Art History Salary Information (2009-2010)[]
Please indicate the following: School size, rank/position, starting salary, teaching load, geographical region, urban/rural, misc comments (e.g. 2K startup funding, 3K computer allowance, 4K moving allowance, ongoing research funding at 6K per year, etc.).
Please specify as well candidate status and job level: ABD, Post-Doc, TT, non-TT, starting Assistant, advanced Assistant, Associate, etc. since these factors influence salary levels too.
Would be interesting to see gender given that everyone says women receive lower initial offers and are less likely to negotiate!
For example: Research I, starting assistant prof., $54k, 2/3, midwest, small city, negotiated up from $53k
Or, as other models, visit the English Lit page to see what folks are telling each other.
People need to indicate their general field (i.e. Humanities, Natural Sciences, Engineering); otherwise, comparisons are meaningless. R: At the moment, this page is only connected to the art history jobs page. I've adjusted the title to reflect this -- I'm not the original creator, however, so if this is a mistake, please feel free to change further.
Original clumsy creator of page here. The intention was to create a space just for art historians. Comparing other fields is an apples/oranges situation, although it would be interesting if each field would have a salary page. If someone knows how to edit the URL of this page to something more explanatory, that would be terrific. (Art History salaries)
This is great and really useful information. Thank you to all of those who posted. So in a country with 2500 universities, 14 art historians were hired.
Well, I guess it is better than Canada, but still it prooves that art history is kind of a vanity discipline no? What does that say about the state of the discipline? And the state of Humanities?
??: It doesn't say anything about any of that -- it just shows that 14 people decided to post their information here. Really folks? It is what it is -- can we stipulate to that and move on?
2010 Hiring Season- (Hey, remember to put in the load!)===
Liberal arts college, VAP (starting), $63.5K, 2/2 load, northeast, rural, computer, relocation, start up funds, negotiated for small research fund, male.
Liberal arts college, Assistant Professor (starting), $49K, 3/3 load, midwest, rural, relocation, computer, etc., workstudy, female,
Ivy R-1, non-teaching Post-doc (2yr), $56.5 plus possible 20-30k/yr in adjunct salary, northeast, urban, male.
Liberal arts college, Assistant Professor (starting), $50K (negotiated slightly up), 3/3 load with course release 1st and 6th year, midwest, rural, relocation, small research fund, female
R-1 (non-Ivy), Assistant Professor (starting), $52K, midwest, urban, 2/2 load, relocation, computer and tech, RA/TA, $3K/yr research/books, $2K/yr conference travel, female
Liberal arts college, Assistant Professor (starting), $50k, 3/2 load, southern, urban, $2k relocation, $5k startup, $2k/year travel & research funds, female
R-1 Midwest urban, Postdoc, $52k (non-negotiable due to outside foundation funding), $7k/year research, travel & supplies, still negotiating for relocation $, 3 courses per year, female, PhD 2009.
R-1, Midwest, Assistant Professor TT (starting), 60K, 2/2, relocation, computer, research funds, male.
R-1, public, Midwest, Assistant Professor TT (advanced), $70K, 2/2 (with 2 course releases and 1 semester research leave over 4 yrs), $30K research startup fund, male.
Liberal arts college, VAP (starting), $55K, 3/3 load, western, urban, $1.5K conference travel, female.
Liberal Arts college, Assistant Professor (starting), $54k, 3/3, northeast, town, $1.5k conference/travel, $2.5k moving, male
R-1, public, Assistant Professor (starting), $62K, 2/2 load, mid-Atlantic, urban, $3K/year research, $2K relocation, female
Liberal arts, Asst Professor (starting) 62K, quarter sytem - 2/2/2 load (w course release 1st year and research leave 1st quarter of 4th year); West Coast urban, computer, 4k/annual research, rental assistance (7k/annually), 3k relocation, female
- Not R-1, public, Assistant Professor (starting), 50K, 3/3, midwest, urban, 2k relocation, startup (unspecified), conference travel (unspecified), female.
- R-1 (private), Assistant Professor (starting), 65K, 2/2, east coast, urban, relocation and start-up, female
- Liberal Arts / Bacc. College, Assistant Professor (starting), $46k, 4/4, southeast, rural, relocation, research travel, computer, male
- R-II, public, Assistant Professor TT (starting), 43K, 4/4 (2 preps), midwest, suburban, computer, research travel (unspecified), conference travel (unspecified), female