Academic Jobs Wiki
Academic Jobs Wiki

Page for Academic Positions in Linguistics that begin in 2019-2020.

Last year's page: Linguistics 2018-2019

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Recent Activity on Linguistics 2019-2020 Wiki[]

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  • If a job is cross-posted on another wiki page, please note, whenever possible.
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SCHOOL (Deadline: DEADLINE)*[]

  • Department (If not linguistics):
  • Field:
  • Rank: 
  • URL: 
  • Notes: A brief description from the job call, not the entire job call. 


California State University, Long Beach (Sociolinguistics/Language and Culture)

  • Offer accepted (3/26)

California State University, San Marcos (General Linguistics)

  • Informed that position was filled (3/27)

University at Buffalo (Computational)

  • Offer accepted (3/11)

University of Oklahoma

  • Offer accepted (sometime in March--confirmed through congratulatory message via listserv)

University of Texas at Arlington (Phonetics/Phonology)

University of Toronto Mississauga (teaching-stream)

  • Informed that another candidate was selected (4/9)

Harvard University (Phonology/Phonetics)

  • Search cancelled due to budgetary shortfall (April 7)

Campus Interviews[]

Boston University (Computational)

  • Invitation for campus visit x2

California State University, Long Beach (Sociolinguistics/Language and Culture)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email received 12/20) x2

California State University, San Marcos (General Linguistics)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email received 2/4)

Cornell University (Experimental Linguistics)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email received 1/8/20)

Harvard University (Phonology/Phonetics)

  • Invitation for campus visit

Michigan State University (Sociolinguistics)

  • Not invited for campus visit (email received 1/18) x2

University of Alabama (Linguistics/TESOL)

  • Not invited for campus visit (email received 12/9)

University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Syntax)

  • Invitation for Campus Visit (email received Feb. 29)

University at Buffalo (Computational/General)

  • Invitation for Campus Visit (email received 11/4; email received 11/11)

University of California Santa Barbara (Psycholinguistics)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email received 12/15)
  • Alternate for campus visit (email received 12/15)

University of California Santa Cruz (Syntax)

  • Invitation for campus visit

University of Hawai'i (Phonology)

  • Invitation for campus visit

University of Kentucky (computational)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email received 1/16)

University of Massachusetts, Amherst (syntax)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email received Jan. 31)

University of Ottawa (Phonetics)

  • Invitation for Campus Visit (12/16)

University of Pittsburgh (TESOL/Applied Linguistics)

  • Not invited for campus visit (email received 12/23)
  • Campus visits in February

University of Southern California (Syntax)

  • Invitation for Campus Visit (Jan. 14)

University of Texas Arlington (phonetics/phonology)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email received 1/13)

University of Texas at Austin (Psycholinguistics)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email received 12/13)

University of Toronto Mississauga (teaching-stream)

  • Invitation for campus visit (phone call received 1/6)

University of Utah (computational)

  • Invitation for campus visit

University of Wisconsin - Madison (American and Other Sign Languages - Cluster Hire)

  • Invitation for campus visit (email recieved 12/24)

Western Washington University (Phonology)

  • Not included in finalists (email received 12/2) x4

Western Washington University (Semantics/Pragmatics)

  • Invite to Campus visit (email received 12/9)

LSA/Phone/Skype Interviews[]

Boston University (Computational)

  • Invite for Skype interview (11/28)x2

California State University, Long Beach (Sociolinguistics/Language and Culture)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (11/13)
  • Inivte for Zoom interview (11/20)

California State University, San Bernardino (Linguistics/Speech-Language Pathology, Department of English)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (11/22)

California State University, San Marcos (General Linguistics)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (1/17) x3

California State University, Stanislaus (TESOL/Applied Linguistics)

  • Invite for Zoom Interview (12/19)

Cornell University (Experimental Linguistics)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (12/8)

Harvard (Phonetics/Phonology)

  • Invite for Skype interview (12/24)

Indiana University (Syntax)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (12/4)

Jacksonville State University (Linguistics, Department of English)

  • Informed that another applicant was selected (2/7)
  • Invite for Skype interview (11/22) x2

Miami University Ohio (Computational Linguistics, Department of English)

  • Invite for Skype interview (12/11)x2

Michigan State University (Sociolinguistics)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (11/27) x2

Oakland University (Syntax)

  • Invite for Skype interview (12/13)

San José State University (Computational / Syntax / Semantics) 

  • Invite for a phone interview (11/16) x2

Syracuse University (Morphology; Syntax; Morphology-syntax interfaces)

  • Invite for skype interview (01/21)

UCLA (Computational Linguistics)

  • Invite for a phone interview (01/17)

University of Alabama (Linguistics/TESOL)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (11/12) x2

University of British Columbia, Vancouver (Syntax)

  • Invite for Skype interview (Jan. 18)

University at Buffalo (General/Quantitative)

  • Invite for Skype interview (10/25) x5

University of California Berkeley (Phonology)

  • Letter of rejection (12/12)

University of California Davis (Syntax/Semantics)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (11/27) x3

University of California Los Angeles (Computational)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (1/17/2020)

University of California Santa Barbara (Psycholinguistics)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (11/22) x 3

University of California Santa Cruz (Syntax)

  • Invite for Skype interview (12/1)

University of Hawaii (Language Testing)

  • Interviewed via Zoom (12/12)

University of Hawaii (Phonology)

  • Invite for Skype interview (1/8)

University of Hawaii (Second Language Acquisition)

  • Invite for video interview (12/11) x2
  • Q: Has anyone heard back from the search committee about a campus visit? 

University of Kentucky (Computational)

  • Invite for Skype interview (12/5)

University of Massachusetts (Syntax)

  • Invite for Skype interview (Jan. 16)

University of North Georgia, Dahlonega (Linguistics)

  • Invite for Skype interview (04/01)

University of Pittsburgh (Applied Linguistics)

  • Interviewed via Skype (12/11)

University of Oklahoma (Linguistics)

  • Invite for Skype interview (12/13)

University of Ottawa (Phonetics, Department of Linguistics)

  • Invite for Skype interview (11/29) x 2

University of Southern California (Syntax)

  • Invite for Skype interview (12/13) x 2

University of South Florida (Applied Linguistics)

  • Invite for Phone interview (1/30)

University of Texas - Arlington (Phonetics & Phonology)

  • Invite for LSA/Zoom interview (12/11)

University of Texas - Austin (Psycholinguistics)

  • Invite for skype/facetime interview (11/26) x 2

University of Utah (Computational)

  • Invite for Skype interview (11/21)

University of Washington (Language Acquisition)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (12/18)

University of Wisconsin -  Madison (American and Other Sign Languages - Cluster Hire)

  • Invite for Skype/video conference interview (12/16)

University of Wisconsin - Madison (Minority Languages and Dialects - Cluster Hire)

  • Invite for video interview (2/3, second-hand reliable)

Western Washington University (Phonology)

  • Invite for Zoom interview (10/30)

Full-Time / Tenure-Track Positions - 2019/2020 Deadlines[]

Baylor University (Deadline: October 21, 2019)[1][]

Boston University (Deadline: October 20, 2019)[]

  • Field: Computational Linguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Boston University Linguistics Department seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Computational Linguistics (for primary appointment in Linguistics, secondary appointment in or affiliation with Computer Science) conduct research, teach courses in Computational Linguistics and related areas (Linguistics, Computer Science) at introductory and advanced levels, and advise graduate and undergraduate students. Should have excellent programming skills and experience in computational linguistic research.

Boston University (Deadline: open until filled -- review starts October 31, 2019)[]

  • Field: Language Acquisition
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: Applications are invited for a full time, tenure track position of Assistant Professor in the Department of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences at Boston University...Qualifications include an earned doctorate with a specialty in language acquisition and strong interest in teaching and research. Clinical certification is preferred but not required. Priority will be given to candidates with a successful record of strong potential for obtaining external support for their research programs.

California State University, San Marcos (Deadline: January 8, 2020)[2][]

  • Field: General Linguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Liberal Studies at California State University San Marcos seeks a broadly-trained teacher-scholar to fill a tenure-track position in Linguistics at the Assistant Professor level, beginning Fall 2020. We are looking for a scholar who can work in a strongly interdisciplinary department, generate excitement about linguistics, and attract students to the department’s linguistics program through innovative teaching, research, and publication.

Cornell University (Deadline: November 18th, 2019)[]

  • Field: Experimental Linguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at Cornell University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning July 1, 2019. The Department is seeking candidates with a strong research record in experimental linguistics, including psycholinguistics and/or neurolinguistics. A research program which incorporates computational modeling and uses empirical methodologies to address theoretical questions is highly desired. Candidates will be expected to teach courses at the undergraduate and graduate levels in their area of specialization, as well as a course in at least one of the core subfields of linguistics

Harvard University (Deadline: November 18, 2019)[]

  • Field: Phonology or Phonetics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at Harvard University seeks to make a tenure-track appointment in the area of phonology or phonetics, with an anticipated start date of July 1, 2020. We expect to make the appointment at the rank of Assistant Professor. The selected candidate will teach and advise at the undergraduate and graduate levels and conduct an innovative program of research in phonology and/or phonetics. Applicants with an additional area of research such as computational linguistics, experimental linguistics, or linguistic fieldwork are especially encouraged to apply.

Indiana University (Deadline: November 15, 2019)[3][]

  • Department: Germanic Studies
  • Field: Historical Linguistics; Morphology; Phonology; Syntax
  • Rank: Assistant or Associate Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Germanic Studies at Indiana University Bloomington invites applications for the position of Associate or Assistant Professor (tenure track) to begin August 1, 2020, in the area of Germanic Linguistics and Philology. Research interests should include theoretically-informed approaches to the early Germanic languages. Outstanding research potential, evidence of excellent teaching, and the ability to teach in English and German. Ph.D. in hand in Germanic Linguistics or a related field by August 2020.

Miami University (Ohio) (Deadline: November 1, 2019)[4][]

  • Department: English
  • Field: Computational Linguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) to teach undergraduate courses in linguistics; maintain an active research program; advise students; and provide service to the institution.

Michigan State University (Deadline: November 4, 2019)[5][]

  • Field: Sociolinguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages at Michigan State University seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Sociolinguistics with a focus on language variation and change, starting August 16, 2020.

Oakland University (Deadline: December 1, 2019)[6][]

  • Field: Syntax
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at Oakland University seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor. We are looking for a theoretical linguist with a specialization in syntactic theory to teach courses in syntax at both undergraduate and graduate (MA) levels. Candidates should have additional areas of interests, such as, semantics, sociolinguistics, psycholinguistics, or the structure of a specific language group.

Syracuse University (Deadline: December 10, 2019)[7][]

  • Field: Morphology; Syntax; Morphology-syntax interfaces
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Linguistics program in the Department of Languages, Literatures, and Linguistics at Syracuse University invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor of Linguistics. We seek candidates with research interests in one or more of the following areas of theoretical linguistics: syntax, morphology, as well as the morphology-syntax interfaces. Interest in formal semantics and pragmatics highly desirable. The successful candidate will teach undergraduate and graduate courses in areas related to general linguistic analysis, morphology, syntax, formal semantics, and pragmatics. Ph.D. in theoretical linguistics required in hand by August 2020.
  • Skype interview invitation (Jan.21)

Université du Québec à Montréal (UQAM) (Deadline:  January 15, 2020)[8][]

  • Field: First Language Acquisition
  • Rank: Open
  • URL: 
  • URL:
  • Notes: Les personnes intéressées sont priées de faire parvenir une lettre d’intention, un curriculum vitae en français, détaillé, daté et signé, un dossier de publications et toute autre information pertinente. Les candidates et les candidats devront fournir les noms et coordonnées de trois répondants et prieront leurs répondants d’acheminer directement leur lettre de recommandation au département de linguistique. The starting date for this position is June 1st 2020.

University at Buffalo (Deadline:  October 15, 2019)[9][]

  • Field: Computational Linguistics; Phonology; Psycholinguistics; Syntax; Text/Corpus Linguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at the University at Buffalo invites applications for up to two tenure-track positions in linguistics at the rank of Assistant Professor from candidates whose research makes significant use of computational, corpus, or quantitative and statistical methods. The specializations for these positions are open but candidates whose research interests also include phonology and syntax are especially encouraged to apply. The starting date for these positions is Fall 2020.

University of Alabama (Deadline:  November 1, 2019)[10][]

  • Department: English
  • Field: Applied Linguistics; Language Acquisition; Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of English at The University of Alabama invites applications for a tenure-track position in Applied Linguistics at the rank of assistant professor. The successful applicant will have a PhD in linguistics or applied linguistics; an active, successful research agenda focusing on one or more of the following areas: instructed second language acquisition, sociolinguistics and language variation, second-language pedagogy; and a record of effective teaching. The successful candidate will maintain a productive research agenda, teach in our graduate and undergraduate programs, and provide service to the department as appropriate. For more information about our program, department, and community, please visit our website, Position begins 8/16/20.

University of British Columbia (Deadline: December 1, 2019)[]

UConn (Deadline:  November 24, 2019)[11][]

University of California, Berkeley (Deadline: November 15, 2019)[]

  • Field: Phonology
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Berkeley, has been authorized to make an appointment in Phonology. This position will be at the rank of assistant professor (tenure-track). Salary will be commensurate with experience. Duties will include undergraduate and graduate advising, teaching (up to four courses per year), supervision of student research, and development of a successful and original research program.

University of California, Los Angeles / UCLA (Deadline: December 1, 2019)[12][]

  • Field: Computational Linguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The UCLA Department of Linguistics seeks to fill a ladder faculty position, at the Assistant Professor level starting July 1, 2020, for a computational linguist. The successful candidate will demonstrate strong engagement with linguistic theories and great potential for outstanding research and teaching.
  • Note from the search committee (Jan. 7): Unfortunately our schedule is somewhat delayed relative to other jobs, due to the late approval of our position. We are currently seriously reviewing applications; we expect to contact people for online interviews by January 20, and have a shortlist in early February.

University of California, Davis (Deadline: November 1st, 2019)[]

  • Field: Syntax/Semantics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at the University of California, Davis invites applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Linguistics with a specialization in Syntax and/or Semantics. The successful candidate is expected to develop a research program in the study of sentence structure and/or the meanings of natural language utterances, with broad theoretical appeal. 

University of California, Merced (Deadline: January 15, 2019)[]

University of California, Santa Barbara / UCSB (Deadline: November 15, 2019)[13] []

  • Field: Psycholinguistcs
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The successful candidate will have an active research program in psycholinguistics and will have a record of participation and evidence of research excellence in this subfield. The area of specialization is open, but of particular interest is expertise in morphology and/or syntax and research experience with languages other than English, especially languages that are currently understudied in the subfield. Additional expertise in computational approaches to psycholinguistics is desirable. Engagement with the distinctive usage-based theoretical orientation of the department is expected. We welcome applicants with research interests that will contribute to departmental foci, such as corpus linguistics, language acquisition, and/or field linguistics. We also encourage applicants who have the potential to interact with colleagues and students across disciplinary boundaries at UCSB, such as the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Emphasis in Cognitive Science.

University of Hawai'i (Deadline: December 5, 2019)[]

  • Field: Second Language Acquisition (and multilingual learning and development)
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Second Language Studies offers a BA, an MA and a PhD in Second Language Studies as well as an Advanced Graduate Certificate. The University of Hawai‘i is a Carnegie "very high research activity university" with a strong orientation to the Asia-Pacific region. The University supports interdisciplinary initiatives within and across departments and colleges, and places a high value on extramural funding. It also values research that addresses locally-relevant issues and local populations in Hawai‘i.

University of Hawai'i (Deadline: December 14, 2019)[]

  • Field: Phonology
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at the University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa invites applications for a full-time, tenure-track position (position no. 83168) in Linguistics, with specialization in phonology, to begin Fall 2020, subject to position clearance and availability of funds.

University of Kentucky (Deadline: November 18, 2019)[]

  • Field:Computational
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at the University of Kentucky in Lexington, Kentucky invites applications for a tenure track position at the rank of Assistant Professor of Linguistics to begin August 2020. The ideal candidate will have demonstrated research expertise using the tools and methodologies of computational linguistics in pursuit of theoretical linguistic questions, and an ability to teach courses in a range of computational and theoretical areas. We encourage candidates who apply computational methods in one or more of the following areas: syntax, semantics, phonology, phonetics, sociolinguistics, or historical linguistics.

University of Massachusetts Amherst (Deadline: December 3, 2019)[]

  • Field: Syntax
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: "We seek applicants with a strong record of research that complements that of the current faculty, who can contribute breadth and depth to the department with respect to research and teaching, and who are qualified to advise at the graduate and undergraduate levels." Starting Date: September 1, 2020. 
  • Has anyone heard back on this yet? (one person says no and someone along the pipeline says the search is going slowly / they didn't have a shortlist as of asking at LSA) 
  • Invite for Skype interview (Jan. 16)

University of North Georgia, Dahlonega[]

  • Field: Linguistics, Grammar, Sociolinguistics
  • Department: English
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: Responsibilities include teaching four English courses each semester. Courses include Standard English Grammar, Advanced English Grammar, Introduction to Linguistics, Sociolinguists, and may include First Year Composition, Literature, Rhetoric, and other English course offerings.  Service is expected (academic advising, serving on department and university committees, etc.).  Scholarly activity is also expected (presenting at academic conferences, publishing in peer-reviewed academic journals, etc.).  Preference will be given to candidates with demonstrated experience teaching college-level linguistics, composition, literature, and to those who have experience in teaching on-line courses.  
  • Preliminary phone call to set-up formal Skype interview with SC (Received 04/01/2020)
  • Position filled 05/18/2020

University of Oklahoma (Deadline: December 2, 2019)[]

  • Field: General Linguistics; Morphology; Phonetics; Phonology; Syntax
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The successful candidate will be expected to maintain an active research program. He or she will teach general linguistics, our senior research course, and a selection of courses from the existing undergraduate curriculum: phonetics, phonology, syntax, morphology, historical linguistics, semantics, phonetic field methods, typology, second language acquisition theory, and linguistic field methods. The successful candidate will also be expected to develop new courses for the major and contribute to the growth of the linguistics program. The teaching load is four courses per year. Salary is competitive.

University of Pittsburgh (Deadline: open until filled)[]

  • Field: Computational Linguistics; Discourse Analysis; Pragmatics; Sociolinguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The University of Pittsburgh Department of Linguistics invites applications for the position of Assistant Professor (tenure-track), specializing in computational sociolinguistics, beginning September 1, 2020.
  • Rejection received - nice and timely! (12/05)

University of Texas, Arlington (Deadline: November 15, 2019)[]

University of Texas, Austin (Deadline: November 4, 2019)[14][]

  • Field: Psycholinguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: Our new colleague will be an early career scholar (new PhDs through advanced Assistant Professors) whose child- or adult-focused psycholinguistic research will add methodological strengths to our department, including, but not limited to, experimental design, quantitative methods, computational modeling, imaging, and/or electrophysiological methods. The department is particularly interested in candidates whose program of research will complement the current areas of expertise in our department (syntax & semantics; phonetics & phonology; computational linguistics; documentary, descriptive & historical linguistics; and sign language linguistics). The new hire will also enjoy the opportunity to interact with other scholars engaged in psycholinguistic and neurolinguistic research across campus, including the Departments of Psychology, Neuroscience, and Communication Sciences and Disorders.

University of Toronto Mississauga (Deadline: December 12, 2019)[15][]

  • Field: General Linguistics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor, Teahcing Stream
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Language Studies at the University of Toronto Mississauga invites applications for Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream position in the area of English Language Linguistics and Online Teaching. The start date is July 1, 2020, or shortly thereafter.

University of Utah (Deadline: November 15, 2019)[]

  • Field:  Computational
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at the University of Utah invites applications for a tenure-line position at the rank of Assistant Professor to begin July 1, 2020. The successful candidate must have completed a Ph.D. in Linguistics by the time of appointment. This position involves a specialization in Computational Linguistics or Natural Language Processing, with an additional specialization in Phonology, Semantics, Syntax, or Second Language Acquisition. The successful candidate will have a background in the fundamentals of Computer Science (including data structures, algorithms, and machine learning).

University of Washington (Deadline: December 2, 2019)[16][]

  • Field:  Language Acquisition; Morphology; Syntax
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at the University of Washington-Seattle invites applications for a tenure-track position in language acquisition and morphosyntactic processing at the level of Assistant Professor, starting September 15, 2020.

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Deadline: Open until filled)[]

  • Field:  Computational Approaches to Language (Cluster Hire)
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: This position is a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level, to start August 2020. Applications at the associate professor level may be considered in exceptional cases. The search is for a job candidate whose expertise bridges research on language learning, development, evolution and/or instruction, with proficiency in computational methods related to learning analytics, natural language processing, connectionist approaches, Bayesian models, topics models, semantic analysis, high dimensional data analysis, and/or data mining. Candidates that use big data approaches are particularly encouraged to apply. This position is part of an interdisciplinary cluster hire. Tenure home will be determined upon hire.

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Deadline: Open until filled)[]

  • Field:  American and Other Sign Languages (Cluster Hire)
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: Full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level to start August 2020 for candidates who demonstrate training in American and other Sign Language research and issues of access and opportunity for Deaf people; evidence of high-quality scholarly research; potential for securing external funding; experience in teaching and mentoring; and interest in collaborating with other language researchers across departments. The candidate may have a primary focus on the structure, acquisition, processing, or neural representation of American and other Sign Languages or the relationship between American and other Sign Languages and Deaf cultures. This tenure-track faculty position is part of the Opening Doors Through Language: Access and Equity faculty hiring cluster at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Applications at the associate professor level may be considered in exceptional cases. Tenure home will be determined upon hire.

University of Wisconsin-Madison (Deadline: Open until filled)[]

  • Field:  Minority Languages and Dialects (Cluster Hire)
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: This position is a full-time, tenure-track faculty position at the Assistant Professor level, to start August 2020. The search is for a job candidate whose research focuses on linguistic, cognitive, developmental, sociolinguistic, and/or educational issues associated with the use of minority languages/dialects. Tenure home will be determined at the time of hire based on the selected candidate's qualifications and interests.

Western Washington University (Deadline: October 14, 2019)[]

  • Field:  Phonology
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at Western Washington University is inviting applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning September 2020. We seek a specialist in phonology with demonstrated ability to teach a wide range of undergraduate courses. The applicant would be expected to teach a core course in sounds and sound structures, an advanced course in phonetics/phonology, and other courses in the major, such as introductory linguistics, linguistic analysis, and upper division topics courses.

Western Washington University (Deadline: October 28, 2019)[]

  • Field:  Semantics
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: The Department of Linguistics at Western Washington University is inviting applications for a tenure-track position at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning September 2020. We seek a specialist in semantics with demonstrated ability to teach a wide range of undergraduate courses. The applicant would be expected to teach a core course in semantics and pragmatics, an advanced course in semantics or pragmatics, and other courses in the major, such as introductory linguistics, linguistic analysis, and upper division topics courses. 

Worcester Polytechnic Institute (Deadline: November 15, 2019) []

VAP / Temporary Positions - 2019/2020 Deadlines[]

Michigan State University (Deadline: November 8, 2019)[17][]

  • Field: Cognitive Science
  • Rank: Assistant Professor
  • URL:
  • Notes: Michigan State University seeks to fill a one and a half year, fixed-term position in Linguistics, with specializations in linguistics and cognitive science. The position will begin January 1, 2020 and continue through the academic year 2020-2021, in the Department of Linguistics and Germanic, Slavic, Asian and African Languages. Salary and rank will be commensurate with qualifications.

Pomona College (Deadline: application review starts April 15, 2020; open until filled)

  • Field: Linguistics, Computational/Corpus Methodologies, subfield open
  • Visiting Assistant Professor (one-year contract)
  • Notes: The Pomona College Department of Linguistics and Cognitive Science is hiring a one-year visiting assistant professor of linguistics for academic year 2020-2021. Candidates must have a strong commitment to high-quality undergraduate teaching in a liberal arts environment, and those with significant teaching experience are especially encouraged to apply. We are looking for a linguist who uses computational/corpus-based methodologies; they will teach Corpus Linguistics, multiple Introduction to Linguistics sections, and another course in their area of expertise. We are open to linguists of any area/subfield, as long as they are prepared to teach courses on corpus-based (computational) methods. The successful candidate will also be expected to consult on senior research projects. The teaching load is 2 courses in Fall semester and 3 courses in Spring semester (5 courses total for the year). See linked job ad for full details.


Humanities and Social Sciences Postdocs 2019-2020[]
