Academic Jobs Wiki

Note: Anyone looking ahead to the next job season and needing a good laugh might like to check out this MLA spoof. It's ongoing and borderline brilliant.

N.B. For a page dedicated to the 2010-2011 job season, click here.


I'm on the market and I'm...

  • ... ABD, but defending real soon now:
  • ... a Ph.D., but still at my degree-granting institution:
  • ... in a post-doctoral position (ABD or with degree in hand):
  • ... a visiting assistant professor or adjunct position:
  • ... in a tenure-track position:
  • ... in a tenured position:
  • ... in a non-academic position:
  • Actually, I'm just lurking:

Status of Job Searches[]

  • Auburn University

11/21 - contacted for phone interview

  • Colby College --Colby College held its campus visits in February 2009. A contributor to this wiki had a campus visit, was told she was one of 2 finalists, and was notified via a snail mail letter on March 13, 2009, that the other finalist was given the job.
  • Brown University postdoctoral fellowship for fall 2009--Does anyone have any updates regarding this postdoc? (5/29/09)

  • College of the Holy Cross

12/19 contacted for MLA interview. Anyone contacted for a campus visit? A friend has a campus visit in early February.

  • Colorado College

Any news on this job? Colorado College held MLA interviews (one contributor to this wiki had an interview with Colorado College at the MLA convention). One contributor to this wiki had an interview at the MLA, and just received a rejection letter via email on March 12, 2009.

  • CUNY, Staten Island

Any news on this job? a friend had a phone interview

  • Dickinson College

12/14 contacted for MLA interview

  • Eastman School of Music

This one canceled too

  • Emory University

Canceled the position for economic crisis

  • Gonzaga University

Finalists for campus interviews have been notified.

  • Harvard, Lauro De Bosis Postdoctoral Fellowship

Received rejection email (03/03)

  • Loyola College

Contacted someone I know few weeks ago

  • Scripps College

12/11 contacted via phone call for MLA interview 12/28/08-one contributor to this wiki had a friend who had an interview with Scripps College at the MLA convention. 3/13/09 offered and accepted by candidate.

  • Susquehanna University
  • Texas A&M University

They said no MLA interviews but has anyone heard back about a Campus invite? No news, but they extended the application deadline a few weeks ago. Rejection letters sent out.

  • University of Calgary

Received a rejection stating that they had made a hire on April 9, 2009.

  • University of Chicago

Anyone heard from these guys? I believe they canceled the position a friend has a phone interview. Campus interviews taking place last week in January.

Candidate appointed (mid-Feb).

Just received pro-forma 'Dear applicant' rejection email (05/26!)

  • University of Denver

Finalists for campus interviews have been notified.

Offer made and accepted by candidate (mid-May).

  • University of Notre Dame

Any news? MLA interviews were conducted. Finalists for campus interviews have been notified.

Candidate appointed (mid-Feb).

  • University of Texas

12/1 contacted via phone call for MLA interview 12/29 contacted by phone for on-campus visit

  • University of Western Ontario

12/8 started phone interviews. Position Terminated.

  • University of Wisconsin-Madison

12/10 contacted via email for MLA interview Any news about Campus visits yet? They said end of January but I've heard nothing. Finalists have been notified for campus visit.

Any news here?

Candidate appointed 3/11/2009.

  • University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

11/18 contacted via email for phone interview.

  • Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University

12/16 contacted for MLA interview. Rejection letter received the week of March 16, 2009.

  • Wake Forest University

Search not filled, Search Committee found that the applications received "did not correspond with the requirements of the position."

The search was filled for the TT position. They still need 2 lecturers for 09/10

Their letter said the TT position was not filled, was this information incorrect? Are you sure the TT spot was filled?

The new TT person actually started mid-January 09.

-- Thank you for the information! That is unfortunate/unprofessional that the letter written did not represent the truth more accurately. How weird!

- Offer made to the 2 lectureship on 4/23/09, and accepted. Search filled.
