Page for academic positions that start in Fall 2012 or later.
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NEW PAGE for positions beginning in Fall 2013 or later: Romanticism/Victorian/19th 2013
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Offer Made? Offer Accepted? Go to English Lit Salaries 2012-13 to add / view salary information for the coming academic year.
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Job Announcements with Post-MLA Deadlines (Full-Time / Tenure-Track)[]
Howard University - Asst./Assoc. - 19th-21st c. British Lit.[]
The Department of English at Howard University seeks to hire a tenure-track Assistant/Associate Professor in 19th-21th Century British Literature. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate courses in British Literature and foundation and gateway courses for majors/minors. Candidates with expertise in Black British and postcolonial literatures and with secondary teaching interests in Literary Theory, Cultural Studies (transnational, Diaspora, or digital humanities perspectives especially) or in Professional Writing are encouraged to apply. Candidates must have earned the PhD by the time of appointment (August 2012) and must have a publication record in the area of expertise. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue until February 3. A letter of application, c.v., and a dossier that evidences an outstanding teaching record should be sent as a single PDF file to Dana Williams, Chair, via email to Letters of recommendation (3) should be sent separately to Howard University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.
From MLA JIL 12/23/11
Deadline: Feb. 3
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): 4/10 x 2
Phone or Skype interview scheduled:
[From Modern British: "3/25 -- a friend was just invited to skype interview"] - post removed from Modern page / not confirmed.
Rejection (after phone or Skype interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Crypto-interview-invitation received 3/20. Email sent out saying they're moving to phone/Skype interviews, and would I still be interested? X2 [I got this too, as I'm assuming everyone did on their list of applicants. Good luck nevertheless].
Also posted at Modern British 2012 & Anglophone 2012
Newberry College - Asst Professor, tenure-track or visiting position - British Lit. - OFFER MADE[]
Assistant Professor of English - British Literature
The Newberry College Department of Humanities seeks to fill one tenure-track or visiting position depending upon interest and qualifications (with appropriate degree credentials in hand) to begin August 2012.
Responsibilities: 4/4 teaching load will include composition, introductory literature, and upper-level courses within the discipline. Additional responsibilities include departmental advising and campus service. Requirements: An earned doctorate preferred in British Literature, specializing in the 19th-21st Centuries (ABD may be considered); desirable second areas of interest include Shakespeare, Work Drama, Technical Writing, or Interdisciplinary Studies. Preference will be given to those with a strong record of successful teaching and scholarly work at the college/university level.
Review of applications to begin immediately. Search to close February 20, 2012. Applicants should send a letter of interest, C.V., official transcripts of all graduate coursework, and contact information for three professional references.
Electronic application materials (preferred) may be emailed to Please include "English Search" in the subject line.
Otherwise please send application materials to: Newberry College, Office of Academic Affairs, 2100 College Street, Newberry, SC 29108. Attention: Dale Brown.
Deadline: 02/20/2012
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter: 4/17: Rejection letter stated offer had been extended.
Phone interview scheduled: 3/8 (by email)
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made: yes, per rejection (see above)
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Generalist 2012 & Modern British 2012
Sam Houston - Assistant Professor of Victorian Literature - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
The appointment includes a 3-3 teaching load with expectations in scholarship, advising, and both departmental and university service.
Advertised on on 5/1/12: LINK
Deadline: 5/15/2012
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter:
Phone interview scheduled: [see NOTE below]
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made:
Offer accepted: July 11.
Any word?
- I heard through the grapevine that a friend has a skype interview. Sorry I can't say too much more (though the friend is 100% honest). [posted 6/19]
University of Delaware - Tenure-Track Asst. 19th c. British Lit. - PHONE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
Assistant Professor (Nineteenth-century British literature) - University of Delaware, Department of English (Newark, DE): Tenure-track position. Teach related undergraduate/graduate level courses, as well as general education literature and writing courses. Contribute to one or more of the graduate program tracks: print and media culture, race and ethnicity, and/or Transatlantic/Transnational Studies. Ph.D. in English or a related field, 4 semester(s) of college-level teaching experience, and evidence of scholarly activities required. To apply, submit letter of interest, summary of scholarly activities, curriculum vitae, transcripts and reference letters as one document via:
Deadline: ? [ad posted in Chronicle, March 26, 2012]
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials: 5/8 (x2)
Rejection Letter:
Phone interview scheduled: [deleted post indicated interview scheduled in mid-May] Has anyone heard back since the request for additional materials other than this deleted poster?
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
does anyone have any ideas about what to do if your letters of ref are through an interfolio system? I.e. how can these letters be included as part of the single pdf? I can't see a contact email or address :(
I had the same problem. I called their Human Resources department and they told me to contact Edward Larkin:
Did Larkin respond to you? I also called HR and they told me to send the letters of rec to the Search Com Chair, Prof James Dean. I emailed Dean yesterday morning (3/26) to ask if this was correct and so far he hasn't replied. Their entire online application system is a disaster.
Sorry to break it to you, but a rather reliable source has infonrmed me that the position has been unoficially offered and accepted already. In other words, this search is nothing but a formality. The fact that it has been advertized so late in the hiring season, its absence from the JIL/Chronicle lists, AND the search committee's complete lack of cooperation -- all seem very suspicious. But then again, it's only a rumor so feel free to ignore it.
- In fairness, as noted above, the position has been advertised in the Chronicle (though not, far as I can tell on the JIL yet). I do agree that the other factors mentioned could be red flags, however.
- a rotten burgh. I'd withdraw my vote if only I didn't need a job.
Dr. Larkin sent me a very cursory response. When I followed up with him, he did not respond. The theory that the position has already been filled makes some sense. Either way, I agree that their application system is a disaster. Right now, I've submitted my cover letter and CV. I figure if they're at all serious about filling the position, they'll probably follow up at some point and ask for the rest, at which point I'll request further clarification on how to do this.
Other red flags: Any committee that is serious about finding a candidate will advertise on the JIL. Everyone knows that the Chronicle isn't the best place to look for jobs. Moreover, if you check out the other advertised position in the department (the Assistant Professor of English in Professional Writing), you'll notice that this one has a clear deadline with the usual rhetoric. So I agree with the OPs - something's not quite right. Perhaps this was a spousal hire?
I hate to chime in with bad news but I also heard that there was an inside candidate. I do not know if it is a spouse or a visiting or what. Nor do I know if the job has unofficially been offered but have been told its not worh my time applying. All I can say is that if they do bring people for campus visits who knows what can happen. I've seen inside candidates lose the vote in the end and the job go to someone else. So maybe its worth doing anyway. For those concerned about the application process the link above to the HR page provides clearer instructions.
Does their dean have no involvement in approving candidates? I am also wondering why the search is taking place so late in the academic year and long after MLA.
- There are many reasons why a school may not advertise via MLA (a late approval of a line because of a pending budget decision, for example, or a last-minute retirement), and many schools skip MLA each year. Check this year's page, and you will see that many schools didn't use MLA and several advertised after it had happened. This is especially common with smaller schools that don't want to spend the money to send a committee to MLA. Interviewing at MLA is a job-market convention, nothing more.
Unfortunately, your bulleted response did not answer my question. In terms of "smaller schools not wanting to spend money," let me give you some perspective. I worked at a state university, mid-atlantic with approximately 15,000 students, that complained about paying to send committee members to MLA. I now work at a mid-size college, same region with about 8,000 students, that sent three of us to interview 6 candidates at MLA and 4 candidates via Skype. In my mind, it was clearly a waste of money as three of our final four were Skyped, and the one candidate that was interviewed at MLA accepted an offer elsewhere. Many schools advertised that they would interview via Skype, while some simply stated "not all interviews will be conducted at MLA," in order to protect themselves. This is the nature of our industry.
No VAP position appears in last year's listing. Something else to keep in mind is that even though there may be an inside candidate, they still must consider and bring to campus other candidates. I was on a search committee this year and the inside candidate did not get the job. It does happen. Has anyone heard anything recent on this posting?
I heard that there has been an unofficial offer made to the inside candidate. The national search is universty policy. Heard from a good source its a waste of time to apply. But...who knows. The above poster is correct, sometimes things happen and the inside candidate does not get the job.
The least they can do is state on the ad that there's a preferred candidate. That happens all the time in the non-academic world.
University of Dundee, Scotland UK - Lecturer, Long 19th c.[]
UNIVERSITY OF DUNDEE COLLEGE OF ARTS & SOCIAL SCIENCES SCHOOL OF HUMANITIES LECTURER Ref: ASS0093 GRADE 7 (£32,901 - £35,938 pa) The School of Humanities prides itself in its world class and research driven commitment to promoting the critical understanding of culture and society through interdisciplinary linkages across its full range of subjects, from Archives, English and History through to Languages, Philosophy and Politics. We now seek to appoint a Lecturer (Teaching & Research) in English from 1 September 2012.
You should possess strong primary teaching and research interests in English Literature 1750-1920 (the long 19th Century), and to be fully able to contribute to teaching in the English Programme at all levels. You must have a PhD in a relevant discipline and high-quality publications suitable for inclusion in REF 2014, including a research monograph. Informal enquiries for all posts are welcomed and should be directed towards Dr Chris Murray, email, tel: ++44 (0)1382 384907. Closing date : 15 July 2012 To apply and for further details please visit our website: The University of Dundee is committed to equal opportunities and welcomes applications from all sections of the community. The University of Dundee is a Scottish Registered Charity, No. SC015096
Deadline: 7/15/2012
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter: 07/25
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
University of Southern Mississippi (Tenure-Track Assistant, Victorian) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
The Department of English at The University of Southern Mississippi invites applications for a tenure-track position in Victorian literature to begin Fall 2012. Additional interest in children's literature is desirable. Position is contingent upon funding. Hattiesburg is a pleasant city with a metro population of 150,000 located about 90 miles from New Orleans and 65 miles from the Gulf Coast. Application deadline is November 1, 2011. Please submit application letter, CV, writing sample (20-25 pages), and three letters of recommendation electronically to The University of Southern Mississippi is an AA/EO employer. The successful candidate typically will be expected to teach three courses per semester and to serve on M.A. and Ph.D. committees. Minimum Qualifications: Ph.D. in English by the time of appointment, evidence of an active research agenda, and a commitment to teaching and service.
Deadline: Nov. 1 - Updated in MLA JIL: "Application deadline is January 15, 2012."
Acknowledgment received: 10/26
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Phone interview scheduled: 2/27 (by phone)
Rejection (after phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: early April; also early April
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: mid April
Offer accepted: Yes
Q: It appears that this position just appeared on the MLA Job Information List on November 18th. Does anybody know why, given that the deadline is listed as November 1?
Not sure. It was posted on Inside Higher Ed before the deadline, but nowhere else I could find. The other Southern Miss positions were posted on MLA. Maybe an inside candidate?
The advertisement on the MLA job list now says that the application deadline is January 15, 2012.
Valdosta State University - Asst. Professor, Victorian Lit. - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Assistant professor of English with a specialization in British Victorian literature. In addition to teaching upper-division and graduate courses in field of specialty, other teaching responsibilities include freshman composition, world literature, and, possibly, interdisciplinary courses. Experience in online teaching helpful. Departmental duties include committee work and research leading to publication. Salary commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants must have a Ph.D. in hand by the position’s starting date, August 1, 2012. Send letter of application, signed faculty application form , curriculum vita, and complete dossier, including all university transcripts and three letters of reference, to Mark Smith, Head, Department of English, Valdosta State University, Valdosta, GA 31698. Email submissions may be sent to Review of applications begins May 15 and continues until position is filled. Valdosta State University is an Equal Opportunity educational institution and has a strong institutional commitment to diversity. In that spirit, we are particularly interested in receiving applications from a broad spectrum of people, including, but not limited to, minorities, and individuals with disabilities. Valdosta State University has a non-discrimination policy that includes sex, race, color, sexual orientation, religion, age, marital status, national origin, disability, and veteran status. For more information call 229-333-5946 or email .
FROM MLA JIL April 13 2012
Deadline: review begins May 15
Acknowledgment received: 04/23
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter:
Phone interview scheduled: 5/16 x5
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made:
Offer accepted: [posted June 19]
Any news on the status of the search? Have they done campus interview requests yet?
FYI, check out the salary range for this position. Apparently, their salaries have flatlined since 2000.
Where does one find that sort of information?
A: On the internet. FYI, salaries for many state universities and colleges are quite commonly disclosed to the public. See Chronicle, Glassdoor, state records, etc,.
Is this why the previous Victorianist left (in response to the below comment)?
A: No.
Anyone know why they are doing such a late review of applications?
A: I think their Victorianist *just* left.
A2: "Just retired," from what I heard.
Wow, I get the feeling that someone (above) HATES this school. My brother did his undergraduate degree in English at Valdosta State and loved it. He said that both the student and faculty communities (and the relationship between both) were great. It doesn't seem like such a bad school ***also -- shouldn't some of the above be moved to "universities to fear" rather than posting it here -- trying to freak out candidates?
- What is more surprising to me is that as a scholar, you are not able to do your own research and make your own conclusions. Again, there is plenty of data online about Valdosta. I have also heard the faculty at Valdosta are quite collegial. However, if you came into this industry merely to make friends, you are doing yourself a disservice. If you can't find the data about faculty salaries at Valdosta from 2000-2012, I'd be happy to provide it to you. Finally, might I suggest you review postings for all of the jobs on this thread. Scholars do compete for jobs, but their greatest struggles are with administrators and governing bodies that fail to recognize how valuable professors are at creating and shaping their academic communities. Sadly, I do not anticipate this changing much. Best wishes to you all on your job search.
- The Chronicle has an assistant professor at Valdosta State U making around $53,000 ("in the 19th percentile of MA institutions in the survey")
- FYI, the Chronicle's "salary ranges" are not for entry level professors. They are an average of the high and low salaries for professors at a particular rank at a university/college. E.g., Let's say you are starting at 44 as an entry level assistant professor (1st full-time job), while a fourth or fifth year a.p. is making anywhere from 48-50. Averaging your numbers gives the salary provided by Chronicle. It is not a good way of estimating what you might "actually" be offered.
- Just to jump in here : it will depend on the institution. I did a quick search and have to say that some are pretty close. I am referring to my own institution as well as few other places I interviewed with. You really have to talk to current faculty in the English department. Mind, you will will be told the entry salary during the campus visit, if not at the mla interview.
- any news? anyone.... ? anything since the phone interview?
- Note of "Offer Accepted" posted on June 19.
Virginia Wesleyan College - Asst. Professor, 19th-20th c. British Lit. - OFFER MADE & ACCEPTED[]
VIRGINIA WESLEYAN COLLEGE (VWC), a small (1400 students, 87 full-time faculty), selective, and diverse liberal arts institution sited on 300 beautiful wooded acres in the heart of the historical, economically dynamic, and culturally rich Virginia Beach-Norfolk-Newport News metropolitan area, seeks applications for a position as assistant professor of English, beginning in the Fall 2012 semester, to teach and develop courses in nineteenth and twentieth century British literature. Secondary specializations in Anglophone/post-colonial literature and literary theory are especially encouraged. The successful candidate will have demonstrated teaching excellence in first-year writing as well as in literature. Course assignments will include first-year writing and literature-based courses on both the sophomore and upper levels. VWC seeks committed teacher/scholars who will foster undergraduate research, be professionally active, and advance the college's quest for Phi Beta Kappa recognition. The teaching load is three four-hour courses per semester, and a Ph.D. by the time of appointment is required.
Applicants should submit a cover letter, curriculum vitae, statement of teaching philosophy, sample syllabi for the three kinds of courses listed above, and a writing sample as PDF attachments sent to Transcripts (unofficial are ok) and three letters of recommendation should be mailed to Dr. Timothy G. O'Rourke, Vice President for Academic Affairs and Kenneth R. Perry Dean of the College, Virginia Wesleyan College, 1584 Wesleyan Drive, Norfolk, VA 23502-5599. For full consideration, complete applications should be received by Feb. 9. Questions about the position should be directed to Professor Michael Hall,
Deadline: Feb. 9
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter:
Phone interview scheduled: [From Modern British 2012: "Skype interview scheduled (2/16)"]
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made: Offer made and rejected (3/9)
Offer accepted: 4/10/12
Also posted at Modern British 2012
Washington State University - TT Asst. Professor, 19th-c. British & Anglophone literatures - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
English: Assistant Professor of English with specialty in 19th-century British and Anglophone literatures with additional specialization in digital humanities, tenure track, beginning August 2012. Duties and responsibilities include teaching courses in literary studies and in the Digital Technology and Culture undergraduate degree program, as well as graduate courses in nineteenth-century Anglophone literatures and digital humanities (2-2 teaching load). Successful candidate will maintain an active research agenda and participate in professional and university service. Ph.D. in English or related field required by July 1, 2012. Evidence of teaching effectiveness at the college level strongly preferred. Promise of scholarly potential in nineteenth-century British or Anglophone literatures, Victorian studies, digital humanities, archival theory and practice, or the electronic/digital remediation of printed texts strongly preferred. Other preferred areas of scholarship include comparative media studies, visual culture studies, or the study of literature and information technologies. Demonstrated ability to work in diverse communities highly desirable. Apply at . Be prepared to upload a letter of application, curriculum vitae, contact information for three references, and a writing sample. Review of applications will begin on January 16, 2012. For full consideration applications must be received by January 30, 2012. WSU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Members of ethnic minorities, women, Vietnam-era or disabled veterans, persons of disability and/or persons age 40 or over are encouraged to apply.
Deadline: Jan. 30, 2012
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter:
Phone interview scheduled: 2/7
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made:
Offer accepted: yes (so said my rejection letter *sad face*) [posted 4/19]
Anyone know which campus this is at?
I assume this has gone to campus invites. Does anyone know?
NOTE [5/24/12]: Just FYI, the person who seems to have accepted this job has published an interesting piece in the Chronicle: #Altac and the Tenure Track
Also posted at Anglophone 2012
Visiting Positions / Limited Term Appointments[]
Hamilton College - 2 yr. Appt., late 19th c.-early 20th British / Anglophone Lit. - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
The English and Creative Writing Department at Hamilton College seeks a specialist in late 19th to early 20th C British and/or Anglophone literature for a two-year leave replacement position. Candidates with expertise in ethnic, transnational, post-colonial literatures, and/or digital humanities are especially encouraged to apply. Please send vita, letter of application, and writing sample (10 pages) as pdf files to, addressed to Professor Onno Oerlemans, chair. Applications accepted until March 23, 2012.
Hamilton ( is a residential liberal arts college located in upstate New York. Applicants with dual-career considerations can find other Hamilton and nearby academic job listings at Hamilton College is an affirmative action, equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity in all areas of the campus community. Hamilton provides domestic partner benefits. Candidates from underrepresented groups in higher education are especially encouraged to apply.
Deadline: March 23
Request for additional materials: "3/29 X3" from modern British
Rejection (no interview):
Skype or phone interview scheduled:
Rejection (after Skype or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: Contacted to Schedule a Campus Interview 4/11
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: 4/24
Offer accepted: 4/26
Also posted at Modern British 2012 & Anglophone 2012
Loyola New Orleans - VAP in Romanticism OR Film - OFFER ACCEPTED ROMANTICIST[]
Visiting Assistant Professor to teach introductory courses in literature and composition, with preference for expertise in Romanticism or film (to teach an advanced course in one of these fields). The teaching load is 4/4. PhD required by the time of appointment. This is a one-year position. Send application by March 26, 2012, to Dr. Katherine H. Adams, Chair; Department of English, Box 50; Loyola University New Orleans; New Orleans, LA 70118. Applications must include a cover letter that addresses teaching philosophy, a c.v., a research statement, two sample syllabi, and three confidential letters of recommendation. Loyola University New Orleans is an equal opportunity employer.
Deadline: March 26
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Skype or phone interview scheduled: 3/ 28, 3/29
Rejection (after Skype or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: Offer made
Offer accepted: 4/6, according to Film Studies page.
Offer not yet accepted. Film Studies page wrong. Loyola must have made multiple offers - film studies information is definitely correct!
They are hiring two VAPs--one for Romanticism and one for Film Studies. Does anyone know if an offer has been made/accepted for the Romanticist or only the Film Studies?
Don't know if they are hiring two but they have definitely hired for the Romanticisit position.
Also posted at Film Studies 2011-2012
Manhattanville College - 1 yr. VAP - PHONE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
Manhattanville College is an independent, coeducational, liberal arts college with a nationally and internationally diverse student body of approximately 1,600 undergraduates and 1,200 graduate students, located 28 miles north of New York City on 100 acres. Building on its heritage of social justice and social activism, the College prepares students through rigorous academic and co-curricular programs, for ethical and socially-responsible leadership in a global community. We achieve this through integrated learning that combines classroom rigor with experiential opportunities, leadership with service, intimate attention with global reach, progressive change with enduring values, social commitment with ethical responsibility, and diversity with community.
The English Department at Manhattanville seeks a full-time Visiting Assistant Professor of English for 2012-2013, to teach courses of the following topics: introduction to Victorian and modern British literature; history of English novel; womens writing; and Jane Austen (seminar with senior thesis advising). 21-credit teaching load. In your cover letter, please specifically address your relevant teaching experience. PhDs and ABDs considered. Send cover letter and CV as a single PDF to by May 1st.
Deadline: May 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter:
Phone interview scheduled: May 11 [from Modern British]
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Modern British 2012
Oberlin College - 1 yr. Asst. Professor of 19th c. British Lit & Culture - POSITION FILLED[]
The Department of English at Oberlin College invites applications for a full-time non-continuing faculty position in Nineteenth-Century British Literature and Culture in the College of Arts and Sciences. Appointment to this position will be for a term of two semesters, beginning first semester of 2012, and will carry the rank of Assistant Professor.
The incumbent will teach a total of five courses in the general area of 19th Century British Literature and Culture, which covers the era from 1798 to 1900 and includes the Romantic and Victorian periods. The five-course load includes single and/or multi-genre courses at all levels of the curriculum in the following areas and/or in any combination: poetry, prose writing, and the novel.
Among the qualifications required for appointment is the Ph.D. degree in English (in hand or expected by first semester of academic year 2012). Candidates must demonstrate interest and potential excellence in undergraduate teaching. Successful teaching experience at the college level is desirable.
The Department of English is one of the largest and most popular academic programs at Oberlin. It balances the study of traditional fields and American literature with a strong commitment to interdisciplinary work, involving contemporary fields such as African-American studies, postcolonial studies, gender, sexuality and feminist studies, cinema studies, comparative literature, and creative writing. For more information consult the department’s website:; phone: 440-775-8570; fax: 440-775-8684.
To be assured of consideration, a letter of application, a curriculum vitae, graduate academic transcripts, and at least three recent letters of reference* should be sent to Anuradha Dingwaney Needham, Chair, English Department, Oberlin College, 10 North Professor Street, Oberlin, OH, 44074 by March 5, 2012. Application materials received after that date may be considered until the position is filled. Salary will depend on qualifications and experience. *By providing these letters you agree that we may contact your references.
LINK (Full Job Ad at Oberlin HR)
Deadline: March 5
Request for additional materials: writing sample, 3/9; 3/12; 3/19
Rejection (no interview): rejection letter by e-mail 05/15
Skype or phone interview scheduled:
Rejection (after Skype or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 3/28
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: email 05/15 stating that position has been filled
Rollins College - 1 year VAP - post-1660 British Lit. - POSITION OFFERED AND ACCEPTED[]
Visiting Assistant Professor of British Literature Rollins College invites applications for a one-year visiting assistant professorship in British literature beginning fall 2012. Responsibilities include teaching six courses, chiefly surveys (post-1660) and electives in British literature and at least one section of first-year writing.
A Ph.D. with an emphasis on British literature is required.
Interested applicants must apply through the College's applicant web portal at and upload the following materials merged together into a maximum of four electronic files as follows:
(1) letter of application (2) a C.V. (3) contact information, including telephone and e-mail addresses
Questions may be directed to: Professor Jana Mathews, Chair, Visiting Professor Search Committee, Email:
Review of applications will begin February 1, 2012, and continue until the position is filled.
Founded in 1885, Rollins is an independent, comprehensive, residential liberal arts college with a total undergraduate enrollment of 1,730 and a student-to-faculty ratio of 10:1. Ninety-four percent of Rollins 173 full-time faculty hold a Ph.D. or the highest degree in their field. The campus, noted for its lakefront beauty and unique location, is set in the residential community of Winter Park, just 15 minutes from Orlando, one of the nation's most dynamic urban centers. Rollins is Florida's oldest recognized college and for the fifth consecutive year is ranked number one among southern regional universities in U.S. News & World Report's "American's Best Colleges." For further information visit
MLA JIL 1/27/12
Deadline: review begins Feb. 1
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Skype or phone interview scheduled: Phone Interview Scheduled 2/22
Rejection (after Skype or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: April 2nd
Offer accepted: April 10th
Also posted at Modern British 2012 & Restoration/18th-Century 2012
The job ad was amended on 2/6. It now specifies that they are looking for "a specialist in 19th Century British/Anglophone Literature." See the new ad on the CHE's job page and the updated ad on Rollins's hr page.
Tulane University - VAP, Gender Studies and English - PHONE INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
Tulane University invites applications for a one-year, Visiting Assistant Professor position joint in the English department and the Gender and Sexuality Studies program beginning in August 2012. The position is open to candidates with research and teaching expertise in women’s, gender, and/or sexuality studies and 19th-century or 20th-century women's literature in English. The ideal candidate would be capable of teaching the GESS Program core courses including the introductory course, an intermediate course on race, class, gender, sexuality, and upper level courses in English literary studies. A doctorate in the candidate's academic discipline by the time of appointment is required. Tulane has a strong institutional commitment to the achievement of diversity among its faculty, staff, and student body; the University is an equal opportunity employer and applications from women and underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged. Applicants should send a letter of interest and curriculum vitae, and have three letters of reference sent to: Nancy Maveety, Director, Gender and Sexuality Studies Program, B03 Newcomb, Tulane University, New Orleans, Louisiana 70118 by March 1, 2012.
Deadline: March 1
Acknowledgment received: nope.
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter:
Phone interview scheduled: it says on the gender studies page that phone interviews are under way [posted 3/29]
Campus interview scheduled:
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Queer/Women's/Gender Studies 2012 & Modern British 2012
University of Arkansas - VAP - Romantic Literature - SKYPE INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
Ph.D. in the field of Romantic Literature and Culture. This position is for one year, August 2012-May 2013, with the possibility of renewal. The salary will be highly competitive. The job entails teaching, perhaps some service, and research; the teaching load will be two courses (one graduate and one undergraduate).
Submit letter, resume, writing sample, and letters of recommendation via Interfolio, in hard copy to the address above, or as email attachments, in .docx or .pdf, to Dorothy Stephens, Chair, via Sara Beth Spencer Bynum, Assistant, at If submitting by email, please put "Application for Visiting Romanticist" in the email header and begin every filename with the applicant's last name. Applications will be acknowledged by letter. The deadline is November 4, and interviews will be conducted via Skype.
Deadline: Nov. 4
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): 12/14
Skype interview scheduled: 11/28
Rejection (after Skype interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
University of Toronto Scarborough - one-year appt. - 18th c. & Romanticism - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
The Department of English, University of Toronto Scarborough (UTSC), invites applications for a one-year Contractually Limited Term Appointment (CLTA) at the rank of Assistant Professor beginning July 1, 2012 and ending June 30, 2013. Candidates should have a PhD in English and a strong research background in British Eighteenth-Century and Romantic Literature. The successful applicant will be expected to teach five undergraduate courses per year (2/3 load), to pursue an active research program, and to contribute service to the Department of English at UTSC. Applicants must demonstrate excellence in both research and teaching. Salary will be commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Candidates should submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and one writing sample online at (Job Number 1101014). We encourage applicants to combine PDF or MS Word documents in one or two files. Candidates should arrange to have three letters of reference sent by email to or by post to: Professor Christine Bolus-Reichert, Chair, Department of English, University of Toronto Scarborough, 1265 Military Trail, Toronto, ON M1C 1A4, Canada.
The deadline for applications is January 30, 2012.
UTSC has an interdisciplinary commitment, and a multicultural student body speaking a wide range of languages. The University of Toronto offers the opportunity to teach, conduct research, and live in one of the most diverse cities in the world. The University of Toronto is strongly committed to diversity within its community and especially welcomes applications from members of visible minority groups, women, aboriginal persons, persons with disabilities, members of sexual minority groups, and others who may contribute to the further diversification of ideas. All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; Canadians and permanent residents of Canada will be given priority.
From MLA JIL 10/14/11
Deadline: Jan. 30 2012
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: 04/20
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Nineteenth Century[]
Binghamton University (Assistant, tenure-track) - SKYPE INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
We are searching for an assistant professor with a specialization in nineteenth-century British literature, Anglophone literatures, and theory, in the context of empire and the challenges to it. Candidates must be prepared to teach in their specializations at the graduate and undergraduate levels and to contribute to the research mission of the department and university.
Rank: Assistant Professor (tenure-track) Teaching load: 2/2. Requirement: Completed Ph.D. by time of appointment in August 2012.
Please send resume and dossier by November 4, 2011, to: Professor Robert Micklus, Chair, Department of English, General Literature and Rhetoric, Binghamton University (Search B), Binghamton, New York 13902-6000.
Deadline: Nov. 4
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Skype/Phone interview scheduled: Skype interview 12/9 (x2)
Rejection (after Skype interview): 12/24(x2)
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Thanks for rejecting me on Christmas Eve (Tiny Tim and all that)!
Also posted at Anglophone 2012
Idaho State University (Assistant, tenure-track) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
Assistant Professor of English, 19th-Century British Literature
Specialist in 19th‑Century British Literature. Tenure‑track position, assistant professor rank, August 2012. Ph.D. in hand by August 2012. Normal teaching load 3 courses per semester with responsibilities in literature at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Additional interest in literature and the environment welcomed. Regular assignments to composition and general education courses. Starting salary $43,000. Send letter of application, c.v., writing sample (approx. 20 pages) and a minimum of 3 letters of recommendation (confidential letters preferred) to All application materials must be received by November 11, 2011. Interviews at MLA. ISU is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer.
From MLA JIL 10/7/11
Deadline: Nov. 11
Acknowledgment received: 11/4
Request for additional materials: 11/16
Rejection (no interview): lame email rejection from hr. no class 01/02
MLA interview scheduled: 12/19 x3
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled: x3 [posted 2/2]
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
NOTE from HR page: "If you need assistance submitting your application please contact Human Resources at (208) 282-2517 or"
-Does anyone know what kinds of additional materials were requested on the 16th?
-- My guess is that it's just a reference to the mass email we probably all got on that date acknowledging our applications and asking us to fill out the diversity survey.
I have no clue. I didn't hear a thing from them, so I doubt there was a mass email. Good luck to those who received requests. (x5)
Kalamazoo College (Assistant, tenure-track) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Assistant Professor of 19th Century British Literature and Culture Kalamazoo College invites applications for a tenure‑track position in 19th century British literature and culture, with preferred areas of research and/or teaching including race and empire, gender and sexuality, transnational and post‑nationalist approaches, and/or Black Diaspora studies. Curricular contributions will include historically based courses in 19th century British literature and culture, with flexibility for shaping introductory through advanced courses around the candidate’s areas of specialization, including courses that would serve the College’s Shared Passages (first year, sophomore, and senior) Seminar program. This position carries a six course teaching load (two per quarter). The person who holds this position will also be expected to advise students and supervise senior projects. The successful candidate will demonstrate a high aptitude for and interest in undergraduate teaching and a commitment to the liberal arts. Ph.D. (or evidence it will be completed by September 1, 2012) required. Salary is competitive and consistent with level of experience.
Completed applications received by November 15, 2011 will receive full consideration, with later applications reviewed as needed until the position is filled. Please electronically submit the following application materials to Andy Mozina in pdf format: curriculum vitae, a one‑page statement of teaching philosophy, a description of scholarly interests, undergraduate and graduate transcripts (unofficial acceptable), and three letters of recommendation. The url for uploading application materials (except confidential recommendations) is Please have confidential letters of recommendation sent in pdf format to
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received: 11/4
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 12/8 (x3)
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 1/11 (by phone)
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: 2/22
Penn State University (Assistant Professor, early 19th c. and/or Romanticism) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Department of English, Penn State seeks a promising scholar and proven teacher to participate in our graduate and undergraduate programs and contribute to initiatives in nineteenth-century British literature and culture. Our preference is for scholarship that focuses on the early nineteenth century and/or Romanticism. Ph.D. required by August 1, 2011. Start date, Fall 2012.
Please apply directly online, including letter of application, curriculum vitae, letters of reference, abstract of dissertation (1000 words) and one writing sample at:
Screening of applications will begin October 15, 2011. Claire Colebrook, Search Committee Chair. Department Website:
Deadline: review begins Oct. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 10/6 request for ltrs [letters were supposed to be submitted with application, see above]
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 12/14
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: Yes
Offer accepted: Yes (not sure about the precise dates, but 100% sure offer was accepted)
- Has anybody figured out how to upload letters of reference? Do my referees need to get their own Friends of Penn accounts?
- A: if you're having trouble negotiating their system, it seems like the best thing to do would be to call one of these HR people for guidance:
- Thanks. Much appreciated!
- As with U Penn and Mississippi below, the LOR request noted above went out to everyone.
Rice University (Associate/Full) - OFFER MADE & ACCEPTED[]
Literature: Associate or Full Professor, specializing in Nineteenth-Century British Literature with research and teaching interests in the global nineteenth century. Send letter of application, name of three references, and sample of recent unpublished work to Helena Michie, Chair, Search Committee, Dept of English, Rice University MS 30, 6100 Main St. Houston, TX. 77005. Review of applications begins November 1. (Teaching load is 2/2, in addition to research and service. Doctorate required at time of appointment. ) Rice is an AA/EO employer.
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: SKYPE interview scheduled [posted 12/15]
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Samford University (tenure-track assistant professor) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
The English Department at Samford University seeks to hire a tenure-track assistant professor with a specialty in 19th-Century British Literature and possible expertise in Postcolonial Literature, Minority or Ethnic Literature, or Fiction Writing.
Duties: Three course load each semester. Teach undergraduate courses within the individual's area of specialty as well as core and general education courses. Additional responsibilities include advising and service to the department and university. Salary: Competitive, commensurate with qualifications and experience.
Department of English: The department has 9 full-time faculty and approximately 90 majors. Outstanding fiction writers and poets regularly give readings as part of the Samford Visiting Writers Series. A fast-growing film track has expanded department offerings and attracted new majors. In addition to the film concentration, the department has recently added a Creative Writing Concentration within the major. English faculty regularly teach at the Daniel House, Samford’s London Study Centre.
Applications: Please incorporate into a single PDF a letter of application, curriculum vitae, dissertation abstract, one- to two-page statement of teaching philosophy, and names and contact information for three references to:
Professor Geoffrey Wright,  E-mail:
Samford University, 800 Lakeshore Drive, Birmingham, Alabama 35229.
The search committee will begin reviewing applications on November 15, 2011 and continue until the position is filled. Interviews are planned for the MLA meeting in Seattle.
Candidates should be supportive of and willing to contribute to the school’s mission as a Christian university.
MLA JIL 10/21/11
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 12/7 (x4, by email)
Rejection (after MLA interview): rejection via email 2/29
Campus interview scheduled: yes, heard a visit had been scheduled around 2/14 (again this is second-hand, but definitely confirmed this time).
heard second-hand that a campus visit has been scheduled here, not sure of date [posted 1/30]
- What do you mean second hand? When was the applicant invited? (1/30)
-I mean someone told me a student of theirs had been invited to campus after MLA. That's all the info I have. Sorry I can't be more specific about dates. Nevermind. Evidently this information is not accurate. The person in question has not heard one way or another ... evidently like everyone else on this site. Sorry for the confusion.
- Thank you for posting the info.
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: yes, sometime in March (reliable second-hand info).
Seattle University (tenure-track Assistant) - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
The English Department seeks to hire a tenure‑track assistant professor in 19th‑century British Literature who specializes in Romanticism or Victorian Literature. A secondary expertise, in European and/or global literary connections or in the relation between print and new media, is desirable. Candidates must have received their Ph.D. by June 2012. The new assistant professor will be responsible for developing and instructing upper‑division courses in both Romantic and Victorian Literature, surveys in 19th and 20th century English Literature, as well as composition and introductory literature courses for non‑majors. The ideal candidate will have strong academic preparation, a commitment to excellence in teaching at all undergraduate levels, and demonstrated productivity in scholarly research. The English Department at Seattle University offers a BA in English with two tracks (Literature and Creative Writing) as well as a BA in Film Studies. Applications must be received by November 15. Interviews will be conducted at MLA. Please submit a letter of application, CV, a statement of teaching philosophy, a writing sample, and the names and contact information for three references online at .
Seattle University, founded in 1891, is a Jesuit Catholic university located on 48 acres on Seattle’s Capitol Hill. More than 7,500 students are enrolled in undergraduate and graduate programs within eight schools. U.S. News and World Report’s “Best Colleges 2011” ranks Seattle University among the top 10 universities in the West that offer a full range of masters and undergraduate programs. Seattle University is an equal opportunity employer.
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): 12/15 (x6)
MLA interview scheduled: 12/6 (x3)
Rejection (after MLA interview): 1/22
Campus interview scheduled: 1/20 (x1).
- Anyone know anything? Have they already done this or are they buried in snow? No word here (1/20).
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
- Does anyone know if an offer has been made? (3/6)
Offer accepted:
Does anyone know the course load of the job?
A: Not sure, but would guess 3/2 or 3/3.
A2: It's a quarter system. My educated guess is the load is 6, likely 2/2/2. [from CreativeWriting 2012]
I heard through the grapevine that there is an inside candidate who is favored for this position. It isn't always a sure thing, but .... (Yes, I heard this too, from the person who considered herself the inside candidate).
Anyone who is a reasonable fit should apply anyway ....
St. Francis Xavier University (Nova Scotia, Canada) - 19th c. British and/or American - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
The English Department at St. Francis Xavier University invites applications for a tenure-track position, at the rank of Assistant Professor, in 19th-century British and/or American literature. We are particularly interested in candidates whose expertise spans the nineteenth century. A secondary expertise in one or more of the following fields is desirable: gender studies, American literature before 1800, and film studies. Ours is a dynamic department that values teaching and research and that is proposing a new curriculum designed to facilitate innovative approaches to the teaching of literature. The appointment begins July 1, 2012. A completed PhD by the time of appointment is strongly preferred.
Applications, including a curriculum vitae, transcripts, a writing sample (25 pp. maximum), a teaching dossier (sample syllabi, a statement of teaching philosophy, and teaching evaluations), and letters from three academic referees should be addressed to: Dr. Paul A. Marquis (Chair), Department of English, St. Francis Xavier University. Electronic submissions encouraged ( Regular mail: P.O. Box 5000, Antigonish, NS B2G 2W5. Consideration of applications will begin on October 24, 2011 and continue until the position is filled.
All qualified candidates are encouraged to apply; however, Canadian citizens and permanent residents will be given priority. St. Francis Xavier University is committed to employment equity, and to recruiting a diverse faculty and staff. This position is subject to final budgetary approval.
From MLA JIL 9/23/11
Deadline: Oct. 24
Acknowledgment received: October 11
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 11/15
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Early American 2012
Anyone know the courseload for this position?
Yes, it's 3/2.
Q: While I was assuming that this position might skip MLA, I think I imagined there might be a round of phone interviews. Did they really jump ahead to campus visits? I'm bummed if that's the case...
Moving straight to campus interviews is actually a fairly common practice at Canadian schools (they tend to run searches closer to the UK model). Occasionally, some Canadian schools will do phone interviews (but almost never conference interviews); however, I'd say that's more the exception than the rule ...
University of Houston - Clear Lake (Assistant, tenure-track) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
From MLA JIL 6/10/11 - Note: reposted in 10/28/11 MLA JIL - JOB REPOSTED at on 1/2/12.
The University of Houston-Clear Lake (UHCL) invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position as Assistant Professor of Literature, beginning August 2012. Ph.D. required. Excellent teacher with previous teaching experience sought to work with diverse students. Must have active research agenda. Field: 19th century European literature. Competence in classics and poetry desirable, as is willingness to teach in BA/MA interdisciplinary Humanities program. 3/3 load with additional service expectations.
UHCL is a culturally diverse, upper-level university (juniors, seniors, and master’s students) adjacent to NASA-Johnson Space Center, located 30 minutes from downtown Houston. Applications accepted only online at To apply, complete the online faculty application and include a current curriculum vitae, cover letter, and submit names and email address for three references. These references will be contacted by our automated system and asked to submit a recommendation letter online. Also, mail an unofficial graduate transcript to: Chair, Literature Search Committee, University of Houston-Clear Lake, 2700 Bay Area Blvd., MC 416, Houston, TX 77058-1098. Preference will be given to completed applications received by October 31, 2011. Proof of eligibility to work in USA will be required. We reserve right not to fill position. Only applicants selected for further consideration will be contacted.
Deadline: Oct. 31
Acknowledgment received: 10/27
Request for additional materials: [From Comparative page: 12/9]
Rejection (no interview):
Phone interview scheduled: [From Comparative page: "to be scheduled for week of 1/9"] 1/2 [Phone]
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: [From Comparative: "Feb 2nd"]
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Cross-posted at Comparative 2012
University of Pennsylvania (tenure-track Assistant Professor) - SEARCH FAILED[]
The Department of English at the University of Pennsylvania invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor in nineteenth-century British literature. The normal teaching load in our department is two courses per semester; salary and benefits will be competitive. Applications should be submitted online at . They should include a letter of application, CV, writing sample (25 pages), and contact information for individuals who have agreed to provide a letter of recommendation. Candidates are encouraged to apply by October 28, 2011. The University of Pennsylvania is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer.
Deadline: Oct. 28
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Semifinalists notified by email (see below): 12/1
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 12/15 x2
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 1/9
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: Q: Did this search fail? Anyone have any info? (5/2)
Offer accepted: Heard second-hand (but on good authority) that offer has been accepted --> if an offer was accepted, why has virtually the same position been readvertised for 2013? [9/5]
- [From 2013 page: "Yes it was a failed search. The person who said it was filled, I think, got confused with Penn State."]
Has this job been reissued? I keep locating it on other servers as a "new" vacancy. --> appears to have been reposted for 2013 [see Romanticism/Victorian/19th 2013]
12/15: Have any of the semifinalists had requests for further materials? I haven't, and I'm guessing that means I'm not going to make the next round, bummer.
12/1: (Don't know where exactly this should go) Rec'd word today that they'd made a semifinal selection, from 275 applications down to 33.
Do you mean that you were told today that you were one of those semifinalists, or do you have an inside source who knows such a cut has been made? Just wondering if not hearing this information today means that I haven't made the cut. (I'm guessing it does.)
- A: I'm not the OP, but I did receive an email today, 12/1, telling me I was one of the semifinalists. (x4)
- A: OP here. I was told I was a semifinalist & know someone else who was, also. Sorry for lack of clarity.
12/2 guess I didn't make it to the 33rd (sigh). Oh well... at least I've learned that these searches aren't really about merit, but being at the right place at the right time. It's all about fit.
- A: Faculty searches really are all about fit. I was on a search committee last year, and in the end, our candidate list really depended on what the department needed because it had to approve whichever list of interview candidates we selected. I read some amazing files (including those of some friends), but if they didn't fit, there really was nothing I could do. Ideally, a job ad states what that fit will be (desired field and theoretical focus or desired secondary area), but sometimes, the ads are so general that it's hard to know what that fit is. Anyway, I also lost out on this one, but I heard that my book was recommended for publication today. You have to learn to focus on the good news and let the rest go.
For those of you who note that they asked for letters of recommendation, you do realize that those requests are facilitated automatically by the online application?
10/28 I echo the OP. Something smells fishy.
A: I am one of the two, above, noting the rec letters, and I did see that they they were generated by the online system. But I figured that I would chime in since my requests weren't generated right away, but rather a week or so after I submitted my app. Sorry to confuse -- perhaps you are right that it was done automatically.
Can anyone tell me why my application is still "Initial Submission" status? Are they all this status at the present moment or did I screw up something along the way...?
A: That question seems best addressed to the appropriate administrators in the Penn Provost's Office: LINK
A2: So, rather than asking other readers to contacdt Penn, why didn't you do it? You do appear to know who to contact.
I wasn't one of the two who posted about the LOR request, but I will admit that when the request was sent a week after the initial submission (as opposed to within a few hours, which is usually the case with these automated systems), I secretly wondered if it meant that someone had read through my materials and asked to have a look at the LOR's. So I suppose the relevant question is, did anyone NOT receive an LOR request within a week or so of submission? (Yes, this is a somewhat grasping-at-straws question, but it's early enough in the season that any hint of interest from a search committee would be morale-boosting!)
This is just part of the system. Many of the online systems do this now. They give applicants a window of time after they've applied when they can change things, update documents, etc. (the page states that's what Initial Submission status means), then they auto-send the letter request emails.
Thanks everyone. I've just removed my LOR request number from above -- seems clear that the request was automatically generated. So much for wishful thinking! :)
Furman University (tenure-track Assistant) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Assistant Professor of British Romanticism. The English Department at Furman University invites applications for a tenure-track Assistant Professor position focusing on British Romanticism, beginning August 1, 2012. Preference will be given to candidates with evidence of scholarly promise, a Ph.D. completed by the time of contract, and a commitment to excellence in teaching in a liberal arts environment.
Furman University is a private, selective liberal arts college of approximately 2,700 residential students, located in Greenville, South Carolina, in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains. The teaching load will be five undergraduate courses per year, at least two of which will be upper-level courses. Department members can expect to contribute to Furman’s First Year Seminar Program, which entails teaching writing-intensive topical courses for freshmen students. Furman University is an Equal Opportunity employer committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty.
Please address your letter of application to Professor Lynne Shackelford, Chair, Department of English, Furman University, 3300 Poinsett Highway, Greenville, SC 29613. Our preference is to receive applications electronically, via e-mail attachments, preferably formatted as pdf. files. Please send by November 1 a letter of application, curriculum vitae, and writing sample of approximately 15 pages to Ms. Wendy Bremer at
From MLA JIL 9/30/11
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 11/15 [dossier] x4
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 11/30 x3
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 1/11 [by phone] x2
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: 2/18/12
George Washington University (Assistant, tenure-line) - MLA INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
For appointment beginning in fall 2012, the English Department at The George Washington University seeks candidates for a tenure-line position, at the rank of assistant professor, in British Romanticism. Authors, texts, genres open...We would particularly like to meet with candidates whose work engages with transnationalism, visual culture, or children's literature, and we strongly welcome candidates with a demonstrated interest in digital humanities.
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received: 11/7
Request for additional materials: 11/9 (writing sample and dossier) x3
Rejection (no interview): 11/9 (emailed & asked)
MLA interview scheduled: 12/14
Rejection (after MLA interview): 1/9
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
R. McRuer 12/15/11. It was a pleasure to be able to call candidates to set up interviews, but wrenching to have to again trim the field back from the 40 dossiers. Over and over, my colleagues and I were saying, "really every single one of these candidates is immensely qualified." I have now spoken with all 13 candidates we will be meeting at MLA (and we will most likely bring 3 of those candidates to campus in early 2012). We trimmed the number of interviews back slightly not because 13 was the number of outstanding files, but because going higher than that would have had us interviewing over 20 people. My very best wishes to everyone who has shown an interest in our position.
R. McRuer/CORRECTION: to accommodate a committee member's schedule, the meeting described below will actually be the morning of December 14. Everything else is the same--it's just moved forward two days.
Robert McRuer again 12/1/11. As I suggested in my earlier note, we solicited (exactly) 40 writing samples and dossiers. A committee of four faculty members is now reading those materials very, very closely. And they are so very good--there is really an amazing amount of interesting work being generated in the field. I am learning so much reading these samples. We plan to interview (at most) 15 candidates at the Modern Language Association convention in Seattle. The committee scheduled a meeting to generate that list of 15; that meeting will be held the morning of December 16. As long as we come to consensus (and I assume that we will be able to do that), I should be making calls to schedule interviews that afternoon (ie, sometime after 1 PM EST December 16). If for some reason we don't come to consensus and my calls are delayed, I will put an update here.
-- I'm not a candidate in this field or for this position, but I admire and appreciate the transparency with which you and the department are conducting this search. I think it represents the best of what this site can offer us bewildered and exhausted candidates wading through this process. Kudos, Dr. McRuer.
Note from Robert McRuer, Deputy Chair of English and Chair of this search committee--First, I hope I'm doing this right, as academic wikis did not exist last time I was involved in a search. Second, and most important, an overview: we have received more than 150 applications for this British Romanticist position. Although the department is interested in very expansive readings of the 18th and 19th centuries, we are indeed finding ourselves needing to center on the applications that are more solidly located in the Romantic period, despite numerous strong applications on the edges of Romanticism. Overall, I am amazed at the strength of these applications; I wish that we could hire many, many of you. As of today (November 8), we are very close to asking for writing samples and dossiers, but those requests probably won't go out until tomorrow at the very earliest, and then will roll through the end of the week and early next week as our office manager processes the materials the committee gives her. We probably will ask for dossiers/writing samples from 40 candidates. As those materials reach us, we will undoubtedly need a solid month to read before the committee convenes again to choose 12-15 candidates to interview at the MLA Convention in Seattle. I know that this process is very difficult for candidates and it can be so disheartening to never hear anything after sending away your materials, so I appreciate the ways that the academic wikis are building a bit more transparency into the process and hopefully encouraging those of us on this side of the interviewing process to be careful and ethical as we navigate our ways through the search.
- Thank you for posting such a detailed and thoughtful update! (x5)
Louisiana State University (tenure-track Assistant Professor) - MLA INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
Assistant Professor of English (British Romanticism). The Department of English at Louisiana State University invites applications for an anticipated tenure-track Assistant Professor position in British Romanticism. LSU offers research leave opportunities, support for travel, a culture of interdisciplinary collaboration, and enhanced graduate student stipends. Assistant Professors teach both undergraduate and graduate students, maintain an active research agenda with regular publication, and serve on departmental and university committees. We offer a competitive salary and a very attractive teaching load of graduate and undergraduate courses. Required Qualifications: Ph.D. or equivalent degree in English or related field; evidence of excellence in teaching and research. Additional Qualifications Desired: Publications; knowledge of Trans-Atlantic contexts; interest and expertise in both teaching and research of poetry. Interviews will be conducted at the Modern Language Association Convention in Seattle, Washington, January 5-8, 2012. Applications will be acknowledged in writing. An offer of employment is contingent on satisfactory pre-employment background check. Application deadline is November 15, 2011, or until a candidate is selected. Apply online and view a more detailed ad at: Position #000535 LSU IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY/EQUAL ACCESS EMPLOYER.
Quick link at ad URL:
From MLA JIL 10/21/11
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received: 11/4
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): 12/14 email
MLA interview scheduled: 12/15 (x3)
Rejection (after MLA interview): 1/13
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Loyola University Maryland (Assistant, tenure-track) - MLA INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
Loyola University Maryland invites applications for a tenure-track position in British Romantic literature. An interest in transatlantic approaches is desirable, but not required. Faculty responsibilities include teaching three classes each semester, with no composition; scholarly publication; and service to the department and university. Ph.D. required by August 2012. Salary is competitive. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
For more information, and to apply, please go to , complete the application and attach a letter of interest and curriculum vitae. Application deadline: October 15, 2011.
Deadline: Oct. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 10/21 (letters, writing sample, transcripts) x7
Rejection (no interview): 1
MLA interview scheduled: 12/12 [MLA], 12/13 x3
Rejection (after MLA interview): 1/17
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
University of Georgia - Assistant Professor - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
Assistant Professor of British Romantic Poetry. The University of Georgia announces a tenure-track position in British Romantic poetry at the Assistant Professor level to begin fall 2012. Applicant must have a Ph.D. in the area and a demonstrable commitment to both teaching and scholarship. The position carries a 2/2 teaching load with significant research expectations. Service on Department and University committees, as well as the mentoring of undergraduate and graduate students are important responsibilities of all tenure-track faculty. The salary is competitive. Interviews at the MLA convention in Seattle. Please send letter of application and CV to Michael G. Moran, Head, Department of English, University of Georgia, Athens, GA 30602. Review of materials will begin November 1, 2011 and will continue until the position is filled. The Franklin College of Arts and Sciences, its many units, and the University of Georgia are committed to increasing the diversity of its faculty and students, and sustaining a work and learning environment that is inclusive. Women, minorities, and people with disabilities are encouraged to apply. The University is an EEO/AA institution.
MLA JIL 9/23/11
Deadline: Until position filled; review has begun (1/11)
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 10/27 [dossier, writing sample, transcripts] x4; 11/1, 11/1, 11/15, 11/16,
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 12/9 (via email) x3
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 3 Campus Visits Scheduled [posted 2/4]
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
University of North Texas (Open Rank, Romantic‑period) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
Tenure-system professorship in Romantic-period British literature, open rank. Tenure‑system professorship in Romantic‑period British literature and culture, open rank, beginning August 2012. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in English with a specialization in the Romantic period; relevant teaching experience; and an active program of scholarly research. Rank will be determined by a thorough review of the selected candidate’s education, experience, scholarly and professional involvement, and service. Anticipated teaching load is 2/2, with regular opportunities to teach upper‑division and/or graduate courses. We offer a competitive salary and considerable research/travel support. Please apply online at - include a cover letter, curriculum vita, and a writing sample of no more than 25 pages; please also send 3 letters of reference to Prof. David Holdeman, Chair, Department of English, University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle #311307, Denton, TX, 76203‑5017. Review of applications will begin 11/1/11 and continue until the search is closed.
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): 12/14
MLA or phone interview scheduled: 11/23, 11/29 (x4)
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview): 1/9 (x2)
Campus interview scheduled: 1/6 [via phone]
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Really nice rejection email. The candidates selected are very lucky indeed.
University of Texas at Arlington (tenure-track Assistant) - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
The English Department of the University of Texas at Arlington invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professorship in Romanticism (Search Code: LIB100711ROM) with a primary concentration in British literature and culture.
The position begins in Fall 2012; applicants should have the PhD by June 2012. We especially encourage candidates with a demonstrated research interest in one or more of the following: science studies, literature and the environment, transatlantic studies, new media, and/or digital humanities. The successful applicant will have the opportunity to teach graduate as well as undergraduate courses and will be expected to perform departmental service and pursue an active program of research and publication.
Located in the Dallas-Fort Worth Metroplex, the University of Texas at Arlington is the second-largest university in the UT system with more than 33,000 students. According to the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, UTA is classified as Research University/High Activity. The Department of English offers an MA and a PhD in English Studies, as well as a vibrant undergraduate program with a minor in Creative Writing and participation in interdisciplinary minors such as Medieval and Early Modern Studies, Women's and Gender Studies, and Environmental and Sustainability Studies.
To apply, please email a letter of application and a CV only to Professor Johanna M. Smith, Search Committee Chair, Department of English, University of Texas at Arlington, at Review of applications will begin on November 1, 2011 and continue until the position is filled. Interviews will be conducted at the January 2012 MLA Convention in Seattle.
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 11/30, 12/1 [dossier and writing sample] x5
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or phone interview scheduled: 12/12 [MLA] x3
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 1/12 X 4
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: yes
Offer accepted: yes
California State University, Northridge (Assistant Professor, Tenure Track) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Department: English - Victorian Literature and Culture. Rank: Assistant Professor, Tenure Track.
Effective Date of Appointment: August 2012 (Subject to Budgetary Approval). Salary: $51,024 - $62, 664 (Commensurate with background and experience)
Qualifications: Candidates must have Ph.D. in English or related field, awarded prior to August 22, 2012. Specialization in British nineteenth-century poetry, prose, and/or the novel. Preferred primary interests include Victorian technologies (aesthetics and various media); imperialism; natural and social sciences; gender and sexuality; fin-de-siècle studies; philology. Desirable secondary interests may include: new media studies; digital humanities; popular culture; rhetoric.
Responsibilities: All faculty are expected to serve on departmental and/or university committees and to advise students. The standard teaching load at Northridge is 12 units per semester, although reassigned time is available for research and/or curriculum development on a competitive basis.
Application Deadline: Priority will be given to applications received by November 30, 2011. Selected applicants will be invited to interview, and position will remain open until filled. Application should include letter, CV, a brief statement of the candidate's philosophy of teaching, brief writing sample (approx. 15 to 20 pages), and three letters of recommendation or dossier.
Applications should be addressed to: Ranita Chatterjee, Chair, Search and Screen Committee, Department of English, California State University, Northridge, 18111 Nordhoff Street, Northridge, CA 91330-8248.
Deadline: Nov. 30
Acknowledgment received: 11/29 snailmail w/ EEO form ; Dec 5
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or phone interview scheduled: MLA interview sched. via email 12/20 (x6)
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: 1/23
Q: Does anyone know what 12 units per semester means? Is this job a 3/3 or a 4/4?
A: It's 4/4, assuming each course is 3 units. 4/4 is generally the standard at Cal State schools, although the ad also notes course releases for research are possible on a competitive basis.
Still waiting for a formal rejection letter/email from the department chair or the search committee chair. So much for common decency towards job candidates!
Monmouth University (NJ) - Assistant Professor, 19th c. British Lit. / Victorian - POSITION ACCEPTED[]
JOB POSTING NUMBER: 0600735. JOB POSITION TITLE: Assistant Professor, 19th Century British Literature. DEPARTMENT: English
- -Teach 3 courses per semester in the following areas: 19th Century British literature, both undergraduate and graduate; general education courses: composition and first-year seminar (12 credits with a three credit course load reduction for scholarship).
- -Serve on departmental and university committees.
- -Advise students.
- -Maintain an active program of scholarly publishing.
- -Contribute to curriculum development and program review.
REQUIREMENTS: Doctoral degree. ABD candidates may be considered with degree completion expected by date of employment. Ph.D. in English. Expertise in the Victorian period. Demonstrated success in teaching college courses at a variety of levels. Excellent interpersonal, organizational and communication skills. Must be able to treat confidential and sensitive information appropriately.
PREFERRED QUALIFICATIONS: Publications in the area of Victorian literature. Secondary expertise in British Romanticism. A commitment to teaching and departmental service.
SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS TO APPLICANTS: Anticipated opening for the 2012-2013 academic year. Tenure track.
Please send 3 letters of recommendation to: Chair, Victorian Search Committee, Department of English Monmouth University, West Long Branch, NJ 07764-1898.
Please do not send transcripts and writing samples at this time. If you are contacted for an interview, we will request supplementary materials.
For additional information about the department, please go to: sh/default.asp
REQUIRED APPLICANT DOCUMENTS: Resume or Curriculum Vitae, Cover Letter.
TO APPLY: For further information on this position, additional vacancies, or to apply: visit: (posted 11/30/11)
Deadline: 12/30/2011
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): rejection letter received by email 4/10 (x2)
Phone interview scheduled: 1/12 (x2)
Rejection (after phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 1/24
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Inside candidate?
Stony Brook University (Assistant Professor in Victorian Studies, Tenure Track) - INTERVIEW SCHEDULED - JOB REPOSTED 3/1/12[]
The English Department at Stony Brook hopes to search for a tenure-track assistant professor in Victorian studies. This scholar will have particular expertise in literature in English of the British Empire, including regions where the Empire held sway, such as India, Africa, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand, and Canada. This search is subject to budgetary approval, but we invite inquiries now.
The Ph.D. must be in or at hand by 9/1/12. The successful candidate would join a department in which research and teaching are innovative and interdisciplinary. Our faculty and graduate students work closely with Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Women's Studies, Africana Studies, Philosophy, History, Art History, and other departments and programs.
Please have interested scholars send letters of inquiry, CV, letters of recommendation, and a writing sample by December 14, by email if possible (
Stephen Spector
Professor and Chairman
Department of English
Stony Brook University
Stony Brook, NY 11794-5350
NOTE: This postion has been posted at on 3/1/12, with the following copy:
"Required Qualifications: Ph.D. or in hand by 09/01/2012. Specialization in Victorian Studies. Expertise in literature of the British Empire, including regions where the Empire held sway, including India, Africa, the Caribbean, Australia, New Zealand and Canada.
Preferred Qualifications:
Responsibilities & Requirements: The Assistant Professor will work closely with Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies, Women's Studies, Africana Studies, Philosophy, History, Art History, and other departments and programs. The incumbent will teach undergraduate and graduate courses. Service on Department and University committees as assigned.
Special Notes: This is a tenure track position. FLSA Exempt position, not eligible for the overtime provisions of the FLSA. Internal and external search to occur simultaneously. Anticipated Start Date: Fall 2012. **Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Online App. Form: "
Deadline: Dec 14 Open until filled, according to 3/1/12 HigherEdJobs posting.
Acknowledgment received: 12/12 (x2)
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or phone interview scheduled: 1/4 (by phone)
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Q. Where is this job posted -- don't see it in the usual places (MLA JIL, CHE, etc.), nor on Stony Brook HR page?
A. I'm writing as a member of the search committee. The position has not been officially advertised yet; we're waiting for approval. In the meantime, we have the go-ahead to solicit inquiries, so that when and if it is approved, we can conduct interviews in short order.
^^Thanks for the clarification -- and for posting advance notice of this position here. Una74 17:51, December 5, 2011 (UTC)
Trinity University (TX) (Tenure-Track Assistant Professor, Victorian Lit.) - OFFER MADE & ACCEPTED[]
Tenure-Track Assistant Professor of English, Victorian Literature, with an emphasis on the novel for Fall 2012
Teaching three undergraduate classes per semester, including courses in Victorian Literature, lower-division surveys, and introductory courses in composition. Research activities, including publications and presentation of papers; participation in professional activities, including attendance at professional meetings; student advising; service to the department, the university, the profession, and the community. Recent Ph.D. (or near Ph.D.) English, with research specialty in Victorian Literature.
Application letter, curriculum vitae, graduate transcripts, three confidential academic reference letters (not to be sent by candidate), dissertation abstract, and writing sample (no more than 20 pages), to be sent (surface mail only) by November 30, 2011, to:
Professor Victoria Aarons, Chair, Department of English, Trinity University, 1 Trinity Place, San Antonio, Texas 78212-7200.
From MLA JIL 10/14/11
Deadline: Nov. 30
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or phone interview scheduled: 12/8 (mla) x2, 12/9
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 1/9
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: rejection letter 03/22 stating offer made and accepted.
NOTES: anyone heard anything?
No word either way since MLA interview (2/20)
University of Central Missouri (tenure-track Asst. Professor) - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
The Department of English and Philosophy at the University of Central Missouri invites applicants for a tenure-track Assistant Professor of British Victorian Literature to begin August, 2012. Specialization in poetry and/or non-fiction prose preferred. Ph.D., preferred; ABD considered. Twelve-hour teaching load includes graduate and upper-level courses in Victorian literature, literature surveys, and composition. UCM requires all faculty applicants to complete an on-line faculty profile at Apply to position #998597 and attach to the profile a letter of application, CV, three letters of recommendation, a writing sample, and black & white scanned transcripts. List on the faculty profile the names, phone numbers and e-mail addresses for three additional professional references.
Questions regarding the position should be sent to Dr. Don Melichar, Chair of English and Philosophy at, (660) 543-8665. Screening will begin on November 15, 2011, and will continue until the position is filled. For questions about the online application process contact Human Resources at or (660) 543-4255.
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): what an idiotic rejection email. Lame form letter attached to an email that ends with "have a terrific day!" wow!
And the email itself just says "Please see attachment" (before the "terrific day" nonsense). Classy.
I liked the Comic Sans signature *almost* as much as the suggestion that I have a terrific day. Classy AND professional, and the clear sense of time put into the attached letter makes this the best rejection of the year!
MLA or phone interview scheduled: Phone interview 12/3 x2
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: 1/20
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Is anyone else having a bit of confusion over their attachment requirments and the online application page for attachments? In my interpretation of the online application, it appears that they want one document that consists of a CV and references; this would be fine except that the job ad specifically asks for letters of recommendation to be attached. Does this then mean they want a document that has three letters and a CV all together? That just doesn't sound right, nor do I have access to my confidential letters of recommendation.
Have you tried contacting their HR dept. for guidance?
Yes indeed. I am awaiting an answer, but thought I should reiterate my query here in case someone else had already solved the mystery.
University of North Texas (Assistant Professor, Victorian) - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
Tenure‑track assistant professorship in British Victorian literature and culture, beginning August 2012. Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in English (with a specialization in Victorian literature) at the time of appointment; relevant teaching experience; and an active program of scholarly research. The typical teaching load for junior faculty is 2/2, with regular opportunities to teach upper‑division and/or graduate courses. We offer a competitive salary and considerable research/travel support. Please apply online at by 11/1/11; include a cover letter, curriculum vita, and a writing sample of no more than 25 pages; please also send 3 letters of reference to Prof. David Holdeman, Chair, Department of English, University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle #311307, Denton, TX, 76203‑5017. A dynamic, rapidly growing institution that is now the fourth largest university in Texas, UNT values diversity and is located in the culturally and economically vibrant Dallas/Fort Worth area. The University of North Texas is an AA/ADA/EOE.
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): 12/13 (email) * 3, 12/16 via email (x2)
MLA or phone interview scheduled: 11/23 x2
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview): 1/10
Campus interview scheduled: 1/9
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Rejection letter explained that there were 175 applications this year. Kudos to those who have moved on.
Same rejection letter. They were nice about it at least.
Very nice rejection letter (as those things go). Mine stated that they received 155 applications. Hmm. Mentioned name of my dissertation which I thought was a gracious personal touch. Best of luck to other applicants.
University of Oxford (UK)[]
University Lectureship (CUF) in Victorian Literature
Applications are invited for a University Lecturership (CUF) in Victorian Literature, with a Tutorship and Official Fellowship in English at Lady Margaret Hall from 1st September 2012.
Applications are welcomed from candidates who are able to teach the Literature in English paper (1830-1910) Modern Literature paper (1910 to present day); and have a distinguished research record in Victorian Literature appropriate to the candidate’s career stage. Further particulars may be obtained from the Senior Tutor’s Assistant (email: or may be downloaded from the College website at
The closing date for applications is noon on Wednesday, 14th December 2011.
From MLA JIL 12/2/11
Deadline: Dec. 14
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): 1/24 (x2)
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
University of South Carolina (Full Professor)[]
The Department of English Language & Literature of the University of South Carolina ( invites applications for a tenured full Professor position in Victorian Literature and Science. Candidates will be expected to have credentials suitable for being appointed as Professor. They should have a clear and strong record of scholarly achievement, a commitment to teaching excellence at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, and a distinguished record of service to their institutions and the profession.
Applicants should send cv, letter of interest, and contact information for at least three people familiar with the candidates work and willing to provide a letter of reference to:
- William E. Rivers, Chair
- Department of English
- University of South Carolina
- Columbia, SC 29208
For full consideration, application materials must be received no later than November 1, 2011.
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled:
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Mixed Specialty[]
Arizona State University - Assistant Professor, long 18th c. - MLA INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
The Division of Humanities, Arts, and Cultural Studies (HArCS) within the New College of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences at Arizona State University seeks to appoint a tenure-track Assistant Professor of English in the "long eighteenth century" of British literature. The successful candidate will conduct research and publish, perform appropriate service, and assist in the development of undergraduate and graduate courses. Required: Ph.D. in English or related field by time of appointment; evidence of research excellence or potential; and teaching experience appropriate to rank. Desired: teaching and research in Jane Austen, history of the book, gender and queer theory, postcolonial studies, Romanticism, and/or history of the novel.
Application procedures: Electronic submission of your application material is required; contact Jamie Howell with any inquiries about the position. Please send application letter and CV. In addition, applicants should request that three letters of reference be sent electronically to Ms. Jamie Howell at: . Applicants should reference position #9929 in their application. Search deadline: November 21, or if not filled, every Monday thereafter until search is closed. Please visit our website at We will conduct preliminary screenings by appointment at Modern Language Association Annual Convention.
Deadline: Nov. 21
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 12/6 [writing sample]
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 12/21
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Baker University (Asst. or Assoc. - 18th c.-present) - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Associate or Assistant Professor of English: Full-time tenure-track position available beginning fall 2012; Ph.D. required. The English Program seeks a colleague with at least three to four years of full-time teaching experience, specializing in British literature from the 18th century to the present. Some expertise in European literature desired. Successful candidates will demonstrate teaching effectiveness and willingness to teach in Baker University’s new Liberal Studies Program as well as a commitment to playing an active role in departmental service. The teaching load for this position is 4-4. Preference given to applications postmarked or electronically received by November 15, 2011. Interviews will be held at MLA. Send letter of application, vita (including list of three references with current telephone numbers and addresses), three letters of recommendation, and evidence of teaching effectiveness including but not limited to student course evaluations or summaries thereof to Connie Deel, Director of Human Resources; Baker University; P.O. Box 65; Baldwin City, KS 66006-0065 or Please direct questions to Professor Cynthia Appl at EOE
From MLA JIL 10/28/11
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 12/5
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 12/9 x3
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: 2/15
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012, Modern British 2012 & British Open 2012
Claremont Graduate University - Associate Professor (18th / 19th c.) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
The School of Arts & Humanities and the Department of English at Claremont Graduate University announce a position in English, with appointment at the rank of associate professor. The ideal candidate will have strong scholarly credentials in some area of British eighteenth-century, romantic, or nineteenth-century literature, plus a willingness to teach and direct graduate study in other areas of British literature, 1700 to present. We especially encourage the application of candidates with expertise in gender and women's studies; transatlantic, post-colonial and literary theory, material culture, and/or British modernism. Claremont Graduate University is a small, graduate-only institution, and its School of Arts and Humanities encourages interdisciplinary study among its departments of English, Cultural Studies, History, Philosophy, Music, and Art. All teaching is on the graduate level. The normal teaching load is two courses per semester. Members of underrepresented minorities are especially encouraged to apply.
Please submit a letter of application, c.v., writing sample (20 pages maximum), and three letters of reference-at least one of which speaks to the applicant's teaching/mentoring abilities-to:
Professor Lori Anne Ferrell, Department of English, School of Arts and Humanities, Faculty Search Committee, 121 E. Tenth Street, Claremont, CA 91711
Applications must be postmarked by October 28, 2011. Interviews of selected candidates will be held in early December. Please visit our website for more information about this position.
Deadline: Oct. 28
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Phone or Skype interview scheduled:
Rejection (after phone or Skype interview):
Campus interview scheduled: YES, according to Restoration/18th-Century 2012.
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
College of Wooster - Assistant Professor, British Lit. 1688-1832 - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Assistant Professor of English. Tenure-track position, beginning Fall 2012, in British literature of the long eighteenth century (1688-1832). Expertise in Trans-Atlantic literary and cultural studies desirable. Teaching will include the department's introductory course in textual and cultural interpretation, as well as participation in the College's independent study program and interdisciplinary programs, including First-Year Seminar. Teaching load of 5.5 courses per year. Ph.D. required.
Letter of application, vita, three letters of reference, and transcript (as Word or PDF attachments) to Kathie Clyde [], Department of English, by November 12, 2011.
Deadline: Nov. 12
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: [writing sample] 11/29 (x2)
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or Phone interview scheduled: [From Restoration/18th-Century 2012: "MLA (via email) 12/9 (x3)"]
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: 2/18, according to 18th c. page.
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Denison University - tenure-track Assistant, mid-19th-mid-20th c. - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Denison University seeks a tenure-track assistant professor in British literature with a focus in the mid-19th through mid-20th centuries. Please specify your focus in the period as well as any other areas of specialization in your research and teaching. The 3/2 teaching assignment typically includes survey-level courses, first-year writing courses, and advanced courses of the candidate's design. Position to begin Fall 2012. Ph.D. must be in hand by the start of the academic year. Interviews at MLA. Denison University is an Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity Employer. To achieve our mission as a liberal arts college, we continually strive to foster a diverse campus community, which recognizes the value of all persons regardless of religion, race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, disability, or socio-economic background. Please submit a letter of application and cv online at by November 18, 2011.
Deadline: Nov. 18
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 11/8 (letters, writing sample, transcripts) X2
Rejection (no interview): Rejection email stating that someone had been hired (2/21)
MLA interview scheduled: 12/15 -- Victorianist [From Modern British 2012: "12/15"]
Rejection (after MLA interview): 2/20
Campus interview scheduled: 01/ 13 / 2012
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: Heard through the grapevine. Don't know when, exactly.
Also posted at Modern British 2012
I'm concerned that the committee is already requesting additional materials before the deadline has arrived. Are they reviewing appliations as they are received, I wonder? (11/11)
I have no idea, but I can offer commiseration. This job (by my criteria) looks like the loveliest of the job season, so I was crushed when I saw that they'd asked for extra materials 10 days before their deadline.
They're still reviewing applications and are continuing to request materials.
D'Youville College - Assistant, tenure-track, 18th c. - present - OFFER MADE[]
From 8/5/11
The Liberal Arts Department at D'Youville College, Buffalo, New York invites applications for an Assistant Professor, tenure-track in British Literature from the 18th century to the present beginning January 2012.
Job Details
Additional responsibilities will include teaching introductory-level literature courses to majors and non-majors, literary theory classes, and writing intensive classes. Additional areas of expertise are a plus. PhD required, 4/4 teaching load.
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Rejection (no interview):
Phone Interview scheduled: Contacted to discuss position / arrange for phone interview Nov 9
Campus interview scheduled: 11/18
Offer made: 12/10
Offer accepted:
I applied for this one a few weeks ago, and recieved no confirmation of my application. I went on the D'Youville website to see if I could find an email address through which to check in. The job posting is gone.
The ad at HigherEdJobs (link above) says "Position Deleted on 10/12/2011" and that the ad is "no longer active" on that site. Not clear, though, whether this means the job has been cancelled or they're just no longer accepting applications. It does not seem to have been advertised in the MLA JIL at all. The start date was early (January 2012), so perhaps the postition has already been filled?
11/9: guess not; see interview request above.
11/10: Anyone else invited to interview?
Cross-posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012, Theory 2012, British Open 2012, & Modern British 2012
Eastern University (PA) - Associate Professor, Long 18th & 19th c. -- CAMPUS INTERVIEW COMPLETED[]
The English Department of Eastern University invites applications for a full‑time, tenure‑track faculty appointment at the Associate Professor rank to begin August 2012. Ph.D. required. Applicants should have an emphasis on British Literature from the Long Eighteenth and Nineteenth Centuries, a competency and willingness to teach generalist courses in addition to composition and possibly other courses in the writing program. The candidate must have experience or demonstrate an aptitude for administrative duties in order to assume chair responsibilities within two years. Duties include a 4‑3 teaching load along with standard academic responsibilities after the first year, including student advising and committee assignments. There is flexibility to negotiate courses in additional specialties. Salary is commensurate with experience. Candidates should be committed to excellence in undergraduate teaching, mentoring students, and scholarship.
Eastern is a Christian university, and applicants should have a religious commitment compatible with the Christian mission of the university. (The university’s mission statement can be viewed at The university complies with federal and state guidelines of nondiscrimination in employment; women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
Applicants are requested to submit a letter of application, curriculum vitae, unofficial copies of graduate transcripts, three letters of recommendation, and evidence of teaching ability. Please submit applications electronically to the following address: Please remember to include the job number (#4088) in the subject line.
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 2/1/12
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or Phone interview scheduled: Late February
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: early March
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Florida Gulf Coast University - Assistant Professor, c. 1688-1837 - INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
From 8/25/11
Assistant Professor: "Appointment will be made on a 9-month multi-year appointment basis available August 2012."
Ability and/or interest in teaching period from the Glorious Revolution (1688) through to the coronation of Queen Victoria (1837), including the Enlightenment, the rise of the Novel, and Romanticism.
Deadline: Dec. 9
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or Phone interview scheduled: 12/21 (phone)
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Cross-posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Goucher College - Asst. Professor, tenure-track, 18th-19th c. British Lit. - MLA INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
Goucher College's English Department invites applications for a tenure-track assistant professor position beginning Fall 2012. The teaching load is three courses per semester and will include a combination of the following: British literature survey C18-C20, close-reading, critical writing, freshman writing, and eighteenth- and nineteenth-century British literature. Preference will be given to candidates able to teach British literature broadly across the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries and whose research will use and promote Goucher's Jane Austen collection.
Goucher College is a selective liberal arts college located in Towson, Maryland, 20 minutes north of Baltimore. The college's strategic plan emphasizes environmental sustainability and international and intercultural experiences. There are opportunities for faculty to develop courses and experiences with an international focus. Goucher College is committed to increasing the diversity of the campus community and encourages applicants that fulfill that mission.
Applicants must have completed a Ph.D. and must apply online by December 9, 2011. Please submit the following materials online:
- Cover Letter
- CV
- A description of teaching experience and philosophy
- One writing sample
Three letters of recommendation, official transcripts, and evidence of teaching ability must be sent by December 9, 2011, to: Human Resources, Goucher College, 1021 Dulaney Valley Road, Baltimore, MD 21204-2794.
There will be preliminary interviews at the MLA.
Online App. Form:
Deadline: Dec. 9
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: [From Restoration/18th-Century 2012: "12/16"] + 1 19th-Century
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Am I correct in my understanding that ABD candidates are ineligible to apply, even if they will complete their Ph.D. by Fall 2012?
Any word recently?
Johns Hopkins University - Assoc. or Full, 18th c., expertise in Romanticism desired[]
Associate or Full Professor of Eighteenth-Century British Literature The English Department at Johns Hopkins University announces a search for a scholar of eighteenth‑century British literature at the rank of associate or full professor. Additional expertise in Romantic literature highly desirable. The teaching load is two courses per semester. Applicants should submit letter of application, c.v, and writing sample of 25‑30 pages online at Applications will be reviewed beginning December 1, 2011 but we will continue to accept applications until the position is filled.
MLA JIL 10/7/11
Deadline: Dec. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or Skype interview scheduled:
Rejection (after MLA or Skype interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
NOTES: Has anyone heard anything about this search? (4/5)
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Kansas State University - Assistant Professor, 18th and early 19th c. British Lit. - OFFER MADE[]
Assistant Professor, 18th and Early 19th Century British literature and culture. Tenure‑track position. Ph.D. in English (ABD considered) with expertise in 18th and Early 19th Century British literature and culture. Candidates with additional specialties in world literature, transatlantic or transnational studies, or gender and sexuality are especially encouraged to apply. Teaching responsibilities include undergraduate and graduate courses in 18th century British literature and Romanticism; five course per year teaching load. Opportunities to develop innovative interdisciplinary pedagogies and mentor graduate students. Demonstrated excellence in teaching, evidence of research and publication or its potential required. Commitment to diversity through pedagogy and course content required. Send letter of application, c.v., evidence of teaching effectiveness (sample syllabi, statement of teaching philosophy), and a list of graduate courses completed to Karin Westman, Head, English Dept., ECS Building, Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS 66506. (Letters of reference and writing samples will be requested later.) Review of applications begins November 1, 2011 and continues until the position is filled.
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Deadline: Nov. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 11/11 [writing sample and dossier] x2, 11/14
Rejection (no interview): 1 (email), 12/08 x 2
MLA or Phone interview scheduled: from 18thC "Phone Interview scheduled 12/4"
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: 2/5
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Lawrence Tech University - tenure-track Asst. Professor, British Lit. 18th c. - present - OFFER MADE[]
Assistant professor of British Literature and/or rhetoric and composition. Assistant Professor, English, tenure-track, begins Fall 2012. Ph.D. in British literature, 18th Century to the present, or Ph.D. in Rhetoric and Composition, with experience teaching British literature required at the time of appointment. 4/4 load. These courses may include Fundamentals in English, English Composition, World Masterpieces I and II, as well as courses in British literature, 18th Century to the present. We prefer candidates with demonstrated excellence in undergraduate teaching, a strong record of publication, the ability to supervise student research and/or creative projects, and a strong desire to assist in program development, marketing, and student recruitment. Experience with computer-aided instruction, interest in the Digital Humanities, and an interdisciplinary approach to the study of literature also preferred. Send cover letter, curriculum vitae, teaching philosophy and research interests to Melinda Phillips, Chair, HSSC, College of Arts and Science, 21000 West Ten Mile Road, Southfield, MI 48075. Deadline December 15.
From MLA JIL 10/21/11
Deadline: Dec. 15 - NOTE: version of this ad gives "December 1" as the deadline.
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): 1/18 x3 :(
Skype or Phone interview scheduled: 1/18
Rejection (after Skype or phone interview): 2/13 (told search closed; not sure if position filled or not)
Campus interview scheduled: [From Restoration page: "1/30"]
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: [From Restoration/18th c. page: "2/24"]
Offer accepted:
Also posted at British Open 2012, Modern British 2012 & Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Marylhurst University - Full-Time Asst. Professor, English & Digital Humanities[]
The Department of English Literature and Writing at Marylhurst University announces a full-time faculty position in our new English and Digital Humanities online degree program. We invite applicants with expertise in digital humanities and experience teaching in online and/or hybrid environments. Along with teaching in both the online and on-campus programs, the successful candidate will act as Service and Experiential Learning Coordinator. Ph.D. required; specialization in Renaissance or 18th-19th century British Literature is especially welcome.
Marylhurst University offers a high quality English and Digital Humanities online degree that integrates literary studies with the digital humanities, a hybrid approach to online instruction, and an emphasis on service and experiential learning. Courses in this small, selective program (capped at 100 students) are taught by a predominantly full-time faculty from the on-campus department.
Marylhurst is a liberal arts university near Portland, Oregon; we are a non-tenure institution.
Submit applications electronically to: by April 2, 2012. Please send: cover letter addressed to Dr. Jesse Stommel, Program Director; CV; and one-page teaching philosophy. We welcome candidates who will contribute to the cultural diversity of the college.
Deadline: April 2, 2012
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Phone interview scheduled:
Rejection (after phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Renaissance 2012 & New Media & Digital Humanities 2011-2012
Penn State Brandywine - Asst. Professor, 19th / 20th c. British Lit. - OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Penn State Brandywine invites applications for a faculty position in English, Assistant Professor (tenure track, 36 weeks) to begin August 2012 or as negotiated.
Responsibilities: Teach undergraduate courses in baccalaureate degree program in English at both the lower and upper division levels using traditional and hybrid delivery modes. Other responsibilities include publishing in refereed journals, participating in professional organizations and in course, curriculum, and program development, advising students and providing career guidance, and participating in campus, university, and community service activities.
Qualifications: Ph.D. in English is required. Areas of specialization should be 19th or 20th century British literature, with a demonstrated ability to teach both periods. A secondary expertise in composition rhetoric, digital humanities, or another specialization is desirable. The ideal candidate will have excellent academic preparation, strong teaching experience, an established record of scholarly research, and commitment to professional service and collegiality. Commitment to high-quality instruction in a student-centered environment is expected. Interest in active and collaborative learning, the instructional use of technology, and hybrid and online teaching is an advantage. Enthusiasm for working in a multidisciplinary environment is important. We strongly prefer candidates who have demonstrated a commitment to diversity through one or more of the following: pedagogy, curriculum, mentoring, and/or research activities. To that end, we look for applicants who will contribute to our Global Studies, Honors, and Undergraduate Research programs.
Campus Information: Penn State Brandywine shares in the University's international reputation for excellence in teaching, research and service. It is a small, suburban, undergraduate campus located on 90 acres on the western side of the greater Philadelphia region, and enrolls approximately 1700 students. Penn State Brandywine offers the first two years of study for most of Penn State's more than 160 degree programs. In addition students may enroll on campus in eleven baccalaureate degrees, including the B.A. in English, and three associate degrees. For more information about the campus, visit For more information about Penn State, visit: Application: To apply submit a letter of application and curriculum vitae. Applications should be submitted as a Microsoft WORD or PDF file to Finalists will be asked to provide a list of references. Inquiries: Dr. Paul J. deGategno, Director of Academic Affairs, Penn State Brandywine. E-mail: Telephone: (610) 892-1411.
Closing Date: Application review begins December 1, 2011 and continues until a suitable candidate is found. Interviews will be conducted at MLA. We are willing to arrange Skype interviews for those candidates unable to attend MLA.
Deadline: Dec. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials: 12/7 x 2
Rejection Letter:
MLA or Skype interview scheduled: 12/12
Campus interview scheduled: <---date? <---1/9
Offer made: When was the job offer made? 2/16
Offer accepted: <--date?
Campus interviews were supposed to be complete a few weeks ago? Any updates available from finalists? (2/20)
Also posted at Modern British 2012
Purdue University Calumet - 19th-21st c. British Lit. - OFFER MADE AND DECLINED; SECOND OFFER DECLINED[]
English: 19th- through 21st-Century British Literature
Assistant Professor, tenure-track, beginning fall semester, 2012. The department is seeking a scholar in 19th and 20th/21st century British literature. Specialization within this time period is open, but an ideal candidate will be able to offer advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level courses in Romantic, Victorian, Modern, and Contemporary British literature. Completed PhD by the time of appointment is strongly preferred, though outstanding ABD candidates will be considered. Some preference will be given to candidates who can contribute to our creative writing courses. Regular duties include a 4/4 teaching load (some release time will be available), participation in departmental and university committee work, and ongoing engagement in scholarly research.
Purdue University Calumet is an academically comprehensive regional university, part of the world-class Purdue University system. It is located in Hammond, Indiana, less than 25 miles southeast of downtown Chicago near the shores of Lake Michigan, with easy access to such major research libraries such as the Newberry and the Regenstein. Purdue Calumet offers associate, baccalaureate and master's degrees, plus professional certificates in a wide range of fields including the liberal arts; natural,behavioral, and social sciences; and professional programs for nursing, management/business, and education, as well as such traditional Purdue strengths as engineering and technology. The student body of approximately 10,000 is diverse, with an enrollment that includes some 31 percent minority students, and more Hispanic students than any other Indiana university or college. Purdue Calumet serves both commuter and residential students, with apartment-style student housing facilities.
Submit by December 1 letter, CV, writing sample (up to 20 pages), three letters of recommendation, and transcripts (unofficial ones accepted at this point) to: British Literature Search Committee, Department of English & Philosophy, CLO 217, Purdue University Calumet, 2200 169th Street, Hammond, IN 46323. Review of completed applications begins November 15, 2011, and will continue until the position is filled..
Deadline: Dec. 1
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials:
- Just got a Self Identification Form from HR on 2/3. I'm assuming it is a fluke, since they started interviewing, but I'll send it anyway.
- Received HR Form via email 2/17.
Rejection Letter:
Phone interview scheduled: phone interview 12/7
Campus interview scheduled: [From Modern British 2012: "1/9 (via phone)"]
Offer made: Offer made and declined (declined 3/9); Second offer declined (later in March, reliable second-hand)
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Modern British 2012
SUNY Brockport - Assistant Professor, Romanticism and/or Long 18th c. - OFFER MADE & ACCEPTED[] on 9/15/11
Assistant Professor of British Romanticism and/or Long 18th Century.
Duties include teaching three courses each semester (graduate and undergraduate), regular publication, service to the department and college, and direction of MA theses/projects. Required: Ph.D. in English or related field by June 2012; a record of teaching success; a record of scholarship in British Romanticism and/or Long 18th Century; evidence of potential for continued publication; and potential for increasing the diversity of the curriculum, student body or faculty through teaching/mentoring or research activities. The College at Brockport is a comprehensive college of approximately 9,000 students located in the village of Brockport on the Erie Canal, minutes from the City of Rochester. English is a dynamic and productive department of 20 full-time and 20 part-time faculty with approximately 500 majors, an active creative writing program, and an MA program.
For best consideration, by November 4 submit CV and letter of application at Indicate availability for MLA interviews on January 6 and 7. Also by November 4, send a copy of graduate school transcripts and three letters of reference to Dr. Meg Norcia, Search Committee Chair, Dept. of English, SUNY Brockport, Brockport NY 14420. Candidates selected for MLA interviews will submit a writing sample at that time. SUNY College at Brockport is an EOE/AAE.
Deadline: Nov. 4
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: 12/5 x2
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: mid-March? (heard from someone in the department)
NOTE: this position was reposted at HigherEdJobs on 11/09/11.
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Texas A&M University Kingsville - 19th & 20th c. British Lit.--OFFER ACCEPTED[]
Job Summary: Assistant Professor of English for a tenure-track position, starting fall semester of 2012 to teach 19th and 20th-century British literature.
Job Responsibilities: Will teach first-year composition, sophomore literature, and upper-level courses in 19th- and 20th-century British literature. The successful candidate may also teach courses in linguistics, grammar, theory, and/or writing. Quality teaching, research activity, recruitment of students, and committee service are expected.
Minimum Qualifications: Required: (1) earned PhD, ABD accepted, from a regionally accredited university, and (2) successful teaching at the college level. The candidate must have 18 graduate hours for every field that he or she will teach.
Salary: Commensurate with qualifications
Online App. Form:
Deadline: open until filled (posted 12/10/11)
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Phone interview scheduled:
Rejection (after phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Modern British 2012
University of Illinois at Chicago - Asst. Professor, early modern to modernism - OFFER MADE & ACCEPTED[]
Assistant Professor, British, Transatlantic, or Anglophone Literature, early modern to modernism. Beginning fall 2012. Candidates must be committed to making a significant contribution to the intellectual life of the English department as well as to broader discussions throughout the university. The committee is especially interested in applicants who can bring the issues of their chosen period into contact with current debates in (for example) gender studies, race studies, ecocriticism, or media studies. Applications from women and minorities are encouraged. The University of Illinois is an Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity Employer. Applicants should be ABD or have PhD in hand. For fullest consideration, please complete an application and upload letter of application, cv, and writing sample (maximum 25 pages) to our online job site at by November 5, 2011. Click on "Job Search"; in Keywords, type "British Literature"; click on the job title, then click on "Apply Now," and create an account. Send (by mail) three letters of recommendation to Barbara Powell at the above mailing address. Review of applications will begin immediately and continue through November 5, 2011 or until position is filled. Final authorization of the position is subject to availability of state funding.
Assistant Professors in the Department of English at the University of Illinois at Chicago have a 2/2 teaching load and are expected to teach undergraduate and graduate classes; conduct research that has the potential to result in publication; advise students at the graduate level; and provide service as appropriate to the department, the university, and the profession. At minimum applicants should have ABD status, and a demonstrated aptitude for scholarly publication.
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Deadline: Nov. 5
Acknowledgment received: 11/4
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: [FROM Renaissance 2012: "MLA interview scheduled: 02/12"]
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled: [FROM Anglophone 2012: "yes, 2nd hand" (posted 1/16)]; job talks for both UIC positions (British & Rhetoric) are listed on the calendar on the dept. website (1/18).
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted: [From Renaissance page: " Email from dept Feb 23/12 that offer has been made and accepted and search is now closed."]
The MLA Interview date from Renaissance seems strange. It's not an MLA interview since that would be in January. Any thoughts?
A: It is most definitely an MLA interview. The date is actually "12/2" referring to the day it was scheduled. The style used above is common for someone coming from the UK or a Commonwealth country, where dates are usually written with the number of the day first, then the month. See more here:
Q: Are we sure? I have it from a fairly reliable source that the committee hadn't met until this week. I'd not give up hope yet.
A: I am definitely sure at least one interview is scheduled in Renaissance; I have been told this personally by the interviewee, and have no reason to disbelieve it. Now, given that this search was so broadly defined, I think it is possible they are deliberating further on interviewees from other periods/fields, and that MLA interviews might be scheduled on a more staggered basis than is usual. That is just a guess -- I have no inside knowledge of their process. But I would agree that hope need not be abandoned just yet ...
I heard that they received over 650 applications for this position.
Direct link to job posting at UIC HR:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012, Renaissance 2012, Modern British 2012, British Open 2012 & Anglophone 2012
University of Mississippi - Two TT positions in Brit Lit (18th, 19th and/or 20th c.) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
The Department of English invites applications for TWO tenure-track Assistant Professors in British literature of the following periods: the Restoration and Eighteenth Century, the Nineteenth Century, and/or the Twentieth Century. Review of applications begins immediately and will continue until an adequate applicant pool is established. Apply by visiting The University of Mississippi is an EEO/AA/Title IX/Section 504/ADA/ADEA employer. For further information, contact Professor Karen Raber at
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: LOR 11/4; 11/21 [writing sample x3] (1 x Romanticist, 2 x Victorianist)
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: from 18c "12/15 by phone (for 18c)"; 12/15 (Victorianist)
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled: [From Modern British 2012: "1/16 (by phone)"]
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012 & Modern British 2012
Q: I have a question about the request for LOR mentioned above. LOR were part of the originally required materials -- is this another kind of request?
A: They asked for sheet with list of contacts initially, and are following up with a request for actual letters
Q: Anyone have an idea why these positions are reviewing immediately and closing at no determined date? Is this some sort of flag that they already have someone in mind? Is it just me, or is this odd.
Q: Another one about the LOR request. Did anyone else get such a request?
A: When I originally applied their online form asked for a sheet with a list of contacts. Then in late Oct I received what seemed to be a mass email from HR explaining that they were about to start reviewing apps, and if we had not inserted into our applications the Interfolio-generated email addresses for referees, that HR could assist us in doing so. I provided these email addresses to HR, and the next day Interfolio got the request and sent the letters.
"This position has been closed due to the number of applications received. No more applications are being accepted." [posted 11/7 on Restoration/18th-Century 2012 page]
University of Mobile, Asst. Professor, British lit. before 1900[]
The University of Mobile announces a tenure‑track opening for an assistant professor of English beginning August 2012. Ph.D. required by start date. The preferred candidate will be a specialist in an area of British literature before 1900. The department is seeking an energetic scholar‑teacher whose work actively engages the Christian tradition. The faculty member will teach a 4/4 course load, typically including two sections of freshman composition, one world literature survey, and one upper‑level course each semester. Applicants should submit a cover letter and curriculum vitae by November 15 to Dr. Katherine Abernathy, British Search Chair, Department of Humanities, University of Mobile, 5735 College Pkwy., Mobile, AL 36613. Applicants should also send a copy of their letters and vitae electronically to Dr. Katherine Abernathy at Preliminary interviews will be conducted by phone conference.
From MLA JIL 9/30/11
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Phone interview scheduled:
Rejection (after phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled:
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Medieval 2012, Renaissance 2012, Restoration/18th-Century 2012 & British Open 2012
University of Nebraska at Kearney - Asst. Professor, "long" 18th c. (Milton to Romantics) - CAMPUS VISIT SCHEDULED[]
(Tenure Track) Teach Milton and eighteenth-century literature at both undergraduate and graduate levels, survey courses for majors and minors, and General Studies courses in composition and literature. (Base load is 12 hours, with scholarly release for those who qualify for a 9-hour load.) Scholarship, including conference presentations and publications in the relevant area, as well as service on department and campus committees expected.
Required: Ph.D. in English with specialization in the "long eighteenth century," including Milton. Demonstration of excellence in teaching or potential for it, as well as achievement or potential for scholarship and service. Preferred: Focus in eighteenth-century poetry and/or drama, and history of the English language and/or grammar a plus.
Start Date: August, 2012. Competitive salary and benefits.
Applications received by December 30, 2011 will receive full consideration. To apply visit and select "Click Here" under (Applicants) and follow instructions to complete the Faculty/Administrative application. In addition attach a cover letter and CV including contact information for three professional references to the on-line application. Also arrange to have three professional letters of reference sent in hard copy to: Chair, Milton Search Committee, Department of English, A. O. Thomas Hall 202, University of Nebraska at Kearney, Kearney, NE 68849. Direct questions about the position to: (308) 865-8299 Direct questions about the on-line application to: (308) 865-8655 or
Deadline: Dec. 30
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
Phone interview scheduled:
Rejection (after phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: [From 18th c. page: "someone I know apparently has a campus visit (2/21)"]
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012 & Renaissance 2012
University of Nebraska at Omaha - Assistant Professor, post-Romantic British Lit. - OFFER MADE & DECLINED; SECOND OFFER MADE AND ACCEPTED[]
The Department of English at the University of Nebraska at Omaha invites applications for a tenure‑track Assistant Professor position in the field of nineteenth‑ and/or twentieth‑century British literature, beginning August 2012. Candidates must have a Ph.D. in English (or else be ABD) with specialization in any area of post‑Romantic British literature. We are seeking candidates who will be able to contribute courses at every level of the major and to our M.A. program. Teaching load is 3/3 with 3 additional workload hours of research release each semester. Candidates should have a demonstrated excellence in teaching as well as evidence of an active research agenda.
Applications should include a cover letter describing research and teaching interests, a curriculum vitae, three letters of reference, any available evidence of teaching effectiveness or sample syllabi, and a writing sample of no more than 20 pages. The cover letter, CV, writing sample, and supplemental materials must be submitted online: go to , click on Employment and then Current Job Openings – Apply (in red). Letters of reference should be sent to Dr. Kristin Girten, Search Committee Chair, Department of English, University of Nebraska at Omaha, 6001 Dodge Street, Omaha, NE 68182‑0175. Review of materials will begin on November 15, 2011, and will continue until the position is filled.
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview): x6 email 12/12
MLA interview scheduled: [From Modern British 2012: "12/6 MLA interview scheduled (by phone) x3"; for Victorian: 12/8 MLA Interview scheduled by phone], 12/29
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview): 1/13
Campus interview scheduled: Yes (Notified by email that they have scheduled campus interviews with their top 2 candidates)
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made: [From Modern page: "Declined, with regret, 02/13/2012"]; Offer Made to other finalist
Offer accepted:
"3 additional workload hours of research release each semester": could someone explain this for me? Does it mean 3 potential hours of research release per semester, or what?
- I wonder if it means that the job is technically 3/3 but that for the pre-tenure years, you get releases that make it, in practice, a 2/2 job.
Q. Apparently some modern Brit folks have received the nod for MLA interviews. Did anyone doing 19th century get a contact?
A. Yes, I am primarily a Victorianist and was invited to interview at MLA.
Also posted at Modern British 2012
University of Southern California (Anglophone 18th and/or 19th century) - CAMPUS INTERVIEWS SCHEDULED[]
The English Department in the Dana and David Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences at the University of Southern California (3501 Trousdale Parkway, Los Angeles, CA 90089‑0354) intends to hire one tenure‑track Assistant Professor of English with expertise in Anglophone literature of the "long" eighteenth and/or nineteenth century. The position is anticipated to begin fall 2012. A possible affiliation with the USC‑Huntington Early Modern Studies Institute might exist. Ph.D. is required at the time of appointment. Please submit a cover letter, CV, precis, and three letters of recommendation to by October 20, 2011. In order to be considered for this position, applicants are also required to submit an electronic USC application; follow this job link or paste in a browser:
From MLA JIL 9/15/11
Deadline: Oct. 20
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials: 11/14 (writing sample)
Rejection (no interview):
MLA interview scheduled: [From Restoration/18th-Century 2012: "by phone 12/16"]
Rejection (after MLA interview):
Campus interview scheduled: [From Restoration/18th c.: "campus interviews have been scheduled [posted 1/20]"]
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Anglophone 2012 and Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Washington University in Saint Louis - Transatlantic Early American, 1600-1832 - POSITION FILLED[]
The Department of English at Washington University in Saint Louis seeks an Assistant or Junior Associate Professor in Transatlantic Early American Literature to begin in fall term 2012. In American literary history, the period extends from beginnings to 1830; in British, from 1600 to 1832. Applicants with backgrounds in cultural and intellectual history are especially welcome.
Required Qualifications: A Ph.D. is required. Our new faculty member will be expected to produce significant scholarship while engaging in the work of teaching and advising students; the junior associate professorship carries the expectation of a record commensurate with a successful tenure case. The teaching expectation is two courses per semester.
Salary Range: Salary is commensurate with experience.
Applicant Special Instructions: Interviews will be conducted at the MLA convention in Seattle in January. The application process occurs in two parts. Please send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and dissertation précis or book description to our online application service,, and provide the reference job number of 22665. Three letters of recommendation should be sent by post to Professor Robert Milder, Co-Chair of the Search Committee, Department of English, Washington University, One Brookings Drive, Box 1122, St. Louis, MO 63130. Priority will be given to applications received by November 10, 2011, but the search will continue until the position is filled. Washington University is an equal opportunity/affirmative action employer. Applications from women and members of underrepresented groups are especially encouraged. Employment eligibility verification required upon hire.
Wash U HR Position Announcement
Deadline: review begins November 10
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials:
Rejection Letter:
MLA Interview scheduled: [From Early American 2012: "12/9 (phone call)"]
Campus interview scheduled: YES, according to Early American page (around 1/10)
Offer made:
Offer accepted: [From Early American page: "offer was accepted in early March (second-hand info)"]
Also posted at Early American 2012 & Restoration/18th-Century 2012
Wichita State University - Asst., Modern + Victorian - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
The Department of English at Wichita State University is now accepting applications for a tenure‑track assistant professorship in Modern British Literature. The successful candidate will supervise MA theses and teach three courses per semester, with primary assignments in graduate and upper division literature courses as well as lower division courses within the major. All faculty may teach general education and composition courses as needs arise. Secondary preparation in British Victorian Literature required; secondary preparation in contemporary British or Anglophone, World Literature, poetry, and/or the Bible as literature especially desired. Candidates must show successful teaching experience at the university level and strong evidence of significant scholarly promise; publications are highly desirable. PhD at time of appointment mandatory. Applicants should provide evidence of interest in teaching a diverse student population. The position is a 9 month appointment. Wichita State University is an EOE/AA institution. Offers of employment are contingent upon completion of a satisfactory criminal background check as required by Kansas Board of Regents policy.
Candidates must go on line at by October 17 to apply for the position and submit a letter of interest and CV. In addition, send three letters of reference and transcripts of graduate education (unofficial accepted at this time), postmarked no later than October 17, to: Dr. Mary Waters, Modern British Literature Search Committee, Department of English, Box 14 , Wichita State University, Wichita, KS 67260‑0014 . Additional materials may be requested at a later date. Preliminary interviews at the MLA convention in Seattle, WA during January 2012. The position will remain open until filled.
From MLA JIL 10/7/11
Deadline: Oct 17, 2011
Acknowledgment received:
Request for Additional Materials: Writing Sample, 11/17
Rejection Letter:
MLA interview scheduled: [From Modern British 2012: "12/9"]
Campus interview scheduled: [From Modern British 2012: "1/28"]
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
NOTES AND QUERIES: Has this search completed?
Also posted at Modern British 2012
Xavier University of Louisiana - long 18th century, including Romantics - CAMPUS INTERVIEW SCHEDULED[]
The Department of English at Xavier University of Louisiana, a liberal arts, Catholic, Historically Black University, located in New Orleans, Louisiana, invites applications for an Assistant Professor position in the long 18th century, including the Romantics. The position is tenure track and begins in August 2012. The applications deadline is November 15, 2011.
Qualifications: Required qualifications include a Ph.D. in English literature with a specialization in 18th century literature, at least three years of teaching experience, which demonstrate a strong commitment to teaching excellence, particularly, undergraduate teaching, and a record of serious scholarship and publications in scholarly journals.
Duties and responsibilities: The normal teaching load is four courses per semester (12 hours) with opportunities for course release. Courses in freshman composition and introductory literature as well as the long 18th century will be assigned. The position also requires departmental and university service and student advising.
Application procedures: Log in to our online system at: . Attach a letter of application, statement of teaching philosophy, curriculum vitae, and the names of three references by November 15, 2011. The letter of application should be addressed to: Professor Violet H. Bryan, Chair, Search Committee, Department of English.
Deadline: Nov. 15
Acknowledgment received:
Request for additional materials:
Rejection (no interview):
MLA or phone interview scheduled: 12/2 [skype]
Rejection (after MLA or phone interview):
Campus interview scheduled: YES, according to Restoration page.
Rejection (after campus interview):
Offer made:
Offer accepted:
Also posted at Restoration/18th-Century 2012