materials, so maybe A4 ingratiation isn't that helpful. (Oh, and if you need hard copies, I know a friend of mine bought some A4 paper online inexpensively, so it might be good to keep on hand just in case.)
- For what it's worth, I'm applying to both American and European jobs from Europe, and using a mix - sometimes in the same app - of American and A4 paper. Unless you are writing extremely close to the margins, you can put either type of paper in the photocopier of the other and it comes out fine.
- I gather they are requesting work from candidates one subject at a time, so all is not necessarily lost if you haven't yet heard anything.-- Thanks, that's very helpful to know.
- And sure enough - my work was requested today (11/12) - Anthropology
- Anyone feel like revealing what subjects have been dealt with? Put your colleagues out of their misery! (x2) History, requested 11/4. Geography requested 11/4.
- Anyone heard anything about Modern Languages?
- Did any candidates asked to submit work ever hear back r.e. interviews? (1/28)--I emailed last week to ask and was told that I did not receive an interview. I assume that this means they have selected (and likely informed) their finalists, but have not sent rejection letters yet. (2/1)-Thanks for passing this on. Much appreciated.
- Was called back to interviews 1/22
- Interviews, originally scheduled for the 6th of February were postponed indefinitely
- Anyone know what is going on there? Have they gone bust or has the process simply been postponed?
- Adminstrative assistant indicated `Unforseen legal problems' and that they will be in touch with candidates in due course.
- Just to let you guys know - I submitted works last year for this and they never notified me that I had not been given an interview - I think I received a rejection letter sometime in May or June ultimately. thought it was quite rude considering I had sent over my work samples.
- Just got a weird email from them (3/1), saying that because of circumstances beyond their control, they've re-advertised the job. HUH??!
- Got the same thing 3/3 (including the email addresses of all the applicants in my part of the alphabet-- oops!).
- does this mean we should reapply for this?
- You can reapply using the same dossier just by responding to the e-mail with permission to do so. Although that's inadvisable if you weren't called to interview originally. I also got the e-mail addresses of all applicants in my part of the alphabet. Let's try to figure out the size of the competition: P-Z = 32 (including me).
- So what happened with this one? Did they select a fellow or were they just fooling around?
Manchester U - Humanitarian and Conflict Response Institute postdoc fellowship[]
Info Deadline: Dec 1, 2009
Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Mellon Sawyer Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
Info Deadline: March 1, 2010
Theme: “Sensing the Unseen”
- email confirmation of app (3/2)
- any information on the timeline for a decision?
- A: I asked and was told that at this time they are not sure, but would have a better sense of things in another week or two. (3/7) (thanks!)
- rejection letter (3/22) x3
MIT, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships in the Humanities[]
Deadline: January 15, 2010
Q: Has anyone received ack for app, as indicated? Or did the Jan 15 deadline for email app receipt mean office hours? Applicant abroad 1/20
- I received two apps actually. One when I submitted it, and another on the deadline. The ack did not indicate whether or not rec letters had been received. 1/20
- Received no ack yet, submitted at deadline. 1/20 (x2) [I take it back, received ack email today--yes, I did too, as the 2nd person who had previously stated no acknowledgment.]
- (Q person here) Ack, but not for rec letters (though tracked arrival within deadline, so should be OK) 1/20, pm
- Fellows announced in March, quick turnaround. No campus visits?
- from what i can gather from the wiki on last year's competition, no visits and no interviews, but perhaps it will be different this year? 1/26
- It's March. Any word on finalists? (3/1)
- Email re:inquiry about decisions that announcements would be made "most likely the last week in March."
- wish somebody brave would call!
- Called today (3/26) and was told that the letters should go out next week.
- ie rejection letters, sounds like?
- oh gosh, don't say that! can't we still hold out hope?!!!! thanks for calling, btw
- all right, i guess now we should give up hope... 3/31
- Indeed, all hope is lost (4/3)
- does this mean that people are getting actual rejections? If so, in what form? Thanks.
- above poster here. no rejection, just think that good news must already have been conveyed, and no news must be bad... 4/4
- Hopeless poster here. Sorry, no actual rejection yet, just a strong feeling... Anyhow, they have an interesting take on "the last week of March." 4/5
- Called today (4/5) and they said the final decisions haven't been made, but they hope to be able to send out information by Friday. So, if you haven't heard from them, don't give up hope yet!
- (4/5) Thanks for calling! Hope level is back to its normal low. Friday...
- wow, brave caller!!!!
- Alright guys, it's Friday (4/9) now. 10 bucks there will be further delays.
- I'm raising to $100 - anyone? (4/9)
- rejection email ("have decided on other candidates who have accepted our offer") (4/9) (x2)
- yes. lost both $100 and got rejected - not a good day.
- strange: i still haven't received the rejection email (nor any email from MIT). application materials were in on time.
- hmmm... perhaps the committee simply narrowed down the pool at this point. i don't think that offers have been accepted. A:4/9 Rejection Email stipulates that the offers have been accepted. A:That would mean that both offers must have been both extended and accepted just today. Possible but unlikely. I agree that it's probalby a first cut email.
- Haven't received anything either, and I did get an acknowledgement of application back in January.
- Given this information, I assume that they have made a first cut and probably have finalists in mind at this point
- From the rejection email: "After extensive deliberation and appraisal, the selection committee and the Dean have decided on two candidates who have accepted our offer." But, who knows? Good luck everyone.
- Weird. I too did not receive today a rejection email. I would imagine that they wouldn't keep anyone hanging if both candidates already accepted. Right, though, who knows?
- i'm guessing they just didn't get emails out to everyone b/c it's friday afternoon. as much as it hurts to let this one go, i think we need to.
- I, too, have "other" and not "two" candidates. ("After extensive deliberation and appraisal, the selection committee and the Dean have decided on other candidates who have accepted our offer.") email sent out 4:25pm.
- they had a series of rounds of cuts last year with finalists, etc.
- this whole process is so heartbreaking. here it is monday at noon, and unless they are sending out rejection emails one by one, you would think they would all have been sent out by now. i have heard nothing, and my application had been acknowledged. i have no hope; i just want some closure. (x2)
- Got my rejection today! (4/12)
- me too! so glad they put me out of my misery!! gosh, the waiting actually made it so by the time the rejection came, i was happy to get it!
- any word on what depts got it?
Max Planck Institute for Social Anthropology Fellowship[]
Info Deadline: Nov 30, 2009
I heard the positions have been advertised again--any idea?
rejection by email (1/29)
Max Weber Fellowship[]
Info Deadline: Oct 25, 2009
- Is anyone else having trouble uploading their application materials on their electronic app page? I keep getting error messages that say they only accept uploads in pdf or rtf format. I've put my materials in both formats, but still the same error message for 2 days now...(10/25)
- I think I had that problem until I replaced spaces in filenames with underscores. Sorry this info comes so late. (11/3)
- email confirmation of completed application (23 Oct.)
- offer received. Q: was this by email, phone, or post? A: that was by email.
- no word -- anyone else receive an offer, or have any idea if all offers have gone out? (7 Dec)
- may I ask what's your area / which department you chose? (11 Dec) A: Political and Social Sciences (16 Dec).
- as a previous MWP fellow: be prepared for a lot (way more than one would expect) of required program activities, week after week after week...
- Just received a rejection email saying they had 1042 applications for 43 positions. So, I'm one of the 999 (18 Dec). (x3)
- Email with notification of "alternate" / "reserve list" status. They will know by mid-Jan if they will move to the reserve list for new offers. (12/18)
- Same *on the reserve list* email for me too-wondering if there are any chances for an offer...know 3 people that got an offer after being on the reserve list but that was for a doctorate, not MWF.. (1/8)
- On the reserve list and waiting too - I even emailed them but no response... (1/21)
- was on the reserve list and got a rejection today-sps department.
McGill University - Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowships in the Humanities and Related Social Sciences[]
Deadline: November 23, 2009
- Received email that candidates have been contacted, been put on the list of alternates (12/15)
Mellon Post-Doctoral Fellowship at The New School for Social Research[]
Open until filled.
Any news?
Has the fellow been selected already? update please.
National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowships[]
[5] Deadline May 5, 2009
- 12/4 Q.: Has anyone received the result? I've heard that announcements are being made either by email or by mail--is this depending on acceptance or rejection?
- E-mail rejection received 11/30.
NEH Summer Stipends[]
Deadline: Oct. 1, 2009
Anyone have an idea of when we can expect to hear anything?
March, I believe. Hang in there. (2/1)
Has anyone heard anything (3/5). I haven't. . .
Nope (3/9) (x2).
Two weeks have passed since some one in their office said, 'end of this week.' By March 12, which is the date on their review timeline, seems more realistic.
E-mail rejection (3/12) x2
No word (3/12). Anybody else in the dark?
No word (3/12 at 1:26 EST). Thanks for posting this. Do you suppose they're working in waves and that we'll hear today, one way or another?
I guess so - but if the decisions are already made, how difficult can notification be?
It is strange. Perhaps this is a good sign? (Wishful thinking) Has anybody else heard back, positive or negative?
Still nothing (3/12 at 8:39 EST).
The results have been announced to the winners and will appear on the NEH website on March 28 (3/13).
Has anyone seen the announcement of the winners? I have not heard a word from NEH regarding my application, and I don't see any announcements for 2011 on their website. (3/30)
Newhouse Center for the Humanities[]
Deadline: Dec. 1, 2009
- Anybody else apply for this thing? (2/26)
- Yep. Nothing here (3/1)
- Anybody know what the timeline is for announcing the awardees? Or has anyone gotten a rejection yet? (3/7)
- I applied for the resident fellowship but have not heard anything. They said notification "in early march." Was hoping that meant i still had a chance, but now I wonder... (3/8)
- No news can potentially mean good news, you never know! The website does say that they'll notify people of acceptance and rejection, so hopefully we'll hear either way rather than being left in limbo. Has anyone ever applied for this fellowship in past years? Do they tend to notify you via email or physical mail? (3/8)
- I checked the wiki fellowship pages for Newhouse for the past two years and it seems like notifications for rejections and acceptances went out around 3/9 or so. (3/8)
- Anyone get any notification yet? Nothing here.... (3/10)
- Nada. (3/11)
- I emailed them today and found out in response that I was rejected (3/12)
- That presents an existential dilemma: to ask or not to ask! (3/14)
- Tried to call in to ask about the application acknowledgement and no one seems to pick up the phone. Maybe they're on Spring Break? (3/15)
- I realize people are busy but it would be different if the website did not specify ALL would be notified "in early March." Have kind of lost my faith in their professionalism. Maybe the rejection is a blessing. (3/16)
- Does seem like they are less efficient this year in terms of notifications than in the past. (3/16)
- How long did it take for Newhouse to respond to an email inquiry re: your application? I'm still waiting... (3/17)
- Got rejection letter yesterday. States that there were 125 applications and 3 people received stipended positions. Sounds like fewer than last year. (3/23)
National Humanities Center Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: October 15, 2009
- (Q: does this fellowship only accept advanced faculty, people who already have a job? It says that "young scholars are encouraged to apply," but they must have a substantial record of publication, and almost everyone who got it last year was an Associate prof.)
- It also says that young scholars should be aware that the center does not support the revision of dissertations. So unless you've already got the diss published, and are on to the next thing . . .
- At one point in their materials they refer to a 1,000 word proposal; in another they refer to it as approximately 1,000 words which must fit on four pages. How strict do you think the 1,000 word maximum is?
- Has anyone had any kind of acknowledgment of their application materials? I've heard nothing, and it's officially been a month.
- I have applied for this fellowship in the past and think they do not send anything other than the rejection notice. 11/17
- Previous poster again - rejection again. Via snail mail yesterday. 2/18 - congrats to those who landed it!
- Has anyone heard positive things from these people? I haven't gotten a snail mail rejection, but I haven't gotten any kind of acknowledgement either. Down with limbo!
- I know waitlisted people have been contacted via regular mail. 2/26.
- Received acceptance via regular mail 2/19
New York Historical Society and Eugene Lang College, Postdoc in American History[]
Info Deadline: Feb 1, 2010
- Anyone apply for this? Heard anything?
- Nope. (3/4)
- I applied and have not heard a peep as of 3/29. Anyone else? A rumor, even?
- I emailed and learned that no decisions have been made yet and they expect it will take about two more weeks (4/2).
- Did they interview? Or are candidates being invited for interviews in about two weeks? (4/5) --> it sounded as though they did not even have a rough list of finalists as of 4/2.
- Offer made (by voicemail then email), 04/13
- Congrats! (x2) Out of curiousity, was there an interview stage (phone or campus)? (4/13)
- Thank you! No interview stage. I unfortunately had to decline the offer as I'd accepted a different offer a few days earlier, so they should be moving down their alternates list......
- Anyone else get contacted? They must've made another offer by now.
- Yes, offer made and accepted some time ago. Best of luck to all.
- Congrats!
Northwestern-African American Studies[]
Deadline: 31 December 2009
- Anybody have an idea of the dollar amount of the stipend? (Not that I'll be looking down my nose at any offers, mind you.) (12/17)
- No idea. I'm assuming this is one of those post-docs where the salary will be unknown until they make an offer to someone. (12/19)
- Anyone hear anything on this one? (2/4)
- I emailed a few weeks ago to confirm receipt and they did confirm. Other than that, no news (2/4)
- I just called and they said probably at the end of April (3/9)
Northwestern-Linguistics Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
Info Deadline: Dec 1, 2009
Ack. email received (12/17)
Question: Any news from them?
A: I received "The finalists should be announced by the end of March." message in response to my inquiry.(1/29)
March? Are they kidding? When will they decide on the fellows, in Sept.?
A: The person who wrote me that message is the department administrator. But I checked the ad again and saw that they would ask for the dissertation from the finalists. So I don't think they wait for this till March.
B: Yes, saw that. Either the administrator doesn't know what (s)he is talking about, or I'm right about how long it will take.
A: Why don't you ask them too? Maybe they feel the pressure and decide as early as possible :)
B: Frankly, I'd rather tell them to screw themselves.
A: Apparently, "[they] won't know the results for some time" (2/9).
> You contacted them and asked? Btw, what does "some time" refer to?
A: Yes. The response is from the fellowship search committee: "[They] are still in the process of reviewing applications for the position; [they] won't know the results for some time." I don't know what "some time" refers to. (2/9)
B: It would feel so good to be offered the fellowship and tell them "No thanks, I've made other plans". Newsflash to members of the search committee: people don't just sit around and wait until the summer to make plans for the fall; moving to another city involves planning and time.
A: I'll wait till the end of Feb - 2 and half weeks then forget 'bout it.
> I am sure there are tons and tons of those who would move to Chicago in the summer in a heartbeat to start the post-doc in the fall.
B: If you're one of those people, it doesn't bode well for the fellowship. I claim that asking people to make important life decisions at the last minute isn't appropriate, and you respond by saying that other people are willing to do so. Your argument is about as irrelevant as possible.
>Not making an argument. Stating a simple (perhaps sad) fact. Prestigious fellowships don't grow on trees and many people are desperate for a job. Moreover, people on the selection committee are very busy people and will put their interests first and foremost. Therefore your plea, while noble, is usless.
A: Since the fellowships are open to both domestic and international applicants, the committee cannot decide whenever they wish.
A: Any news from them?
B: No (3/17), no (3/22)
You can check your status with the committee.
wow, it's april, 1 and no word from them.
> as is the case with many post-docs, they obviously waiting for relevant tenure track jobs to be settled.
i'm sure there will be a decision made in the next week or so. <-- you bet?
the letter i received says decision made. i'm not the one.
Northwestern-Science in Human Culture Fellowship[]
Any news? (3/11) (x2)
- Received an email on 2/18 saying that I had been shortlisted and that they would notify the selected applicant in the first week of March. No news back yet as of 3/16. (x2)
- I heard they have selected someone. (3/30)
- sounds right: recieved a rejection email today (apr 6)
Notre Dame Center for the Philosophy of Religion Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Feb 1, 2010
- email rejection (3/19)
Notre Dame Institute for Advanced Study Residential Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Dec 1, 2009
Offer made by email (02/22)
Snail mail rejection (3/8)
Notre Dame, Kellogg Institute for International Studies Visiting Fellowships[]
Website Deadline: November 2, 2009
- Anyone get a receipt notification yet? (11/6)
- No.
- Does anyone know if they contact everyone in February, both shortlist and rejections, or if they contact successful candidates before February? (12/10)
- Rejection received by postal mail, 1/29
- Has anyone received an acceptance letter? (2/2)
- Rejection received by PDF attachment in e-mail. The e-mail message itself was blank and the sight of an attachment really got my hopes up for a moment until it opened in the pdf reader (2/5) x2 (I received both email and postal mail. So nice to get two rejection letters. x2 WHY two separate rejections?! -I recall that there were separate instructions for international applicants: they were allowed to email their application materials while the rest of us had to use snail mail; so I guess they get a fair number of international applicants and it would be costly or take a long time to notify them of results via post. On the other hand, they could've just sent *those* people the email rejection! As it happens, I was traveling overseas when I got mine, so the email was actually appreciated.)
- I received an acceptance letter. It was also a blank email with the attached pdf. I was also sent a letter by mail. Sending out 2 versions is a nice idea since many people are abroad, traveling, or have different addresses (2/8). - Congratulations! Out of curiosity, do you do Latin/Central America, poli-sci, and/or quantitative research? I'm not trying to figure out who you are, just whether there is much variation in who they accept (a friend at Kellogg says the people they choose tend to fit the description I just provided).
- Thanks. I work on Africa, and my research is history/political science. Kellogg has, in the past, trended toward Latin America, but recently they've been adding Africa to their focus. I do not do quantitative research, I do qualitative (interview) research. But, there is more than one visiting fellow, so the others may fit your description better.
- Ok, thanks for sharing your info. Congrats again.
Notre Dame Moreau Academic Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Deadline: December 10, 2009
Rec'd email ack 12/11 , 12/18
No word as of 2/06; and as of 2/21(?)
12/18 ack. email says they plan to develop a short list by mid-to-late February for campus visits in March.
Anyone hear anything yet??
A: Nope, but considering the weather delays in both the midwest and the east coast over the last few weeks, I'm not surprised. (2/25)
I ack. email states "we hope to complete a short list of finalists in early to mid February,[not 'mid-to-late' feb] and then invite them for campus visits in March." Perhaps the invitees are not responding to this wiki, and are instead readying for their trips to South Bend--and those of us who did not make the cut are just waiting on a rejection email/letter (if anything). (3/1)
A: They are running late. I emailed the contact person a little while back and she said that the committees are in the process of evaluating candidates and hope to put together a shortlist by mid to late March. Hope that helps! (3/1)--> That does help; thank you for checking into it and letting us know.
- request for telephone interview (3/18) Congrats! what field? - English/American Studies
Q: were you contacted by the English department? i ask because a friend of mine has a campus interview for American Studies later this month; was invited at the beginning of the week (3/19).
3/22 Asked by the Psychology department to give a talk supposedly in connection with the Moreau. No word from the actual office of the Provost, however. Last time I emailed, Provost sent me the same "we hope to complete a short list..." message. Talk is scheduled for 3/29.
-anymore word on this one? might we assume the gates of possibility for this fellowship have closed at ND?
- 4/13 They haven't announced them yet. I've got a few friends who are faculty at ND, and basically, folks don't really know what all is going on. It's the first year for the fellowship and even the various department heads don't know what to expect. There's still hope; just don't know how much.
- 5/11 Received email offer, which doesn't seem particularly official. Awaiting something solid before feeling confident enough to rejoice. (x 3; official offer)
Nottingham Advance Research Fellowship[]
Info Deadline: Dec 14, 2009
- School of English Studies will sit down the week of 12/7 to decided which applications to support, applicants will be notified of results on Tue, 12/8.
- No word yet (english studies 12/8 18:43)...are they emailing?
- according to the contact person for the School of English Studies, yes . . . but I am still waiting, too . . . might be they are meeting later this week, or there was no time to send out emails today?
- I wish they had just left it vague, then I wouldn't have to check my emails every 10 seconds!
- Did anybody apply through the Cultural Studies dept? If so, any news or further info about when they planned to shortlist? Thanks!
- yes, after I emailed on Saturday to ask, I was informed that they chose one out of 27 applicants to shortlist, and it was not I.
- Thanks! I guess that means it was not I either... That's nice that they took the time to let us know!
- Email notification of departmental selection (1 of 5) for larger university process of selection - American Studies (12/8)
- Invitation by email to a campus interview on March 17 (03/03)
NHC Wellesley Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: December 1, 2009 Does anyone know what Departments are they are looking for postdocs this year?
- No. I contacted the NHC and they said to contact the individual departments.
- Anyone get an acknowledgment on this yet?
Did anyone apply to the Wellesley Environmental Humanities Postdoc? If so, any word on timeline?
Received a request for recommendation letters from Wellesley Environmental Humanities postdoc on 3/19. Letters were due (electronically) by 3/30.
NYU - Draper Interdisciplinary Program in Humanities and Social Thought - Faculty Fellow/Asst Prof (The City)[] Deadline: April 23, 2009
Has anyone applied for this, and if so have you heard anything?
Yep, rec'd ack 5/20 (x3)
Any recent news about this search? 6/09
I'd love to have some recent news also -- has anyone been called for an interview? Seems awfully quiet out there. 6/15
Request for phone interview rec'd by email 6/24 (x3)
For those of you who had a phone interview -- has anyone been invited yet for campus visit? 7/7
I haven't, but they said they didn't expect to have a decision until the middle of next week. 7/9
OK, middle of the week is here... no news on this end. Arrrggghh. Let's be glad they are not evaluating me on patience, for I would surely be out of the running. Anyone out there have any news? 7/14
I'm curious/irritated too. Please share any available updates. 7/15
Campus visit scheduled by phone. 7/20
Is anyone still checking this thread? 8/3
NYU - Liberal Studies Program[]
Info Deadline: December 1, 2009
- mmm, I guess these days teaching 3/3 qualifies as a postdoc?
- I don't think this belongs here, since it advertises for faculty positions, with renewable (term) contracts.
- why not just leave it here? it's not hurting anyone...(11/16)
- I agree with the third poster. It's clearly not a postdoc, but it really doesn't fit any category. So, let's just leave it here for those of us who applied. (x5)
- Anyone receive an acknowledgment yet? (12/14) - The announcement did say "pending administrative and budgetary approval," so maybe they're still pending on it.
- If you log into your application, you may find (as I did 12/26) that it's been assigned a new title and confirmation #.
- Thanks for posting this! I've got a new number too.
- Yes, I've got a number in "group 2."
- Any idea what those groups mean? One group per position? Specialty? Definite v. maybe?
- I would guess one group per position; do you also have the old application listed, as well? (I am a bit confused)
- Now that I look at the original post, it lists the following specialties:
* Global Culture/Literature/Arts
* Global Economics
* Global History
* International Politics
* Science/History or Philosophy of Science
* Science and Public Policy
I'm guessing that each group maps onto each of those. I'm group 1 and I'm in the Global culture/literature/arts. But that's 6 categories and there are seven positions - I wonder where they'll double up
- Rather oddly, when I log in, my app is now listed under the original general job title (with no additional group number), and also listed separately as an application for a specific discipline that more or less maps on to one of the ones listed above-- but it's not actually *my* discipline. Hm.
- I'm Group 1 and Global culture/literature/arts as well.
- Hmmm. Where do you see this when you log on? I'm not getting anything.
- I see two listings. One is for Master Teacher with the date of my application. Right underneath I see Master Teacher, Global culture, etc. with a different date. I suspect that they segregated applicants into categories based on discipline and created a new job listing.
- Maybe...I only see the Master Teacher one when I log on. Maybe that's all they think I'm good for! Q: Does anyone else see only one listing ("Master Teacher"), as I do?
- I'm in group two and applied to Global culture/literature/arts as well, so I'm not sure about thetheory of the person above. But I don't know what else it might mean.
- I'm group 1 and definitely Gloabl culture/literature/arts. I also turned my app. in the day it was due, so I don't think the number could have anything to do with when applications came in. I wonder if for the poster above me there was a mistake and you should have been in group 1 in that all of literature/culture people here are so far in group 1. Oh, how I want this job!
- I'm in Group 2 *and* in Global Culture/Literature/Arts, so maybe that's where the doubled up. Don't you just wish you were a scientist sometimes?
- anyone in anthro? where did y'all end up? I am in Group 2, I'm anthro.
- I'm a modern European historian and was placed into a "Global History/International Politics" grouping. This suggests that they combined those two positions.
- I'm in anthro too, and I'm in Group 1.
- I'm in Global Culture/Literature/Arts Group 2, Master Teacher, and Science/History/Philosophy of Science. 3 groups. At least I can't say I wasn't considered!
- I seem to be listed in two groups, but NOT the one which is blatantly my discipline. My PhD is in one of the areas people are being put into, and yet I'm not in that group. That's annoying, as I probably have the best shot competing in my own field.
1/10 - did anyone get asked for letters of references or additional materials?
- They're obviously not there yet. It still says "0 out of 0" under "references received". Mayhaps somebody should email an inquiry?
- Talked to someone I happen to know on the search committee - they are totally swamped with applications. Silence means nothing - they are just working through the piles.
- Heard from someone on the search committee that they had over 1000 applications.
- Received Email ack 1/14: "The search committee will screen applications through January and early February, and we will contact those whom we wish to interview only when our review of files has been completed."
- Received identical ack 1/20. Also noted that they will not respond to questions about status of applications.
- Also received identical acknowledgement 1/21
- Did everyone receive an acknowledgement? I didn't... 1/21 (x2 - but it seems like they're staggering the ack's)
- Ack (X3) 1/22
- Ack 1/25 (x2)
- Still no ack. here ...
- I actually got three versions of the same acknowledgment email. System malfunction, I guess. Anyone else?
- Ack 1/28
- Phone interview 2/8 (scheduled 2/1)
- Crap (x2). Anyone else? Should I cross this one off my list yet? Were you notified by email or phone? - By phone. Next round of interviews won't be til March **viz. early March is when I was told that candidates would be contacted in the event of their making it to whatever round it is that follows phone interviews** so it may be too soon to give up hope --good luck --
- To the person with the phone interview: which category and group are you in?
- Anybody else got an interview?
- Is anyone else totally confused by the "interviewed" postings? In particular, what do you mean by "next round of interviews won't be til March"? Do you mean "next round" for those who have moved on (like yourself)?
- Anyone know what's going on with this? Have more people been notified of advancement to the next stage? If so, I'm wondering why no updates have appeared here...
- On-campus interview scheduled via email 3/9
- Received an acknowledgement but never heard back from them. Anyone else in the same position?
- Yes, have yet to hear anything either. I've given up on NYU at this point, I guess. (4/7)
NYU Academic Postdoctoral and Transition Program for Academic Diversity[]
Deadline November 30, 2009 Any news on this one? Esp. interested in #s of applicants...
Nope. I didn't even get an acknowledgment of the receipt of my application yet. (12/23)
I don't think you'll get an acknowledgment. Just the application complete status when you log in to the online system. Last year, they had 200+ applicants. (12/23)
As with the NYU Liberal Studies position (above), the application status (online) shows that applications have been forwarded to particular schools, I think. I'm hoping that we might get word early. Anyone hear anything yet, even rumors? (1/13)
Do you need to be an American citizen to apply for this fellowship? (Btw, I didn't apply for this fellowship... just wondering.)
Does NYU interview for this postdoc? Has anyone received any form of notification? Like the fourth post, my application was forwarded to two schools in Dec, but I have not seen any activity on my online application since. (1/24)
I asked the program officer about interviews, and she said there would be none. I think there is no notification, since you can see on the website whether your application is complete (including letters). What I don't understand is why they have forwarded my application only to one school instead of two (as I indicated in my application!). (1/24) --In answer to this, I know that I only submitted for one school and they sent it out to two. I'm guessing they looked at the applications to see what potential demand/availability there is with each school. (1/24)
Any news on this? It's getting close to 15 February and I'm wondering if offers have gone to the finalists yet. (2/1)
For those who applied last year, did you receive an email rejection the day offers were made or prior to the date? (2/1)
According to last year's wiki, rejections trickled in first, and then finalists notified. I emailed the admin and ze said that they are on schedule and all news should be out by 2/15. Anyone hear anything yet? (2/11)
Just received kindly worded rejection email. No note on number of applicants. (2.12) (x5) Just want to add that this is perhaps the nicest rejection letter I've received!
Rec'd notification of alternate status - says there were a lot of applications, and that final notification will come March 15. (2/12)
The rejection letter was very nice indeed. I didn't feel that upset after reading it. Oh, my good friend was selected as one of the 5!
How many alternates out there?
NYU Center for the United States and the Cold War Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
Deadline: 2/15
I know that it's early still, but anyone heard anything on this one? (3/2)
Nope (3/3)
Email rejection. 120 applications. (3/22)
Ohio State University Social and Behavioral Sciences (SBS) Diversity Postdoctoral Fellowship Program[] Deadline February 15, 2010
Email rejection received (3/18)
Offer accepted
Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture 2 Year NEH[]
Website Deadline November 1, 2009
- This seems to have a serious bump up in pay this year
- Received letter acknowledging receipt of my application (11/7). "By the end of January all applicants will have been advised of their status in the competition."'s the last day of January. Anyone heard from them yet?
Fellowship accepted; Daniel Livesay, University of Michigan (2010)
Omohundro Institute of Early American History and Culture 1 Year Mellon[]
Website Deadline November 1, 2009
Greg O'Malley, Assistant Professor, UC Santa Cruz
Oxford - Gordon Milburn Junior Research Fellowship in Theology (Trinity College and Faculty of Theology)[]
Info Deadline: March 5, 2010
- Received e-mail notification that my application materials had been received (2/24)
- Selection committee is "currently shortlisting" (3/29)
- Has anyone heard anything? I have now sent two emails, which have both gone unanswered (4/13)
- I called today (4/13) and was told that decisions have been made and were just about to be sent out
- I received a reply to my email stating that 'a decision will be communicated within the next two days' (4/13). Not sure why it should take so long if decisions have been made and interviews are set for next Wednesday. Maybe I just haven't been shortlisted and will get my rejection in the post.
- Rejection email (4/14). Field of over seventy candidates.
Oxford - St. John's, Christ Church & Merton Colleges Joint JRFs[]
Info Deadline: December 11
Does anyone have an email address for these fellowships where questions can be sent? I can't find anything on any of the forms, though they reference email several times in the application materials!
I second that request: They say letters can be emailed, but no email address! Quite a hassle to request letter writers to mail things to Oxford from US.
- How is it a hassle for recommenders to mail letters from US to Oxford? Surely, that also goes for the opposite direction? I do agree, though, that everything should move to electronic submission, email at the least . . . saves trees and postage, ya know?
- I can't speak for the penultimate poster, but for me, I find the mailing a hassle simply because recommenders are often so harried this time of year that they forget to mail letters on the first, second, or even third request. When you're dealing with transatlantic transit times, prodding them repeatedly to mail your letters requires a lot more advance planning to ensure ontime arrival than if they can simply email them at the 11th hour. And yes, it does go both ways in terms of the mailing problem, US to England and England to US; likely the poster above was simply referring to his or her particular case, for this particular job, not suggesting it's much more onerous for applicants to send letters eastward than westward.
- I don't understand what is so much more difficult about addressing a letter to the UK than it is to the US. You need to allow a little more time -- my application took about a week to get there, but I mailed it over Thanksgiving weekend. As for an email address, just go to the website of the college you're applying to -- the Academic Administrators are all listed, complete with contact info.
- Again, no one is saying it is more difficult to address a letter to the UK. Further, no one is suggesting applicants themselves cannot plan sufficiently in advance for mail to arrive. You are misreading, or reading very uncharitably, if you gleaned either of those points from the comments above. The point under discussion was related to referees mailing letters, which can cause difficulty for letter-writers who have multiple other obligations and who therefore tend to do things closer to deadlines. (x2, from England)
- RES (from above): I'm quite clear on that, I'm just confused as to why the UK vs. the US changes anything for anyone involved -- couldn't this concern be applied equally to any letter being requested at this time of year? Hasn't chasing down referees been a challenge since we were all filling out college applications? I included the amount of time it took for my letter to reach Oxford to give a sense of how much time/notice referees would have needed; I also offered the information on how to find the email addresses for each college's academic administrator that the o.p. requested in case there were people out there trying to beat the deadline. Just in case, however, here they are: Merton, Victoria Lill, Academic Administrator,; St. John's, Eileen Marston, Academic Administrator,; Christ Church... well, I confess, I can't find the email for the Academic Administrator at Christ Church. (Actually, looking at my watch, I see this is now irrelevant, as the deadline passed a short while ago; sincere apologies if not providing this information yesterday prevented anyone from filing recommendations.)
- Christ Church: acknowledgment of application; interview date (if invited) Feb 4. (12/18) (x2) Via email or snail mail? Thanks. (12/18) -email.
- Merton: request for written work (01/11). (x2)
- Merton: short-listing meeting will be held on Feb. 11. Interviews: Feb. 22,23,24. Final decision: Feb. 25. (Email in response to my request for info) --Thank you, poster!
- Any word on St. John's? (1/13) x2 Interview shortlist to be set by Feb. 11 per email from the College Academic Adminstrator. (1/14) Do you mean you've already had written work requested? I haven't heard anything either way (1/14) No, I wrote to them because I have a job offer with a quick deadline for a decision, so I wanted to know when I might have a clear picture of what's happening with St. John's. Eileen Marston only mentioned the 2/11 date in her response to me.
- Has anyone had requests for written work from Christ Church? I haven't heard anything yet (1/15) and don't know whether to keep on hoping!
- Also waiting for any word from Christ Church. The acknowledgement of application e-mail said nothing about written work, and the application form is a generic one for all three colleges. That said, it is fairly unusual to not request written work for long-listed candidates. However, given the big increase in numbers applying for all postdocs this year, it wouldn't surprise me if they got a bit overwhelmed and have decided either to demand written work literally at the last minute (unlikely as it puts them under greater pressure), or to base it all on the application form and let the interviews decide. Taking all bets...
- Merton: request for written work (01/18)
- Christ Church: rejection by e-mail (01/21)
- Me too. Another Christ Church rejection by email. (1/21)
- Has anyone heard from St. John's? (01/27)
- Rejection letter from St John's by mail (02/05) (x3)
- (For any other sciences people lurking here, the Sciences Committee at St Johns will meet on the 11th Feb)
- Merton: notified of finalist status by email. (2/11)
- St Johns: email invitation to interview (2/11) For the St. John's candidate: do you know their time frame for response? - No idea -Thanks, me neither for Merton. Good luck!
- St Johns: formally notified of outcome (3/11)
Penn Critical Writing Program: Writing Fellows[]
Link Deadline: 2/15
Any word?
Penn McNeil Center for Early American Studies Predoctoral Fellowships[]
(info Deadline March 1st)
Pennsylvania State University Africana Research Center Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
- Rejection by mail, dated 12/7 (x2)
Presidential Management Fellows[]
Info Deadline through school, October 2009
- Didn't see this anywhere else on the wiki, so I thought I should add it
- PMF Class of 2010 Nominees announced; test-taking is ongoing Jan/Feb
- PMF website has list of finalists (3/4)
Princeton Center for African American Studies Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
Info Deadline Nov 20 2009
- News? (1/5)
- letters go out Feb 25th
- Rejection letter received via snail mail today. *sigh* (2/19)
Princeton Center for the Study of Democratic Politics Visiting Scholars and Research Fellows[]
Info Deadline Nov. 15, 2009
- Any word on this one? (1/3)
- I haven't heard a peep. Anyone else heard anything? (1/20)
- Rejection received via email. 3% of applicants received a position. (2/2)
Princeton Davis Center Fellowships[]
Info Deadline Dec 1, 2009
- 2010-2012 Theme: problems of authority and legitimation
- Any word on this one? (1/3)
- Any sense of a time-line? (1/29)
- God only knows. I haven't heard a word.
- I believe the website says they will notify people in early or mid March. (2/1)
- Alright, it's now early March. Has anyone heard anything?
- Nada, assuming reject letter will arive in post shortly. (3/5) (x3)
- Check out the website for the competition..the recipients of the fellowship have been announced so the rest of us are going to be recieving rejection letters (including me).
- To the ^ , am I missing it? The website only seems to have a blurb for incoming fellows for 2009-2010 (i.e., this year, not next).
- These are the people currently at the center not incoming fellows. 2/8
- I've heard nothing. Not even a rejection letter (though I suspect one is in the mail.) Anyone out there get good news?
- Any word? (3/22)
- I emailed ten days ago to inquire about the search status and have heard nothing. Anyone else want to try? (3/22)
- I e-mailed the admin this morning. I had an exchange with her earlier in the process and she seems very nice. We'll see ... (3/23)
- letters are in the mail (3/23)
- My letter has not yet arrived. Has anyone out there gotten a yay? (4/1)
- Still no letter--obviously lost in the mail. Of course, I assume if they wanted me, I'd know one way or another! (4/20)
Princeton Niehaus Center for Globalization and Governance Fellowship[]
Info Deadline Jan 15, 2010
anyone heard from them by any chance? (apr. 6)
Princeton Writing Program[]
info Deadline: Feb 1, 2010
E-mail ack. (12/18) x2 --Email says candidates will be notified of application status by April 15.
- The number of applicants is much higher than usual, I hear. (I've been told there were 500+ applicants.)
- No surprise; lack of TT positions to which one can apply = deluge of applications for postdocs, VAP's, writing program positions, etc.
- Never received email ack of reciept of materials; emailed 02/04 to ask for ack, received automated response: "we're very busy, we won't respond to your email, we'll let you know when we let you know."
- Ack. 2/6; applied on the deadline. (x2)
- To the person who didn't receive an ack - if you applied online (as I think you have to), you should have received an automatic generated response. You should check the status of your application and make sure all your materials registered properly.
- Thanks for that, person above. Turns out I'm a fool, and didn't remember that I had gotten the automatically generated response. I think this is what happens when one sends out 40 applications.
- Notification of advancement to interview stage. (2/22 via e-mail) (x4) [Not me, but a friend, so reliable information.] Well, crap. Any idea whether all the emails went out already or not?
- Phone interviews are currently being scheduled. - does that mean there was one mass email to notify of advancement and then subsequent scheduling emails, or does it mean they're staggering the notification emails like last year?
- Notification of advancement to interview stage (2/25 via email) (x2)
- To above poster: had you already had your phone interview and were notified that they will be bringing you to campus? -- Or was this emaila notifcation of a phone interview? Thanks! --That was just for a phone interview.
- Official rejection e-mail! (3/1) (x3)
- Interviewer said campus invites in mid-March and final decision in early April. Will hire 3-6 new lecturers, depending on need. (3.1)
- So if I've received neither a request for a phone interview, nor a rejection e-mail, what does THAT mean? (Nothing good, I presume.) (3/2) Same here. I've crossed this off my list, but no news is technically good news. It's possible that people who haven't heard either way are in an alternates pile. That said, I'm not holding my breath or anything. (x4)
- Having worked on the other end of this process (though not at the PWP), I can imagine that they are keeping a fair-sized alternate pool since (a) they are looking at up to six new hires and (b) some of the most attractive applicants may well end up taking positions elsewhere. (3/2)
- I'm also assuming I'm in the alternate "pile," having received neither offer nor rejection. Maybe we should consider ourselves Princeton's booty calls.
- What's sad is how willing I am to be a booty call. Call me!
- Anyone who got a phone interview heard anything since? (3.6) A: I haven't. I was told during interview that decisions for campus interviews would be made by the middle of March at the latest. (3:7)x2
- No phone interview, still haven't received a rejection. (3/8)x2
- Campus invite for short (45-60 minute) interview. Via email, noon today. (3/8)x5
- Anyone have a sense of how many campus interviews are being scheduled?
- Have any of you interviewed by phone received a rejection yet? -- I haven't. (3/10)x3
- Email rejection (3/12) Q: Did you have a phone interview earlier?
- Email giving status update about search, that they've begun inviting people to campus for interviews and to bear with them. I haven't been invited to campus but I also haven't received a rejection (3/15). (x4)
- I have heard nothing from the PWP beyond the initial ackn.---no phone interview, no campus visit invite, no email giving updates, but also no rejection. I'm assuming I'm rejected, but is anyone else in this situation? I would just like to cross it off my list; tired of being in the giant slush pile. -- I'm in the same situation (3/16)x5
- Has anyone who received the 3/15 Email (essentially stating that your file is still active and that campus invites are being conducted on a rolling basis) received any further notification or been invited to campus? Nothing (3/23)x3
- rejection e-mail 4/2; had received nothing other than initial ack. x2
- Still absolutely nothing after initial application, 4/7
- I, also, have heard nothing since initial application. I applied for this last year and had received a rejection letter by this point in the game. Last year about 540 people applied (if I remember correctly) -- not sure what's taking them so long to let everyone know. Has anyone reading the wiki actually received and/or accepted an offer for this position?
- offer made 4/15--just one?
- More than one: colleague of mine received an offer 4/14.
- Rejection email received 4/15. Over 500 applicants.
- I was one of the people with a phone interview and received rejection email 4/16.
Princeton Society of Fellows[]
Info Deadline: October 1, 2009
- Question: Has anyone receive confirmation on their submission? I sent mine weeks before the deadline and still haven't heard from them.
- Nope. (10/23) (x3)
- last year they had almost 1000 applicants--probably takes them forever to move through all of the aps.
- received postcard confirming they received my application yesterday (10/24) (x2)
- received postcard confirming receipt 10/26 -- ditto, and, it says interview candidates will be contacted by the end of January
- received postcard confirming receipt 11/04 (I'm in the Netherlands)
- received more than 1400 apps this year. yikes.
- yeah yikes. wow. that's nuts. --1395 rejections and wasted effort will make princeton narcissistic
- I'm less concerned about the institution's ego. what is worse is that it will leave a lot of very smart and qualified people unemployed. And that's a shame. And no one (narcissistic institution or not) is addressing that issue.
- Yes, the numbers are astounding and deeply disturbing. It is a very sad situation in the humanities right now.
- One issue always left out of this discussion: at least a thousand of those applicants had no shot whatsoever. Time for many to take a more realistic approach.
- I don't mean to get snarky, but are you, previous poster, part of the illustrious 400? (11/28)
- What an arrogant and inconsiderate statement. In one simplistic and naive claim, the poster dismisses the work of a thousand people. A sad reflection on academia.
- All judgment aside, it also begs the question: how do you ("one") know whether you are part of the happy few?
- Not sure how it's naive to say that. If your Ph.D. is not from one of a handful of schools (we all know which ones they are), if you don't have a track record of publication and/or prestigous graduate research fellowships, it's a waste of time money and paper to apply. Is it really so horrible to point that out?
- It's just you sound like a snot, is all. And in case you're wondering, yes I meet all of your little criteria there. (x3)
- I think it's worth pointing out that even if one "doesn't have a shot" or meet all of the above criteria, it can still be a useful process to work up an application for these big postdocs. First, you never know. Second, the due date is relatively early in the fall, which helped me get some ideas together that I have since fine tuned for other postdocs that are perhaps more attainable. I don't expect to hear back from Princeton and that's okay with me. I'm still glad I applied. (x2)
- Okay, can we stop snarking at each other now and get back to commiserating and conveying useful information?
- I'm glad everybody applied too. On another note, this board is deader than dead compared to last year. More hopelessness or fewer funding opportunities or both? --more hopelessness. oh, well.
A friend got a call on Friday about interviewing (12/5)- Q: What field is your friend at? -A: Lit. Sorry (very sorry), it was Penn, not Princeton.
Q: UPENN Teaching or UPENN "virtuality"? A: This is a TT Q: thanks!
- That seems like very early contact, based on the information on the acknowledgment card and last year's wiki, anybody have information about if the process has changed somehow? Perhaps to deal with the increase in applications?
- Sigh of relief (x1400)
- I withdrew my application for personal reasons, so now it is down to 1399 !!
- any new news?
- the website says we will know by late January, so at least most of us can still hold out hope for a few more weeks, unlike with some of the other big ones (e.g., Columbia) that notified earlier (12/31)
- Notified about interview on January 12th via email (X6)
- Congratulations to those notified about the interviews on 1/12 (X2) Q: Would you mind posting the approximate time stamps on these emails? A: 3:48pm for me (X2). A: 4:12PM EST for me. Q: Would you mind posting your fields?
- Curses! Much-anticipated curses! x2
- anyone know how many people are interviewing? A: in the past they interviewed about 5 people for each spot, so about 20-25 people. This year they're giving only 3 fellowships, but I don't know whether it changes the number of people they will interview.
- For those who heard, was this in reference to the genearl Society of Fellows position, the Latin America specific one, or do they do this together? Thanks! A: Mine was for the general SF. A: I was invited for interview on 1/12; they specifically mentioned that it was for the Latin America one (I applied for this one and the general one) (<---X2). A: I applied for both the Open Fellowship in the Humanities and the Fellowship in Humanistic Studies. The invitation e-mail did not specify the position for which I am under consideration (a, b, or a + b).
- Anyone else get an email 1/15 -- "While you are not part of this group of candidates selected, the committee is still very interested in your candidacy and has placed your name on a second list for possible interview" - ? Quit playing games with my heart!
- Wow, that's crappy...
- I'm one of the interviewees, also applied for both open fellowship and humanistic studies (I assume/hope I'm under consideration for both, since they open application to both... but not sure, that wasn't specified). they said they are interviewing 16 candidates for the 3 posts, and from what i can tell everyone is coming on the same day in February
- anyone else out there who hasn't heard anything either way? 1/19 ... I haven't heard anything at all either, not since the post card acknowledging receipt of my application 1/19 (x2) 1/20
- cordial snail-mail rejection rec'd 1/19 x6 - (and wasn't that one of the nicest rejection letters ever? - indeed; is it an ego boost that its was 'semi-finalist' rejection letter - top 58 out 1400 ain't bad)
- snail-mail rejection 1/20
- snail-mail cordial rejection 1/22
- I've received neither confirmation nor rejection of my application, which I sent before the deadline by fed-ex. Should I assume it was never processed? -- I've heard nothing either, nor has one of my colleagues. We're both towards the end of the alphabet-- maybe that's it?
- Yes I think so, I just received mine. 1/28
- Is anyone else out there who didn't get an interview still waiting for a rejection letter? Maybe mine has been sent via Pony Express.
- Yes, I haven't received one either.
- Can anyone tell when the interviews took/will be taking place? Are they all scheduled on the same day? Thanks.
- My understanding, based on info from a friend, is that the interviews took place this week and included both a formal interview and various meetings with professors and the current fellows. So not everything is on the same day but everyone is there at the same time, if that makes sense (2/12)
- Thanks.
- Has anyone out there who interviewed received an offer? I interviewed this past week, have heard nothing, am presuming that no news is bad news, but retaining a bit of hope that all the weather rearrangements (that pushed back some interviews to late afternoon Friday) mean they haven't made decisions as fast as in previous years (when offers apparently came on the evening of the final interview day - i.e., Friday for us). But if anyone received a call, please put us out of our misery!:)
- (from fellow interviewee) no call as yet, although i don't think it's so crazy for them to wait until monday or tuesday, especially since everything got so delayed with the blizzard, and supposedly they want to hear back from the other faculty talking to candidates. i was told that they would tell us "before the end of next week" by one of the administrators... so there's still some hope. but yes, if you get a call please post.
- I was also an interviewee, and was told by one of the faculty members I met with outside of the interview that I would hear something early this week. I'm guessing it'll be today (Monday) or tomorrow. Good luck to everyone, and please post if you hear anything either way! (2/15)
- Rejection email, 2/15
- (to whomever received rejection email) sorry to hear that--can you list the time stamp of the email? i've still heard nothing either way...
- I haven't heard yet either-- to the person who did, would you mind sharing if you were a candidate for the general SOF, or the Latin American Studies fellowship?
- Rejection email, 2/15, 4:10 pm Latin American Studies fellowship. Good Luck!
- The person who posted about the rejection above here: I was on the general SOF, email arrived 4:10 pm East Coast time.
- Rejection e-mail, 2/15, 4:20PM EST, open fellowship & fellowship in humanistic studies
- (posting 115am EST) did anyone else who interviewed for open/humanistic fellowship NOT get either a call w/ offer or email rejection? i've checked my spam, inbox, and phone messages--nothing.
- (2/16 @ 9am EST) A: I haven't heard from them yet, either. Has anyone gotten an offer? (Don't be shy!)
- I haven't heard anything either (open/humanistic) -- 2/16 @ 5:30pm EST. My guess is that this means I'm an alternate of some sort.
- could be an alternate... or another guess is that there's some final decision making and maybe some 'horse trading' type stuff going on, i.e., debates over which 'disciplines' to bring in, lobbying from host depts stuff like that... i've heard this happens right up to the end, although who knows. unless you've gotten a final rejection letter, don't give up yet (although yes, i, too, would just like to get some sort of word one way or the other so i can stop worrying about it).
- For what it's worth, I think they might still be finalizing the decision (unless someone has an offer--please speak up!). I've been informed by a service that I use that at least two people have googled me today... so perhaps they are still lining us up and deciding. But yes, anyone who gets the magic phone call, please post the time (and, if you please, which field you work in--just because I'm curious). Good luck to all finalists!
- Since no one has confirmed that s/he has received an offer (for 3 positions, correct?), my guess is that none have been made yet. Good luck to everyone! Hopefully we'll all know more tomorrow.
- (2/17 @ 530pm EST) still no word. grrrrr...
- (2/17 @ 6:30pm EST) no word here either. sigh.. and yeah, I'm not sure if it was 16 interviewees for three positions (open, humanistic, latin-american), or for two (open, humanistic) -- or if they decided to take three open/humanistic this year. anyone know? just curious.
- (2/17 @ 7:30pm EST) A: I know that there were 7 finalists specifically for the Latin American fellowship.
- (2/18 @ 9:00pm EST) still nothing on my end. anyone else?
- (2/19 @ 2:00pm EST) still nothing for me either, but i heard from a knowledgable source that they seem to be making another round of cuts, and that there is a lot of "deliberation" going on...
- yep! i was one of the ones cut (email sent 2/19, 11:45 am EST) .. the email says they have now "selected a small group of finalists." quite a process!
- they have made offers and have given winners until march 1st to decide. there is at least one alternate for each spot (not sure how ranked or categorized) who will just have to wait until the primaries make their decision
- (3/1) As Ellen the maid in Mary Poppins would say, "the positions have been filled". Congratulations to the fellows. If any of you that accepted the offer would mind posting your field/discipline, I would be curious to know.
Research in Paris: Postdoctoral Fellowship, City of Paris[]
Deadline: March 8
I'd like to point out that whoever posted this did so the day after applications closed. He or she is happy for you to share your information, but didn't feel like letting you know about this opportunity. Minus ten collegiality points. --> I agree. I wish he/she would have put it up even just the day before it was due. While it's my responsibility to look for such opportunities, occasionally some slip through the cracks and the wiki can be a nice, supportive community for this.
Sorry guys. I do share my info often on this wiki. I realized that it wasn't on here and posted it. I am certainly not trying to prevent you from applying if that is what you are hinting at. Best of luck to all.
- Excuse me, from 3rd party, but the original poster doesn't need to apologize for anything, IMO. Most postdocs are thrown up on here shortly after they're due.
could you give a link to this? what field was it? where? etc
I already did a google search as soon as the poster put it on here the day after the deadline and made it to the city of Paris website, however, the description is no longer up because the deadline passed.
the postdoc is for humanities, social sciences and "hard" sciences and you must submit a letter from a scholar at a "laboratoire d'accueil" who has agreed to host you for the academic year. the application must be submitted in French; there is an example of the "dossier de presentation" that applicants must submit still available on the website.
Rice University - Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Ack. receipt via email, 12/3
Q: did you send your application via email or snail mail? - I sent it via email. I asked for confirmation in my first email, and then two weeks later again, for which I received a very nice response about three days later, mentioning that they were swamped with applications and that it therefore takes some time to confirm.
- Thanks!
- Thanks, too, for the response. That application took forever to complete, formatting the 6 documents as a single PDF attachment.
Q: Is there anyone who hasn't received anything (e.g., ack. receipt)? I'm yet to hear from them.
A: I haven't received anything either; got my app in just before the deadline, though. (x7); I sent my application in about three weeks before the deadline, and I haven't heard anything either (x2).
- It seems the only person posting that received an ack. receipt specifically requested it - two times. They are probably negotiating a slew of applications (like everyone) and will confirm receipt at some point in the future. I wouldn't worry.
-After a couple unanswered emails, I called to make sure that my application was indeed there. The very nice woman I spoke to said that they were, of course, totally deluged, and were thus not really answering emails or acknowledging apps. She said on the phone that my application was complete and in the pile. It sounded like they haven't done any winnowing yet and wouldn't for some time.
-Has anyone received any kind of form letter acknowledgement? The office was really helpful with some questions I had about submitting recommendations, but I haven't followed up with them since it sounds like everyone is in the same boat when it comes to receiving an acknowledgement.
A: I submitted my application super early (October) via email and got an email confirmation a day or so later.
-I submitted mine in early October and have heard nothing.
-Heard they received more than 1000 applications <---nice! how many fellowships do they offer? A: The website says "up to three".
-Up to three fellowships? I would have had somewhat greater chances then if there had been up to two candidates.
- Does anyone have any idea when they announce finalists and/or decisions? Thanks! (x2) <-- the website says "Applicants will be notified of fellowship decisions in February 2010."
-Actually, I'm still waiting for my acknowledgment email! (Still bitter about figuring out how to format all the different files into a single document!)
Q: Any news? (2/1)
-february has arrived. no acknowledgement so far. i'm wondering whether they will notify us about the results (2/4).
-I heard that there received 1200+ applications. And the notifications will go out at the end of February (2/6).
-1200+?! Do you mind sharing your source on that one? I find it hard to believe that this one got more applicants that the Michigan Society of Fellows, for example.
-Wow, how to choose 3 out of 1200??? And to make a guess at the question just above: this application was really easy to complete (how many writing samples for Michigan!?), the deadline was later (so people like myself who weren't quite together with job apps in September and October-since it is my first year on the market-were in a better position to apply), and the only requirement was to be in a humanities department (the narrowly focused Johns Hopkins "Concepts of Diaspora" postdoc received almost 500 applications). Therefore, 1200 for a non-themed postdoc seems about right. (Gosh, I'm feeling so much like a high school student writing the standard history essay with intro/3 points/conclusion...)
-The source for 1200+ was the program coordinator of the center.
-I called (2/3) for the Humanities and was told that they are now contacting finalists (and that I'm not one). <--What's your field? How many finalists are out there? Why didn't I get this info? :)
Q: has anyone been notifed of finalist status? I assume that they won't be sending out rejections emails or letters.
- I spoke to a staff member today who said that no decisions have been made and no finalists have been contacted. All applicants will be contacted one way or another by the end of February. <-- That's what I was told but apparently they already started contacting people.
- request for Skype interview, via email. (2/8 x 2) <-- what are your fields? English.
-Congrats to you both! In addition to (or instead of) revealing your fields, would you be willing to indicate whether you're ABD or PhD in hand? I'm just curious to see which way the postdocs are breaking this year. Thanks. --> Well, I'm English ABD; planning to defend in early April. I'm not sure how much you can generalize from the isolated cases that appear on the wiki, though. If I had to guess about what helped me with this application -- vs the other general postdocs, none of which I was contacted for -- I'd say it was the "statement of intellectual contribution," which allowed me to talk about my pretty extensive participation in centers at my home institution, parts of my background that in other applications merely appeared as a few ambiguous lines on my cv. But that's just a guess. Out of 1,200 applications, how can the decision be anything but arbitrary? Hope this helps, and good luck with your search! --> Thanks so much for your response, and best of luck to you in the final round! (x3)
Did you guys get an offer? (2/22)
- Q: any more news? (2/22) -- interviews just started this week. a final decision won't come until early to mid-March -- thanks
- Rejection received via email (3/3, x2)
- email rejection 3/3, confirms they had "nearly 1,000 applicants"
- Are those who haven't been contacted either way on some kind of long backup list? (3/5)
- email rejection (3/5) seems that they are just slowly making it through the 1000+ applicants. (x3)
- offer made and accepted (3/6)
- Any one else never receive acknowledgement of any kind on this one? (3/11) Yes. I'm guessing that we'll be receiving our rejections soon.
- email rejection 3/10\
- The program administrator replied to my query 3/12 that they are looking into getting more funding for additional postdoctoral postitions at Rice. They have narrowed it down to 150 semi-finalists from over 1000 applicants. Decisions will be made in about 2 weeks--she didn't say if that means decisions about funding or about who of the 150 will get an offer, or both. I was never interviewed or contacted at all, but am apparently one of the 150. So don't loose heart if you haven't heard anything!
- Email Rejection 3/16
- Spoke to the program administrator - she repeated a similar story. Only difference being that she said that there are 100 semi-finalists not 150. Has no idea when the decision will be made. And same here: never interviewed or contacted at all but among the 100. (3/17)
- E-mail rejection 3/26. Good luck to all who are still in this thing... and everyone else, too. (x4); no mention of having made it to last 100/
semi-finalist status... - Email rejection for the HRC Mellon that included an invitation to be considered for a new fellowship related to museums (3/29). Good luck everyone. (x2 - on both counts)
- got the letter for museum fellowship. Any news on how this one goes? - I inquired after the projected time line, and the administrator replied that they hope to have an offer on the table by mid-April. I seems otherwise that they will be just using our applications for the Mellon and pressing forward. Good luck!
- new museum postdoc delayed until the fall (via email, 4/12)
Rice University - Medical Humanities Postdoctoral Fellowship[] Deadline: December 15, 2009
- I know it's early but anyone know what the process will be for this search, campus interviews, what have you?
- Nobody else apply for this? HURRAY!
- Hee hee! Sorry, I'm in the mix, too. But I haven't heard any news.
Oh well, just us two, still love them odds!
Oops, here's another contender. Who also hasn't heard anything. (x4)
boy, they're clearly in a hurry on this one.
- Received email notification that am one of 17 finalists (out of 100+ applicants). They were awaiting funding approval. (3/16) (x3)
- Rejection by email (3/24)
Gah, this wait is killing me!
- Interview by Skype 3/30, rejection by email 4/2. Congrats to someone out there...
Ah, good to know. I've heard absolutely nothing since the finalist email. Guess I can stop crossing my fingers now...congrats to whoever got the offer!
- Random rejection email (4/8) - Thanks for the thought... (x2)
Rice University - South Asia[]
(Deadline Jan 15th)
Any news? I haven't received an ack yet. 2/24
I called and they said that applications are currently under review (3/2) Request for additional material (3/5)
Email rejection (3/16)
Is the Chao Center post-doc? Yes.
Rice University - Center for the Study of Women, Gender, and Sexuality Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: January 15, 2010
-Anyone receive an ack. of reciept? (2/2)
-Not here (2/3) x4
Still nothing (3/1) x5 Did I just imagine that I applied for this?
--I emailed a while back to find out about a timeline and never heard. Anyone care to call? (3/13)
--I also emailed earlier this week (3/7?) with no response. I tried calling but got the voicemail and just couldn't bring myself to leave a message. I really think this is a little ridiculous. (3/13)
--Thanks for calling. I wish we had more info about their timeline...
Received e-mail rejection stating that they are moving forward with other applicants. 4/26.
Robert Penn Warren Center for the Humanities at Vanderbilt[]
Info Deadline: January 15, 2010. Theme: "Representation and Social Change"
- Email acknowledgment of receipt of application (12/22). Email states that the decision is expected by the end of March, and that applicants will be notified via postal mail.
- Rejection by mail. Anthro (2/26) x2
- Notified of alternate status (by mail) (2/27) - winner has until late March to decide
Rochester, Frederick Douglass Institute Postdoc[]
Info Deadline: Jan 30, 2010
This was supposed to be announced on March 1 - any news?
As of 3/12 I haven't heard anything.
Rutgers, Center for Historical Analysis Residential Postdoctoral Fellowship[], Deadline: March 1, 2010
-Received ack email in response to query, said it would take them a few weeks to sort through applications (3/10) x3
-Any idea how many there were?
-does anyone know a timeline for this one? Anyone brave enough to call?
-who did you all contact to receive ack email? contacted the email on the website and haven't heard anything...(3/28) --> Would you mind asking about the timeline :) ?
-thanks for the email address. they are not sure about the timing and that the directors are currently sorting through the apps. good luck. --> thanks for checking, ugh, and good luck to you!
--Emailed 4/20 because I have another offer waiting. They are still deciding, and there's a short list (I'm not on it). Good luck!
-Have they notified people on the short list?
--Anyone, anything? This is my last hope... (4/30)
--Email rejection, did everyone get the same one?: We regret to inform you that we have not been able to award you a fellowship for the coming year. You know, of course, that fellowship decisions are complicated endeavors, particularly in this instance when we had so many applicants from a variety of fields. We very much appreciate your patience as the Center struggled to find the right mix. We only wish we had more stipends to offer, for your presence would have added greatly to the work of the seminar. All of us here at the Rutgers Center for Historical Analysis thank you for allowing us to consider your name, and we wish you only the best of success in your scholarly endeavors.
--got the exact same rejection email.
Rutgers, Institute on Ethnicity Postdoc[]
info Deadline: March 1, 2010
-Ack email in response to query (3/10)
--Is this the Geraldine Dodge fellowship? and if so, did they give you a time line for their decision?
--it is the Geraldine Dodge fellowship and no, they gave no timeline, just confirmed receipt of application (3/23)
--I called, and they said they hope to have selected a recipient "by the start of summer" (3/24)
--Is this the 2010-11 Race & Gender History Postdoc--advertised on the Ethnic Studies Institute website--or something else entirely? (4/26)
-- No, they are two separate postdocs. The one listed here is through the Institute on Ethnicity, Culture, and the Modern Experience. The one you are referring to is through the Center for Race and Ethnicity (info here). Both are at Rutgers University so I can see how it could be a bit confusing. (4/26).
--Any news? (6/23)
--I had a phone interview on 6/7 and have not heard anything since. I assume this means they have selected their top choice. (6/23) I also had an interview and have heard nothing....
SAR Resident Scholar Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Nov 1, 2009
- recieved letter confirming receipt 10/26; ditto (11/2)
- Since the posted info says that the Weatherhead Fellowship is open to all Humanities and Social Sciences, I applied. But as I was putting together my ap I finally noticed that virtually every recipient is from an Anthro dept. Does anyone have a sense of whether people from other disciplines actually have a prayer? Thanks for any info/impressions.
- Most SAR fellows are indeed anthropologists and they used to ask for projects directly related to anthropology in their applications (I am not sure if they still do). The School was founded as an institute for archaeological research of natives in the Southwest and shifted to broader anthropological research of natives in the 60s. I gather that there have been some changes more recently, but I am not sure how their mission has shifted. I believe that James Brooks, an ethnohistorian who has written on Apache relations, is the current head. -- Thanks for the info.--- i had a SAR fellowship recently--- they would definitely be open to non-anthropologists, great place, good luck.
- snail mail ack, 11/9. anyone know how many applicants they get for this?
- any word? (2/11)
- Snail mail rejection (3/5)
- Haven't heard anything either way... anyone else in the same boat? (3/6) Rejection arrived snailmail (3/8).
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, Scholars-in-Residence Program[]
Info Deadline: Dec 1 2009
Q: Any sense of when the award announcements will be made?
A: Early March, I think.
Q: Has anyone heard anything, either in the ney or yay category? (3/7)
A: Nothing yet. But I think notifications come in mid-March. (3/9)
Q: Any new news out there? (3/19)
Rejection letter recieved (3/22)
Rejection letter received as well. States that there were over 90 application and only 3 received full year fellowships. Sounds like fewer than last year. (3/22)
SFI - Omidyar Fellowships[]
[[6]] Deadline: Nov 2, 2009
-email rejection (12/18)
Smithsonian Fellowships[]
info Deadline: Jan 15, 2010
Submitted to STRI Jan. 15, notification received a few days later. Applying for archaeology
Info Deadline: October 6, 2009
- Has anyone submitted?
- Nope, but I did get that email that CCV is down. Hopefully it's not a problem.
- Yes: yesterday (October 3). I was determined not to run into busy-server-at-the-last-minute problems. I instructed my referees to have their appraisals uploaded by October 5th at the latest so they wouldn't run into that problem, but they all came through by Oct. 2nd.
- (Oct 5) No: my referees can't get into the EAMS system. I called sshrc and they said that there may be an extension due to technical problems. Even the person answering the phone couldn't get in! Argh.
- Maybe it's already been resolved. I logged in twice today without any problems.
- Oct 5 again: yes, things have sorted themselves out. Whew.
- Oct. 6: but today the EAMS system seems, once again, to be down/in-and-out of operation.
- Done!! A bumpy ride... but better than last year.
- Congrats. It's nice to be done with that thing.
- Just thought I'd ask - does anyone know anything about this year's budget? I wonder how many postdocs they'll have this year.
- Just email a programme officer and ask.
- Has anyone received an acknowledgement of receipt from SSHRC? I ask because I received one by email for the FQRSC application.
- Yes, November 24, by email.
- Did everyone get this email? I didn't receive one.
- Neither did I. Anyone else?
- Yes, I also received said email November 24th. It was an application acknowledgment in which they assigned an application number. Perhaps it went into your junk mail?
- Do I dare ask when in February SSHRC announces its results? Or does this date change each year?
- Before the online system was set up to handle the applications, candidates were notified in mid February. Last year, candidates were notified in early April because the deadline had been extended (due to bugs in the system that made submitting materials extremely difficult). If you live overseas, the result will take at least a week longer to get to you.
- Thank you. Based on what you've said, I'll expect to hear something mid-Feb. or later.
- Apparently, according to email correspondence I have had with an admin assistant, applicants will not hear the committee's decision until mid to late March.
- Ah, that infamous SSHRC roving announcement date. Thanks for sharing that. I just emailed them to confirm the decision date. I'll post what I find out when I hear from them. Okay: prompt answer from a programme officer. The results should be mailed out at the end of February. So, depending on where you live, your decision should arrive by mail in the first or second week of March.
- I would prepare myself for May. That way, if it arrives anytime before that, I would be pleasantly surprised.
- I'd say that's a very sensible attitude. (x2)
- will the proposed institution receive notification first? has anyone been informed their status before the notice arrived? as a doctoral student my university informed me of my SSHRC 3 weeks before the award notice arrived in the mail.
- My understanding is that there aren't any institution-level notifications at the postdoctoral level. My university also found out about Master's and Doctoral scholarships directly from SSHRC, but since applicants for postdoctoral awards don't go through university screening first, they may view it as a different system.
- This is my understanding as well. The successful receipient can take the postdoc award to a different institution than the one that sponsored the application (as long as you make a case for it).
- Has anyone heard from SSHRC yet?
- I called them several days ago and was told that decisions hadn't been made yet, and that notifications would go out at the end of Feb. or early March.
- The results will be sent by regular mail at the end of February - beginning of March. No official date has been set.
- I received the same "canned" reply. Beyond SSHRC's inability to harmonize its schedule with that of most universities (my dean is already deciding on limited duties appointments for next year, and I'm stuck here not being able to commit to anything until I know if I'm getting the postdoc SSHRC), what angers me is the lack of consistent standard; namely, that we are obliged to conform to a FIRM DEADLINE for applications, yet they do not abide by the same criteria when posting results. It is only fair and professional that they hold to the same standards that they hold us to.
- I agree with last poster. the first person to receive a response, let us know...
- Several people have been notified that their application profiles are missing a Canadian address, from which one might infer that letters are about to go out. (2/25)
- If they mail the letters by tomorrow, then I guess we can't say they didn't meet their February deadline!
- Does the receiving of an email indicating a missing Canadian address mean anything?
- I think it just means that they won't mail results outside of Canada. But I don't have that problem, so I'm just guessing!
- I'd like to know how many of us are waiting on a decision. Can we do a tally? 1
- I think that everyone is waiting on a decision as of 2/25. SSHRC probably wants to confirm non-Canadian mailing addresses, which might mean that persons with a Canadian mailing address might receive letters soon..
- Yes, I know that everyone here is waiting on a decision. But how many are we? Can we take a tally? 2
- I just emailed SSHRC and they have confirmed that letters HAVE NOT been sent out anyone. I am guessing next week now??
- I just emailed SSHRC and they have confirmed that letters HAVE NOT been sent out anyone. I am guessing next week now?? (Feb 25 @4pm)
- I don't understand why SSHRC wouldn't mail to a foreign address, given that some of us Canucks did our PhD work outside of Canada. I also don't understand why they won't give results via email, so those of us planning our lives and careers can know ASAP. Perhaps instead of asking SSHRC if letters have been sent out, the question should be when exactly they will be?
- Who can we direct our complaints to about the process in general (lack of harmonization with universities, failure to comply with a precise deadline)? Would someone be able to set up a petition that can be sent to SSHRC? I think that we should disabuse them of any notion that we are somehow febrile neurotics who can't wait for our "xmas gift", and inform them that their archaic methods for delivering results (not to mention their poor performance in being able to be precise) jeopardizes those of us who need to make critical decisions for the upcoming year.
- The response I received to the "When will they be mailed..." question was "the letters will be mailed at the end of February/beginning March". This was today (February 25)...they really don't want to tell anyone when they are sending them out.
- The real problem is that the overworked committees, who represent the dwindling tt and t faculty in the humanities in Canada cannot possibly work with the sshrc turnaround times.....hence, the decisions are invariably late.
- I know this is a difficult situation, but seriously, you folks have to CHILL. Getting angry only makes things worse. I've been through this last year so let me just give you first-timers some advice: the more you attach yourself to February as 'the month that all shall be known', the more irritated you'll be. And here's a different perspective: 1) We've never been part of a fellowship selection committee so we don't know what the process entails. 2) We don't know how many applications they have had to look at. It could be over 900 this year, so imagine going through that. 3) Those on selection committees don't get paid. It's all volunteer work.
- Since they have all our emails, the courteous thing to do would be to send us a message stating that they will fail to meet their stipulated deadline, and apologize for the delay. Passing it over in silence merely adds insult to the situation.
- Since they are late every year, why get upset? Just accept any and all contracts, but don't sign anything. No one will blame you for backing out to accept a postdoc and if you get a tt then why would you want a postdoc? Everyone have a beer and relax.
- I think that very much depends on how many courses one may be contracted to teach. It is a worrisome decision, especially if one is potentially slated to teach 3 courses for the following academic year, but being paid part-time. On one hand, 3 courses at my university pay a total of 15k; postdoc pays 38k with an option to teach two half-credit courses. However on one hand, teaching glitters more on the CV than a postdoc. Yet, on the other, the reprieve from teaching a large course load offers an opportunity to research and publish more.
- Update 2/26 (for what it's worth): results to be mailed out "early march". But, based on last year, this seems like it easily could change. In the UK, so it might be a while for me. I'm in agreement with having a beer and relaxing.
- Is anyone else perplexed at the notion that they would spend however much money to introduce a complicated online system to handle applications and yet still notify people by mailing letters??? British Academy postdoc apps have been entirely online, including notification, for years.
- The reason for the snail mail notifications is most likely linked to legality. It is archaic, but it may be due to some liability issue. I know Canada Council for the Arts and the Ontario Council for the Arts refuse to give email results as well. There needs to be some sort of paper trail, it seems.
- I am the "beer poster," just to self-identify. Teaching does not glitter more than a postdoc - EVER. I have been an LTA for three years, I was hired a year and a half before I finished my PhD - very lucky. Unis want to see research, research, research and most want that postdoc stamp of approval that you can earn funding. Actually, I could be bitter the my Uni hires me for an LTA year after year, but because of a hiring freeze, will not convert me to tt. Just to let you know ACCUTE, among other associations and institutions, sent the HRDC very strongly worded letters about the EAMS (Extremely Assinine Monkey System). maybe we should contact The Walrus about this farcical system? But what the hell? The whole humanities job market is in the crapper, funding is being cut, but the beer is cold, the Olympics are on teevee, and life is too short (puts feet up and yawns).
- And I am the teaching "SSHRC must harmonize" poster. I would say that it really depends. I'm at a "research-intensive" university, but the emphasis placed on teaching experience caters to the sales end of the tuition turnstile. I, too, have been Limited Duties for near three years, beginning a year before PhD completion. And, the same old story on this end as everywhere: the hiring freeze (where, I presume, the recession-proof industry of beer is kept for chilling purposes). I've heard conflicting stories on the whole postdoc fracas. One side views it as some kind of deficiency, while the other side rallies around the research benefit. I suppose you may be right that it shows some ability to obtain more lucrative funding down the line (despite the lotto aspect of it all). Heavy beering it is...perhaps once the stupor is over, the results will have magically appeared in our mailboxes.
- So I asked sshrc the "when" question and they replied saying that they hope to mail the letters next week, but that it might go as late as March 8-15th. They just sound really backed up and my guess although i have also heard rumours, that they received a lot of applications this year and the committees are taking longer to get through them than usual. I don't think it's sshrc's fault in the end...I think it's just a product of the committees being extremely bogged down with applications and needing more time. (Feb 26)
- SSHRC had to have expected that they'd receive a huge number of applications this year. I get that the committees are overworked, but they meet in Ottawa for this stuff on specific dates that have been set well in advance. Last year notification didn't go out until the end of March, but from what I heard the decisions had been made long before that. Getting the mailout together, apparently, just took a really long time. I find it so frustrating that SSHRC doesn't seem to realize that people need to be able to weigh their options. Many who win a SSHRC postdoc won't be able to take it up because they'll have already had to make a decision on other offers. Ridiculous.
- Being a bit testier, and indicating failures on their end, my email was forwarded to a program officer who also failed to answer my specific questions. Well, that was until I persisted, said I wouldn't take a canned response, and itemized my questions. Apparently, they cannot send emails to notify us all about a) the delay, or b) the results because they "lack the security protocol to send out emails to all applicants."
- UPDATE (March 1): I have made my formal recommendation that SSHRC develop an action plan for delivering electronic results to minimize on wait times. The security protocols in place for electronic communication is stable and secure via EAMS, from which we received notification of successful application process. I have recommended that said system be put in place for the delivery of results as soon as they are available and can be inputted to the database.
- Please keep us posted on the response to your recommendation.
- UPDATE (March 5): Oh the hilarity and comedy of bureaucracy. After reiterating my questions three times in the past week in the hopes of getting a response, I was just notified that the message is being forwarded to a senior program officer. I have no successfully pushed my way up from service level tier one to three, and it only took a week! Some of my questions include the following: 2. Why applicants were not informed of this delay. 3. Why the deadline for posted results still states February, thereby being misleading. 4. If processes are underway to better harmonize with university schedules, especially as it pertains to teaching duties. The parlous position this places applicants in is one that requires action. What steps are being taken to alleviate the anxieties of the most vulnerable in this process? This has been a perennial problem in the past, and it ought to be addressed in a concerted and concrete fashion prior to the next round of application.
- UPDATE (x2): Scrub that! "Be advised that I am away from the office today and I will answer your email next week." Did Kafka devise this system?
- If you're curious... decisions on last year's applications were made no later than March 10th, but people didn't start getting letters until around the 27th or 28th.
- Thank you to that one other person who responded to my request to tally how many people are waiting on a SSHRC decision. So now we know that there are just 2 of us.
- Just two? Great odds! Actually 153 won funding last year, I believe, and usually the applications number around 700. It's basically a lottery because if you can get institutional support, then you have solid research, end of story.
- According to a Program Officer, there were 900 applicants this year.
- There were 766 applicants and 153 awards last year.
- posted 1 March 2010: I'm in Princeton, also awaiting notification (so there are 3 of us!). I have not been contacted by SSHRC asking for a Canadian address, possibly because I gave them my permanent Canadian address on my application, as well as my US one. Does that mean my notification letter is going to my Canadian address? I was offered the SSHRC Postdoc in 2008 but declined in favor of my current Princeton postdoc; now I'm reapplying. Anyone know what the chances are of getting the offer a 2nd time for basically the same application? Also, 2 years ago, I got my notification letter in mid-February (I was in Toronto at the time), and the letter was dated 8 February. I'm very sad to see things are taking so much longer this year. I'm done my thesis, thank goodness, but need time to line up accommodations, office space, and other money at my host institution, if I get the SSHRC....
- Great, so if they've kept the funding the same then we've got about a 16.5% chance of winning. People applying for these awards 2+ years ago had way, way better odds. We're all just a little too late to the postdoc/job scene. It's always been bad, but not this bad...
- I personally find little to complain about SSHRC's notification system. So it's late. At least everyone GETS notification, and all at the same time. Many postdocs don't bother to notify unsuccessful candidates, or do so only long after a list of first and second choices have had time to finalize their responses. This system takes longer (and, so far, not longer than they promised), but it's more even handed and verging on transparent. This I say in my most reasonable tone, mustering all the sympathy I can for people facing the 'problem' of weighing multiple offers and risking missing out taking up that SSHRC after all.
- I think the "problem" of multiple offers is not that we have the ability to pick and choose. Teaching offers have a deadline to accept or decline, and sadly that deadline passes before notification from SSHRC. So, one is left with accepting teaching offers and then having to back out (not so good) if SSHRC is obtained, or declining the offer in the hopes of getting SSHRC...worst case scenario being that one is left with neither in the end. I do not think comparisons to other postdoc systems is very helpful.
- 900 applicants: somehow I'm not surprised, as there has been an overproduction of phds for years and a non-existent job market. I guarantee the number will continue to rise next year and the year after that. Some competitions (i.e. those attached to Ivy League unis) have as much as 1,500 already, so expect that in about, oh say, 5 years. I feel sorry for those who are just starting grad school.
- If EAMS is secure, then there should be no reason why notification could not be posted there as soon as results come available. If EAMS is not considered secure, then all our information is in peril. If SSHRC is willing to maintain that EAMS is a secure site, then it makes sense that we can be notified via EAMS.
- Access to EAMS will be suspended as of March 31, 2010.
- UPDATE (March 2): I just emailed SSHRC about the mail date and they said that results will be mailed "sometime next week". So, be prepared for at least another 2 weeks of waiting to hear.
- Thanks. (x 2)
- I have it on fairly good authority (from someone I know who's working with SSHRC) that notification for the postdocs will be at least as late as last year (received approx. April 1). This is no fun at all, folks, but get set to wait it out for another month or so. I agree with the above poster who elaborated on the multiple offers "problem." Most of us aren't trying to decide between several fabulous job and postdoc offers, but are instead trying to plan out our adjunct work for next year if we have no success on the market. Also, my potential new department (if I win a SSHRC) has contacted me to say that they won't have any teaching for me if I don't know whether I'm coming or not in the next week or so because they have to assign courses for the Fall term now. Perfect. <-- Thanks for the detailed update. I agree with what's being said about planning problems resulting from the late notification: not only will it maybe be too late for me to get teaching and housing at my host institution, if we don't get notifications soon, but my current supervisor also needs to know ASAP if I'm going to stay at my current job another year, or if he has to hire someone else to take over my position if I get the SSHRC. I'm not complaining about having choices, but decisions do need to be made soon, and by others besides me...
- I am thinking that SSHRC has already ranked the applications. I am also thinking that they are waiting on the budget to be read this week in order to determine the number of awards to be funded in 2010-2011. This might explain why a large number of people were recommended for funding, but did not receive an award last year. Just a hunch... April 1... (sighs)
- 3 March 2010, posted by Princeton: I don't know anything about SSHRC's budget and budgetary timing, but I can tell you that they always have a list of "recommended but not funded", for both the Postdoctoral and Doctoral Fellowships. I know this from talking to other SSHRC recipients as well as from my own experience as both a Doctoral Fellowship holder and as a former Postdoctoral Fellowship... um... offeree? Whatever you call it... :)
- As much as I find the above speculative and non-speculative posts informative, it all comes down to this: it's beyond our control, at least for the present moment. So relax. No point in adding stress to our already stressful lives.
- I actually find that it reduces my stress to hear what other people have to say on this and to hear updates that people have heard. Even if it's speculative, it adds a modicum of control to an out-of-control situation. Please keep the posts coming! I like knowing I'm not alone in this.
- Last year's funding was absolutely stalled because SSHRC was waiting to see how much funding it had, which then influenced how many awards could actually be given out. I know someone who was on a different SSHRC committee and that was what the postdoc people were apparently saying. I wouldn't be at all surprised if the situation is the same this year. We can't really fault SSHRC for not knowing how much money they have available, but there's got to be a better way to run this whole thing.
- Does anyone know if SSHRC will be flexible about dissertation submission deadlines if they cannot get answers out before April? Wasn't the submission deadline April 1st? I don't want to turn mine in if I don't get a postdoc since that would cut me off from travel funding and summer teaching. But this is seeming unreasonably tight in terms of timing. I do wish they weer at least more transparent, even their situation is not entirely in their control. It's December 31st, not April 1st. From the SSHRC website: "To hold the award, applicants must...have completed all requirements for their doctoral degree before taking up the Postdoctoral Fellowships award, or, at the latest, by December 31, 2010."
- Perhaps someone here with much more tech savvy and organizational skills than I should create a petition to be delivered to SSHRC and released to the CBC. Our isolated queries and complaints given to program officers is not enough to get them to answer our questions or address our concerns. If we appear as an organized front, they will have to contend with us. Delays are one thing, but not bothering to notify us with an apology is both rude and unprofessional. SSHRC funding is not a gift - it is deserved on account of our hard efforts, so any claim that we are whiny beasts who believe in some ill-begotten sense of entitlement needs to be dispelled. It is not out our control if we concentrate our efforts collectively.
- My opinion only: many individual letters offering thoughtful recommendations for change have a greater potential impact than a single petition.
- I think the deadline was April 15, 2010 to submit, but it seems that extensions are allowed, but there is some bureaucracy. Budget has been read, it seems that same number of postdocs awarded last year will be the same number this year... first person to receive a response, let us know... (tick, tock, tick, tock...) ;-) ***See above: You can be finished anytime before December 31st and hold the award. They're not doing the April 15th thing anymore***
- For what it's worth, the Globe and Mail is reporting that SSHRC's budget for this year is $3M.
- It's not $3-million; it's $3-million more for the SSHRC. SSHRC’s base grant is about $355-million. (x1) -Thanks.
- Just spoke to a Programme Officer on the phone, who was very helpful regarding my situation (waiting to accept/decline a one-year job). They would not give me any information over the phone, but *swore* that notification is being sent Monday or Tuesday.
- I can live with that. Thank you for sharing this with us.
- Please, oh please, let that be true! (And I second the thanks for sharing.)
- I live in downtown Ottawa and I haven't received the notification yet!
- To the above poster: You'll be the first to receive notification, so please let us all know when you do. We'll all appreciate it!
- Update March 8: Yet another reassuringly precise response from SSHRC: 'The results for the Postdoctoral competition will be sent by regular mail sometime this week'. Should we start placing bets to liven things up?
- What's the spread?
- Now all we need is a strike by Canada Post to really get everyone grinding their teeth at night.
- By far the longest February in human history. Has the HST been applied to the calendar year, extending each month to 40 days?
- Received notice today 8/3, in Montreal. 43K in the first year, 38K in the second. (By the way I also received an email saying I had no Canadian address. It is possible that my dossier got put in a different workflow because of this and was sent earlier.)
- 8 March 2010: Congratulations, Montreal! And thank you for posting about your notification and results. I'm in Princeton, and my Canadian address is in Edmonton... wonder when/where I'll get my notification....
- 8 March 2010: Say, Montreal, did SSHRC send your letter to your "primary institutional affiliation" address, your "mailing address", your "temporary address", or your "courier address"? I'm just going over my EAMS application and I've been reminded of these categories. My primary institutional and temporary addresses are in the US (work and home), and I gave my permanent Canadian address as my mailing address. (I didn't give a courier address.) If you'd be kind enough to post where your letter went, that might help me figure out where mine is going to go.... Thanks!
- This is an important point. A week and a half ago I received a note, along with 5-6 other people, from SSHRC telling me I had failed to give a permanent Canadian address on my application (see my post, above). I responded with one (by email). My hunch is that the 6-7 applications without Canadian permanent addresses were pulled out of the system and handled separately, and that's why mine came so early. So take it easy, everyone. And notification will be going to your permanent Canadian address.
- Just for the record everyone: last year, we were told that the results were "going in the mail in the next few days" for over 5 weeks. I received my notice on April 1st. (How fitting.) So try to hang tight; it may be a while.
- Agreed about the need for a healthy dose of skepticism. Last time I talked with them, they said definitely late February or early March. Oh well.
- To Montreal: Sorry to add another question, but are they still evaluating the applications /30 as in previous years? To other central canadians: anyone else receive word? How strange.
- Out of 30.
- How could someone get a letter if the program officers are still saying that the letters haven't been put in the mail yet? SSHRC is a mystery to me and I'm not sure that the program officers even really know what's going on. In any event, if one letter has reached Montreal then others in Ontario/Quebec should get notification today.
- Another follow up question to Montreal: I think many of us would appreciate hearing the score you received on academic history and strength of proposal, so that we can begin to see where the cut-off point might be!
- 25.5 is a fundable score this year. Not sure how much this helps unless your application is the same as it was last year.
- I am in Peterborough, Ontario and I've received zilch......
- I suspect the letters are being sent in batches. And letters are sent to major cities first (and from there fan out) and need to be sorted out for delivery once they arrive at your local post office. Perhaps that's why Montreal got it first - major city, faster sorting, and faster delivery!
- I'm also in Montreal but received nothing. Perhaps "nothing" is in fact bad news, though.
- For the past few years, SSHRC has sent out rejections and acceptances at exactly the same time. As I recall from last year's wiki, people in Ottawa received notification first, then major cities in central and eastern Canada, and then, eventually (say 3-4 days later), people on the west coast.
- I agree with the above poster. Perhaps Montreal has played a joke on us. You know, we ARE pretty vulnerable (and gullible) at this point.
- Perhaps you're playing a joke on yourself.
- Oh, pul-lease. How petty. I'm every bit as glad as you are in hearing people give their results. In real life, there are people who do joke around (this wiki is a public forum where anyone from anywhere can post anything), and I think it wise to consider all possibilities.
- Consider whatever you like, privately. What seems petty is responding to someone's unselfish sharing of information with an accusation of fraud. Who does that help?
- In another context, the said person could be giving hope where there is none, and I consider that to be cruel. It is unselfish to give a possibility, and I have the freedom to post my view in public. The people here are critically-thinking individuals who don't eat word for word. They can choose to agree with me or not. As you can see from the later posts, people chose to accept your word, and I too decided to give you the benefit of the doubt before the results postings. It's unfortunate that you've become so attached to this non issue.
- OK, so I just looked at last year's wiki and I was wrong about Ottawa being the first to know. SSHRC program officers claimed on March 26 of last yearth that the letters had gone in the mail on the 25th. The first report of notification was from Toronto on the 27th and the second was from Montreal on the 31st. That's kind of an odd gap in time, really, which leads me to believe that perhaps SSHRC really does put these things out in batches. I have a friend who works for the government who claims that mass mailings are very hard to deal with (you can't just dump 900 letters in the postbox at once) and that you can really only send a certain number of letters out per day. I don't think that they send out acceptance and rejection letters separately, though. Who really knows... I'm extremely guillible, but I'm giving Montreal the benefit of the doubt. Fingers crossed for the rest of us.
- I live in Kingston, ON. I haven't received the notification yet!
- I was eaten by a shark! Drat!
- Huh. Thanks everyone (I'm the Montrealer who hasn't received anything). Instead of checking this site incessantly, I'm going out for a drink. I will try my hardest to avoid sharks. Best of luck to everyone.
- As I sit in London (the other one, without Big Ben)...Alas. On the 12 days of SSHRCmas, my program officer gave to me 10 EAMS notification messages, 9 canned responses, 8 teaching gig deadlines passing, 7 non-responses, 6 unrevealing news items on the SSHRC site, 5 deadline notification liiiiiiess...4 drunken nights, 3 nervous breakdowns, 2 sleepless nights, and a [acceptance/rejection] letter in my mailbox. I'm waiting for the last one.
- I second the drink.
- I'm in Montreal also and didn't receive anything today. To the poster who got the postdoc: wanna buy the rest of us Montrealers a beer?
- I'm the person who tried to take the tally (twice). Gosh, I think we're at least 8!
- Sounds like all of you are from the east. No Vancouverites like moi? ... well.. one thing's clear: sshrc decided to give 1 award this year and gave the rest to Own the Podium.
- I'm out west - Edmonton - nothing in the mail for me today! (8/3)
- An appeal to those that are not yet so demoralized by the SSHRC process that they are incapable of mounting a complaint against SSHRC's notification practices: when you complain, could you ask them also to account for the fact that they require so much of their applicants, take so long to adjudicate and send out results, and yet provide NO feedback on applications beyond a raw score? Months of work and coordination among referees were returned to me last year in the form of two (low) scores, each out of 15. No readers' reports, no explanation of decision, no mention of cut-off scores. Just two decontextualized numbers.
- Last year's cut off score was around 24/30. It'll be higher this year since there are, it seems, about 150 more applicants. Only a few years ago 1/3 people won these postdocs. Now (depending on this year's numbers, of course) it'll likely be around 1/6 or 1/7. I don't like those odds!
- But there are other factors at play, i.e. the quality of those extra 150 applicants (for all we know, they may not be all that threatening, for example, phds in their last year without solid publications and external funding, people with long-shot proposals, etc. - and the funding available (if there's more $ available this year, then the 24/30 may stay).
- letter received 8/3 in Toronto (home address)
- Toronto: Were you on the list of people recently asked by email to provide a mailing address? Just trying to determine for certain whether there's a trend, or if a larger batch has gone out.
- Nope, not on the list. I'm actually posting on behalf of my roommate, who listed our home address in Toronto on the form, which is where it was delivered. There seems to be no rhyme or reason to the mail outs (and Canada Post's delivery), since I have yet to receive my own notification.
- The SSHRC mystifies me. I applied three years ago and didn't make the cut. Instead in the same year with essentially the same application I got a much better grant with a 5-7% success rate, compared to 33%. This year I did make the cut, but my 13/15 track record score now reflects a 500K research grant, a long article, 4 reviews and a monograph. So either I'm not filling in the right slots on the grid, or this thing is just random.
- Congratulations (Montreal, Toronto??)!!! Might I ask your field? On a slightly selfish note, how concerned should we all be, not only about the SSHRC odds, but also about the state of the job market, when someone who has receivd a substantial research grant three years ago and has a monograph out is still on the postdoc market and doesn't have a tt position? Do those of us just finishing up, with some shorter articles and a history of just doctoral level fellowships stand any chance? Yikes.
- Congrats to the above winner! To the poster above me: as far as I know, committees take into account your year (how well are you compared to those at your level) and field (if you're in Psych or Sociology, you have more publications because of the nature of the fields - i.e. lab work, collaborations, etc., but in English where you're mostly solitary, you wouldn't).
- I'm the OP "winner": The answer to the first question is English. The answer to the last question is yes. In my experience (about 3 years on market in 3 countries while postdoccing, with varying levels of commitment to the process, from "will consider a dream job" to "will consider any job") there is no discernable relationship between one's academic accomplishments and one's success on the job market (TT or otherwise). Don't know whether this is a comfort to you or not, but I wouldn't worry about comparing CVs. Your particular subfield and connections are probably more important. And my sense is that in North America, and particularly in the US, ABD candidates stand a better chance than more accomplished late postdocs. I have many theories about why this might be the case, though none of them hold enough water to share. Anyway, best of luck.
- A new day dawns (March 9), and shiny Canada Post (or USPS or Royal Mail) trucks are zooming letters all over the country. Are any new SSHRC notifications among them? Best of luck to all if we are indeed at the start of a large wave of notifications! If not, well...
- (March 9) I received my letter at my permanent address in Toronto yesterday. Successful, with 12.4 on track record, 13.3 on proposal. I'm now in the UK so this info came via phone from my Mom...apparently the date on the letter is March 4th, and we need to respond within a month of this date. Good luck to all.
- Congratulations, Toronto-in-the-UK! You must be immensely relieved and thrilled! I'm here in London, Ontario still awaiting result, and it may come today or tomorrow (I hope). To be honest, to find out either way as to yea or nay will come as a relief to me so that the anxiety will be over and I can start planning the next year.
- March 9th, Montreal--just got my letter from sshrc: project funded. Good luck everyone!
- Anyone else received the notification? I haven't received it yet in Kingston, ON.
- March 9th, Montreal - j ust got the mail: no news. I want to plan my life! But alas, more waiting. Congrats to all the winners.
- Hearty congratulations to all successful applicants! Well, it'll be ages before it reaches the west coast.
- It's starting to look like funded projects are being notified first. I hope this isn't the case.
- I think it's more likely that people anal enough to follow a wiki about the decision-making process of award applications might also be the people with the stronger applications.
- Or more likely, people who received rejections aren't as *eager* to share as are people who have gotten awards.
- 9 March 2010: Princeton here, I haven't received my letter yet. I assume it will be going to my permanent (i.e., father's) address in Edmonton, but he hasn't gotten it yet, apparently. I do have a botanist friend at UBC who says a friend of hers in Boston got his letter (saying he is funded) yesterday. Boston, if you read this, congrats, and can you let us know if your letter was sent to Boston or to a Canadian address? Thanks! Finally, to Montreal #1, I'm horrified to see someone on here accused you of lying, just because you were the first person to get your letter. Considering what we all know about the vagaries of SSHRC and of Canada Post, lying should have been the last conclusion anyone would jump to. Thanks for continuing to post after that.
- No news for me yet. I'm wondering if anyone if there is anyone reading who has received notification and its been a "no." How can we know if the funded projects are being notified first? If someone has received notification and wasn't successful could you let us know?
- I just rang up SSHRC and the person who picked up the phone told me that only one batch has already been sent out and the rest will be sent out this week.
- Thank you for sharing that with us.
- Yes, thanks. But the question remains whether this batch consists in the successful applications. Did anyone get a rejection? If someone did and lets us know, we could reject the rejection together on the grounds of the awesome virtue of sharing.
- For any east-coasters, I just got notification in Halifax, funded (March 9th). Good luck everyone!
- Congrats to all who won so far - I think it is clear that all the winners were sent first. Makes sense. Sigh. (x4)
- Anyone heard yet in BC?
- Nope. I'm in Vancouver and no news. If it helps, the Canada Post website says that delivery is 2 working days for local, 3 working days for province (but one can consider that regional), and 4 working days for national. I guess letters were sent on March 5 (since Toronto says that letters were dated March 4). Given the above posts (Toronto, Monreal, Halifax), we're tomorrow - if indeed successful applicants get notified first. Good luck!
- Thanks, BC wiki friend!
- Anyone in the U.S. heard yet?
- Can anyone who has received a letter let us know how many applicants and awards there were this year?
- Congratulations, Halifax! And, congratulations SSHRC! We really thought that beyond the EAMS disaster and falling fall short of your notification promise of February there was nothing more you could screw up. But, of course, you could. You did well to notify only winners first, leaving the rest of us checking our mailboxes with ever greatening panic each day! Whearas silence just left us frustrated at your incompetence, it's now leaving us worried, too! Commiserations to all those still waiting on letters!
- Has anyone had any luck corresponding with SSHRC to get confirmation that they are pre-sorting their mailing according to funded/non-funded? I wonder if they even know this Wiki exists or if they are oblivious to the very possibility that we might actually be swapping information? My bet is on no if they still haven't figured out a secure solution for notifying applicants in a paperless (and therefore more cost-effective) fashion. I think we are mostly in agreement that SSHRC ought to emend its practices in the domain of communications and notification protocol, if not also streamlining their deliberation process to handle "extra applicant freight". To the previous poster who raised the point of a lack of context in the scoring, one can anticipate SSHRC's objection that it would unduly extend the deliberation time if explanations had to be provided. Not so transparent, but perhaps just a time-saving measure when these committees have to go through an enormous slog of applications. And to the previous poster who asserted that individual correspondence with SSHRC would be more effective, I have my doubts since an individual is much easier to ignore than a collective of people with a similar grievance. I do hope our winners will not forget the snafus of SSHRC, and would be just as ready to be open about their complaints with the process that just may result in making SSHRC's methods a bit better for future applicants. In London, Ontario, still waiting...
- I suspect that even if it is the case that SSHRC is indeed dividing the batches according to funded/non-funded, they would **never** concede this. They know we're on edge enough as it is, just waiting for the darn things to arrive in the mail. Imagine if they confirmed that if you didn't hear by, say, the end of this week it meant you were in the 'non-funded' batch? How many panicky emails would they have to deal with then on top of what they're already getting? Besides, transparency and forthrightness have not really been their strong suit.
- In response, I agree with your version. SSHRC would not stick its neck so far out as to make such declarations even if they felt they could if only because they don't necessarily have power over Canada Post et al in the delivery of mail. Delays happen in any system, including the postal, so it would be speculative on behalf of SSHRC to say "no letter by date x, no funding." As for dealing with our emails...let them. Part of their job description requires it.
- Given the overwhelming opinion on the wiki that the first batch consists of all the 'funded' letters, perhaps it's best to go over the facts as to whether this really is the case. At least that's slightly more productive than just worrying when the mail comes and nothing's there, and a whole lot more productive than writing one's dissertation! First, there have been to date 4 people from Central and Eastern Canada and one from Boston, who may have a Candian address, who have received letters. Of the four who have shared results, all four have been successful. If we presume, generously, that last year's odds are still in effect (1 in 5), then we should expect to have heard of about roughly 12-15 rejections as well. But we have heard none. We are, of course, not dealing with a proper sample. We don't know how many people are on here and of course the 1 in 5 will never exactly work out with a partial sample anyways. And, we have to factor in the additional psychological factor: funded people are more likely to rush onto the wiki to share their news than those who were unsuccessful. Given the unknowns, it's possible - not perhaps likely but possibe nonetheless - that this is a weird coincidence. Perhaps whatever method SSHRC is using to mail out the letters aligns in such a way with the people on this wiki that we're only hearing positives. Four, after all, is not a huge number. If the results keep coming, and they're all funded, yep, I guess that's how they've done it. For now, I think we can stay calm.
- Yep. Could be an alphabetical mailing (or ordinal, by application number), with only the funded applicants posting their results.
- It is a limited sample. I, for one, will make news available regardless of acceptance or rejection.(x4)
- I agree, but if I lose (when I lose?), I won't be gracious. So there.
- March 10: called SSHRC this morning, the officer claims that a mix of funded and non funded letters went out in the first batch. The second and last batch is suppose to consist of funded and non-funded. My guess is this, the first group contains the majority of funded projects. It is possible that SSHRC will committ additional funds to post-docs with their extra $3-million, which means that this week they are crunching numbers to determine how many additional awards to issue. Clearly, this is all linked to the announcement of the budget last week, so maybe we need to remind the federal government that their constituents' make life decisions based on government agencies' level of funding! The government should announce their budgets in February!
- Thanks very much for this information! However few funded letters may be in the second batch, it should at least be heartening for those of us who don't hear in the next few days to know we still have it a chance. Any indication of when the second batch might go out? Being in the UK, I already have an extended wait. If it's not till next week, and I'm in the second batch, it could be nearly April when I hear! As for the 'extra $3-million'. Not sure if that will translate into any extra postdocs. From what I've been told, that will barely keep up the base $355-million grant with inflation, if that, so they will probably hold on to that. Not sure we're first priority if there is extra money, either.
- Thanks for this info! I think the first batch must have more aceptances because I can't imagine human psychology has drastically changed since last year, when people did announce that they were not funded before people started to announce that they were. Something is clearly different here.
- the officer said at the end of this week. let's see what happens...
- The second mail-out went out today.
- Peterborough here - nothing in the mail today. Very frustrating.
- Kingston here - nothing in the mail today.
- I keep reloading this page. I don't know what I expect you all to tell me that my mailbox hasn't, but boyhowdy do I not enjoy this process. Appreciate the company, though
- Agreed -- the company is lovely. (x2) I'm pretty sure at this point that I'm not going to win one of these things, but it's great to have others to wait with. I really appreciate everyone posting. On another note: I asked yesterday if any of the winners have the stats that are usually included in the notification letter about the number of applicants and awards. Anyone?
- 147/890
- I agree with both people above. I keep checking this page every few hours, feeling as if more information will somehow make me feel better about the anxiety of waiting to receive that letter in the mail. The things we do...
- I just phoned SSHRC (those poor CSRs) to ask if the batches are organized using any kind of logic (e.g. alphabetized, winners/losers, birthdates, gemstones etc...) and she said no. They get the letters all together and then send out a set number per day. I had to resist the urge to ask if she could just give me a hint (e.g. one cough for yes, you won! Or two coughs for no, you're screwed!
- Can't tell you how happy I am to have company in this wait. I just found this message board, after trying various google searches for things like 'SSHRC 2010 results', 'SSHRC postdoc 2010', etc. Finally I found it with: "Has anyone heard from SSHRC postdoc 2010?" Apparently google was looking for a syntactic hint of desperation.
- Many thanks to whoever posted those stats. It looks like 6 fewer awards were handed out this year. At least that's not a huge drop, I guess, but there were 125 or so more applicants than last year. We've got a 1/6 chance of winning, folks
- Well, at this point, I'd say the odds are less than that. I have another funded letter to report which came on Monday 8th, like the first reported success from Montreal. Not for me, unfortunately, but for a friend in Toronto, while I (same city, same first initial in surname) have received nothing. The simple fact that not one person has reported a "we regret to inform you" either among posters or their acquiantance suggests that the first mailing was at the least, very top-heavy with winners. Still, I am willing to believe that there is more good news to come for at least a few people. But I may be naive - I just cannot believe that the SSHRC person would outright LIE about it, when there is the option to just say nothing. Side note: I can't believe how excited we all are about getting $40K for insecure work.
- Congratulations to your friend - and good luck to you as you continue with your wait! Admittedly, in spite of the small sample size, the anecdotal evidence points to the fact that the first mail-our consisted entirely, or almost entirely, of notices of funding. But, if the above poster was given accurate information by SSHRC (not a given) that there are only two mailing batches, this seems like it couldn't be possible. Why have a batch of 150 letters and one of 750? Why bother dividing them up in that case at all? You'd think they'd try to be more or less even, in which case there should have been a considerable number of rejections sent out. So perhaps we need another explanation why we're only hearing successs stories.
- Based on my adventures with SSHRC program officers both last year and this year, I'd say that it's most likely that they don't actually have a clue what's going on. Perhaps they're left pretty much as in the dark as we are by the people higher up? Last year, for instance, I had a program officer swear to me that notification would go out "on Monday" for 2 or 3 Mondays in a row. Of course, it finally showed up 5 weeks later. I think she was just saying whatever she thought would make me feel better because she really didn't know. Anyway... it's entirely possible that the officer who stated that there were 2 mailouts and that acceptance/rejection letters are all mixed together has no idea what's really happening in the mail room.
- Any news yet in Vancouver?
- i'm the poster that called this morning. i'm inclined to believe that the 147 mailouts have been mailed. the only other method for explaining the mailouts is the timing of the application. possibly our letters are mailed based on how our applications were queued
- March 10 - just got my letter in Chicago - funded (24.8)
- Here's some info, which I doubt will be useful, except for the fact that it's info: Application funded, letter rec'd 8/3, postal code beginning H4, last name beginning W, application number beginning 1004XXX.
- Chicago, thanks for posting! So, they sent the letter to your US address? Had you provided or were you later asked for a Canadian address? And did the letter end up going to your "institutional affiliation" address, your "permanent address", your "mailing address", or your "courier address"? Sorry for all the anal questions, but I gave SSHRC 2 US addresses and 1 Canadian address, and I'm trying to figure out which mailbox I (or my duly appointed representative) needs to lurk next to... :) -- I only gave them one address (at least according to what I can still view on EAMS)
- Congrats, all! Alright, I concede, SSHRC has apparently started their mailings by sending out only the letters of funded projects first. There's no other way to explain it at this point. Let's just hope there's still some good news to be had later this week and early next.
- Everyone's id begins with 1004. Rather we can round the figure, for example, I'm in the 1004700s and I have not received a response.
- Not everyone: I'm 1005...
- Vancouver here: no mail. It looks like I'm in the second batch (unless there was a delay in sorting and delivery), which bites if the funded ones are in the first.
- Vancouver again: I'm going out on a limb here - though I do think that all hope is lost on my end - that the first batch consisted of scores 24.5 or higher and that the second batch is from the lowest to 24.4. There would, in that case, be a few funded in the second.
- Don't give up hope yet, Vancouver! Given the way SSHRC has done everything so far - random and disorganized at best, totally incompetent at worst - can we really expect to believe that they got their mail-out so well organized as to send out every single acceptance letter first, and all at the same time? I don't believe they were half that organized - I'm sure there are some acceptances in the 2nd batch. And even if SSHRC did, by some miracle, manage to send out all the acceptance letters together in one day, the vagaries of the postal system suggest we might not all receive those letters at the same time. So, I see no reason to give up hope till the rejection letter is actually in my hand. (And, since nothing has arrived for me in either Edmonton or Princeton yet, I'll keep hoping it's an acceptance and not a rejection that's on its way... :) )
- I have to teach today, so I will not be able to watch the mail like a hawk. It's going to be a loooooong day. Good luck everyone!
- Same here. I almost want to call in sick until the results are in my hand.
- [March 11]. Anything new?
- Nothing in the mail today!
- Same here. I'm a new poster in Toronto. From the sounds of it, I'm an unlikely candidate but I've been enjoying this supportive thread over the past week and wish everyone much success.
- I'm in Vancouver - nothing in the mail yet! :S (March 11)
- Waiting for my (likely) rejection letter is killing me! Seriously, this whole thing is such a downer. First it was a terrible job market that kicked me to the curb and now SSHRC. I know there are no guarantees in any profession, but the academic ordeal seems particularlystressful/cruel. Sigh. At least now I can start making plans for next year... (x2 or actually, x700 it feels)
- I feel like I'm being held captive! No news yet in New Brunswick.
- All quiet on the Montreal front (March 11).
- Wow, ok. I just got off the phone with a program officer who told me that all SSHRC postdoctoral results have been put in the mail. She insisted, repeatedly, that ALL of the results went out YESTERDAY. There's no way, she said, that the letters were sent out in batches. We all know at this point that that isn't true since some people received results before the supposed mailout yesterday (I wasn't going to get into it with her and explain that I check the wiki), so this just reinforces the notion that the people answering the phones have no idea what's what.
- At this point, I think leaking a list of winners would be the most efficient and humane thing to do.
- Agreed. They do put out a list eventually, but not until the end of April.
- Vancouver again: funded, 24/30!! The stupid mailman must have called sick yesterday!!! The letter is dated March 4. To other Vancouverites: keep your hopes up, as Canada Post seems to be a bit quirky out west. You may get it tomorrow. To everyone, good luck and thanks for such wonderful support!!
- Congrats Vancouver, but doesn't this seem rather piecemeal? I mean, how many of us have not received a thing? I am in Peterborough for Christ's sake (x2)
- That's great, Vancouver!
- Empty mailbox here in Victoria.
- Vancouver again: I apologize if I sounded like I didn't care about anyone out east. :( This is not the case. I said it based on the date of the first batch, which seems to have made a late appearance out west given the 4-day delivery standard of Canada Post (for mail from Ottawa to BC). There may be funded letters coming out and I sincerely hope that all of you receive good news.
- I'm feeling like we're in an episode of LOST. Only those touched by Jacob are getting their letters and learning that they're candidates. The rest of us had our names & numbers crossed out in a cave somewhere in Ottawa...
- Hahahaha! Can we send the smoke-monster to SSHRC? I need some payback;)
- So, just for the record: so far NO ONE has received a rejection. Is this right?
- Have not received a rejection, have not heard of anyone receiving a rejection. (x11)
- Would any of the winners be willing to share a little info about themselves along the lines of a) are you in social sciences or humanities; b) where are you at in your career (ABD, 2 years out, etc); and c) how many peer-reviewed publications do you have? It would be great to get a sense of what a succesful applicant looks like this year.
- Still no mail in Edmonton!
- Just found this today and don't know if I am happy or devastated. Looking at this thread as well as last year's makes it seem like a giant crap shoot--and a crap shoot in which the odds are all the more stacked against us.
- to previous poster - I hear you. The outpourings of desperate rationalization, clutching at straws, and over-powering angst are at times humourous, and at other times heart-wrenching. Personally, now feeling certain that I have been rejected again, I feel both intellectual acceptance (tough competition) and emotional despair (how could I have been so stupid?). The despair is expressed mostly in worsening insomnia, with anxiety waking me up this morning at 2, after going to sleep at 11. I am giving much thought to whether I have the fortitude for this. This will be my 3rd postdoc rejection and each one, no matter how determined I am to be OK with it, is like waiting for the result of medical tests. Just fucking awful. I am on the verge of selling my house and moving to somewhere cheap, warm, and far away. My husband sent me a funny-serious motivational shtick about how people who want success must not just accept, not just value, but SEEK failure, since failure is your best friend. I don' think I will get there any time soon, so I think I wil probably be leaving the field to you more resilient types. Shame, because I'm actually very, very good at it, but clearly that is not enough.
- Rejection is never easy, and as much as we can put a stoic face on it, to feel inured against it, there's always a feeling of unavoidable disappointment no matter how we attempt to mask it. It is bad enough that as academics we are misperceived by the general public as lazy, pointless, and living off the fat of the land with cushy jobs, but to struggle like this (ten years of postsecondary, likely racking up enormous student debts) only to go tin-cupping around to an indifferent market takes incredible fortitude. The gap between how we are perceived and the actual perpetual humiliation we are subjected to is enormous. It is enough to make us feel like third-class citizens. I hear you on the insomia front, and let's hope - acceptance or rejection - notification will result in regular sleeping hours once more. What else can we do as we're turned away again and again but try to derive enjoyment from the part of academia we enjoy: thinking, researching, and writing. Even without being funded, it is in our nature to do regardless if we are funded, have tt jobs, or are working at a Tim Horton's.
- I'm steeling myself for another bummer. If SSHRC thumbs me down, that will make three rejections in a short period: CanCouncil for the Arts, Ontario Arts Council, and then SSHRC. It's hard to believe in what you're doing when committees keep saying no. I could repose in Nietzsche's notion of the uncanny, or Ezra Pound's statement that a thinker/artist is not recognized in his/her time, etc., but it's too damn cliche to languish in the cold comfort of being the starving artist/academic. Looking back now at my project pitch, it was perhaps too theoretical which doesn't seem to woo the SSHRC's committees who may be more predisposed to funding "practical" research. Just another navel-gazer over here, I would wager.
- March 12: Nothing in the UK. Air Mail is usually 5-7 days, sometimes faster, so it's likely I wasn't in the first batch. Back to the drawing board...
- It's a big fat lottery and while the stakes are high, SSHRC is not the be all and end all. A book contract holds more weight. Keep plugging away if you can, but if you can't, there is no shame in leaving academia - three of my friends have done so with great success. I may one day as well. We all got institutional nominations, indicating someone with keys to the executive bathroom thinks we have what it takes. Please do not wrap your self-worth in this process.
- 12 March. Good morning one and all! I'm writing from North Carolina. I called SSHRC this morning and was told my letter would be mailed here, to my US address, not my permanent Canadian one. I don't know if someone else has already confirmed this about foreign addresses, but there you go. If there's any consolation in all of this, it's that the decisions have already been made and everything has been mailed out. We'll all know soon enough. My best to everyone who's still waiting/deciding. March is a terribly stressful time in academia, but if you've made it this far, then you probably have an awful lot to be proud of already! Cheers.
- In Toronto, just received a letter from what I imagine is the second batch (postmarked the 10th). Not awarded funding, but placed on a list of "if additional spaces become available". Good luck to those who are still waiting!
- Received rejection letter in Ottawa.
- Rejection received - Toronto (x3)
- toronto insomniac here - one received rejection today postmarked march 10, with score of 19.5/30 placed on wait list (not holding my breath on that) Best to you all and once more thanks for the support.
- Score was 21.7/30. The letter doesn't say anywhere that I am placed on a wait list.
- Northern California: still waiting. Sorry to those who received rejection letters: could you tell us whether you had peer-reviewed publications?
- Ottawa: I had 3 peer-reviewed publications.
- Toronto, March 12th, rejection received.
- Argh. It would seem that what was postulated earlier might be in fact true. The "winners" were sent out first and all of us now waiting are waiting in vain. If this is the case, that's a really annoying move on behalf of SSHRC.
- I'm willing to lead the rallying charge for a comprehensive complaint against SSHRC for its incompetence in many areas. We've received misinformation, the process lacks transparency, the scores lack context, and the system for notification is archaic at best. SSHRC has failed to even consider harmonizing with university schedules for hiring. Who is with me? I'd like to draft this document and obtain enough signatures that I can present to the HRDC or whomever deals with complaints about SSHRC's practices.
- I am. Seriously, FQRSC is a million times better--especially as regards scoring.
- I am, too. I'm absolutely stunned. I mean, I just couldn't believe that SSHRC would be so deceptive as to outright lie about the fact that acceptances and rejections went out a week apart (not mixed, as we were told, in two batches). But, the proof seems to be in the pudding. My sympathies to all those who have received rejection letters (and for those anticipating them). Being in the UK and having heard nothing yet, I can't conclusively rule out that I'm not in the first batch (int'l air mail is unpredictable), but if nothing comes tomorrow (yes, we have saturday postal delivery here), then I think that's that. To the above, yes, I'd be happy to sign a document calling for more transparency (or at least no more lying; cryptic remarks are bad enough) and a much better (and more timely) notification process. As for context, I would be all for that, just not sure that wouldn't work against speeding up the process. I'm not convinced how much context they can give either - at least there are scores. Other postdocs and jobs I've applied for just wrote polite rejection letters. For my first year on the market, what a demoralizing experience. Thank God I love my research, but not sure how many years I can do this for. Too much rejection, too much getting jerked around and being treated like s**t.
- Yeah, too much rejection. This whole experience is beyond depressing.
- If anyone else who has received an acceptance/rejection letter might be willing to share a bit of info abot their application profile (social sciences/humanities, ABD or done, and number of peer-reviewed publications), I think that everyone would be grateful. We can at least create some context on our own!
- Ok, so here is my rough draft - your comments or additions more than welcome: We the undersigned are issuing a complaint as to the practices of SSHRC. In consultation with the stakeholders (successful and unsuccessful applicants), we require resolution for the following matters:1) Due to the firm deadline for application, and what is asked of applicants to be considered eligible for competition, we feel that SSHRC must be held accountable for providing a firm deadline for the notification of results. As it stands in this competition period of 2010, results were to be released to applicants according to the SSHRC website's deadline of February 2010. We not only feel that this date is vague given that applicants were held to a precise deadline of October 6th, 2009, but that this deadline was rendered factually incorrect (notifications were sent postmarked March 4th and 10th, respectively). No correspondence was issued to notify applicants of the delay, nor was this recorded on the SSHRC website.2) There has been conflicting information given by program officers to various applicants regarding notifications and mailout dates. We wish to remind SSHRC that it is responsible for a unified message to avoid the transmission of conflicting data.3) We feel that SSHRC's notification deadline fails to appreciate its applicants, and move that SSHRC harmonize its notification with that of most universities. Given that many postdoctoral applicants must decide on teaching for the next school year, and that these decisions are made during or before the posted notification date, this leaves applicants in a state of limbo as they await confirmation of results. We do not think it is SSHRC's intention to cause undue harm to the applicants, but a concrete plan is required before the next competition to address and resolve this issue out of fairness to the applicants.4) Notification by email, via the email details applicants utilized in their application, should be sufficient means to notify applicants of their results. Not only would this be a cost-cutting measure, thereby reducing the number of mailouts for those applicants who can elect to be notified via email, but it would also mean the more timely transmission of results. The claim that SSHRC has no secure means of sending emails out to applicants is false when we consider that SSHRC uses the EAMS system which has sent out notifications for the receipt of applications. 5) Providing a raw score without proper context is insufficient. Applicants require elaboration on results. Although we do acknowledge that this will involve more time on behalf of the committees to comment on all applications, we believe this will render the process of selection more transparent.In sum, we the undersigned feel that SSHRC's current methods of selection are opaque, its communication methods incompetent. We have had no choice but to use the internet as a means of monitoring the process given the lack of appropriate correspondence from SSHRC Program Officers. If the Program Officers are ill-equipped to answer questions, please prioritize either more effective employee training or consider more open communication between departments to facilitate factual information relay.
- Well done - thanks for this. I also think a word should be put in about the utter failure of the EAMS system. I know of a number of applicants whose instiutional nominees simply gave up!
- Aren't they dismantling the EAMS system now? In the notification that said it wouldn't be available after March 31, they said it was part of 2 year pilot-phase online system and now that they have feedback from these past two competitions, they will use it to create a new online system.
- And the system used prior to EAMS sucked as well. I have no doubt that these juicy web contracts are totally partisan. I think the more that can be said on how awful and devastating EAMS has been, the better.
- Still no letter for me, at my Edmonton address or either of my Princeton addresses. Although, unfortunately, my campus mail gets delivered to a box in my dept. secretary's office, and he has gone out and locked the door behind him. So my SSHRC letter may be sitting there right now, where I can't get at it! I'm even more worried about this possibility because next week is spring break here at Princeton, so if the letter has gone to my campus address, I may not get it until March 22nd now. o_O (At least that part wouldn't be SSHRC's fault...)
- Rejection letter today in Toronto. This said, the date of the letter is March 4th. Not sure why it came later than the others on March 4th ...
- Application info: Denied funding. Humanities. ABD. 1 peer-reviewed publication.
- My info: Denied. Humanities. 1 year out. 3 peer-reviewed publications.
- Nothing received and I am in
- Nothing yet here, either, but most likely rejection (London, ON). 1 year out, 25 peer-reviewed publications.
- 25 publications!?!?!
- Yeah, I started back in my undergrad. They don't mean much since they're all over the place in terms of disciplines. Wide range of interests may seem like I'm some sort of polymath to some, but to most it makes me look like a diletante :(
- Toronto here: March 12. Received letter (dated March 4). Received funding, score.
- Oh, Toronto! Congrats! You've just renewed everyone's hope! Can you tell us anything about your winning profile?
- Me (Toronto): Humanities ABD; former SSHRC-CGS doctoral fellowship; 9 peer-reviewed publications
- Rejection in Toronto: 22.9/30 gets you to the wait-list but not to the big bucks
- Any social sciences acceptances/rejections?
- Ottawa: Social science. ABD. Score 21.7/30 (Not funded). Former SSHRC doctoral fellowship. 3 peer-reviewed publications.
- OK, so when they say that you're on a wait list, is this perhaps a new term for what they used to call "recommended but not funded"? Or do they include that bit of info as well. Just curious because last year people on the wiki were specifically told that there was no wait list and that rejected offers just go back into the SSHRC coffers.
- Montreal, March 12th: still no news. Grrr.
- Also in Montreal and also no news.
- I am actually interested in whether anyone here (especially if you've been funded) applied alongside a university that's not in Canada, US, Europe, Australia, Japan or Singapore. I have been doing a little research and I've never seen anywhere in Central/South America, Caribbean, Africa, South Asia, Eastern Europe, Middle East, etc. Would love to know if someone has been funded to work at a university that's not in a western/wealthy nation. Very very curious!
- Umm.. just want to add something here. Doesn't the project count for half of the score? It's not just publications and past awards that the committee looks at!
- Re: the wait list. The wording is "your name has been placed on a list of fellowships recommended for funding should additional spaces become available". My guess is that the timing of the awards is so late that many are placed in a position of declining them and SSHRC needs to show that they are using up their budget. I have no idea how they are dealing with this and I imagine that it's based on score within area of research.
- Yes, the project counts for half, but no one reads the project proposal in a vacuum, even if it is separated from the track record info that's provided in the application (and I don't know that the two kinds of info are, if fact, separated when they're evaluated). Many applicants will refer to their publications in their proposals, for instance, thus making the proposal itself seem more valid, substantial, etc.
- Rejection with 1 peer reviewed publication and doctoral SSHRC. Letter is dated March 4, but the envelope is post-dated March 10. There *were* 2 batches, folks.
- For the Toronto poster who had good news today: Your letter was dated March 4, but was it postmarked March 10? Just wondering if there were indeed acceptances in the second batch.
- Toronto, received today, letter dated March 4th, not funded. Score was 23/30...ABD, former SSHRC, OGS and Ricard doctoral fellowships. 4 peer-reviewed publications.
- Above poster: Are you in the social sciences or humanities? And does 23/30 get you onto the wait list?
- To "Above poster": I am in the social sciences and my letter did say wait list, BUT I get the impression that everyone's letter says that. A friend who scored lower also had that on the letter, too. I think it's just a part of the form letter they send out. It's embedded in the first paragraph of the letter.
- Has anyone heard anything in BC today?
- Not me, in Vancouver.
- This is going to be one LONG weekend of waiting.(x1)
- Toronto. Rejection letter received - dated March 4, postmarked March 10. Big slap in the face score of 16.6/30. Social science (maybe I should've picked Humanities - I crossover). ABD. OGS, CGS-SSHRC, and Arts Council awards. 2 peer-reviewed publications. Is my research THAT bad?! Perhaps I should take a job in the government as everyone keeps suggesting. Good luck to the folks waiting, and congrats to all winners.
- Dear (above): I received a similarly disheartening score last year (diss. finished, SSHRC-CGS fellow, 3 peer-reviewed, blah, blah, blah). while it's always depressing to get rejected, you must appreciate that the SSHRC scoring is (i) relative to the other applications (you didn't actually receive a 55%); and (ii) slightly bogus. It seems to me that SSHRC gives the rejected applications extremely low scores after they've decided not to fund you simply to forgo any complaints.
- This wiki is embarrassing.
- I agree with the above poster. It's sad that a simple scoring system which is used in grade school can cause such distress. This is the ugly part of academia, when the tiny details matter so much that the important matters - action - is ignored. This is going to sound unpopular, but if there's any fault, 50% is the Council and 50% is our reaction to it. Someone earlier said something about a petition: great, that's the first step and kudos to you. The rest need to examine why they let their identities get so caught up in this. I want peers that can win and lose with dignity. That's what makes a profession worth being in: the quality of the people in it. Losing with dignity means accepting the situation, examining the loss, and finding solutions. (And fyi, I got 2 rejections today, so I'm not speaking from some secure and lofty position.)
- I agree somewhat (and I've been the one agitating for the petition), but I don't think the issue is losing as such, but the way in which we lose that is disheartening. The scores are somewhat shrouded in mystery since they lack more concrete context. I think if we knew what to improve and what SSHRC is looking for, we would be better prepared in gearing our applications according to their criteria (or choose not to enter the competition if our research honestly did not fall under the criteria for evaluation). I suppose it is very much like a tenure review given that we cannot know for sure beyond broad criteria what is expected of us to "win" so to speak.
- I'm not sure dignity is really the issue here. I think that everyone is sincerely troubled by the frightening economic and psychological situation that recent phds are put in. What lacks some dignity I suppose (or at least direction), are these attempts to complain to SSHRC about its processes. We (and here comes another potentially unpopular suggestion) have no power in the face of a major government organization. Yes, it is maddening, byzantine, and Kafka-esque--but ultimately they hold all the cards and give a rat's ass about how much the rabble squirms. Surely, the exhaustive discussions above and the many reports of information recieved from SSHRC is an indication of this fact. If most of us had more options, we'd likely all have given SSHRC the bird long ago. The real problem is the economy and the effects that this is having on the doctoral market more generally. This is an obvious point, I know, and many have made this point already. But I can't help but remember that two of my friends applied for the SSHRC post-doc 5 years ago. These two people were fine scholars, but certainly no finer than the majority of us here today. They both got the SSHRC PDF with ABD and 1 (count it: ONE) peer-reviewed article. They both now have tenure-track positions. The standards for both jobs and fellowships continues to rise astronomically due to the increased competition and economic down-turn. The problem is that we have not yet caught up to speed with these new expectations. But then SSHRC would never tell us what they are anymore than a tenure committee would. Five years from now, everyone will simply take it for granted that you need 5-9 peer-reviewed articles (or perhaps even a book already) to get the SSHRC PDF. Take at look at the stats above for those that received funding. 5, 9, 25 peer-reviewed articles, etc. This is the trend we are battling against and no amount of impotent griping to SSHRC is going to change the gap between expectations and scholarly output. For myself, I have not yet heard the results, but expect nothing from SSHRC yet again. We apply for these things because that's what we do. We receive numerous rejections and hopefully one or two acceptances. We try to shake it off and move on. Clearly what we all need to do now is sit down at our desks and plan the next article submission. Only then to we stand a chance of landing anything in the future.
- You couldn't be more wrong. I couldn't give a rat's ass how "embarrassing" this wiki is or how "undignified" it is to complain about a system that is currently designed to eradicate tenure. How about getting involved with the CAUT? Many organizations, such as ACCUTE, have been fundamental in SSHRC scrapping EAMS and changing to a new system. There is no way on God's green earth that I am going to self-flagellate and simply say (in Droopy Dog's voice) "Oh dear, we all need to just do what we are told." Voices do get heard, but first those voices need to actually speak up. We are probably a group that will struggle, but we can at least try to stop the academic inflation that claims we must practice "excellence," without ever defining the parameters of excellence. Here are two articles that you all need to read. Get active for Christ's sake and stop saying "this is just the way it has to be." and
- Again, I find myself partially in agreement with the poster just above this one. I'm both the petition agitator and the one with 25 peer-reviewed sweet nothings. I have yet to hear back with my result, and fully expect to be declined for reasons that have more to do with SSHRC's partnering with a more "pro-business" model for selection criteria. I do think voices are heard if they are persistent enough and directed to the right place. I do think voices matter when we congregate like this on the internet and kvetch in agreement toward a common set of failures inherent to any system. I will speak for myself that perhaps I am one of those cranks who pesters his MPs frequently. Through a few well-placed arguments, a bit of rhetorical finesse in giving but the whiff that you are resourceful enough to expand your grievance to people and venues that cannot be ignored, you can effect some change - or at least consideration. I, for one, got tired of seething on the sidelines and got involved with my political party by taking on a few important roles. I feel more in agreement with the poster immediately above me. To accept this situation, even despite economic explanations of doctoral markets and less fed funding, is tacit consent. I simply cannot be a party to any unfair practices. Naive and idealistic, yes, but I hold every organization and individual to the same standards I hold myself. I will continue to fight and can only hope there are several beside me as I plough forward. Ah, "rally to my white plumes for you shall always find them on the path to victory!" (Henry VI). Let's not pass anything like this over in cynical silence. CAUT, ACCUTE, and even CFS are great organizations that fight for our community. We need not stop there.
- At the very least, this wiki provides people with a place to vent with others who might understand. Not all of us have built-in communities of peers at our institutions who are going through the same experiences that we are. And I really don't think that anyone on here sounds as though they aren't losing with dignity. They're disappointed, sure, but who wouldn't be? In fact, many "losers" who have posted about their failure to receive funding have congratulated those who have been successful. That's pretty classy.
- But all this because SSHRC was a week late!?
-, not because SSHRC is late - these are long-standing issues that need to be aired out and this forum is as good as any.
- Responding to long post above that the bar is getting higher for number of publications needed to get a pdf, and the much earlier post that a book contract holds more weight: I have no publications. I applied for a SSRHC pdf for three reasons: 1) so I could turn out articles, 2) to build my networks, 3) to teach. The first one is the most important. A book in my field holds little weight. Articles are the only thing that will move my career forward, whether I work inside or outside of academia. I have a full-time job that's unrelated to my research. Nothing is stopping me from working on publications evenings and weekends. But it is more challenging to do that, and I can turn out less while working f/t than if I'm postdocing. A rising entry bar for gaining a SSHRC pdf in terms of # of publications defeats the purpose (for me) of applying in the first place.
- We turn on SSHRC because we need a target. Re dignity: this poster is incredibly patronizing - the ground is shifting beneath our feet and there is much at stake for many of us - our families' well-being etc. And you want to see people acting with more dignity????? How about compassion? How about with knowledge? The idea that all we need to do is sit down and start the next article......what we need to accept is that there is an enormous over-production of PhDs from the point of view of quality academic jobs. I can see things going to a place where a phd will just give you a better shot at that legal secretary job, just as happened with a BA in the 80s. Bit exaggerated maybe, but you all know that there's some truth to what I'm saying - credential inflation etc.. We all thought that we were the one, that if we worked really hard, etc etc. And that is the way it used to be. not too long ago, if you could manage to get through the phd process, you were pretty much guaranteed a good job. But going for tt is now getting to be like going for 'movie star' or 'pop singer' in the sense that you need not only enormous talent, endurance etc, but also just an enormous dose of pure luck. The Simpsons has a lot of recurrent gags about how clued out grad students are in terms of their expectations. Gues s I should have watched more Simpsons. Anyway, the point is, we need to look at many different things, and to me one of the worst is the way that grad students are enticed with promises of success in academia - that is, by not emphasizing how very very tight the market is - people don't KNOW that it will be that bad, but even when they do, it is in their interest (administration's) to just keep filling the spots. This is one place that harm is done.
- Against my better judgment, permit me the final remarks: Firstly, I did not intend to get the optimistic activists out there in huff (and this is not intended as a burn either; clearly we would make no progress in the world without people of your ilk--so thank you for having the initiative and vision to fight for a better way of life). Despite my own pessimism, time will tell re: SSHRC's willingness to listen to our collective voices. It certainly can't hurt to speak up. That said, I agree with the previous poster regarding the overproduction of PhDs and the general ignorance of outgoing graduate students regarding the shortage of funding and jobs in the academy. The important point here (and I think all of us--the pessimists, the dignified and non-dignified, the stoically resilient, and the optimisitically activitist--agree on this one) is that we need to stick together and not let the shortage of food sources spiral downward into a cannibalistic feeding frenzy. The disappointments and frustrations, not to mention the psychological damage inherent in this kind of process, simply makes most of the posts look negative in the least and mean-spirited in the worst. I think that everyone posting on this wiki means well. It's a real benefit to have this forum for commiseration, venting, or calls to action.
- agreed - and beautifully put. thank you (x2)
- Came across this article on peer review and grants/tenure and thought that some of you might find it interesting:
- The overproduction of PhDs and perhaps what a previous poster called a general ignorance of outgoing graduate students is indeed part of a problem, but it was now a vicious circle. Universities almost require a steady supply of fresh grads to justify this as a kind of a jobs program (reminiscent to how Reagan viewed the DoD). For every grad student coming in with external funding, the university gets x number of dollars. You can see where this logic leads. The net value of a grad student to the university is about five times what the grad student receives in either internal or external funding.
- Today is the Ides of March. Perhaps we will all get notices today, some of us clutching our rejection letters and proclaiming "Et tu, SSHRC? Then fall postdoc!"
- Still nothing in the mail in NC.
- Rejection received in Montreal with a 17.5. I had a bad project score, which is puzzling because I had shown the proposal to a number of experts in my field, and they saw no problem with it. Anyway, I was expecting it based on this wiki.
- My project score last year was similar (no news yet this year). It is puzzling and I can understand your disappointment. I showed my proposal to many individuals and they all thought it was top-notich. My external this year is the top scholar in the specific field I am working--she also thought it was fabulous. But again, these things don't seem to be the factors that we can count on. There is a definite disconnect between scholarly worth and fundability.
- NC posting again: my parents in southern Ontario just received the letter: rejected with a 22.2/25. Time for booze.
- I am sorry NC - are you on the waiting list? I am in Peterborough, Ontario and I have heard nothing. I phoned SSHRC and they said to wait until Wednesday. ARRRGGGGGHHHHH!
- Ugh. No mail in Montreal today either. This is driving me crazy. I want to receive this rejection already so I can share in the booze. You know, different people like different projects. A lot of these rejections and acceptances are about luck - who reads your application and how they are feeling that day.
- Me neither (another Montrealer). Let's have a drink together.
- Would love to, only only my mailbox is in Montreal. I'm in the glorious land that is New Jersey - though they did serve good martinis tonight.
- Nothing in BC either. I agree with the above poster about the people who review these things. Sure, many of them will strive to be impartial, but many will also decide what constitutes a good proposal based on their own interests (the link to the article that someone posted above does a good job of explaining this). It's a human system, so it isn't a perfect system.
- Rejection in Atlantic Canada. 17.9/30. Hard to brush off a score like that. I feel rough.
- Sorry, Atlantic Canada. Try not to take it personally
- Nothing in the mail again (SW Ontario)
- Has anyone in California heard?
- Nothing yet in Northern Cal.
- March 15: Rejection in Montreal. 20.5/30. Placed on wait list.
- Rejected with 22/30 (humanities). There's absolutely no mention of the wait list in my letter. How could that be? Are they not basing the wait list on the score?
- I did not apply for this, but I have been reading the wiki. If it were up to me, I would give the darn grant to all of you guys.
- Someone please enlighten me. What is SSHRC's argument against notifying all applicants by email on the same day, as soon as decisions are known, then following up with letters confirming the decisions, to provide a paper trail? A: The EAMS system, which is the electronic system by which we had to provide all of our private information when we applied, and which they have used on at least one occasion to email all of us (to tell us the system would be unavailable as of 31 March), is apparently "not secure enough" to send us our results by email. Or in other words, no good argument at all.
- For those who are interested in contacting SSHRC directly to express your concerns about the present system of communicating results and suggest improvements to it, here are two contact names and coordinates:
1) Chad Gaffield (President),, 613-995-5488
2) Brent Herbert-Copley (Vice-President, Grants and Fellowships),, 613-995-5455
- If they are still reading, could the person whose post above begins 'the overproduction of phds' please provide a bit more detail or links to info? Particularly of the statement that 'the net worth of the graduate student is 5 times the value of.....etc. " This gets to the heart of things - the increasing reliance of the system on heads, but also on cheap labour of grad students.....anyway, I have read some of the articles, but nothing that quantifies this convincingly, and particularly not in the Canadian context. Faculty I know just don't want to know (because of course they are the beneficiaries). This is not about whining, not about finger-pointing. I just want to know what the real situation is. In my department, more and more courses appear to be taught by students and sessionals, but when you ask how this has changed, nobody knows (because they don't want to know?). A researcher at CUPE, told me they are just now starting to ask universities to keep stats on this. My department recently released some info on placement rates of graduates, which looked pretty respectable, but the way the stats were constructed was far from transparent, and rely heavily on making those who never finish simply 'disappear'. The question is - to what degree is the academy being affected by structural change (as elsewhere in the economy) so that cyclical sources of reduction in demand for 'good' academic jobs is joined by an underlying trend of a shrinking 'primary' academic job sector (the part with security and high wages and benefits).I am so tired of raising this issue, and having people say 'I've seen the articles - I'm not convinced' - is there irrefutable evidence out there?
- Letter received in Calgary. Funding denied. 18.5/30. Am mostly demoralized that the score is so low. I'm ABD, held CGS SSRCH, 2 peer reviewed publications. 9.7 score on my project and 8.8 on track record. What does that even mean? No real explanation in the letter contained. Still, I'm glad that the rollercoaster of checking my mail every day (since early February - thanks for nothing Council) has finally ended. Now to try to figure out what next?
- I would like to see two things addressed by SSHRC. First, I have a huge problem with the fact that applicants are given only raw scores, with no readers' reports or other commentary. SRG applicants get this material, and the PDF applications are nearly as involved as those. I've now been rejected twice and I have no idea what the issue is. Is it my project? My approach? The institution? The prospective supervisor? Did I apply to the wrong committee? Or do the committees just assign scores by roll of dice? I have no idea, and so it's a total shot in the dark. It's outrageous that we just get two wholly decontextualized scores that, as the previous poster points out, mean absolutely nothing. Second, the notification process is inhumane. It's almost as if SSHRC has no idea something like this Wiki even exists. Hey--here's an idea: let's make sure they do.
- My friend, I have done so, and this was CC'd to their policy head. I will never apply again, but I am emboldened to continue fighting for those who will.
- I have the exact same track record/CV this year as I did when I applied last year. Last year's score: 8. This year's score: 10. Strange stuff...
- Well, I published two peer reviewed articles in important journals, and got a major university press interested in publishing my thesis. That took me from 8.5 to 9.7. I guess I would have been better off doing nothing....
- London ON (March 16): rejection and on wait list. Slap in the face score of 18.5 despite heavy publishing credentials. I'm just relieved that this is over.
- Maybe SSHRC is putting people on the wait list according to their disciplines and not according to their final scores? But that seems like an odd thing to do - why go by score at all then? I just wish this whole process was more transparent.
- Vancouver March 16, rejection and on wait list. score is 19, the same program (with some improvement) was scored 10.3 last year but 9.5 this year, don't know if we should be happy that each year we get different opinions. I am also wander how many are on the list, and is the number correspond to the number of people who give up the award?
- 16 March: Princeton here; my dad in Edmonton just received my notification. It's a no, with 20.6/30. I'm actually really shocked, because they offered it to me 2 years ago, and at that time they scored me at 25.7/30. (Dad's email did not give details like track record vs. proposal, etc.) Well, I guess the competition IS a lot stiffer this year, and/or if they give any consideration to need, perhaps they felt someone like me who already has one postdoc does not deserve another. Congratulations to everyone who was successful, and good luck to those still waiting to hear!
- 16 March, between Ottawa and Kingston: received rejection last Friday. Frankly, I was shocked by my score (9.5 or so). While I am ABD, my time-to-completion is significantly below the average in my program, I've received CGSx2 and internal scholarships, published, excellent references (including a dean who wrote my institutional reference), etc. By all accounts my project was both viable and interesting (on animal cruelty). It isn't clear how they came to either score. Without seeming arrogant (I hope!) I was expecting to be successful in this application. I wonder if I was penalized for having been a sessional teaching 2/2 for the past three years--obviously this cuts into my time-to-completion and my ability to publish. Of course, in my view, it isn't the job of a graduate student to publish, but to write a dissertation--but that is another discussion.
- March 16: Montreal-in-NJ, Rejection received! Thank God. Princeton/Edmonton, I went to the bent spoon to celebrate. I got a 19.5/30. Wow. low. I was kind of shocked: ABD, but CGS, Vineberg fellowship, FQRSC... It seems as though people in PhD programs in Canada publish all the time. I'm told here not to publish, which is why I just have one publication. [Yes: we're meant to write our dissertation.] I'm sure that my interdisciplinarity didn't help either: few people like the continental philosophy/literature/politics/anthropology/history blend. oh well. I was vindicated: my (rather famous) supervisor said this whole thing is "bullshit." SO there you have it. I'm happy for all the winners. truly. It's great to have a job in this market, and it seems as though people have been publishing like mad to have it. But to win this award doesn't reflect on our worth, just on what the shhrc thinks is valuable. In fact, to have a PhD is something in itself. Congrats to all. (plus: we've written a book here; perhaps next year someone will write about this). Thanks too for the good company.
- March 16: Rejected with a 19.8 in State College, PA, with the mention of waitlisting if more funds are available. Maybe things differed according to which of the five 'groups' you were scored by, but unless the cutoff is 20.0 (which this wiki suggests it isn't), it seems ridiculous to suggest I'm close to the waitlist. A totally ridiculous and absurd process on so many levels. Glad it's over, at the very least.
- Yes, Montreal-in-NJ--interdisciplinarity seems to be a huge problem for SSHRC at the PDF level. There is an interdisciplinary committee at the faculty grant level, so clearly SSHRC has heard that interdisciplinary projects exist, and that they might even be valuable. But the posdoc hand obviously doesn't know what the Standard Research Grant hand is doing. For a national granting council with such vast sums of money at its disposal (relatively speaking) it's a bit sad and funny.
- My rejected was interdisciplinary, too, despite my attempt to "jazz" it up with appeal to more "topical" disciplines like media studies. It's bad enough that as continental philosophy researchers we feel like medieval Jews, but we have no Prague. Departments more than not give us wide berth, so why would SSHRC be any different?
- Lost in Peterborough - lowish score (20.68). Like everyone else, loads of funding.. I too have an interdisciplinary project. Does anyone know if they tell the nominating institutions or must I write that email (sigh).
- You may as well tell them. I did.
- Rejection in the UK - placed on a wait list with 21.65/30. My track record was 11.75/15 and project score was 9.9/15. Not sure where I lost .1 on the project! I'm not surprised with my score. For anyone who's interested: CGS Master's and Doctoral, large university scholarships, 3 publications (1 good peer-reviewed journal and 2 chapters in books with other articles mainly by profs), 3rd year of a 3 year PhD scheduled to defend on time. My project was in the history of Christian thought (specifically late antique period). Not sure if it sounded too confessional, sshrc didn't like the methodology, etc. My doctoral supervisor and proposed supervisor both loved it and my external reviewer, highly regarded in their field, was very impressed by it. So, not sure how to improve for next year. It's the research I want to do (and there's others expressing interest in it), so not sure how much I should compromise in a topic change. Oh well, thanks to all for the company - it helped softened the blow. Perhaps I'll see many of you next year.
- March 17, 2010: Southwestern Ontario. Received rejection letter March 12th: 20.9 (10.1,10.8). Not on waiting list. ABD in linguistics; 2 publications peer-reviewed in their entirety (one book chapter, one conference paper). Fortunate to have one year of postdoc funding through my advisor's own sshrc grant.
- March 17, 2010: Rejected. 21/30, no wait list. Sincere congratulations to all the successful candidates!
- Just wanted to mention that the scores/waitlisting is a bit unfathomable as they are specific to each of the areas that SSHRC funds and if they are anything like the doctoral awards they vary within the area as well as they represent relative value within the subsection of applications that is reviewed by a specific committee. So there is no cut-off score that applies to all, or even to all in a specific committee. This explains various cut-offs for wait listing, and it's really impossible to know where you are on your respective list. And that said, I know a couple of people who did not accept their postdoc last year as they had better job offers elsewhere. Bottom line is there's always a chance that SSHRC will come through.
- I'm in Connecticut and still haven't heard anything at all... are there other folks out there who haven't heard either way?
- Yes, I'm in NC and still nothing...Only solution: taking my daughter to the park until the mail has arrived.
- March 17, Montreal: 17.4/30. Ouch. At least the waiting is over. Back to the 9-5.
- March 17, California. Rejected with 21.9 (which puts me on the wait list, for whatever that's worth)
- 3/17. Rejected with 22.1. What's interesting is that my track record score was significantly higher than my project score, despite the fact that I've never held a SSHRC or CGS scholarship at either the Master's or doctoral level (I did have 2 peer-reviewed publications). I have no clue on what basis these assessments are being made...
- Based on empirical evidence (this wiki), I conclude that all SSHRC decisions are made by Magic 8-Ball. Statistical analysis shows "Reply hazy, try again" as the most prevalent response.
- Quebec City, social sciences. Rejected with 23.9/30 --- Ouch, Quebec. :(
- Also in NC - nothing in the mail today for me (3/17). Sigh.
- SSHRC applicants, I'm sorry for what must be a grueling process, and I know how awful it feels to be reduced to a number. I have a small suggestion: I wonder if, in next year's wiki, there could be a separate page for this postdoc, which is linked to the main postdocs page? People have so many things to say about it that it might benefit from being divided into subtopics, and it takes up a large portion of this page at present.
- West coast, 3/17. Rejected with 19/30. Letter addressed as 'Mr.' Scored well in 'project' but very low in 'track record'. PhD in hand, 5 refereed publications in UPresses or top level Canadian journals, trilingual. Lit studies. No SSHRC funding during grad school. Not the rejection that hurts so much is the undocumented way that my biography was evaluated. Aye, there's the rub. Figures in my letter put the winning ratio at about %12--lower than the chances of landing an article in the top journal of my field. I appreciate that the money involved is sizable (more than if you had won a Booker Prize), and that not everyone can get some. And I might wonder how much any of us deserve it in this time of global decline (neighbour is on a six month wait list for cataract operation). And no offence meant or besmirching of the victors: honest congratulations. I would be well chuffed if I were you! But generally it does seem to me there has to be a more documentable way of doing this than these anonymous figure skating scores. Until then, Happy St Pat's everyone: on for a bit o' the Irish remedy now. Given the same issues with the job market, I'm wondering how much carrying on I'm willing to do. But, as my former supervisor said, "Think about this too much, and you will go mad. Not metaphorical madness. Crazy, period. All I can control is my work. The work.
- 3/17, Edmonton. No letter. I called SSHRC and was shocked to discover they had mailed my letter to an old address that was never included in the EAMS application. It was on my SSHRC proposal in 2003 when I was starting my PhD. So, if you're still waiting, call SSHRC. You never know, your letter may be waiting at an address you've not lived at for the last six years. Good luck to everyone else who is also waiting.
- 3/17, Edmonton (a different person than above): Rejection, 11.5 track record, 10.9 program of work. In the interest of amassing information, I'll report the following: 5 peer-reviewed pubs (3 first-authored), 3 book chapters, 12 conference presentations, SSHRC CGS doctoral and master's, two major provincial grants. Discipline: Psychology.
- 3/18, Winnipeg. Funded. 28/30. The offer letter was dated 4 March 2010, but I received it only today. Bizarre. There may still be hope for those of you waiting. Best of luck.
- 3/18 Giant smack-down rejection in NC. 16.9. PhD in hand, 2 peer review publications plus a textbook. Discipline: History of Sexuality. Interesting (and discouraging) to note that in the list of award winners last year, none in the humanities were for LGBTQ/Sexuality projects. Seems sexuality studies are only funded for health sciences or public policy. SSHRC can eat my shorts. Wouldn't it just be enough to say "accepted" "rejected" "on wait list?" Why insult me in the process of rejecting me?
- Might I suggest instead of writing SSHRC we write MP's or maybe even Michael Ignatieff (for those of us who have Conservative MP's). I think outside pressure might be what we need to make SSHRC more transparent.
- Perhaps writing to both sshrc and our MPs. We should also get our supervisors onboard (and any other professors willing to support this cause). The more the merrier.
- Curious to know how many here are medical social sciences or humanities, took a gamble on submitting to SSHRC rather than to CIHR, and wondering if that worked against them. I will out myself to provide some details. Medical anthropology PhD, medical history MA. I had a funded postdoc offer last February from a US bioethics research centre that was ideal for my project. US citizenship turned out to be an eligiblity requirement to accept their funding, so I proposed to bring my own funding this fall. Knowing that SSHRC is trying to move medical social sciences/humanities over to CIHR, but having a project that is US-based and US-focussed (builds on my dissertation), I felt I had to apply to SSHRC, not CIHR. Asked programme officers at both SSHRC and CIHR to review a project abstract for eligibility. CIHR said no; SSHRC gave me the green light. Was rejected by SSHRC with a very low score. I wouldn't apply again to SSHRC with this project--I don't think it's the right agency to fund bioethics projects with strong science & biomedical components--but I'm not eligible for CIHR funding with a US-focussed project. I feel I've hit the wall of limited external funding opportunities for Canadians. Anyone else who faced a similar conundrum?
- Yep, though my project was humanities-based. Despite SSHRC's mandate (which includes under its purview research on health in several predefined areas), I don't think it wants to touch anything to do with health. Which is too bad because CHIR, despite its mandate (to include social scientific and humanities research on health), doesn't seem to want to touch humanities-based (and much social-scientific) research. Projects that advance research in both areas (humanities AND health, for example) no longer appear to have a home for funding, at least at the Canadian national level.
- (previous poster) Thanks for sharing that. You're articulating a concern that's been circulating, that these types of projects no longer have a "home for funding" at the Canadian level, as you so aptly put it. I'm wondering where we go from here. Change our projects entirely to fit into CIHR's mandate? Try to cobble together bits of funding from other agencies (e.g. Wenner-Gren, Fulbright) to fund a partial year of research or publishing? Take up an unpaid postdoc offer that allows us to publish and build those networks, but puts us further into debt?
- That might explain my situation as well. I put in a history of medicine topic and got a brutally low score for the project (7) in spite of a high score on my track record. I'd received a lot of great feedback on the topic so found the results perplexing, even accepting SSHRC is a bit of a crap-shoot. It seems like they're giving these projects especially low scores to ensure that they won't be funded. Thanks for posting.
- I am really sorry to hear that. My project score wasn't much higher.
- Just a few thoughts: looking at the Selection Procedures sheet, 'duration of the PhD' and 'general research environment of the host institution' are criteria that not many here have talked about and perhaps these could account for some of the scores. I mean, anyone can finish a PhD given a lengthy period of time, but not all can in a short time. An ABD who takes 6 years to complete could be worse off than someone who finishes in 4 years and applies 2 years later (I know several who have won in the latter case). And the host institution plays a part too in that the committees would know whether the candidate has chosen the institution based on suitability or on prestige, with a higher score reflecting the former.
- Yes, in looking at the SSHRC’s evaluation criteria, I realized that many stated criteria are absurd and even counter-productive. I am thinking, for example, of that whole notion of "time to complete the PhD." Is it to anyone’s advantage to rush through a program? I am also very skeptical as to a multidisciplinary committee’s ability to assess publications. Can they honestly say they recognize a well-placed work, or do they only value numbers? In my field, I need well-placed publications, which take time to produce and review. I have colleges who have tried both: volume and quality. The latter get the jobs.
- Maybe it's a combination of both: a large volume of high quality work in a short amount of time. In that case, the standard is very high (much higher than in previous years) and as much as I don't like it, it's there in my face. Then again, the committee members are human and, as the previous poster stated, they may not recognize a good publication. Alas, it is very disturbing that the process is so brutally subjective.
- March 25--For anyone still moping about getting on a waitlist or rejected (e.g. me), here is something to consider: the average success rate of a sshrc postdoc application from 1995-2009 was 25.3 %. In all that time, it only dropped below 20% once (1995: 19.2 %). This year's success rate was 16%. Is that any consolation? :)
- 4/8 - Any news from the "wait list"?
- 4/21 - no news yet here from the waitlist
- 4/26 - You can actually call and ask for your rank on the list. I called this morning and they told me I was ranked 2nd on the wait list (social sciences committee) with 23.91
- @4/26: Oh! thanks for the tip, I had no idea you could do that! Is there a trick for who to call? I keep getting forwarded to answering machines of people who are too busy to call back. :$
- No, I just dialed 613-943-7777 and they transferred my call to an agent. I guess their lines are getting busy this week because of the delay in the announcement of the doctoral awards.
- 6/25: Has anyone from the waitlist heard anything? I have not.
- 7/26: Has anyone seen a list of recipients on the SSHRC site? I thought that it was normal posted by now...
- 7/30 re: above two posts, I made the second round. Got notice this afternoon. Given that they are just now sending notice, sshrc will most likely not post results until the second round is accepted/declined. My original score was 23.9.
Stanford Humanities Center[]
3/8 Any news?
still no news!
I have heard nothing about this one. You?
Don't worry, they're probably just meeting this week, based on the time tables from past years (I'm a Stanford grad student and former candidate for SHC). (3/19)
3/29 email rejection received. message noted 370 applications and 8 awards (x2).
Stanford University Andrew W. Mellon Fellowship of Scholars in the Humanities[]
Info Deadline: November 20, 2009
- Note that this fellowship, unlike the other Mellon fellowships, is not open to all fields. This year goes only to Asian Languages, Comparative Literature, French and Italian, German studies, Iberian and Latin American Cultures, Linguistics, Slavic Languages and Literatures.
-Question: what are the 'other Mellon fellowships' to which you refer? Through the Stanford Humanities Center? Just curious...
--Other big Mellon pdocs that are open to all disciplines are Princeton, Michigan, Penn (teaching), among others. -Ah, gotcha, thanks for the clarification.
Q: Is there anyone who hasn't received anything (e.g., ack. receipt)?
A. They said they were having problems with the automated email. Supposedly as long as you can see your application online, it should be ok.
A2. They said check your app. online. No confirmation yet.
Notes: I applied in Linguistics; e-mail confirmation of receipt on 19-Nov. (x 2)
A: They are gonna let people know by mid March
NB: They usually inform 16 or so finalists sometime in Feb.
Q: Any news?
A: No. (2/26)
According to the website, "The selection committee will meet in December and January. Finalists may be interviewed. Successful applicants will be informed by March, 2010." I hope they inform us BY march.
A2: They said "[they] expect that decisions will be made by the first week of March"
Offer made by phone. (3/1)
Q: Congratulations to the poster above. What is your field? (3/1, x2)
A: Thanks! I'm in French.
Any other news? (3/2)
Rejection by email, 600 applicants. (3/2) (x6)
- (3/2) Rejection by email that consoles me by saying that my application was considered "genuinely competitive." Is this a generic consolation prize or some sub-category which might allow one to consider themselves some sort of "finalist"? Not that it matters, really, but still curious. (x2)
- Mine apparently wasn't considered "genuinely competitive," so perhaps it does mean something. (x3)
- Mine also was not considered "genuinely competitive"; rather, I got a more generic rejection message. As for whether this means something, I suspect that it does. Three years ago, I applied for the same fellowship and at that time, I DID get a message saying that my application was "genuinely competitive". Ironically, that application was a lot weaker than the one I submitted for this year's round.
Q: Anyone else get an offer? I've received neither a phone call nor a rejection email, so just wondering...
A: Offer made 3/1 also
A: Offer via phone on 3/1. I'm in "Art History," which was not one of the fields open for the year indeed, but I assume my application was quite interdisciplinary.
A: Emailed 3/3 to check, and was informed of alternate status (sounds like they'll be sending an official announcement to all alternates soon). They said alternate are unranked (didn't say how many) and those offered positions have until 3/15 to decide. (Although given this postdoc is open to junior faculty w/in 3 years of receiving PhD, it seems unlikely to me that many people would have a reason to decline.)
Stanford University Post-Doctoral Fellowships in Introduction to the Humanities[]
Info Deadline: Feb 28, 2010
- Has anybody else had trouble submitting the online application form for this and the SLE post-doc (see below)? Sent an email yesterday, no answer so far. (2/17)
- I also had trouble, and got this error message: "Unable to process your request because the database 'ihum_0910_searchapp.fp5' is not open." I sent an e-mail on 2/15, still no response. (2/20)
- Got a response...they say it should work now. (2/22)
- Also got a response, and it worked -- don't hit 'enter' too early though! (2/23)
- Any word from this?
- According to last year's wiki, it will take a long time before we hear back about IHUM postdoc. 3/15
- email requesting a phone interview. 3/30 [2] -Congratulations, would you mind sharing your discipline? Philosophy. (Thanks!)
- anyone else heard anything? nope (4/2)
- phone interview scheduled by email (4/5); comp lit.
- can you tell us which course you're interviewing for? thanks.
- Could anyone who has had a phone interview give the rest of us a sense of where the process is at this point? Should we give up hope?
- Don't despair: the process is a long one.
- Agreeing with above: My understanding is that the slots are filled gradually, and the process has only started.
- 4/13: offer made and accepted (philosophy; likely sequences "Art of Living" and "Ultimate Meanings" but maybe also "Journeys" and "Fate of Reason").
- 4/15: offer made/accepted (likely: "sustainability and collapse" and "poetic justice")
- Is the process still going on? If we haven't heard anything at all yet, is it pretty much over? (4/24)
- Did those who got offers have both phone interviews and campus visits?
- I had a campus visit this week and I think the process is not over. A phone interview followed by a campus visit is the norm. They will be hiring about 12 new fellows.
So, to the poster re the recent campus visit. Which courses did you express interest in?
Rejection e-mail, indicating that the search is completed (5/20)
Looking at profiles of past reciepients, does anyone get the impression there is a preference for applicants from SoCal universities?
Not at all. You cannot judge who eventually accepts the position as a certain kind of preference. There could be individuals from other geographical locales who declined the offer.
Stanford University Post-Doctoral Lecturer, Program in Structured Liberal Education[]
Info Deadline: Feb 28, 2010
Stanford University Sawyer Mellon Post-doctoral Fellowship[]
Deadline: Jan 15, 2010
- Request for interview (2/25)
Stanford University Program on Global Justice Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Jan 8, 2010
Ack. email 1/9: "we hope to have made our selections by mid February"
- email rejection (2/4) "over 200 applications" x2
- Thank you for the information. Did the email happen to say anything about finalists or a short list?
- no
- Is this still being handled in tandem with the Center for Ethics in Society search, or have they split out the pools?
- email rejection (2/10) same as above.
Swarthmore Mellon Post-Doc Fellowship in Gender & Sexuality Studies[]
Info Deadline: November 30, 2009
- very nice ack. of receipt of application (11/23) x 2
- email ack. of receipt of application (11/30)
- The women's studies page is listing a scheduled MLA interview (12/14)
- according to the women's studies page on the wiki, they've selected their top 10 candidates and have scheduled interviews with them. (12/16)
- kind, encouraging rejection email today (1/4) x2
- Are there others that have still not received a rejection and weren't one of their top 10? (1/27)
- Here's one! Thanks for asking, I've been feeling lonely.
- Do you have any theory as to why? Oversight? Or, are we on some sort of long list of folks they don't want to reject until someone signs a contract?
- My thoughts were either what you suggested, or that my gender credentials were so laughable to them that they just tossed my application directly into the trash.
- I finally emailed and they responded with a rejection. So if you are looking for some closure...
Temple University Center for the Humanities[]
Info Deadline: January 25, 2010
--ack email received 1/13
--to above poster: How soon after sending materials did you receive the ack email? My materials were sent a week ago and no ack email yet...
I sent mine on 12-6 and still no ack. email ... hmmm.
I submitted my materials about a week ago and got confirmation yesterday (1/14)x2.
Please forgive me, but can someone clarify? the website claims that applicants must have degree in hand. Do they mean by the start date of the post-doc, or by the submission date of the application? thanks!!!
I applied, though I won't have the degree until this May (2010), meaning by the start of the postdoc. I think if it's easy enough to apply, you should.
I did not apply because I assumed that "Applicants must have their degree in hand and be no more than three years beyond the degree on the application deadline" meant that applicants must have their degree in hand on the application deadline.
I think if you have completed all requirements for the degree and are just awaiting the actual piece of paper, then you should be fine. If you have yet to defend, that may be a problem. Easiest thing to do would be to call them.
I emailed them and unfortunately they do require the "the Ph.D. to be in hand as of Jan. 25, 2010."
I contacted them and they said that they would accept applications from those who had completed all requirements but had not yet officially graduated, e.g. already defended, dissertation already submitted, all the paperwork in place, etc.
I'm guessing I'm not the only one who hasn't gotten an ack yet? (1/27)
That's right - you aren't. But I only sent mine in to arrive on 25th Jan, last possible day! (x2)
sent mine on 24th and no ack yet. (1/28)
I'm not concerned yet as I'm sure they got slammed with a lot of applications as the deadline approached, but when the next round of acks come out, can someone pls post that here. (2/3)
Still no acknowledgment for application sent on 1/25. Anybody receive one? (2/9)
Still nothing here (2/12)
Nothing (2/14). The website states that receipt will be acknowledged. Has anybody beyond the first wave of applicants (1/13) received a confirmation?
Nope, but I'm sure four feet of snow within a week slowed them down. But I'll certainly write in if I hear something.
Just received an e-mail today acknowledging my application, with an apology for the delay, since there were three times as many applications this year as there normally are. (2/16) x3
(2/16): still no ack. here. Anyone else? And THREE TIMES as many applicants? Ugh.
When did you submit your app?
I applied on Jan. 19 and haven't received and ack yet. (2/16)
I applied on 1/25 and received the acknowledgment today. I would contact them at this point, but that's me. Good luck!
Did you send the application as an email? Yes Thanks for the quick response! Maybe I should contact them.
I heard from someone in the program that they got about 600 applications,
Email rejection 3/2: for some reason I missed the whole "PhD in hand" thing. Sigh.
I'm sorry to hear it. Did they say that was the reason? Anybody else get this message? (3/3
Yes, I also missed that requirement and received a msg saying my rejection was based on ineligibility (3/9)
-I also seem to have missed the "PhD in hand" requirement (or rather I creatively interpreted it to mean "by start date") but have not yet received a rejection email--do you think they are doing them in batches? (3/9)
rejection 3/11
I'm sorry to hear that. Would you mind specifying whether the rejection arrived via e-mail or snail mail? A: email
So, rejections only so far? Nobody has an interview? And is anyone else out there still waiting for an acknowledgement?
I haven't received an ack, nor have I received a rejection. 3/11
Received ack some weeks ago; no subsequent contact. 3/11 (X3)
just to clarify - was the 3/11 rejection another due to the "PhD in hand" requirement? Or have they moved on to rejections based on application content? Thanks
regular rejection. thanks for calling it content ;D
To date, not ack, no rejection. 3/15 (x3)
Have any of the non-acknowledgement people tried to call CHAT to confirm receipt? I only ask because I submitted my application at the last possible minute (via email), and DID receive an acknowledgement. Just concerned for you guys... (3/16)
-Called and confirmed receipt of application--was told that committee is still in process of figuring it out. (ABD--PhD this summer) 3/17
Thanks for the update! Glad they received your app. I wonder when they'll come to a decision... (3/17)
Email rejection last week (3/11) with PhD
Email rejection - said I made semifinalist (didn't say how many) out of 600 apps (3/22) x4
I've heard nothing. Anybody else in the same boat? (3/22)x2
I'm in the same boat. Not sure if we should think we are still in the running or that our applications are lost. Strange this business about sending out rejections before requests for interviews??? Has no one received an offer/interview request? I think it might be time to call them. . . (3/22)
Anybody brave enough to call and ask if an offer has been made? I confess that I'm not. (3/22)
To clarify, I did receive an acknowledgement, so I doubt my application was lost. Also, I don't think they conduct interviews for this particular postdoc. (3/22)
Has anybody else received a rejection out there? Surely, if they're down to the final round, there are more people out there who've been cut. Anybody, please? (3/23)
They just rejected the "semi-finalists" by email so if you're still without notification, you may well be due for some good news and congratulations! (3/23)
Thanks for the dose of optimism! In my imagination, the lucky winner has been contacted already and my application is festering in a doomed pile of "maybes." Any more news out there? And also thanks to those who have shared. (3/23)
Not to be a downer, but I know about five people (along with myself) who applied to this and none of them (myself included) have received any news positive or negative.
Yep, you're a downer. So all five of you received acknowledgements and never heard anything since? So why would they reject the "semi-finalists" but leave a whole body of applicants unnotified? Does anybody have insight here? And is anybody else still waiting to hear, other than the self-proclaimed downer?
(3/23) Hi, I'm not the downer, but I am in the same camp - no word yay or nay. I agree that the rejections of "semi-finalists" is most strange under the circumstances.
(3/23) I am also in the same category. I don't think it's *so* weird, though, that they rejected "semi-finalists" before going on to a finalist round--it's similar to Michigan, with its multiple rounds of semifinalists, no? And we have no idea how many "finalists" there are, given how varied that can be in these various competitions. Could be the few of us posting here, could be fifty.
Great point. Well, if anybody hears anything, please chime in. Good luck! (3/23)
(3/23) New poster: I also have received neither an acknowledgment nor a rejection. I probably should have followed up to confirm receipt, but at this point it doesn't really matter, does it? I am not one to think that no news is good news. It's just no news.
(3/23) Another new poster here. I have heard nothing since acknowledgement back in February.
(3/23) New voice: no need to worry about ack now. I applied last minute; never received ack; today got the semifinalist rejection email. Those who haven't yet heard word are probably finalists. (x2)
So they continued to send out the semifinalist rejections on Tuesday, 3/23? The first poster to receive one listed it as Monday, 3/22. I wonder how much longer they will deliberate. Here's hoping that we hear something by the end of the week!
Still nothing here. (3/24) x1
(3/24) Another new poster. I agree that it seems like the Michigan process, for which there is a multi-tiered semi-finalist/finalist system. I too received an acknowledgement and have heard nothing since. At least they seem to be moving steadily forward.
(3/24) I agree that no news is just no news. Another rejection today, still for semi-finalists. This also reminds me of the Johns Hopkins process, where rejections slowly trickle out.
(3/24) Thank you for posting this update. It seems that no news is potentially good news... until it isn't. So for those of us still waiting, I guess we should hope to wait longer. Anybody else receive news today?
(3/25) Semi-finalist rejection by email this morning. Best of luck to those still waiting for news.
(3/25) I'm sorry to hear it. I'm still waiting with that weird feeling of hope mixed with despair. I wonder when they will move on to the "finalist" rejections, and I'd love to know how big the pool is at this point. Anybody else who checks this wiki still waiting to hear?
(3/25) Still waiting! And I've got that same feeling of hope and despair as you. Anyone else still here to join us in the trepidatious limbo between rejection and celebration?
(3/25) Also still waiting. My COMPLETELY baseless and speculative assessment is that "semi-finalists" are people who made it through the first cut to have their application sent to the departments. Departments are then sending back their lists (hence the trickle) and the Center is coming up, based on the top choices, with a long final list. I would assume they would then contact those people to see if they are still interested/available. And then it continues. I would think that there are a lot of us left at the moment. There just have not been enough rejection posts. (Speculation ends now.)
(3/25) Would anybody be willing to share their fields? English (still waiting) (X3) (I'm still waiting and so's my friend).
(3/25) Art History (still waiting)x3
(3/25) History-Middle East (still waiting)
(3/25) Latino Studies, Still waiting, but I am convinced that as soon as I type this, I will receive a rejection lol
(3/25) Nah, don't worry. From the looks of it (no fields have a "x2" yet), there's a chance they may have narrowed down to finalists in each field. Of course this is total speculation, but it could be the case.
(3/26): total speculation, yes. Semi-finalist rejection received this morning, art history. (x2)
(3/26) I'm so sorry to hear that. This slow trickle is brutal. No news is, indeed, no news. I hope they come to a decision soon. Anybody else heard back?
(3/26) Nope--History Middle East. I agree, this waiting is driving me a bit crazy.
(3/26) Email rejection - Art History, Ancient (PhD). Form message to 'undisclosed recipients' noted I was a semifinalist and over 600 apps were received. Also, I never got confrimation that they'd received my app.
(3/26) Thank you for these helpful details, and I'm sorry about the news.
(3/26) It looks like the speculator above who thought the rejections are by department is right. Anyone from women's studies or American studies heard anything?
(3/26) Agreed. I know there are a couple of English people out there still, but have any English people received the semifinalist rejection?
-or History people?
(3/27) History semi-finalist rejection email received on 3/22
(3/27) Sorry to hear that. Thanks for the update though--did they give any kind of timeline in the email?
(3/27) My guess is that next week will yield more seminfinalist rejections. So far, it seems that History and Art History have made their cuts (though who knows if they made all the cuts they're going to make?). Still no semifinalists from English out there? Thanks to everyone who has shared!
(3/29) Any news today?
(3/29) None here. This trickle of rejections makes for brutal waiting. --> I didn't apply for this, but I feel for you! See Johns Hopkins above...
(3/29) I was just about to ask if anyone had heard anything too...I tried emailing them a week ago, and they never responded. Has anyone actually talked to someone in the department?
(3/29) Which department? I have not tried to contact CHAT, but I would appreciate any brave soul who's willing to call and inquire about the timeline. Any takers?
(3/30) It's so quiet out there. Shall we do a count of everybody still waiting? x6
(3/31) Are any of you ABD?
Also, it would be so great to have some sense of where they are in the process. Are there any lurkers out there who are waiting on pins and needles along with the rest of us?
(3/31) Yes, I am ABD (History, Middle East)--will finish by mid summer
(3/31) also ABD and haven't received a rejection but my understanding (given the discussion of the Ph.D. in hand requirement above) is that I'm not a semi-finalist or finalist. I think they just didn't bother sending me a rejection when the first cut was made.
(3/31) in reply to the previous poster, I'm not sure of that--when I called a couple of weeks ago I was told that if I didnt receive an email then my application was still in the running because they respond to all applications as soon as a decision is made. --Just called CHAT and confirmed that all rejections, for whatever reason, are sent out as soon as known, so no news is good news. The very nice assistant I spoke with could not give a timeline but confirmed that they are in the second round of cuts
(3/31) Thanks so much for calling -- that's great news to those of us still waiting. Did you get a sense of what the 'second round of cuts' entails? That is, I wonder if they have a list of finalists or are still making semifinalist cuts. Any sense?
(3/31) She said that the applications that survived the first cut are being looked at by a committee at CHAT and that she wasnt sure if everything was back from all affiliated departments -- Thanks, this is really helpful. Good luck to everybody still waiting!
Too quiet. I have got that alternate feeling coming on...
(4/3) As a pessimist, I'm inclinded to agree, but you never know how slow the affiliated departments can be. And we are not privy to the process that then goes on once the applications have returned to the committee at CHAT. Who knows if they've even met this week?
(4/5) The silence is brutal. I have to keep reminding myself that the odds of winning this fellowship are 1/600 -- so it's highly unlikely, to say the least. I'm sure it would have been posted already, but I'll still ask... Any news? Or rumors even?
(4/5) Nothing here. It would be nice to know the timeline.
(4/5) I called to ask and, as expected, it does seem that those who weren't contacted were finalists. They have, however, made an offer (to someone else). I don't know anything about alternates. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but with a 1 out of 600 chance, the odds were not very good for any of us.
(4/5) Thanks so much for calling. Of course it's not the news anybody wanted, but at least we know. I wonder if the person accepted and when the rest of us will receive official news. Any sense?
(4/6) Email rejection; made it through two rounds to finalist stage, in top 5% of pool. Crappy odds, but a very thoughtful rejection.
4/7 - Notification of alternate status by email - final three.
Tufts University[]
Info Deadline: February 1, 2010
- the link is not working. check this one: [[7]]
- Anybody know what they're looking for with this one? Or is it totally open?
Has anybody received an acknowledgment for this one? (2/9)
-Nope (2/9)
-No acknowledgment yet either (2/9). And what about the instructions to provide the application in triplicate, with multiple writing samples! I imagine that the clerical work for this application will take a long time...
I know! It almost killed my printer.
Oops! Somehow forgot to do that.
Well, their FAQ said to send three copies but their application instructions said five copies . . . I did the latter, chopping down a medium-sized forest (indirectly) in the process. In this glorious digital age, is that really necessary?
- Between the fees that Harvard charges, the confusion of some online apps, and the multiple copies that some programs require-- it's just a circus-show! I sometimes feel that these "hoops" to jump through are really just deterrents for applicants in order to keep submissions down. But that might be the paranoia talking...
- I called the CHAT office last week to confirm receipt of materials. I was told they received approx 350 applications, up from the usual 60 or so. They were still processing and organizing apps as of 2/13; had not yet started review.
--Thanks to the caller. But what I don't get is that, even though this school had such a late deadline, they didn't revise their guidelines to prepare for the multiple hundreds of apps they were going to get. They had to know, based on what happened in early fall with Princeton and other fellowships, that they would get more than 60. If you figure that each app will have at least 200 pages of material and multiply that time 350, I think the resulting number means that Tufts better have a big storage room somewhere to handle all of these submissions. I hope schools stremline this process for next year to save paper, money, energy, and time for everyone.
--To the person who called (or anyone else with info), did they give you any sense at all of timeline? And does anyone know exactly how many fellows are being appointed? It says 2, though it was evidently 3 in previous years. I'm thinking just the predictable consequence of $ woes, but would love to be corrected and find that it was 3 after all..
- It does say 2 on the website, unfortunately. Also, in the application instructions that are posted on the site now, it says 3 copies of all materials -- bad enough, forest-wise, but I was paranoid enough about the comment above that I double-checked. On that note, anyone else have trouble finding an envelope big enough to fit all their material in?? My app ended up being just skinny enough to fit into a priority mail flat-rate envelope, but I was worried I'd have to put it on a diet first.
- Priority flat rate stuffed to the gills x2. My 3 copies totaled 180 pages and I had to use 2 rubber bands to hold it all together. Not long after, I had a dream where I magically found a secret stash of extra binder clips that I could have used. I was rather sad when I woke up and it was all a dream.
- Don't feel bad about the binder clips--I had to remove most of mine so all three copies of everything would fit in the flat rate envelope and still seal shut.
- Debated over the priority mailer and priority box, but thought the box seemed like overkill. I figured out how to double side my copies on my home printer, because I'm too cheap to pay the 9 cents/b&w copy that Kinko's now charges. It would've been $20 just for copying writing samples! (And yes, it is absurd that this is all I have to offer this thread...)
- When results are in, we should report: accepted/rejected, binder clip/staples, box/envelop, Then we'll all know what it takes to make it next year.
- I dropped my application off in person, since I live nearby, and no one was in the office--just piles and pile and piles of fat envelopes stacked on every visible surface. I wonder how long it will take them to go through them all. And how sad that there were 350 compared to 60. That's an amazing jump in numbers.
- Has anyone been given a sense (or asked) when they hope to make decisions?
- I called today (3/3) and it sounds like they are meeting next week to make first-round cuts. They also confirmed that all applicants will be notified once decisions have been made, though there is currently no timeline in place for anything beyond the first round.
- Thanks to above poster for sharing. Any idea what this "first round" consists of? If the committee is meeting, does that mean depts. have already made their selections for candidates? [I assume depts.are looking at apps. BEFORE the committee does, picking their top candidate(s) & then forwarding those to the committee, though that's a complete assumption.] Anyone know what the actual process is here?
- I just called and was told that they are still doing the initial review of applicants, have over 400 applications, and have no timeline for announcing the awards. She also said that she encourages people with other offers to take them, as they probably will take a long time to make offers. (3/9)
- Swell...(but thanks for calling and posting!)...I guess I better go sort through all those other offers cluttering up my desk and choose one. Sheesh. (x2 -- and an extra point for making me laugh in view of what is in fact a depressing situation.)
- To the question above about process: I don't know what Tufts's process is, per se, but other big Humanities-wide pdocs normally have a 3 stage review: 1st a committee (from the Society of Fellows or the Humanities Center or whatever it's called) reviews all aps and makes a round of cuts; 2nd they send their semi-finalists to depts and depts make a round of cuts; 3rd they go back to the pdoc committee and they make the final cut.
- Any news? (3/30)
- Not since 3/10, when in response to my email, they said that they had more than 400 applicants for 2 positions and are still deciding...
- Currently the website reads: "The committee is currently in the applicant review process. All applicants will be notified of their status as soon as decisions have been made. Please do not contact the CHAT office for information regarding your status as we are unable to provide any information at this time. Thank you for your patience and best of luck in your endeavors!" (3/30)
- I gave a call today (03/31) just to see if they had a ballpark idea of when decisions would be made. The assistant I spoke to was VERY nice-- and expressed reluctance to give me a date because of the process (decision made, offer given, wait for response, etc.).... but she DID say that she thinks all will be definitely be settled by the end of April.
- 4/2 - offer made and accepted.
- Q: Congrats, What field are you in?
- Holy moly they didn't waste any time! Congrats, and I hope your first task as fellow isn't to help shred the 30000+ pages from the losing applications. ha.
- Congrats! Also, if you don't mind saying, how did you receive the offer-- a phone call?
- anyone receive actual rejections?
- No rejection here, but no offer either (4/7)
- Rejection received by email - 4/8 (x3). Email said that "We had a very strong pool of candidates this year for the three Fellowships. "
- what a sad story! neither rejected nor offered anything! My 200p package was probably forgotten behind the little table next to the secretary's office's back door. There it lies like a magnet for dust. should I care enough to send an email and ask?
Tulane University Mellon Post-doc[]
Just a heads up - the fellowship requests that fellows will teach in one of their four interdisciplinary programs (Africa/African Diaspora, Asian Studies, Jewish Studies, American Studies). An email to the contact professor confirmed that if your specialties are outside these areas, there's no point in applying. Very prompt and honest.
--Thanks for this very useful information!
Q: Does anyone know whether the "one-page dissertation summary" and the "titles of a few sample classes" are to go within the cover letter or is this a separate document? Thanks!
Assuming this means you got a mats request - when and in what form?
--I'm not the questioner, but I actually faced the same question. The announcement includes the above request in the body, and then omits it in the quick and dirty list of what you should send. So, I'm assuming that no request for more materials was made to anyone yet; I think that the questioner is simply confused by the ad, as was I. And BTW, to the questioner: I included that extra info in a separate doc. Not sure if that was correct, but it's what I did. (x2)
--I am the questioner and the person above perfectly describes the reason for my question. Thanks for your advice and good luck!
Q: Has anyone received confirmation yet? Any word about timeline/procedure?
--Haven't heard anything yet. The wiki from last year seems to indicate that requests for additional materials (writing sample) happened around the first week of February, with interview requests around the first week of March. Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean anything, since last year's deadline appeared to be earlier than this year's.
--I sent an email to the Dean in charge of the search on Friday. I have gotten no response as of today (1/25)
--still no word from the Dean? That can't be good news.
--Seriously, it's Mardi Gras and the Saints just won the Superbowl. No one is doing anything until next week anywhere in New Orleans. (x2 Thanks for the smile.)
--I didn't talk to the program directly, but someone I know at Tulane suggested that an early to mid-March notification of finalists is likely
--I'm at Tulane: the committee doesn't meet until next week (second week of March). So still in process.
--Any news on this one? (3/12)
--E-mail about making 1 of 6 departmental short lists; overall short list to follow writing sample review (3/12) --> Congratulations! Which department are you in and was the email sent from the department itself or from a central committee?
--Thanks. It was Communication (I do Film Studies / American Studies), and yes, the message came from that department. (x2 for writing sample request from Communication)
--> Alas, there is still a glimmer of hope for those of us in other departments... Good luck to you!
--Has anyone received news from any department besides Communication?
--I echo the question above - could anyone say (even with a simple yes) if they have received a writing sample request? Thanks! (3/16)
--Not me. Their Comminication department was also looking for a visiting prof, very interesting....
--There is still hope! :) I emailed the Dean and he responded this morning by stating that there are over 500 apps, and the committee is still reviewing applications and should have a short list by the end of next week and a list of finalist by the end of the month.
-- Request for writing sample from English Department (3/12)
-- (3/24) email stating there are 14 finalists overall now (from all the different departments). University-wide committee meets April 7 to narrow it down to 5-7, who will then receive phone interviews week of 4/12. Also, fyi, there were 502 applicants total this year.
--(3/24) Thank you to the above poster. Was this an email from a central committee or from a department? Was this email to notify you that you are among the finalists? If so, congratulations. If the email was only sent to finalists, this would explain why some people have still heard nothing.
- above poster here. The email was from the department. I had already been notified I was a finalist (thank you) and this was the first official (unsolicited) communication after I sent in the writing sample, just an update.
-- (4/12) Has any of the departmental finalists heard anything about the process and whether the university-wide committee has come up with a shortlist of finalists? Anyone scheduled for a phone interview?
- (4/14) Phone interview held yesterday. Told that decisions will be made within a week.
- (4/15) Had a phone interview as well. Very disconcerting talking to all of those people without being able to see them! Apparently there are 6 finalists (one from each dept) and they did 3 of the interviews last week and the other 3 yesterday.
-- (4/15, the 4/12 poster) Thank you folks for sharing the news. It appears that I did not make it to the 6 finalists :-( Well, had the satifaction to be selceted by the department, at least.... Good luck to those who are still in the run!
-- Any of the finalists hear anything yet? Any offers? I would think they'd have offered it by now to the selected people if everyone has been interviewed by now. (x2)
-- (4/26) Has any interviewee received word of any kind?
From what I know, offers were made and accepted in at least Spanish and Communication, and I think one more department as well.
Tulane Postdoctoral Teaching Fellows[]
- Offer made and accepted (4/26)
United Nations University - Institute of Advanced Studies (UNU-IAS) Postdoc or JSPS Postdoc[]
Deadline: 28 February 2010
Any news on that one?
University of California Berkeley - Mellon Postdoc Humanities[]
Info Deadline: Jan 22, 2010
E-mail ack. (12/21)
I can't get the application form to download. Anyone else having problems? -Never mind, solved the problem with some prompt help from the Mellon contact person.
What's the secret? I downloaded the Adobe upgrade but still having trouble...
For me, it was that the Mellon PDF was automatically opening in Preview. (I have a Mac.) It took opening Adobe and dragging the file into the program. So a very obvious fix for me, because I'm dumb. There's no way I'm getting this postdoc. >Thanks! I'm sure this is what's going on with me, too.
Q: Help!!!! For those of you who have already submitted this one, how did you handle pasting-in your proposal, CV, etc. into the fields in the PDF? I am having a heck of a time with formatting and with viewing the document in the form in order to make corrections to losses in formatting. Thoughts?????? Thank you so much!
A: This is not that helpful, but I just had to go through and manually adjust my own formatting. It's a pain. If you tab out of the box, though, you can see the whole thing, and that makes it easier.
A: I got 2 of the 3 boxes to accept my info, but the CV would not save after I put it on the box, so I emailed it along with my application and explained the problem.
I had the same problem, and did exactly the same thing.
Q: Does anyone know how the selection process proceeds? Interviews, materials requests, etc?
Has anyone received a confirmation of application yet who applied in January?
I applied yesterday and received a confirmation email this morning (1/21); got confirmation: (1/14)
I applied while they were on winter break, and got an automated response saying they'd respond after 1/11; not having gotten a response as of today (1/21), I emailed asking for confirmation. (Same here x2)
Further to above: received confirmation of receipt of materials today, following email query (1/21).
So do we have an idea of the timeline on deliberations for this fellowship (first, second, last cut, etc?)
Q: Has anyone who submitted their app on the 22nd received an acknowledgment? Not yet (as of 1/28 x2)(X3 as of 1/30) (as of 2/6)
Ack for app on 22nd followed email query. (1/26)
Q: Does anyone know if applications are reviewed by the applicant's proposed host dept, or is their a general committee that first screens the applications? Or, are applications evaluated and chosen only by a general committee? (2/9)
A: My impression from an email conversation with the administrator was that they forward the apps to the depts first. (2/9)
A2: The process is outlined quite clearly on the webpage: all applications are sent to the depts, each dept can nominate 2 people, then the Dean supervises the process from there (perhaps/probably) a general committee,
I emailed the administrator yesterday to get a sense of the timeline they're on, and this is what I was told: "Proposed host departments are currently performing the initial review, and they will have until March 12th to decide whether to nominate any applicants to the Dean's final selection committee. We anticipate being able to make final decisions by March 16th or 17th." Apparently he's also willing/able to check with proposed host departments to see if individual applicants have been nominated. Good luck, all!
Does anyone know what % of the department-selected finalists will ultimately be approved by the Deans?
well, there's 25 possible departments, each dept can nominate 2 -- so that's a potential pool of 50; of these, there are four spots.
Yes, but according to last year's wiki most departments only nominated one applicant, so the pool was closer to 25.
According to the comment above, today is when the departments were supposed to pass their nominations along to the final selection committee. Has anyone checked with the adminstrator to find out whether they were nominated (as was suggested above)? (3/12)
I was notified of nomination and declined (I had a TT offer), so at least some departments have come to their decision.
Congrats on both. Would you mind sharing your nominating department?
Did anyone else receive a departmental nomination? (3/17)
My faculty contact made it sound like the nominating department hadn't yet fully decided as of Friday; I do not know if anything has happened since then (3/17)
Has anyone heard from them yet? Any news? Rejections or acceptances? (3/18)
I heard two weeks ago that I was a department nominee, but nothing since then. (3/19)
I was sure they would notify us this week - it's spring break at Berkeley next week. If someone has new information, or feels like giving the Dean's office a call, that would be great (I would, but already did last week, and don't want to be the obsessive-compulsive applicant. Even though I am, of course).
I also heard today that that Spring Break is looming. If anyone knows anything about how much longer it might be, please chime in!!!! I'm assuming that anyone who checks this wiki frequently is just as obsessive as the rest of us. (3/19)
Hi, I was also nominated by a department at UCB and I can confirm (via my sponsor there) that they will decide after spring break, i.e. the week of March 29th. This is super reliable information from my sponsor (she's a professor in the department and spoke with the Dean), so hopefully folks can chill a bit for a couple weeks now. She assured me that no final news until that week of the 29th. Here is some potential bad news however: my nominating department is English and I think I was the only candidate they put forward. So, if you applied via English, it's probably not looking so great. Good luck to everyone though. (3/21)
To the poster above, thanks for the informative update, and congrats on the nomination.
I was notified today that offers went out on 3/19; those candidates must decide by 4/2. I was not told how they will handle the wait list, should that be an issue. (3/22)
Nothing like contradictory information to make this process even more fun. I guess, given that this is the academic job market, that bad news should be more readily believed than good ones...
Can anyone else confirm that offers went out on 3/19? I have a departmental nomination, and thought that offers were going to be made *after* Berkeley's spring break. (3/22)
- I was the original 3/19 theory poster above. I am a department nominee; I emailed the administrator (at the Dean's office) on Friday to get a sense of when decisions would happen. He replied by email today and gave me that information. (I am not one of the supposed people with offers.) Beats me why that would contradict what the Dean might have said to another department head! Sorry to spread confusion; that's just the email that I got. (3/22)
- I am also a nominee. In addition to what was already said about the offers having been extended last Friday, I was also told that the only system in place to go through the waiting list is that they will evaluate again if offers are declined (they will evaluate the applications placed in the waiting list; it was clear that there were candidates that were placed in the waiting list while others were not; or maybe I just read too much into the email I received, who knows?). Why do you think that the Dean would give misleading information to one of the faculty? Or maybe there was some miscommunication between the nominee and the faculty. Thanks for all the information you have posted. It has really helped me through "the anxiety". Take care
- From the poster of the question both of you responded to: thanks very much for writing. Sounds like miscommunication between the parties involved. Well, let's hope that a few of us with nominations and no offers somehow make it through. I bet someone declines (how's that for optimism?).
- Hi, I posted on 3/21. Wow, this is really confusing and somewhat maddening. The information posted about 3/19 offers seems solid and very specific. However, I spoke to my faculty contact as recent as 3/20 (one day after the offers apparently went out!), and I was assured that offers would not go out until after spring break. This person is extremely reliable. One possible reconciliation of this information is that offers went out 3/19, but potential waitlist offers won't go out until 4/2, so indeed "final" offers will not be made until the week after spring break. Even so, either the administrator is very mistaken or the faculty contacts are very mistaken. I plan to contact my faculty sponsor by the end of this week if I don't hear anything, and I am hoping other finalists will too in search of any new information. I suppose I still trust the faculty over the administrator's reported words, but all of this could be resolved if someone who has indeed received a final offer could post such information here immediately. Thanks.
- I received an offer late last Friday (3/19) in the form of an email from the dean, which was quickly followed by emails from my host department (I hadn't been in contact with anyone in the department or checked on whether I was nominated- just figured I'd wait and see). They emailed the official reward letter on Monday. As the person above stated, it gave us until April 2 to decide. It didn't say how many fellows were chosen, though it did say there were 830 applications.
- Thanks for this update. I also just checked in with my sponsor - indeed, the Dean contacted my nominating department on Friday, but because of furloughs, no one was around to get the message and thus, no one alerted me. So nothing seems awry. Otherwise, a hearty congrats to the above poster and good luck to the finalists who did not receive offers.
- Thanks again for the updates. Just a quick follow-up question for the poster of the "so nothing seems awry" message. Does this mean that you did get an offer yet the Dean had told one of the faculty at your host department that decisions wouldn't be made until after the 29th? Not sure if I read your posting well. It seems that the Dean sent emails to extend the offers to the applicants, you did not get one then? Thanks for the "good luck" wishes though.
- Right, sorry - my post was a continuation of information I had posted earlier, thus any confusion regarding my status. I initially wrote that I was told by my faculty sponsor that decisions would be made the week of 3/29. I discovered this was incorrect information via this website, and I confirmed that indeed offers went out 3/19 by speaking to that sponsor today. She was herself not clear about the timeframe because no one was around in the dept. on Friday to receive this information from the Dean and thus, pass on the information to me. So, what initially appeared like a massive contradiction in information was just a minor misunderstanding. Also, yes, I did not receive an offer on 3/19, which explains my hunt for additional information after reading this website on 3/22. Finally, I have no information on wait-list candidates though it's possible they will turn to the waitlist should any offers be declined. I hope that clears things up, sorry for any confusion. And again, congrats to those with offers and good luck to those still seeking employment.
- For those who received offers, would you please let us know which department/field is your host?
- A: Spanish & Portuguese.
- Does anybody have confirmation that this is indeed over and all offers have been accepted?
- No word of any sort past the acknowledgement of application (4/7)
- Rejection letter via email (4/9) (x3) 4 Fellowships were awarded from 829 applications.
- I just got my rejection email too. These numbers are brutal. I am relieved I got a postdoc elsewhere. Congrats to the four and good luck to everybody else!
University of California-Los Angeles Mellon Postdoctoral Program in the Humanities "Cultures in Transnational Perspective"[]
Deadline: Feb. 5th
- Ack. (2/16)
- When did you email your application materials? As of 2/18, no ack for an app emailed on the 2/5.
- I e-mailed my app in mid-Jan and have received no ack yet. (2/19)
- No ack as of 2/23 for app emailed 2/1
- Ack (2-23) (2x)
- Ack (2/25)
- Ack (2/16).
- Q: Does anyone know how many app. they received last year?
- Why don't you call?
- Thanks for this! I will try. I just didn't want to bother them with such questions... if I can get the info here :-) Having % may help to figure up how things will be this year -or I guess so. Good luck!
- I e-mailed them regarding a timeline, and they responded that they would offer postdocs some time in April (3/9)
- I received an email request for more materials - dissertation chapters or articles and syllabi (3/8). Anyone else receive such a request?
- Me too (3/8)
- Who sent you that e-mail (congrats!)? An administrator or someone from the Advisory / Search Committee? I mean, Does anyone know how app. are evaluated (e.g. general committee, host dpts...)? Is it possible that depts. contact potential candidates at different moments for such request? Or should we take this -not being contacted so far- as a first cut?
- The email was sent by an administrator in the Department of French and Francophone Studies (which is not my field).
- I take this "not being contacted thus far" as an indication that I am not a finalist. 3/15
- probably you have publication and they can find them wihout asking you.
- I don't have any publication. (x2 **sigh**)
- I am one of those who received a request for materials, and I do have publications. But then again, the request does seem rather early and not widespread, so perhaps it means little. It could just be that the person who was assigned our pile of applications got through it faster than the others.
- I emailed them to inquire when they can decide but got nothing back.
- I was told the decision would be made in early April.
- News? (25/3) New theories on why some candidates were contacted in early March and some not??
- No news here. I was one of those contacted, and I've heard nothing.
- Out of curiosity, since this is the last one I'm waiting for: how many of us are there? x2
- Sorry, do you mean candidates? Here I am... with very little hope... but willing the reponses!
- no exact number, but... when i submitted my application on 2/1, it got returned, because the mailbos was full. so they extended the deadline. I guess....more than 50 at least.
- I asked for numbers here as well, but no answer so far. I was not contacted for materials in early March, so I guess I am not a finalist. Snif!
Is this early April? News? When was it decided last year?
no idea...the middle April is approching....
Offer made. Tears rolling. (4.6) Q: Congrats, what field are you in? Also, were you contacted early on for more materials? (x2)
Field: History. Had not been contacted at all before offer and had assumed that I had already been eliminated. Thanks for the congrats, and good luck to all still searching! (4/8)
Called on Tuesday, 4/7/10 and the administrator informed me that no decisions had been made and the committee was perhaps meeting this week. Were you notified by the program or by your department?
hm......weird.... i emailed them yesterday but no response yet. anyone received a rejection letter?
No rejection letter nor acceptance letter. Nothing! This is very weird... isn't it?
Rejection (4/9): Email said I was not one of the finalists. Maybe this will still go on a while...
Rejection as well (4/9). Did everyone get the "your application was strong, please apply next year" version, or was there a more general rejection letter. (I got the general rejection from Stanford, so I'm just trying to figure out if this application was actually stronger.)
I was also told my application was "very strong" and I should apply again next year. This is the most dramatic sounding rejection letter I've ever received.
mine too. and i agree that is just dramatic thing. (4/10)
the sentence "your name is not in the list" is even more dramatic...
University of California-President's Postdoctoral Fellowship Program[]; Deadline: Nov. 02, 2009
FYI: Here were the numbers from last year, according to a current fellow: 141 applicants and 7 awardees in the Arts and Humanities. The Social Sciences had 177 applicants and 5 awardees. I wonder how the current budget crisis will impact this for 2010-2011...
-thanks for the numbers from last year on this one. Nice to get a sense of the percentages. Good luck to us all.
Q: Does anyone know when they might contact finalists for transcripts?
A: I don't think they will contact you for transcripts unless you are actually offered the postdoc. I was an alternate last year and they never asked me for one.
FYI: Heard there were 500 applications this year (not sure if that includes the 'hard' sciences). The number of awardees will likely be the same i.e. 5-7 per category.
Q: Just received an administrator notice that my dissertation chair submitted another letter today (1/27). Does anyone know what this means?
I'd guess that it means that they are verifying your graduation date. Or if your advisor is a little absent-minded, maybe s/he just saw the message and submitted again. Wouldn't the best way to find out be to email him/her to learn what they sent? (1/27)
Yes, I emailed him but know that he left town today. Must be verifying graduation date. Thanks!
The same thing happened to me a little over a week ago. I assumed it was some sort of glitch in the system, as the email message was worded the same as the initial upload confirmations back in Nov/Dec. My advisor didn't mention anything to me; I should probably ask. (1/27)
Do let us know what you find out from your diss chair. (1/28)
A: I had the same thing happen a few days ago and checked in with the UCOP administrator. She said that some reviewers didn't have the latest version of Microsoft Word so they had to upload my letter again as a PDF. That's probably what happened with everyone. (x2)
-Yep. That is what it was . . .
Some (not sure if all?) people were notified today (2/8)--like clockwork, same day as last year—and the year before!
Thanks for the update, but can you say how you know that people were notified and from which discipline?
Q: for those of us who did not apply last year--and the year before--would the above poster please be more specific? If you are uc admin trolling this wiki site, please help us out without being vague.
I completely concur with the above post. Please be more specific. Has anyone received any kind of email notification regarding the outcome of their applications?
A: Apologies. A friend got a phone call from the UCOP administrator, the awardee is in Arts/Humanities. Judging from last year and the year before, the awardees all get notified at once. But it's still possible to be an alternate ... I'm also an applicant (in Arts/Humanities) ... oh and re last year I heard that people were informed of alternate status around the 15th, and there's this re. last year: [[starting 2009]]
-If you don't mind saying, did anybody receive a rejection? No (2/9)
-According to last year's site, rejections came via snail mail around the 24th of February.
-Any firsthand notifications? 2/10 -- Email rejection 2/11 (x10)
A friend was offered a postdoc 2/11
-- I am a current postdoc. I was an alternate candidate. What happened was that some were notified that they got it (by phone). I gave up but then never
got a rejection and heard from a few friends who had. I finally got up the guts to call the office and was notified I was the first on the list. Within a day or two
of the final date by which people needed to accept or decline, I got the offer. There is some shuffling that goes on as they negotiate whether current postdocs
will be taking a second year etc etc. So don't give up until you get a rejection. And the administrator is amazing so don't hesitate calling. Hope this can spare someone the anguish I went through!
-Anyone apply and not get a rejection email or acceptance yet?
-I got an email that I am an alternate, didn't say how many there are or when I would find out. x2.
-- congrats on at least being an alternate! I hope it turns into something for you. I had no such luck. :-)
"Dear Applicant" rejection email, 2/11. Congrats to alternates and Fellows!
Rejection email. Tears rolling. Kidding, congrats to alternates and fellows!
University of London (UK): Postdoctoral Fellowship in United States History/Politics[]
- Details
- 3 year post, to work on two projects: Women in United States Foreign Policy (contemporary and historical)& Reporting America in the Age of Global War and Depression (1914-1945)
- PhD (in hand or close to completion) and research experience in modern US history/politics/international relations essential
- Deadline: 16 August 2010
UCLA Dean's Postdoc Fellowships in Social Science in Practice[] deadline: Feb 19
- has anyone else's sponsorship requests been ignored? (yup x3) How humiliating is this process?! (very x 3)
- Did anyone notice that recommendation letters can come from sponsors? Somehow it won't surprise me if 3 of the 6 postdocs are UCLA graduates...
- I'd be surprised, but you could be right. My read on this postdoc is that it is first a way for UCLA to get fresh ideas in the door at a time when they cannot otherwise hire and second a way for "sponsors" to do favors for their friends by taking students who cannot get jobs in a tough market...
- Any idea how many applicants for this postdoc?
- Any word on this postdoc? I haven't heard anything.
- The application page said that we will be informed of results on April 15.
- How many of us are actually waiting to hear back? x10 This one is the end of the line!!! Agreed, this one is truly the end of the line because I don't have the energy to keep applying right now.
- Anyone hear anything today (being the so-called results day)?? Nothing yet x8
- Does anyone have a sense of how UCs (or UCLA) generally works in terms of notification? Don't they know it's cruel, esp. in this market, to tell people a date and then blow it off?
- What's the etiquette about sending an e-mail to the information address about the notification delay? Anyone have an idea of another way to get info?
- Just (4/16) called the Dean's office. The administrator says that it's "still with the committee" and she's not sure what the delay is or when/how applicants will be notified, but was going to try to get more information by Monday. Just (4/19) followed up and the same administrator said it may be another week... or two. Let's hope the poster below's "reliable source" has better information than she does! urgh.
- THANK YOU! x 6
- Heard from a reliable source that results will be announced mid next week.
- Anyone know how many people applied for this postdoc?
- Just also heard from 2nd hand it might not be until another week. Does anyone have any actual inside info? At the very least you'd think they would change the date on their website! 4/20
- offer made via email from dean (4/22)x 2(4/26) ---> CONGRATULATIONS!!! Now, what are the rest of us going to do? Agh.
- Congrats! For the rest of us, any notice of rejection yet? Wondering if they might still be making decisions...
- According to their website, they are awarding 6 postdocs.
- I haven't heard anything from them (4/23) x3
- To those who got offers: would you mind sharing your fields? A: History and African American Studies. Joint Anthro/Social Work
- Rejection email x 2 (4/30)
- Have still heard nothing. Again, this is so cruel. At least send me a rejection e-mail 2 weeks after your announcement date and you've obviously made offers.
University of Cambridge - Clare College JRF[]
[[8]] Deadline: December 14, 2009
has anyone heard from this? (Jan 27)
Yes: rejection email Jan 27 (x4)
University of Cambridge: Corpus Christi JRF[]
Deadline: November 25 2009
Has anyone heard from this?
Request for written materials made on 21 Jan. via email.
What subject?
University of Cambridge - Darwin Correspondence Project[]
Three Research Associate positions: Darwin & Human Nature, Darwin & Gender, Editor
All 2 year posts involving individual & group research, publication & outreach
Deadline: 14 May 2010
University of Cambridge - Emmanuel College Junior Research Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: October 8, 2009
Rejection e-mail on November 18...
Request for written materials received, Nov. 17: they asked for both hard and soft copies: hard copies have to arrive by Nov. 23rd, so a very fast turnaround (x2)
This "very fast turnaround" of hard copies is unfair and discouraging to persons who must post their materials from other countries, which is already expensive and made much more so by having to use some sort of express/rush courier service (whoever deleted my comment last time, please do not delete this).
I agree about the unreasonableness of this fast turnaround. It seems like all the Cambridge JRFs are this way. I think they set themselves very tight deadlines, but in doing so presume that candidates are UK-based. I'd expect a more "global" outlook from a top international university, but Cambridge does things its own way. One of the Cambridge colleges, I think Sydney Sussex, sent an email recommending that applicants keep their written materials "lodged" with a contact in the UK in case they are requested. There's a presumption of being tied to the UK too, but at least they give you a heads up about the process.
That is crazy about keeping written materials "lodged"! To their credit, when I asked if they would be flexible regarding hard copies arriving a bit after the deadline (which for me meant a huge difference in shipping costs--like US $40...), they said that was fine, since they get electronic copies this year...
Magdalene College, Cambridge, is even worse. They state on the application form that they'll request written materials by telephone on the afternoon of Jan 11, and expect to receive two hard copies by Jan 13. Do they imagine that candidates have nothing else to do except apply for their fellowship? It seems they have not updated their systems since the days when these things were intended for their own graduate students, who would just have to pop across the quad to hand their essays in. I don't want to allege that they still favour insiders - Cambridge colleges draw fellows from all over the place. But if they want seriously to recruit internationally, or even just nationally, they need to make their application processes practical for people based elsewhere.
(Jan.12) Received notice by email of being one of eight finalists (for 3 open fellowships) and that committee will vote on Monday Jan.18
(Jan.13) Good luck. Blast I haven't heard anything so I suppose I'm out! Can I ask what subject?
(Jan. 18) Offer made (Anthropology)
University of Cambridge - Five College Joint JRFs[]
[[9]] Deadline: November 22, 2009
- supposedly we will hear "after January 12th.."
- Rejection by email 1/13 (x3)
- mind sharing for which field/college? (x2 talking here: History (preference was Trinity Hall, Fitzwilliam, Murray Edwards)) Me, too.
- Rejection by email 1/13, English
- Rejection by email 1/13, History (at least they're nice enough to let us know by email unlike some of the other JRFs I applied for).
- Request for written work 1/13 (x2) -- Successful candidates mind sharing fields? Mine is music.
- Classics
- Has anyone heard since submitting writing samples / interviews? (17/3)
University of Cambridge- Gonville & Caius College Junior Research Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: October 1, 2009
- Note: Must be graduates/current students of a British institution, with no more than 4 years
post-doctoral experiencesee below. - Actually I'm not sure if '4 years of post doctoral experience' is correct. I think its 4 years of post graduate study- which in the UK means 4 years after your undergraduate degree. The Caius website also says that "Candidates must be graduates of, or research students in, a University in the British Isles, and they must have completed not more than four years of full-time research (or part-time equivalent) by 1st October 2009." This would therefore disqualify the vast majority of 5th year PhD students from the US.
- It is not post graduate study; it is "full-time research." A taught masters does not count. A research masters (MPhil) or a PhD program probably does.
- Does anyone know if there's a shortlist for this one? Or do we not hear anything until certain applicants are called for interview in January?
- (18/12) An email went round acknowledging applications about this time last year (according to last year's wiki), but it's not clear whether that went to all applicants or just to those who were shortlisted. Has anyone heard anything?
(13 Jan) Anyone heard about this one yet?
- Interviews conducted and winners announced earlier this week (1/20).
- This has to be the least professional and most arrogant of all the Oxbridge colleges. Not merely do they require all your work up front (although this is an advance on the twelve - yes, 12!! - copies of application materials they required last year) and have quite the longest lead time of all the JRF competitions, but apparently there is nobody in the college capable of doing a mail merge or of sending out a bulk 'bad luck' e-mail. Frankly, I'm glad that I'm now so far out of my undergraduate degree that I'm no longer eligible to apply for the JRF competition here, and won't be thus compelled by the sheer need of a job to waste my time on it. (Spleen duly vented...)
University of Cambridge: Homerton JRF[]
Deadline November 30 2009
Reached first shortlist: Email received January 7
(22 Jan) Rejection by e-mail.
University of Cambridge - King's College Junior Research Fellowships[]
[[10]] Deadline: November 13, 2009
Rejection by email - 12/12
Has anyone received a request for written work?
Yes- request for written work by email, 12/12. They request 2 writing samples, up to 80,000 words total.
Q. I'm unsure how to interpret the request for written work. "Two papers" suggests two contained pieces of work. I have no papers anywhere near that length. Also, does anyone know how many people are in this situation -- in terms of keeping dates free and whether travel from outside the UK will be provided? (Or is it a telephone interview?). Sorry for the questions! Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks. (12/13)
Q: may I ask what your field is?
A: History... Oh, I forgot that it's open to all disciplines!
Q: Has anyone else not received any word as of yet? 12/14 (x2 - I think this is an internal hire - I was told Cambridge does this often?)
Why do you think some people have not heard anything yet?
is this just a history post? any other disciplines being considered? dec 14 - Anthropology is also being considered.
thanks... are you suggesting making the written work interdisciplinary? are most people already england-based for this?
A: At least one in musicology is being considered, and that candidate is based in England, but of U.S. nationality. Not sure what happens _often_, but JRF hires I've seen are usually PhD candidates internally or from an Ivy League school in the States.
Q. Do you know how many people are being considered? Or any more about what they're looking for?
Rejection (anthropology): 300 applicants for 1 position (12/16)
--- ditto. these numbers are crazy!
Jan 17 - Any updates on this? Still have not heard anything...
1/21- invitation to interview on Feb 4 by email Q: Do you mind sharing what discipline you're in and whether you're UK or Oxbridge based? A: anthropology- US-based
University of Cambridge - Magdalene JRF[]
- Deadline November 30 2009
- Anyone receive any news?? This is the last of the Oxbridge JRF's I'm waiting to hear back from, as of 3/5
University of Cambridge - Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship (2 years)[]
Info Deadline: March 12, 2009.
"Science, Medicine and Society in Africa"
Any word??
- Shortlist made, interviews to begin on the 21st of April.
University of Cambridge - Newnham JRF[]
Reached first shortlist (writing sample stage) - email on 12/17 (literature field)
University of Cambridge - Peterhouse JRF[]
- Deadline: November 15 2009
- Reached first shortlist: email received November 30
University of Cambridge - Peterhouse College Fellowship & College Lectureship in History[]
5-year fellowship in "either ancient, extra-European, modern British, or modern European History" (details)
Deadline: December 31 2009
This should be moved to the History Job page, I think. It's not a post-doc.
It is listed on the World History page.
University of Cambridge - Randall Dillard Fellowship, Pembroke College[]
Info Deadline: December 1, 2009
- Q: I am just finalizing my application for this fellowship, and I realise that I am not sure about the details of the request for details of current research and proposed research. Can anyone guess: should I send a 1000 word account of my current research and a seperate account of my proposed research, in addition to these 1000 words? Alternatively, is the intention for me to send 1000 words which contain a description of both my current and proposed research? In another alternative, am I supposed to send a 1000 word account of proposed research and a separate account of current research? These are the bits of the application that confuse me:
- From the website:
"Applications should reach The Senior Tutor's Assistant by 1 December 2009 and should include the following information:
- the usual particulars, and a short account of the applicant's academic record and career so far, including a note of any other appointments for which applications are being made
- an explanation of the nature of the applicant's current research in about 1,000 words of non-technical language, a brief statement of any future research project, together with a statement of published and unpublished work; the work itself should be available to the Electors shortly after the closing date but should not be sent until requested"
- From the form itself:
- "1. An explanation of your current research, and
2. A brief statement of your next research project, in about 1000 words of non-technical language."
- One statement of 1000 words to address both current and future research was my read of the instructions.
- 09 December: email thanking for application and saying they are being reviewed over the next two weeks. (x 4)
- 28 December: the two weeks have passed... has anyone heard?
- Email request for written work Monday January 4th
- May I ask in what field?
- Classics
- email rejection (1/8) (x4)
- over 300 applications
- has anyone heard back about interviews? (1/21)
- No, not yet (1/28)
- Anyone heard back about interviews? (2/05) - the interviews took place on 8th Feb
University of Cambridge - St Catharines College Junior Research Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: October 31, 2009
- 11/19- Received email of making the long short list and requesting that written work be sent by email by November 30th x2.
- 01/29-Offer made
University of Cambridge - Sidney Sussex College JRF[]
Deadline: October 20 2009 13 November: received email warning they are in the process of shortlisting and work will be required only 3 days after shortlisting. (x5) Rejection by email 23 November (x3)
University of Cambridge - Two year Research And Teaching Fellow, History of Medicine 1500-1850[]
Info Deadline: 15 March 2010
University of Cambridge - Trinity College JRF[]
Information for applicants Deadline: 1 March 2010
University of Chicago Society of Fellows[]
Info Deadline: Nov 2, 2009
- Q: App asks for 2-pp teaching statement writing about a text of their own choosing, then provides examples: I assume that the examples not a list of texts from which one *must* choose? (p.s. wish the apps for these postdocs were as standardized as those for TT-jobs; super tired of tweaking and rewriting the same materials over and over again)
- A: If selected as a fellow, you will be asked to teach the books that they list as examples, so it is generally a good idea to pick from what they give you or pick a similar "Great Books" text.
- It does say that the text should be of your own choosing. I interpreted this to mean that it should indeed be a text of your choice and not one of the few they provide. I have an example 2 page teaching statement from someone who won this two years ago and she chose her own text which is not one of the 'great books' or canonical texts listed as an example.
- I certainly hope the texts aren't limited just to the books they provided; if all they want is what's listed, their "humanities-wide" fellowship definitely seems to skew heavily towards people in just a smattering of disciplines.
- Their core courses pages give I think a better idea of what they would want you to teach and the types of text they use in the program. I imagine what distinguishes different disciplinary approaches is not just the choice of the texts (which are a fairly broad list of major Western thinkers), but the manner of using them.
- why oh why did they make the hard copy receipt deadline on a holiday??? All of that work for nothing, will miss the deadline...
- 11/10 just saw this on their website "NOTE: Due to the fact that the post office will be closed on the 11th for Veteran's Day, all mailed materials will be accepted through November 12." --THANK YOU for your insight, you made my day
- Q: Does any one know when things start happening in this fellowship usually? When do they in general start to give any sign of what is going on? Thanks.
- A: Last year, Humanities got started in mid-December, and Social Studies not until January. However, everyone seems to be running a bit behind this year because of the increased number of applications. I wouldn't be surprised if that's true here too.
- Q: Does any one know what materials they request for the second round?
- A: Good question. Last year (2008-09) in Social Sciences it was one writing sample ("of up to 50 pages") and one syllabus ("of a previously taught course"). Good luck! (12/10)
- It was the same for the Humanities and the request came on 12/22.
- 12/11 request for writing sample and syllabus of stand-alone course (+1 mine was in the Humanities field)(x5)
- Heard through the grapevine that two U-Chicago PhDs were told that they have "strong chances" of getting positions here, so buyer beware..Sadly, I too applied and am not at U-Chicago.
- Of course, this is all word-of-mouth, but I guess it's a sign of the times if these big fellowships become safety nets for a department's recent grads in a down market.
- A portion of fellows in the past always came from UC. It seemed like that they were linked to the faculties in the committee. Then, the same guys also got hired at UC. I didn't apply for this one...just thinking about 1000+ applications gives a me headache. -- I think one usually has a hometown advantage, just because other people on the faculty (and in other disciplines) will know your hot-shot advisors in a way that can't be said of other universities. I doubt they are letting in sub-par people, but their very good people probably have a leg-up on other very good people for the reason of familiarity and trust. Which is probably true of any of us when we apply to places where we know a lot of people. Especially when the place (like Chicago) has a very specific idea about what kind of curriculum it does and what kinds of graduates it cultivates.
- With that mentality nobody should apply to this but UC people... I don't know, call me an idealist, but I think that you apply and try to put a good application and then see, you never is a long shot, that is true, but I feel I have at least to try. Good luck to every one! Hopefully we will start to know something in concrete soon.
- Thanks for the helpful info! Of course, most of the people who are currently at Chicago would be highly qualified for this post. And you make an excellent point that it's tougher to reject the student of a hot-shot adviser whom you see every day than the student of a hot-shot adviser elsewhere. The fact that fewer of those highly-qualified people at UC will secure a tenure-track job elsewhere may make it even more likely that they will shut out other candidates. Would be kind of fun to bet on what % of next year's fellows are from Chicago. Well, morbid fun, but that's my favorite kind.
- Q: The person who wrote "12/11" request for writing sample--did you mean for this year's competition?? I assume yes, but I was confused by the previous discussion. I also was in touch with someone who referred to the 1000 apps. "on their desk" just this Tues.... Thanks for clarifying! --re: "12/11"--that was me, and yes, referring to this year's (2010-2011) search. I am at U of C and can corroborate all of the above chatter about hometown advantage--but only because I've spent several years teaching in their "core," which essentially qualifies me by default for the "job." I also know the 2 recent phds referred to above and can tell you that at least one of them already has a book deal and most likely will have several offers. Honestly, we here at the U of C believe that the committee (in Humanities) is biased against hiring its students, but there is always at least one inside hire. I have heard that in the Social Sciences, there are guaranteed spots for U of C phds.
- Q: Does any one know how many persons are usually contacted for these additional materials? Is it a rather long short list? -
- To "12/11"-Thanks for the info!
- Is it over? Was 12/11 the end, or are there more emails that will go out? Just wondering whether I should cross it off my list...
- Yeah, cross it off. Why would you want to get that UofC smell on you anyway?
- Have there been any requests for additional materials in the social sciences? I know it's a long shot because of the guaranteed spots for U of C PhDs, just thought I'd check...
- Re: all the discussion about U of C favoritism, FWIW, I hold one of the most prestigious dissertation fellowships the U of C offers, have two committee members who are on the Society of Fellows (not on the selection committee, but still, their recs should theoretically "count" more), I've taught in the Core with excellent course evaluations, and did not get so much as longlisted for the Humanities jobs. So U of C people reading these old posts next year ought to be wary of feeling they can cakewalk into these jobs, and equally, I think non-U of C people shouldn't write off applying. From what I've been told by some of the profs in my department, there is increasing scrutiny of internal hires at all levels at the U of C.
- From asking very direct questions while at Chicago, I learned the following: UofC students have a distinct advantage over all others for a HS if they have taught the core sequence 'self, culture, and society.' It is one of the few, if not the only, exceptions. Why? Because it is a very particular sequence, taught according to a very particular methods and in accordance with a very particular perspectives. Those who run the sequence are very concerned with keeping things as is. More often than not, those from Chicago who are selected as HS Fellows, had already taught this sequence at least two years as graduate students, have been through the drill of the weekly faculty meetings dedicated to teaching this sequence (and thus in constant view of the selection committee), and have had at least one, if not two, of the main people who run this sequence on their dissertation committees and orals committees. Beyond the 'self, culture, and society' sequence the selection process is far more open to non-UofC phds, and the selection usually runs along the same lines as any other postdoc.
- 12/30: Re: nondated's question above: any requests for additional materials for social sciences?
- 1/8: Additional materials requested for the social sciences (by email) (x8). Anyone know how large the applicant pool is at this point?
- Found out from somebody who asked the office that 77 people were asked for writing samples out of an applicant pool of 600. Less than half of these 77 will get on the interview list.
- Clarification query: is that 77 seminfinal number for social sciences, humanities, or both? I presume the 600 refers to either the SS or H pool (but not both together), but 30 plus interviewees strikes me as a possible number for both together. Can anyone clarify? 1/16
- 1/16: Sorry for not clarifying. That would be for the social sciences.
- OK, so that means 1200 total and around 150 semifinalists...and they are going to campus interview around 60 people altogether? How many positions in each pool are there?
- fyi: requests for interviews for Humanities went out today via email. no idea how many. first round of interviews in late feb. (x2)
- 1/16 received email re: alternate status for interview (x3)
- were emails received for Hum or Soc Sci?
- My interview request is in Humanities (it came by email on Jan 16, and interview is mid March)
- 02/11: Has anybody from the social sciences received an interview request yet? A: last year it wasn't until March that they scheduled interviews for social sciences.
- SS request for writing sample email indicated interview requests would go out in second half of February and interviews would be in early March.
- Any word on SS interviews?
- Interviews for both Humanities and SS have been scheduled.
- I did not get an email. Does that mean a rejection is on the way?
- How do you knowa bout the SS interviews? Did you get a request?
- Can anybody confirm SS interviews now arranged, i.e., email date/s, interview date/s, alternates, etc?
- I am a current fellow, and I can confirm the earlier post stating that interviews for both HUM and SOSC have been scheduled. There could always be more interviews, which is why rejections don't go out yet, since the final number of openings is never clear until current fellows finish out their own market searches.
- Thanks for that - can you tell us how many positions are available and/or how many people are interviewing?
- Has anybody been informed about alternate status?
- Q: What does "alternate status" mean? Does this mean they only interview as many people as positions? So, someone needs to bomb the interview in order for me to get one??!
- I suppose there are several interviewees for each position and if somebody declines the interview they'll invite an alternate. I think this happened last year according to the Wiki.
- I think that it is a pretty good guess that those of us who have not heard anything yet are out of the game..
- Offer made by email [3/16]
- Also received offer, 3/16, in Humanities. Accepted, 4/6
- Congrats! For future reference: What is the timeframe to accept the offer?
- Congrats to the ones who received offers. Though receiving a rejection email after this much time seems superfluous. Figured about two months ago that I was out of the running. ha.
- Though, it was a very nice rejection letter - emphasizing how few positions were open. Rejection received, soc stud 3/19
- Of those who have received offers in Humanities, would you be so kind as to let us know if have you accepted?
- Rejection received via email! 3/25 I was beginning to think one would never come for this one.
- Have all offers been accepted by now since they are sending email rejections?
- Social Sciences Offers have been made and all accepted.
- Humanities offer accepted 4/15.
University of Chicago Provost's Career Enhancement Postdoctoral Scholarships[]
info Deadline: November 1, 2009
- Email acknowledgment of completed application (29 Oct.)
- Email acknowledgment of application (11/2)
- Q: Anyone know about # of applicants this year or last?
- Q. Anyone heard anything yet? Or when we can expect any info?(1/13/2010) - in April, I was told when they confirmed my app
- I asked, and was informed that they are reviewing applications and will make offers by the first week of March. (1/26)
- Just wondering how many people sought faculty sponsorship? I didn't, since the guidelines said it was optional, but I bet I should have. Looking at last year's wiki it seems that the University was also confused about how to handle this. Anyone care to weigh in?
- I did not seek a nomination either. I have no clue how this affects their decision-making... (x2)
- Rec'd email asking for writing sample; says final notification comes first week of March. (2/18).
- It's now towards the end of the first week of March. Has anyone heard anything yet? (3/4) No... (x2) (3/4)
- are we to infer that those who were not asked for writing samples are out?
- Not sure, but maybe. The email said, "For our final round of review, we wish to review a writing sample." Sounds like the ones who got this email are finalists, at least to me. ...Good luck, all... -- Thanks for the info, and best of luck.
- Email rejection received, stating that there were over 300 applicants for two scholarships. (3/9) (x5) (Was anyone a bit surprised that there were only two spots? I had been under the impression that there were more, no?)
- Anyone still to receive word? Perhaps rejections/notifications are coming in waves? (3/9)
- I imagine that notifications are coming in waves, as I haven't heard anything yet but don't hold out much hope for getting one of these either. I'm not at all surprised that there were only two spots this year (as opposed to four last year). Budget cuts! (3/9)
- Haven't heard yet either... ah, the agony of springtime.
- I've still heard nothing since being told we'd hear the first week of March. Anyone else in the same boat? (3/28)
University of Michigan Du Bois-Rodney-Mandela Fellowship[]
- News? (1/5)
- Received email rejection letter (3/2) (x2)
- I called and they said an offer has been made & accepted
University of Michigan Society of Fellows[]
Info Deadline: September 30, 2009
- what is the deal with the writing samples? is it between 1 and 3, or are 3 required? (9/25)
- It says between 1 and 3 and total pages can't be more than 25 or something. But then online form won't let you submit w/o three. So i submitted the same article (circa 25 pages) three times. (9/25)
- No, Each sample should be around 20 pages: you can submit longer work, either in installations, or as one sample and then in the others just write a note saying that is what you did. I know this for a fact because I asked, and that was the reply I got from the administrator.
- I wrote and asked if I could submit one sample of 60 pp or two that equal 60 in length. They wrote back and said they require three 20-page samples. I guess that doesn't preclude cutting up one large sample into three parts.
- Does anyone know if you are allowed to submit the same research proposal two years in a row? Thanks.
- I asked the same question (about submitting a lengthy writing sample) and was told that it's fine to split a longer text into multiple documents. Seems like the total page count is what they're really worried about.
- Am I the only person who is getting an error message when they try to go to the online ap? (9/30, 3 PM EST): "Error: Could not connect to the database. Please try again later."
- sigh. there goes another $30. at least harvard and princeton aren't so crass as to milk us for our pennies....
- does anyone know when they usually notify people about making the short list or the interview process? - Around February, and there are no interviews.
- I wonder why they extended the deadline on this one.
- Does anyone know if they conduct interviews for this one? - they don't.
- rejection received 11/12 (dated 11/6): "your file is no longer being considered." Letter says there were 860 applications and they've narrowed it down to "about 400" semi-finalists. (x5) - 860x$30=$25,800 - maybe they'll offer an extra fellowship...Michigan dollar scheme!
- Q: For those of you who received rejection notices, how did they come? Email? Snail mail?
- A: Snail mail.
- Wow, last year's search had 498 applications received with 100 semi-finalists identified. Good to know how to gauge the heightened competition this for year's postdoc fellowships.
- So if I haven't received a rejection, then does that mean I'm still in the group of "about 400" semi-finalists?
- If they do it like last year, yes, that means that you're a "semi-finalist." I didn't get my rejection for last year's cycle until Jan or Feb of this year. No news is (provisional) good news.
- rejection received 12/2, dated Nov. 30, via snail mail. Letter says they are now down to 180 semi-finalists. (x2)
- Thanks for the update, 12/2. What's your region? -Midwest
- Rejection received 12/4, dated Nov. 30 (snail mail to NYC). Does anyone have theories about how semi-finalists are selected? They've got to have some speedy way of eliminating lots of people...--I suspect that they are not reading the application materials carefully. Neither are the eliminations based on applicants' academic achievements/institutional prestige etc. And their multiple writing samples were quite fishy, given that they didn't even promise to abide by some sort of honor code (unlike Oxford) to keep them from misuse.
- Good question. I made it further last year when I was ABD; I've got a much stronger CV now, but I got the reject today too (West Coast). I'm nonplussed . . . bemused, even. (x2)
- Ditto on doing better last year (got rejection yesterday, East Coast). My application materials were much weaker all the way around last year (proposal, samples, and to some extent CV). Perhaps they start eliminating a bit by discipline at this point in the process?
- People, there's no need to be negative or take things personally. There are so many factors in this process, such as which departments received fellows last year, who in each department is on sabbatical next year and therefore needs a replacement, who is on the different committees each year, and so on, and it's only to be expected that results will be different each year. Also, even if only 10% of the applications were strong - and I have no doubt that many more are - when there are so many applications in the process, it's clear that many talented, well qualified people will be cut early. ---Michigan Customer Service? It's going to be tough for 855 "people" not to react negatively, especially if they had to pay $30 for some speedy cutoffs.
- Just curious: What are the disciplines of those who have received rejections? --History; anthropology; political science; art history; sociology
- I just got back from a professional conference where I spoke to a current fellow. This fellow also reassured that the SOF gets so many qualified applications and that those departments with 2 fellows (with fellowship years left) already are least likely able to contend for a new fellow. At this stage I was told that the remaining applications are forwarded to the departments for their input. --There are two fellows with years left in my discipline, so that's nice to hear. But it would be even nicer if, like Stanford, the Michigan SOF would announce at the beginning which departments were getting postdocs.
- Rejection received 12/5 by mail. "reviewed some 860 candidates in order to identify about 180 semi-finalists." -Q: Would you mind stating your region and the date of the letter?
- I was just informed by a faculty member of the history dept at Mich that history has until the end of this week to review MSF apps and offer its input (8 Dec) x2
- Question: For those of you who received rejections, were they sent to your home or office address? (I'm out of town and fretting that the rejection is in my dept mailbox.) Thanks. --Mine was sent to my home address.
- Are there MLA or other interviews?
- No interviews, as I recall. Regarding earlier posts—rejection sent to home address; English/comp. lit field.
- My friend was interviewed on phone last year, but didn't get it.
- Rejection dated 11/30. East Coast. History.
- Rejection received 12/16 (East Coast [Canada]). English.
- Question: for the most recent post, what was the date on the rejection?
- Additional question for the poster with the 12/16 rejection: did the letter mention anything else? It seems like the previous two rounds of rejections included the number of candidates still standing. Anything of the kind in the current round of rejections?
- Anyone else convinced that they accidentally through their rejection letter into the recycling, tucked between stacks of coupons and magazines and the other unimportant stuff mailed to your home address? YES! you are not alone...Even worse: what if that mythical letter contained a real offer? A: According to last year's page, offers are made by phone, and not letter. My typo has been killing me; all attempts to be cool and let it stand have failed; read "threw" for "through" in the original posting.
- Anyone have any news? Are they choosing a shortlist directly out of 180, or will there be another cut (and round of rejections) first?
- According to a current SOF I know, there is still another narrowing down meeting on January 19, so there is still time yet.
- Last year, they made the offers right around then (third week of January). Does that mean final decisions will be made weeks later than last year?
- Rejection received (dated 1/12). Letter says 35 semi-finalist were chosen. [Thank you for this information. Do you mind sharing which region of the country you live in? That is, how fast does the mail travel in this guessing game...] (x2 on the question... :) A: Midwest.
- So this rejection came by snail mail?
- And arrived when? (to gauge difference between when dated and when mailed...obsessive, I know!)
- And as long as we're all showing our obsessive sides, is 1/12 a postmark date or the date on the letter itself? Anyone else thinking they're not going to be able to sleep between now and Tuesday, when mail service resumes?
- The letter itself was dated 1/12 and arrived on 1/16. Good luck to those still in the game!
- Hmm, so the January 19 meeting will be to cut down from the 35 semi-finalists... I wonder if they'll contact finalists at the end of the week?
- That's consistent with last year's schedule, and it also means they have their act together.
- Snail-mail rejection received today (east coast), dated 12 Jan, 35 semi-finalists chosen (19 Jan) x4...good luck to everyone left!
- any news about supposed meeting today and when they may notify final finalists?
- Are rejections coming to homes or offices? The application asked for both addresses.
- If anyone received a rejection at their office address, please post that info so we may check our dept/office mail.
- Good News: An early rejection letter did not get lost in the mail, I really was still in the running; Bad News: I know this because rejection letter arrived today, 1/19 by snail to the home adddress (East Coast).
- Apparently I spent the day stalking the wrong mailbox. On the upside, I'm in the Midwest and didn't have anything at home, either. I hope this is a good sign for my application and not a bad sign for the local postal service.
- Any news from the poster in touch with the current SOF?!
- Got an offer by phone today 1/20; Q: Your field in Humanities or Social Science? (x3 on the Q). A: social science
- Were all offers extended yesterday, or is there more to come? If anyone has info, please share. 1/21 (x3)
- A little confused by the December dating (corrected). Received an offer by phone yesterday, 20 January. Humanities. Q: Field?
- Heard from insider that they made all offers and don't expect to have to go to an alternate list in this economy. 1/22
- Any one else not have an offer or a rejection letter? Does that mean the letter's just in the mail somewhere?
- Rejections will be sent in the next two weeks. I asked. 1/22
University of Michigan Mellon Sawyer Post-Doc - Ethnicity in Africa[]
Deadline: November 13, 2009
Q. Any news on this one? (11/30) - No, but it would be helpful to know if they acknowledge when a file is complete. OP here - I've still heard nothing and I'm sure my file is complete :( (12/13).
This one is very mysterious. No news at all (2/4/10). I emailed to confirm receipt of rec letters in mid-Dec and never got a response.
Emailed the chair for an update and didn't get a response (2/12).
Q: How many people applied for this and in what field?
A: Anthropology (2)
Rec'd rejection email (3/1) - they had 40 applicants and chose 2.
Has anybody else received a rejection or acceptance? I haven't heard one way or the other... (x2) - 3/2
Regarding the rejection above, it came after I emailed to ask about the status b/c I had to respond to something else so they may not have notified other people yet (3/3).
Any news on the rejection/acceptance situation on this one? My mailbox is at school and I live 75 miles away. I would hope that they are not just using snailmail (3/8)
rejection via snailmail 3/13 x3:(
University of Michigan NCID[]
Anyone heard anything about this one?
E-mailed regarding status of application and was informed that decisions will be announced in mid-April (3/3)
Received email stating that the selection committe is currently in the second stage of a multistage review process and that they will do their best to inform applicants of their decision by the end of April. (3/19)
It's April 30th and still no update...
They have selected their top five and are mailing out rejections next week. (5/6, phone call to administrator)
University of Minnesota Quadrant Fellows[]
Info Deadline November 20, 2009
- Any word? (1/3)
- How many people watching this wiki applied for this fellowship? Total number: 9
- 1/19 decision "within a couple of weeks"
- I got a confirmation email on 1/4 which read: "We are happy to confirm that we have received your complete Quadrant application. We plan to make fellowship offers in February 2010." (1/22)
- As this is now the last week of February, any word from Minnesota? (2/22)
- Nothing here. Probably they're inundated with applications, just like everyone else. (2/22)
- Question for person writing on 1/19 - - how did you get this info? --- I assume that you called or emailed?
- Since this is the last business day of February, do you think they will contact the winners by email today? If I don't hear anything by today, should I assume my rejection letter is on its way via snail mail? (2/26)
- Look at last year's wiki -- they didn't send out letters until the end of March, though they had the same February goal.
- The one listed on last year's wiki is a different fellowship (one which, I believe, is not being offered this year).
- Why is it taking so much time? Any word on why Quadrant is taking so much time? Have offers been made?
- So I bit the bullet and asked about the status of the decisions. The answer I got was that decisions have been made and they will be "emailing letters" to all candidates next week. (3/5)
- You're awesome. Thanks so much for doing this. (x3)
- checking my email obsessively! (3/8)
- It's almost the end of the week. Anyone heard from them yet? (3/11)
- Nope.
- I'm the one who posted above about possibly hearing this week--maybe I got bad information, except it was from the adminstrator. How much longer will the wait continue? (3/11)
- Rejection received via email today (3/11)
- Are they doing this in a rolling fashion? Nothing here yet. (3/12)
- I wrote the rejection note, so I guess I should elaborate. The rejection I received was actually "good news" in some ways as it contained the following language: "Although you were not chosen as a Quadrant Fellow, we are pleased to tell you that your proposal generated a good deal of excitement among members of the selection committee, and that the University of Minnesota Press would like to discuss a potential book project with you, with the possibility of future participation in Quadrant as the project develops." So, if they are individualizing responses in this way, letters could absolutely be rolling. Kudos to the committee -- I've never felt so good upon receiving a rejection letter. (3/12)
- Hm, perhaps the acceptance and first-rate rejection emails went out yesterday 3/11, and the rest of us will hear a bit later. Congrats on the interest in your work! A very nice rejection letter indeed.
- Rejection for me as well (3/12). I only received my rejection after emailing the admistrator late this afternoon, who said she was "working [her] way through [the letters] alphabetically." Mine was a flat out rejection--no hint of a university press interest, so kudos to the person above. Le sigh. Hopefully the rest of us will hear one way or the other very soon. Good luck!
- What is the name/email of the administrator you are in touch with?
- Rejection received via email. Anthro (no Press interest) Last name begins with F. (3/14).
- Rejection email 3/16.
- I'm a "W" and got my rejection on 3/16, too-- so perhaps they're all done sending them out. Thank you for playing, and good luck for next year! Sigh.
University of Nevada, Reno - Core Humanities Postdoc[]
info Deadline: April 30, 2010
- Anyone apply for this one?
- Yes--but have heard nothing as of 5/19/10 (ditto: 5/26)
- offer was made and accepted (6/7)
University of Oxford - Nuffield College Postdoctoral Prize Research Fellowships[]
info Deadline: November 6, 2009
- anyone invited for an interview yet? it's supposed to be in the end of this month... (1/8)
- still haven't heard anything (1/8)
- Invitations are supposed to be sent out in mid January, so about now. Anyone contacted?
- still waiting to hear something pos or neg (1/14)
- no news here, but it's nice to know others are waiting as well. (1/14)
- still waiting too (18/1)
- apparently, short-listed candidates have already been contacted
- that makes sense what with the on-site interviews happening in less than two weeks
- yes, they made their decisions on Friday actually
- did anybody receive rejection letters?
- no rejection letter yet, but expecting one if above is true (1/18)
- I actually emailed the secretary as I have to give my reply for another postdoc offer I got...and so she told me that they did not put me in the final shortlist and they have already invited selected applicants. It won't surprise me if Oxford only sends letters and not emails to notify you on the outcome actually-they used to do the same in Cambridge where I did my grad.
- Nice rejection email (1/26)
- Anyone else not receive rejection or campus invite?? I'm not an idiot, it's obviously over for me, but I don't understand why they wouldn't send out all rejections at once...
- I don't either. I haven't received a rejection or an invite. (1/29) (x2)
- For what it's worth at this late date, I received an email rejection today. (2/22)
University of Pennsylvania, Critical Writing Program[]
- Deadline: January 5, 2010
- Any news on this at all? Anyone? Even an acknowledgement of receipt of materials?
- Website lists deadline as 2/15
- That must be a change; my information (which is from a copied-and-pasted page from the site) clearly says, "Priority deadline January 5. Thereafter, applications will be considered on a rolling basis until all lectureships are filled." The verbiage is now exactly the same, but the date does indeed read 2/15.
- Yanking our chain with a short-notice deadline not once but twice? I had already decided not to apply since my app wouldn't be on time. Now I get to make that same decision again!
- But, the fact that their deadline is "Feburary" 15th for a Writing Program job has to make you smile.
- Color me clueless, but...why does this deadline make you smile?
- The misspelling of February on a Writing Program's site seems a little ironic. Maybe it's just my attempt to find something somewhat humorous in this crazy, demoralizing job hunt.
- Clearly I am not fit for this position, because I didn't even notice it.
- Q. Any news? 3/24 A: No yet! 3/26
- As of 4/18, still no news. Anyone heard anything?
- S/W admin at Center today (05/03); said that, as far as he knew, requests for interviews and "regrets" were going out today and tomorrow, that positive responses were likely to be via email, and negative responses were likely to be via snail mail.
- Received rejection letter via mail. 5/10
University of Pennsylvania, Penn Humanities Forum Postdoctoral Fellowship[]
- Deadline: October 15, 2009
- Theme for 2010-11: Virtuality
- 5 one-year postdoctoral fellowships are available
- received rejection email (12/16) (x6)
- received award offer via email (12/22)
- congrats! so was there no interview for this?
- my congrats as well:) can you tell us your field? pretty please?
- I would have revealed my field but I knew I might be declining, which I have now done. Hopefully this is good news for an alternate! (No, there was never an interview phase.)
University of Pennsylvania Mellon Teaching Postdoctoral Scholarships[]
Deadline: November 30, 2009
- Q: Am I right in thinking that they don't want a separate cv other than the cover sheet form that they provide? Thanks in advance.
- A: That's how I interpret the instructions.
- Q: So this was the one on virtuality? I was confused at one point, thinking that there were two, one themed, and the other just a mellon like the ones at Columbia or Stanford. Can anyone clarify?
- A: I believe this one has nothing to do with the Society of Fellows themed postdoc on "Virtuality." It is it's own thing...I'm sure it too will receive tons of applications.
- A: Penn has two Mellon postdocs but they are quite different. One is the Mellon Postdoc in the Penn Humanities Forum, drawn from the humanities, a 1-year (themed to operate with the other PHF seminars and lectures, in 2010-11 the theme is "virtuality"); Two is the Mellon Postdoc, drawn from across all fields, a.k.a. Penn Mellon Teaching Postdoc (2-year, housed in home department, teach one class per semester).
- Q: Has anyone received an acknowledgment of application? (12/14) A: Nothing (x5)
- Offer made for a Mediterranean Archaeology postdoc (12/22; notification by email).
- Do you mean the Penn Humanities Forum or the UPenn Mellon Teaching postdoc? It would be really early for the Mellon Teaching offers to be made. Alternatively, if it is the teaching postdoc, perhaps the time line for each field is different? OP, did you list this under the correct heading or did you mean Penn Humanities Forum? Anybody else have insights here?
-- The offer was for the UPenn Mellon Teaching postdoc, not the Penn Humanities Forum "Virtuality" postdoc. It is kind of surprising that they would send out a notification so early. The application guidelines said they were especially interested in people in three fields: Mediterranean archaeology, Philosophy, and English literature. I have no idea if each field is on the same timeline or not, though... has anyone in Philosophy or English heard any news?
- Thanks so much for the response and congrats on the offer! I applied for the English literature position and have heard nothing. I guess it's possible that some field searches are run more efficiently than others. I'd love to know if anybody in the other two fields (Philosophy and English) received an offer. Anybody?
- English, have heard nothing (12/23)x4 (1/8) x3 (1/12)x2
- I am guessing it will be a longer wait for the other fields, as Mediterranean Archaeology is a smaller field, with fewer applicants to review, than English and/or Philosophy.
- Anybody in the mood to call and ask about the timeline for notification? (1/13)
- They were super-slow last year, we must expect the same this year, I imagine.
- I emailed, inquiring as to a timeline, and was informed that I am not a finalist, but that they had over 200 applicants for 3 spots. 1/18.
- Thanks so much for emailing and for passing on the info. I'm sorry to hear your news. :(
- It's crazy to think that we can easily find out our status right now, just by emailing. Well guess what UPenn, I don't feel like being rejected today! Ah, the illusions of empowerment...
- Any offers received out there? (1/18)
- Still no news, too nervous to email (1/20) x1
- I emailed yesterday (1/19), just to learn that I did not receive this fellowship. I was told that the committee's last meeting would be yesterday afternoon and that official letters would be mailed today (1/20). Good luck to everyone!
- Thanks so much for this info!! And I'm sorry about the news. I'm sure I'm headed for the same fate, but I'm too chicken to email. I suppose that if they're mailing official letters today, they will also email or call the winners. (1/20)
- Anyone receive an email or call yet? (1/21)
- Given the info posted yesterday, I think we can assume that UPenn has notified the winner(s) and that those lucky persons don't use this wiki. I'm surprised that nobody has heard anything through friends, advisors, grapevine, etc. (1/21) Yes, alas. Thank you for responding. (1/21)
- I was told by one of the committee members that an offer has been made (for English) (1/21)
- Someone on the Penn philosophy faculty has confirmed that they've made an offer. The winner is in ancient. (1/20, forgot to post till now).
- Has anybody received the (mythical) rejection letter from ole' UPenn yet? (1/27) Nope. (1/28) Nope. (1/31) Nope. (2/4)
- Offer made in English and accepted last week (2/3).
- snail mail rejection (3/5) x 3
University of Pennsylvania, Penn Program on Democracy, Citizenship and Constitutionalism Postdoctoral Fellowship[], Deadline: March 19, 2010
- 2010-2011 theme: "Race, Ethnicity, National Minorities, and Citizenship"
- ack. application was received (3/23)
- ack email in response to query, Committee chair said it would be 2-3 weeks before they meet to decide (3/23)
- Nicely worded rejection--"with regrets"--received via e-mail. Congrats to the fellow! (4/9) (x3)
University of Pittsburgh - Humanities Center Residential Fellow[]
Deadline: October 16, 2009
- Received rejection via email (12/18) x3
- Notification of runner-up status; they'll keep my name on waiting list but said it was very unlikely their first choice would fall through. This one looks to be finalized (12/21)
University of South Carolina Institute for Southern Studies postdoc[]
Info Deadline: December 15 2009
Since the "materials received" letter, I've heard nothing - any news?
Arranged campus visit (2/23)
Campus visits concluded March 19. Anyone know what's been happening since then?
No news yet, it seems. I know that SC had spring break after the last candidate; the committee hoped to meet, I think, in (by?) the last week of March...
Snail-mail rejection; curious to know who got this (4/12)
Snail-mail rejection also received (4/14)
University of South Florida[]
Postdoctoral Scholars Social Sciences and Humanities, 2010-11 Sustainable Societies Deadline: Nov 30, 2009
Some sites (or distributed pdf-notices) have the deadline listed as Nov. 15th. Has anyone confirmed with them, by chance?
I sent my application today (11/18) and got their confirmation of receipt. So I think Nov 30 is the deadline. A: Yes, the deadline is November 30.
yes, and they're serious about the cover letter addressing their strategic plan - they asked me to correct and resend it when I failed to do so adequately (11/19)
Wow, does that mean they already read your cover letter and allowed you to edit it? That's great for you.
Yes, this happened to someone else who submitted an application -- they got a lengthy response about what to include and what to address. Unreal - I've never heard of a Selection Committee guiding you through the process and providing recommendations along the way. That's much more helpful than my advisor.
Did you all get confirmation of your application the day you emailed it? I sent mine two days ago and have not received confirmation, I just wonder if I should follow up on this. Thanks! [I also sent mine in a few days ago, and did not receive confirmation until tonight. . . when I was notified that I should more explicitly address the strategic plan. It seems they really want you to copy and paste the goals from the website into the letter. My sense is that we don't have to worry about lost or incomplete apps - nothing is going to get past this guy].
Did you have your recommendation letters sent to their email address the same day with your application? If not, perhaps they want to see your complete application before notifying you. I had everything sent in at the same day and then got their confirmation that my application was complete.
Does anyone know the timetable for this one (i.e. when they are reviewing apps, when finalists might be notified, etc)?
I updated my contact info with them and was told January at the earliest....
Contacted for phone interview by relevant department (12/16)x4 - do you mind telling us which department please? A: Anthropology x4
If this year is anything like last year, interviews and such will happen on different timelines.
Had a phone interview today (1st week in Jan) (x4), and when I asked about a timeline, the dept. representatives said that they're required to submit their list of candidates to the next level up at the end of this week, then everyone meets some time in the next few weeks about all of the candidates to whittle down the list--candidates with offers should hear by early-mid February. [I thought this interview was for the USF Anthro Dept Instructional Postdoctoral Scholar, but was surprised when they called to find out that it was the Sustainable Societies One -- it's been very confusing!]
A colleague in my sociology dept was contacted about being a finalist; this dept also confirmed they would be picking candidates to send to the university-level committee this week.
Anyone apply to the English department and get called for a phone interview?
Here is the situation as I understand it: there are currently 5 postdocs (selected on last year's cycle), and they will be bringing in 5 more this year, for a total of 10. They will also be replacing postdocs from this year's cohort who leave for TT positions. Because this number is still up in the air, they don't yet know how many new postdocs they will be bringing in, or which departments they will be affiliated with. I hope this helps.
Has anyone heard more about this one or does anyone know when we should expect to hear about the final decisions the unviersity committee makes? (2/2)
Offer made in third week in January for my field (humanities).
Anyone heard of any other offers being made? (2/10)
Yes, an offer was made to someone in Anthropology last week (but I don't know if it's been accepted or not) (2/10)
(2/19) Each dept. has ranked people, and they are "going down the lists" making offers. I was clearly an alternate and received an offer today (and declined because I already accepted another). Good luck to the remaining finalists! [what department are you in?]
Caution re: "going down the lists" and "alternates." Some of the current postdocs from last year have recently accepted TT positions, opening up more spots for applicants this year.(2/27)
Rec'd offer and response due by 3/12. (2/28)
University of South Florida[]
USF Anthro Dept Instructional Postdoctoral Scholar.
Deadline Dec15th.
Any word? Anyone?
not a peep (2/4)
The search committee is planning to meet on 2/19 to make decision
Offer extended and accepted (3/10)
University of Sydney, United States Studies Centre[]
Info Deadline: February 27, 2010
- Decisions should be announced soon. Anyone else on the wiki waiting for this one? (4/7)
- I am waiting for the decision on this, although I've already accepted another position...still, I like closure. I was told that the decision on this would not come until April 15. (4/8)
- Offer received (my discipline is history), 4/14, though it's currently 4/15 in Australia. (x2, also history)
- Well, then I assume my notice was for alternate status: "Out of several hundred submissions, your application has been selected for further consideration... Final notification in next several weeks." Congrats to the offers! (You may decline now, thanks.) (4/15)
University of Texas at Austin, Center for Mexican American Studies[]
- Was Due 3/1/10 -- ack. after email inquire. (3/24)
University of Texas at Austin, Institute for Historical Studies[]
Info Deadline: January 15, 2010. Applications materials, including letters of reference, should be submitted electronically to the Director, Julie Hardwick, at
So, how many people have applied for this? (x14)
- Hopefully considerably fewer than 1000.
- So far, so good.
Anyone care to specify field or specialty?
- US urban (x1)
- early modern (x2)
- northern ireland
- historical geography
- medieval (x2)
- US foreign relations
IHS Admin Note: Thank you very much for your 2010-11 fellowship applications. All told, we received 228 applications. We aim to send offers by early-March. We'll be in touch if we need more information. Thank you and best wishes to all who applied.
Thanks, IHS admin. Appreciate you keeping us up to date. (x4)
2/3 Received email notification from IHS that my application has advanced to the next round of consideration. (x3)
2/3- Congratulations! Are you ABD or you already have your degree in hand? Thank you!
2/3--reply to above--thank you!--degree in hand (x2)--but let me clarify that i applied for a tenure-track faculty fellowship, not the post-doc/junior fellowship
- Received email notification that my application has moved on to the next round. I am ABD, but was asked specifically whether I would be finished by the end of March. Which, hopefully, I will be. 2/8
- Will they be sending out rejection emails?
- Hopefully, they will inform all applicants.
2/19 - Email rejection for junior postdoc. Good luck to those who made it to the next round. (x4) 2/22-Looks like only a few people have been officially rejected. Wonder how long it will take them to narrow the field down to the top 4-5?
2/23-Received a rejection e-mail when I did not apply (although I applied in a previous year). This is not exactly the news I want to hear when the term on my current postdoc is about to expire and I, like so many others in the country, am fighting for my financial survival. Poor form and timing.
2/23-To above poster, I don't understand how you can receive a rejection email if you didn't apply. Where would they get your email? Very confusing post. Anyone who did apply have any news?
IHS Admin Note: Thank you for your comments and continued interest in the fellowship. A quick note of clarification -- We emailed everyone for whom we received any material, even if it was only reference letters. By all means, please email us at the address above if we can answer any specific questions whatsoever about your application. Please also note that we have sent out over 200 notifications regretfully to those to whom we could not offer fellowships, and intend to notify successful applicants of offers by the end of next week. Thank you.
2/24 I was one of the 200 people rejected and just want to say I couldn't be more pleased with the way UT-IHS runs their yearly fellowship competition. Kudos to the IHS Admin. for being so frank and professional. Thank you! (x4)
3/5 Now I'm curious if anyone ever got an offer.
3/7 Me too. Anybody who was on the "long" short list care to share? Any news?
3/7 Fellowships were offered last week.
IHS Admin Note: Four fellowships were offered last week and we have emailed everyone as of this morning. Thank you all so much. Please let us know if we can answer any questions or be of assistance.
University of Texas at Austin, English Department[]
Deadline: November 15, 2009.
- any news?
- I've been told by a fairly reliable source (someone who received this postdoc recently) that news from UT usually comes in Jan/Feb.
- Have they sent out acknowledgements for this postdoc?
- I never received one. Anyone else?
- Me neither. (X6)
- Email request for writing sample 2/5 (x4).
- Rejection letter rec'd by mail 2/24 (x3)
- Q: If you don't mind me asking, was this after a writing sample request?
- No (x1)
- This is the nicest, classiest rejection letter I have received this year. It actually made me feel sincerely appreciated as a candidate, something difficult to achieve in a form letter. Some letters are so abject ("this hurts me more than it hurts you") but the UAustin Texas letter gave me a sense of dignity and respect. (x2)
- Just received a very formulaic rejection letter - not at all classy. I had submitted a writing sample so someone should be getting good news I reckon. (x2, 3/8)
- Anyone else out there who hasn't yet received a rejection (or been asked to submit a writing sample)?
University of Texas at Dallas, Arts & Humanities[]
Info Review of applications first week of December.
Submit materials electronically through online application. Humanist List Posting (more specific)
Has anyone heard anything about this? (12/11)
Interview requests going out today by email (1/29) sc
University of Virginia, The Carter G. Woodson Institute for African-American and African Studies, Post-doctoral Residential Research and Teaching Fellowship[]
Deadline: December 1, 2009 Info
- Any news? I never even got an ack after sending in my application in mid-November. (1/4)
- No ack or news for me either. (1/13)
- Nothing. (1/14)
Still nothing. I expect they'll just send out rejection letters next month. (2/22)
Nothing here either. I don't know if they do any kind of phone interview with a short list but I suspect not. So I agree just have to wait a couple weeks.
Rejection letter via snail mail. (2/27) (x3)
Still waiting on mine. Did it say how many applicants there were? Just curious. They only give 1, so I imagine it will go to an Ivy post-grad per usual or someone from Duke, Hopkins, Emory, etal. (2/28) A: Nope, didn't mention the total number of applicants. Incidentally, being based on the East Coast, I'm thinking my letter arrived from Charlottesville earlier than others' letters.
Offer made and accepted (3/15)
University of the West of England - Research Associateship on Family Names of the UK project[]
Deadline: 24-May-2010
Field(s): Philology, historical linguistics, history
Notes: TWO post-doctoral Research Associate positions on the Family Names of the UK (FaNUK) project:
Fixed-term until March 2014.
- It's after 21-Jun-10 and I've heard nothing; application materials say this means I have been rejected.
University of Western Sydney - Research Lectureship in English Lit or Linguistics.[]
Deadline: 11/30
Received the following email 12/22: Thank you for your application for the Research Lectureship position. We received close to 400 applications for twelve Research Lectureship positions. Therefore, due to the holiday break we will not be finalising the interview shortlist until mid January. Should you be selected for an interview, you will be notified by the College in late January.
Got the same email. Any idea what the process will be for applicants outside of Australia?
(x2) Email notification that "you have been included on the list of applicants for further consideration" and request for two writing samples. (1/17)
Is no news bad news?
Interview request 1/26 (x3)
About the 12 spots, does that mean there are 12 spots for literature, or is there a range of fields and this English Lit/Linguistics is only one spot?
I would guess that it's 12 altogether. i haven't even been able to figure out if the have an english department.
Offer made and accepted. (3/11)
University of Wisconsin, Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowships "World Citizenship"[]
Info Deadline: April 9, 2010
- got a really nice, personal confirmation email back from them immediately, confirming receipt and saying that everything was in order. Makes a change from most searches... (x3)
- Uh oh. I never got an acknowledgement. Anyone else? (x2)
I did get an aknowledgement. They are likely to make decisions by mid-May they said.
I also had an immediate acknowledgment of receipt of my materials, but it didn't mention letters (I applied a few days early).
I applied on April 8th, and never got an acknowledgement. I sent an inquiry last week and never heard back.
Any news, anyone? (05/08)
Not here. From previous post, it seems like we might have a week or so to go before hearing anything. Still no acknowledgement either, but I figure that's because I sent in my application on the day of the dealine.
They've selected people but are working out some final details. We should hear next week. (5/8)
Does that mean the chosen have been notified and rejections will go out next week? Or we're all still in limbo? (5/8)
They have not notified. It should happen this week. (5/9)
Offers made. Not sure if they were accepted. No information on the names of the chosen and their majors. (Source: UW-Madison faculty) (5/11)
They are asking departments if they would accept the candidates they've selected. They need departmental approval first. Late next week they will send notification. (5/14)
rejection letter via email (5/20) (x2). Thanks, everybody, for the updates!
Van Leer Institute Jerusalem - Polonsky Postdoctoral Fellowships[]
Info Deadline: Jan 31, 2010
positive answers were given today (Feb 28, 2010)
by email? no alternates?
email rejection (3/3)
Villanova University - Gallen and Ennis Postdoctoral Fellowships[] Deadline: February 1, 2010
- Has anyone heard anything (2/17)
- Not a word yet, but it's only been a couple weeks.
- Still in limbo; anyone else hear anything (3/8) x4
- Not a peep, you?
- any news? (3/30)
- I called and they said they decided on 4/7 (and I didn't get it), but I still haven't received a written rejection
- Has anyone actually received anything from Villanova? It's been almost two weeks since they were supposed to have decided. (4/19)
- I just emailed and the positions have been filled. An automated rejection was supposed to have been sent out by their online application system (!) but it didn't work. (4/30)
Virginia Foundation for the Humanities[]
Deadline: Dec. 1, 2009
Has anyone heard anything from them? Any acknowledgement even?
- Received rejection email last week (2/1)
Walters Art Museum Mellon Curatorial Postdocs[]
[11] Deadline: December 1, 2009
Does anyone know anything about the timetable for this?
I have no idea. Also, never got any form of acknowledgment. Par for the course (1/14)
Any word from the Walters? (2/16)
Offer made by telephone (3/2)
Warburg Institute, University of London: Frances Yates Long-Term Fellowship in Cultural and Intellectual History[]
Deadline: December 4 2009
- Email ack. 12/09
- Email rej. 2/15 x2 (2/25) x3 (2/15)
- any word on the short-term fellowships?
Washington University Mellon Postdoc[]
Info Deadline: December 1, 2009.
- Received e-mail saying all materials have been received / application is complete (11/9). No other info on number of applications, etc.
- how long after you submitted your materials did you receive this confirmation? I still haven't heard anything. (12/6) A: About 5 days later. But I sent my materials nearly a month before the deadline, so I'd assume that's why processing time was so short. (12/6)
- Didn't they interview for this last year? They must already have a short list then no?
- No, the search was canceled for lack of funds, and they never made it to the interview stage. They did tell applicants that they were welcome to re-activate their applications from last year, so they did hold on to the files (they also welcomed new applications instead, as per the applicant's preference).
- think they did actually have interviews scheduled before the rug was pulled out from under them.Interviews were going to be at MLA, which made many speculate about what they actually mean by "interdisciplinary."
- i think in the past they've held interviews at the MLA and the AHA (if you check the list of past fellows, there are a number of names of historians and lit people that I recognize)
- received ack. that application is complete via email (12/17) Q: when did you submit? i sent mine on 12/1, and still haven't received ack. -A: I submitted mine 11/20 and received my ack only today (12/17), so it's clearly taking a lot of time to go through all of them. So I wouldn't worry if you haven't received yours yet.
- received ack today (12/17) as well; my app. arrived on 12/1, though.
- anyone know for sure whether they're really going to be doing interviews at MLA? Seems like an awfully quick turn-around time, sincethe deadline was only 12/1.
- received ack today (12//21). seems like they're still in very early stages of going through apps...
received ack today (12//22) No MLA
- received ack (12/29) (x4)
- anyone else not receive an acknowledgment yet? For those of you who did, who was it from? (This way, I can do a search of my inbox to see if I mistakenly overlooked it. Thanks!
- I received my acknowledgement about a week ago from the following email address:
- Thanks so much! I _did_ overlook it! Whew.
- I still haven't received an ack! now i'm worried my materials didn't arrive...
- Ditto! R: wouldn't worry, I just got one the other day.
- Anyone else still waiting for ack? I have some unreliable letter writters who swore they sent materials in on time, but... (1/16)
- I'm still waiting for an ack, too, and I used Interfolio for my letters, so I'm confident they were sent. (1/18)
- Thanks - that puts my mind at ease!
- So, have they interviewed for this yet? (1/19)
- I haven't even received acknowledgement yet. 1/20 (x3)
- Anyone have a sense of the number of apps? Can it be that high that some people still haven't received acks yet?
- They just seem to be extremely disorganized.
- In response to an email inquiry, they told me they expect the committee to meet within the next few weeks, and to make a decision between mid-Feb and early March (whether or not this will involve interviews, I don't know.)
- Does anyone have any further info about timeline, who is on the search committee, etc? Their website is particularly lacking in useful content...
- Have others still not even received an ack? 2/14 A: No, I haven't received one, either. (x4)
- Received e-mail asking if I was still interested in the postdoc/accepted other offers. Has everyone received this, or should I take this as an indirect sign of being shortlisted? Trying to keep my optimism in check at this point in the process... (2/16) x3 ----Did not recieve a similar email, so I would take it as a good sign (and I will take it as a bad sign!). Congrats and good luck! (x2)
- Can you tell us when exactly this email was received? Trying to keep my depression in check at this point in the process...
- received rejection email followed by an email stating that the rejection email was a mistake and they have not yet finished reviewing the applications (2/18) - indeed, very disorganized it seems
- I'm out. Email rejection (500+ apps this year, they said). 2/18. (x2)
- Scheduled phone interview 2/18 (x3)
- Anybody else received neither rejection nor interview request? (2/18)-- Yes. I had written this off when they sent out queries the other day, but now I'm not sure what to think.(x3)
- No word either way since acknowledgement of my materials, which was later than some posted here. Huge number of apps, with a committee from different fields-- it must be a crazy review and notification process.
- Would those who have received news (either positive or negative) care sharing their fields?
- Email rejection. 2/19. Anthropology and Ethnic Studies.
- Email rejection 2/19. Literature
- Email rejection 2/19. Anthro.
- Email rejection 2/22. Lit
- Email rejection 2/22. Philosophy.
- For those who had a phone interview scheduled, did you get an idea of where the selection process is at (i.e. when they expect to make decisions, how many finalists, etc.)? A: I heard that, last time around, there were 12-15 finalists, and decisions were made within a week after the phone interviews. A: They have several more finalists to interview and said they'd be in touch in two weeks (3/2).
- Still waiting for a yea or nay here. Wonder where they are with the remaining apps they're sifting through.
- Yeah, what gives? Is anyone else still waiting for what must be a rejection at this point? I am. (x4)
- Can anyone confirm if offers have been made (and/or accepted)?
- I know they were still doing phone interviews today, and that they won't decide for at least another week. Where that leaves the rest of us, I'd love to know. Surely they don't need alternates if they have a pool of 15 people for a couple of positions? I really wish so many of these places wouldn't employ this Jack Ketch approach to dispatching us-- one stroke of the axe, please.
- Amen to that! (And thanks for the update).
- I still haven't heard anything. I'm wondering if it's like Harvard & Rice, where they go alphabetically? (I'm at the end of the alphabet.) (3/5)
- I haven't heard anything either and I'm at the beginning of the alphabet.
- Any updates? Can't possibly still be going through the interview process. Anyone else still waiting for an official rejection? --Yep, still no rejection. (x3) Very annoying, as I know they made at least one offer only a few days after the phone interviews.
- Anyone hear anything else? Are they still interviewing?
- received email yesterday (3/22) requesting phone interview (History); scheduled for 3/26
- does anyone know where things are at after their interview two weeks ago? A: it's been five weeks since the (initial) interviews and i haven't heard a peep. <-- received offer a week after 3/26 interview, but declined for another offer.
- request for phone interview (4/05)
- I know someone who got offered and accepted this postdoc at the end of last week (4/12)
Washington University, African American Studies Postdoc[]
info Deadline: Jan 15, 2010
- Has anyone heard anything about this? It's been almost two months since their deadline and no news. I haven't even received an acknowledgment.
- What's the story here? It's been close to 4 months with nary a word...
Wesleyan University - Center for the Americas Mellon Postdoc[]
Deadline: December 4, 2009
(2 postdocs: "Wesleyan University invites applications for two fellowships: (1) Native American Studies: We seek a cultural anthropologist or historian whose research focuses on indigenous peoples of the Americas; (2) Latin American Studies: We seek a postdoctoral fellow whose research focuses on literary and/or cultural production in the borderland zone of the Caribbean, Mexico, and the United States.")
- Has anyone received confirmation of receipt of application?
- Not here.
- Me neither (1/9)
- 12/9--i asked for confirmation in my email with app materials, got it about two days later, very nice message
- Did the e-mail mention anything about the timing of the process?
- It's almost 2 months and not even a confirmation here. Any news? (1/29) - Very nice phone call today to schedule on-campus interview for the Latin America/borderlands position. (01/30). Thanks for sharing, good luck! (2/1) x2
-Any news on the Native American Studies position? (1/30)
-Still no news? (3/3)
Email rejection received (3/19)
Williams College - Bolin Fellowship[]
- email acknowledgment 12.10 (x3)
- Ack in Dec. said that applications were going straight to departments. Anybody got any news yet? (12/29)
- Email rejection. "Not one of the semi-finalists." 120 applications. Oh well. (2/1) x2
- Has anyone been contacted about being a semi-finalist? I've not heard anything either way. (x2 2/6)
- Any one hear anything yet?
- Nothing. I did learn that my application had been passed around to one or two departments in January/early February, but other than that, radio silence. (3.2)
- Continued radio silence... (3/4)
- Email rejection. "Not one of the finalists." (3.11)
- Email rejection. "...not selected as a finalist." (3.12)
- Any more updates? more rejections? any fellowship offers? how many finalists are still in the run? what's the process for deciding now? does anyone have an approximate date by when they will send out news? (3/20)
- Just to clarify from my 3.11 rejection post: 118 applicants, 22 semi-finalists (of which I was one), and now... don't know the number of finalists, but my guess is that it's half or less than the number of semi-finalists (two of the rejected ones posted here)
- Email rejection. "Not one of the finalists." (3/23)
Yale University - Mellon Postdoctoral Fellowship in the Humanities[]
Deadline: postmarked by Jan 1 Q: It seems the competition "opens" Jan 1, no? And the deadline is in fact Feb. 5. Do other people agree? R: Yes. Under "Application Procedures" it says that materials are to be postmarked by Feb. 5th.
3, 2-year positions available
- One of their requests is a one-page (!) statement of "teaching interests and sample syllabi." Any thoughts on how to accomplish this in one page?
R: I assumed that the one-page was for a description of teaching interests (or philosophy) and then, in addition, some sample syllabi.
Q: They say that you must have the degree "in hand" by July 1 to apply for this. If I am defending in late April and submitting all required documents to my school by May 25 (the stated deadline for a Winter term defense), does this constitute degree "in hand"? The degree is formally conferred on August 20.
R: Can't imagine them so picky about inconsequential technicalities, but what do I know? I was told at my university when I defended that I could consider myself to have finished as far as the job market was concerned, and that the department could always write a letter certifying my completion. But of course that wasn't at Yale, so who knows what they think!
R: Somebody I know got one-year Yale postdoc (not Mellon) and they took the position last Autumn without defending, as far as I know. It seems that the regulations are not uber strict. I'd call them up first.
Q: Has anyone received a confirmation of their application?
A: No. (X2). Give how fast they say they would give their answers, I suspect we should not expect confirmation from this one.
Q: Any word on this one?
- As of 3/2 they have extended offers. Candidates have until 3/8 to decide.
- Q: Has anybody received a rejection letter? A: not here (3/11)
- Received rejection letter (3/11), letter dated 3/10. (x4)
- snail mail, you mean?
- Received snail mail rejection letter (3/11, dated 3/15!)
Yale - Post Doctoral Fellowships in South Asian Studies []
Deadline Jan 5th.
- Receipt of application by email (Jan 4) x2
- Found out from the office that the review of applications has started.
- Did they say approx. when candidates would be notified?
- Anybody receive any news yet? Acceptances or rejections?
- Not yet. 2/3
- I wonder what is the reason for the delay.
- Same here. I am constantly checking wiki to see if offers have been made. I really do not understand why it takes so long for schools to make these decisions. This wait is so nerve-wracking...
- Unless they have already made their decision and informed the candidates...candidates who do not post on wiki...
- Do you think this fellowship has been cancelled? 2/18
- A few weeks back, I learnt from the administrator that the applications were under review. I suppose they must still be under review. Can someone check and post up here?
- Wow, there must be a huge number, if applications are still under review... btw did you call or email? 2/21
- I called today (203.436.3517). Decisions in April. (2/24)
- Rejection letter recieved. It says decisions and offers have already been made. (2.27)
- I applied and haven't received a rejection letter yet (2.27) (x2)
- Has anyone received an offer?
- I spoke to the person in charge on 2/24. She told me that offers will be announced in April. Frankly, I am surprised that one person has already received a rejection letter stating an offer has been made. Perhaps someone else should call (203.436.3517) to check the validity of that post? (2/28)
- Did the rejection come by email or post? I applied and haven't received a rejection letter yet (2/28)
- I spoke to the administrator perhaps 10 days back, and she told me that decisions had been made and that rejection letters would go out soon. She told me that basically I would be getting a rejection letter soon, which I still have not received. I am reading all this conflicting news being posted here and I think that it is the adminitrator who is not being candid about what is going on.
- Well, someone else needs to call. I don't want to call and have the prof w/ whom I spoke last Wednesday wonder why I'm calling again when she specifically told me that notifications will be in April. 2/28
- Wait a minute: so one person already received a rejection letter, while another was told that rejection letters will be sent soon? AND one person was told that decisions will be made in April, while another was told that decisions have already been made? What is going on here? 3/1
- My rejection letter arrived today by mail. They say offers have been made. 3/1
- I know somone who was invited to submit an application. If they have already pre-figured which candidates they want, then what is the point of this entire hoax?
- Well it happens in tenure-track searches as well: a dept may want a visiting prof, internal, or spousal hire, but goes through the search process on the surface, the search seems "fair." 3/2
- Is this a good forum to start a conversation on non-academic careers for PhDs in social sciences and humanities with focus on South Asia? With the way things stand, perhaps it is not a bad idea to at least consider alternative careers....
- It would give us an opportunity to vent...
- more transparency needed at Yale
- Agree with above post. The way this postdoc is being handled in annoying and a little insulting.
- Has anyone received an offer, or knows anyone who has? Anyone else still waiting on news (rejection letter or otherwise)? I've gotten nothing.
- got rejection. It says sorry. Position offered "to excellent candidates best fitting our needs in the coming year."
- Received my rejection today. Does anyone know how many people applied this year? And to the poster several posts above: do you know whether the invited applicant actually received the postdoc? And who did the inviting? 3/3
- That just sounds like a nasty rejection. That "excellent" suggests that the rest were not, which may be the case but the rejection should be worded better. I am still waiting to hear back. Maybe they forgot to send my rejection. (3/4)
- While I would be vary of making an application to Yale after this until such time as I know that there is openness and accountability, I will say that they were not nasty. When I quoted my rejection earlier on this wiki, I will also admit that I was a bit disappointed at the time. So in a way my own rejection colored my response. So I hope to distinguish between the two issues in this post -- Lack of transparency -- yes. Rudeness -- perhaps not.
- Unprofessional - yes. I was told a few weeks back that my letter would be mailed out soon. I still have not received it. Again I called today and was told that it was mailed out a few days back. Why can't they sort it out? They refuse to give information on phone and they refuse to e-mail decisions. I have another offer and I just want to receive my letter from Yale (even though I know it will be a rejection) before accepting the other offer. I am thoroughly disgusted at the unpleasantness of the administrative staff, and their lack of co-operativeness at what is clearly a tension-ridden time fo rmost of us. Needed to vent! (03/05)
- To the previous poster. I am the poster whom you are responding to. Heartiest congratulations on the other fellowship. I hope you get the one at Yale as well. This year I think people are in a strange place (especially selection committees). The politics of fellowships and hires is getting so much more complex -- perhaps this is what is happening at Yale as well. So singling out the school, as such, may not be wise. I just visited the venting page and was flabbergasted by how much people have written there. My simple point is that good work and thinking will happen regardless of where one is, if one is so inclined. It helps to be in an excellent place like Yale, yes, but certainly one can also find other avenues and approaches. Perhaps this is a call for us all to rethink how we wish to continue as writers, thinkers and dreamers. My two cents worth of a positive note.
- To the previous poster: Can you explain what you mean by "the politics of fellowships and hires is getting so much more complex"?
- To the previous poster: You'll find many different answers to this question in the venting page. You should visit it.
- WHat is the venting page?
- The venting page is a wonderful, wonderful place. I go there daily to vent and to commiserate with others. Hit "academic jobs wiki" on the left, and then scroll down until you see links to gems like "universities to love" and "the venting page."
- Offer made and accepted. Have read through the posts above and am sorry for all of the frustrations people have gone through. Hopefully this post helps bring some clarity to the other posters. I certainly know the feeling about being in the dark for far too long in far too many of these applications. (3/10)
Yale Linguistics Dept - postdoctoral associate in syntax []
Deadline March 1st.
Anyone else applying for this?
General Discussion and Comments[]
Project Proposals[]
- Question: I'm wondering how people feel about sending a proposal to revise your diss vs. proposing a new project. Is the former considered to be not original enough and/or is the latter considered to be not very believable (because everyone assumes you will indeed turn your diss into a book? Any advice from people who have been successful with postdocs? (9/26)
- Answer: I was interviewed last year for one of the fancy-schmancy postdocs (I'm not bragging, by the way; I completely blew it), and I sent a proposal for a brand-new project. Whether this helped or hurt is hard to say. I know people who have gotten the very best postdocs by proposing to revise. If you do get an interview, it's a hell of a lot easier to talk about your dissertation. Sorry I don't have a more decisive answer.
- ANSWER: I got a postdoc this year and a few interviews etc for others. I sent a proposal for an additional chapter/ new research that I tried to fit into the larger scheme of the revised dissertation. But that made sense for my work, so I think if you can show how your work is grounded in doctoral research (either dissertation or otherwise) but takes it in new directions, that is the best. What this looks like for everyone is different, though. Hope this helps and good luck!
- ANSWER: I defended my diss early in the summer, spent the summer writing and revising a project proposal for a new project. It was funded absurdly well. (Three full-year grant offers.) But it had also been on the back burner conceptually for a couple of years, so it was pretty well-developed AND it was on a maddeningly hot topic that had nothing published on it and was becomingly increasingly of interest. It was also a lot easier to talk about than my very abstract theoretical dissertation. So I think the funding I landed was due to a combination of factors. I agree with previous poster: what works best for each person varies. Good luck!!
- ANSWER: My impression from speaking to senior colleagues (I'm defending later this year and applying to post-docs right now) is that post-docs expect you to be applying for support to revise your diss. That said, they also advised me to indicate some things I had discovered along the way that I would like to incorporate into the revised project, suggesting that I'll be doing more than just rewriting existing material.
- A: Good question. My chair actually chided me for making my postdoc proposal too close to my diss topic, so I've written another one that has a few connections to my diss, but is actually a new project. (I'm in anthro - btw). It might be helpful for us all to check in at the end of this cycle to say what worked and what didn't. For example, adding a list to this thread saying: Fellowship name; discipline; status (got it/didn't); postdoc proposal=diss, postdoc proposal extends diss, or postdoc proposal is a new project altogether. This would be very helpful - competitive altruism at its best. I'll report in later, and I hope others will join me.
- ANSWER: I applied for post-docs and grants with an entirely new research project. I landed funding hand over fist. (Three sources.) Think it was not the fact that it was new but that
my dissertation topic was not of interest to most people and the new topic was a very hot topic. I also ha a very well-developed proposal, since I'd had the project on the back burner for about a year and had done oodles of research for it on the side. (Was procrastinating finishing my diss.) And I circulated my project proposal to oodles of critical people before applying. Spent months on it, tinkering and tinkering. It never hurts to have another project idea b/c it comes up in interviews for t-t jobs, too.
- Okay! The table's all ready to go.
- Thanks for setting this up. I wonder if it might be helpful, however, under "Were you successful?", to make the response options "rejected," "interviewed," or "hired," rather than just yes or no.
- No problem!
Outcome of your Postdoc Competition[]
To make a new entry in the table: 1) Enter the edit function. 2) Right-click on an existing row in the table. 3) Select "row" from the menu and choose insert row before or after. (And why not create a new row for the next person.)
Postdoc Name | Discipline |
Relationship of postdoc proposal to dissertation (Same as disseration, extends dissertation, or new project altogether?) |
UM SoF | Anthro | Rejected | Completely new project |
Penn SoF | Anthro | Rejected | Complete new project - tailored to Virtuality (=waste of time) |
Michigan SoF | English | Rejected | New project, with cnxns to diss. |
Harvard SoF | Anthro | Rejected | Extends dissertation with a complementary project |
Berlin Program for Advanced German and European Studies Post-Doc | German | Accepted | Completely new project |
Seriously? You'd need a supercomputer to house this, as initiated. How about one row per postdoc, populated only with current status and/or the final resolution of each search (i.e. what stage is it at, or who got it)?
- Maybe not: apparently there's only four people here who are willing to share the (disappointing) results of their applications. But maybe if you build it, they will come...
One could write an article in the time it would take to do this.
- Exactly.
Congratulations, Berlin postdoc!
Urgent Question: should i take my acls postdoc at a SLAC or a R1? have received lots of advice, but am still struggling to decide. thanks in advance!
- Try posting your Q in The Venting Page. I've seen similar questions there, and I think it would get noticed faster. (If you haven't already... now that I think about it, your Q looks familiar!)
Application Format[]
- Question: Because I am looking for more things to be obsessive about, here's a question: do people tend to staple, paperclip, or neither the individual components of an app (cv, writing sample, etc...) since i imagine they photocopy these, stapling seems obnoxious but paperclipping seems messy.
- Answer: If the application requires multiple sets of materials (e.g., Columbia SOF) then I staple each set. -- Another Answer: since Harvard specifically asks not to use paperclipping, but to staple, I assume that this is the preferable way to go.
- Answer: I paper clip or don't do anything, but I don't staple -- since things have to be photocopied, I've also assumed that stapling creates more work for them on the other end. That said, Harvard is obviously a counter-example. I also put my name and a page number in the footer of every page, starting anew with each separate document, somewhat countering the need for stapling or paper clipping.
- Answer: I also don't staple b/c things have to be photocopied. (I've been on selections committees internal to the University I was at and saw this in action there.) I paperclip or - since you want to be obsessive - use those black binder clips, the small ones, for writing samples and teaching portfolio.
Specific Competitions[]
- Questions: These may seem like a vague questions, but are Oxbridge JRFs worth applying for, especially if one's main discipline is English literature? If they are, what's the competitive standard (i.e. about how many publications, etc.)? The reason why I ask is because I suspect - and would like to be corrected if wrong - that English would be at a disadvantage. It seems to me that it's more difficult to produce 10+ articles in English than in, say, Psychology or Sociology, where co-authoring is common.
- Similar Question: Are these worth applying to if your discipline is social anthropology?
- Answer: JRFs are not done (generally) by 'tick boxes'; applications will be assessed by people who have some awareness of the disciplinary fields involved, so if there's a comparative difference in publication speed and style which is discipline-specific rather than candidate-specific they'll be well aware of it.
- Question: anyone have any info on the Minnesota postdoc? The info was out by this time last year. I tried emailing the contact info on their webpage, but have not received a response. I also asked a faculty member, who just said that he has yet to hear anything.
- Answer: I wrote them a while back to ask about the postdoc and just got an email today saying that UMN is not holding a competition at this time (10/29)
Application Strategies[]
- Question: Is there anything to be lost by turning in things early?
- Answer: yes. If, say, a response from a journal about your submission can make your cv look better; or encourage you to rewrite and improve your paper/writing-sample (I lived to regret applying early more times than I care to remember).
Accepting / Negotiating Offers[]
- Question: Has anyone ever accepted a postdoc fellowship, and then backed out when they won another (better) one down the road? Is it legal?
- Answer: I don't know about legality, but it is very poor form. Postdocs, even fancy postdocs, accept that you may renege on an offer if you get a tenure-track job. But to do so for another postdoc? Very dicey. That being said, I'm sure it has happened.
- Answer: A different PoV from someone with significant non-academic work experience (private & public sector): All's fair when you're on the market and you receive another offer that you like better. In my opinion, the academic market is no different; people just act like it is. I get frustrated with academics hamstringing themselves into feeling obliged to accept offers they aren't happy with. You are talent. You're marketable. As long as you haven't signed a contract, you are free to bid adieu to the first employer and accept another offer. It's how you do it that makes all the difference. Ring up the person who made you the first offer. Explain that you've received a second offer that is much more aligned with your priorities (career, personal, you don't need to specify more than that because it's none of their business). Thank the person and institution profusely, and be incredibly gracious about the whole thing. Then post a thank-you card to them, for making the offer in the first place. In other words, act professionally, so they are left only with regret that they couldn't retain you. Also, look at a second postdoc offer as a bargaining chip: you might be surprised, but if the employer really wants you, when you make that call, they might tell you they're willing to make a better offer.
- Answer (same person as first answer above): There are other factors involved here that should be addressed. Postdocs typically give you a period of time to make a decision before accepting, particularly if you are one of the first choice candidates. Take that time if you have another potential offer from a better postdoc that you are waiting on. Also, you will probably get the contract VERY soon (days) after you make the oral commitment, so we really are talking about breaking a contract. The postdoc folks will probably not issue official rejections to the other finalists before they get your contract. If you have signed the contract and they have sent out the rejections, they will be very unhappy with you if you renege. And the idea about "bargaining" with humanities postdocs is not, IMHO, a good idea. Humanities postdocs are, with very few exceptions, not negotiable. And postdoc committees do not get "attached" to particular candidates like faculty search committees. They are happy to go to one of the other finalists if you try to pull any nonsense. (All of this, IMHO, of course...though I do currently hold a very competitive Mellon postdoc, so I am not just making things up.)
- PoV here. These are good distinctions to point out. I'm coming from the medical social sciences, so I suspect our experiences and advice reflect the different norms in our fields. I had two postdoc offers this year from departments in med schools, and there were no postdoc committees, only the employer. In both cases, they made it very clear they were attached to me and I could negotiate.
- First answer person again: I think most prestigious postdocs inform successful candidates well before less prestigious ones, so it is probably unlikely that someone would face this scenario. But in this job market, it would be a nice problem to have! In general, I think good advice is to be upfront and honest with people. (Or perhaps I'm just naive.)
- Yes! (PoV again). You have no idea how much employers appreciate candidates being candid with them. (Former vocational counsellor here). It show respect, class, and courage, which no one forgets. It dignifies them, and you. And: most employers can usually detect when someone is fudging or withholding information. You can do a lot of damage to your integrity if Employer A (who you turned down) talks to Employer B (who you finalized with) (since they turn out to be colleagues), and A finds out you gave different reasons to B for turning down the initial offer. Honesty is respected.
- But what happens if you're required to let institution #1 know in, say, 3 weeks (by contract), but you won't know what the results for institution #2 (which is a better fit) are until 3 months later? In these times, you can't really gamble. I would imagine you need to sign the contract for #1 in case #2 falls through. And if #2 is successful, you must renege on #1 - which shouldn't be a problem if both postdocs don't actually start until months later. Right?
- Yes, (getting back to the earlier question), people do renege after they've signed contracts, before a position starts. I would not want to do it, unless I was completely miserable with the first offer, or if the employer revealed some new conditions that had not been made clear at offer. You're better off negotiating a verbal offer than reneging on a signed offer. (And no one in any other non-academic industry has a crystal ball, either, so no, you don't gamble if there's only one solid offer. You take it. But you negotiate, meanwhile, if you're not satisfied). What I'm trying to emphasize is that you can, contrary to belief, negotiate (unless you are one of thousands of postdocs in a humanities field where if you decline there's someone else to take your place, as person above points out). You can negotiate salary, benefits, start date, your duties. You just need to do it with diplomacy. Finalizing a position can take quite a while, especially if you're negotiating, so there may be a long window of opportunity. If another offer rolls along while you're still negotiating, you're free to decline the first offer and accept the second, or use the second to negotiate a better offer with the first. It's how the job market works. Postdoc employers, particularly those running centers of research with multiple sources of funding, can sometimes top up your salary by drawing from another funding source. They will be honest with you if they can't. All you can do is ask. As I said, if you're going to renege on the first offer before you sign, do it professionally and graciously in conversation, and always send a thank-you card for the offer. If it's a small universe you work in, you will probably have the opportunity to work or collaborate with the first employer down the road, so you want to be thinking of this as relationship-building. You can address this during the conversation by saying that you're looking forward to working with that person at some point. Again, you're showing appreciation both that the person considered you and long-term interest in their work. A comment like says you're not just seeing them as a place that's offering you a salary.
- (new poster) Last year I was offered a 1 year postdoc and they asked me to sign an acceptance thing by a certain date, but I had an interview for a 3 year postdoc so I asked if I could wait on the decision before signing (about a week after the acceptance thing was originally due). They said yes. I didn't get the 3 year one. However, I would also note that whilst they wanted me to accept the offer at this point, I didn't receive a confirmation of award until I had submitted my PhD. It seems a bit one-sided, really. I suppose that just reflects the fact that it is one-sided, in that they have all the power.
- Is it OK to email a university for my post-doc application status? They are supposed to notify us by this month and I would like to know my status before reserving a flight ticket for another interview.
- A: I've done it before and found that - if you explain the situation and why you need to know - the response is generally favorable.
- Q: Anyone have advice/ perspectives on negotiating a delayed start for a tt position in order to take a one-year postdoc? Advisable? Worth a try? Better to take the clear first choice? (TT job). My situation: I agreed to take a 1 year postdoc a month before called to an on campus interview for a tt job search that I had thought (following the wiki) was closed. Would hate to turn down the postdoc since I have agreed to it, but can't pass up a real job in this market. Thoughts? Experiences?
- A-If you're lucky enough to be offered the TT job, you try to negotiate a delayed start date due to postdoc. If, however, that falls through, you decide if 1 yr as a postdoc is worth declining a TT position. If it isn't, you politely explain the situation, decline the postdoc, and know that the alterate will jump for joy when she/he gets a call. FWIW, I've been a postdoc but that still has not landed me a TT job this year due to the horrible market. (And I did turn down a job last year to persue the postdoc and b/c I thought I could find a better position.) ([from poster of Q above]: Thanks so much for your advice/perspective)
Wiki Behavior[]
- Question: can anyone shed light on why a user or users is/are repeatedly deleting entries from the 2007-8 Hum/Soc Sci post-doc page?
- Answer: No, but my guess is it's someone who tried to edit the page, deleted entries by mistake, and then didn't know how to find the edit log to restore the previous page. And is too embarrassed to ask for help or own up. (Happened to me...I deleted an entire, well-used wiki...but I eventually found the log, and restored!)
Q: Why is it that people keep posting new postdocs the date of the deadline or shortly afterwards so that no one can learn about them in time to apply? A: Sounds like you answered your own question. One may certainly wish all comers the best, but do you really expect other people to do your research for you? I hate to be ugly about this but use those skills that you expect to be paid thousands of dollars to exercise. Find your own opportunities.
- That is my guess. I, frankly, do not really get it. If there are 700 applicants instead of 800, the chances are still pretty slim. A sad reflection on the nature of the academic market.
A sad reflection on human nature too--I think a wiki site should be a place where there is a good-hearted and generous exchange of information that is mutually beneficial to all. As many hours as one spends researching postdocs and jobs, there is no way one can find all of them. Schools will pick the people that are the best fit, so why keep information to oneself?
- Hi everybody. I don't know whether this will be much help now, although there are some postdocs with January deadlines (and beyond) posted here. In any event, you might want to pass this on to your colleagues who will be looking for postdocs next year (or keep it in mind for the future). It really is an excellent resource:
CV Content[]
Question: When does it make sense to include on a CV that you were chosen as an alternate for any particular postdoc or fellowship? Do people still do this? In what cases does it make sense, and are there cases where you don't want to do it (anymore)?
Answer: I think that if you were chosen as an alternate for a postdoc last year, you should definitely put it on your CV. Especially b/c the job markets this year and the last were so highly competitive, it really demonstrates that you have potential and are probably an even better candidate now. Though if it was two years ago, I wouldn't list it since people might wonder what you're still doing in school. My two cents. Thanks for your thoughts . . . I guess, then, that this would go doubly for alternate status from a postdoc search this year.
Answer: I agree with above poster. Does it make you more look more competitive for the position you're applying to? Then by all means include it. Other things to put on your CV: the dollar value of each of your grants, fellowships, scholarship, travel awards, etc. And: "declined" in parentheses, after the date & name of the award, if you declined it. In your cover letter: mention the total dollar value of all your funding.
Answer: This depends, and I can attest (from our job market handout) that at least some people/departments find it to be tacky or gauche to list either declined positions or full dollar values for everything. And think about it, if you list 3 declined positions, that's great for you, but are the search comm members going to be seething with rage at all your opportunities? For the money, it seems to be the case here that with grants, you are welcome to list dollars, but with fellowships, they don't necessarily like to see dollars. If you prefer not to list dollars, you want to give some information about the grant size or duration so that you give an accurate picture (eg. small, 1-year, 2 year, "full funding"). Best thing to do is look for exemplar/good candidate CVs in your area and see what they do. So personally, I dollarize competitive grants, but not fellowships, and since they were small grants anyway, that's me being honest too.
Question: I have worked as a freelance journalist for the last decade in addition to my academic studies: I have no peer-reviewed publications. Is it advisable to put a selection of my articles under "Publications" on the CV (including stuff for the Times Literary Supplement)? Should I specify that they're not peer-reviewed?
Answer: I would put it under a section heading called "Non-Peer-Reviewed Publications." As soon as you publish one article in a peer-reviewed journal, create a section just before this one in your CV called "Peer Reviewed Publications," and start populating it.
Answer: I would label the section "Publications" and leave it at that. The committee will be able to see what kind of journals they are--and TLS is nothing to be ashamed of. Then once you have one or two peer-reviewed publications, you can make sections. Mine are "Scholarly Publications" (peer reviewed) and "Other Publications" (encyclopedias, etc.) but you can label them how you wish.
State of the Academic Job Market[]
- the academic job market is so dehumanizing in the way it pits us against each other - I just posted a bunch of postdoc opportunities (ahead of deadlines) as an act of resistance and as an assertion of our humanity. Happy holidays everyone.
- that is very nice of you; thanks. this should absolutely be a venue for us to support each other. 12/21
- Well done! keep in mind that this is exactly the time that reveals a person's character--selfish and "ugly" actions speak for themselves.
- For OP, who is finding the market dehumanizing: it really needn't be this way. Here are some suggestions: 1) Don't succumb to the mentality of being "pitted against each other." Cultivate a small group of supportive colleagues with whom you routinely share your cover letters and CVs for comment and criticism. Work together to make each other more competitive, and reinforce each other's successes. 2) Your non-academic accomplishments and skills will make you stand out from the crowd of PhDs in similar fields. Departments need candidates who can do other things besides deliver curriculum and get grants: they need bodies who can teach their students how to apply for grants, reform curriculum, build bridges with administration, secure funding for and manage their new center of innovation, etc. Identify what unique suite of skills you can bring to a position. Outline those skills in your cover letters (e.g. "here is how I can contribute to the success of your department." Wow 'em with your versatility. 3) I keep harping on this on these wikia but here it is again: consider expanding your job search beyond academia. You're talented, ambitious, smart, analytical, and passionate. You can write well. I don't think most PhDs realize that those skills are in short supply. Employers everywhere are looking for them. If you can demonstrate you're a good fit for a position, you'll be snapped up.
Q: where are all of these other jobs waiting to snap up smart Ph.D.s? Where are all of the hundreds (thousands!?) of great Ph.Ds. going to go--the ones who are being churned out every year and for whom there are no academic jobs?
A: a) Open your eyes, my friend. Business, health care, non-profit, government, consulting. Start by visiting your career center to learn how to access these markets. b) Exactly. No one should be undertaking a PhD assuming that they are going to get an academic job. There just aren't enough jobs to go around, and that's not likely to change. See the thread on Dear Search Committees. See also the Chronicle forums for good discussions about the realities of the academic job market and the pros and cons of getting a PhD. c) "Business, health care, non-profit, government, consulting" = Anyone that will hire and pay.
Response A is lousy and cheeky. -- The question was petulant and rhetorical, asked by someone who sounds as if s/he has no idea how to conduct a non-academic job search and expects jobs to materialize without looking.
The answer was factual: these are (broadly) the industries that will hire PhDs, and a career center is often the best place to start if you don't know how to identify them or how to market yourself.
--It does not take a Ph.D. to realize that a rhetorical question does not merit a response, much less a snarky one. Furthermore, Ph.D.s are, as the original poster stated, churned out every year, regardless of the prospects of jobs. Beyond that, it IS an utterly miserable job market, everywhere.
- Interesting. I go to a large state university and my career center has no idea how to help PhDs... they are totally focused on undergraduates and have refused to help me at various stages, stating that their funding comes from undergrad sources, and not graduate students. And a note about seeking job opportunities outside of academia: my consultant friends tell me that there really isn't money for anyone right now. What are they doing? Going back to grad school....
- You make a really good point. Career centers are largely geared towards helping undergrads. I'm sorry--and really annoyed--to hear that your career center has refused to help you. Who then is supposed to provide you with these services? This is a problem I've been talking about with our career center graduate coordinator for the last few years, how grad students are just left to fend for themselves by their departments. It's her hobby horse, then it became mine. It's in everyone's interest if universities make it a priority to deliver career training to PhD students from the start.
- I wonder if this is the appropriate forum to be asking 'rhetorical' questions anyway? We are a breed of educators and researchers who, I would like to believe, are more inclined to answer questions helpfully and give advice when asked for it than to sit back and ignore them. We ask why things are the way they are and my theorize possible solutions to them. I didn't read the responses to be lousy, snarky or cheeky and wires do tend to get crossed when discussing things this way online. My point: if you ask questions here, most likely they will be answered by someone.
Perhaps the answer isn't as convenient as one might like it to be, but I think it's a fair point. It's more difficult to independently seek out and/or create a (non-academic) career for yourself than it is to play the game of academia or even to visit a career center. That is where the frustration lies. It's new, it's scary, and it's something many of us will not be used to. It's difficult, but frankly and more importantly to those who participate in this forum, it's not the type of system we have been used to in our 10+ years of higher education, and really, our education since age 5. We are more used to a 'work hard in the system and be rewarded' type of life. Getting a job in this economy may require thinking outside the box a little more as well as luck and many other factors. I could go on, but I just want to reiterate that I feel strongly that one shouldn't take out their own frustrations out on someone that tries to answer a (perhaps intentionally rhetorical) question.
- Thank you, poster, for your compassionate comment. You're reminding me that it is challenging, even threatening, for people at this stage to rethink career direction. Since this has turned into a long thread, would it be useful to start a new page on job seeking tips, to exchange practical Q & A on finding jobs inside and outside of academia? (e.g. negotiating contracts, cover letter & CV questions, what to include in an application)
- Yes, perhaps some subheadings would do as this is getting long and its only just turned January. Might I add that a lot of the discussion you just mentioned can be found in various forms on the Chronicle for Higher Education forums (apologies if someone has said this already).
- It doesn't hurt to mention the Chronicle forums again. I've put subheadings in. (I moved one entry). But I'm wondering whether we should move this discussion to a new page altogether? It sure is a long scroll down the page to get to Q&A.
More on this subject:; See also the comments.
-- I heart Marc Bousquet. Check out:
It's nice to know that I'm not the only one in academe who's struck by the irony that all these supposedly smart critical thinkers trained by this system fail to see the blatant hypocrisy they are embodying in their tenured positions. Hegemony doesn't just live, it thrives at the "top" of the intellectual food chain. Too bad tenured Phds don't require continuing updating and re-certification like real doctors. His book could be made required reading for every department chair, provost and dean. Though I'm sure they could manage some rhetorical jujitsu about the righteousness of the system they "oversee".
- These posts are so depressing I want to scream... well, if the system isn't going to change (let's face it: it won't), then we have to. I guess prospective grad students just have to start seeing doctorates as something other than a path to an academic job. In this day and age, the phd is really for those who have the money, time, and interest to study something in depth with ONLY that as the reward. Those with phds should consider getting a regular day job that isn't too demanding and be an independent scholar on the side. Einstein started off that way...
- Marx too (Gramsci did his best work in prison...)
- And they sound genuine, too, unlike some over-protected academic liberals--for whose freedom we now bleed.
- Yes - some of the most brilliant scholars in history were independents and the most useless scholars were academics. I guess there's hope.
- Does all this mean that if you (the above posters) are so fortunate to be offered a tenure track job and to be granted tenure, that you'll decline tenure and insist on a continued regimen of regular reviews and heavy publication requirements all the way to retirement? I'm not saying their aren't problems with the system, I'd just like to know whether, once you are potential beneficiaries of those admittedly advantageous problems, you will decline to benefit to your own obvious detriment.
- One of the above posters: Is it so surprising (or perhaps threatening) that some phds can see benefit outside of tenure? Tenure isn't the end all, be all; that's brainwashing from grad school. Sure, it has benefits; nobody can deny that. But from my perspective, these aren't avoiding 'regular reviews and heavy publication requirements'; these are opportunities to get some major reforms rolling along without the threat of being fired. If I'm offered the chance to change things attached to tenure, no, I wouldn't decline. If I'm offered tenure with the expectation that I sit on my arse and exploit others (i.e. sell my soul), yes, I would decline. If I don't get any offers whatsover, I move on and consider research/writing as a hobby. I've heard so many stories of people being successful outside of academia that I'm not scared.
- Those two things -- freedom from 'regular reviews and heavy publication requirements' and getting 'major reforms rolling' go hand in hand. Dispensing with the former creates the time and freedom that permit the latter. And I don't hear many of the people on this forum expressing core concern about the moral perils of tenure, at the root of it all, I hear complaints about a system that prevents them from accessing the system, a system that creates a surplus of labor in a tight labor market, that trains students in part to produce a graduate student labor pool, not, as should be the case, with the primary goal of preparing scholars and teachers for a ready job market. If you want to resist this from the position of a grad student, start by talking to aspiring grad students about the perils of grad school and academe. Then accept, nay embrace, the idea, as others have said, that there are many worthwhile things to do with ones life besides teaching at the college and university level. One thing you can do once you're on the market to improve the situation is refuse to take a succession of 4-4 one year positions (or whatever -- you get the drift) -- teaching 4-4 for no money to disinterested students at an exploitative school ain't no way to make a living, we're all able to live more fulfilling lives than that and, in the meantime, starve the market of a type of labor we all object to.
• And speaking of the "moral perils" (or moral possibilities) of tenure, I'd love to see some of those "major reforms" mentioned above actually initiated in university departments anywhere, whether I ever get tenured or not. The system is changing, but mostly for the worse.
Question: The deadline has passed for a fellowship and I just realized that there is a spelling mistake in my proposal. (Interestingly, I ran it through my spellchecker again and it detected nothing; in fact, it gave me the wrong spelling as an option!!) Should I write an e-mail to the grants administrator or should I just let it go? Do postdoc committees toss out applications that have 1 mistake or do they forgive the applicant?
- One person's opinion: Please. Do yourself a favour and let it go. Pour yourself a drink, give yourself a hearty pat on the back for getting the application in and on time, and have a laugh at how human you (and the spell-checker) are. One spelling error isn't going to get yourself thrown out of the competition. They'd have to be pretty tight-assed to ding you on that. It's probably not even in their policies and procedures guidelines to disqualify someone for one typo. If you're not convinced, turn it around and imagine that you're the grants administrator, with 5 billion unanswered email messages, 400 files on your desk, 4 meetings every day, and a really sick child at home. Would you really want to read an email message from an applicant, concerned about something so trivial as a spelling error? I know I would get really annoyed and think, "How narcissistic and insecure. Don't these applicants have anything better to do than to waste my time?" (You don't want to piss off grants administrators.) Just consider yourself wiser and double-check your spelling in future applications, after your spell checker has run (or ask a friend to check it, even better). And congatulations on getting that application in--no small feat. Have another drink.
- A true anecdote to cheer you up: my close friend and colleague recently had an interview for a prestigious postdoc (she ended up being their second choice candidate by a hair's margin, too). After she re-reviewed her cover letter, she discovered that she had actually left a whole word out of a sentence, rather noticeably. I used to have the policy of having someone else spell and grammar check my documents, especially for those kinds of problems that computers simply can't catch. But my documents keep changing, and I can't bug my colleagues and friends every couple of weeks for a new round of help. Sometimes you just have to live with your imperfect eyes, and often it works out. And, do have another drink.
- This is highly miscellaneous, but I have to say that my favorite username on this site is Hermes Trismegistus. I hope the alchemy works for you, buddy. -- Why, thank you. I hope so too. So far, however, the base metals only seem to be getting baser.
Q: A talk... to read or not to read?
A: Oh, this is a divisive question! Don't read. Unless it's from the notes page on your PowerPoint screen, and you can glance at it occasionally without losing eye contact with the audience. Or you have such a complex topic that you absolutely must read. Or you will go blank without the text. I'm not persuaded by the vague dictum that "reading is bad form." It's that there is a world of difference between someone who is communicating directly with their audience by making frequent eye contact, pausing appropriately (and dramatically), and being human, and someone who is reading a text and essentially engaging with it, not the audience. Reading is static. It's not always error-free either. I have seen very good talks where the person has read, but they know their subject and are able to interject and ad lib. I've done it, and really hate how stiff I sound. I guess the best choice is the one that allows you to communicate most powerfully. By that, I mean that you leave your audience feeling that you have really connected with them, and you've conjured an emotional response from them, and not simply talked at them. But comes the opposite viewpoint....
A: While I agree with many of the points made in the above answer, I think you need to find out what is expected for your field. As a graduate student I saw a dozen or so job talks over the course of a few searches and I only saw one person who didn't read (and it was not a successful talk). The problem with not reading is that it can come off as teaching rather than as a polished scholarly lecture. That approach can really backfire, especially at an R1 school. For a job talk at a teaching-intensive place, however, it might work in your favor. Other thoughts? --That sounds like good advice too! (previous poster)
A: My feeling is that a job talk is an opportunity to offer detailed insight into your research, not to give a teaching demonstration, in a very limited period of time (I was flown trans-Atlantic once for a 20 minute job talk). I've always felt that precision of language trumps all else -- I have a lot to say, I want to say it accurately, eloquently and in as much detail as time allows. I think I lecture from notes pretty well in the classroom environment, but not well enough for the job talk/symposium environment. That said, I agree with above posters that it's very important to practice enough that you can connect with the audience. I would also suggest having a couple of sections where you step away from your paper or podium and "riff" in some detail, showing that you aren't tied entirely to the written text. Good luck!
Q: I have loads of receipts from interviews. I'm supposed to send them in, but I'm holding back. First, is it best to wait until a decision is made? Does it look pathetic to send it receipts right away? Second, are food receipts in transit even fair game for reimbursement? A lunch at the airport? Will my food decisions be scrutinized? ("A loaded baked potato?! How pedestrian.... I told you all that she wasn't sexy enough for us.") --> Seriously? As most of us are agonizing over the fact that we have no interviews at all, you're agonizing over what do with your "loads of receipts from interviews." Do I need to say what I think you should do with them? * Sorry, friend. I didn't mean it to come off like that - I am shocked to have two, and I seriously don't want to muck up my minute chance by coming off as desperate by jumping the gun on reimbursements. How am I supposed to know whether they'll think it's tacky or not? Two interviews and neither was promising, and I'll probably be adjuncting again next year. Feel better? I thought this was a place for sharing the good, bad and ugly... I'll keep the good to myself from now on.
- Well, I appreciated your humour! It's a reasonable question. I say: Don't hold back. (From experience). Do up all your receipts, including those for food in transit, in an Excel spreadsheet. Mail a hard copy of the spreadsheet with your receipts, and email the spreadsheet to admin. Admin will appreciate your organization, and you'll at least have a crack at getting reimbursed sooner than later. It might make no difference to the hiring committee, but if I was sitting on the committee and you were short-listed, I might think, "Ah, professional..."
- Thanks, second person. Solid advice.
- No, don't feel bad. The whole reimbursement thing is confusing and not entirely kosher. I agree with the poster who says don't hold back. And congratulations to you. Not everyone here is a bitter troll. When you get to the point where you hate anyone who has any level of success, it's time to go into rehab. Seriously.
- I would add that the committee will probably never know how soon and for how much you submitted your receipts -- that kind of work will be handled by an administrator anyway. So it's likely the person judging your food choices will not have a say in the decision, at least. :)
- Absolutely don't hold back -- I think everyone knows that people need to be reimbursed for expenses; my gut says that it's harder to get reimbursed after they've made a decision (assuming they don't hire you); and to the extent that anyone's paying attention at all (and I agree with the last poster that no one is), you'll look like you're on top of things for getting it in right away. Of course, that baked potato does look pretty bad... ; )
- Have to disagree there. Baked potato says "practical, economical, and a woman of the people, someone her students can relate to." I'd hire a baked potato eater over, say, someone who ordered pan-Asian for lunch.
- I take it that "Baked potato" doesn't work in anthro.
- i just had the best laugh, first time in months. :-)