This page is for academic positions in Spanish and Portuguese that begin in 2025.
2023-24 | 2019-20 | 2015-16 | 2011-12 |
2022-23 | 2018-19 | 2014-15 | 2010-11 |
2021-22 | 2017-18 | 2013-14 | 2009-20 |
2020-21 | 2016-17 | 2012-13 |
Best of luck to everyone!
See also: Humanities and Social Sciences Postdocs 2024-2025, Chicanx & Latinx Studies 2024-2025, Latin American History 2024-2025, Ethnic Studies 2024-2025, Critical Theory 2024-2025, and Anglophone and World Literature / Postcolonial 2023-2024
Recent Activity on Spanish and Portuguese Wiki 2025[]
Please note: users concerned about having their IP addresses revealed may wish to create a User ID, which masks IP addresses ( at 05:58, 15 September 2024 - - 2024/09/15 05:58
- ← Older revision Revision as of 05:58, 15 September 2024 Line 70: Line 70: ==Word on the street== ==Word on the street== − # '''University of Illinois... at 05:55, 15 September 2024 - - 2024/09/15 05:55
- ← Older revision Revision as of 05:55, 15 September 2024 Line 70: Line 70: ==Word on the street== ==Word on the street== − # '''University of Illinois... /* Word on the street */ - - 2024/09/15 01:09
- Word on the street ← Older revision Revision as of 01:09, 15 September 2024 Line 70: Line 70: ==Word on the street== ==Word on the street==... /* Job Postings */ - - 2024/09/13 12:32
- Job Postings ← Older revision Revision as of 12:32, 13 September 2024 Line 128: Line 128: '''EXAMPLE UNIVERSITY FORMAT (STATE / COUNTRY)'''. Position... at 03:35, 13 September 2024 - - 2024/09/13 03:35
- ← Older revision Revision as of 03:35, 13 September 2024 Line 70: Line 70: ==Word on the street== ==Word on the street== − # '''University of Illinois...
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Salaries / Start-up Funds[]
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Campus Interviews[]
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Zoom / Skype / Phone Interview[]
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MLA Interviews[]
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Additional Materials Requested[]
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VAP - St. Mary's University in San Antonio. No response when asking questions about the position. My guess is that they already had someone in mind.
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Word on the street[]
- University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Department of Spanish and Portuguese should be avoided at all costs. They just let a faculty member go under extremely horrible circumstances (that they personally discussed on social media, so it's no secret). Let's say that diversity, equity, inclusion, and belonging are SEVERELY lacking! R1: I am a grad student in the department of Spanish. That is actually not true. The faculty member that was just fired by the Dean (not by the Department), has been under review for several years and multiple times -6- for different reasons but the professor always assumed that was because of a transphobic reason. No everything has to do with diversity, equity, inclusion, also professionalism is very important. The Department has been very supportive with them, from the beginning, I still remember when she transition how everyone was happy for her. But sometimes you just need to let people go. Being said that, this faculty member is academically brilliant, I wish she finds her place. However, this professor, in my opinion, convirtió su vida en su investigación y sus clases. Everything around their courses would be about transphobia, bodies, etc. It is ok to do that, but not in an obsessive way as it was. You have to establish boundaries between your identity, your teaching and your research. Last, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese at the U of Illinois is great, the professors are very good and supportive. The grad students are very welcoming and the School of Languages, Literatures and Cultures as a whole cannot be better. Still, as OP said, what this professor said is public on their social media. R2: I can't believe they let her (X) go, she was brilliant! Any Spanish department would be lucky to have her. R1, for queer scholars of color it is hard to establish a boundary between identity and the profession. Identity is tied to their work, joining the profession alone is a political act of defiance to white and elitist academia. So, I do not claim to know all that went on, but it is disrespectful to imply that she had to be let go because her courses dealt with queer topics! OP: I'm speaking to R1 directly --> there are several deeply concerning things about your response. I appreciate your insider knowledge of your home department. What's concerning is your use of "obsessive" to discuss queer/trans/marginalized voices. That attitude will get you nowhere in this post-pandemic market and will definitely shine through loudly and clearly in interviews, especially when they ask you questions related to DEIAB. You'll look like an arrogant but clueless snob and nothing will alienate a committee more. And, establishing boundaries between yourself and your research? What does this mean for Latin Americanists who work so hard to make their own spaces in elitist white spaces, as R2 implies? Looks like the UIUC grad students are definitely drinking the Kool-Aid! R3: Responding to the poster directly above. I’m also a student in the department and can only verify what R1 says. It’s very unfortunate what has happened but it follows a pattern of frankly, completely unprofessional behavior from the professor in question which has nothing to do with her identity (which is important and which the department absolutely did support). Professionalism is important (if that means I’m drinking the kool aid too, so be it). The personal attacks are not necessary. This is a wonderful opportunity in an excellent department. R4: It is very sad that -in 2024- there are grad students with the mindset of R1. Qué pena, no han aprendido nada... R5: Chiques. R1 y R3 están ahí y conocen la situación. Da para escuchar y no asumir nada. Si realmente conocen a la persona en cuestión (como yo) y si realmente han leído su post en facebook (como yo) se darán cuenta que no es una situación tan transparente como OP lo pone. Transfobia seguro que la hubo. Falta de profesionalidad por parte de la profesora también. Que no seamos tan partidarios y tan rápidos a la hora de ignorar y menospreciar a los estudiantes. Por favor.
- University of Findlay keeps losing full-time Spanish faculty to some reason. I hear through friends that they have high 6/6 plus teaching load and do not fully count courses towards the teaching load if they are low enrollment.
Free advice (especially for colleagues new to the market)[]
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8/7/24. - Make sure to workshop your materials with your institution's career and teaching centers. Overall the main advice I am always given is to be as concrete as you can. It is one thing to say you are an outstanding scholar, and another to show it (for instance, have you obtained fellowships or grants? have you published? have you been a research assistant? have you done archival or fieldwork as part of your research before?). Same for teaching (do you have observation forms from more established colleagues? sample of student work? student evals that show your teaching and mentoring skills? participated in any extracurriculars related to teaching and mentoring? taught online? asynchronously, synchronously, hybrid? taught non-traditional students?). You do NOT want to put your whole CV into your statements but DO provide very concrete proof of your most relevant experiences as an instructor, colleague, researcher, mentor, public humanist, department volunteer, etc.
General Discussion, Questions, and Inquiries[]
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9/10 - How likely is someone who works primarily with Luso-Brazilian studies to get a position listed under Latin-American studies? As we all know, the job search is significantly harder for us, since there are way fewer position than in Spanish. This is my second year in the job market, having just come from a terrible cycle last year. I've decided to apply to positions listed as Latin-American studies, because, as far as I am concerned, Brazil is also part of Latin America. But I wanna know if I'm just wasting my time here. Any advice will be much appreciated! R1: Apply to everything you can and write a line on the cover letter. R2: A line on what exactly? R3: OP, if your work in any way engages with regions other than Brazil, I would emphasize that, esp. Latin American, Hemispheric, and Trans-Atlantic approaches appeal to departments because that means you can teach and supervise students working on global issues. Or if you could potentially contribute to programs like gender studies, global studies, race and ethnicity studies, digital humanities, environmental criticism, health humanities etc then also stress that. Unfortunately nowadays when departments hire one person they want to hire somebody who could do 10 things :( If you are not an expert in Spanish-language culture and lit but you are familiar and willing to integrate that into your teaching also stress that. R4: Thank you! That is great advice! And you're absolutely right, the department expect an awful lot from their hires and not always offer the best conditions. R5: As was stated, I second making space in your cover letter/other materials to emphasize your preparedness in Latin American Studies more broadly and how you relate Brazilian topics to broader hemispheric, transnational, transatlantic concerns. Everyone who I have known personally with more of a Lusophone background has done this. Depending on the job, it would also be helpful to mention your ability to teach introductory/intermediate Spanish language and/or ability to provide faculty support to a Center for Latin American Studies, first year topics seminars, cross listing with related fields, teaching Brazilian literatures in translation to cross-list with English or other units, etc . Boa sorte!
9/5 - U of Pitts is currently not recruiting graduate students (it's a great MA/PhD program especially for Latin American lit and culture), at least one faculty left and the current chair is from the Political Science department. Are there any insiders can shed some lights on what's going on in the department? I am wondering if the suspension means the university is cutting the Spanish Ph.D. program as it reminded of what happened with Vanderbilt, BC (?) , and the U of Utah.R1) I was not aware of Utah, did they cut their program too? R2: They had 2 Ph.D. programs--a Ph.D. in Spanish and the other in Comparative Literature. Right now they only have the latter.
8/28 - The Wesleyan U job post's description fits perfectly to their current VAP's profile, not sure if it'd be an internal hire.
8/28. definitely a low start to the season: there were more than 240 jobs last year, we are reaching September and no much jobs have been posted. R1: the market historically opens on Sept 11. 240 jobs across the country is great. I’m personally shocked there are already TT jobs posted.
8/15. feels to me like a slow start to the season. no?
8/9. Only August and there's already multiple peninsular TT positions! It might be a good year for peninsular studies.
Applicant Current Status / Academic Rank:
- ABD (will finish this academic year): 3
- ABD (currently in one-year, VAP, PhD Completion Fellowship, visiting instructor, lecturer or adjunct position):
- Ph.D. in hand (one-year, VAP, Lecturer, post-doc, instructor, adjunct): 4
- Ph.D. in hand (TT): 1
- Ph.D. in hand (unable to find academic employment at the moment):1
- Ph.D. in hand (currently working outside of academia): 1
- Adjunct Faculty:
- Assistant Professor: 3
- Associate Professor: 1
- Full Professor:
- Committee member:
Field of Interest:
- Literature: 7
- Linguistics: 3
- Language Program Coordination: 1
- Cultural Studies: 4
How many applications do you plan on sending this year?
- Between 1 and 10: 5
- Between 10 and 20: 2
- Between 20 and 30:
- Between 30 and 40:
- Over 40:
- Over 60: 1
Job Postings[]
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EXAMPLE UNIVERSITY FORMAT (STATE / COUNTRY). Position Rank and Title (Tenure-Line or Not / Contract Length Info). Language / Specialty. Deadline. Link to Job ad
- University of Vienna (Austria). Postdoctoral Assistant (NTT). Literature, Culture and Media Studies (Lusophone and Hispanic or Comparative Literature Studies). DUE 09/22/2024. LINK
- University of Pennsylvania. Assistant Professor of Latin American Literature and Culture (TT). Brazilian Studies. Subfields of interest include: Theories of racialization as they relate to Luso-Afro-Brazilian studies, and/or Indigenous cultural production, the environmental humanities, Gender and sexuality studies, the relationship between cultural forms and politics. REVIEW BEGINS 10/18/2024. LINK
- The Citadel. Assistant Professor of U.S. Latinx Literatures and Cultures (TT). Hosted in Modern languages dept. DUE 11/01/2024. LINK
- Hope College. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Open, needs in the following areas: Caribbean studies, Latinx studies, cultural studies, or applied linguistics. DUE 11/10/2024. LINK
- University of Aarhus (Denmark). Assistant Professor of Culture, Society and History in the Spanish-speaking World (TT). Contemporary Spanish and/or Latin American cultural studies and experience in research related to different cultural media and artefacts (visual and plastic arts, social media, performance and literature etc). DUE 01/02/2025. LINK
- Bard College. Assistant Professor Spanish (TT). Hispanophone Caribbean literature and culture and Latinx literature and culture with an interdisciplinary focus. DUE 10/30/2024. LINK
- Illinois College. Assistant Professor of Global Studies (TT). Specialty in Spanish and Latin American studies. DUE 10/15/2024. LINK
- University of Pittsburgh. Assistant Professor (TT). Latin American visual culture, film, and new media. "We encourage applications from candidates who study Latin American culture and media from a hemispheric, transatlantic, or transpacific lens." DUE 10/31/2024. LINK
- University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. Assistant or Associate Professor (TT). Afro-Hispanic or Indigenous populations of the Hispanophone Caribbean or other Latin American regions, with emphasis on the 19th to 21st centuries. DUE 10/11/2024. LINK
- Davidson College. Assistant Professor (TT). U.S. Latinx Studies. DUE 10/15/2024. LINK
- Northwestern College. Assistant Professor (TT). Linguistics, Hispanic cultures, translation, interpretation or a closely related area. DUE 10/15/2024. LINK
- Cornell University. Assistant Professor (TT). Early Modern Iberoamerican Literatures and Cultures. Theoretically informed, and at the crossroads of different media and methodologies, such as comparative imperialisms, racial formations, indigenous knowledge production, material cultures, and/or literary poetics. DUE 10/15/2024. LINK
- University of Iowa. Assistant Professor (TT). Spanish Sociolinguistics. DUE 11/01/2024. LINK
- Wesleyan University. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Modern Latin American literature and culture. Interest in Afro-diasporic literatures and cultures, and/or literatures and cultures that address migration, and/or exile in the region would be especially welcome. DUE 12/01/2024. LINK
- Villanova University. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Afro-Hispanic or Latin American Indigenous language and/or culture (literature, culture or linguistics). DUE 10/06/2024. LINK
- Pitzer College. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Open field (but ad also says: "transcultural and interdisciplinary research agenda with a primary focus on Spanish-Speaking Latin America"). DUE 12/01/2024. LINK
- Brown University. Lecturer in Hispanic Studies (NTT; 3 yr). Spanish language teaching. DUE 10/15/2024. LINK
- University of California Berkeley. Assistant/ Associate/Full Professor (TT). Early Modern Spanish Literature and Culture, e.g. including but not limited to material and visual cultures; poetics and poetry; ethnicity, gender, and sexuality; literature and historiography; Mediterranean studies; Morisco studies; pan-European Early Modern literature. DUE 10/20/2024. LINK
- Smith College. Assistant Professor of Spanish and Portuguese (TT). Afro-diaspora and/or Indigenous studies in the Spanish-speaking world. DUE 11/01/2024. LINK
- Bentley University. Assistant or Assoc. Professor of Spanish (TT). Applied linguistics, language for specific purposes (LSP), second language acquisition, or a closely related field. Preferred: ability to teach French. DUE 11/01/24. LINK
- Loyola University Maryland. Assistant Professor of Spanish Sociolinguistics (TT). Research experience in heritage speakers and/or US Spanish. DUE 11/15/2024. LINK
- Kalamazoo College. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies (Pre-1900). Interest or expertise in designing and/or teaching Spanish for Specific Purposes or other applied courses is welcome. DUE 10/11/24. LINK
- Middlebury College. Assistant Professor of Luso-Hispanic Studies (TT). Transnational US, Mexico and/or Central America. Specialization in one or more: Afro-Latin American studies, border studies, decolonial studies, environmental studies, gender and feminist studies, Indigenous studies, new media. DUE 10/25/24. LINK
- University of San Diego. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Heritage language learning and pedagogy. Experience or specialization in bilingualism, biliteracy, dialectology, sociolinguistics, community engagement, and/or U.S. Latina/o/x literary or cultural studies is a plus. DUE 10/15/24. LINK
- Trinity College (Connecticut). Assistant Professor of Language and Culture Studies (Modern Hispanophone Studies) (TT). Iberian literature and culture from the nineteenth century to the present. Broader approach to issues of colonial history and its complex legacy through the lens of ethnic, migration, border, and transnational studies in the Mediterranean and parts of Africa and Asia. DUE 10/01/2024. LINK
- Bowdoin College. Assistant Professor of Romance languages and literatures (Hispanic Studies) (TT). The Department seeks a candidate who can teach advanced courses in poetry and whose scholarship focuses on genres other than prose (e.g. poetry, theater and performance, or visual media), with preferred intersections in the fields of popular and mass culture, environmental studies, and/or indigenous cultural production. DUE 10/07 LINK
- Occidental College. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Modern Spanish Peninsular literatures and cultures. DUE 09/16/24. LINK
- University of Texas at El Paso. Associate/Full professor (TT) - Dept of Psychology & Dept of Chicano Studies, Languages and Linguistics. Linguistics / bilingualism. TWO positions: 1) Neurocognitive or neurolinguistic approaches to bilingualism that incorporate neuroimaging or neuropsychological populations; 2) Social and cultural contexts of bilingualism; individual differences in bilingualism. Deadline: open until filled; Review of Apps 09/01/24. LINK.
- University of North Florida. Assistant Professor of Spanish and Latin American Studies (TT). Mexican, Central American, and/or Mexican-American/Chicano literature; migration/border studies. DUE unknown. LINK
- Transylvania University (Kentucky). Assistant Professor of Foreign Languages - Spanish (TT). Preference for Modern & Contemporary Peninsular. DUE 09/30/2024. LINK
- Stanford University. Assistant Professor in Iberian and Latin American Cultures (TT). Spanish-language poetry, working in at least two regions and/or traditions. Especially interested in individuals with demonstrated expertise in poetry of the 20th and 21st centuries. DUE 10/18/2024. LINK
- St. Olaf College. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Spanish Linguistics. DUE 10/07/2024. LINK
- University of Cincinnati. Visiting Assistant Professor of Border Studies and Mexican and/or U.S. Latinx literature in Spanish. This is a one-year position with the possibility of a second-year renewal. LINK.
- Mount Holyoke College. Assistant Professor of Spanish (TT). Afro-Latin American and/or Indigenous Latin American histories and cultures. DUE 10/11/2024. LINK
- Institute for Research in the Humanities, UW–Madison. Postdoctoral Fellowship (one year, potentially renewable). The fellowship is available to a scholar with a Ph.D. (at any stage of career), working in Spanish literary and cultural studies of the Iberian Peninsula. We are especially interested in scholars working on peninsular Spanish poetry. DUE 10/24/24. LINK to Call for Applications; LINK to Interfolio Application
- University of Findlay. Assistant Professor of Hispanic Language (TT). Specially open, generalist.
- Baylor University. Full-time, Lecturer of Spanish (NTT). Emphasis in Spanish for Heritage Speakers. DUE 10/15/2024. LINK (please click on LINK, the [1] will take you to Univ. Findlay's add)[1]
Off-the-beaten-path Job Postings
This section is for academic job postings that don't fit the traditional language-focused faculty jobs that we're used to but that are still relevant for many of us who use this wiki.