Page to track academic jobs in Spanish and Portuguese that begin in 2018.
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List NEW information at top.
- University of Southern California (accepted, second hand reliable), Postdocs
- University of Illinois at Chicago (rescinded) Offer was made to candidate and then rescinded after two months of negotiations. University (an "R1") was unwilling to provide candidate with lab space. University refused to discuss teaching, salary, start up, etc. while lab space was unresolved. Candidate was asked to change research program, and then offer was rescinded.
- Southern Oregon University (accepted)
- D'Youville College (accepted)
- University of Florida (accepted) An alumnus got it but the department hasn't made it official yet. Wondering why. To hide their clearly nepotistic tradition?
- Longwood University (accepted)
- University of Wyoming (accepted)
- Xavier University (Teaching Asst. Prof) (declined)
- Brandeis University (lecturer, accepted)
- Hanover College (accepted).
- University of New Hampshire (offer made) Q: Was it accepted? A: Yes, accepted
- University of Pittsburgh (accepted)
- Baldwin Wallace U (accepted)
- UAlbany (accepted)
- Brown U, Brazilian Studies (accepted, second hand, reliable)
- U of Dayton (accepted)
- Saint Mary’s College, Notre Dame VAP. (declined)
- Michigan State University. (accepted) Q: Which position? A: Spanish phono
- Earlham College. Both positions (second-hand reliable)
- Lyon College (declined)
- University of Arizona (AZ) Intercultural Competence (1 Position accepted, 2nd unknown).
- Western University. An alumni got the position (second-hand reliable)
- San Jose State University (accepted, second-hand reliable)
- Kennesaw State University (declined). x2 Whoever keeps deleting this, can they please stop? A: I heard the person accepted, so this should not show declined (x2 - I confirm. ). A2: It could have been offered to more than one person, so don't delete.
- UC Riverside (accepted, second hand)
- Ball State University (accepted, second hand)
- University of Virginia, Associate or Full (accepted) (previously declined, first hand)
- University of Alabama (accepted) A: Please, accept my condolences
- SUNY Fredonia (accepted)
- Hampden-Sydney College (accepted).
- Middlebury Institute of International Studies (offer made)
- Northeastern University Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish (declined)
- University of Notre Dame Assistant Professor, Modern and Contemporary Spain (accepted)
- Unemployment University (accepted) x1504. A1: I would say it's probably more than 1500. A2: I am still waiting to hear from them. Should i be expecting a phone call, or an email? A3Expect, then, only the middle finger. A4 Just because you are struggling, doesn’t mean you need to make the situation seem grim for everyone else. A5: But because the situation has been successful for you, it doesn't mean that it's a paradise for everyone else. Most people aren't getting jobs so the situation is grim more than happy. A6.Grim, in my opinion, does not really illustrate the nature of the estudio de la cuestión addressed here in Wikijobs; nonetheless, this database is considered of ethnographic value, ip addresses are not definitive but can be at the least a clue. A7: Probably most people who check the wiki aren't from top colleges, but I know people from Ivy League colleges working at high schools or alt-ac jobs, and people from less prestigious institutions working at both Ivy League or otherwise great colleges. Como siempre, ni son todos los que están, ni están todos los que son. There is always a "fate" component.
- Amherst (accepted, U.S. Latinx)
- University of Arizona (accepted)
- Yale University (accepted)
- Marywood University (offer made, second hand) Q:any news on whether this offer was accepted? A: Yes, it was accepted (second-hand, reliable) A: Thank you
- University of Delaware (accepted) - Q: Which position? (also, congratulations :) ) A: Spanish CNTT
- Vanderbilt University (accepted, second hand, reliable)
- Skidmore College (accepted, second hand, reliable)
- Wellesley College (MA) (accepted)
- Coe College (accepted, second hand, reliable)
- U of Oregon (accepted)
- Rice University (accepted)
- University of Denver, Mexicanist/Latinx tenure track (accepted)
- UC Berkeley (accepted, second hand, reliable)
- Cornell - offer extended
- University of South Carolina (accepted)
- Randolph College: (accepted)
- University of Denver, TAP, Heritage Language Specialist (accepted) A1: Good luck with that place...
- University of Pittsburgh (accepted) Is this for the TT or Lecturer?
- Temple (Lit): (accepted) How reliable is your source? A1: 100% can confirm
- Lawrence University (accepted)
- College of Charleston (accepted, Assistant Professor of Spanish)
- Fairfield University (accepted)
- Georgetown University (offer accepted; second-hand, reliable)
- University of Kansas (accepted).
- Temple (Linguistics). offer was made Q: Was it accepted? Q: Does anyone know what is going on with this offer? It's been over a month...
- IUPUI (Linguistics). offer was made. Q1: Accepted?. O.P. Yes, he accepted.
- Middlebury (second hand, accepted)
- Georgia College (accepted).
- UNR (accepted)
- U Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (accepted, second hand, reliable) How many positions did they offer?
- Emory (accepted).
- Susquehanna University ( Latin Americanist) Q: How is this possible? Someone posted on 12/1 that she/he had a Skype interview. A: Interviews were held a while ago. I am afraid this info is correct. Congrats on the "winner". It is a nice place to work. A: I can tell there was a Skype interview three days ago on 12/11 for this position (please, don't delete the comment). A:Wow A: por si ayuda... No sé si lo de arriba es cierto, pero no es raro que a una persona se le extienda una oferta verbal y/o escrita durante la campus visit -a mí misma me pasó; y tampoco es raro ir a una campus visit y que antes de llegar ese mismo día a casa ya le hayan llamado para hacerle una oferta -también me ha pasado. No sé si será el caso de arriba, pero por si acaso... pensé que podría ayudar, quizás, a las/os más nuevas/os en esto. A: OP here. Our Ph.D. granting institution posted the congratulations, so I guess it's at least Facebook official. A. (Can all this information/speculation/negative energy be moved? The wiki is pretty useless if it's mostly people sniping, rightly or wrongly.) Oh, and congratulations Professor Severyn. May Susquehanna and the profession treat you well! A: Please do NOT mention anyone by their name. A. Why not? It's shared on UNC's website, as well as social media, apparently. It's not as if ours is a private profession. A. Congrats to this man! Will all the haters please stop hating? A: Nobody is hating. Don't worry! jajaj. A. I heard there is a campus visit in early spring, is this true?
Campus Interviews[]
List NEW information at top - please post "Have you heard?" questions below, under Word on the Street
- Southwest Minnesota State University (Asst. Professor) (4/19)
- Michigan State University (Fixed-term) (4/20) Which of the two? (Thank you!)
- Amherst College (Lecturer) (3/30) call
- Grinnell College (VAP) (3/16)
- University of Pittsburgh (Lecturer - Coordinator) (3/7) email
- Fort Hays State University (3/2) email x2
- University of Dayton (3/2) email x2 - Congrats guys; I'm happy for you, glad for mezcal for me.
- University of Wyoming (2/26)
- Xavier University (Asst. Teaching Professor) (2/26)
- The College of New Jersey (2/12) x2
- Lyon College (VAP, 2/21) x2 (3/12)
- University of North Alabama (2/20) x2 For those of you who interviewed with North Alabama (at either stage), was it for the generalist position, the Spanish + another language position, or both positions? Thanks. A1: Both.
- University of Central Florida (Lecturer of Spanish)
- St. Mary's College (VAP) (2/16)
- University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (VAP) (2/13)
- University of Florida (TT/heritage program) (2/14)
- Kennesaw State University(2/12)
- Cal Poly SLO (2/7)
- Brescia University (2/7)
- Michigan State University x2 (2/6) Was this for the migration studies position? I just received an email saying that they had been "inundated" with responses for the position and are still considering mine..2/8. A: For the bilingual phonology position (02/16)
- Oklahoma State University (2/5) x2
- U Mass Amherst
- Reed College
- SUNY @ Fredonia (02/02)
- Randolph College (1/24)x2
- Grand Valley State University (1/18)
- Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus: Visited campus (1/19)
- Rice University
- Baldwin Wallace University (1/18)
- Denver University (Heritage Specialist) (1/16)
- University of Houston (1/10)
- University of Illinois at Chicago (TT Hispanic Ling) (1/10)
- Dartmouth College (1/10)
- University of Scranton (1/10)
- Fairfield University (1/10)
- Hartwick College (1/2)
- Coe College (1/2)
- SUNY Albany (1/3)
- Middlebury Institute of International Studies, Monterey (1/3)
- U Rhode Island (1/3) x2 Q: Which position, teacher ed or applied linguistics? A: Teacher Ed & Spanish
- University of Pittsburgh (12/21)
- UC Riverside (12/28)
- Cal State Sacramento (12/27) x2
- Colby College (12/23)
- University of Alabama (12/21)
- Furman (12/20) Latin Americanist.
- College of Charleston (12/20)
- IUPUI (Translation) (12/20) x 2
- Temple (Lit) (12/20)
- Northern Illinois (12/20) x 2
- Loras College (12/19)
- University of Oregon (12/19)
- Temple (Linguistics) (12/18)
- Idaho State University (12/14)
- Georgetown University (12/16)
- Susquehanna University (12/15) x2 Q: Are they opening a second position? A: I do not think so. Just take whatever is published here cum grano salis. Most of the times what is published is true, but not always :) A: Wow Q: Has anyone recently had a campus interview or heard anything?
- New Mexico State University (12/14)
- Missouri University of Science and Technology (12/14)
- UC Berkeley (12/13)
- Santa Clara University (12/13)
- University of South Carolina (12/12) x2
- Stanford University (12/6) A: Colonialists A: Ah, makes sense... they have no colonialist faculty, but do have a colonialist post-doc. Q: Can anyone confirm that this is real? A: Confirm what? They do have a colonialist post-doc, but I have no idea if they did in fact do skype interviews and on-campus visits back in December (as the wiki indicates). I do know that they conducted interviews at the MLA, so either the information about the colonialist visits is false, or they ended up deciding not to hire any of those folks, or they got an additional line (which they certainly could use given the small number of faculty).
- Emory (11/21) Lit.
- University of Nevada, Reno (11/30). Q: Lecturer position? A: Transatlantic Spanish Colonial and Golden Age TT.
- George Washington University (1/26) x2 (1/24)
- Amherst College x2 Q: Lecturer position? x3 Latinx Lit and Cult (2/19)...Any news on these positions, both lecturer and tenure track? (03/05)
- Milwaukee School of Engineering (11/20)
- Susquehanna University [posted ~11/10]
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (11/6) Q: How could there be a campus interview already? A: The last few years, people have put the date contacted next to the information or noted it being second hand. That doesn't seem to be consistent this year, but the deadline was 10.16.17. So, they could have moved fast with initial interviews and just extened an invitation to campus. Likely the visit is in the coming weeks. Last year some schools moved fast to avoid MLA and to try and get their top picks. * It's called poaching, and the MLA recommends against it.I'm sure a candidate would be happy to get an offer before the MLA, but it's not really fair to put them in a position of having to decide long before they'll have a sense if there are other options on the table.
- Roanoke Any word after interview?? A: I'm confused... Does this mean that no campus visits have been scheduled and this is just here to ask? Can someone confirm whether or not invitations to interview on campus have been extended? A: I asked the question because I had an interview but I never recieved confirmation nor rejection. So, I don't know if other people who were interviewed did get to the second round or maybe they cancelled the position.
Skype/Phone Interviews[]
List NEW information at top - please post "Have you heard?" questions below, under Word on the Street
- University of Puget Sound (6/6) Visiting Instructor
- Harvard (6/4) Visiting Assistant Professor.
- Virginia State University (5/15) Assistant/Associate professor of Spanish
- University of Toledo (5/14) Skype Assistant Professor Latin American Lit.
- Longwood University (4/24) Skype x3
- Colorado State University - Special Assistant Professor (4/24)
- Michigan State University - Medieval/Transatlantic (4/20) x2
- Rhodes College (4/17) x3 Q: Did anyone hear about a campus visit? They said they would be moving fast on scheduling them.
- University of New Hampshire - lecturer (4/13) x2
- Davidson College VAP (4/13) x2
- Colorado State University VAP (4/2)
- Bucknell VAP (3/28)
- FSU post-doc Lusophone Studies (3/25) Q: Did they mention when they would be letting you know their decision? A: They said within the week
- Springfield College (4/2)
- Hamilton College (3/26) x2
- Madonna College (3/24)
- Gettysburg College - VAP of Spanish Linguistics (3/23) Phone call for Skype interview x2
- Amherst College - lecturer (3/21) x2
- College of Charleston (3/16), VAP
- Spring Hill College (3/17) x2
- Villanova University (3/16): colonial position. Phone call for Skype interview. A: Position Cancelled.
- Denison University (3/16): e-mail for Skype interview for Spanish VAP (language and pedagogy) position.
- Southern Oregon University (3/9) email for Skype Interview. x 2
- Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology (3/8)
- University of Pittsburgh (2/22): email for Skype Interview. Lecturer-coordinator position
- Williams College, email for Skype (3/2) x2 Q: For the Mexican post-doc or the VAP in Spanish Language and Pedagogy position? OP: Mexicanist postdoc Q: Have campus visits taken place already?
- Grinnell College (one-year replacement): phone call to schedule Skype interview (3/1) x2
- Wells College: email to schedule phone interview (2/26)
- Indiana University East (VAP): email for phone interview (2/23) x 2 *Did they change the position to a VAP? They had a very similar job AD last year, I wonder what happened. Just so you know, Richmond, IN is a horrible place to live. If you have other options, I recommend you to take this into account. A1: They changed it to VAP. "A2: "Red alert, they had a search last year for the same position (tenure track). Intern candidate hired. Even worse, the intern candidate was part of the search committee and interviewd candidates during campus visit. A3: To A2, So funny. Not true at all. Last year's search failed when a candidate who had accepted and signed the contract backed out. This year the position has been offered, accepted, and signed. to A3, was it a Latin Americanist who got it--reliable?
- SUNY Geneseo email for Skype (2/21) x2
- Minnesota State University Moorhead (2/16)
- College of Wooster (VAP) (2/14)
- Xavier University (2/13) which position? Q: is this the complit/ethics position? A: No, it is the Asst. Teaching Professor of Spanish. Q: thanks for the info! good luck with your interview! A: Awww thank you! :)
- University of Dayton: email to schedule phone interview (2/9) x5
- University of Wyoming: email for phone interview 2/7
- Lyon College: email for skype interview 2/7 (x2, 2/9)
- Fort Hays: e-mail for interview received on 2/5x2
- Wittenberg University (visiting): 02/01 Phone call for Skype interview x2
- Eastern Kentucky University (1/31)
- St. Mary's College (1/31) x2
- University of Wisconsin-Green Bay: (1/29) Skype x2
- California State University, Bakersfield: Skype (1/27) x2
- Oklahoma State University: Colonial position (Skype, email sent on 1/26) x2 Note: They like to ask some ridiculously odd questions (possibly trick questions that simply require a response of, "I don't know because I have never had experience with that), so be prepared. They will also only face the camera at one person at a time, which makes the interview process rather awkward, since you can't see everyone's expressions. They also could not keep my CV information straight. They were not prepared. This was the strangest interview thus far. A2: That’s funny. I interviewed with them recently, too. The strange thing was the spinning Skype experience. It IS awkward to speak to all of them when only seeing one person. But their questions were very standard: tell us about your research, future research, teaching strategies, courses you would teach. Very straight forward.
- Penn State Behrend (1/24) x2
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (1/24)
- Northeastern University x3 (1/24) Spanish Teaching Professor. Skype.
- Ball State University (1/24) Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish. Phone interview.
- Brescia University (1/23) x2
- The University of Tampa x2 (1/22). Q: Is this the assist prof recently advertised? they must be skyping right away.
- University of Mississippi (1/9) TT Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics position.
- Roanoke College (1/9) x3
- Texas Tech (1/5) x2
- Coe College (12/28)
- Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus (12/20), Instructional Assistant Professor
- University of Arkansas (12/21) Clinical Assistant Professor
- University of Florida (12/21) Hispanic Linguistics/Heritage Spanish x2
- College of William and Mary (12/17) x3 Q: Which position??? A: Lat Am Cultural Studies/Indigenous Cultures
- University of Rhode Island (12/15) Applied Linguistics position. Skype. (x2-- I missed the call, but assume it's the same thing...)
- Albany (12/15) via email. Skype call on 12/22. x4
- Michigan State University (12/14)
- University of Miami (12/14) Spanish Linguistics Position. MLA or Skype. Q: one of the habitual Depts. in making fake searches, like last year.
- Idaho State University (12/6)
- Cal State Sacramento (12/13) x2
- University of Florida (Lecturer/Coordinator) (12/12)
- College of Charleston (12/12)
- University of Minnesota (lecturer-coordinator) (12/12)
- University of Florida (12/9) Q: Is this for the heritage position?
- Colby College (12/9)x5 A, B, or both? A: The invitation didn't specify. Q2: Did they get back to anyone...they told me they'd let us know in a few days; I assume I was rejected from the lack of emails? :( A: I also haven't heard anything since the interview but someone else posted that they have a campus interview.
- Furman University (12/5) Golden Age.
- University of Rhode Island (12/7) X2 Q: Which position, teaching or applied linguistics? A: Teaching (Spanish and Teacher Education)
- Gettysburg College (12-08) 12-6 x2 Asked if I was planning to go to the MLA, when I said no, they said we could schedule Skype interview instead.
- Hartwick (12/7)
- Yale (12/08) What fields?
- University of Kansas (12/3) X2
- University of Virginia (12/6). Q: Have they sent invitations for skype interviews?
- Baldwin Wallace University (12/6)
- Lawrence University (12/6) MLA invite, but after I asked them they said Skype was OK x2
- Indiana-Purdue (Translation) (12/6)
- Virginia Commonwealth (12/6)
- Otterbein (12/6)
- University of South Alabama (12/5)x3
- State Unviversity of New York at Fredonia (12/5)
- Northern Illinois (12/4) x5
- Furman (12/4) Skype. Q: For the Golden Age or Latin American position? x2 Latin American position.
- Grand Valley State University (12/4) actually, an MLA invite, but Skype for candidates not attending MLA
- Loras College (12/4) x3
- University of Delaware [posted 12/4] (Skype) x4
- University of South Carolina (12/6, Spanish Contemporary Literature and Culture) [posted 12/4] (Skype) x4
- University of Denver (12/4) non-TT Heritage specialist, offered MLA interview or Skype (x3)
- Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey (translation) (12/12) (Skype)
- University of Oregon (12/2) (Skype) x2
- Fresno State University (12/1) (Skype) Q: Is this for the Hispanic Poetry or Portuguese position? A: This is an inside hire for sure.
- University of Pittsburgh (12/1) X4 Skype) Latin American theater and performance position
- Oklahoma State University (12/1) (Skype) x3
- Temple University (12/1) (Skype) Ling position x3 (12/1). A: another fan of fake searches. They have followed this practice with several searches. Also a toxic place. Q: Can you elaborate? Have you heard that this is a fake search? What's toxic about it?
- Susquehanna University (12/1) (Skype) x2 Q: Someone posted on 11/10 that Susquehanna had extended an invitation for a campus interview. Why Skype interviews now? A: It's a good question.
- University of Illinois at Chicago (12/1) (Skype) x2 Q: Which position? A: Ling (Bilingualism/Processing)
- College of Idaho (11/30) (Skype) x2
- University of Alabama (11/29) (Skype) x4 A: Be careful with this position... Q1 to A1: What do you mean? Why? A2: Toxic environment (x2). Q2: Is this a new fake search like last year's one? Q3: Can someone elaborate on what makes the department "toxic"? A1: negativity, backstabbing, disloyalty, etc., etc. I am not sayting that this happens there, I am just trying to define this concept...I hope it helps. A2: Last year, they posted a fake search. Without interviewing anybody, they offered the position to her candidate (already working there). Result: she declined the offer and leave. Candidates were contacted saying that search was cancelled. LOL!
- University of California Berkeley (11/29) (Skype) Which position? The Brazilianist position? Already!?! A: Yes
- Temple University (11/29) (Skype) Q: Which position? Lit or Ling? A: Lit x2
- Georgetown University (11/28) (Skype) x4
- University of Notre Dame (11/27) (Skype) x3 Q: Out of mere curiosity: are you Catholic? Religious? A: No
- American University (11/22) (Skype)
- UC Riverside (11/22) (Skype) x2
- University of Nevada, Reno (11/17) (Skype) This is also a very toxic department. Be careful and stay clear. Lots of department back stabbing and tenure is hard to obtain. Q: Interesting. Does anyone have more info? Thanks. A1: I can't say anything about "tenure being hard" (I would imagine it is hard everywhere), but I don't think tenure has been denied to anybody in many years at UNR (if ever, actually). However, it is true that there might be a case or two where the faculty member may have had to do a second round. I don't believe this is atypical in a department of its size. A2 I have not encountered this at all at UNR, as far as being 'toxic' A3: Do some basic google search regarding tenure public battles and lawsuits and other very nasty issues at UNR. You will see that even getting tenure does not protect you of anything there. Good luck to you all!
- The University of Mississippi (11/20) (Skype) X2 Which position? Medieval/ Early Modern
- New Mexico State University (11/17) (Skype) x5
- George Washington (11/14) (Skype) x2
- Cal Poly Pomona (11/16) (Skype)
- Borough of Manhattan Community College (12/01, Skype). Received 11/16.
- Weber State University (11/14) (skype)
- Santa Clara University (11/14) (Skype) x2
- Emory University (11/9) (Skype) x2 (lit in my case) Q: Was this the literature or linguistics position? Thank you! Q: Any news on this?
- Vanderbilt University (11/8) (Skype) Q: Can anybody confirm this? Thanks. A: They conducted interviews three weeks ago. A: Most likely a fake search. Deadline: Nov. 1; Interviews: just after 7-15 days??!!
- University of New Orleans (11/6) (phone). Also know of another colleague in my same department who interviewed by phone on the same day. A2: I also had one but on November 3rd.
- Amherst College (11/03) (Skype) Q: Which position? Latinx
- Georgia College (11/03) (Skype)
- Mississippi State University (10/27) (Skype)
- Milwaukee School of Engineering (10/26) (Skype)
- North Park University Position SUSPENDED (11/06) Q: Source? Thanks. A: E-mail from the search committe before interview.
- Stanford University (11/20) (Skype)
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (Skype)
- Kennesaw State University (10/09) [posted 9/28] (x2) (01/30/2018) Q: Any update on this? The timeline they gave me said they would shortlist the candidates last week, but I haven't heard from them. I don't know if they are delayed in the process or I haven't been shortlisted and they haven't contacted me... Q2: Any update on this? (12/10). Has anyone had a campus visit or an offer? A: They have had multiple sessions of phone interviews since September, wtih some taking place this week. I was informed campus interviews will be planned in a week or two. This was one of the kindest search committee I was interviewed by.
MLA Interviews[]
List NEW information at top - please post "Have you heard?" questions below, under Word on the Steet
- Baldwin Wallace (12/18)
- Columbia (12/18)
- Randolph College (12/15) x2
- Middlebury College (12/13) phone call x2
- Earlham College (12/14) email. Q: TT or VAP? A: TT . A2: Awful place to work and awful place to live. Only 1 female faculty (who will most likely be at the MLA) is helpful. This is a department of 4 people who is always hiring, doesn't that tell you anything? Be careful here. A3: You're wrong. There are 2 female faculty. A4 to A3: "Only 1 female faculty [...] who is helpful" it does not say there's only one female faculty (maybe you could read better?) I can assure you only one will go to the MLA, the other one is retiring soon,never talks to new faculty and does not care about the dept. Actually several VAPs have left because of her. Good luck at Earlahm, you will really need it. A3 to A4: Maybe you could write clearer!
- Princeton (12/08)
- University of Puget Sound (12/12) Any news post MLA? Campus interviews already happened...I assume?
- The University of South Alabama (12/12)
- Reed College (12/12) x2 A wonderful place to work and live. Go for this one! Q: Any updates on this?Q: Has anyone heard anything on this? A: They told me at the interview that will get back to as towards the end of Januray. I wonder if the fanilists have already been contacted or what's going on.
- Tennessee Tech University (12/12) x2 Q: Has anyone heard back about campus visits? Thanks. A1: I haven't heard anything yet. Q: Still no news?
- U Mass - Amherst (12/10) Hi, any news on campus visits? Thank you. A: My MLA had to become a Skype interview this week bc of weather, so the dates may be pushed back a bit for making decisions. They didn't give a timeline, though. A2: Thank you for the info! A3: Has anyone heard anything about campus visit?
- Lawrence University (12/6) x2, via email
- Stanford University (12/08) x 2 Q: What position? A: Latin American Literature and Culture A2: I too got an MLA interview request and was surprised given the previously posted information about Skype interviews (and even campus visits) involving colonialists. Not sure what happened - maybe they got another line? A3: Same here! I had counted this one out after seeing the Skype interviews here. Q: What regions do you work on? A4. From what I can gather, it seems as if they have two lines: a) a Colonialist (in advanced stages of the search, perhaps targeted) and b) some other profile (being interviewed at the MLA). Should be interesting to see where things go. Q: Does anyone have any more info about this search? Q2: No more info, but wondering: have campus visits been announced? X2 A: It's been about two weeks since the MLA, likely they've announced campus visits. Anyone know for sure? A: I had an MLA interview but have not heard anything... A: Amigos, sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but I inquired with the committee and they have scheduled campus visits.
- Fairfield (12/08) x3
- University of Scranton (12/08) x2
- College of New Jersey (12/06)
- Hampden-Sydney College (12/07)
- Skidmore College (12/07) x2
- University of Houston (12/6), also offered Skype interview if necessary
- University of Denver (12/6) TT Mexicanista/Latinx. Skype listed as option if not attending. x2
- Rice University (second hand, reliable); (12/5) Phone call to schedule MLA
- Grand Valley State University (12/4) x3
- University of Denver (12/4) non-TT Heritage specialist, also offered Skype interview if necessary
- Wellesley College (invitation received on 12/1) x2
- Dartmouth (19th-20th Cen. Latin American) invitation received on 11/27. X2 Q: Mexicanist or Caribbeanist? A: Caribbeanist, with some comparative work on Mexico.
Additional Materials Requested[]
List NEW information at top.
- Schreiner University (2/14): Evaluations
- Lyon College- VAP (2/5): Letters of recommendation
- University of Pittsburgh (1/24): EEO Form (Lecturer position) x3
- Wittenberg University (1/18): Letter x3 Q: Are these letters of recommendation being requested? A1: Yes, the application requested to upload the actual letters, but I uploaded a statement of confidentiality explaining I could send them via Interfolio instead, and they e-mailed me requesting the letters.
- Cal Poly San Luis Obispo (1/16): Letter. Q: in the mail? what did they request? A: E-mail from chair requesting a letter that dissertation will be defended in time (they will start reviewing all applications by Monday).
- University of Wyoming (1/10): teaching philosophy, recommendation letters. x3 Q: How are you uploading letters of recommendation if they are confidential? A: I was wondering the same thing. A1: If talking to a search chair isn't possible, I default to uploading my list of references with the Interfolio email addresses. They have to know this is a common challenge! Q2: Did anyone reach out to the committee about this? A2: I replied to the email sent asking for more materials and they responded with an email address to send the letters to, which is what I put into Interfolio.
- University of Illinois at Chicago (12/20): References contacted.
- Northeastern. (12/19) Teaching statement, syllabus, student evals, LORs.
- University of Minnesota. (12/06) Teaching statement and letters of recommendation. Q: Which one? A: lecturer-coordinator.
- Georgetown University (11/28). Teaching Evals.
- University of Massachusetts Amherst. (11/25) Letters of recommendation. x3 (11/27)
- Princeton University. (11/21) Letters of recommendation.
- SUNY Albany. (11/18) Letters of recommendation. x4
- Fresno State University. (11/18) X3 Q: What materials were requested? Q: Is this for the Spanish or Portuguese position? OP: Spanish.
- College of Idaho .(11/14) X4 Q: What materials were requested? A: LORs, teaching evals, transcripts.
List NEW information at top.
- Rochester VAP - 6/5
- Cabrini University TT (5/15) After campus visit
- SUNY Geneseo VAP (5/9) X2
- Davidson College VAP (05/11)
- Colorado College VAP (05/11)
- Framingham TT (4/30)
- Amherst College - lecturer (4/27)
- IU EAST- rejected after campus visit
- University of Wisconsin Green Bay search has ended and position remains unfilled.
- Fresno State University.
- UT-El Paso (phonology) (3/19)
- Furman (3/19)
- University of Houston (linguistics) (3/19) x2 Q: Via email? A: Yes, a generic e-mail from their HR department. Q: Was it after campus visit (if there has been any)? A: No, it was the only time they contacted me after I applied. A2: Same, no interview or anything, just a generic email saying I was not selected.
- Minnesota State University - Mankato (3/15) No interview
- University of Arkansas (Clinical Assistant Professor) (3/15) - After Skype interview
- Princeton University (Assistant Professor, Modern Spain) - Search has been discontinued (first hand reliable)
- Loras College - Following campus visit
- The University of Tampa (3/6) x3
- Otterbein (3/5) x 3 - no interview
- Northern Illinois University (3/5)
- Penn State Teaching Assistant Professor (3/4) x2 (they will not be filling the job at this time)
- College of New Jersey (3/2) x2
- Coe College (2/22)
- University of Scranton (2/22) x3. Q: Was this after MLA interviews?
- Coe College (2/22) x 2-
- University of Wyoming (2/21) Q: Pre or post interview? A: Pre
- Dartmouth College (2/20)
- College of Charleston (2/19)x2
- The University of Iowa (2/16) Q: Pre or post interview? A: Pre.
- Puget Sound (1/17)
- Northwestern University (2/12). x2 No interview, email message.
- Kennesaw State University (2/12) X3 No interview, email message (the one that had the Jan. 1 deadline)
- U of Pittsburgh (2/9): Latin American Theatre X2, you dodged a bullet...A: Indeed. A: The worst skype interview I have ever had. Two people didn't speak at all, and I wish they had, one person couldn't be bothered to put down her work, and the other two men told me my work was basically worthless and stopped me whenever I tried to respond to their questions. A2: No worries, that is one of the most toxic places to work
- University of Minnesota (02/07). Coordinator-lecturer. No interview.
- Kennesaw State University (01/27). Assistant Professor after Skype interview Q: How long after the interview did it take to receive a rejection? Thanks. A: In my case, months; I did the interview on October 9th, but never made it to the campus visit. A: I was interviewed in October too. I haven't received a rejection yet. They have not followed their timeline. A: You do know that have multiple searches right? A: Perfectly aware. tThe timeline was given for one search in particular.
- Skidmore College (1/23) After MLA interview
- Queensborough CC (1/19) x2 No interview
- Michigan State University (1/19) Q: If this is for the phonology position, how were you informed of the rejection? A: Yes, it was for that position (I think that's the only position posted on here at least) and I received an email. Q: You're right, it's the only one on here. I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same position because I applied but didn't get an interview OR a rejection yet. The last update to my application on their website said they were checking references, but that was back in November. Weird. A: Ah yes, I had the same thing happen and actually reached out to see if any letters were missing. They said its a whole new HR system and that there are kinks but they received everything. I personally know a colleague that got a Skype interview but he has not heard anything back from that quite yet. Q: So, I'm a bit lost, was this rejection email sent after the interviews? A: No, I didn't get an initial skype interview, just a rejection.
- Columbia University (email, after MLA interview) 1/17 position: Latin American Cultural Studies
- Emory University (email, no interview) 1/2 Q: Was this for the literature or linguistics position? A: literature A: I went on a campus visit and as far as I can tell, there was only one position but the job ad was open field, so they could have interviewed linguists. I don't know if that's why people keep asking about linguistics, but the position is filled. I spoke with the chair before Christmas. A: Thank you for the info. That's interesting. I saw and applied to another job ad (different from the one posted below) that was somewhat open but definitely seemed to be geared toward a linguist. The ad is still open on Interfolio whereas the one below has been closed. I wonder what happened....
- University of Kansas (email) 12/29 x3 Was this after a Skype interview?
- University of Miami (Linguistics, pre-interview, via email) 12/22 x2
- University of Notre Dame(after Skype interview) (12/22) x2
- Fordham University (English dept./Latinx Literature) (12/19)x2
- Appalachian State University (12/19) x2 Q: Was this for the TESL/Applied Linguistics position? A: Yes Q: How were you notified? If via email, can you share the email address please? Q2: I'd be interested to know this as well, especially since there's no website to check the application status on. A: It was the same email address that they requested applications be sent to. Q3: Has anyone else who applied NOT gotten a rejection e-mail? I'm starting to wonder if my (and others') application got overlooked. A: I haven't gotten anything yet. I think the interfolio deadline isn't until Feb.? A: Not for this position. The deadline was November 20, according to the website: (it wasn't posted on Interfolio as far as I know). A: I also so the Nov. 20th deadline when I found the job, but I also saw it was also an Interfolio hosted position and on there after I submitted it said deadline Feb 1st so I can still edit my application. Not sure... A: I just got an e-mail from the search committee chair saying that they are no longer considering my application for the Applied Linguistics/TESL position.
- Rice University (12/16) x2. Q: was this an email? I didn’t receive an interview with Rice but also haven’t received any rejections either. Just curious. Gracias y suerte! A: I didn't write the original post but I just received my rejection letter today 12/6 through standard mail. A2: I'm the original poster and I recevied a letter by standard mail too. Good luck to those who made it to the interview!
- Durham University (12/14) x4 Q: Durham University in England?... impossible, the deadline was yesterday December 14 A: Yes, that same university... A: There were different deadlines depending on which "grade" you were applying to. A3: The deadline for the lower grade job was nov.
- Colby (12/12) x2 - after Skype interview (12/27)
- Vanderbilt (12/12)x2
- Earlham (12/11) x3 Q. TT or VAP? A: TT!
- University of New Mexico (11/20)
- Georgetown University (12/9) x6 (12/15, after interview) x1
- Idaho State University (12/8) x13 Q: many rejections, but any invitation to interview? Thanks, A: Yes, Skype interview
- Borough of Manhattan CC (11/27).X3 (after interview) 1
- Fresno State (11/22). x5 Q: Spanish or Portuguese?
- New Mexico State University (11/20) x5
- University of Texas, Austin 11/20 x3
- University of Chicago (10/23). X4
- Kennesaw State (Foreign Language Teaching and Spanish position). Q: after Skype interview or before? A: After
- Kennesaw State (Spanish position). X2 Q:after Skype interview or before? A: Before
List NEW information at top.
- Villanova University (4/6). Position Cancelled, Colonial. x3"
- Williams College (1/19). Mexicanist postdoc, email saying they'll begin reviewing applications in mid-Februrary.
- Southwestern Minn. State Univ (1/9). Application forwarded to search committee
- Randolph College (12/7). Application acknowledgement x2
- Oklahoma State University (11/30). E-mail stating that my materials have been received. x4
- Rice University (11/30). E-mail stating they received my materials. (X2) Q: Did somebody else receive such an email, too? Just wondering because I submitted a while back but I didn't receive an acknowledgement today.
- The College of New Jersey (11/20). Email from search chair stating that my materials are under review.
- University of Pittsburg (11/20). E-mail: “Applictions will be reviews December 1” x3
- San Jose State University (11/15). E-mail saying that they have begun reviewing applications. x3
- Minnesota State University, Mankato (11/13). E-mail: "Your initial application is complete and will be forwarded to the search committee for further review." x5
- College of New Jersey (10/9). E-mail. / (11/20) E-mail saying that they have begun reviewing applications. X3
- University of Alabama (10/8). Letter saying they received my application.
Word on the street[]
List NEW information at top.
- Has anyone heard from Hostos Community College? A: Offer accepted (07 / 06)
- VIRGINIA Al hilo de las opinions vertidas abajo sobre el puesto en Virginia. Según anuncian ellos en la sección de NEWS de la página web del Departamento, la plaza se la ha llevado un antiguo alumno de ellos que acabó el doctroado allí en 2003, con lo justito: dos libros como autor y otros dos o tres editados, ninguno en editoriales de primera fila. Parece que como auguraban algunos, la plaza iba a un amigote. Se han lucido./ Los puestos de Lecturer llevan años asignándose a gente que ha cursado el Máster de West Virginia... Just sayin'./ El tongo es tal que cuando se pide feedback sobre la candidatura ni se molestan en responder. Lo de los Lecturer con Máster de West Virginia se lee mejor si se cuadra con los cv de los Lecturer de la U of West V. It's a win-win situation.
- News about the VAP at Harvard? Skype interviews scheduled for this week.
- D'Youville College in Buffalo NY. Offers?
- Dickinson State U? Offers?
- Any news about the Postdoctoral Teaching Fellow at the Spanish Department at USC?
- Any news on the Southern Utah University (Assistant Professor in Spanish Search) after Skype Interview? 1: Campus visits already finished (second-hand reliable)
- Any news on the Spring Hill College (Assistant Professor in Spanish Search) after Skype Interview?
- Any news about the University of Houston position in linguistics? Candidates interviewed at MLA still got no rejection email whatsoever. A: I didn't have any interview with them, but I got a generic rejection e-mail (that I posted about on here) on 3/19.
- Any word on the Georgetown Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish position? It was due 3/15.
- Gettysburg (VAP Spanish Linguistics) - any word after skype interview?
- Indiana- U East: updates? offers? campus visits?
- Bumping U of Dayton: any news on offers? I don't have any fingernails left to bite A1: Offer has been made. Q1: To quote the hobbits, "one offer yes, but what about second offer??"
- Any word about the Hamilton College VAP after Skype interviews? A1: As far as I understood, they were supposed to extend the invitations today (04/06). To A1: Thank you!
- Who (or what field) was hired in the Stanford latin americanist search? Colonialist? Brazilianist? Mexicanist?
- Any word from the University of North Alabama? Thanks! A1: Still waiting. Anyone else? Update: Offers have been made.
- Any news about UMASS - Amherst? Assuming offer made / accepted by now, but has anyone heard? A1: Offer was accepted.
- Any news from U Dayton after campus visits? A1: Last visit was 3/27 and dept was supposed to decide the following day, and submit their decision for administrative approval over the Easter break. So offers might be made during first week of April.
- Any thoughts on that Toledo TT being first announced in late march? A1: Don't go sensationalizing this. There is a long process involved in creating and asking the dean for TT position within a department. They probably just got approval and are starting. This happens, it does not mean that something scandalous happened. A2: The question seems sincere, and the A1 is abrasive, helpful, and rude. You're promoting the "sensationalized drama" you supposedly oppose. Is it too much to ask to say answer the question, as you do, without the italicized vitriol? OP: It's the spanish wiki, we deal nearly exclusively in sensationalized drama, sir/madam. And yeah, it's just a question asking if anyone's heard anything.
- Any news regarding a campus visit at Southern Oregon University?
- "SUNY Geneseo": were campus interviews scheduled already?
- Ball State (IN) (Assistant Teaching Prof): Any news yet? A1: Yes, an offer was made and accepted.
- Anything on Williams College (Visiting Assistant)?
- Any news from Amherst College (Lecturer in Spanish position)?
- Anything on University of Chicago (Lecturer in Spanish position)?
- Any news from California State University Bakersfield regarding campus visits?
- Anything on Xavier U (Chair position)?
- Anything on U of North Alabama after campus visits? A1: I only very recently got back from my visit (for the Spanish only job). Also in my experience, the southern state colleges can be pretty slow with paperwork for making an offer. ¡Buena suerte! A2: Thank you for the info. ¡Buena suerte para ti también!
- Any news on SUNY Geneseo?
- Any word about the Hamilton College VAP?
- UT-El Paso: Did anyone else apply for the phonology position? Any word yet?
- Williams College VAP any news? I had a skype interview for the Postdoc. If selected for a campus interview they will contact me in April.
- Did anyone ever hear back from Tennessee Tech? A1: No. I think I might have read somewhere about TN cutting education funding so it wouldn't surprise me if they cancelled the spot, but they could at least say something.
- Columbia Universtiy: (3/6) Received e-mail: "The search for this position has been discontinued."
- North Carolina Central University (NCCU): Anything? (Please don't erase). "A1:" Had campus interview, said decisions will be made by the end of March. Probably interviewing more candidates. A2: Thank you!
- Any news on The College of New Jersey? after campus visits?
- Hanover: Anything? A1: Does anyone know what happened with this search?
- Baldwin Wallace: Anything?
- New Mexico State (Linguistics): Any news?
- Did anyone ask SUNY Geneseo about the timeline for the search, post-Skype? A1:They sent an email with the timeline.
- University of Houston: Anyone knows if they've had campus interviews yet? If so, any offers made?
- University of Iowa (Linguistics & SLA): any news about campus visits? A1: I know that they have finished with campus visits.
- Lawrence University: Any news? A1: Someone posted that an offer was made and accepted.
- Villanova: three posts as assistant professor. Two are non-TT. The TT says: "we are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to Andean literatures and cultures, Afro-Latin American cultures, indigenous studies from the XVI to the XIX century, including the transition between colonial and early national spaces, material and cultural production, and nation-building and identity politics." In other words: two posts with no hope of tenure, and the TT with an extremely restrictive profile (possibly for someone they know). A: yes it smells really fishy A2: Ay por dios. Ustedes necesiten leer de verdad. Tú solo pusiste una sola parte del anuncio total. El anuncio mismo dice "Subfield of specialization is open but we are interested in interdisciplinary approaches to Andean literatures and cultures, Afro-Latin American cultures, indigenous studies from the XVI to the XIX century, including the transition between colonial and early national spaces, material and cultural production, and nation-building and identity politics." Coño, deja la conspiración y acepta que hay trabajos que no te aplica a ti. Tú ni sabes si ya tienen una persona en mente. Si no quieres aplicar aunque el anuncio diga que la especialización es abierta, es tu problema, tú mismo te lo pierdes. Este tipo de post aquí no sirve para nada. A3: I know the VAP there, we graduated from the same program. He is the position description. *shrugs* A4: The VAP? According to their website, they have like 6 VAPs in Spanish alone. Do you know them all? 'A5: Bold text' to A2: vaya espanol más enfático (lo digo por eso de c***). Pero el que se pica, ajos come. Ese puesto huele a endogamia a la legua: no se pone un perfil tan tan definido si no se tiene a alguien en mente. O es que quieren ofrecer asignaturas de "Literaturas andinas" y "cultura emeríndia de los siglos XVI al XIX". ?por qué no literaturas de la serranía de Huelva y estudios turolenses de los siglos XII al XV? A7: I'm at Villanova. To my knowledge, none of the positions advertised, including the TT colonialist position, are inside hires. A8: Does anybody know what happened with the interviews in this postion? After the interviews were canceled because of the weather, like 3 weeks ago, I never get another call or email. A9: Oh my, seems like they used the weather to go appoint internally, hehe. A8: Apparently... There is always an excuse....
- University of Houston: Did they schedule campus visits already?
- Any word on University of North Alabama campus visits? A1: They said at the end of my interview that they'd be interviewing on skype into this week and doing campus visits early in March.
- University of Denver (DU): Any word? A: Someone posted about a campus interview (like 1/17-1/19 range), but later edits eliminated that post. Assuming you mean the Latinx position. - I found it odd to be rejected by committee members who are in a less advanced career stage than mine, and who clearly have published less than myself and many other candidates.
- SUNY Geneseo: Any word?
- George Washington. Any news after campus visits? A1: I haven't heard anything but the timeline that they gave me is that they would let us know last week. I'm assuming no news means that they are waiting for their first choices to accept/decline the offer.
- Penn State-Behrend: Any campus visit invites?
- Hanover College? Anyone heard anything?
- any news from others about positions at any grade at Durham UK? I have been long-listed for grade 10. Told short listing will take up to 6 weeks.
- any news from University of Dayton? A: Received email on 2/9 for phone interview
- IUPUI (Translation)?
- Scripps College? Any word after MLA? A: Campus visits took place at the end of January. Offer has been extended.
- Penn State Fayette, The Eberly Campus: Has an offer been made or campus visit? They had no one from Spanish on the Search follow up rejections either. A1: I had a visit about 3 weeks ago, sorry I didn't update the forum. Also, there aren't currently any Spanish faculty (hence the lack of representation on the committee). Good luck! OP: Yeah, I was pretty sure I blew it. I also only saw 1 faculty member in Spanish PT on their course listings. Good for you, I'm just sad. My family lives so close and I wanted to be in PSU research network. Not good enough reasons I guess. Best of luck!
- Puget Sound: Did campus visits happen?
- Colby? Did they make an offer after campus visits? A: Don't think campus visits have even happened yet. A2: It's kind of late...? Or not? A3: The campus visits still haven't happened yet; Colby has a January term so the spring semester just started last week on 2/7.
- Mississippi State University: Any news?
- San José State University: Any news?
- Susquehanna University: Has anyone recently had a campus interview or heard anything?
- Yale Assoc / Full: has anyne heard from Yale please?
- U of Oregon, Spanish sociolinguistics. Any news on this one after skype interviews? A: I have a colleague who had a campus visit. To A1, thanks! any offers yet? I still have some hope... To A2: I was a finalist and they just confirmed the have made an offer to another candidate.
- William and Mary (Indigenous Studies): Assuming campus invites went out by now, can anyone confirm? A1: Why does someone keep erasing this? Someone responded twice that visits are scheduled and twice it has been deleted. [Now replaced below (2/3)]:
- Original posts: Q: There was a response here earlier, any reason to delete it? A: Not sure - someone either by choice or accident has deleted a lot of comments on here today. The visits are scheduled - mid month. R: Thanks for the information. Good luck!
- Minnesota S U Mankato or Moorhead: anyone heard anything at all from either of these two?
- Reed College: any news after the MLA interviews? They have an internal candidate teaching the same stuff since last year. She is from the same search committee Chair´s country (and more or less same age). Other member of the committee is the Chair´s husband, so, there´s no way someone else can win this position. A2: Not sure if that is all factual, though yes seems likely there is an inside candidate based on department website. They did say they'd get back to us end of Jan., so should be any day now. A3. There is an inside candidate, yes. But the rest makes no sense. 1. There are more than 2 members on the Search Committee. 2. Since when would someone be hired just because the Chair is from the same country and the same age? Logically, it makes sense the Chair would be from the same country since we are talking about a position on contemporary Spain and the majority of scholars on that subject are either from the US or...Spain. 3. Most startling to me was the idea that spouses would, of course, vote the same. They are independent scholars so they might (gasp) have their own opinions on hirings. They interviewed a lot of good scholars for the position. I think the insider is probably going to be hired, but the reason will be that the candidate is actually a good scholar with a lot to offer. I am disliking this trend of hatred for insider hires as if somehow they were not good candidates just because they happen to have arrived there first as a temporary hire. A4 to A3: Thank you! You read my mind, almost word for word. A5: Of course it's annoying when there is an inside candidate, especially when it's pretty obvious that s/he will be offered the position. Not because s/he is a good or a bad candidate, but because the search is just a sham that creates false hope among finalists. And this is is unprofessional and unethical here and in the Moon. A6. The accusation of unprofessionalism assumes that the inside candidate is the only individual being considered when there are no statistics to back that up (humanities ftw). Do you have any evidence that insiders are always hired for their positions? Anecdotally, I know 3 insiders who did not end up with their positions and only 1 who did. Are you saying Reed should not pick the inside candidate even if that person ends up being the best just because that person had the audacity to arrive there before the tenure line search? A7: It happens everywehere in the world, that the inside candidate has more advantage than the rest of the candidates. They search committee needs to look professional and do all the interviews, and even the campus visits. It is not common to hear that the internal candidate would get it, especially if she or he is from the same country and made a decent job. A8: It is so difficult to gather the evidence to prove how corruption works in academia, as it is the case of the internal candidate case; however, we cannot ignore the fact that particularly in recent years it has become more visible how search committees, particularly in R1 and hot posts like this one at Reed, pick friends or proteges from their academic friends. This is a very classist and ethnocentric profession, just like politics, so do not be surprised when the "connected" candidate gets the job. A2: It doesn't make sense to begrudge the inside candidate or even the committee since it must be an administrative requirement to do the search. That is perhaps what should change though, like if the department is set on hiring the VAP, then there should be a more transparent way to make that happen rather than wasting a lot of time, money, energy, and hopes (we all get a little more bitter every time we feel our time is being wasted). There could be a compromise in which the first stage of the search where job documents are received by the committee is sufficient evidence to prove if the VAP is competetive or not. Just a thought. A3. Since the beginning of the Academy, posts in R1s and spots like Reed are the result of back room trading. That has little to do with insider candidates and everything to do with the nature of power. The vitriol against insider candidates, I suspect, has less to do with their actual advantages and more to do with the helplessness all individuals on the market feel. Being angry is easier. That, however, should be thrown at the departments (and advisors) over-producing PhDs, promising students that they will succeed where everyone else has not, simultaneously blaming those who did not secure a spot rather than asking the hard questions. A9: Comparing Reed to an R1? What world do you live in? Sometimes the posts on this wiki really show the lack of basic understanding of higher education institutions. Something that does, in fact, matter when you are crafting cover letters. Institutions look for different things - whether it be SLACS, elite SLACS, regional comprehensives, elite research institutions. What I will say is this - how many here have actually participated in or witnessed the inner workings of a search as a member of the committee? This wiki is full of nothing but wild speculation that is petty and those speculating are often doing so just to make themselves feel better. Petty, petty, petty. A3 to A9: Wading through the vitriol, I have still found this site to be a good resource that fills some need and there are many helpful participants wishing the best for anonymous strangers. So I'm not sure your sweeping generalization about the content of this wiki is much different than the petty speculation you wish to condemn. A2 to A9: I assume most of this wiki has not been on a search because they are trying to get a job. But to respond to your bizarre "What world do you live in" comment: Why not compare Reed to an R1? They are both highly desirable jobs in this market. Are you seriously believing that securing Reed is the equivalent of North Pecora State? It's a highly ranked SLAC in a nice city on the coast. The requirements are different. The cover letters are different as are the requirements for fit, but people want those jobs. to A10: Not sure what vitriol you're referring to since "sweeping generalizations" were only made regarding the endless speculations on inside candidates.
- IUPUI: any offer for both Ling. and Translation after campus visits? Thanks
- Middlebury College: Any campus visit invites post-MLA? A: Nothing officially here. They said they would probably take a month to make decisions but just checking out their website, they have a candidate talk scheduled for today. So, it seems they have moved forward.
- Hampden-Sydney College: any news post-MLA?
- Southwest Minnesota State U: Has anyone heard from them at all?
- IUPUI (Applied Linguistics): Has anyone heard from them post-Skype interviews?
- Barnard College: Has anyone had an interview or heard anything? A1: Not a word... they never answer inquiries either.
- Lawrence University: Any post-MLA news? Anyone get a campus visit?
- Grand Valley State University: Has anyone heard after MLA interviews? Did they mention a timeline to anyone? A: I was emailed Thursday/Friday of last week to schedule a campus visit for the end of this month.
- Rice University: Any news after MLA interviews?x2. I noticed Houston was hit with weather this week and Rice closed. But it has also been nearly two weeks. A3: Campus visits are taking place
- Gettysburg College : any post-MLA news? A1: I was told by the end of January or early February (they return to school the last week in January) To A1: Thanks for the info! QAny news about campus visits? A2: Campus visits were held in late January-early February. In theory, the position was already offered although it hasn't been listed here yet.
- Randolph College: any post-MLA news? A1: I haven't heard anything yet, but I got the impression it might be a week or two after the MLA.
- Williams College, Mexicanist postdoc: any news? (restoring this, it got deleted)
- Oklahoma State University: Colonial position, any news regarding campus visits?
- William & Mary, Indigenous Cultures, any post-skype news? A: Not sure if finalists are chosen, but visits had not been scheduled as of earlier this week.
- University of Houston: Any news after MLA interviews?
- CSU-Fresno (Hispanic Poetry): Any news after Skype interviews? I know they need to complete search before mid Feb., but no news about campus interviews so far. Anybody has heard anything? Thanks A: I specifically met the inside hire himself. He told me they created this job for him, and they are just going through the motions. A: Well... (add your own words for both the institution and the candidate -I guess they deserve each other). A3: Some internal candidates are prone to tell other candidates that they're going to be hired for sure to discourage them from pursuing that position. Although it may be true, I wouldn't trust an internal candidate. A4: tongo, tongo, tongo... At least they could be more discreet! What a waste of time... asking people to write syllabi for them... Immoral, unethical, unprofessional, to say the least. This is the last time that I will recommend any of my current or future students to apply there. A5: This brings up another more serious question: is it legal to do this kind of "fake advertising"? Just wondering... I think this is a very interesting and necessary dialogue within our discipline, seeing so many ads of this type, but I think that with this one they went over the top. A6: This came out last month and addresses ads that ask candidates for too much as well as the "inside" hire. A: Thanks. It is an interesting article, but it addresses only basic questions. There are many deeper issues and ramifications that someday should be faced in order to make this a better profession. A8: Skype interviews took place two months ago. This was a fake search. A9: This was not a fake search. It was an inside hire 100%. Once again, I sat and conversed with the inside hire for some time. He told me all about what was going on. He is currently a lecturer there who works on poetry, and his wife is a professor in the department. A10: Inside hire = fake search. A11. While I normally stand against the idea that an insider candidate is a fake search (I was in one and I am still unemployed), it is no surprise this individual was happy to chat about how he was going to get the job. Probably he did not tell you he did not get tenure. Very arrogant. Q: Is/was his wife on the search commitee? If so, this brings up a more serious question. Can anybody confirm that she in fact is/was participating of the hiring? A11: It looks like this is a delayed (tenure track) spousal hire. Agreed with those saying frustrations should be directed at the policies ("Best Practices") requiring a national search and creating false hope in job candidates. Now if Fresno requested syllabi from all candidates, I don't understand the reason for that. A12: His wife was not on the search committee, no. It was a delayed spousal hire that had to go forward as a national search to satisfy the administration.
- University of Florida: They have alumni among the finalists in their open positions. So what? A: Just for people to know. This is a "Word on the street section", right?
- Mississippi State University - Any news?
- San José State University: Post-Zoom interview updates?
- U of Rhode Island: Where the hell was the Spanish linguistics and teacher licensure job posted? Not on Linguist List, MLA, or Higher Ed Jobs!!!
- University of Kansas: Any news after Skype interview?
- Coe College: Anything? A: They called yesterday (12/28) to schedule phone/skype interview.
- University of Pittsburgh: Lecturer in Spanish. Just saw that the job ad on linkedin has a note saying that the position is no longer accepting applications (although deadline was on Jan 15). Should I believe Linkedin? Has anyone heard from this job? A: I just checked and it's still possible to submit until Jan 15 through Interfolio.
- Marywood University: Any word after Skype interview? A: Yes, I was emailed on 12/21 about a campus visit
- Cal State Sacramento: Any news after Skype interview?
- Michigan State University: Any news on the bilingual phonlogy position? A: I have a colleague that has a Skype interview with them, offered before the break. They don't check the wiki though.
- IUPUI (Translation) post skype? A: Nothing yet. x 2 A2: Campus visit (12/20)
- Have you heard from Scripps? Strange that nothing has been posted on the wiki. A: MLA interviews were held
- Durham (below) and England/UK generally:
- I strongly disagree with A below about the UK. You have been very lucky, I tell you. Two things here. The first is, what they call admin is lethal there. Expect to spend every evening grading tests and quizzes and super busy with emails from students and "managers". Generally, Americans who work in the UK claim they are required to work twice as many hours as they did in the States just for teaching and admin. Be prepared for busy summers too, with graduation, open days, re-sits, emails, new syllabi, you name it. Second, have a look at how many books full professors in UK schools have published. You'll find most have barely published one or even none. See, for instance full professors with no books in St Andrews, with one book in Kent and Durham. The fact they publish so little creates a very toxic environment, and if you are publishing "more" and in better outlets some colleagues will think you are competing "against" their chances for promotion or their reputation, and will soon turn against you. I know (everyone knows) of places with very sad histories of serious harassment--Bristol, Cardiff, Edinburgh, Birmingham, you name it. England is a great place to live and often to work. Just make sure you choose the right place.
- Durham University (England). Q: Has anyone heard of movement on positions? I have been long listed for the grade 10 post. Wonder if there is news on the lower grades--I understand they were interviewing for 7 positions across modern languages. A1: The assist prof position was open because one assist prof there got a position at the university of stirling and left in December. the full prof is part of an investment in modern languages. I have heard that although they will in theory consider any candidates, they have been for awhile thinking about someone to replaced a full prof called Andrea Noble who passed away recently. the "word on the street" is they already have their chosen one. THe best you can do if you are invited to interview on campus, I think, is read as much as you can about the unnivesity and the school, including the University's strategy, so that you can explain to them how you can add to it. It is also likely they ask you about your plans for grant capture and if you can have an "impact case" for REF. Q: Does anyone know how "different" working in England is? I have applied for this position and heard in England they have 12-month contracts and one is expected to be very busy for the department. I am also told "administration" is something else, and you can expect to work about 50 hours week just for teaching and "admin". How is this possible? Apparently salaries are low and taxes high. A: I did my PhD in the US and work in the UK now and it's good, actually. Salaries are lower than R1s in the US, but you get annual raises negotiated by the union. The contracts are 12 months, but with five weeks of vacation, plus university closure dates and holidays, you get something like 2 months of "annual leave" and vacations here can really carry the expectation that you are not working. I have found the culture here to be more respectful of work life balance, and the research/teaching/admin load is manageable. You may teach as a part of more classes than a 2:2 load, but teaching is also more collaborative here (for example, several instructors teaching a few weeks each of survey course) and the students tend to have fewer assignments. Grading is often a distributed effort as well and dedicated admin staff handle a lot of things instructors do themselves in the US. There is probably more admin, but you get the equivalent of tenure after a year's probation. One other thing that's different is that you are expected to apply for (and win) grants, even in the humanities, but that can mean more research leave. On balance, I'd say there are good working conditions here. One downside to keep in mind is immigration can be very expensive if you are bringing along a family and the university won't cover their visa costs. A2 : I don't know where the previous contributor works, but things can be real tough in the UK. I did my PhD there and taught as an "hourly paid tutor." LIfe is horrendous basically because of the National Student Survey that is published every summer. They are changing everything constantly. A couple of people in the department run the business and the rest were extremely stressed with grading all the time ("collaborative teacning and grding) and everyone was speaking about everyone. They all complained they couldn't hardly have any time for research. I had to change supervisor as the one I had was extremely hostile. It was interesting to live in Europe for four years, but as soon as I got my PhD I came back. I know there are some good departments, but if you end up in a bad one...A: el mercado inglés, en el que trabajé en el pasado es igual de malo que el de EEUU...Tiene que ver con la "disciplina" ya que en ningún caso pedirían lo que piden a la gente de SPanish/Latin American a la gende de ciencias, etc. Buena suerte y tomadlo con calma, hay más vida que un simple puesto de "profesor/a", aunque sea en Harvard o donde sea -conozco a gente en Harvard, Yale, etc. que son igual de infelices que los que trabajan en SLAC o Master´s intitutions, etc.
- College of Idaho? Any post-skype campus interview invites? They said they'd decide by week's end.
- University of Wyoming (Ling./SLA): Any news? A: No
- Barnard College: Position as Lecturer or Associate Lecturer of Spanish: Any news regarding interviews?
- College of William and Mary (Hispanic Studies and Linguistic): Any news? A: Nothing yet. Q: No updates have been posted on this position. I'm assuming Skype/phone interviews went out, but information has not been posted here. Anyone has any updates?
- SUNY Albany: any news? Nobody posted any info here on this position. Have they interviewed candidates already? Are they at the campus stage? Thanks and good luck!
- New Mexico State: any news post Skype interviews? A: I was wondering this too. I haven't heard back yet either.
- Any news from Emory (Linguistics)? Still nothing from Emory, not even a rejection email/letter?
- Cal Poly SLO: any news?
- Any news from Indiana-Purdue University (IUPUI) Applied Ling position? A: I know someone who got a Skype interview there. (x2)
- Any news from Princeton (Modern Peninsular)? A: With the jockeying happening over that position at the MLA, I imagine none of the candidates is talking on a wiki.
- UT Austin? Any news? A: Ethnic Studies wiki says they are at campus interview stage.
- University of Maryland, Baltimore County (UMBC) Anything? Anyone? I'm surprised no one even mentioned UMBC on here. Did the official title "Assistant Professor of Intercultural Communication" scare people away? A: para mí el "problema" es la carga lectiva (normalmente 4-4, pero puede haber cambiado, además de su localización.
- Any news from Brown? A: The conducted skype interviews last week. A2: Thanks for the information! Q: Is that Spanish or Portuguese? A: Spanish
- University of Miami? Any news? A: They sent out interview invitations today (12/14)
- University of New Orleans post-telephone interview updates? Anyone receive a campus visit? A: Totally wondering the same thing. They said they'd be in touch within three weeks. It's been six. A2: Same here. I'm assuming they sent out their campus invites already and that maybe we weren't in the first round.
- Santa Clara post-Skype updates? A: Nothing here
- Eastern Kentucky? Algo?
- College of Charleston?
- University of Puget Sound? A: I heard of someone that has a skype interview there. A: Previous commenter (for some reason erased by another wiki user) noted possibility of inside hire. This dept (first hand knowledge) has a history of searches that don't always make sense.
- Kennesaw State (12/10): Does anyone know anything about the positions here? They advertised two this fall (one for FL Education/Spanish and the other for an open specialization). I also see that they have searches coming up for another TT line plus two lecturer positions. A1: I know they have filled one position already, not sure about the others. What do you want to know?
- Shorter University (12/10): does anyone know anything about this post please?
- Virginia (12/08). can anyone share any news please. They are already thinking about giving the job to a certain cadidate. [I did us all a favor. Good luck everyone!] A1: So yet again a user who didn't like the discussion the community was having decided to delete the whole discussion. Please stop doing this! If you don't like what the community says, don't visit the wiki instead of censoring it in order to make it fit your agenda. A2: Agreed. A3: Disagree. This is a forum for useful information about the job market, NOT for childish bantering and personal insults. X2 A: A4: Interesting. It's childish to tell the truth about the job market, but methods we have to use in our classrooms to 'entertain' students aren't childish... A5: Especialmente para el querido colega "A3": ¿Ahora decides tú lo que es información útil y la que no lo es? Yo no recuerdo haber leído ningún insulto en el diálogo borrado, y sí un cambio de impresiones muy interesante acerca de cómo funciona el mercado de trabajo y el concepto de "elección" que algunas universidades están ejerciendo. ¿Están mal los comentarios sobre Virginia y no lo están los de Yale tres líneas más abajo? ¿Está mal hablar negativamente sobre UVA pero prestar atención a cotilleos de prensa e insultar a los estudiantes de Yale llamándoles racistas está bien? Me imagino que te habrán molestado algunos comentarios sobre tu alma mater, pero en ningún momento hubo insultos. De todas formas, si el cotilleo es lo que te va, lee estas navidades un par de novelas de David Lodge y deja de decir tonterías en el forum. A6: ¿Alguien sabe algo específico de este puesto? Les agradecería cualquier información concreta que pueden proporcionar. ¿Sigo esperando o ya lo doy por perdido? X2 En efecto, alguien con mucho apego a virginia borró una serie de comentarios hechos al hilo de quienes antes habían realizado comentarios ofensivos contra quienes se sorprendían de que virginia --según se decía aquí-- habían tomado ya una decisión sin pasar por las entrevistas en MLA. Aquí solo se dijo que era una fake search, como se dice en muchos casos --según el primer comentario que alguien con conocimiento de causa hizo--. después se apuntaba que el nivel de virginia era bajo y se traía a colación un vídeo en el que un catedrático habla a estudiantes que se preparan para ir un semestre a espana y les explica que los espanoles comen testículos de animales y que los andaluces descienden de moros. La información que se daba era relevante: según parece la search está apanada y el nivel de conocimiento sobre la cultura espanola es paupérrimo (por mucho que hayan publicado), todo lo cual posee sobrado interés para quien se plantee solicitar puestos allí. Ahora ese que lo borra todo y que se cree que los demás somos tontos, que borre esto, que yo volveré a ponerlo. A7: Gracias por escribir el resumen de la conversación. Estoy cansada de que algunos miembros de la comunidad se atribuyan la función de árbitros de lo que se debe o no publicar en esta Wiki y borren conversaciones enteras sin ningún miramiento. A algunos no nos gusta lo que otros colegas publican aquí, pero no lo borramos porque es poco ético. A8: This X2 is an angry elf... so antagonistic. I am glad I don’t have to work with him/her. A9: thanks everyone for comments and information. To A8, I find comments above (x2 and others) pertinent. Please abstain from offending others here -- no one is interested in who the individuals you want to work with are. To A8: Seguro que a todo el mundo le encantaría trabajar con alguien que va por ahí llamando antagonistic angry elf a todo el que aporta información. No solo no das información, sino que te permites ir insultando a los demás. Muy bien. A9: Are some of you kidding? Like seriously. "Angry elf" is nothing in comparison to the comment below about Yale students being racists. Moreover, someone asked what was happening in this search (also see Berkeley and Yale) which spiraled into a series of ridiculous conversations that not only didn't answer any questions about updates, but have gotten nasty. How about we start a conversation about useful interactions like how to survive MLA, what to do when weather throws off an on campus interview, how to answer tough interview questions, etc. We should all try being kinder to each other here since academia is hard enough as it is; we don't need what is supposed to be an information forum repeating the abuse. A10 to A9: I certainly agree: We should be kinder to each other. One way to get to that goal is not deleting our colleagues' posts and not telling what they should post and how they should behave. Deleting other folks' opinions is VERY disrespectful. A11: It's very helpful to know how they do things in some places, like Virginia, Berkeley and Yale. It's been good to google information about Yale and read about their story on the campus newspaper online. In the case of Virginia, if they have actually just picked the applicant whose application they had been waiting for, that's bad. If they do things behind behind everyone's backs, it's good to know not to waste time applying there in the future. A12: I don't know if this information is helpful or not, but here goes. I graduated from UVA, and when I was a grad student there they hired some of the people who work there now.. The department tended to follow the expected pattern of interviews, campus visits, etc. In the case of senior faculty the candidate had sometime/often taught as a Visiting Professor, but the department still invited him or her for an official campus visit to give a job talk, etc. Mind you, it is possible that a candidate has come to visit already, and said candidate is just not on wiki (I am surprised by how many people still don't know about this site). What I also know in this particular case is that the net has been cast wide (notice that the specialty can be early modern to modern) because this search is to replace more than one professor. I also cannot confirm if they will get to replace more than one professor with this search (in other words, if they can make two hires with this position). I am not sure anyone on the search comittee can confirm that either. So knowing all of this I would say anyone who has applied should still wait and see. A number of scenarios are possible. I am actually not applying for that position (I don't have a snowball's chance in hell of getting it), but I sincerely wish anyone who is applying for it the best of luck! It is a wonderful department (despite some of the comments made here before they were deleted--not by me!). Anyone who gets that job will be truly lucky!! I will let you know if I find anything else out. A13: Thank you, A12! This is very helpful. I only ever heard the best things about this department, which is why I was so stunned to see these negative comments about it.
- Furman (Golden Age): any news please (12/08). A: Answered above.
- Northwestern. Any news? (12/8)
- Yale I have applied for the Yale post and just heard all senior faculty were removed from leadership positions due to complaints from postgrads, from sexual harassment to abuse of power. on their webpage i see the dept chair is a french prof. Does anyone know about this? A1: Yale has gone through a lot of nasty stuff lately. A friend of mine used to teach there and he didn't like it at all. A2: It's all just malicious gossip and silly fabrications. Everything is fine at the department. Good luck with your application. I have no doubt you will be very happy there. I have a very good knowledge of the situation, and I assure you there is no need to worry at all. Q: I have just read a few articles in the Yale newpaper and the story seems quite serious: sexual harassment on faculty and postgrads, systematic bullying, all took a groups of posgrads to send a letter to the president, resulting in an investigation and three professors, including the chair, removed from their positions. google: "Yale News Former Spanish Prof alleges sexual harassment, retaliatory firing in law suit", which is one of many articles on this story. It seems the Dept is completely broken A.: Those articles in Yale Daily News were written by somebody who is extremely unprofessional and dishonest. They contacted me for an interview a couple of times, and I was shocked by how eager they were to distort reality and publish ridiculous lies. Look, ultimately, it's up to you where you choose to work. But it would be sad if you were to reject a brilliant job offer at such a great place with an unequalled compensation package because somebody published dishonest articles and spread rumors. Whatever you decide, however, I sincerely wish you the best of luck in your career. Only you know what's best for you. Q: Thanks very much for the information. I see the journalist will exaggerate, and Yale should be a great place to work. However, the fact seems that there was an anonymous complaint (allegedly from postgrads) and as a result of that senior faculty were removed from leaderships positions including the Chair, with another professor taking "leave." i see on their webpage the chair is now from french and the director of postgrad studies from another language. that is really scary if one will have to work in such a divided dept. But thanks very much for your comments. A: I was contacted earlier this year by a first year graduate student in the department who was looking to switch programs and was interested in mine. She asked me if I felt safe in my learning environment, if my program was a welcoming place to explore new ideas, and whether I felt comfortable as a female in my department. If I were in your position I would wait to make a decision until I spoke with various members of the faculty, in addition to students, and formulated my own opinion on the matter. A: I have herd lots of details from former Yale graduate students about this situation and department. I chose not to apply to a job there because of the horrific situation right now. X: Yale students are clasistas y racistas. *A* —> to the coward who keeps deleting my commentary against this ridiculous generalization about Yale students: do you care to at least defend yourself? Clown. A1: Todos estamos con los nervios destrozados por este proceso largo y penoso, pero no ganas nada con insultar a la gente que no te ha hecho nada malo. No se puede generalizar de esta manera. Hay un montón de gente verdaderamente fenomenal en Yale, igual que en cualquier parte. El enemigo aquí es el mercado laboral académico que está atroz y no la gente que está en Yale o dondequiera y que sufre igual que vos en este proceso. A: mi pregunta es, ¿Vale la pena todo esto por una m... de trabajo de maestro de español, que es lo que somos, no nos engañemos, y como nos ve el mundo, incluyendo las/os estudiantes... Y además en muchos casos tener que vivr en medio de la nada, con fanatismo variado y por unos 50000 antes/después de impuestos? Para mí no, es por esto que hace tiempo decidí que dejaré la academia tan pronto como pueda (y tengo tenure y listo para full, pero paso de esto... me da vergüenza ajena dedicarme a esto; fuera otro campo, pero en este... ). O sea que tendréis un trabajo más abierto en un año o dos... :)
- Georgia College. What's the deal? A: Initial interviews took place at the start of November. They claimed they would do campus interviews before Thanksgiving break, but so far no one has mentioned a campus interview. Honestly, it seems like an inside hire. A: Offer has been issued.
- Columbia. Any news? (12/7). A: Which position? A2: TT. Latin American Cultural Studies. A3 You shouldn't have any hopes on this one. They've been posting slightly different versions of this same position for about 4 years. I know two of the interviewees from past years that made it to the campus interview, and it looks like their search committees don't even know what they are looking for. In addition, it seems impossible for them to leave their egos aside to finally hire that special one that deserves a spot at their super special department. According to several professors (cuyos nombres no pueden ser nombrados jamás), is not even the best environment to start a career anyway. A4: Can confirm A3, went to an MLA interview (at their campus) at 0-degree temperatures, and their questions were everywhere and nowhere, also all in Spanish, I handle it fine but there was no indication that this would be the case, did I miss something? Very elitist the way they bragged about their students being "the most prepared" because they come from prestigious Latin American universities, pass! Wish I wouldn't have wasted my time and energy though. (2/12)
- Fairfield College. Have you heard? (12/7)
- University at Albany. Any news on the linguistics position? (12/7)
- American University. Any news
- Any news from Otterbein? (12/5) I don't believe that they will be looking at applications until the semester is over (info from a colleague that works there). (12/6) except now someone just posted an interview invite...
- U of South Alabama, any updates? (12/5) First round interviews this week.
- Any news on the other two positions at the University of Denver? (12/4)
- Any news on Baldwin Wallace U? (12/4)
- Any news on Coe College? (12/4)
- Any news on The College of New Jersey? A1: I applied to that position but I have had no news from them. A2: Received acknowledgment 2 weeks ago, just posted it.
- Any news/updates on the U of Kansas job? (11/30)
- En serio, nada de Furman? (11/30) Q: Alguien sabe algo de la plaza de siglo de oro en Furman?
- UC-Berkeley: A week after the deadline people are saying they heard about a Skype interview. How's that possible? I don't want to believe in the whole "fake search" conspiracies, but damn they were fast. A: I've received notification for an interview a week after the deadline. Some places just move quickly. A: True. Also true that this department has a history of doing searches (at least on the Latin Americanist side) that are less than transparent... or rather, all too transparent. In any case, when committees do have someone in mind, it would be nice if they would request fewer documents upfront. But if I were to be generous (and politely overlook the department's history), I would guess that this year there must be some well-known professors in Brazil who are looking to leave, given all the problems there, and maybe Berkeley received a couple of those sorts of applications from obvious winners. (I'm a little surprised this didn't happen in the case of the open-rank Brown position...) A2: Yes, it makes a lot of sense actually. Not considering the possible shadiness of the process, it may be they were looking for a tenured professor, and some of them showed up. A3: Time will tell. If they end up hiring a relatively junior person whose BA or PhD is from Berkeley, then, well... ;) Berkeley does tend to fall in love (metaphorically) with its own students, and not just in this department. So it goes. A4: Two of Berkeley's last four searches have hired their own former PhDs (2009 and 2016). There are also a few very senior faculty members who hand-picked the other two (2012 & 2014) from ABD students of their inner circle of colleagues. The irony is these are the type of people who are the first to scream that nepotism doesn't exist and express their confidence in academia's standing as meritocracy. A2: I know this is all speculation so far, but I wish I'd known this before wasting my time. Who's going to be the genius entrepreneur to create a glassdoor-type website for academia? Departments have all the right to do the choice they want, but at least the meritocracy discourse would go out of the window. A5: Coincidence? They inside hire but their grad program hardly has new students (cost of living, lack of support, poor graduation and job placement rates) and their major/minor enrollment is more low than second tier schools in state. I wouldn't be surprised if the whole program is dismantled, especially in light of the sexual harrassment and misconduct cases of a decade or so ago. A6: Okay guys, let's not go crazy here. Their PhD grads have actually gotten some pretty good jobs in the last couple of years, and there is no obvious reason why the program would be dismantled, especially given all the hires they have recently done! The lack of support for grad students is no doubt a university-wide problem, not departmental, and nepotistic though it might be, I don't see how the lack of financial support has any connection to inside hires... which, alas, is all too common at top-tier universities. A7: Meritocracy is a myth. It does not exist in our fields, just let's face it...Sad, but true... I have seen a lot of things I would rather not had seen in the Academia for the last 20 years... A8: Span and Port at Berkeley is not was it use to be at all. There are a couple of three leading scholars at most right now. Lately they have hired people with just a couple of articles... The Dept. has a "good" name because of the Berkeley "brand" but not for its own merits. A9: al comentario anterior. Pues sí, pero es que es así en todos sitios: mira Harvard, por ejemplo. A10: así es la mediocridad del mundo de los estudios hispáncios donde abunda por donde vayas la burrocracia y la imposición de la miedocracia sobre la seguridad laboral y que el que viena sea mejor que el que está, etc., etc.. Ánimos, a todas/os en ser maestrillos de español, que, como digo en otra parte, es lo que somos... O no habéis oido la pregunta: So, are you a teacher of Spanish? LOL
- Kansas. Any news? A2: Anyone knows the status on this search?
- University of Houston. Has anyone heard anything yet? (Linguistics) A: Application deadline is Dec. 1, so I'd think it's a bit early.
- Please share total interviews up until today(11/18): A: 2 A2: Patience. Though it feels like an eternity to us once we have submitted, to committees, it is very difficult to meet and select ~10-12 interviewees from a pile of hundreds of applications. It can take weeks to reach an agreement, let alone get HR to OK the candidates (then think the technology needs). Don't expect that schools with deadlines last week will have answers prior to the holiday. It's possible, but try to focus on your work and not on counting the days. That's the only way to keep sane! A3: 6 that led to 3 campus interviews (11/25) A4: 12 interviews, 5 campus interviews, and 2 offers (12/7) A5: A3 and A4 makes the 99 rest of us feel like crap but congratulations to you. And cheers to all those PhD holders who have little mouths to feed and are running all around being VAPs and Lecturers and don't have a job for next year yet. Happy holidays! :/ A6: Holy guacamole. What's the secret sauce, A4 and A5? How do you make this magic happen? / A7: 4 interviews from 8 applications. A8: Just out of curiosity, those who mention having had multiple skype/campus interviews, are you in literature or linguistics? Latinx? Assistant or Associate? Thanks!
- Brown - Has anyone heard anything yet?
- Temple: Any news? A: Nope (11/19) A2: (11/28) Invited to Skype.
- University of Nevada - Reno: Has anyone heard anything yet? A: They conducted interviews last week (11/13-11/17) and they picked three finalists for Campus Visits.
- Stanford: Any news? (11/16) A: On the 10th, someone posted under the Skype interviews that they had heard.
- Furman. Has anyone heard from Furman? (11/15)
- Santa Clara. Any news on the Santa Clara Spanish Studies position? I have not heard anything, but logged on to the system to see the status of my application marked "No longer under consideration". Has anyone received a call for interview or rejection? A: My profile said the same. But never received a rejection email. A2: My profile still says "in progress". I have not received any e-mail from them, though. So, I don't know if I am still under consideration or not. A: I was just contacted about my documents. They are finalizing information to likely invite candidates for skype interviews soon.
- SUNY Fredonia. has an insider for the LatAm lit/history job. Good for him, he has plenty of experience in exactly what they asked for and he's been there for a year, but that announcement literally cites from his CV. Doesn't anyone realize that with the internet these days the patterns of inside hires are blatantly apparent to the whole world? A. It happens more ofthen than one can think despite the denial of many job applicants. A2- I think this job was the same job description as the initial search that took place summer 2016. The SUNY system cannot hire anyone TT without a real interview. Sounds like a pretty fair search. A3: I don't know whethere there was an inside candidate, but it was a fair search.
- Georgia College is likely an inside higher. Their job description fits nicely with a PhD Spanish lecturer they have. It looks like they are doing interviews, but it might be to save face and do their “due diligence”. [edited to remove name-- I believe we are keeping names off public forums]
- U of Chicago. Suspicious: Does anybody know if the U. of Chicago job is for real? They have a postdoc right now who does pretty much exactly what they are requesting in their job description. What's the word on the street?
- A: I think you answered your own question. Also interesting that the deadline is so early - the day before the MLA list comes out (when most people start looking). Alas, that is how these things sometimes go, and jobs are so hard to come by that it is hard to begrudge any postdoc the possibility of their position turning into a job, though Chicago certainly could have been a little more discreet in their designs. Also good to keep in mind that things sometimes don't shake out as planned - departmental politics and other factors can intervene, so who knows what will happen.
- A: I absolutely agree with you. It is not really about begrudging the postdoc. But targeted searches prevent applicants from getting their hopes up and from going through the whole application process. Very strange indeed!
- A: I cannot speak for U. of Chicago, but I've been in a U that has had to conduct searches ahead of the regular calendar due to limited personnel available to conduct the search during the fall semester. Job postings appear in Inside Higher Ed and Chronicle year round, and the MLA should seriously consider doing the same, or else post only searches conducted through their own conference.
- A: I agree with another comment on here about not obsessing over the inside candidate question. It is enough to drive us all to extremes and insanity. I have seen lots of cases of lines being created for Vaps and visiting, which is a distinct situation, but is great for them. In searches, there is a chance someone else is chosen, which has got to be hard to go through as an “internal” person. I did hear, though, U Chicago is meant for the postdoc. Second hand, but very reliable.
- It IS for the postdoc. First hand.
- I think it is perfectly fine to begrudge Chicago if this is indeed a fake search. They reached out to my advisor (a top scholar in the field) after the position had been posted for a month to ask her to recommend candidates to them and encourage them to apply. If the (fake) search was for the postdoc, I am assuming that they simply did not have enough candidates to legitimate it (given that they posted the job early and made the materials due the day before the MLA JIL came out) and therefore needed a bigger pool. I mean, if you want to hire a a great person who is already there, great. But don't be an asshole, using your academic connections to populate your candidate list. That is messed up.
Free advice (especially for colleagues new to the market)[]
List NEW information at top.
Publishing: For those who are getting interviews and offers, can you give the rest of us an idea of how many articles you've published? I'm defending soon and have 2 published/accepted and another 3 in review (and a 4th on the way out the door soon). I've also received mixed messaging about quantity vs. quality. I'd originally heard to only publish in the best journal you can get your paper into, but recently I learned that early in the career a larger number (even if in perhaps less influential journals) catches a committee's eye faster. Thoughts from those who are livin' the dream?
Negotiating non tenure track offers: Does anyone have any experience negotiating non tenure track offers? The offer I received does not include $ for conferences nor $ for moving. I'm not interested in negotiating the salary but I wouldn't mind conference and moving funds - is this appropriate? Suggestions? A1: I know someone who got a salary increase and moving when he asked before accepting a (long-term contracted) NTT position. He simply asked if the insitution was able to offer some sort of moving reimbursement, and asked if salary was negotiable, and got a positive on both accounts. Got salary increased by 5% (which isn't a ton, but on NTT it's not bad) and the standard institutional reimbursment for moving costs.
Basic question about campus visits from total beginner. I earned a PhD in the US, came back to my native Argentina for a couple of years, and I am now applying for posts in the US. My very basic question is: I know search committees typically invite two or three candidates to campus, but, is it common they invite only one, and if they like him/her they make an offer and if not they invite another candidate? Also, in my case, travel expenses for me, traveling from inland Argentina, are real expensive. A plane ticket is usually well over $2,000. If invited, does the cost of expenses plus the visa issue, mean they are really interested in me, because if I wasn't the in theory best candidate they wouldn't spend all that money? or do they just invite candidates they think are not really their first option regardless of how very expensive the costs will be? Thanks for any advice! A1 To answer your first question: as a random person on the market, I would say that bringing 3 candidates is standard; haven't heard of bringing people 1 at a time and deciding on each before inviting another. But I can't really say. And to your second question: Holy shit, they're paying to fly you out all the way from Arg?? Unless you think the place is absolutely swimming in ridiculous amounts of $$$ to burn, I would say they are EXCEPTIONALLY interested in you! A2 I would say they are extremely interested if they are flying you from Argentina. It's anecdotal, but I know 2 someones flown in for campus visits from outside the US and both were offered the position. They also flew in others for those spots, but the departments were not strapped for cash. I have heard of VAP spots only bringing in one candidate at a time, not TT, but who knows these days. In any case, congratulations!. SOMEONE DELETED A3 AND A4, WHY DO PEOPLE DO THAT?
- Advice - Don't read the wiki - Seriously. Just don't. Have any of you ever taken the time to look at the wiki's for other fields? They don't look like this - at all. The market is just as bad in English, in History, in other languages, but their wiki's aren't fully of speculative, petty, unhelpful comments. Seriously. I'm a social scientist and have to admit I come to this wiki to rubberneck - to watch the toxic mess that results from the speculation about insider candidates, the clear lack of understanding about institutional type, about how job ads are crafted, about how long searches typically take, etc., etc., etc. Talk to your profs, talk to your peers, talk to people in real life about those things. It would go much further to assist your application to demonstrate a clear understanding of these things during interviews than to spend your time during a Skype interview worrying about whether there is an insider candidate or not. Sure, they exist. It's your job to blow their chance by impressing the committee. A known quantity, while appealing, is not always the way to go, and it's your job to demonstrate that. Spend time learning about the department, about what the students at the institution might be like (student affairs/student life sites are actually really good for that), what the colleagues might be like, what the institutional mission is, and what the community is like and find a way to incorporate some element of what you learned into your cover letter, Skype interview - really every part of the process, because that's what the majority of institutions that are not research intensive are looking for - that you understand what you would be getting yourself into. (x2!) A1 ' A2 Wondering about inside candidates is really not that time-consuming. One can easily do that and prepare for interviews at the same time. I've got to say, though, checking out job search wikis in fields that are not yours and going there to berate complete strangers on the job searches that have nothing to do with you is a pretty strange way to pass time. And by the way, inside candidates are usually inside because they are the spouse, a child, a close friend, a lover, etc of somebody in the administration. No amount of preparation and pep talks can beat that kind of advantage. A1 again: No way did I berate. Seriously, visit other wikis. The level of toxicity and lack of constructive speculative posting here is unparalleled. And again, the speculation again regarding inside candidates shows a lack of understanding about institutional administration. No, the majority are not a spouse, a child, a lover, etc. Spousal/partner accommodations are fewer and far between, and as many who actually have secured them can tell you, if you fail to successfully negotiate it at hire, the odds of a partner securing a tt position after initial partner hire are slim. Very slim. Especially if that person has been serving in a less attractive (lecturer) role at the same institution. Unless the initial partner is a star, absolute star, then this rarely happens. They also aren’t usually friends (for tt hires), but sometimes might be the students of friends. Insider candidates, when they do exist, most often exist because of mandadted institutional goals, such as the president/provost indicating hiring generally must occur from certain institutions, or institutions within a certain rank. There is sometimes leeway if a program is highly ranked when an institution is not, but generally, such mandates come from on high and committees are hesitant to push the boundaries- so they look to their postdocs or vaps (who sometimes come from such institutions) or speak to colleagues about which students they have on the market as the less conflict ridden way to meet the mandate and secure the tt line. But this is not as common in the humanities as it is in the sciences unless the institution is on the move, trying to increase rank or making moves to become more research oriented. Is faculty hiring an absolute meritocracy, no. Is it as insidious as is suggested here, also no. TPII had a great take on it in her last Chronicle Vitae column. A2 I really don't get this wiki. I have yet to meet one spousal hire under the age of 50, but people keep insisting on it. Most spousal hires I know of are to bring on the spouse as a lecturer or, at best, a coordinator of something. I'm sure students of friends get hired, but that's fairly common in professional workplaces generally (the demon you know and all that).
- No word after campus visit: So, it's been two weeks since the final candidate was interviewed on campus. I haven't heard anything and I was wondering when it might be appropriate to check in, if ever. Also, is there an average of time that passes for acceptance/rejection? A1: Assuming all went fine during the last candidate's visit, in my experience (that of not getting the offer), the offer is made within a week. Sometimes sooner, sometimes a few days later. Silence is generally not a good sign. You may check in, though I tend not to unless I have a reason, but the response will be either: 1) There are no updates they are willing to share; or 2) A confirmation of your suspicion. Either way, it probably won't be what you want to hear, and it will hurt. A2: It's a "don't call us, we'll call you" situation, especially post-campus visit. The only exception being if you receive an offer somewhere else and want to notify places where you have stuff pending. A2: I think the time varies to some degree. But, to give you an idea, my first time on the market, I had an offer within days of my campus visit (visit on a Friday, offer on Monday) and another campus visit with a rejection via phone also within days. This year, I am in your position....waiting for nearly 2 weeks. It's torturous, and though it's very tempting to hold out hope thinking something might fall through or I'll magically get a call, I agree with A1 that silence doesn't bode well at this point. Under no circumstances would I contact the committee to check (unless maybe I had another offer elsewhere). I'm trying to remind myself that there are often reasons SC can't contact candidates---negotiations happening, being a 2nd or 3rd candidate, deans out of town, SC members not in full agreement, etc. I do think that post campus visit is not the time for "ghosting" candidates or even email rejections. If a candidate has made it through the whole campus visit and you have a confirmed acceptance of an offer, it's just considerate to do the rejection over the phone if possible. And sooner, rather than later. A3: Thank you so much for this! A4: Thanks for the feedback. I got the official rejection via email yesterday. {sigh}. I appreciate the responses. A5: What position was this for? A6. Sorry about the rejection. But if others don't say it, sometimes it takes over a month. I would know. It happened to me for my current job, and I was the top candidate! They just took forever in meeting.
- Is it possible to get a merit-based job? Or need I be a good boy all the time? A1: That's probably better than being a bad boy, I think? Sorry but how does your question contribute to the forum? A: Be the best boy, except on weekends.
- Negotiating salaries: Does anyone know if there is any data on average starting salary for Assistant Prof.? Chronicle Data is helpful as you can filter by classification, discipline, and rank, but there is no data specific to starting salary. Also, is it expected/respectable to negotiate on starting salary even if you don't have other TT offers? Thanks. A1: Salaries vary widely from one institution to another and from one field to another. If it's a public institution, most state governments publish online the salaries of their employees, including college professors, so you can see how much they're making. It doesn't matter if you don't have other offers, they're expecting you to negotiate your salary. Usually you would ask for 10% more arguing whatever comes to your mind and they will tell you that they can't offer you more than 5% more and that's what you accept if you want to. A2: I would say I only half agree with A1. Yes, it does vary, but the idea that everyone expects you to negotiate is not always true. Some universities do not like negotiation at all. I say this at someone who once met hostility from negotiating (and not even a 10% increase, just a bit extra moving and some startup). I went elsewhere. OP: Thank you A1 and A2. I suppose I will just try to ask nicely for more $$ and not make it a condition.
- Religious universities: I've noticed several explicitly Christian/Evangelical colleges with postings this year, as I'm somewhat new to the job search process, must one profess Christian belief to work at one of those institutions? A1: It depends on the university but many times yes. Some require a letter of recommendation from a pastor, others require that you sign a contract about your beliefs (and sometimes even your practices, such as no drinking alcohol, etc.), others require that you attend services on campus, etc. It really depends on the school though. There are some interesting posts about working at Christian colleges here:
- Weather and Campus Visits: I have already been trapped trying to leave campus visits twice this year because of weather. I'd recommend to anyone traveling to places facing weather they aren't accustomed to (i.e. snow in the South), bring some extra business casual clothing in case you have to stay longer. Also, if flights get really delayed and will make travel home difficult (like 2 am arrival and you still have a trek from the airport), do not be afraid to voice that to the school and ask if you could stay an extra night. They should offer, but in case they don't initially, don't suffer through hours at the airport when you are already exhausted. It's really awkward, but a very real possibility this time of year.
- Applying to boarding schools. Has anyone applied for or considered applying for boarding schools? A1: I did last year and used Carney Sandoe as headhunters to help with the search. It went well and I found some great jobs but ended up accepting a visiting college position. Still, the search was a good experience and the private schools I talked to respected the Ph.D. a lot and had some great opportunities.
- With regard to the question below on community colleges, does working at a community college limit your chances at getting tenure-track positions at four-year universities, if you want to 'go back' so to speak? A: I don't personally know anyone who's done it, but here's what I think: not necessarily, and it would certainly be better than having no position at all. However, unless you envision yourself being able to balance a research agenda with a 5-5 teaching load, I think you'd be de facto disqualified from the positions that value a publication record.
- First time on the market. Any specific advice for applying to a Community College? A: From my experience, it seems expected that you will have adjunct experience at your local CC before being considered for a full-time/TT position. You may be able to get around this if your PhD is in foreign language acquisition and/or you have a lot of teaching experience, preferably at a type of institution that has a student population similar to what you might find in a CC. They won't really care about your research (unless its pedagogy related), so don't dwell on it in your cover letter and push it down on your CV.
- Is it appropriate to send a thank you e-mail to each member of the committee after a conference interview? A: No. just send one email to the chair or cc the members, if you know their names/emails. Personalized emails are for post campus.
- I had a Skype interview but haven't heard from the committee. Other candidates had posted receiving a rejection email from the same school. Is it advisable to contact the chair of the search to inquiry about the status of my application? Thanks in advance. A1: I wouldn't do it, and I have been a couple of times in situations similar to yours. Each institution has their own pace and their own way to manage rejections, interviews, and offers. Some institutions don't even let you know that you haven't been selected, but inquiring about their process would put you in a spotlight that you don't want to be in.
- Princeton Postdoc. Q: New to the market and wondering what the profile of a postdoc applicant should be like in order to have a shot at a postdoc fellowship at Princeton? A: Probably knowing people at Princeton. If not, then already well published and from top tier school.
- MLA: Any tips for first-timers? A1: One thing I like doing for MLA interviews that I can't for skype is bring a physical teaching portfolio (with a cover sheet and enclosed in one of those grade-school type plastic report covers), with sample syllabi or evals, whatever didn't make it into the original app. It might make you stand out and they'll at least glance at it. Other than that, dress nice, be there early to be on time, and be yourself! Suerte A2: I often take a sample syllabus to offer them and make reference to in the interview. Of course, make reference to any syllabus you've previously submitted to jog their memory, then offer a second example of your work. It shows you're ready to jump right in designing courses. Also, be aware of your surroundings and don't discuss your interviews in public spaces. You never know who hears you.
- HELP! I was wondering if someone could give me some orientation regarding websites, contacts, etc. to look for a job in Canada (PhD in Spanish/about to graduate). I have looked in the “international” section on HigherEd etc. But seriously, I get zero matches. Thank you for any help you can give me. A: Puedes mirar aquí, seleccionando Canadá como país: aunque no sale casi nada ¡Suerte! ***Acabo de ver que Canadá no está en la lista. Sin embargo he visto algún puesto para Canadá en esta página. Quizá poniéndolo como palabra clave... ***
- A1: There aren't that many universities in Canada. It doesn't happen every year that even a single position in our field opens up at the TT level. As a Canadian who was desperate to find a job in Canada and had to realize it was never going to happen, this is precisely the experience I had on the job market. I kept trying to find Canadian positions, and there were either none or one that was not in my area. The best of luck but keep your options open and don't bet just on Canada.
- A2: It's true, there arent that many universities in Canada, but most of the universities are large research universities and they are pretty much all public, no SLACs or so-called teaching universities, it's a bit of a different ballgame. Most positions would be on here though, when there are any:
- A3: The job market in Canada in Spanish is scarce. Many candidates have to look for work in the U.S. because of the lack of opportunity. Some are willing to move to rural areas in the U.S. and those that don't want to move or can't find work try finding employment with NGOs or with the government. Have you considered expanding your options to teach overseas? Another possibility to consider. Good luck!
- How to interpret an open rank search? I am new on the market, and have read that many times departments are primarily looking for a full professor, while keeping a door open for assistant professors in case they cannot reach an agreement on a candidate. Also heard associate professors flock to these openings for the tenure, making it unlikely they'll get someone with less experience. What do you guys think? A1: Go for it. The scenario you describe happened at my R1 last year. Negotiations fell thru with the preferred associate profs and they hired a (wonderful) ABD.
- Inside Candidate Anxiety. Having read the wiki for many years (both as a candidate and as a committee member), I urge y'all not to buy into the "inside candidate" anxiety. Not only is it perhaps the most unhealthy aspect of this particular forum, but it's usually totally, absolutely unfounded. Committees will hire lecturers and VAPs, of course, but it's the exception, not the rule. Please focus on your own materials. [If you're a masochist and want to channel your nervous energy into this topic, just review previous years' wikis. The insider is almost always beat out by the outsider.]
- A: I have seen both things happen. I know there are fake searches. I was the subject of one. Sadly, it is a reality. I have seen (this happened to me) a Dean saying, "nope, we need a candidate who represents this and that at this juncture" and then the assured job of a "fake search" goes to someone else based on institutional needs. So all sorts of unexpected things can happen, even within a "fake search." With regards to the U of Chicago's job, several second hand knowledges attest to it being for the postdoc and that is great for her! But as you point out, it all shall be revealed at the end.
- A2: Having been on the market and on searches, I wonder if the obsession with the inside candidates is a way to feel some measure of control in an uncontrollable situation. I know insiders who won, who didn't even get interviewed, who never applied to begin with. Being the inside candidate is hugely nervewracking because it involves an entire year of constant performance, trying not to say the wrong thing, offend the wrong person, attend the wrong event. It's a double-edged sword. Even if a profile looks perfect for a job, the materials presented could be weak, and a search committee may have hired that person late to fill a needed vacancy with no interest in a long-term hire. And, again, the inside hire may not at all want the job having done it for a year!
- A3: anyone who doubts whether inside candidacies exist may revisit the 2017 thread and read the USC job description, then look who got hired. In my opinion, this is the most honorable way to go about a target hire, and USC should be praised for going through the required motions while making it totally clear they never intended to hire anyone else so long as the insider accepted (an important caveat). The dishonorable method of issuing a vague or general job description that will attract hundreds of applicants, and then conducting a disingenuous search also occurs: I was flatly told in the car on the way to the airport after a campus visit a few years ago that the deparatment was giving the job to the only candidate who had not yet visited. The other four of us were wasting our time by visiting for two days, and traveling for another two days to reach the somewhat remote campus; my ride to the airport was the only person who performed the courtesy of letting me know I shouldn't expect anything. It was hugely appreciated. I later learned that although I was required to submit my dissertation for examination before an invitation could be issued, on the grounds that the university was unwiling to approve ABD hires, the candidate who accepted the job was a fifth-year ABD with less than two chapters written at acceptance. Make of all this what you will. I still apply for jobs I want, but manage expectations accordingly. A: USC also "hired" an ABD as postdoc. I do not know how "honorable" is that.
- A4 to A3. I totally agree. Inside candidates and fake searches happen more often and one can think. It happened to me several times last year.
- Quaker College. I know the job market is not great (it has not been for a while), however, try to stay away from that Quaker college in Eastern Indiana. They have a very toxic work environment. While they advertise their teaching load as "3 classses per semester" you as the new person will most likely have to teach their 3 sections of SPAN101 in the fall and 2 or 3 sections of SPAN102 in the spring with basically no option of teaching upper level classes. Each section is 5 credits, so you will most likely teach 13 -15 credits for semester. Also, that area of Indiana is miserable (extremely conservative), it's basically a meth town. Also, while they do hire people who are not quaker, the truth is that the institution is very "cultish" and the people who make decisions are quaker. They have had a lot of problems with junior faculty retention. Even people in tenure-track positions have left. Just some free advice, take or leave it. (Someone deleted this so I'm putting it back). A1: Thank you for putting it back. The person they are replacing (tenure track position) left in his third year because of how awful their department is. A2: I have heard about the previous person from the position of someone who worked with him, and I can assure you that it is a very different story that has nothing to do workload issues or "cultish" work environments. Take with a grain of salt the comments of a former disgruntled employee. A3: respetando tu comentario, parece que trabajes más para HR que como faculty...Fíjate que me creo más al que se fue que al que se quedó. OP. This is a department of 4 (four) people and they have been hiring almost every year. You can check previous MLA jobs lists. If that does not tell you anything then you are just choosing not to believe. And you can always make a trip to Richmond, IN and see for yourself how miserable that town is.
- Inside Candidates. About inside candidates: just because someone in the department fits the profile perfectly it does not mean they created the position for that person. It could very well be that they hired the person (postdoc, visiting, lecturer) to temporarily fill a real departmental need but intend to do a "real" search. I saw this happen at my institution--a visiting faculty fit the job description perfectly on paper but the department was actually looking to replace her. In the meantime, several commenters here were convinced there was an inside candidate. I am not saying it doesn't happen, just that it's not always a given. Good luck!
- Interfolio Deliveries Malfunction. Make sure to double check your interfolio deliveries. I submitted a few applications a couple weeks back and they were marked as submitted. Upon checking this week, I noticed that two deliveries were, in fact, marked as incomplete. It was an easy fix, but I was very glad I double checked.
- Question Re: Campus Interview Schedule. New to the market: I was invited to a campus interview. The travel arrangements made by the institution don't make sense. I am scheduled to arrive Thursday afternoon, go to dinner that evening, and then Friday go through the interviews, job talk, and such. They scheduled by trip back home for that same evening. Should I be worried that this program has an inside candidate? Does not have enough resources? A friend of mine that was hired last year was hosted for more than one day by all the universities where she interviewed...Is this common?
- A1: I don't think you should read much into it. Maybe resources, but that doesn't reflect upon the dept. necessarily. They have to get approval for the costs from someone higher up, like the Dean. Often visits can be 2-3 days in TOTAL because of the cost of flights or the difficulty depts. have in trying to schedule all of the aspects of a visit: the dept. chair interview, dean/provost, students, your talk, teaching etc. Just focus on preparing for each step of your visit the best you can and don't read much into anything else.
- A2: I would not read absolutely anything into it. Having been on boths sides of searches, the schedule does not sound that unusual to me. As A1 said, it's better to focus on what you can control. If in the worst case scenario it is a fake search, though you'd rather spend you time differently, you'll have job interview training, a job talk you can reuse, and conatcts in another Spanish department.
- A3: Often the short visit time has to do with what the administration is willing to pay for. At my institution we had to fight tooth and nail to allow candidates to stay two nights in the local hotel. I think our department ended up paying for the second night. My guess is that it has nothing to do with your status as a candidate. By the way, congratulations on getting a campus visit!
- A4: Do not worry at all. This is increasingly normal. Also, I had a campus interview last year with a one night visit and I got the job.
- A5: Totally agree with A4. I had 3 TT job offers with just one night visit, although I did not accept any of them (this was a couple of years ago). If you have only one day of campus visit I would try to stay around or plan a next visit to that specific location before accepting any offer.
- A6: Think of it this way. The one night means they can feed you better. Personally, I prefer the one night, because that gives me the weekend at home to relax, do my own work and not have the pressure to breakfast with someone or perform anymore.
General Discussion, Questions, and Inquiries[]
List NEW information at top.
- Why aren't people posting on this wiki much anymore? I know that there are VAP and lecturer positions that are in the interview and campus visit stages - why aren't people posting about them? I'm just hoping to encourage people to share. Very best of luck to you all. A1: If I had to hazard a guess, it's a few of things. One is the negative attitude/petty comments by some (I mean, really, people wonder why search committees are going with known quantities, part of the reason is right here - plenty of committees read the wiki, you know), one is time, one is past experience with it being minimally helpful in the larger scheme of things, and one is that there are rarely, if ever, jobs posted here that aren't easily found elsewhere and it's really depressing to read about all the jobs that are not calling you.
- Does anybody know what happened to the position at Baldwin Wallace U.?? They already had someone who does Peninsular literature, so I am not sure why they were looking for someone else. Any news? thoughts?
- No offer package section this year? I found that helpful in previous years to have some idea of how salaries are and what can come with them. x2 - I agree with the original poster - does someone know know to make new section on this page?
- Anyone who has gotten a job, or had even a minimal amount of interviews- secret sauce? How are people getting interviews and jobs? What do you think it is that has helped you make it on to any sort of short list? A1: So, there is a lot I think we need to keep in mind here: CV, institution of graduation, experience, luck... and contacts. My profile is a second year in the market, with a title in a science-focused R1, and currently a VAP in a high-level liberal arts, more than five publications and many international conferences. I have seen a great difference between applying as an ABD (five interviews) an applying as a VAP (eight interviews in way better places, plus offers outside academia), so I think the title has a lot to do. Also, I believe the fact of having a year of full-time teaching experience in a good place does make a difference for them, since they can contact a current supervisor outside of your grad school as a reference. In my case, however, although I had a decent amount of interviews I never made it to any campus visit, and I believe it simply has to do with competition: the market is basically flooded with applicants, and universities can choose among a huge amount of great professionals. Regarding to that, in my opinion the key is the title; at this point, my experience is that only people coming from a small amount of leading departments will get a job... A2: Echoing A1, the CV matters and your affiliation. My first year, I had 4 tt interviews, 2 campus visits, last year 6 tt, 1 campus, this year 9 tt, 4 campus visits. No offers. You should have solid application documents and when you get the interview, practiced responses. Not robotic, but coherent, brief and well articulated responses. If your advisors are not helping you, find someone who will - peers, colleagues, consultants. Each year, the market seems to be more competitive. I've lost out to advanced asst. professors with books, for example, and it's absurd to think as a recent grad you should have to be working on your book. You need a response to those questions, obviously, but absurd to think that from a precarious contingent role with no research support you should be already well on your way. I'm also looking outside of academia and encourage everyone to do the same. Just considering what is out there and understanding there is a future is helpful. For most of us, Trader Joes pays better than a visiting position, just for perspective. A1: Also, something in my case (and I am sure, many others') I need to keep in mind, is the sponsorship factor. Though I am also applying outside of the US, I am aware that here the need of a visa is staring to be a problem for many institutions, so even if they don't ask about your status, I believe the fact of guessing that a candidate may need sponsoship definitely does affect their decissions. A4: I think your field is very important. Today, there are basically no jobs in literature unless you want to teach at an R1, especially Peninsular lit. Almost all jobs today are focused on Latinx/Latin American studies, Spanish for the professions, (Applied) Linguistics, Heritage speakers. Those people are the the ones getting jobs today. If it makes you feel any better I got a TT position after 3 years in the market. I had publications, experience, excellent letters and a lot of support from former professors and supervisors. Unfortunately, because I am not a US citizen working in a high school was not an option as they won't sponsor a green card or H1B. However, I did work with an OPT work permit for one year in a middle school and I got paid (only with an M.A.) almost as much as I am making now in a TT position. While working in a high school is not ideal, I would give it a serious thought. I know it is not easy, but hang in there. A5: My advice is if you really want an academic job, do apply everywhere that fits your profile especially for temporary jobs. As mentioned above, getting your foot in the door through a VAP tends to help a lot—both because it shows you've already been vetted once and for the teaching experience, especially if you didn't do a lot of teaching in grad school. If you're not getting any interviews, find some people who will help and try to figure out what's missing. You should also determine if your profile is geared more towards teaching or research, and tell your story accordingly. Finally in my 4th year applying, I got a TT offer. The first two years as ABD I basically got no interviews. The 3rd time, a combination of improving my profile and demonstrating that I was almost done in fall and actually done in spring when the VAP positions popped up helped me get VAP offers, and then from there a TT. I hope this helps give you some hope. That said, do keep the alt-ac in mind and give yourself a deadline after which you will activate that plan.
- Why some posts require a cover letter and a statement of teaching philosophy for a teaching position? I have used my teaching philosophy as the main source for my cover letter in these cases, but when they ask for both, I freak out! A1: Cover letters and teaching statements are different genres; in a cover letter you are explaining why you are a good fit for the department; in a teaching statement you are explaining your teaching methodology and the way you understand and focus your teaching... I personally use the same cover letter (tailored) for every position, and three different teaching statements depending of the position I am applying to.
- Offer withdrawn: If a university has made an offer, the candidate has accepted it, and the university has announced the new hire, can the university still withdraw the offer? In case they can, what could be the legal ramifications for said university? A1: I heard of a case when someone accepted an offer and then it was withdrawed. There was nothing to do in this case, because the person hadn't signed an actual contract yet. Not sure how it'd work if that's the case.
- Post-Campus Visit Rejections I saw on the wiki that the position I had a campus interview for had been accepted by someone else. I still haven't received an email or phone call rejection from the search committee. Is this bound to come, or do some never notify even their campus visit candidates of their rejections? A1: unfortunately, in my experience, for some, the rejection never comes, even after campus visits. For others, it just takes a very long time. It really just depends on the institution, the search committee and often, many unknown factors. It's frustrating. I've had the experience of a rejection post campus visit within days, and I've also had HR tell me I'd be called by the search committee chair no matter what (either way), only to never hear a peep. I think to some degree, search committees can do what they want, since no one is holding them accountable to post-interview etiquette.
- I found an opening post of VAP at U of Rochester on The Chronicle but when I tried to apply there was no link to the application. On the top of the webpage one can read: "Some positions are hidden because they are intended for internal candidates only." Is this to assume that the VAP position is one of those hidden positions? What is the sense of advertizing a position intenteded for internal candidates? Is this normal in private institutions? A1: I got exactly the same question, plus the position published in Chronicle today from Tufts, which is short, does not provide any information, and it's not listed in their website... Any idea? Thanks! A2: I think on the Chronicle it said the job will open on March 1. I tried to find it and couldn't... A1: You're right, it says so in the Rochester one! Thank you about that. I still don't see anything on Tufts, I'll wait for a bit and then maybe e-mail them... A3: Rochester's opening can be found in Interfolio.A1: Thank you!
- Negotiations: Has anyone (particularly in teaching-focused schools) ever had success negotiating earlier start dates? One of the schools I am considering would have me redoing their language curriculum and I am wondering how to negotiate for (paid!) time to do so. I'm new(er) in the field and have some fully designed courses but assuming they want me to start on the same 9-month contract that is standard it leaves mere days for course planning. Any thoughts? Experiences? Thanks! A: No experience or certainty on this. But, where I am now, there is a center that offers mini grants to groups re-working curriculum. If they can't do anything about your start date (and my guess is they won't because those are often stipulated by greater university policy due to fiscal year things), you could at least try to ask about a curriculum supplement. It's not time, but it's money.
- Knowing who is on the search committee: I thought that applicants selected for an interview were supposed to be informed about who is on the search committee. Twice this year I've inquired (very politely) before the interview, but the question was ignored. Has this happened to anyone else? A: What I've done in the past is write the person who contacted me initially to set up the interview (sometimes the faculty Search Chair, sometimes an admin assistant) and ask if they could tell me who'd be participating in my interview. I've gotten responses without a problem. If you randomly contact, say, the department chair, I could see how you might be less likely to get a repsonse. Original Poster: I did exactly as you did, in both cases the inquiry was part of my correspondence with the Chair after the day/time was set up. If anything, I guess it's just a sign the committee isn't well-organized. A2: I would say notifying the candidate of who's on the committee is very much standard practice and expected, and find it extremely odd that they wouldn't tell you.
- Is it safe to assume that one won't receive a campus invite if people have posted on the Wiki? Not at all. If you were granted an initial Skype/Phone interview and they haven't invited you to campus yet, they may be waiting to see what happens. Also, sometimes universities don't invite all candidates on the short list immediately. You may get an invite some time later as they move through their list. Sometimes candidates look excellent on paper and do well in their first interview, but then they perform poorly at the on-campus interview. This happened at my university. We had invited the first candidate come for a visit (who was the top candidate) and it just went so badly. Obviously that candidate didn't get the position so these things can happen. We actually had to invite an additional candidate on short notice for a campus interview to even out the loss of the top candidate on the list we had. I know it sucks, but just be patient. Try to not get your hopes up either. It's a grueling process so keep your head up! A2: I will echo the first response in encouraging you to keep your spirits up and take care of yourself. This process is awful to go through once, let alone, repeatedly. I would say, though, not to have much hope if there is news here. Things do happen, like A1 describes, or what is here is not accurate, but I think more often, if you have not been invited, you probably will not. That has been my experience over the last few years. I also have found it's easier for me to accept that I haven't been chosen than to hold on to hope and never get the invite.
- Time between MLA interview and notification of campus visit? Is there an average waiting period, any advice on what to expect? A: It just depends on their timeline. I was recently told I would hear back at the end of January, while some committees are in a hurry and decide within a week or two. You may have luck just asking the Wiki if anyone interviewing for the same job asked about the timeline. In my case, I forgot to ask, but the committee volunteered the info.
- Best time for interviews? Something I am wondering... When do you think it's the best time to make the interview, if you can get the slot? I've done interviews in the last slots (afternoons), when the committee may remember you well but at the same time are tired of candidates, or first thing in the morning, when they can't compare with other candidates yet but they may forget their impressions of you... Any thought? I'd appreciate them.
- No news at all? Potentially stupid question: for at least four jobs I've applied to, I haven't gotten any word at all (e.g., no message about receiving materials, no rejection, no interview), yet I see from the Wiki that other people are getting interviews and campus visits. Is it common to not even get a rejection email? A1: Unfortunately, it is far too common that the schools completely ignore people. When I see that some got rejections and some get interviews and I haven't heard anything, I like to think that I'm on a backup list, but you never really know. Still I wish there would be more communication, even rejections. Last year I only heard from about 25% of the schools I applied to. A2: The best is when the rejections roll in a full year later.
- "List of references" vs letters of recommendation. Don't make the same mistake I did. I received an email from a committee saying they could not consider my application until they receive letters of support. As per the application instructions, I had submitted a "list of references" (with interfolio links), assuming that the committee sends the requests to Interfolio based on that list. It turns out, don't assume this. I re-checked and there is a "special instructions" box at the bottom of the application saying to have the recommendations sent. It's pretty confusing that they ask for the list of references, but apparently don't actually use it.
- Keeping Track of the Job List on this Page. Can anyone share their method to keeping track of the Job List on this page? How do you find new positions as they are being posted without having to go one by one? What I do is I have my own list (that I have previously copied and pasted from this page) and every time I check for new positions I go one by one and add the new postings to my list and highlight the old ones. However, as you can imagine, this is really painful because, you have to go through more than a hundred of these every time. Since there is no way to sort the positions by, let's say, posting date, I can't think of a better way to actually keep track of new postings. Any thoughts? A1: I just use HigherEdJobs, Chronicle Vitae, and the MLA list. Have you ever found a job on the wiki here that wasn't on any of those sites? They're much easier to use for keeping track of new jobs.
- MLA Interviews and Spending Unnecesary Money. I was wondering: How appropriate it is to tell a College that you will not be going to MLA? I have a friend who spent around a thousand dollars to go for just ONE interview that it didn't even result on a campus visit. On the other hand, I have another friend who was going for just one interview as well last year and, due to a snow storm, his flight was canceled. Since the college was a couple of hours drive away from him, he called them and told them about the situation and asked if he could go to campus and have the interview there. So, I guess my question is: This process of job hunting and the market is a huge business for a lot of the parties involved (MLA, Interfolio, etc.) and it is, in many ocassions, a waste of money for us--the ones looking for jobs, who are either adjucnts with a crappy salary, ABDs, or recently graduates: Is it detrimental to your application to tell a College that you will not be attending MLA (just because you don't want to)? Do they dismiss you as a candidate right away if you do? I read somewhere about one person for whom the College aranged a Skype interview when she/he said they could not attend MLA: Is this a standard procedure? If you are not going: Do you ask for it or do you wait until they offer the Skype interview option? How would you approach this in the invitation for interview at MLA? Thanks guys! Good luck to everybody. A1: I personally would not change my winter break to attend the MLA (especially because my plans, as a lot of people's here, entail traveling abroad and seeing family and friends); however, in my experiece, you can find both extremes of the scope here: departments that will accommodate you and interview you on Skype, either from the covention or soon afterwards; and departments that will discard you, no questions asked, just because you did not comply to their request. I would say it is up to the kind of Search Committee Chair you got. All about timing/luck as usual. --A2: A colleague of mine was offered an MLA interview last year and when he/she inquired about the possibility of a Skype interview instead, they basically replied with a thanks, but no thanks, and didn't even follow up about the original offer of an MLA interview. So, for some schools it can definitely backfire to make this request. Unfortunately I don't know exactly which school/department it was. A3: Difficult to answer, because only your know your finances and the interest in a particular position. From my personal experience, I missed 3 opportunities just saying I could not travel. Once I spent 2000 dollars (that I had t borrow from the bank) to be interviewed and when I arrived there, one of the guys who was interviewing me was just answering his email). So, is it worth it? If you do not have the money I would say just do not go. If they are interested they will give you alternatives (although in some cases will be just to "save face"). I hope it helps. A4: Agree with my fellow responders in many ways. One thing to keep in mind definitely is the committee - the MLA was the way to go through this process until only the last few years. My own advisor, who is relatively young, still believes in going to the MLA. Generational differences in the process, I think, but that is still an unavoidable part of the interview. Also think, if a school has gotten the funding to go to NY (or anywhere the MLA is being held), they will likely feel upset if most candidates don't show. It's a very tough situation. If you have more than 1 interview offer, you should probably go. If you know you shine in person rather than skype, go. A5: I would say it depends quite a bit on where you hope your career goes. On the one hand, I completely understand the financial cost of the MLA and the reality that it is no joy to spend the beginning of a new year there. On the other hand, I can't emphasize enough the value of showing up at the MLA to network, depending on your field. I went to the MLA more than once for interviews. Did I get my dream job as an ABD? No. Was it cheap? No. I had to pinch pennies every month and skip vacations to afford it. I threw up in a bathroom from the stress one year. Still, I made myself go to the panels in my area, meet senior scholars and introduce myself to book editors. I now have an R1 job and a book contract. That wouldn't have happened with skype. A6: Besides the MLA interviews, which in my opinion are actually pretty unfair, I think being there, physically, is essential. I have found myself twice in the situation of being called for a face-to-face interview when I couldn't make it (once for a schedule conflict, and oce for being a position abroad). In both cases I was compiting with candidates who were going to be in person in the interview, and in both cases a short class sample was expected. For people being physically there, they didn't have the possibility of a technical problem (you all know Skype is not perfect), they were meeting the committee and, like it happens in MLA interviews, I dare to say they had more time to be interviewed than a person on a screen. No need to say I was out of both processes after the first round, and I do believe the Skype interview had a lot to do... Maybe the MLA is worthy. A7: It is completely unethical for a search committee to deny you the possibility of a Skype interview, or to place you at a disadvantage for doing Skype rather than the MLA. (I am a faculty member at an R1 university, and we would never hold this against a candidate.) Even the MLA itself is beginning to recognize the onerous costs of attending and recommending that search committees give candidates the option of a Skype interview, and this year not that many schools are even doing MLA interviews. That said, as others have already commented, there are a lot of other professional benefits to going to the MLA, and personally I have always felt more comfortable with in-person interviews - both as an interviewer and interviewee. A8: I was surprised to find that there is no reduced registration rate for non-TT faculty. It should be sliding scale like the membership to ease the burden for the precariously employed. A to A8: You do not need to register to be interviewed. I hope it helps. A8: thanks!
- Positions deleted from the list below? I posted two positions below: one at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay and one at Ball State University (IN). Did anyone delete them?
- Not entirely sure these positions actually made it to the list before, but they are now posted below [12/9].
- Question from a newbie: Has anyone applied to the North Carolina Central position? (Assistant Professor of Spanish) I do not see it listed on the job posting below... Does it mean something?
- A: I think it means nobody cut and paste it here. Wikis are written by anybody who want to participate.
- A: I did apply, but I haven't heard anything back.
- A2: Don't expect any answer if you are not in their favorite candidates pool. They never get back to the "dismissed" ones. Sad that this is such a frequent practice, but there is nothing left than dealing with it.
- A question especially for those with more experience on the recent job market: Do you think that is easier to get an interview/campus visit while being: ABD, Assist Prof or Advanced Assist Prof? I am an early Associate Prof, and I have students for the very first time on the job market...Thanks for sharing your experience and good luck to you all. This job market is not as good as it used to be...15 years ago.
- A1: It's great you are trying to support your students by learning what the market is like today. I wish more advisors did that. This is my third round and I had more campus visits, not as an ABD, but I had just finished in December, than last year. I think it really depends on your candidate's qualifications (some ABD's last year I know of got hired at great places - but they had 2-3 articles) and the unknowns from within the search - like visa support, diversity hires, service needs, etc. If you have time, you could read through some ads with your candidate. A2: I had the most luck getting interviews by far as a VAP with PhD in hand. A3: I also think VAPs tend to appear more attractive on the market, provided they stay research active. And postdocs seem to have a lot of success landing research intensive jobs. Sometimes ABDs beat out VAPs if they can give the impression that they are truly almost done and have a lot of potential, and that they are a better "fit."A4. I think there is no set answer. It depends on the school. From what I have seen, Ivies seem to still love ABDs who have published something, but a lot of other R1s, R2s and SLACs seem to prefer VAPs or even Assistants looking to relocate. I imagine it has to do with whether they have the infrastructure to want to "mold" someone or whether they need someone with enough experience to hit the ground running.
- Any insight on the Olé Miss Dept of Modern Languages? I have heard that they have lost several faculty lately, and I was wondering why... Just general info, please, no need to enter into details... Thanks.
- My understanding is that the issue with the University of Mississippi is that it happens to be located in the state of Mississippi. This is also the problem with the University of Alabama, the University of Arkansas, etc.
- Application through Interview Exchange. University of Massachusetts Amherst asks for the application to be submitted through Interview Exchange. Does anyone know what this is? I am assuming it is a service like Interfolio but its website asks you to request a "demo" of what I can only assume is the software. Has anyone used this before? How much does it cost? Is it really worth spending money on this? I haven't seen many applications asking to use this service. Thank you.
- A1: I applied for a job through interview exchange. All I did was create an account and submit my materials. I was never asked to pay for anything.
- A2: It's the application portal they use. You'll need to go to their website and navigate for employment or HR to get to the job listings. Then, it's like all other application portals - create a user, upload docs, etc.
- Thank you A1 and A2. I appreciate your help!
- Deleted Posts. Every year we have the same issue: Some members delete posts from other members. I have no idea why some people do this (especially when the original post doesn't break any professional rules or ethics), but please STOP. This wiki is an invaluable source of information for many of us and we would like to have all the information that is available out there and ALL the opinions of our colleagues, not just those that fit YOUR understanding of the job market. Thank you.
- 95% of the time, when deletions happen, they are accidental: the editors aren't paying attention and don't notice that they're wiping out info. in other parts of the page. One thing that helps to limit accidental deletions: try to edit specific sections ("Skype Interviews," etc.) rather than the whole page when you want to add something. And pay attention when you're editing (use "Preview" before "Publish" to make sure your edit looks right). And if you notice deletions, revert ("undo") them ASAP if possible. Information can always be recovered from the page history, so notify an admin. if you can't revert the problem. Hope this helps.--Una74 (talk) 20:18, November 11, 2017 (UTC). Original Poster: Thank you for your answer, Una74. I praise what you do for all of us. However, I was talking about some other users who year after year delete those posts with which they don't agree.
- Emailed LOR's. A few posts seem to require letters be emailed directly by the recommendors (i.e. not on Interfolio). Any insight into a) why the committee would require this or b) if they'll actually care? It seems unecessary to inundate my recommendors' inboxes.
- Sending a packet yourself via Interfolio is usually fine. Check in advance with the search contact in case of doubt, but I've always found that they happily accept the letters that way. And of course use the interfolio-generated email address for your letters when applying via an institution's particular online system.
- U of Jamestown. Has anyone seen the post in University of Jamestown (ND)? It literally says: "The University of Jamestown is seeking an energetic language teacher for the position of Assistant Professor of Foreign Language with ability to teach Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese."; I just can't believe it, do you people think this is a typo or a mistake? I am afraid even of asking them, because I can't believe they are looking for an instructor in the four languages...
- I can't believe they're asking someone to live in Jamestown, North Dakota. Vuelvo a mi país a andar de ambulante o poner mi puesto de salchipapa antes de ir a vivir allá. #ladignidadantetodo
- Jaja. Lastimosamente la mayoría de los puestos están en pueblos donde no hay nada.
- oh my god
- Mua ha ha, me cautiva su inocencia 3>
- ¿La mía, o la de ellos? Just to you all know, I e-mail them and yep, it wasn't a typo, it was the actual requirement.3>
- I know nothing about that U or town, and it sounds like a pretty rough gig... but I would encorage people not to dismiss "flyover country" out of hand. I'm from a city and have been very happy living in rural America. Not all small towns are the same, and if you like the outdoors and have a family it can be great (not to mention cheaper). If you do get an interwiew in a place like that, don't let your disdain show unless you have no interest in the job!
- WIKI Job List. I wish the Job Postings section of this wiki were in chronological order of date posted (or even by application due date) rather than alphabetical order. Doing so would eliminate the need to look at each posting every time I want to find the new postings. What say ye?
- Thanks for the suggestion. I'm sorry, I can't actually rearrange the "Jobs" at this point (with 100+ jobs listed). However, I would recommend using the RSS feed to track updates (not only for that section but also for "Interviews" etc.). If you subscribe to the RSS feed, you'll be able to track easily whatever updates are added. Subscribe at this link: . A good reader to use to track the feed would be (other options here: ). Using an RSS reader can really enhance your use of this site. Hope this helps! --Una74 (talk) 04:08, October 17, 2017 (UTC)
- A: You are clearly the dreaded reviewer #2. I'm exceedingly grateful to the people that provide the majority of contributions to this site and it seems a bit much to ask someone who's already working for free to bend to your whims and do a full site revamp because you feel inconvenienced. What say ye?
- I just would like to say thanks for those who work and make this page possible, y'all are good people.
- Wow. A simple suggestion followed by a logical rationale interpreted as an egregious offense. I don't sense ingratitude in the suggestion and it definately doesn't call for a mocking tone. Let's keep things civil; everyone is under a lot of stress these days.
- This is exactly what's wrong with the "Academe" these days.
- I see two sides to this interaction. The person above seems to be asking the site admins to change the site to serve her/his desires. Maybe not, but perhaps yes. The reason for this is because of her/his distaste for the "need look at each find the new postings." Is it a self-serving, entitled thing to ask that signals laziness or neediness? Yes. Was the responder who called her/him "the dreaded reviewer #2" a jerk. Yes. Here's the takeaway for all of you: I can say with great certainty that my colleagues and I would not hire either of these people if they betrayed such behaviors in interviews or as visiting faculty.
- Portuguese Jobs. The Portuguese job situation always seems that it can't get any worse... until it does! As of 10/3, only 2 jobs specifically looking for Brazilianists/Portuguese specialists, both at Ivy league schools, and one that's open rank. Ninguém merece.
- A: I feel you. Colonial went from consistently having 10+ jobs/yr to five two years ago, two last year, and now none this year. The few "Transatlantic Early Modern" offerings just mean that they want someone to teach everything pre-1800 so they don't have to hire anyone else OR they don't know what they want. Great year to be a linguist or U.S. Latinx Studies scholar.
- A2: ...and there is also only one job so far in Contemporary Peninsular...
- A3: Translators should be ecstatic this year though!
- A4: I am not sure why universities keep giving PhD degrees in Spanish literature. There are basically no jobs in literature anymore, everything is in applied linguistics now.
- A5: You have tapped into a deeper issue. There are too many Universities providing PhD's at a time when both the economy and the humanities as a field are in crisis (this issues are interrelated as well, of course!). Some of us already "wasted" our time and got a degree that will not necessarily lead to a job and are bouncing around year after year in search of the white elephant. The problem is for the future: those who are currently in graduate education and those who will start it in the future.
- A6: Perhaps this is an ignorant question, since I studied literature, but I'm not sure why colleges and universities are asking for degrees in linguistics. Language acquisition I understand, but wouldn't a degree in linguistics prepare you to teach course in linguistics, which not many institutions do? Anyway, at the risk of stating the obvious, job candidates need to apply to all the generalist jobs as well as the few positions in their field. Good luck to all!
- A7: (responding principally to A5) Whether or not this is purposeful (nefarious) on the universities' part, it benefits the universities to keep enrolling PhD students. They get cheap labor during the PhD and a surplus of future workers. The universities can skim the supposed "cream of the crop" for the few positions available, and they can assume that the rest of us will be willing to take less-desirable lecturer, VAP, adjunct positions, despite being "over-qualified," given the state of the market.
- A8: I agree with you. The staggering amount of graduate labor force is cheap labor, and then, as you point out, an excess of desperate workers. If over 500 people go to the job market on any given year and there are but less than a few hundred jobs advertised, the math is pretty obvious. I am not sure if the good or bad faith of the Univerisites makes any difference to this outcome at this point. But I am sure this dynamic will continue to reproduce. Also, the cream of the crop you mention, is not "really" the cream but the result of snobbism on the part of committies and an endogamic inter-selection between a few Universities, regardless of merit or qualification.
- A9: The grad students are less cheap labor than you'd imagine (first year fellowships, one class a semester, helath insurance, and so on, which are perks not necewssarily guaranteed to the adjuncts who would teach the courses otherwise). Though I think there is something to that, there is also a certainb inertia: without grad students professors could not teach graduate courses.
- A10: Regarding the above remarks on linguistics and US Latinx: I think what we are seeing playing out this year is the result of a decade of falling enrollments in foreign-language literatures. Students and universities have been STEM-obsessed since the Great Recession began and there's no sign of abatement. At my graduate institution, the number of Spanish majors has fallen below the levels you'd find at much smaller liberal arts colleges. Faculty sizes are being pruned by decanal decisions to shift resources to other areas. Peninsular took the brunt of the cuts from 2007-2015 or so, and now the Latin Americanist jobs are disappearing. Tenure lines can sometimes be preserved as Latinx studies in the name of diversity, even though these positions are being duplicated in English departments (where they belong, in my opinion, along with Asian-American and African-American literature). Eventually those will be gone, too. The current generation of tenured faculty in our field has simply failed to make the case for its relevance.
- A11: I believe that we all should consider revamping our academic/career goals. The reality is that the job market is not going to get any better and the universities know we are desperate enough to accept any crapy VAP, lecturer, or adjunct position that will condemn us to be eternal Language Instructors. So... I chose not to choose academia. I chose something else. And the reasons? There are no reasons. Who needs reasons when you've been an overqualified VAP for 2 years and you're done teachin' a 4/4 load!
- A12: I share A11 opinion. Even in many TT positions you will be teaching 4-4 or even 5-5 (with four or five preparations), thousands of commitees, no support whatsoever for research, etc., etc., and for 50000 USD before taxes. Is it worth it? Not for me. If you get to the campus visit stage do not forget to ask about the teaching load: they can tell you 3-3, etc., but ask exactly how many units. A lot of places say 12 units per semester with 3 preparations..., which in reality means 4-4. Other places promise teaching release if you do x or y. Reality? These teaching release promises go to tenured profs who do not want to work anymore and who have more access to deans and other administrators, etc. Have your eyes and ears very open before accepting any position. It is just a suggestion, take or leave it.
- Native vs. Near-Native Fluency.. So... when an app asks for native fluency... is that an automatic disqualifier for those in "near-native" fluency? Is it even worth my time to apply?
- A1: I would assume it's just bad wording for near-native; certainly apply. A2: If A1 is correct, which I do not doubt at all, personally I think it is better to invest your time in a place where are able to put attention on an ad that goes over there. It is a red flag... I worked in the past in a place where things were done this way and you do not want to work there. There are many good places out there.
- Miami University. "Miami University will not sponsor for H1B work authorization for the 2017-18 year." WTF?!! A1: Thank the executive order that eliminated the prime that made the H1B processing more expeditious for employers nationwide. They will employ you under J1 though. O.P. They might, but it's very hard to go from J1 to H1B. Personally, I believe it's form of discrimination. Some universities are just using the new H1B processign times as an excuse to not hire "foreign aliens". This basically makes international applicants not eligible at all to apply for jobs here. A2: Not discrimination. But it sucks. Howver, consider the position of the hiring institution. Without the rush processing that was once available, there is really no assurance, based on search schedules (that usually end in February/March), that a visa will be approved in time for the start of the fall semester. Institutions were all reliant on the rush processing. What would you have them do? A3: I work at Miami. They need to fill that position for spring, not for next year. A4. They have started doing this before the processing times were changed. A5 to A4: You mean they as in the U of Miami, or universities in general? If this is happening in general, then prospective international phd students should be made aware of this. A4 to A5: Universities in general. I saw similar posts last year even before the new administration. Also, more and more you see the "Will you now or in the future require visa sponsorship from XYZ university?" in the online application. Search committees are also asking that question these days during the interviews, and in most case you will not hear back from them if the answer is "yes". A 6: It happens almost everywhere. It is legal. You must be honest in your response, otherwise you could face loose your job/job offer... Yes, it is very difficult for international candidates, but this is not new. It happened to me many years ago also.
- MLA Job List. Wasn't the MLA Job List supposed to be released yesterday (Sept 11)? The jobs that are posted now have been there for a while.
- List below was just updated with 9/11 MLA JIL jobs ... there were ~half dozen new jobs in the MLA List. Expect more to be added on Fri and through Sept.... If you don't see a position here, please feel free to add it. (9/12)
- Thanks! I'm just surprised to only see 50 openings this year. So depressing already. LOL?
Applicant Status/Rank: I am a/an...[]
- ABD (will finish this academic year): 16
- ABD and currently in a one-year, VAP, PhD Completion Fellowship, visiting instructor, lecturer or adjunct position: 9
- Ph.D. in hand (one-year, VAP, Lecturer, post-doc, instructor, adjunct): 10
- Ph.D. in hand (unable to find academic employment at the moment): 2
- Ph.D. in hand (currently working outside of academia): 2
- Assistant Professor: 10
- Associate Professor: 2
- Full Professor:
- Committee member: 1
Field of Interest: Preferably, looking for a job in this area... (choose one)[]
- Literature Job-Seeker: 18
- Linguistics Job-Seeker: 12
- Cultural Studies Job-Seeker: 5
How many applications do you plan on sending this year?[]
- Between 1 and 10: 10
- Between 10 and 20: 9
- Between 20 and 30: 6
- Between 30 and 40: 3
- Over 40: 4
- Over 60: 4
Job Postings[]
- American University (DC). TT Asst. Professor. Latin American and/or Latinx Studies. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Interfolio. Also posted at Other Ethnic American 2018 and Ethnic Studies 2017-2018.
- Amherst College (MA). Open Rank - U.S. Latinx Literature and Culture. Deadline: 1 Oct. 2017. Interfolio. Also posted at Other Ethnic American 2018.
- Amherst College (MA). Lecturer in Spanish (3 yr. renewable). Deadline: 15 Jan. 2018. Interfolio.
- Ball State University (IN). Assistant Teaching Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 12/31/2017. LINK.
- Baldwin Wallace University (OH). TT Assistant/Associate Professor of Spanish (pref. Peninsular Literature and Culture). Deadline: 6 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Bard Early College New Orleans. Full-time, non-tenure track faculty position in Language Studies. Candidates with expertise in all areas of language studies French, Spanish, Japanese, and/or Portuguese, with the additional experience in literature, language, and area studies.
- Barnard College (NY). Lecturer/Associate in Language (Spanish). Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. HR LINK.
- Baylor University (TX). Regular Lecturer in Spanish. Deadline: 15 Oct. 2017. Interfolio.
- Borough of Manhattan Community College, CUNY (NY). Instructor/Assistant, Associate, or Full Professor of Spanish (starting Spring 2018). Deadline: 23 Oct. 2017.
- Brown University (RI). POST DOC. Latin American history/ Literature
- Brown University (RI). TT Assistant Professor nineteenth-to early twentieth-century century Spanish literature and culture. Deadline: 5 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Brown University (RI). Assistant, Associate or Full Professor of Portuguese and Brazilian Studies (20-21 c.). Deadline: review begins 30 Sept. 2017. Interfolio.
- California State University, Bakersfield (CA) - TT Asst. Professor - Latin American Lit., Latino Studies. Deadline 1 Jan. 2018. HR Link
- California State Polytechnic University, Pomona (CA) - TT Asst. Professor - Hemispheric American Lit. (pref. 20th/21st C.), incl. Chicano/a or Latino/a Lit. Deadline: 20 Oct. 2017. INDEED.COM. Also posted at Other Ethnic American 2018 and Comparative 2018.
- California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo (CA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- California State University, Fresno (CA). TT Asst. Professor of Hispanic Poetry. Deadline: 13 Nov. 2017.
- California State University, Fresno (CA). TT Assistant (or Assoc.) Professor of Portuguese. Deadline: 13 Nov. 2017.
- California State University, Sacramento (CA). TT Assistant Professor - Translation Studies (Spanish-English) with secondary spec. in Mexican Literature and Cultural Studies. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Inside Higher Ed.
- Clark Atlanta University (GA). Tenure Track Assistant Professor-Spanish. Deadline: open until filled. Moved from Spanish and Portuguese 2018-2019:(I emailed the listed email address asking what are the required documents and when would the start date be, info not included in the job add. They responded that this is a job to begin Fall 2018... maybe this should be included on the wiki for last year, maybe it already is... The necessary documents are only a CV and a completed application, per their email response. Good luck!)
- Coastal Carolina University (SC). Lecturer of Spanish (2 Positions?). Deadline: Open Until Filled. Interfolio #1; Interfolio #2.
- Coe College (IA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (Latin American Studies). Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- College of Charleston (SC). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish, Latin Americanist with spec. in Central America or the Caribbean, contemporary pref. Deadline: 8 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- College of Charleston (SC). Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 1 March 2018. Interfolio.
- College of New Jersey (NJ). TT Asst. Professor in Spanish (Latin American Lit./Culture). Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Inside Higher Ed.
- College of William and Mary (VA). TT Assistant Professor level in Latin American Cultural Studies with expertise in Indigenous Cultures. Deadline: 3 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- College of William and Mary (VA). TT Assistant Professor in Hispanic Studies and Linguistics. Deadline: 3 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Colorado College (CO). Visiting Assistant Professor (2 positions)
- Colorado State University, Fort Collins (CO) Non TT Special Assistant Professor in Spanish Linguistics/SLA. Deadline: April 23, 2018
- Columbia University (NY). TT Assistant Professor in Latin American Cultural Studies. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Columbia University (NY). Lecturer in Discipline (Spanish). Deadline: 16 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Cornell University (NY). Lecturer or Senior Lecturer - Spanish Language. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Academic Jobs Online.
- Dartmouth College (NH). TT Asst. Professor - Latin American Studies, spec. 19th and early 20th c. Mexico and/or 19th and early 20th c. Hispanic Caribbean. Deadline: 13 Nov. 2017. Chronicle.
- Denison University (OH). Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish - Latin American Literature. Deadline: 1 March 2018. Interfolio.
- Denison University (OH). Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish - Spanish Language and Pedagogy. Deadline: 1 March 2018. Interfolio.
- Dominican University (IL). Full-time Lecturer, Spanish to begin January 2018. Deadline: not stated. Interfolio.
- Durham University (UK). Assistant Professor in Hispanic Studies. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Durham University (UK). Professor in Hispanic Studies (Grade 10). Deadline: 14 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- Earlham College (IN). TT Asst. Professor - Latin Americanist. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- Earlham College (IN). Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish and Hispanic Studies. Deadline: open until filled. Interfolio.
- Eastern Kentucky University (KY). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish - Generalist. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. LINK.
- Emory University (GA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (Specialization open, but preferred Latin America, Latino/a/x US culture, or border studies). Deadline: 6 Oct. 2017. Interfolio.
- Fairfield College (CT). TT Asst. Professor - Spanish/English Translation and Interpretation. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Chronicle.
- Farmingdale State College (NY). TT Asst. Professor - Spanish. Deadline: 2 Dec. 2017. Chronicle.
- Ferrum College (VA). Assistant Professor of Spanish & Coordinator of the Spanish Program. Deadline: open until filled. Interfolio.
- Florida Atlantic University (FL). Instructor of French and Spanish (renewable). Deadline: not stated (posted in MLA JIL 9/27/17). Interfolio. Also posted at French and Francophone Studies 2017-2018.
- Fort Hays University (KS). Non-TT Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: not stated. Interfolio.
- Francis Marion University (SC). TT Assistant Professor of French/Spanish. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Interfolio. Also posted at French and Francophone Studies 2017-2018.
- Fresno Pacific University (CA). Asst. Professor of Spanish (Generalist). Deadline: not stated. Interfolio.
- Furman University (SC). Open Rank TT Professor of Spanish (Medieval/Early Modern Spain). Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Furman University (SC). Open Rank TT Professor of Spanish ( Latin American Literature, Latin American Film Studies, or Latin American Cultural Studies). Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- George Washington University (DC). Teaching Instructor of Spanish. Deadline: 3 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Georgetown University (DC). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Georgia College (GA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (trans-Atlantic Golden Age scholar). Deadline: open until filled (posted 09/01/17).
- Gettysburg College (PA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish - Central American Literature. Deadline: 3 Nov. 2017.
- Gettysburg College (PA). Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics (1 year). Deadline: 19 March 2018. Chronicle
- Grand Valley State University (MI). Asst. Professor - Spanish (spec. Second Language Acquisition). Deadline: 13 Nov. 2017. Inside Higher Ed.
- Grinnell College (IA). Asst. Professor of Spanish (1 yr. appt.). Deadline: February 23, 2018. Interfolio.
- Hamilton College (NY). Visiting Instructor or Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies (open field). Deadline: 1 March 2018. Interfolio
- Hamilton College (NY). Visiting Instructor or Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies (pre-1800 literature and culture of Spain and/or Latin America). Deadline: 1 March 2018. Interfolio.
- Hampden-Sydney College (VA). TT Assistant Professor in Spanish-Pre-1700 Peninsular Literature. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Interfolio
- Hanover College (IN). TT Open Rank Professor of Spanish - Peninsular culture and literature. Deadline: Open until filled. Interfolio.
- Hartwick College (NY). TT Asst. Professor - Spanish Translation. Deadline: Open until filled (posted 10/5/17).
- Idaho State University (ID). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (Open). Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017.
- Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IN). TT Assistant or Associate Professor of Spanish and Translation Studies. Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IN). TT Assistant or Associate Professor of Spanish Applied Linguistics. Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- John Jay College of Criminal Justice, CUNY (NY). Associate Professor or Professor of Spanish and Department Chair. Deadline: not stated. Interfolio.
- Kennesaw State University (GA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 17 Sept. 2017. Chronicle; HR LINK
- Kennesaw State University (GA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 1 Jan. 2018. Chronicle; HR LINK.
- Lawrence University (WI). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish (Linguistics). Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Loras College (IA). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish - Generalist. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- Louisiana State University (LA). Instructor – Spanish. Deadline: Not stated. LINK.
- Marywood University (PA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (Latino Studies). Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- Maynooth University (IRELAND). Lecturer in Spanish Languages Studies (Permanent). Deadline: not stated. LINK.
- Michigan State (MI). TT Assistant Professor - Spanish Phonology. Deadline: 1 Dec 2017 HR LINK
- Middlebury College (VT). TT Asst. Professor - Caribbean, Central American, and/or Mexican Studies. Deadline: 12 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Milwaukee School of Engineering (WI). Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: not stated. Chronicle (posted 9/28/17).
- Mississippi State University (MS). TT Asst. Professor, Spanish Language. Deadline: review begins Oct. 2017. Chronicle.
- Minnesota State University Moorhead (MN). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017.
- Missouri University of Science and Technology (MO). TT Assistant Professor-Spanish (Latin American focused). Deadline: 27 Oct. 2017.
- New Mexico State University (NM). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish Linguistics. Deadline: 31 Oct. 2017. INDEED.COM.
- Niagara University (NY). Visiting Assistant Professor of Spanish (20th c. Latin Am. Lit.). Deadline: 2 March 2018. Interfolio.
- North Carolina Central (NC). Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: Open until filled.[1]
- North Park University (IL). [SUSPENDED] TT Assistant Professor of Spanish & Latino Studies. Deadline: 10 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- Northeastern University (MA). Teaching Professor/Academic Specialist in Spanish, World Languages Center. Deadline: 11 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- Northern Illinois University (IL). TT Asst. Professor - Spanish Generalist with expertise in Translation. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. INDEED.COM.
- Northwestern University (IL). Assistant Professor of Instruction in Spanish (Non-TT). Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Oberlin College (OH). Visiting Assistant Professor of Hispanic Studies. Deadline: not stated. Interfolio.
- Oberlin College (OH). Faculty in Residence & Lecturer in Spanish. Deadline: not stated. Interfolio.
- Oklahoma State University (OK). TT Asst. Professor - Colonial or 19th century Latin America. Deadline: 24 Nov. 2017. Interfolio
- Otterbein University (OH). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 10 Nov. 2017. Inside Higher Ed.
- Penn State Fayette (PA). Lecturer/Assistant Teaching Professor in Spanish (2 yr. - renewable). Deadline: 8 Nov. 2017.
- Penn State University (PA). Visiting Assistant Professorship in Spanish and Poetry Composition (non tenure-track), to begin in Spring 2018. Deadline: open until filled. INDEED.COM.
- Pennsylvania State University (PA). Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture (possible endowed Chair). Deadline: Open until filled (posted 7/6/17).
- Point Loma Nazarene University (CA). TT Spanish Position. Deadline: not stated. Interfolio.
- Princeton University (PA). TT Asst. Professor - Modern Peninsular Studies (18th-century to 21st-century). Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Chronicle.
- Queensborough Community College, CUNY (NY). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 24 Oct. 2017. Chronicle.
- Randolph College (VA). TT Assistant Professor in Spanish Language and Latin American Literature and Culture. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- Reed College (OR). TT Asst. Professor-Latin American and/or Peninsular Film. Deadline: 17 Nov. 2017. Interfolio
- Rice University (TX). TT Asst. Professor - Mexican literature and culture, with a focus on the 20th/21st c. Deadline: 30 Nov. 2017.
- Roanoke College (VA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (Linguistics - Phonology - component). Deadline: early Dec.. Interfolio.
- Rowan University (NJ). TT Asst. Professor - French and Spanish. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. LINK. Also posted at French and Francophone Studies 2017-2018.
- Saint Mary's College (IN). Visiting Assistant Professor in Spanish (non tenure-track). Open until filled. LINK.
- Sam Houston State University (TX). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish (K-12 Language Pedagogy and Methodology). Deadline: 9 Feb. 2018. LINK.
- San Jose/Evergreen Community College District (CA) - Instructor of Spanish and Translation & Interpreting. First Review Date: 04 Feb. 2018. higheredjobs.
- San José State University (CA). TT Asst. Professor, Spanish Linguistics/Second Language Acquisition. Deadline: 6 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Santa Clara University (CA). TT Asst. Professor - Latin American literary and cultural studies. Deadline: 13 Oct. 2017. Chronicle.
- Schreiner University (TX). Asst. Prof. of Spanish Heritage Language Pedagogy.
- Scripps College (CA). TT Assistant Professor in Spanish, Latin American and Caribbean Literatures and Cultures. Deadline: 17 Nov. 2017. LINK.
- Skidmore College (NY). TT Assistant /Associate Professor in Spanish (Peninsular Film and Media Studies). Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Chronicle.
- Stanford University (CA). TT Assistant Professor in Latin American Literature and Culture (incl. Brazilian). Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. AcademicJobsOnline.
- Southern Oregon University (OR). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: not stated. LINK.
- Southern Utah University (UT). TT Assistant Professor in Spanish (Peninsular). Deadline: Open until filled. Inside Higher Ed..
- Spring Hill College (AL). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: February 20, 2018. Interfolio.
- SUNY Buffalo State (NY). Assistant Professor of Spanish Translation and Interpreting. Deadline: 01 Feb. 2018. higheredjobs
- SUNY Fredonia (NY). TT Asst. Professor - Latin American History & Spanish. Deadline: Review of applications will begin October 16, 2017. Inside Higher Ed. Also posted at Latin American History 2017-18.
- SUNY Geneseo (NY) is hiring TT Spanish + Latin American lit. and culture- Apps due NOW to Feb. 6.
- Susquehanna University (PA). TT Asst. Professor of Spansih (spec. Latin American). Deadline: 6 Oct. 2017. Chronicle.
- Temple University (PA). TT Assistant Professorship in U.S. Latino/a/Latinx Literary and Cultural Studies. Deadline: 31 Oct. 2017. Chronicle.
- Temple University (PA). TT Asst. Professor in Spanish Linguistics. Deadline: 31 Oct. 2017. Interfolio.
- Tennessee Tech University (TN). Asst. Professor of Spanish (spec. Pedagogy and Latin American studies). Screening Begins: 15 Nov. 2017 (posted in MLA JIL 10/13/17). LINK.
- Texas Tech University (TX). Qualia Professor of Hispanic and Applied Linguistics. Deadline: Open Until Filled. Interfolio.
- Texas Tech University (TX). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish (spec. Applied Linguistics or Second Language Acquisition). Deadline: Open until filled. LINK
- University of Alabama (AL). Assistant Professor in Spanish (Latin American Literatures). Deadline: 1 Nov 2017. LINK.
- University at Albany, SUNY (NY). TT Assistant or Associate Professor in Spanish Linguistics. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Chronicle.
- University of Arizona (AZ). Department Head, Spanish & Portuguese. Deadline: not stated (posted in MLA JIL 9/29/17). Interfolio.
- University of Arizona (AZ). TT Asst. Professor - Intercultural Competence (2 Positions, incl. Spanish). Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Inside Higher Ed. Also posted at Interdisciplinary Humanities and Liberal Arts 2017-2018, Ethnic Studies 2017-2018 and French and Francophone Studies 2017-2018.
- University of Arkansas (AR). Clinical Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of California Berkeley (CA). TT Assistant / Associate / Full Professor - Luso-Brazilian Literature and Culture. Deadline: 22 Nov. 2017. H-NET.
- University of California Riverside (CA). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish (linguistic cultures of Mexico and/or Central America). Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Chicago (IL). TT Asst. Professor - 20th-21st-C. Latin American Literature. Deadline: 10 Sept. 2017. Interfolio
- University of Chicago (IL). Lecturer in Catalan and Spanish. Deadline: 21 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Chicago (IL). Lecturer in Spanish. Deadline: 21 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Dayton (OH). TT Assistant Professor in Spanish (2 Positions). Deadline: 10 Jan. 2018. Interfolio.
- University of Delaware (DE). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish and Linguistics. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Denver (CO). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish spec. in Mexican and U.S. Latinx literary and cultural studies. Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Denver (CO). Non-TT Teaching Assistant Professor of Spanish - Heritage/bilingual learners. Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
University of Denver (CO). Non-TT Teaching Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.Automated email from Chair stating position will not be filled at this time (1/10).- University of Florida (FL). TT Assistant Professor in Hispanic Linguistics/Heritage Spanish. Deadline: 4 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Florida (FL). Lecturer of Spanish Language Instructions with Expertise in Experiential Learning. Deadline: 27 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Florida (FL). Lecturer of Spanish Language Instruction and Administrative Coordinator. Deadline: 27 Nov. 2017. Interfolio
- University of Georgia (GA). TT Assistant Professor of Latinx Studies. Deadline: 9 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Georgia (GA). Lecturer in Spanish for the Professions. Deadline: 15 Dec. 2017. LINK.
- University of Houston (TX). TT Asst. Professor - Spanish Linguistics. Deadline: not stated. Interfolio.
University of Iowa (IA).- SUSPENDED -Associate Professor of Instruction (Director of Spanish Language Instruction). Deadline: 1 Oct. 2017. HR website- University of Iowa (IA). Assistant Professor of Hispanic Linguistics and SLA. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. HR website
- University of Illinois at Chicago (IL). TT Assistant Professor in Hispanic Linguistics. Deadline: 20 Nov. 2017. Interfolio
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (IL). TT Asst. Professor - Latin American literatures and cultures (pref. 19th-21st c.). Deadline: 16 Oct. 2017. LINK (UIUC HR).
- University of Kansas (KS). Assistant/Associate Position in 20th/21st Century Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies. Deadline: 01-Nov-2017.
- University of Jamestown (ND). Assistant Professor of Foreign Language with ability to teach Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese. Deadline: Open until filled.
- University of Massachusetts Amherst (MA). TT Assistant Professor in Latino/a/Latinx Literary and Cultural Studies. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. LINK.
- University of Miami (FL). Advanced Assistant or Associate Professor of Spanish Linguistics/ Second Language Acquisition. Deadline: 10 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Minnesota-Twin Cities (MN). Lecturer and Supervisor of Intermediate Spanish. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Mississippi (MS). Croft Assistant or Associate Professor of Spanish. Deadline: Open until filled (posted 9/6/17). INDEED.COM.
- University of Mississippi (MS). Assistant Professor of Spanish (Medieval and Golden Age). Deadline: Open until filled (posted 9/14/17). INDEED.COM.
- University of Mississippi (MS). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish and Linguistics. Deadline: open until filled. Interfolio.
- University of Nevada Reno (NV). TT Assistant Professor of Transatlantic Studies in Spanish Colonial/Golden-Age Literatures. Deadline: 23 Oct. 2017. LINK.
- University of Nevada, Reno (NV). Lecturer, Spanish (Translation/Interpretation and Spanish for the Professions). Deadline: 3 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of New Orleans (LA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (Linguistics). Deadline: 18 Oct. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of North Alabama (AL). TT Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: open until filled. LINK.
- University of North Carolina at Pembroke (NC). Full-Time Lecturer in Spanish (renewable - begin Jan. 2018). Deadline: Open until filled. Chronicle.
- University of Notre Dame (IN). TT Position in Modern Spanish Peninsular Literature and Culture. Deadline: 20 Oct. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Oregon (OR). TT Asst. Professor - Spanish Sociolinguistics. Deadline: 22 Nov. 2017. AcademicJobsOnline.
- University of Pennsylvania (PA). Associate or Full Professor in Latin American Literature (begin July 2019). Deadline: Candidates are encouraged to apply by May 31, 2018. LINK.
- University of Pittsburgh (PA). Lecturer in Spanish (3 yr. renewable). Deadline: 15 Jan. 2018. Interfolio.
- University of Pittsburgh (PA). Asst. Professor - Latin American theater and performance studies. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Pittsburgh (PA). Lecturer in Spanish/Assistant Language Coordinator. Deadline: 15 Jan. 2018. Interfolio.
- University of Puget Sound (WA). TT. Asst. Professor Hispanic and Latino/a Studies. Deadline: 28 Nov. 2017. Also posted at Ethnic Studies 2017-2018.
- University of Rhode Island (RI). TT Assistant Professor in Spanish and Teacher Education. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Rhode Island (RI). TT Assistant Professor of Language and Applied Linguistics. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017 (30 Nov. 2017).
- University of Scranton (PA). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (20th- and 21st-c. Latin American Literature and Culture). Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of South Alabama (AL). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish-Generalist. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of South Carolina (SC). TT Assistant Professor of Contemporary Spanish Literature and Cultural Studies. Deadline: 30 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Tampa (FL). Term Assistant Professor of Spanish. Deadline: until filled. Interfolio.
- University of Toronto (CAN). Assistant Professor, Teaching Stream - Spanish. Deadline: 16 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- University of Virginia (VA). Associate or Full Professor of Spanish (Peninsular Spanish literature and culture, 15th c.-present). Deadline: Open until filled.(posted 9/8/17).
- University of Virginia (VA). Lecturer of Spanish (begin Spring 2018). Deadline: review beginning 12/22/17; however, the position will remain open until filled. Interfolio.
- University of Virginia College at Wise (VA). Chair of Department of Language and Literature/Spanish Professor. Deadline: 10 Jan. 2018. Interfolio.
- University of Western Ontario (CAN). Limited term Faculty position in Hispanic Literature and Cultures. 20 Feb. 2018. UWO.
- University of Wisconsin-Green Bay (WI). Visiting Assistant Professor - Spanish. Deadline: 15 Jan. 2018. LINK.
- University of Wisconsin-Platteville (WI). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017.
- Vanderbilt University (TN). TT Asst. Professor, Medieval Iberian Studies. Deadline: 15 Oct. 2017. Interfolio.
- Villanova University (PA). TT Asst. Professor, Colonial Latin American Studies. 13 March 2018. ChronicleVitae.
- Villanova University (PA). Non-TT Asst. Professor of Spanish. Deadline: 13 March 2018. Interfolio.
- Villanova University (PA). Non-TT Asst. Professor of Spanish (Spanish Linguistics). Deadline: 13 March 2018. Interfolio.
- Virginia Commonwealth University (VA). TT Assistant Professor in Spanish/English Translation and Interpretation. Deadline: Open until filled (posted 9/6/17). INDEED.COM.
- Weber State University (UT). TT Asst. Professor of Spanish Translation and Interpretation. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Wellesley College (MA). TT Asst. Professor - Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture. Deadline: 1 Nov. 2017. Chronicle.
- Williams College (MA). Postdoctoral Fellow in Mexican literature and culture. Deadline: 1 Dec. 2017. Interfolio.
- Wittenberg University (OH). Visiting Instructor/Assistant Professor, Spanish. Deadline: 12 Jan. 2018. LINK.
- Yale University (CT). Tenured Associate or Full Professor of Hispanic and/or Luso-Brazilian literatures. Deadline: 15 Nov. 2017. Interfolio.
- Yonsei University (Korea). Tenure-track position in pre-1800 European literature: Yonsei University, Korea. Deadline: 19 Feb. 2018. [2].
- University of Nevada, Reno (NV). Post-doctoral Teaching Fellow (Latinx/Chicanx literature). Deadline: July 12, 2018. Apply here .